$ iVti PAGE 8. SHIPBUILDERS MADE HAWAIIAN QANCE AT Better than the Best! To keep your thlnglcd roof and bulldini free (BLADDER COMEBACK, BEATING END OF NEXT MONTH irora ine inroaae 01 rooiature, prptetl tnera with ATHLETICS FOOTBALL HAMw AY'S mn Ladles of Poyal Purple Arrange rJeeeotrrMla Junior League Football Qame! Novel AfTalr But do Not Last Iflht Pesultad Dry Dock, Enlighten Curious. Shingle Stain 3; Athletics, 1. The time-tested product backed by At a rPPPMf IIKvllDti of Uip seventy-nine years of experience 1FETY TIip return f !! 1 1 frame ti. l,a)Kt of llw fliynl 1'iirfilc. Hip Iwn Hip liry fiork and lb auxiliary Kopiclf lo Hip Klk. il iPOSIT AlhltMir. f tin' Junior Lea(tup, wa ilii iib-d lo imld a XawHtlnn look plae lui Ufa-lit al Ui lanrr.on May 30 in " Hip audi. APMiiMili around ntiii rkiillfil Ifirium. , )XES B-f Vault ieifr in k Win of- 3 for Iff lli'I. Tb Dry alleiidiiiine lm-k l.y a any'Hip hint ladip a lo are wluiljlip not plvinir llawaii;in tii For Sale by SILYERSIDES BROS, Prince Rupert, B.C. gafltf F' rI .Liin?p in. A query an In whether wa a arrvai tiiirfrvPiiiont over ft inpanf a Mitxliiullon of nlraw ISjf flaf ojgnl wli I'll lliokf iw lliHlrh fur ordinary pIoiIipk. ( i itn-v leant w. in' Kaiiif iini.iiifii- wan seed Potatoes aitpwwrpd in Hip tipcaltvr. II wai. i . f n r y Ul wnt$ SJMfitioriatly (rood and. not dial. Thf Iloyal I'urtilfilpJ .'i-.. ntid r onalnVrinir (IihI oin ..f Hip EARLY ROSE and GOLD COIN, two boUfilil il wi. timipil 1 m boya ari' In Ihnir Or I year al jiihI well known varieties: our stock is choice, , . u in- fonllMlfl, Ibplr "kill wan tirprln- Why Grandpa is So Popular know iii:w far I wm.iU;Hip ilnnpiiia! niriphjriK ihiIjIi.- . i-y; but limited. Inir. ' Fertilizers and Seeds of all kinds. Tb mnlrli oftmed iiuiclly with iiiuiaiial and 1 rclly. in fin I fi't.'b BfiK Chick Food is the Beet. Why n l Ibe Jiry liM'k doinic Hip lii.nt of 00 D health and good s?ems to supply exactly what llllf ill UnPtr'me-. experiment with inferior chick feeds? rince luiperi III.- rriiifr, gplim,: MiPir Aral humor usually ko elderly people require in Ccods sold ' under our B S K TRADE MARK are jruaranteed. reward wben Krakmr beat Frit. hand in . hand. The order to keep feejing well ROTARY CLUB HELD Insurance pII from flw ramie. Ilia Alii. aufTerer from torpid liver, and happy' f Write or phone for quotations. f 1 tiHira MKin reoi-i.-, nn, aflrr indigestion or irritated - Mr. D. F. 'Armstrong, R.R, LUNCHEON TODAY 1 THE BRACKMAMER liq. muiiit-iih uniiP4'pful nUiietie. nerven cannot easily main No. 3, Maiiorytown, Ont., MILLING CO., LTD. kencies, MarlnUMli pul iti iiii on 4avH tain a happy countenance writes : Hon. T. 0. Pattullo was Guest of (linn wllli a iiIiip xtlo affirt and a cheerful disposition, Honor and Gave InterctU P.O. Box 74S Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3 SO Throoith rrwrk and an extra II ii I f lilllP Mw I hp r?ri un. whether young or old. amount Af mental strain, 1 Ing Addreas. ! I Ii ii ii art. Uctaif rr nervwu and rundown. The erandpa represented I ualnr tr Cbano'a Dry Dock Oangtroue. becan TIip Hrrfary Club lipid it rpp- Nrv Food, and thrjr certainly in this picture has succeeded With I br vnulr iii lli.lr fm aeemed t luucli IIm- ric! t ular -mtrlly (uurlipou loilay wlh; in maintaining his rood I UMBER COAL tt npMard lhal lip Allil.ilra liad It almoet aeemed for a time a I'rwfiapiarl'Uhy inilhp chair. A SALE health and good spirits by thouyh I 'airly lined un them OR idf 'W I heir but . particularly inlr-Miiitr a.liln.- way lln-y wirp and I ra n reemmend ihla treatment the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve llimlilr In irraali llirir nuiaamia i to anyone requiring a inedl-cine wa piven by linn. T. !. I'altull.. Food to keep his blood rich thin kind. I 1 of am now over . - ii ilirfu)itip wbilr Uip Iry iKn-k and his vitality at high (I yeura old." who by pppiai invilaliim wa Hip , .Largest stock of Rough, Sfeed and Finished ulurli al the lhr pimI wirp alwaynl I 'Hworn before me at itallory. PupoI of honor for Hip orraxiiiii water mark. Isamber in Northern B.C. (.anmrMia. II wa Ihrmiati a I town, thla 7th day of Marrn. Hp W!1 wllh a numiipr of uh-1 iniiiin(prlaodlna wild Mir Alb-1 Men and women of ad. mi," V. B. CUw, J.P ) jp-l nf loral inlprpot andbowpil ! See Our Stock and Ask for Prices. litie tMnlui llial llullra vancinc years are learning Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, a spirit of optimioin whirh r...: al. Machine. wa We handle the well known Nanaimo-Wellingon Coal nir Sewing more and more the benefits CO eta. a box, all dealers, or d inonf inpirins. Mt with Springe and kiwd I" nil hi l -um In itir Irau to k obtained by the use of Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., 1 wilti a poal. tir Ibm Up this great restorative. It Toronto 4 eki.i:x Ln wnTsurr - msTiui.T m 'ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. p6hT ilay wa fairly pii and thp wees :hhlottk inir- ljrmoor Matlrett. Take nonre inal I. XtrnHa (. i.url AlblPlip fui-wardn miKMrd cM'ral of A iriorta. a. 1:.. iMeMt la in4r i lae r i EiUm. 1 Mer limnHMer or uiwl rar a Ureme in.- Rlorf rhanrrB. Hay of Hip luAltarid, r,ir naiural rat ana Cln.l'nn !- I)k, tnlclntc avati(ap of AMERICAN MAKES!! o ate or M loraled an rmtuw Tread-Eajy U a foot comfort, r.ijo Stand. Sport Chat ttm.-mr al 4 Kiel Manieo lurr. ii Miii, wphI Ibru0li aorf ororml Table. 1 n"TLQ r the av-Ptta eat nmrr Tread-Easy an ever frimlly aid f,-Mr Hip 1 tlil. rlratuun laund. taennr ri an third tally fur bin Irani. il k to tired, and a imiB. R.na a riiam. eai -nani. aching Good Goal Keeping. GREAT SHOWING . i:tli o Hmnw ai of Iw-m K..f ' frfMttt nnvwi paem swollen feet a foot powder Mir, i plaiuiins lo tuk'- 111 unin rliraary lain. lfl A fpaturi" of (b tmmr wai Hie . iieed and favored Ihi' lenii.,y-ljirM'iillr wirld'i! rXkUkC Uratar. by few Kitchen Utnlli. is relief 1 1 K'ial Lavaliinf: of I'riircll who A. J. ijtmuai, acent. your thotiaandt. y wfitrlil -liaiiiioiilnp liatltoi .lion n vrd tila toaai fnilo an f r h Big Scorea In Three Seta Ir)ifr i.asd riiTriirr M-atniiT o In Jprey r.ily on July i. WOOD i . hi h. aviir d-fpal. Harrtc. TJrlnUiab. VI ..ttinu'TTr. ii.lm. Sold in large sifter tins, 35c Ptpeyla thai lip will ! able to Tennts Champlonihlp in Taae audi flu I 1. Xlrlaria K. Ilirlf. Hill. W. MHrhrll nnd Klry wrl ..f virtona. B Mlena to apply ta the inak.- I hp trip (ln-n- and iKirk England ' Mef O nmii-Muner of Laixu rr a llrriKe al. larrpd for IIp AlhlHira. araiu in little wit two wwk. la (roepeel natural r. and prtr.fle.fni The PrinceV Rupert Drag Co. Irific Ltd. Fur llw winner iw two tiik uter aere of land a. f..il Cartage LH.MKI.N. April K. I"lul fintnmenriny at ;iui nfaDied iwo.nuie PHONE 1S4 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street avain pla)l a Mprllng tramp, TIip Spoil lab ffMMfeaM cI.-vpii and Arte hair U' mile-, nnrtn ami oue Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Phone 93 Vliilx Kp1ii Hill aiul Wnddpn who mrr lo tlay pblbitiin foof. ling, the Aiopriuaii lfinii plrr IMle eai itr snnb eai rrner t hl dpfPled Capl. frlre. ti.r tteub.. .a'Vni.. mndp a itimm Inidr firwarl cmii. Ikll. .rr M ... i.-M.,. il.i. . . . "' ' '" .ai vnw..B till I...- I.. I. ,.. , . ffiMna pi rnam t pmni or vtmnnenremeBi. lniialiiiS. .. .ill f... I U'.miaaI ' " " " a.. Lueaied I'elmtary 1MB, lf. v rlXEXA I.ASD DISTRICT DHTRlirT Of, plSTHM:T or Vl"EE?l CHATtLOTTE Hip liord fotlawa z Ar; uhv; c-2: -! H .4 n Nkr Imltf fratn up a ibe o.ta" . UltU IJIAHI.OTla. I!I..UI. inLAun. th" nua' J. orHi. arent. Take ooure Uial l. ntude D. UrulftverJlATl HM. OA AMI IKTnDLf.L NCITICC itw lry Kaiv milti; Kil-kby and "?"' Stock of m Ht imildee. y mi May II. T",H; ut. iM-nrer, tuoioraour I'. S- Intend to, i AUa-ktearw. IMend aovapply W Kl.hr; filrfH&H.' Ai'ifTHUi Slid. f,mi1'": ' r'"'l'i-li' 't ,r.KS Ln M9TMCT Distaicf or apf-l, t the enter ramuiioner or Land MiiMirr uf Land for a latent iu (iruperl ley will afrit in .NVw rk on ll. O HIILoTTK ll.M.. f..r a Hrenee m propped rur natnraJ aa'r..r natural r' and petnJeuni over tne E SUPPLIES ) amhip; 1mn. Iikl. my, Slay l and lb rl kwpip will Tate mure that I. klrkxMt A. Clarke, nf and pevdeulB or tin mrl of laud a jtwwwipy rteaenhed Iaud4: W .Mn and lUUt-r. leuru, a. r uilend to apply au the fullo I Ciimtrenrin ai a iwxi planted one mite lp playei hi Montrrul on iay ;t., t met iVanmKtonee tif fjnau for a nrenee Uwiittrnruiy al a p"l plauied I iulei.-a.f ami iwo uule iH.rlk nr lite aoiiui wei H Reduced Price Aihpa Prftoll: IWrrlr and CROWDED HOUSE TO I" iirri-i rur Aimrai aaa ana petroleum nonn cf kl J7 'Mi Ike Oeark.. innire e.irurr of lot !. et r.j-1 of urnnaw oer aererf land at rolhm: . Ihenre eonin earn . raal ebalo. Bona maiut. weft aa'laod. raain. MfejliHI; Martin. KHy and KaW llutJi mrt JerklVnu.- .iurlvriiit at a oot niaaied tao and rtiaiBa. .Iiaioa la pmni f rwa-ice rnuii. norm u rnama, weal rtama 1 .Vrl-yd; Hill. V. MMenrll, Man. x-y on Ibr jpyflpltl Itmif in WITNESS BOXING! or fair mi). norm and one miie eat of tnenrenwoL (to puim or rtanmenreoienL t! ine north eat r,nrr or h4 flss. oraham Lavaied liarwri I'll. ttfl. Mnnx reoruirv istn. 1111. Ini.-h, llnarx nnd Itobrrla. NVw York la wpe.k. Jaek wa l.ianil. iiirnre eatl rain. omi UJLCDL t. Pit Ti.lltH. locator. l.l- TI WAIIT. Meator, Il. ho IHlP . .. .i J.. . 1.L 1. I'. . ! eiVIn. et rtuin. north ta ritaio to . t. Oeroou. aaenl. t aunourer, H. 06 rrT. lPiT !" A. A. MrK'iiatl. arent. lee Got Be,t of Camd .T.'.n. an .iipM luotly i Im- i ii IPDl MIMI Oil IUMlllir IIUIU rOII. T i.fi. MSTUItn Of tAlxv IHAKLintt Vaiwer. II. n at Milwaukee i " !3-;Hk:JtT leLAM.S I It will .uiiK-l-r bow il hould bwlaralulalpd bitn on bin flml home. faoedflti. aeenl. ATI AAL OAS A.XO HC1HOI.M M VI'fltjL. DHTWlTT or VI EES I UARUITTE d'.lip. niadr an ffllripot rrffrrr of lb I. Alexander A. Mrt-iaM. mwnd to apply isi.vvns. run ein. ThpylaMer MII.WAUKKK. April 27. A kim i.n niTmcT mtrict or to the MHwah r uf Land for a ilren-e th VATI Iltl 'MS AND l l fKlll-tCM MITII E. . 'amp nrbt hark with a rfial-mrnl UI EKK (JMUHlTTt 'NI.VMiK. IHHerl for naturae aaa and petroleum I. Allan sienart. inleod to apply lo ine V '.I,..it p'owded hoop paifl n.7S0 l Take norire inat I. jrianne n. tteatrtier. oker the rotk.wtn deeirlted landa: vliTitftler of tAmi for a lerne to proepecl SHARKEY-YINS lhal hp boppd Hip wi.rld'n of Hemer. .'Mivi-ado. I . S. A.. Intend to lutunirorior al a Dtt planiro at tne r..r naiural ra and petroleum orer the 'hamploiiahip would rpinain in witnens Johnny lmn4ire' and llorky fnplv for a livne to nr.rx'n for neuirai aontb meal earner of lol 133. weal eoaci r.'krwiiur ifr-aerined taoda: rt irsrine Ironworks & )Kana. flicl.l lu-r.- Ia( nicht. Tin- a and pelrolevm orer tie krrea a fol- d Unban. laUcd. B. c tbeoj-e a rtuina lUaauurnrinr tt a -l planted one mile fcl : uortn, e rtuuu eaL to enuna aawtn. cd rau'aud two lollee onrtfe of Uie aoutn weet Gets Decision Over Benny CoUr "There it 'inaiority of ep.n wrili-rii pjiM-iirundrip ''rnaienrinr at a pnal planted I mjk clulns. rM la noaul of berinstnt. .-mer of lot fili, weal eoaat of Urahana $M Co., iw. plipd. nothinir In nortn f ttie onrin eaaf ronirr or kit Hit, Loratett repruary t.. vrji. land. B. C. turner north rliama, ral of New York will. Hip viriory. Oranani Klaad. rhenre neat rharaa, i. A. MrPHAIL. Lnrator. tu roam). uiUi to riiam. weat ttt cnaina villa f .fcaiiw. eaai a .naina. w.rtn anrnuver. ft. r io fMiisI of cominenccnient. a ifialrri to nnwt of naiyurr.nrfit. iAealcl retiena-y tith. till. M.W YOIIK. ArHI ?:.-iaik I'm fen atonal baakelbail i Ibr .FORMAL TRAINING yiri l"On-arv .n,n. .I ri. PisTRitT or gi.-ycx uiARLoTTt ALLAN eTLWAHT. anfauir. ci.trpr n. ri-i ti i.ib. m-iwr. Vancouver. B. C tLAD'. lh::ikpy .if Mr-w York won I he lairt pmiraaal in eanlprn uport-iiip: A. J. 'i,irdon. aaent. kTfBAL nt A.Mt prTHi-u:i vrnirr. A. A. Mepnau. aaeM. .-...ii in a IS round boul oA.-r rirrdrit. OonaidpriflS Up I. AleikSder A. Mrl-tilll. Il.lrnd lo apply Vancouver. H. C SlfJK.XA I AXD MTrll-T PISTIIMT or In the nroiairr taf Lar.da for Ikfkw ta ti-n:iy IIokIpi- of Me!- Ytrrlt. rrowU atlnul haki'thall (minptt Demptey Commenced Work on 0t KFA HHI.OTTr ISLa.MW pro-prel for ti.Uttral aaa and pelrt'leaui DISTRICT OF VfEKJi CHARLOTTE Take amiee thai I. Metinlaa N. lUarke. over the fotknals drr4rUd lunda: ISIJIMIS. and Hip liuhl Regular Dally Schedule at ERRACE prHiiHiwar) axiK-n Vkrtaeia. B. r... Inw-ml to antiy to ine C4pnuiM-ortt at a rai puniea at in. JATVRALilAS A-NI PETWU-tlMI SOTIt'K. I.AXli ACT. iuvold Montreal Mrt tfofluiU Summit rbief enmniinee or lend fer a lteene iKtrlB eaal roraor of hit ?!. weal eoait I. Alia if tc wart, inleml v fppty lo in In nrmneel for natural aaa and pel row-am of Uraliam Island; tbetvre auuts aa) rhaini StaMter tu Ijtnda ror a kvaw lo prtHier em ibinr it woyld b wiirlh try tree 4 eerea of land ke-aied aa follow: e4 tt rtiaina. nortn no main, rut a for naiural taa aud petroleum over in, Mkt al MhUn la aaH la Lata Lad. Int. TIip pin would tp drawn r-nmnienrint at poal Masted tnree rnain to mmbi of errnmenretnent. luilowtut; detcribed laoda: Lands yen i:V April 2.. Cham, YOIIK, nille noein nf ine norm rl eororr of Loejieg rrnruary ta. ivri. MMNeiirmr al a poet ptasted at lot lo Inner i. nail Mad Swlrtet. Hrroro- from annUiiro Jiafcpball playnw Jark Umptey bpf-an hi kM flS. r.ralam laland. a. tnenreetal a. V. .MrfHAlL. Loraior. .aim eant awtirr or ,MKH, i J lard Bay. ,UM (HnJUtfl w iwa lavicri. aau anwaif pion rinaw. tvartt rnatna". weal It rhaina. Vaaeoover. B. C. ..raluni Inland. B. tl, ttienca north at In Middle l-aare (He Knna Weal .oftli and Hi Pre may 1p inter -eily foriiial tminias today'al Sunmnl, otn a mama ?o nn.ru or eonuncnremeoi. chain. we etl rhaina. toiitB ttt rnaina, (J kraiaeiay lalaad eat tt chain to poml or eoaitneorenvriil, liw. Iinka: Frlroary ttfl. fllSTHJCT )P OIFEX CHARLOTTE . Blllr taiie noiire owi t. Alfred IE. Wnrt ef Ipani. .N.J in preparaltM for Hip flubt . rj.BkK. iM-arnr. lUAM. tackled leoruary liux. lI. ( 'II.- ..I I 1 rnnre Hupert. a. C orrwtatfOa land ur-v. a v ittv Cnrpantier on July 2. lie A. 1. Oortkrfi. a rent. jititul o.s An rtTRoLrrJi sioth- ALLAN JtTLWART. locator, n. i.iii. i -r. inleod in wV for prrfn.i. la TIip irlp of the Oitawa rvna-Iihh I. Alexander A, Mrl-hall. inl.nd to Aifly Vancouver. B. C f -. inr fMlonint drrtiued and r mmeneed work m a rppul.tr svrr i n niTm'T disthict ok to trie umuirr of l-ld for a nrerwe 10 A. A. Slrfnail, arent - i nnarnenrtaif at nwM planted tne in Yatuwiuver to play for Ibr OIR" maill.OTTK IH.OUV oroetpert for natural rat and iietroteuin Vtncouver. B. fj! . from end of tor and fiar wa a "nine daily xrliPdnlr. Take nnllre fkal 1. Mrkolj. . rjarke. of th folkmtoa aearribed landa: ever H. rJanley I IH.uoo irtsluil-ilia (kip mix ami." 4 ffttlM went 1 the norm la.l "-. tdSTIUCT or lt IEJS CHARLOTTE M.l. kietoe'a. R Intend t. a'n.ir lo ine :nief titliineurtlia a I a faun pianiea ai ue ..f W .iu.t l td l. Hanar l. rjHH uaainei iratiiMiHaHon, Pullman rvt. p.4wnraaiMief of lnd a Urrr- to acuta eaat rumrr of kol (137. weat total ll.tM lM nrr rntaiert roy namrki aa sad pelrolatiia of Graluid Ulafaj. h. t... iseavr tiurUi U NVTCIUL CAS A.N0 1'irrRIILErM..NOTICE. u aie.k, larUal. Mart. I rrtl baMa, b4ei and triber inri. PRINCE INVITED Akrtander A. ll'l te. Mti ..tee 4 area a of land aa r.n.w: raaina. neat to rnaina. eoajio ev ruaiua. t. .MrPnait. intend tt apply . and nuiuuiiiie arm. awrn f f t-i rne MlitKirr of Lamia for lirrue to I 1., ir.r. dpiilaln. The .National !ei!KUP rjMttwenetnt al t nni our ted three al an enatl.a 1 pmni Of rfwiliurorruirni. i'ui rina AIXUIO a. WKIIWIT. n'i'- norm "f me nnrtn raat eomer nr Located linmiry II. IHI. 1 r.--t- re natural Ira and prtroleuis. ttatad law J day of pnl t u. ttfl l'bauipitin wpip ruarunlrrd Si,. British Heir and Sporting Lord I I lilt Graham laland. B. tnenre eal A. A. MrrilML. Lorttor, Her in rnuawuat acM-riueo ian.it: la I'haina. .tulti rhaina, rl ta main, Vane. uver. C CninienetMt ai a pxl planted at live BROS. 0 whirh Uie & CO LAND ACT. barely ruvered Both Invited to Witness Fight norm a a melM I potai .r eowmenrenienu SouUi eaal corner of Kit f7?0. nurd Bay, lpi'iiup nf right player and l.iralea rrnrnary litn. till. DISTRICT of otTF.N 1 1U1U.OTTE Jrabam aland. B. C thence north It maiu. eal tt rhaei. xuim tu cnalua, east k loTHK or IITItJITIoi Ti rPLt Tt 1. a. CkrAHkF. latraipr. li.ilii. Hip nianasiT. Tin' uliawat, hov M:V 'A. J. liordon. arent. VkTt-BU. OAS ASH M.-TRIILICI M .NOTICE. chain, lo po.nl of ctuimietrf't ruenL ri H' lUrt i.-ii YOIIK, April 27. The " Terrace, B.C. in rnnre Mutwrt Land tiiairlrt. heeord .vpr. bariiiK Uip revenue of Hie I. Alexander A. Nrl'hail. intend lo apply Loctlrd February Ik. Ifl. I 1'rfnpe of Vap and Lord Lon. lEEVt t.WV ntSTniiT- DISTRICT orl b lite uiuialrr of Landa for a tires to A. A MWHUl.. Inraltir. of1'"""'' and llftb franir. broke orrtT nitniiiTTE isLATinx. natural raa whi peiroieiini I ancoover. H. C , .ii an laland Ijrmr ell IIm norm roaal ii.mpeelfs. lUud. dale, bead of the National Spoil Take nuee mal I. rianrte D. Dentener. irr the' rolionina deHrOX' land: far . intn.ul rvni on tbp limit Irln. lake m.tire tull I, jtrnua naaiana. w inir Club of l.nndan, have brpn ft lienter. M.trln. I' K. A.. Hllend lo Cuninienetnr at t r"- runted tt me DISTRICT OF VlEf.N CJ4AHLOTTC Kuperi. a. i, orrunalion rarpenier, mlv le the Chief CnnaiUKamner of Ltfad xaitn weat corner of lol 71t. ourU Bay. ISI.AM1S. inleod to apply for ivrrauaton to purcnta invilrtl to attend Hip. Upmpspyv fer t Ii rente o proaperl rr natural ran M rnai or uraham nlud. u. c, inrure NATLHtL UI AMI I'tTKOLiCM. .NUTIi-m. luy fi.iKiwinr dearritied landa -- and iieiroieom uver A4u arrea or uiki to ix.rtd tu rhallM, eal rham. wiaiin lo L AiraaiuMr a. .vrraan. mieua tu appii m LEE CO. 1 ''onroieneina al a tMial planled 00 10 CUE WONDER CariMltler ftftlil a pupt-U of 'I'ex tal"! aa '.mow: rliaina. weal to chain lo point of roni- to the Muueler or I au.ls fur a It.-eiis. to ' inland about f.f.o feel northeaierljr f nan I 1'iK-kard, Hie promoter, il wast c.vnnuwlnt at a rxl nlanied J miiet Urliertrtenl. praeprrl. for nauirai tat and ttrlroieuu. f m.l 4 :.. l,w. nurnrr of L0l lilt, naora a, iai norm of to tiurth) eaal roruer of lot mi, Located rrhruary l. Iltl. ,rr ir luaiowiaa wvriuru wrwi; ."riiur, writ turtrlrt. thenea around toe laland lo Ike ninounrexi loiiav rranani lind. menre i tu rjiauu. norm A. A Juci MAJU kwa-lar flonuiMttrtuir at I planted tt In Iprini nf rvnimenpenieat and roniaininr Ik te rluiot. rtat tt rlaain. aouU kU cnauu Vsrn Ler. tCii north veal n.rner of kd 4tt. weat nl .r oraiuua n. l lie ore aoum a lra BEATS SUTTON leiano, t, i.'ira. more uf tu p-iini r,r ctmtmenr.ment wuvn uapuku, li.-ll.d renrnary IdHl. Mil. PISTHICT tlP OVm CHARLOTTE rnaiu. rtat t cbainx. norm tt rhaina. Paled Marrk rd. Hit BASEBALL SCORES l AI PK O. f, UTClilh. tna-itnr. isLtvns. wet to rlMHia lo immhI of cormnenceuieiit. A, J. ooNioo. aavnt. SiTVBll OA Ant I'ETKOLELM .NOTICE. ua'aiea teocuary ta. nil. I. Allan Sirvarl. Intend to apply to nr A. A. McllltlL. Loci lor. Belgian Billiard Player Edouard tki:r.it ia;p district district or Mlnlaler or lJUda for t licertae lu p roe peel VanoouTer, a. w 'Kxi-hiDg, I Coal National League (.n i.r. inim.iiiir. isi.v". tor natural i and, pelroleum over ine Majestic Horcmans Wins at Milwaukee New York i. Ilrpoklyn 5. Tak nollre mat I. Claude n. rieulrner. fullowinr described landai ' PltTIUCT OF Vl'EEN CHARLOTTE r Ii. nt. r. C.J.v-alo. I'. 8. A.. Iniend Id coininrncinr al a poai planted one mile lL.NI. J'.'1,le,.Rt, tlliiratr" l Ciiipinnati 2. aH'lv lo the Chief CommlMloner or ItMl ran of the touin west corner of lot fill, rtATl'Rt HAS AND ItTTBOLEfS SUTICt n.c. Cut down the hififh roat of living Mil.WM'KF.i: April 17. r-r.doumi1 t.rf a nrrnae to peoepeet mr naiwrai yaa rat coast or Graham laland. B. C I hence 1. Ak-itnder A. Mcl'hail. inirnd lo tppir Coal Ilnflon 3, Plnladelphia 5. and ix trulrum over l trrrt uf land tl aouih tt rbaina, eaal to rnjina, norm to lo the Slimier or Linda for ji licruae in jiOl 7jB f by burnine Majratie Ilorrman'-, Hie It.-lplan MIlHburi; 7, Si Louis I. foimwa: rlains. weal aa cnaina to polul of rota rroaueel for natural taa and petroleum llotteat, CWaneat and Cheapest e ii e wonder dpfefltr'' (iporpe taumenrni al t noal alatted ml let Inicncemenl. cvtr the rollowinv. drarrioed landa: Alao lire and Lump Site American League mirm nf I lie north eaM rornrr of lot HI J J r Local,.I February 19th. 191. conuiunrinr ai a oai piaoiea at in Kullop of Chif-arto hp"' la' nipht r.ralian lalaad. Ihenre rati IA r&aini. touia ALLA.V Sir.WART, WCaiftr, nurtli ve. rornrr .f lol 177f. Olard Bay, Clinker New No Wanhlnplon 5, York 3. ft rnaina. neat in rnaina. norm tw cnaina Vancouver. B. C Graham Jaland, B. :.. ihenre aouih 13.SO Dellrvrvd S13.00 by o urorrt of 400 b 137 in I8.J IXrolt 5, Clevelant 2. to poml nf eontineneeineBt, t, A. A. MrPhail. ateni. rhiuia. la.l tt cnaina, nortu tu chain, fTORK'S hulkline billiard mntrh. Liirntro iipnnrjr i.m. Vancouver, B. C v-rtl td rhaina to fioinl or roouururrnieul. rhonri C30 and &08 I'hlladplnbia-Ihlon, rain. CLA IPE P.TtHlCliKK. kirttor. . ijrfltiMj Iroruary it. IHI. St. Louis-ChlcaKoraln. . J. Orrden. arent. PIS' VICT of$"n:3 CflABLOTTlt A. A Mrl'HAIL, locator. WESTON Vancouvrr, . C J. G. EARL CADDOCK PUTS Coast League fktF,' J.D DISTRICT - DISTRICT OK klTI't I OAS ANf FETBOLEUM .NOTICt 'TOVES. Sole Agent Ul tl l.lUni.MI It I3I.VTI. I. Al is ttewart. Intend lo apply I Ike DISTRICT OF Ol'EE.N ClltRLOTTE Yrrnnn I, Oakland 2. Tike naure' mil I. bland D, fteulrner. uiniait . nr Land ror a iireute ao proapeci ISLAM.S CARDINTTO THE MAT Pan Francico l, Log Angeleai 6, of panver. Colorado. V. a. A., Intend 1 to for nl uial taa and pelrolruni over lha MATI'fUL OAS AMI PETHOLEt'.M NUTICa;. arpty to tlx enter cnmmiaa inner or t.anit folloal it dearrllvrd lands: I. Alrxaudrr A. kJcl'hall. Inirnd to apply. Olhrr ftamrji poklponed, rain. for a lirenae lo Proaperl for natural rtit Cora nencint al a noal Planted ona sill lu Ibn Mlotalrr f Laud fiw t licruae to tnd oalroleiim over tit of Unit In tit ol th toum weal corner of lol 1411. proaueci far natural taf aud petroleum Ilmne UZ SZ7 2nd Avenue IIOSTON, Apiil ?7. -Kail Cad. riled a follomy; v.rai (Mil ot uranam leiaaa. n. u. incur ov Ur fuJIoninr dearribeai laudai ilot k dfralo.( Hensto iianiini in Arrhblehop Du Vernrt left for ronuneneina at a mat planted I ml Ira tartb 0 rhaina, eaal to chain, aoutn li tuuiiienrina' ai pui piantea tt tne C. V. EVITT hiorltl of the nurUi eaal corner of lol til. rlaina. wea tu tiiaina lo point of rom-nicnceawil north weal corner of lol f77l. Olard Bay. I he lltht lirayvifWil rla in one Vancouver Tuesday eveninij In Graham launa. menre nonn to rsama, eaai Traui l.laad. B. C. theory noult Id tt rnt'Pa. aeuia ao rnamrr tv ma m uxitisi i-rsruiry ittn. mi. atiliae, ea.t rluiiu, nurik tt rhaiua. Auctioneer nnd . llPUMdlhe attend Ins elating nf the Anall. linur mlm If n po ul nf rnmmenremeiii. Al.L.t'N tlkWART, loettor, seat ta main to poiui or conuocccruiriii. CB,ACK 114 Auditor and Accountant body nnc erntrh hnl I in Hirowins ran ThenlAgleal Cnllege of which LjC4ian vroniary iiib, un. Vanceuvtr, a C. Luuied rrnrtur)' I, tail. t LA CD I. II. rUnCHIR. IVlkir. A, A. Mrrtull. ktenL A. A. Mrl'HAIL. loralor, Ins opponent. lie la pretident. . A, I. vierdon, aam. V lutoutrr, a. fc VajKOmtr, M. C