PAGE 2. r' TIIH HAH.Y NFWS. The Daily News WELCOME RELIEF COMPLETE LIST Everybody Smokes f PRINfcE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA T Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newi ROM ECZEMA OF VISITORS! Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ; H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Those Who Will Arrive Tonight OLD CHUN Complete Treatment Tbat i on Prlnco Oeorgs. SUBSCRIPTION RATESl Gives Gratifying Results The list of ihe Vnncouver City i Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11,00 'kflmfil fif member who Hniail IU all parts of the British Umpire ami the United States,, f)srr. will nrrive here al HI:.!" lonlullt In advance, per year 50.00. "I Ui o ettaf k of tt'nftmf io Ihe excursion .learner Prince To all other countries, in advance, per year ... 17.50. Crtrtma to bad tint ray clothe woulO Ueorge nre n fullowa: t wet through t timea. Mr. ami Mrs. J. I. 1. MaUln. TELEPHONE SB. Korfour months,I aufTrrrd terribly. Mr. ami Mm. It. Wei ford. Mr. I coulJ fet no relief tit trifd and Mrs. Clarence Wallace. Mr. Transient Display Advertising Sl.JfB per Inch each Insertion and Mrs. W. J. Vflon. V Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch, Altogether, I late uaed three l.ewnr. George It. Ilarlell, Mr. llocat" Headers, 'per insertion .25c. per line. boxea of"Sootlia-Jialva" and Wo of nmi Mm, M. A. Itrn; ..Mr. and ClaVjflfti advertising, per insertion He per word. "Fruit-a-tiTea", and am entirely Mr. J. DuuMuuir. C. M. Ilnlslon. well." O. W. IlALL. VI. .....C l V Wnnn l - ........ r Legal' Notices, each insertion, ........... 15c per agate; line. .hi. iiii ..iii. , ' Contract Rates on AitMICMion. Doth these faiorite rrmetUe are Wlncli, Mr. and Mr. I. V. "t-rle. (oil dealer at 60c. boi, C for by a All advertising should he in the Daily News (Mice on 'daj' pre F. G. T. I.uca. Jahn Storey. taaimi $3J!0, or f ii ton rrceipt of price iy Thmim IIUiui. Ir. Tomsell, Mr. ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Fruit-atiie limited, Ottawa. ' ' i nmi Mr. Jee Androii, Mr. Krult UTM" lialio put la a a op J. A and Mr. A. . Ilnwnrd, DAILY EDITION. Tlmrxlny, Juno 102 1. trial aiae which aelU for 25e. j MrTnvl.h. Mr. ami Mr. G. A PrIINCE RUPERT TIDES McTavlsh. W. It. Illgirin of a Victoria, - Mr. and Mr. uorKe Give Vancouver SUITCASES Tuaaday, June II. II. Ashwrll of Oitretl. leitnre Contractors A Good Welcome. ' High I AV S?,M feel On tlie arrival of the Vanrmiver Hoard of Trade exoiirMiinisl. TRUNKS Chilliwaek, II. S. lve, Ihe Mle I5:.15 p.m.. 20.1 fret. Mr. and Mr. Sinllli of Cnlgnry. lhj erMiiiig Prince -lljipert will welroino one of the nmt inMirl-aiit !.ow H:lri a.tit, 1.0 feel. p.iftie of guj't! th.1t it Jia fver been the pleasure of llie 'ity HANDBAGS GiMirirrl,. Heverulire. Mr. lieMiith, 20:J p.m., f..l ferl. AND F.. W. 1-aiiiprvy, Mr. and lr. " toVH'ivL- Tlieso men wLn are coming (dniprNe Miinc 'i'if the Wednesday, June 8. mmtl prominent litiiiies men of the southern inrtnipiili, .ilium Inuc Ibipkliix, ('. ,A. Cullman. Ilixlt : a.m MA feel. Prospective Builders. Tents, Sails, Awnings II. Ker llonlgate, S. IV Senrlell, Of them paving their lir-t viit In this luwti. about which lliey I5:it i.iii.. 30.1. feel. I.. I.. Giirdott. Mr. and Mr. J. tjffitir IfeVlM srt mnrh. In the'course oftheir twenty-four-hnnr Low - V:0; a.m., I.I feel. J Nearest to i)sfl here they will form their llrt real impression of the city mid J. F. MAhuiRE Ilarnilry, F. Wilkinon, J. F. JI OH j. tu.. G.3 feet. i approach pre-war price on Ilmtik. C. II. Iianniell. Mr. and what they think ami stale lnnt il will probably mean ,h rimh! deal Tti tune uaea is racinc atan-j Shiplnp, Dimension, Boards, Lath, Net the Prine Kuixrt Howl Mr. T. II. Kirk. I.. II. dard, for the 1 20th Meridian Flooring HI ll. Iliririmv, li 1?,nullify mi ii .inn rtij tmmmiim .see to it that in every way possible they endeavor1 to make the Arthur Kindle. J. F. Amiable of It I counted fnini 0 to 21 houra.1 Ceiling Rustic, Kiln Dried Finish C. K. V. II impressions of the visitors favorable ones. This ran lie donK T..eon.J. Mel.ay.Jenny.J. A. iVrilue.Pnyne.Mi front uiidmirbl lo mtdnlKlit. J All in Number One Fir Hrt, by Riving them it right warm welcome, secondly, Jiy showing Mrl.eod of- New Welmlnlrr. The table Kiven Is for Port; them Willi .concrete examples the present importance of Ihe Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Jane. Mr. Hlmpson but the tlina for I'rincni We have trot prices down to rock bottom. above to Idem Ihe confidence that liupert vane only a few iiiinuti place, and, nil, by expressing Inspect stock and and Mr, .Nel Nelnn. MU Nel-n our place order we all have in our own city and our fail h in its future. Show WATF.R ACT. 101 1. of .Vrw Wewttnlnler, S. S. on siMtie days and on other iai your them our civic pride and the reasons for it and they caunol help Ihe aaute. The range of Hie tide sotice m HmaHr oivr.N tu m stntllh, W. K. llland and Mi but beii)g impressed with their northern neighbor ami its importance. nmr inr'l.trainiani onrrntar or notion Illnud. Mr. and Mr. II. C. may be computed aa & per cent Albert S McCaffery, Ltd, If we forget Ihe petty provincial rivalry that the woril iMvmbla lr and with tn Irtrtr of Kit Ilnline Col. greater at Prince Itupert than ati ettrnur Council ri trrtk piravi m or Virloria. G. II. Vancouver seems to inspire in many, there will be great possibilities Iinrrell, Meliiil Tliompott, Her-lerl Port Mmpaon both al aprin; and: Phones 113 and 564 in Ihe next day or so of promoting a better and more co-oertive Srrmiii ihat Mirmianl l nr Om la wurr.irwi praviin act ttll t-mr or Bermiin. Hoy McFarlane. neap. Therefore the rise in lite dupif-r at or tw suioim nr II4 Prince Hupert harbor is aiiclill spirit between the two cities. inal ifcr rrtrrtr rj in vnrcmrttrit General and Mr. I Miff Pluarl. ilr ttt Bear U. wevumn iji greater than Port Mltnpaun. (Captain and Mr. I la Int. Mr. nmi No Definite Date ml Mirmni Hlnr in in rnnr Ha-lrt The height is In feel and tntli Wir liutrtrt MUt.lin4 toy Mr. It. Fenton of New Weclmin-sler, For New Station.'Minrt nmfrl 4i i-proird of feet above Ui average level . The plans fop the new (ianndian National station at Prinze oa in Kin day or rrintr. Mm. W. T. Iluuler. 5. W. biwer low watr. lto, b ranrrllnl in M far at in George have been approved by the railway commission which has utd rrvrv (irriaina lo tnr wairr or Kcnnlyslili. Mr. and Mrs. II. fT FJSH ?nd SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY Marmot :ir-r in ino ertnr nnprrt Toliin nf Vielnria. II. M. Digiftnl , ordered that the station be built and in opatjon,fliire by August Wairr liuirtrl and that notirc or 1 1. The plans for the Prince Hitperi '.-tajlifu liae not yet reached urn canmunoo im publianrd ror of Virloria, C. Ilenlall. Mr. and All. SCHEDULE e EAT mix- moniht in inr B. c. Uairlie Mr. T. W. Mr. and' filial lage and; as far as known, have iiOUjiecjrdealt with by the and ror tnrr mooibi la on ifnu Fletrlter, 4 rarn mMiia or nuni iM-scpare pub-hhrd Mr. II. K. Itidley of .w,Westminster, communion.. Therefore, the dale as to when Ihe building will be in tnc l-rinr Huprrt Wairr Foe the East. Cnhert Slrnpaon, I.. II. .erected nd in commission here is sljll fndelliiile. Even if thr tminrt. Hatd ttiu Mia dar or Marrn. a. li. tttt Odlln. Mr. and Mr. J. M. Mondays. Wrdneadaye and Mat. comia,fiy Marts building the station nl Prince George at one? T. O. PATTl'LUJ. Brand Minuter or lndt. TliompMin of Kelowna. J. Slill- urday al 10:15 a. tn. Rupert will, hardly, be ready by the date. seL 11 hored, however, i Wrll Qule of Xew Welniinlei . that vhen the company gels the order to proceed here that it LAND ACT. Waller Cline. Mr. and Mr. A. from Lha East. 'will do so Inimedialely and have llie del ready by Ihe prescribed Natlc f InlanUaa ta apl ta Laaaa Land. Muullnn. Mr. and Mrs. It. r'nD'lajs. Tuesdays and Tbura. dai'. It is needed and it would be if another certainly regretted la Ourn Charlnti lland Land fnorirt. liitrknall, A. J, Mr. and al 7:45 wiaeVwVry pas's.;wlUiuU it. 'J, hnrin lHinl nlTnuw ttnprrt, and Clinliiter, " days p. tn. clival M r. JlMI flde'jiffXew Wel. -BRILLS- i Church Union Is CjiMI TWE Stem NOTICE Co. Ltd.ihat or Canadian I'nm rih Huirt, minsleif'Mr. "aAd Mr. J. A. Tee. Foe Vancouver and South. 'Now Close at Hand. fflinn rrnpat u rrh tplv and r twrmioiMi trrtrn nth to prltB;Mc. Jn.j.jcj. fl'l.. Kirk. Tueedays .............. 7 p. in. Tlie vote taken yeslenlay al llie General Assembly of the in raimwtnr tWrntd land: Ii. mark. j. Jlrllalluio n Thursdays It p. m. Cormnnrinr at a planld on toot 'Presbyterian Church in Toronto on church union may be regarded in a ithr-rlr dlnriHja piM rrtan Coft Indi V.ieloria, M. II. Jaekann. I'rel S;ilur'ay 10.15 ajn. SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE faun I. H. . tt. thrnrr It rt mnr or Weaver. A lei. Shaw and J. 12 and 21 ,ns a dual one and. it is now likely thai the union of the lliree in a S. V dirrribai M law wairr April ?. churches, Presbyterian. .Melhodil and Congregational, will be mark, thrnr 7 rt onlrrtir akmt low Caint. TO COOK -Cut fish Intn required portions. Dip in flour thnr loa ft. air northrrtir nKr mark: consummated at mi early dale. Both the two latter chit Mies or ! wi nlrh wair mark: ihrtK From Vancouver and South. battr r. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minute. 'have already voted ft. aicrl) aluna turn mairr mark la ptani FIRE ON FISH BOAT Sundays as strongly Ihe as Presbyterian favoring Ihe nr riannji man nl and iwo arrt i SOU) BY A IX RETAILERS movement and Ihe matter has now reached a point where there maw ar Wednesday 10:30 a. in. auias nn a cold STOhmjK i:. is a slnblc basis for the government and theology of the I'uion I.TIi.. T. II. jumMm. YESTERDAY AFTERNOON April ft, 18 and 38 Canadian fish 4 Cold Storage Co., Lli Church. The agitation for church union has been going on for IHltD Mir 3rd. IHt. lighleeu years, having first been brought up at Ihe General Assembly IJMI ACT. Interior of Jeanne tu, CapU Vf.t. fee Anyoi and Alice Arm, of the Presbyterian Church in IHO.J. Twice sfnee then Perry, was Scorched. Sunday to pjti. Hol It. of IM.nOo t aaalv I Laaaa U. have thejeojile of Ihe church voled on it and on both occasions In Hannt l. ;aM lawi lii.inrt, ncurfl-lr Tin- fin- department laud rail Wednesdays V p.m. a lii.inrt or I'rlnr Hupri. and utuat il has received strong endorsation. Likewin It has been voled MHMIa eaaaat. I H mil aatnart tt vtiTi:.-i at ! - - - - " on twice by the General Asenibly and both limes it carried in Oivanlr linwry, Smiin, and 114 from Anyoi and Alice Arm. ni .j- "XlMik-uih lilaic lli on Ixial milra rati nvrtn it Ornn laland l.imi. 1 - Ihe same degree. Before, taking the final step towards union, Tak Mitir that 1. Alfred E Wnmt, or Jeannetic al llie Imperial lil Tueadaya aju. I I the in Prinr Huprt. a. C nrrnpatmn land aur-rrjMir, 'bumdayi ............... in. assembly 1017 agreed to let the matter stand until the intend 10 apply ror prnnion to wharf. iiiiale wlileh was he. p. second assembly afler the war when the many ministers and ta lb rolluwinr drritd Unfit: Ciannirrrrinr at a Jl piaaid un im tnv loaded Iteraute i(tnie from a members of Ihe church would have returned from service over-aw4he mrthvrat end nr a aand bar IK mil alove nn I la- tnial aUd llie in. For Port Slrnpaon, Arrandale, Mill assembly at Toronto litis year is lli'al one. S.W. tif Utr Mrtjhrt rurwf or ll la. Bay, Wales laiand and Naaa River. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY hn. I, Cu ouinrt: thrn around lerior of llie mile rrafl wa rather lb t-niir Sana Bar. taainv id all tnai part Sundays 10 p.m. otonoc prince Grand Union of All aliv Ijow Water Mart, and ronuiniiic 4 badly -inucd. The own-r nf s. 5. pniNce rupcrt arrra, mora or l. Hie lat W. M. i and there Perry Prjotastant Churches. AUKEn t. WMHIHT. r From sn. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill Thuraday and Sunday Midnight for Sanaon ,... .. The Protestants of Canada naid tnl HI day or April A. Ii. Hit. wa no inMiranrA. Victoria and Seattle. Wed.ieaday mldaig" are now looking Inwards-even n Bay, Wale laiand and Naaa River. Falls. Vancouver, broader union ajid the possibility of having the Anglican Church UNI) ACT. Tuedayt ............... ajn. for Anyoi. join up will be the next question. The Lambeth Conference S. S. PRIHCE ALBERT. in June Notlta of latoatlan ta ! ta Lm Land. 1 nr Pit! i:I.-mi.-ii!.. J. tl. IliM-tliM llv .Motitceul provided for the union or the Anglican Church with the' In Ha nr. t. jial iiul Diatrirt. Mrcoro- Ten Years Ago Queen Charlotte letanlei H.mta on k...,iii n i;if-ti Uiar'"Uf lln.a J'tiie . '" others und in the province of British Columbia Ihe matter has been In-in lOUdl rti.inrl tair ir ennn ntt Itm Mopm.Anrtn and Wnl ailnai ttmrc in Prince Rupert For Kti wuM Junr Hill. tinder negotiation for two years, the synods or both the Pncsliyr or ki-niwdy laiand April It and 35 Train Service. SATURDaY a, 11-11 Tak nolir that I, Alfred C Wrltril. il Puna, .iri MONDAY. WEDNESDAY .;! leriaji and Anglican churches having considered it If the Baptist I'rinr luiprrt. U. C. rrupaliun land aur-rr. June 9, 111. From .1 in Kih mi.ilp. i. I'riii. .- tirorar rJilmoni-n ad ;; Church could be included, and Ihe older members of that Inlrnd tn apply for prrmiaaiun tn Preai.Viii II and nil l''"H- ,n ' ' church lean tint folio inr drrud lands: C. M. Hays, of (tin April 28 fi.. innKinu ilii.-.i ..iin-.-,..ii f.i, are the only ones it i thought who would oj.poe Ihe measure, r.omnu-jirinr at a pan planted un tne d. T. P.. rHnrriH yealrnlay .iii.i.l.i ..t.. I'ml.'. at nd r in and Har tnnnn aa "Ha STEAMSHIP LINES. all Uif Protestant churches or Canada would thus be iinittul to Nana 40 rhalna rl ut th JOortb KaatlfrOfll a lrl) il i Hi line III end of Fee aUagway and the Yukon. AGENCY ALL OCEAN ami r.-ai'i aiiii H ' ' form one strong mid far-reaching, Uiiion Protestant Church. The rortK-r Ihrnr or ariiiind U.t rnur lianas t.hand i:oaat Har,Outnri takina aleel. The preaidenl is well April H, 8 and 28 rti h..r-pi.Lr f.iii ' .f..t inali'.n r.a Third Avanua Phone advantages to religion and to the church itseir through tlt.s union in an mat part abuva Low Water Hark, pleaded with Ihe firal 100 mile and ttiiiiainliia: too l. arrra, mnr or can reuddy i.e appreciated. Al.HiKti WHIUIIT. of Irark laid. The line a far a From Skagway and Yukon. baid ttiia Hi orrur April A o. tl. II jrne will m .u-n In III iu-lic April 2, 12 and 22 It THE SUJ'llKVK lil'HT OF Dill I lull in a few day. IM TIIB" MATTEB f:iii.i;uniA.r lilt "AttMISISTHA Itewari, Maple Bay and Swamp CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Ti s a:t There i man 0. M. Hays, Point. and preident f Hi .T.P IM the mat'iks or Titr est it or never FOIV- B.C. Coait Servicea MAIIIA kAl'r r MAMM, IlrXKAKEIt. fail In vinit, when Im I In II MEMBEJl or TBI B.C. DENTAL COIXECI April anr? 28 Prinr lluperl, und that i TAKE !f)TirE mat In tti ordrr of mi Arthur ItoiKir Juilr f. MrH. Yuuua, wad tn FIIOM DENTIST twrnty-rirhtti day of April, lff, I waa Utile, proprietor of lit April tfl and 30 SailintTS from Prince Rupert apfniinird Admlnltlralor of Ih Eatal nf new aland near Ih wharf. Phone 57S Smith Block Maria Lauirmanii, drratd, .and all parti " ... .L. navmr riaima araiuoi tn aaid ratal are "Well, Ikiw ar you, and how' For KeUhUan, Wrangell, Juneau "";, Think of nil 2t High erad dental work at the lowcat irLy ii-ouirrd to runiiah ! inirly liusifiesar Hie prominent U. price. wa lite alulalinn 85 Augu.t 1, , - n-rnird June 27 July 4, 11, 18, ti 13, 20, I can five the beat of reference. m u or lirfprf ityihlriy firms ttliove prodnel yMi in nni iit maT. a. ii. iwvi; ana an pariia Mr. Lillle received from Ih nd ' 20 years in active aervice. iiiuriiifn in hi raiaia ar rrquirru id pay Ihe store and ten ehaneea o nn For Vancouer, Victor! " III allmlllit of llMMr llldrblltllM Id III railway mutrnate nnn afler It 30 Auauet l.- 23, OI!ic Haur$-I-J2i 1-B toil 7-!. 0peq Evenings inriiiwiin. landed hre, and llie tirrliiifr every firm will he a dully new, June 18, 25; July, 2, 9. 16, HH, 8''' Jdliar It. MrML'LUM, atverlUer. kmiw Ocean Falls. Pert paper They it For Saneon Bay, ODi'-iat wa Adiiunlilralor, aeeniupanled ly u warm and Victoria I'rlnra Huiri, H. C. pays. Nlnpkleh, Deaer Cove. Vancouver Palrd tola m di) of May, tttt. handshake. Mr. Hay bmjidil SATURDAY AT NOON. EVERY several dozen picture post cards i IM THE Ht.'I'llEME CiirHT OF BHITIHIt (.OI.I'VII'.IA and malted for. several minutes. lnfor.ntlcn from IH I'MOHiTt: to nil pari of II. World - full RUPERT BAKERY IM THE MATTEII CIIHISTIf or WETCALP.THE ESTATE ItF The rlly yerrdoy surrender Bas W. 0. ORCHARD, General Age" F-. ft Rupert, ed i lo I li railway company, in Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince TAKE MITICE that on Ih flat day nl For Also for Mav. tilt. adliiliilMrallufi nf Ih alal lite matter of keeping hay Suitcases' CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY or li .tal.Harold Cliriati rranlfd Mrtrairr.lo John drrand,II. Mi-Miillm In- opi-n al(in(r the wuterfrnnl fnr The Bread Only beat material uaed onirlal f.nliiiiiliia.Adiiillilalralor, I'rinre llulirrl, Urit-lah ute monU.o-xif.i, a messaKB Trunks Order for Anil 1 1 HTIIER TAKE SOTICE that III lo lltl effect was wjred the ilimiiinrirll) ' r that Restaurant!, 8Uamshlpt, Canneriti, etc. ar iirrMiiia rrituirrd owliir to umnlra pay tlx to aaine III lo aald ItM ratal Ad-iiilinairaiur rlly'a eounael jit Ottawa. This Tents, Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C.,1 L'M11' Promptly attended to ronliwliti, and all iwrxnia ia- declimt waa arrived al. how. .v.SMr. rr.n rait. an? iim arrouriia avainai iiim aaia raiair ar Jose hi GAkON and C. B. riulrrd to til Hi aain with ttm Ad- ever, not winut a slruggle, Satisfies liloaErvr, Proprietor F. M. niiilairalor witliin ttilrly (taya frmu lit Aldermeii Crosby lr an mm iir . P.O. Box Ul (17 Third Ave. Phone C43 a I tHrtof. Niwloit. fiouglus and run m,r".o iv" A a Itd tin JOIIM day MrMl.'LI.IM.May, tll. lllldilrli firntiy oppnaltiR Hlvlng 718 Tliird Avrnua, Prlnc'Kuprt C2f Saaane aua V . m m' m rf"1" Adiiillilalralor. In lo (he O.T.l'. Co, jjjj jjiwn