"Hft, TAX. 139 I J Phone T A nn A ! x I E t- Huntley & Hale i Xi JI X h -"Helgerion Block PRINCE RUPERT I In.. .nA Pr.rl .r! J A A Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper .J . ' V VU MI X- imiinck nni:in u. c, t1i(i.Y jinb 17. mn. yltrr'i Circulation 1T7t. tft IllH 411. PfllfJK F1VK r.KNTt 1H0USANDS SO ,3 Kirn w 11 111 i tu I! in n V? TATFMFNTQ HE1 PPIVATE CTlWC A I TAlini If DIVED A f EC A DE nrM A Mnuri AFTER. THE TULSA RIOTS. 'REFUSES TO JOIN Diuioii vuui indicia iieieLieu Owners' Offer of Settlement MOVEMENT FOR EUROPE UNION In General Vote Just Taken (American Federation Convention V1! Also Refutes to Endorse LONDON, June 17. The ballot of the coal miner on the T) p CAT MfM .O. B. XI. .. r. ...lf..mn. rvf IK KUk u . n "U1 IIIJIIV I.. .taaA mahIIii fakAM aMrt I ri i i a.si a m I 1.1 L . ItKNVKIt, Juiir li lK? ArtiPf.. ican Frtleration of Lalr)ia.H AMflna La an official announcement of the reiulL that wai made rf. --- 111! I II H.I llllllll hcwpO ii rcuiJialiiii f -Hip- I'u-tornal - i M M I I a U A l X ioiial iVUnrulion pX Labltr . Th( VOl" iipoo ioj,o lor acceptance oi ins mine owner' anil lia alo rrfui'd Uip rpq'iPisl "v. 412.K11 far releellon. BritUh Minister of Health Denies- frimi Aniilprilatn thai it rC";i-Mcrr .. ... . .. - taw n l i iU refusal to affiliate Ths announcement or me result run can mil further gloom "" "r Mllfi . Hip Kuropan unionism nrovp-iiipiiI. mrlne industrial imeresw oi ureal Britain. Tn country it now 4 A ri'soluluui cnclor.inp (he nI to faee lime., with the continuation of the strike, that will I j'77;. Wr .ir.. .J 'Iiip His-l"n"n was aNo defeated . ..iniafl in niaiau -w t was m m -ai net tiAafi mm ti m am i u ' , a! Ilir convi-rilion luday. -" avi pi tinu ir- i f- ail .aHinn iivuriDiB rciaor ie id inrir urmi ina in einv re .. .. . ...... - - - - i m i i i ii. 1 1 i.wm iniw fllt'U III II''UM- .lUn Af IMAfb. ..... . "T " iim i m niii (i- j iMANY MURDERS ifl liipmritt of lljili-.i i oliiiiinin nnnniiiiPrii'ii'i' i 11 11111 i im uni n raniiKl aloiun lwiu iItk-cI i v m mMu rinvriiMMT i m-mi i.idu m. aw k hi vii 1 1 u i 11 . Hri pW.-tum of tb d-Mruction wrount in Tulu. Oklahom. tb outeomp of tht racp riot in which mora on unlrup. Ht Htinit?r nl.il rta It prrwMi wprp Ul)pd ui4 many roorf Injured. The photo shows part of u ten blocks of negro quarter ! IN LAST YEAR dial Hip ra)MHa UaiJ Im-'m iiiouh-! that wrr owrnptl to the rmahd CONFERENCE ON CHARGE MURDER :pl hik fouiul eiCPtlpiit and ii ! p mpla.'nW tiaij tiwu ppipip. I fi..m mtf iriiriiauti ill ilir and Destruction is Secretary For .Ireland Reports -. Pillage 568 Due to Activities of DEFENCE ill f Ilir floli- I NAVAL Inqutkl Bring Suicide Pact to r - . Rebels. Light Keult of Mid- . night Fir; t .tlXnuiS'. JUUttlXscnifrtiuia-, (.. U.t.kL UUaiil II her of murdpr!" In 'Ireland pinee-Juiy7 Pfmlrt Hughe and Maiy v.mi, Juppvi;. J. J. ftu!- t'JIO. due. tit (lie activiiiea . Ar Against. jlrxlap ha jtWii riir5pl iiitu . ; of the rebel h totals 508 lu-cord-ins 1 J if Of Ireland's Capital City lo a wtalpinenl made in the;; , kW IjJouriP if CoiniuonN ypjilerday by .up 17. I'rpeiilpr flnOlmt rrntnHip fi llu- Forming Red Army Fotr- Sir llamur Spcrt-ilary n .-r 4niad i p- ilealli r wllf aikI Hirer rliil-ili (JreecwiMid, of lion, h liirii lv ilfulli ed by CommunlUls. for In-land. Oujy (wvi ineiii-liprn -niMHtrt rrn mpi-p lliMurbaiirps Willi murder ;md HUIII.I.V, June 17. rajuue of I he Crown Force's were ' h-n oii.iiiKl( Si Up-Hroyp.1, ain that I rut in a ,t).;nux Junr 17. IIoIMipv. lielaml ami they uie iiii re.i-mg found of murders. .., f limUfail are ltiumiiiff snore iiuriieruii guilty One -I di-rit-otmi ll.nr farm h.mw unr ; , 4 , h j rak, in llu- miifriiiliiili- of tlti-lriirliiMi and jHlhipe. The warfare lui i'i her charged with murder had ' .i. ,,r K-Tfantv p jn.ursrpul army) PARIS bP4n found iuuiie. IS IN M r,.irf ' i! H.il..flef- roufpp-d Dial lit- and () (M.r Slll..Ja BIJ r,.j naK !apaiu lrtVii tint in tlie hetriof Ihiblin fily. . t- IhW. I'i. . l.i- irp had forhiptl m -"" ,har brrn hoiMrd. S.iiip of Ihrj Tln tiruegie Librur): ii. S& l.Uid ha Iteeu liunied ami alia and t'r.niipr ! t al .-..iuM. JOYA SCOIIANS .ap imiiior mrrr ltav,. f(trtmM :i mail Irani wu- nilil.ed or tine hundred at-k-. yo Canrer w,th PremeP Brland al.i id ..- li..n- in Iht- I r. f! -r Hip; .. at. , , f ,. of urMwe and another wounded Tor evidence One mini killed, giving on problems Facing Brit-Hi BEST MARKSMEN -ttt-ii. Im.iim- had -larl.il I- .iii ii, .'- ,,.v);. ,,.. t l.plirrd fourl tirof'edinp. Two men uere enleured lo l'u and lil'ldeiii n and France. rr. In- had lol In. ii. it.- ami ,. r-iH.ii,.,,, i... iMM., t. fiiiift nniii'n 'had pptaM-d nltli om- f four ' Ifn-d ty Aulrian, i-rr licit and jeiir' imri-oumenl for having uniniuiiitioii iif I heir )m;-eioti 1'AHIS, June I" Lord Cur. Won Dominion Marksmanship aunt iuui. IlllilrPII. li.'I IIIBIl f'OlllinUIIIPlfi. The Botpriinipnl foirf are njal- ion. the Itritip.li ppirrelary of Championship Today at i Mr-. iliillPtlKf' fi-lci. lio al-. in; a rleauui and huudritli ' stale aitd foreign affairs, hat Halifax --ar. froui I lip lirp. i l.-ina hate Itrt-n Imt 10 FORT NORMAN -Id a a mulprUI wtiip. CHURCH SYNOD -iip1 illy a doJtrn have oft bpn arre-ted litrlo.pIpppIs THREATENING Pr.EMIER OLIVER LETTERS GETS ' . ivaclii-d Premier lliiand here on to prohlems rttilfer with thahf HALIFAX, June 1,7. Hie Col- "4 llie Kxdodiug'koluli air now iaiyup Franri ami chesjer Academy, of Truro, Nova of Ihiblin arter Jhp rlusins of the .' Scolia, won the 1911 llomiuiou in h m umrtnr w rn lrvsni In JAPAN LEAVING IN FAVOR BEER .-uifpw lernflpd Hip rjtltem la-l VICTORIA, June 17. litrilain lnat iuhnpsj'rlMiiiuwi.fs dllarlipd r f!i marksmanship rliainiiiui'slil'i today Tkal Way Arrive at Edmon iiialil. There are no known Anonymous letters by writers Ird Cuj-rn's visit iu viw of Willi a score of I37U, dp-! ton lo File Lease. SIBERIA SOON a-uallie. . who have disagree been with received his t the i-porti .Jlialf. thjji litritish feating the best scIkhiI shots in policies Anglican In Kootenay Diocese Troops rounding Up. r jiremfer Iras'-Th-cliled-' tti- eoiifine CaTiada. Culgary was second J Premier Oliver. One of by Hr YHIN julle 7. 1. Endorse Serving it anJ Light Five thou-and lrom. an? aid them threatens the- premier his wlmle attention .tu home with a score of t3G7. is and II. M. MrKin- Preparing to Evacuate Northern Wines on Table. be en.a:l in a roundup in with d-i4th. The communications IMjilir leaving foreign affairs iiinuhiTK of the arty Russia at One. south Mana&han and the (jwn have been jo Lord Curxou. ' FISH ARRIVALS mi an .rland dash lo XF.I.MIN. June 17 - The Kool- iiitrirt- hut Hip llie roie.-s handed to the police who Nc X- man frin VaiMHiuver llliiA. June . 17. - A (IpxiwiI hiiiay Aiijilieoil Kyni"! hat I'-mian :-jmrauee of Hip uiotei are Investigating them. IRISHMEN ARE Quite a Number of Boats Sold ( .r Hkninvni. Wliilp. ll-lli.. The Urge number ttf dUtU'h-anee ; f 1 1.in Mnro aaya Uiat Jaiwi Ha eudlT-P") IJlP .IPW of 0 i.ariuack's I'o.t. Iis-IiIp.1 V evoruale HilreHa iin- lloiill fui.i inu the ntf of In-iT now point u are tpneraUy a t Tod ay at Fish Exchange. - ' " I" rile their I paw. iiirdialily and rpiaralioUP an- and light wine on hotel lahle". m-i-reditpt. lo Hip etTorl' thai the " i lhi i-n oil field I III dioeppp lia forbiddpn the rpMilulioiiarie are iimkiiii; ! The following- fih sales are iiiade to (lull em.. An- The '''' an- the fir! men Im'IiiC liMiinrPUiPlit IIihI Jaull would fleriry 1" marry dittrreeu perr.on ireent Hip. viit ol the King liprr DRUNKS WILL PAY ! rejiorlpd today at the local ex- i N.imian paet hen till next week lo oppii the UUter ar-liaiut'Ul. ( j change: n by tho racitio ! Siberia made -.line lime Willie uiPjir lorio'-r i"itr. " II l Ihouglil guile BIG FINE HEREFTER Occasioning Damage to Wires, Cora, 10.000 pounds; Ha. V,-, US' Bgil. U.lr. now thai lliey may he and Signalmen Nine jooo, Rose Point, 5000; Mariiuer IMt-tsIble ri . . fi Ynnruuvcr In March -u.re Till in their elTorts in this Vancouver Decides ori $50 for the Men Arrested. lite, 1J.000; Joe Uaker, T(WK N t: Aft mil f...... i-,.'n 1 visit of " 'and Susie, C000, fcold to llootfi reeard and Hit in'iivied First OfTencfH must Tell l'(l,i and IhruUKli un-Jt!E'J Must Make Account the Kins may hate tu be called Where Obtained. I.nNIMiN. Jun- 17. A wide-i.-ihei'ies at 0c and 5c. iati tliroUKli the off. spri-ud cumuii?ii of cutting railway Hi Oil, 3000 pound; Pair of M niain to Fori Nor- VAXCtH VKtl. June I7.- I!ere- and signal wires and tiuru-iiiX Jacks, 15000 and June, 000, sold' 4 i. ri..dP, rher ice. aflei flfly foliar lines ill ttf ini- of pitfnal enliins around I.on- o th tea Products. Association' 1 - i iiardhiti, Hielr arl- Not Bought GOVERNMENT ENGINEERS IkcJ fr dihuVjUo flie Vaaemivpr itour ajfyndt by vtHejief tia,nstiBt 9.!c and 5c. l ''"is lime from Wlme- Liquor INSPECTION TRIP jmlice coun ana wiey win uiso po the sitfliaiiiien I-' MnS ;Mirrled! Mars, if.OOO ouuds; Laura. ON '" K"ii Nnrinun was but required lo phow where llqudr out fty Sinn Feinprs and iipiil.pr' 8.000: Vesta, 10,000; Sl. KloL f:"!-fix and a half day rd- was obtained. In Ihe past a. .0'of ihe irih seir lielprmiualion 5000; Speculator, 70QO, and J. P. in and Uenty.ovoir day Under Control Act I', l'liillip. ir-viucial enpin-eei fine has been nieehanically Im.iLcasue. Xno- mm, all Irish, hute, Totld, t000, sold to Cold Storage vinnjto;,,. uud T. Kilatri(ik, sovcrn- Iposed for the offence, of drunken,jlwen arresd-t.. jal 8c and 5c. jnenl bridire liiieflor, who ar- junn, i,uuu puunun api num. JACK rived in the city- lat Wedues-i.i... LLOYD GEORGE MAN '5000. sold to PaClfte'Sca Prod-iucls JOHNSON 17- 'eroiiP t it lrtlili Colunilnu ui IS VHTtllUA June -Ml .. I.. t.H Association 'at H.2 uud Sc. iilltj. in ..mi' .ii.ii THOUSANDS DIE IN ..I OFFERED u. mil of liipior not ...r. goveniuiei.t Bu-1 t, w'( of a, B11ma, (uf WAS DEFEATED AT Welcome; 7 hOO poiltid lin,f- BIG SUM I .... I 1.1...I 1.. II.. I ;...... li.illNtl 'M00. And liiM.aU 0.00. hri" Helld a alulemi'lll Of H" quuiliuj aim ivl"H ', tr v.,..- of iiiPtieclion f (tovcrnnienl KIEV OF STARVATION . KY.MM I UN Ii Fls'her h and 5c. Atlin 9,1 aniluiil.reimliT wliu-ll wa worklt In Ihe ilovinee. Oolinf es TO BATTLE AGAIN ll.iatil lieloiv" July 15, hcoonllng I" an Tom and Al.. 59.000. sold to W. X. Winsliy here yeMerday. fivm Alice, Arm (hey will visdl Famine Conditions Exist In inuile by I.Him.r (Uuiiiuiioner An)oi and Stewart, returning t" Dire ' LONDON. June U The Lloyd Uoyul Kish Co., lit H.5 and 5c. 'L'AXT'Vu-.iii'ro ..... City Under Siege by "' I . t" tin wl- ",,u" ,"I1'"U''-J" Ceo rue taldiital'- was defeated jn 1 JUIIO 1 I. l-'ailuie I'rinco Iluperl on Sunday ulghl " Ukranlans, . n '"ii u for r heuvy- On rtM.rt being mude l.y Ui' uwticr. lubeN will he vn next.' They will then cm Rial an llsii Hereford Iry-eleclion when BIRTH. .! u i.Mt rhanndou of Iho win- II Uu'J will be required lo ulllx lo their (oi k.. Ther far us l'rineo lleorgu , ntupiilnt'l IIKIINI'L Swilieilanil. Juiii?. 17. Head-Admiral Si-uler. running on ; ien nffcred 55,O0O llieni of Hi IhlUor .U..lh-r. by lh.5iilK.ar1. off ul xeveral idaees intervening, Dirt famine "eondiiiiMiM-roifliif .Vnti.Vaie platform, ami! There m us bm u al lliti jilenerul "''H Jlm-i-w- Win-i. ilia ill,.1 .MTiarj i........ will be no hou.e lo huu-e!''fPU-u"-'' ll voluntary. fV among! which "will bi Terrac,' i...elil from Kiev which?t?iiowTeleiIed for Hie seat made vacant Hospital on June li to Mr. uud Iff."7 r. A'iul 0. Joliiikoii I 'hul' th. i ...1..1II..P-Wln.l.y "tal"d thai under the Migration ami Utk. A vUil will mosl like, under siege ty Uw UkranlajijiiiSrhy the resignation of Pemherlon Mrs. Frank 1:kliit, of (lie Purl lie 'I'm 111 tlm Fpilpml , .' i..ion.r .tart hut Uul lh- uHllnn or ly h inailo to l.akeUtj Lake and surgeuls. Two thimWand'ppoplQ lilllinKs. Senter Independent Apartment, a son, -. ; in vioialloii of the w ,-e oil to a good erluin individuals! and i-umivimep I he Dominion ifo ernmciil llatcli-cries. ur said to have disd fit one hut. 15.Sill -.otes and Carlisle ir J' . the ult.lude - " will he released , ed by day f roiisUrvatjon. ,Coaluion lniuuitt 5,553. 6t. Regit TaxL Phone 496. 'tf tr.aj to i.uuurl l.ouor. n n.hl. wV, as to their PUt m 0 jUjv 7. e , .u.nl-.ain. $fT3 n