I ! THE NI5WB. lhy 6. PAGE ''l:iv. " 1 - 1 Junn I- .,. WHAT BOXERS Populnr nnd Reliable PRINCE GEORGE IS G. H Arnold Notary Public HAYING TROUBLE IN II FOR SALE DOING TODAY LflS HOSPITAL. AFFAIRS: Westholme :: Theatre Sixth AVcnuc. Sr-cllon Six, at Cottou A line JuiiMfl corner on Oempsey Striving fop Speed, and connection. Splendid ihwlllnif ultn. Mass Meeting This Week DIs-approvee flrri't. Jln newer Carpsntltr Is In Rsllre-ment lonight and lomorrow-Malince Surely a (my ,nl $1,600.00 cash or $1,800.00 on term of Again. of Board's. Action and Night IKMJ.OO ruli nnd bnluiicc in one and two years & 8 Ask that It Be Reversed. MANHASSIvT, June 17 for the pair. leorge Unrponllrr, the challenger BIG for Hie world's heavy-wciylit Plll.t:i: (JCOtlOi; June 17 ! DOUBLE H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. lxuimr clmmpionslilp Ilotpirul mat lii are Ihn topio ATTRAOinN) Insurance RenUla Real Estate went lulu rein-fluent ajrniii today. of iTi iteral illeuioii around Dili Spectators are befog excluded city ut 'the present time. Ite-renlly from the Trench fight- 1 lit hoipilal Ixiunl tie-1 . . Beautiful . . lOc CIGAR rldejl In reduce the stuff of Ihn NOTICE TO MARINERS. rr a. Camp, (irpeutier put In n day of rent work- lOilay. lio-pltnl from four to I In Caplniii Arthur Slohlbertr, of . ATLA.YI Ii: lilTY. June 17. VoUa Udt h Vtacovrtt nnre mid one imre, .Mi SHIRLEY MASON Bring in Vtli .lack- herniary, world" llugne, wii e on I. On nreoinil the cetiinV'r KiiHlm, 'prls tho Slmc 1904 heayweigli( Itoxiug eliaiupioii, of 1 luii'Be of i-ili'Mtaitanfe I liht existence of an uncharted shoal back at hitt made !' inviiittrr of I lie i'orl training (triml tiMl.iy, were Your in (be approach to Harvey. in u devrloiiiieul of Iho chain. Imnni, the inulri'ii, Mlm (iruy, Its dentil is IG feet and it in pion's speed to match that of LOCAL NEWS NOTES rexiiriied. i Old Gold liH'aled iVUyirie wt( ptdc of Mits the crafty C.iriienlier In the ' I 'ii... ....1 ik.1 ..r 11.. "Loves rnnnnei nuout auiu ten iroin Harvest" Chief aim of hin itHhdlfls He I, i:. Martin a anioiiK thoe nulled In m iniit in--liiiir of l.'iiiille Point. It latitude I Nearly etrry mm Iiiih nomo old will be called upon to do more lenviiiR for Yitiiruvei- -on the reprearnlalite cilUrn wlilrlt. ,. 5()d, 31 Ii, IS in, and longitude Kold Jewelry around which is boxing vvitli smaller and lighter I'liuec IUif.i'it la-i nichl. n held ul Ihn firol of (he week) V. 120 d. Itfji. 25 ,tii. A dranintlr out it dale or lint in use. . larrlntrl"i'liici'M. In Ilif lllll..Kirer IIhII. Tw.i Iiiim. cndy Jicn I c ui 1 1 ali a itvtl A. liixoik, iiiu!t of tho Ca-nioKUii, Mr. nnd Mm. W. I-. llioin. of . . - . Wc run make it oer into it port that the depth of Boys' Naval Sniilheri.. nni n-e.nl urrixil. in ..,.,,..,. .........1 .11 ' PARAMOUNT MACAZINK, -.Snmoai, . reetifk HDine new ilryifiii or pay you the unehnrled rixk in Laredo Brlpade. the city Inivlim come in on la.l The HAyit' .Naval tlrlia'de will , ,,f , ,,ljrJ. tt(U,n ( chIi for wluil j on tiit ivl nritl. half bo", Clinunel, pltoul way laradi IliN exe'uiuir at 7:30 al nivlil Irnlii. I hey nr staying ......... .... ..-,t ....1 ..n.... t You limy lie Mirplisiil tweeii ctioonr Point and 'Hie nl Hi JHnce Ituivrrt ' nZ The the Jlonlen Street Sclond. ,tf Ui m st sens t iouul heiivywrj. hi you' c-it ii do with soino sccirr-Inyly South Channel' Island, is 1 1 .. chnmpioi.thip i.la. i 4 1 s 1 uidr.i urliclu. f( and,not 21 feel ax previous! rti V. KM IT. Mr contest the uoild l u ivtr known. ly reported. Its locution I:" Thfnk-'of all Ilie led liyfclicf I tier. Mistf.l.oaio; ""' '." ' John Bulger Latitude, 5i d, 3i h, 55 in.; (Irmi nliosi? prtxIucU proinlnei iu t'C fu FiM.er. left la.t ,mghl lor Seattle FINAL MFFFINfi MliSlfAI. JACK Jeweller longitude , Vr,l?H d, ff'.h." 00 ni. Ihn lnrr and ten dinner to on' worru a uiey 1 will 1 fiiu 1 n f irw ,,eiaea ' mm.. . . - nM.,...M mm A Ul Mty, 1iBli)ynni fog every firm will bo a daily newn- wrew. ,1 LL1IK LASl hYkNINu, MvunU tli Pai fk? 0ni - - l,'GIFTS THAT LAST ( on iiaper acverlisrr. They know it V M.iirl. n...l W V r.lxiti.' - Concert Scheduled for Spring ha. DEMPSEY enior been jiuMUIird hy (tic Dominion Vanet.uer. arrived from j(. uanaiia. the -oulh 011 the Prlner itlMirgnJ Ben Postponed" Until Fall. j yesterday ami re rrsltlerrtl nl, J I Week End Specials the Prinr lluiwrt Hotel. 'tl r..,im in.t-tiii)i tt Hi. ( 'j(i.in' .Imly rrie of lln- vs. YOU (Uiptain H.ll. llipnlhitii. of f.adif' .MiiImI illiilt u. ts.-l.J I' ', Itreitkfal M'lroll tni.. Hie Priitre ltuwrt Marine lr.n BILL n. evenlnt al I he home or Mrs., MOIR'S ili(t pli-ee, per lit 42c Work, lert for Vanetiuver Inst p. n. irmi. l,nioieru Ptae... 1 XOME Fry.' Hreakfjiit Mat-oil li I evening on Ihe Prince llupert. . splendid ppr pn Ihf life of per lh 45o ..n a ahort luilneH trip. Ilrnhnir w. rm. hy Mre. 1:. I.. FIRST .Maid 'f i:iner itri'ininTV ... Monroe, and Mn. W. IL William Chocolates llutler in hoik. lit. . . . 400 i.apiiuil iwrin'v jwinooii a 11 a Ihe pretty nung hy lhl roin- Tin" ni'iinnr potlrjr e rlle tor Alherla Kreli Kvit.h. dux. 40o I ii rued to Ihe unutli ln( nisrhl on aalliM I.IHIa ll...l.n.ti -oU OI follow JlMir tUo. II .3 doien the Primv Ituprrt aflrr haviinr $1.15 ,;f alll If wrlllrn lu vvurtelt BtH tfM n lUinsmriau 4llrr, GD Q eii(trrtiliMi. not u, It It our rniiadimi Cheexe 2 lbs. 5?o IN-nt several day. in the eily on M ( f( Mr, w biilnef la frrxtT Mtrlre. II i I'- ptniml I.nr.I in lmk . . . 12 Rounds r dulj In Intur . the jtimi ruielol iaaea mull ksA T 2 lbs. 35c a itsiiini iiiDiiri e. Mir-unutitvrt virnnt. Mr, fnorar,Hrypl iia a very; A Uborer l worthy of her hire end a little bit more. (iiMiraat-Vuor putiry mui ctu ill ttul to Hallow i laf, frerh . J. It. Ih-atlv r-e.'iieil a Iflearntn ileresttns 1at-r ri JMr vllKh! Knor.kout tdiown In dctnil by 3 different airrcfaj h,1ic) rtn. "If lot nuart, in hulk 2 lbs. for 35c When your stenographer 'Miniitiptfiwfrir wnr-Mtinw rirbt no 7 lbs. $V0 today ndvisliiK him of Ihe death " Mlonnl, hy a pUo.S; .(net of does good work make her lit IktI.rWb-n rrocvil.dAIr runiel of In- Uliclc. Jertip lU-allv. vf "'"HS'W -Y Kap. Prime. ii lid.ton. happy with a box of Mom's. PHI mill t pruciiplly Dullard. All 3 lleatly rt, Ltd.. nl Fersuv Onl. w "' M'', Prices - 25c and 55c lbs. 25-lb. xnii clcUllt lll be. utvbt 25c; box $1.75 nt ot He- t Ike Overtime loses its terrors, lK-cease.1 i; her lat fall on by b 4i ihn doL We are an stout Vielory Hrand Pure Slraw- and 'pothooks" become Iiih to Vanetiuvrr. preldent of Ihe rluh. Ihe rtmeerj lu (el on tin Job. Ilaie juur lutu Itcrrjf Ju'ifC t tt'. tin 75c way more interesting when she MIL 'plaliurtl tor the clo.inir of Ihe is tasting such a reward. Hrowh. Sui-'ar,2 'lbs. for 25c A letter from Mts li. H. Al..n , w, take plae until THE EMPRESS THEATRE I McCaffery, Gibbons & 5 lbs. for SOo. kiiinoii, lalp malroii Of Iho local f. .l llil rtmefrt titers will works Who cares when how one hard receives one Doyle, Ltd. Combination Specfal Canned lioapital. thanking Ihe ltard for ,r a .(wiui prffrani of In.iru-iU TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Imiiius of SI00 and of Vegetables. gift a m,i,B and voral imi.ie with lo such sweet appreciation. Insurance Real Estate rul Bias water set on the event uo a ludle." quarlrlle (,,,, 1 1 P.O. Outlier llrnnd Toiulueo.s rkMi ftoi IRS ui ncr rcsife'iiauoii ana inarnatro (aklnx part. T.Piii llrMiul Maclaren -J (Vrg wan rrcrivcu ami illeil at Ihn) . Mary Lion llrand l'eun hoard ineetinjr lal nlaht. itArsi n i? 1 ptp Aor(eJ to oijit purchaxer jLUtflL O.YY. T.A. ULID Sales Agent Phone 555 or Black 472 3 tins 50c; per dot. $1.90 John L. Christie ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW I MESSAGE FROM SOUTH RICHES" C.V.EVITT Combination Special Canned "ROUGE and UTAH1 EFFECTIVE IN Auctioneer Fruits. . Prince Rupert, B.C. Ihe loeat Ureal War v eteralls I Special Production in Six Parts. Auditor and Accountant ', M.ilkin e Ii i-M 1 April "'-. '-'. SALT I.AKK CITY. I Uh. June Asn.Hrialion U fu rreeipt (.Hjayj nlkin it Ite.l (loyal 17 1 lull niiii.i iifar-iie law of a telenritin from Vaneiiver Aillie Cherneit. Mal-kin'it Episode 7 "Ruth of the Rockies" paved ly Hie last Legislature. n rraard lo Ihe selllnp of I'eerj ll Pear. 2 Vis. u-Mtrlflf. herame efrerlivr (III- Week. Si- H'eir canteens, as follown: MUTT AND JEFF eipial niiiiiilitie., multam-ffU'ly tjie shelven ..f lo-! "Loral hraneli i routlnuiinr 3 tins $1.25; per doi. $4.50 hareo stnrrii wrrr rleared ..f cijr- eiteml Uual prMlrjjen to Till it the. Illieol line or arcllrn and thert- were no ad- paid nip member, line Pnivinciai ThJ Universal rauijed fruit we Iium- pvit verlieiiMnls in 1ho iiewpaper tminand allnwlua locals lo rt-of handled mui many of our clarelleit. Tim law protlde rrlc thejr own Jtiditmenl. So cuivmfrA prefer Ihem to against siintklna In Mihlic placs. I ia" coniplJc'allon have hoiiie-raiiiied fruits. whlcli are defined, and prohibit.nrlru Block YOUR LAST CHANCE! Helgerson . the Kiviny away, sale, cichaiigo y Arriving Saturday's Boat or barler of I'lgaretlrs. 25 rnf Freli Mrawlrrie. ITALY LOST While I In-) tal 2 baskets Cii the preference ulien von Special THREE DAY CLEARING OUT SALE for 35c. Iloirk order and your Saturday Monday early. liny tise.t lo in the Ihe tuerrhaiil daily newspnirs who adter-j amlj FROM STRIKES We buy American Currency, huy advertised KooN. SPECIALS Silver, Gold or Largest Number of Strikes During Ladies' Hats Bills 120 In History. Lot 1 Lot 4 DE LUXE ! ItpMK. June I0. Italy lost 50 Ladies' Silk Rupert Table Supply Co. j I &5.O00.CMI0 days Our entire Btock nf Young Men s Suits If H I lH A iVl ivear herausu of strikes, acrord- ; phones rti, aia. j AVlt ATi.A-,i-kTA njy f fj8U.M juVi puMl.hetl hy Ladies' Panama and On ah sizes. $35 to ?so Underskirts lluviiu en arjird our premises' (ho Ministry f Labor. This values. Sale price and installed modern liiachtnery,lilaure Includes lalior dii-order's twe are llii'i-'iiiuhly ruuinni'd to!of every kind wairn disputes. Outing Hats Va's"."ppr14- Thursday $23.00 lake euro of our cver-vrowinjr Ice loss orraslonei by the itecupn-Hon AND CHILDREN'S Crra" trade. of the factories hy -workmen AUo GIRLS' $7.50 cl 1) P'1006 redl57 The inxre.Jlenlii used In "!e from last July lo fceptcm-er HATS at Lot 2 1 T Luxe" Ice Creuui.nre of Iho best, and disorders In Iho farm Friday Half Price our cream helntr imported from intr district. 100 Boys' Suits 25 Ladie?Silk Dresses Ihe south tri-weekly. Wntre disputes rnued Ihe GirkTDresses in Gingham and Ice Cream Is made dally on our major pari of Ihe loss, with Sizes 9 to 10 years. ' - Values up to $50. premises In three flavors Van-Ilia, COO,000 days. The. Communist Saturday x While Voile ' Sale price Sale price The Inlander Strawberry and Chocolate. nvilAtlon of last year when the We also specialize In Neapolitan factories were occupied are calculated also $10.00 - $30.00 bricks. lo hae resulted In 10.-000,000 of this week Infants' Rompers Firtt CU11 BMrdiaf Heut We solicit order for Teas, lost day, Political W ttmi Attaii PIMM 1ST Dance, etc.. and all order arc strikes and other suspensions 25 per cent discount Lot O A.lUthttln, TnprimfMt given special attention and de- not included In the other classes 25 doLKitchen, Pantry, livered hy our own automobile J8re M,d ,mvo ,0,t 13,500,000 U rur lhrows Basin and Class Towels Chortered Accountant out we of iiiakn(own prompt orders. shfpincuti of days.Tim textile worker oniiKi'd lit Jabour Bros., Limited and Auditor. 212 strikes, ths Urirest number $15 values. Sale price 35c va!ue. Sale price , Whol esale in in any .trmh-ii llirowltiK. out of! GEORGE RORIE ... .... . . 5 gallon lots $1.95 I m n .t. $7.50 25c each f Roria 4 8mir, C.A Vuemw tod wnra nearly iuu,uvu workmen, Third nnd Seventh. trtLM KvpOTt. and upward! The most cosily dispute was (hat Corner raOKE SST P.O. Baa SU Pederat Building per gallon of the transportation worker Remember the place. One door from Sixth Street on Two Hores who had 137 strikes, affecting 211,350 workmen nnd losiuif 2, Third Avemie, Helgerson Block Royal Confectionery C23,057 day of work. Universal Trading Co. Our changed.is phone New number number Is 649 DeLuxe Confectionery Without advertisement, this Real Coal ZttJJg&V S. K. SHANE, Manager Third paper would not lie 11s lntirelfiig Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. 821 to hecaime Information Uboiil LING, TAILOR you, Phonos 17 and 193 2nd Ave. (rood for sale in the store I Room 11 Smith Ulock J, UumMttuw."'11"" news just that.