1 3 TII15 r DAILY NEW. '"'in Ji,l, , : . , ... ..5 ... . - " ,. .:..$jmm tt' r,;ri ) i iinif ii 1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMi, li M-M-Mft J-i-Ji us ! A 1 A-A-A-OO-OU- I I WLLV J ( WW-WHM k t iV; OI& ,00 .v- . food which has . r Been btcildind jieuer gimmes, for 63 years. BAGLK J5RAND Ctoden6elMilk GJ iH lite funm m, i kc ' SALMON ATTRACTIVE BILL R HOSPITAL TROLLERS NEW MATRON NAMED ON AT THEATRE WESTHOLME TONIGHT, Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwool 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvsrllMmsnt Trttion tut lhrt tide Trolling boat with New all' Shirley Mason, In "Love's Har. Panelling Engine,- corhplete, Position Given to Miss Charlotte " WANTED HAIROREB3INQ. vest" and the Dempsey-Ca'r-pentler SITUATIONS For Sale. DJack, Formerly of Vancouver Pictures. Resignations. YOUNJi MAN 'wants position irf I.ADfta- IIAIItiHtlVsl.Va. Mar Other Oliver Typewriters office. Six years experience, re vvavinr. sliAnipoolnir", Singe Market Fnces j Ma "kiv c's Harvest. olarriitK Mi. Charlotte. Mack, c.iriS'.xnilence. ete; kjwwledie mx, nair i.yrioK, ivsip ireoi-'w fint-i, '.-t ). , fornjep, jH4 Shirley M, l hf nt- Car Fireproof Safes & of tuiokkeepiiiK and t;Hwrit. menl specially. Touiees hut ly of. Vnniyiuver, now f,rnctim which i boinft ffcrd Meats. in i-lv i. InR. IiimnI references. State nnd Igs for pentlemnt And . . .... , ndiiicjnlon, ;a appoinlH ma. WPk-nd bill at Vt- .r lid Vaults. ir..n...f tllir.l''lwc lluprrt nwr-(loI,n salary. I. )'. Dix 2. Telkwa. transformations for ladles. . .1; i thu k it i- u ry . 4 ri,Mtr. rhnv will h tOc IlI'UIHI siriiA .rol Iliwpilnl aj llu rfjrular nuir of stJumM H.C. ' U2 Swilchrs. made up from ladles' lb. . 4 So Ani ii nn.,. Lots & Houses For Sale a rharminir " " teak, per . . combings. ItRX nAllHI.lt or Ihc Imanl own V. . hn :fa. t i.,..,f . monlhly -nicolini? of i,y this popular arlrf' jumoii 8ri:xfHin.iMir.it vani worn " SIIUI 5S.1 S.xtl, Prince "1 Hreei. V 7 Mi niaek Al:i- hnhl Ja-t oveninjr. i in l1l( n.,. ti.iV MiL.ni. .a m otli" as ri.'jiinncr. iiikh Huper,. n. C. ,hoe .,,. ";; 'CtiVZlZ will cotti.' t rriiiiM import 'ti i inicrcxlint: to know Jmw school tufthm. I'hone lllaek hi' t , Dybhavn & Hanson liit'hly nfoininendivl by 'hoipifnl ' l.li.. i r.1 1 1 . it. ,r ili Manoii Molest her fojitumeii. 50S., II IIM-ri, INflllllB, IU,, , life alithnriiios ut tin' fulh. She Sfie ha.' a numler o( Utile tnjd-el-manikin MISCELLANEOUS 'Hamburger, per lb. ....... 27c Insurance Agents. Third had pnvioinly'fMnn offered Hie which havn In try BOARD AND ROOMS ;Sleking lieef, per lb JiC E. A'vcriue, Princo Rupert ..MiLiitn Iht hut had rofustfl on air her drM. ferorlie rili: rmi.ST oiunrrr in Mfe iifirnM r.f. pVr ih ?e H. Shock! for board andl to accent it. but n bintf aktl i. ....... . i ti..i 1. PAI.MHIl IIOr:Hr.Home Hales' the Secret of HafMness. SendjUmh r ,D iSo PUnlng Mills. rooms. Coottng. lo reeon?ider h.-r deeihn. a jay, t,0y try on tiKt.lel ijree your nvtu-iiaie, monui. year t .lnh. d 30a, MMia.mahli lr Melloimatl J Prints Hupsrt, rCJ sernnd letter w reoeivrtl Ma!-j,fiy pannenf, u,nt Miss Mason and One Dollar (o James Dun, Million, slewing t" n3 thai she would be wdlnifr Ot-iort Seventh Avenue West, stone, private n jno. n-eouver, in herelf out of paper nnd Mutton, thtiulder. !).. tCe to it Accident and i.. come here in take charjre on ,ernps nf ,jk. Kvery drfM that Phone He! I9. ' tf II. C. Answer sent by lpg of mullein, lb toe August I, at a salary or ?5 PrJ w,ar9 fn ft ,,CUre s chosen FOR tLt register! mail. tf. Uiln nf 4iurUnn, lb' toe ' month. Oh inMlmi of D. C. .,.. . numi,er of desians have MIRRORS Veal shoulder foaal, per lb.. . 3 Sickness Mcllae, ecopoeu! by Mrs. D. W.jn lrt joH,, rfneP t'Olt sSAI.Fy-Knglish I.HIHird nbl of veal 30c sod tori DINING! Morri,.vli0 svas. nppomiei.a now , on n (, proolicnlly ne. ISOft.no. crated, J?Hl ?ri IIIXI.vr.lll.NII Plain sauaarcs1, per lb,- .... 35-, Insurance Miss nTacfc fiat jurt completed .... .a,pn ntL Tliu, uiit f.oj.. Ketchikan. Afosloi. nr OT. ASS OF AM. KIND Shamrock sausage a Hjt graduatconrse at Mn-Mai40n ean set lhFfn ol oul in ' I60.no not erste.1 f. o. h. ga nfXtMlir.M". I3 5lh Ave. I'.. PorCf lg Sue ISA You afe not Jmmune from treat, rtiw were z outer ap- for comnarUon. This is boat. t'. S. Shock. P.O. Ih.x Phone Illue 337; resilience. Porl chops, per lb 65c Accident or Sickness either plications ftr tfie fiositiort here. the way the costumes In "Love's IS I, Ketchikan. Alaka. 37 Oreji 107. tf piirk. shoulder, per lb. ...... 30e p at home or travelling. A The rej?na(ions of Miss M. Harvest," as well as nlf her rucri. sUeed, Kr' if... .. . 70c Policy ia onn of our strong llastie, operating' room nurse, other plays, are chosen. KOH .SAI.Crs-Tnly foot rrt CORSETS Ham, seM ,. , jJc And -a dam (A "Companies will properly ami Miss M. Gibson wertf received IfesiJes this pretty fValtire fi lttnfl .grti l'condition. Suit-jtilcfor Consi.TH made . order. Mrs. Ham, whole, tier lb, ........ 50e habit too.CbaifoJ provide for you and your and accepted and 0' matter film, the Jack Denmsey Vs. Hill launch. Phone tlrceii Director. rnon Hlue 2M3. If Sail bark 9f family during any disability. of appointing Stieress'ors. . was Hrennan heavywefirlit' bout pic- ,39 1.r; . . . 115 Chicken, per lb 55e and satb&aorjr sJ Our Policy will left in the hands oX the House ,ureA wj i,P shown TliW pic Fowl. Ib toe intwsi FOIl SAI,K Hicycle In number .rtvertie lit Ihe Daltv fews per. vice m"in$; pkas you. Gommillee. ture consists of flv reels and one rndft Ion. Apply V5J Tay-lor Plcsled porV, pVr lb, ..-.. 5e Miss I. V. Waljthrf'present will offer somethintr that hot. Street; 13 r.oAMv tTii.L miiwOn. ixike.1 ham. sliced, per lb.. . puma. Prince Rupert nlRht supervisory has. offered lo fnjc fans in Prince Rupert have 4 W.i.ra Mn. Spare ribs, per lb' 30e AND OURS ARI take over the- position of oper- Jfaver before seen at such lentrth. Foil riAl.K Furniture of four-roomed fMt TniM,:riiirr. nn.wtr Hoast ham, per lb ........ 8i0 Insurance aims room nurse ir me salary rhl. knockout of Hrennan by lint. Apply Xo. 2 Clapp Hologna, per lb 30c Get the Habi is irttide eonuiiensurate Willi thal .,np.y j, cleanly slun and Huilfilng. 13 Jellied Inimtie . 00c ."'MM T iMhhl mHiur ! in iMtnr ttl IK- att . it which she is reeeivinff' in her pictures taken from three cam IMaWnl .ML vol h rr.iMl l b i-tnrr Hmilers 5e Ltd. FOIt SAI.R Monarrh Ilangp. i nr vfHkrlm'(i audi tf ttrt-tt nw. Agencies, i present capacity. eras show the whole fight in detail. rusrwH). junr u, itri. . Calves Iher. Ih., .TV Phone Illark 113 I. tnr tut nmirbriusi ut tntn atrr Ci P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 j I.mim. fcirsiU "ti Mi trsrr In rnaf Dairy roWu. St. Regis Second Avenue '. LABORATORY WORK - BOATS AND MACHINERY. l;(.l,I. rat H.is c rpntmrlkio r prrtinatlr Holler, iter lb 5fc LADIES OF SCOTTISH (bim-. r rtnrwr ii iw smuw ih Hotter rooking , per In . . . . loe Thti Afmt WELL UNDER WAY VKW AXI tsFTi M.r.HI.r.flV. irVl. t'ansdlta xnu (uilir. I'Un.. irinrii.. M (nrtH f m Cheese, per II 3Jc SOCIETY ENTERTAINED Inggirfg tiHtts. etc.: boats and iirr nay v vn, and rerta ut letwirr I.ltrihiirger fiheese, per lb.. . . C&c Char, inn4 tt in MiM-i nr w engines bought and sold; Uk( r.ntlnerr. Wlnalv. ViS iOe liggs (case) Matter. Token Up- at Meeting of ters arranged. VOrtTHI'ltN KX-t'.IIA.VOI iM.frlri liirlrirr, Jn.si. tils. Protect Ga7- Mri.ma tuwtnttf. i aliirr. Xlt. F.gg (li. C. irlii ra Hospital Board Last Evening. Whist Drive and Dance Last Phone (Jjn. p.6. bos' A.kI Kmttnrrr.' Msinlmsnr at Wit. I.. local ...is SILVERSIDI Vsnnwrrr. H. Night Was Well Attended HI. 135 Second Avenue West. Vii!t PMnrt (inr. rrme hfti. Margarine t5c Dr. J. A. West, announced '.at H.C. It. r. ments and1 Prince liuperl. IVunb honey ...... . -. . 0o the meetiiiK of Hie hospital Enjoyable. TrtvWt ntt niit t mti.klrn -4Hil - liud- un Ih rorta .UKuOxt b Ins ft.ilw at lb l;.te. Bros, board last night thai work on FOR RENT itmni. sad rrtntm4 by rc.ptiS Sugar, er j rliinr. rhsrirrrd Mill, rqntl Ut H er.loaf . 2 for S5? The whist drive nd dajico nn Hread, tho iiislalhitjon nf the Itthornlnry n InIsM!.! nr . ptrtMr Ut Stw ,lfcV... from Moths at the insjitution was now well imen by the l.uilics' Auxiliary FOR IlKXT Six room rorhfnr(-nlile s-.lr i.f li Tri.ur, t iiwiua V.imsmI Hone 'hard WhlM, 50.1b si 3.I5 The Home of of St. Andrew's Soclefy last night fleam heated flat, close rvil). WtDtf n.4Hl i.ftN. hkiw Milk. rasa .... Wu7& HtU e-Vt; under.way and today tho plumlj-liiff tll fc lrfftHl la lira r tfW rwqur pir i. vvbiird commence. proved rjui'c. successful nnd en irt, also furniture for safo. n.niwil. frnarr rMKI I" rtirt'ni ia VegsCaktia Don't hope I fiat moths will not The 'matter of securing a joyable affair. At the whist consisting of Oak Parlor set, i li--HI,snpn!.riit'bfv tnpr" ty V luilasi Onions, dry. California . fie Ramsay's ruin llii drive there 35 tables and Itange, lled-room Set flw Xitstxl nr s trruW out'IferMsril 6e your garmenlH c-so!!. If-elintcTan was Inferred to by were Carpels, Heels, rtr lb .' a. AS" hut MakftiSurc the hoard and a letter from Drj, ulioifl 150 persons ntleiuled the nnij Oraph.molo. Phone tilack inif rninr. Carrnls, per lb . " Dry Cleaning 'will posilivcly II. II, Mullen, professor oft bad dance'. Helween Ihw time of SHrt.V ; r ...tf Turnips, per lb Pure Pain tun- 1st. lf. . ,.l frtc .at the University of cards and dancing delightful re. m Cabbac leriology dontroy 'any efrgn o tiny and FOH fi.r.i. One of Ihe: liest . fe freshmenls were served. .MIS'lift J5e to' H.G. was read. Dr. Mullen was Ah ACT. Caulinower :,i hard fo delect which mollis have 'whist! jiflylhc reslauranti fn the eily. H6 nd the n.- of tho tfpiritori ifi.1t a xuilahle , The winner, at werft lln.l lltiiee lOO to ti-ifat'' CCHTinctTi" orrwrfi'iVrnVsTs. 'deposited. technician feould ho obtained for Miss H. Davies and Mr. Swanson, gorsl HtCnliorCoIng good bus), Pntnlnes-. per sack .11.40 Id ti'.SOj up T ness. iJftw' ren?, wllh n long , . . s MTier. uii i LPl'CR the solsilali.in awards going to 30? Hfore you pack away your I he place, nt' n salary of l2.r ' "Briumis." -anitiMt .In. I," "Hfil. ilcry, per ll..,...-.Jo lown. Sorts llioiilh.x The letter filed lo Mrs, Howard Steeii anil It. lease. Owner leaving iini. o. 1." "li h.Mr .lo. f" sixl "SI. CiiVutnbers, each 305 Irt-the ipavy winter KarinenU. let us Dry jkt was Apply1 iMt lt. f)ally News Klul" Viiw.il CLiim. snail ip las 15c and no further action on the Arthur, Sr., W. M. Ilrnwn was Ultrt Mlnins tim.iua cr I ir Oittri'l. spinach, per Ih 1 Clean them for you. mallrtr taken. master of ceremonies nt Ihe onict. . u ir (itl nifr. Tnniatoe-. holhntise. per lb, :oe. Out nf "wn nr'l'rsr" drce and Miss Mary Held was fm ItFJST Fnr'nlsheil For two . TAKK XiTirir llitl wi W. I'suonf. ithnbnrh, per lb; 0 0lleii..c " Canadian Steam Laundry Arthur's Orches. trrr Mirvft irun-u itu. il-;. tr-nl 35e door, WASHINGTON STATE oti-'lhe months from July lslt fully tor Ih A Mr Arm l M' taimnr rrnrsny .Vspnrngtis ft n. i?o Ri Ira provided the mude-. umtiMi. .fnn-rmiMti Litbtnir, rr ib. Pnone 8. moflernf six room house. Close rr-B orlinrtt Itn. Hila r.. inlrBA Mill Fruit. Second Sir" USES B.C. INVENTION to Dry Drt'ck. Reference required. dtyi Insii in Ut hrrWif, lo apply lo Oropefrnlt (IToridai . .... ?"t Sixth Avenue W., Prince Rupert Hi MIMii Hrratarr tar s oritrlrsM of DECIDED TO SHINGLE Kjy. noiiSf. tf linnrnin, tor in rnirpM ot otiltin1 Lemons, per dV.. .... 3Sc; . ... mv -r (Xin urtnt ut nrH at is io 30C ' TO.PICK BERRIES Dale fdrnm) a. a. !!... i. AND PAINT HOSPITAL fOft lirj.VT. Tw'o r'noui house, ami rf rnm a atv. mmr. iti itutm. Navel oranges 35o to II . ... Cl. uiwir riion mini urn nviniiica w with )inlh nnd Apply "li..-, pantry. 3-Vr Ibr Hi IMiilnr of sura irlinsls 6f Ilaisfns, In per "'.airti. EDSON COAL GO. YAKIMA, JuOf 17 Strawberry H8 Summit Avenue, evenings. nnbrnvrittrni.. 300 Day rhona 0 pickers, of the Stale of Board Last Night Adopted Report iiATril II'" flit (lay of MtrrO, A. Ir. Curantr, per Irr, ..... eoc test Washington trfis year am using (louse Committee Not F()rt nRXT Furnlshf.l rnnm If SI. LEWIS W. rATMUfla. Peel, per lb 3So STEEN 8 LONGW ' for tho lb. peY a mobile picking seat Invented by near Dry Dock. Plipne Hlue Mixed nuts, 'a:-... V to Ekoeeo $3,000. Tlir a.ATTIM or. THK msviOTTCV (& ToLU .'.. .i Alberta Coal n jiriiisii ikiiumtiia man. The 17. . 143 ACT AMI IV Till UtTi.ll III' llll Figs, per p. Af Tll'llil n tssnlvi's r in'. ei i. 350 Mince Meat 'Jl. .' dt-vice not only udds to the comfort The general hospital Is" In FIJflNTSHF.b iftjlfR Tf Al'NT . v fhiu in iir.nit'iK Moiur.. Milium . . aTntforMcCUryFur urn rntsTf.: iv rM.Hi n-sv. Vi nle 'Yelliiw Newfnnsi. of IliO picker, but Phone 58 protects m shingled nnd painted Ibis ft Louis Aoons, .PIiorty,rted Ot. Hie and fill! NorirE ihi .si ft Apples (Vr-liVsiips) swrrf;ndEn, plants permits of greater exceed iii tin itir suuimer at cost not lo n llil. A ... ivti. I'isi Mi.iin or rnri At.nles iflreenlims; ...... I00 Prince Rupert Feed Co. j efficiency. These seals will bo 300 This decision was reached BICYCLES ..kjrnrnlt lit ilif rroohirr f lirillin Co-lunlliis 75a manufactured Hi Jlritish Columbia. utaiie trl iuIIiiiiM it.triuii'iil lo Hanuiin i nt-Ihe inerllng of the hospital fn titf irl. er iTitwe nu)Vri m W 35c Comer 2nd Ave. and 7th SL . , HlfiYW.KS, ni'.PAIIiH. PAHTri I rvtl'ie ,ni lirui.n tolumlii. niMirli.l Straw berries last whon board night a recom- lri"il in tsnkriiplry. AND THIF.S. Ths "pJ'.HFI"r,T" Evaporated' Fruit. I uiendalion' from the liousrt coin-iniillee AM.ri'Hllllh TAI(K XUTIfr. tffat Ih Agency, I7 Stti Avenurt li. merlinf i.f III rrriliiurs vt llw Mill I'inl Illack' fTK"' .'..... JOc to that effect was adopted. uMrl a tit Iw hflir 11 Id ulir or Wll-liami. too 3! I'lion? HIuh 337. tf Vnixrfi k l,iiniilf. liarrlMrn, nr., While ll .. The werS"unaiilinousJ directors li.it at Hank Mlillilinr. rrlnr Kirnrri. H. r... 40c TO R ICS In favor of giving aead with TUITION 41 Monday Hi fiMli day nr Jun4 at Hi Apricots 3'50 Is Hi r nr 9 6'rlis In Ihr allrnwMirt. Avenu. S Don't Uimo tlie stomacli wlien I the work realizing the heed, i.(rli it frt wt HiirWN in Ih rretliietf Petfclnts ...r....... Jo 8(0 Second SELL. action tin? real of cause IIh liver Is In ami llw bowel slow J When it has been done it I Expected MfJRi(V-II. C. Halley, teacher of tit s, p,HriM.li iii.Columbia una iviii rtay ot, tun. npi.irp.i ai. ........ ....... 8-- veoeTTs TOVES. n-uilll r'tU,vel lf Ir. Hint tho building will lie Mtmlo, Piano, Organ, Hrirmpiiy. .. . , Seedless llalslus ..." tliaw's ICIilm-jr.Ilver 11IU. i much warmer u'nd that tho, rain Hy appointment. Phone Illue . Auttwri'fd Triiit. Prunes WhoUssU and Ouo pill a daw), 2Zc a box. will not penetrate lb rough' Hie 333. If ThV Important (Ijlhg to reiiiem-tier FUh. (leneral Contract"" walls u it has done in (he past. P'OUND fs to buy froin lhose who :od. I lbs " Uior nch-"" Fred Stork's Hardware It will also lend much I ft (he uiVcrtlse in (his paper, These Jod MletiiV smoked f t ! appearance of tho building. Thi I.OSTpnli1 glasses' between merrhanla und iuanuf'ui'tii-ers Fresh' Idoctf fod, per lb. .. 17 o Priuce nupart. Skcond Avbnub work is to be done by contract KoKplfat arid Weslfrolinb Theatre. Iihv fallh fiiiif Hiey life packing Ffnnan haddle ............ i.h,..,. 047 V.O. ',0' PHONE D1ACK 114 and tenders will shortly be f allied Advise Dr. Hayne. He. Ihelr fultfr with money f'rt sfliinu ir',.fu...r ,n III. no for, ward, 112 lata iuiluslry und proapcrlty. Herring klpporcrf, per lb....