When a fanner buys a iraelor -Hi SALMON In the Letter Box lie spends money as Iruly as when he buys n luxurious automobile, News Classified Ads. and that Ihe money sjient Daily Commence ITROLLERS THRIFT AND UNEMPLOYMENT employs a much.labor ond stimulates liiisiueos a.4 much In one 2 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Atlrortlaamant Taken tor Laa than BOe Her Toilet S The Editor. Daily News: The case as in Ihe other. Temporarily, "ml ling boat with New oilier day I heard I wo men, presumably he has, by so doinp. deprived WANTED. CORSETS " "" Engine, all complete, quite interested in Iho himself of immediate enjoyment. K 0 T I n K. s.'l ..f l.,!hli -ur welfare and prosperity ii.the In Ihe long run. however, SAI.IIS flllll. WVMT.D Slate imilSITS mndrt In nnlee Mrs ! "r'' d n ilitniMl For Sale. etiuntry. dchaliitg on some iiucs- farmers who undergo this whether experienced or other-1 Director. Phone lllno ?M3. Ifi i uttm r ! ui ln4 day. lions affecting The Julnre of our form of depris alion swnd more wise. II.. lUo Daily, News. If; . .j v . .-. " ' ' M ' " . - - m i mallr ttt I nl rwntr in. muw Yhirtv link'. si.-,i;,,j' K,,;,r Oliver Typewriters and have morejueatis .if people. Their physical appear- money !sfliw imr tllf ' Friar rL from II tit II WANTKI) anee reminded mn of 'Miilt and enjoyment, possibly better automobiles,, li')s Mp till. Cary Fireproof Safes & Jeff." "Mutt" was 'disapprov than those thriftless' for newspaper delivery routes. Market Prices lrwr t,f M Dr-f af Crtim, aixl llinliliits uptet ptrli farmers whose standing of living Apply Daily News office tf re-fstra ial frtvtrtj f puMtme. prmlde. a iiertilM&ii' , Vaults. 7v ing rapitalim In a very einpnai.. rdna Wtktma, im rtilrt4 nr of I" (lie inr.VR; . WUal the future. " ' and never looks to le manner, saying: SITUATIONS WANTED Maalt. lb aim loi, k,tr t tr rrtntm tf I ?het" -,,, Lots & Houses For Sale these millionaire capitalist -Iiaejw 'As n matter observation, T-bone steak ... 1 Fast control all the money and thrifty coinmuullles spend more YOL'.NCS LADY WANTS l.'.MI'I.DY-ineiil Hound enk i ioiin im isia jun. ill. m rrlrr When ''lii iit (r.441 iiiu in Ihe long run limn! 1'fllrc. 0i in I M Htirr inv l frmr aa-tJo;tfi. llilr .lrit-,. ,.,.,!n, li. iii money in store or Apply a ions in. we never pel Sirloin alenk, per Hi ynmir Itll-D, aariar tro far- III.- which "Jeff," apparently, had thriftless communities, for the bo IV? Daily News nfllce Ileef not roasl. lb.. 22Vc to 3Jo M!. ii ' nr laieniiMi fir im ptlt i'. Dybhavn & Hanson so rehullal. sufficient reason that they have IU.f el.oek r.,i,.l II...55U In in'W'"' ' wr M " ,r- "mn BOARD AND ROOMS lo spend. Hut, even more money II.. -ii. .....i ii. in. "'' I BIRKS Why the Agitation? their i " .""-I, III. !,. -"V IfV ttm MM UlVf Ui4) IM lUtllUr IHUII Insurance Agents. Third Now. what Is I he cause of this wilh larger expenditure, P.U.MI'Il HOL'SK for iMianl. and href, boiling, lb...- 13c Avenue, Prince Rupert ci.tifinuaj unrest, resulting in long as they remain thrifty a nxitn. Home (oking. Hates Hamburger, per lb.. ....... J 5c ,lr" " r" VANCOUVER, larger proportion of their econ. much agitation, that seems to reasonable. Mrs KcD-iugall Htewlng b-f. p.r II yJV Is spent for producers' follow us around f I believe, our omy , to I-loo Seventh Avenue W est, 'Cornell lieef, prJi. JOe fa tn m mj pn Ttri poods than is true in a I file present soeial structure Is Mionft lleil 119. tf.Lamb, leg. per ll Ilo' Ul iwmrj oevf. rriar snrt, Accident and sound, but something is larking community. - I 'loin' ... SOe " r- ,f1 ! In the Community. FOIl HOOM AND ItOAItll Phone Im " . . hclod. makes possible periodical which .JMiltion. sjewtnR zue, Di.irwi iwnur r tm. And let now us assume our "hard times." That elusive HO J a-1 l,i!iilln shiHilder. lb.. 5 to ta dm,, nr.. DINING HER Sickness community lias become thrifty. "something" is nothing riiore ret aa.1 ll.eg of llllllton. Ill 6o wr. C ' there comes a period when work than misunderstanding the Jdsr- Loin of mutton, lb toe Insurance gesl job that is win? tin around a is number scarce and,of men through voluntarily necessity of FOIl OUICK HAI.K Furnished,Veal shoulder roast, per lb... He, 'xii-t umiioi iun n IS A HAB11 us day in and day out, which I and shack at Seal I'.ove. Owner is L.'g of eI 30o and I'W TU or. ih.i ikmiui latr. lajian their knowledge You are nol immune from Just "every-day. living." fer energy . .. - ..... i.i.i ----- n. .... ti. r imii. p I' . lalrlM Mk ' either both the enllltf ifiMll. ,1lif ll-w nil I l.m .an n, I'r, ,wm - or as case may .Accident, or Sn-knc either Many of us endeavor to maintain rubber ImmiIIs; 13-gauge Ithaca 'Phamroek sausage. 45o l rwM f I for a Miy pt... travelling. be in return for reasonable !r l fr r'lr.dnini wtrr bm srwvr it,' at homo or A high Standards of living. compensation. If the community double . tiarrelled haimnerless Pork, leg 000 IMIMtna awrgm HM .llsll m llsv And a darn gcxx 'I'olicy in one of our strong Most of us attempt to make shntKiin. Hannah's Store.! Pork chop, per lb i.,Nni U4S ml ilralwra IOaa4 lj -7C Apply as n whole haw made? a success uainwm at a imI 4avl i habit too. Goodjoo. ..Companies will properly life as inviting, as pleasing and Seal I Vive. 35 fork, shoulder, per h. .. JOc "! if Msltairt mtr i lv f the job of living liy llieir tnr ta ira.a ai ap till; ixxi tatl: ; i provide lor you and your as comfortable as our standard Ilaron, sliced, per lh .. 70 Mim fmm ia a run, Mj ihHw and satisfactory ta nf the big factor Thrift ifawilv.iUirins any jdisahilitv. demand., I.et us (po on. The plication, FOIl SAI.Iv-Cnclish billiard table I lain, siref - t rtaia Ssln lo im .al r em.sisie , vice "pfcaie: ' wiiat ;lstithe atJilnde- they will means iAiV Volicy will ' '(Kivr'sl best fae'tor we IWv.?fcln making practically new, (ifiO.no. crated, Ham. whole, per lb ttt luiud alia Mtntt. nil tain when there Is a surplus I mentioned in lal f.o.li. Ketchikan. Alaska, or patrons. you. lUe job my Salt backs 40c H Bros a. paragraph an Indispuled success amount of human energy or $ I lifl.Oll not crated f. u. Ii. Pas Chicken, Hi. 85c nw ledge offered? - Don't you per ........... olt, rntsioTtr msr. lm ms AND OURS ARE Prince Rupert is thrift. lioat. i;i S. ShiK-k. P.O. bot Fowl. per. lb loot Thrift it will lie big "And what is thrift?" Mr. see,. In Hie says future if do a not 151. Ketchikan. Alaska. 3 Pickled pork, per lb. ....... Ho Tits nnitrr IN.I TkarfKI. !, Ifrtljs Get the Habit os you Insurance Mutt will ask. "I'd like In buy lake advantage of (his voluntary MIRRORS CMtked haul, sliced, per lb.. . a little if it'll will do all that fel Spare ribs, lb 30c' im en.isr r a r ft tr I desire lo work, and. If fo- per you Mrt ;,.. M Mwinl tut frlmlfM Ltd. low Waide says it will." the dictum of Thrift, future MinilOIIS AND Itl'-SJI.VI'.IIINn. Itoasl'ham, per lb, Bir , U MtnW IM fnltuVIM Arrtfw Ual Agencies, Thrift is cheap. It does not! iw ! mi iv WrM nutt nr ilr htm l Si. Co generations will bess you and 'OLAK? OK A LI. KINDS. lioloirna. per lb. 3M iiin. a. it.i Regis "P,0."Drawer 1632.'Phone 130 lemand a great amount of "ef "Those people know I hat HLOOMf ILI.D, 117 Sth Ave. i:. Jellied tongue , yOol oanmnni ll a rMi t-w at IM ay: HtlMi. nmrtl Ui HI, llwe" i.fia order become visible fort. In to Second Avenue I'honeM Jilue 33J: residence. Ilroilem 55fl aa rniini; imrt si mm rww inm" Third Annut money was a meiiium lor ac . in a community it does require 35c MM aa rtliU. Imw rN. I Calves liver, lb complishing great task, and Oreen 407. tf - rM of iumwkiiI. of the hat. a large majority I or., n ii,a mwrrn. if ri. therein. hat by providing for the future, Dairy Produce, IN'.lltS SV people indulge : SUMMER RESORTS. Your hey have erected a great monu Jllillrr. er lb 50e What Thrift Is. ment to perpetuate the Ideals Ilntlcr CiMikliis,, j.rf Hi I Or WIT. nunuiTtr imi.s isn i- I SCM F.A R KD A CCO M M O I ATI ON Thrift does not consist in re Hi. 35e SILVER!! if nilphly race. Cheese, per a 'including a tent for family or Tk Bnllv IMI Tle lf I" "" . fusing to spend money or buy LEONARD WAIDE. Llhlbiirger tlheHsf. lier lb.. . . 05e Strei. . I .. inuifal. mttlr at- party fur summer boarders at (Mtriiinn lo u KiHlr ul laarti r.,r ii- ments things. II consists, under a Bggs (ra) 40c .n.MM t.i n r. tt.p a m i.. hw:"! Hill Farm, Terrace. I.nnfear A tt Min.lrtun i.r aikl ttr Im riSlsaiac Bros. in spending . Uc money economy, French. tf Fpgs (II. C. fresh) ease ,Umt4 la mil siinaie ' im VV- r..i . money and buying thinps, hut in Kegs, local . , 5e ,.f iialMi, I.Unrt. a l Man the Moon j . . The in V from Moths spending money for thinps of a BICYCLES Margarine 4S wttawi-il IIM.WIM rami uf(-Isl '..mi The Home of different kind from that which SAYSx Comb honey 60c mi6 f kiln ,imm .l an -mim; tbrur t4tn at imm ' ta thriftlessness buys. Thrift buys IHCYri.FJ, flF.PAIHS, PAHT8 Hnaar. per lb 1 2 He ,t.ta. tt IMllt rrtUBWrMl pon't. hope that mollis will nol thinps wilh a relatively vivid TJIK Comox Ar'pus says: "The AND Till FX The "M'HFKtrr llrrad, per loaf S for 2 so i.livq i pin YIIOWVS sirrn. itii.lil ISV. Ramsay's t'ruln your garments this season, appreciation of the future; Tarvia arrivi in Omrlenay Agency, 417 5lh Avenue Flour (hard while).50.1i.k3.25 Ihriftlcssncss buys thinps .with Phone III ue 337. tf Milk, per case .... tS.Td'l'n 7.75 oi rr.s i-HanuirYR uissn issn ins- -.but Make Sure. some lime ago but is still in its a relatively Villi or weak afipre. Itmr tfilire lh.1 lnmiM Car. HhIUS Paint Vegetables 2 . Dry Cleaning will positively elation of the, future. It very containers while the grass FOR RENT 5e smiil nii. it, ifir n iwi Pure grows preen all around." Onions, dry, 'ilifornia f iAlenur in ml I r p.m-iii. ii. iw l!destroy, any kk so liny and penerally. though not exclusive4. a m 5o Vini'ii-r uf Lamli lr ll rrotlMa ef . FOIl HF.NT- lx comfort Heels, lb.. room per i:. fnr a liri ii ei-l fr ilt"iiii mill Hie iiii -i romravt' i-hnrd In deli-cl which mollis have ly, consists in Investing money; We say the rock has been able sleain Jiealed flat, close Carrots, per lb.. lo of and niHVe IM r4kiint rteriMl -"..'.-.is .; ' that Is, in buying income-bearing at Smith Island for a thousand lusts .ilsii ll ll imu ir- deposited. in, also furniture for sale, Turnips, per lh 4c Kam I.UmI. M;t: imnuntrina ll a l poods. This may be done di still there while nr I "I WALLPAPER .TO; years and is Cabkipe I0 p4inm at III imillirn enrmr consisting of Oak Parlor set. . Hefore you . pack away your o rhaiM al: Hki" z' rectly. as when a farmer buys Hie mud pels I dicker all the Oak Dining (loom set, lle. Cauliilower 2."e to in rtMlns lliai IWrflSi immt WM so fhalni writ; Imm Hi (ha Nw heavy winTer garments. Je.t us )ry n lrar(or or Improves his .farm lime. ' BU rliains ullin ll lai It rf.nnii""--". Room set and firaphanoln. Head lettuce 10c tu 25c Imlnl Marrn lain. 111. I r Clean them for you. lis a producing unit. Phone lllack 280. If. I'litnloeV, per sack ,mn In 2.50 THoMtS ItSSSr. iini of a nrd'-r ,;r" Thrift regards future need as SOMK men say they are In Wilifxw Vorniins. ail. f Canadian Steam Laundry comparable in importance with fallible but we never saw one FOIl SAM-:. One of Ihe best Celery,Cilcumbers.per II each 2"o lf 30c 30c onr.i riHauiTTR isi v.vns tvn ins- alieni.-d desires; Ihrifllesness re yet who rhar.srJ his shoe laces Rsi 120 b n present paying restaurants In Hie clly. Hi. 15c Te noliee Ihil trmtf laT. IBillaa Spinach, before they busied. per . u....i H C K r Ii v rlv.S nnllre Stwl Phone 8. pards present desires an of good location, rioing pood bus) Second m m w Tomatoes, holhoiise, Jier lb. liOc a Ini.ulloo ta aeplr lo ! Sixth Avenue W Prince Rupert greater importance than future TUB census commissioner ness. Low renl, with a long ithiiharb, per lb,. .......... 10c llrrne laiMls l"f! inerl lle K lor;nr MlWriim si P. ' '' s needs. doesn't need In think he knows lease. Owner leaving town 35c .wlrr Ihe Lrfhiailif driniliMl . '": Thrift be practiced indi Asparagus le in lb el r.4l nf "nhim Ulatul may the ages of all the girls in Apply flox 101, Daily News rr,ii.iw.- f-.nmei.Miei ai Fruit. - rectly, as when one deposits Ollice. If iae rism Night l-hfina dldn'l Prince Hupert for lhey Orapefruil (Florida I 20n Llhi r..rMr of ll MI'I y!rr,CSSL i money in a savings bank, buys 8 EDSQN GOAL GO. tell Ihe truth. Phon an insurance policy or a corpor TO HF.NT FimNISHF.D For Iwo lemons, per do.,,, 35c rail ay rnilm: iimm is,rlh an nmiw w Day alion bond. In all these and TUB latest example of a months from July Isl. fully Dales Olrnm , . 30c ik.IiiI iMalMl riniiinrrtiiml.Warrs Mia. II. STEEN&LONCf for the beat many other cases uie saver nuisance is an;ttimeralor com furnished modern six.roomed Navel oranges ........ 35o to II fllllMIS-,.,brrt litlSV.wruon. aarwt. Wefk Alberta Coal merely turns his mony over to Ing In during the inust or me house rlose lo dry dock. Ilefer- (Jalsins, jier lh 3re ismsiis ixn pi, Shel Mel-I other agencies and they do jJie mornings rush.., , en'ces required. P.O. box 211. Cufan) . Vt Ibr ,(. i 30o ytrr.s ruin-riuni.oTTi;IJHUI.OI ,LAnx?i,'i.ii. ATntfor McOr investigating; that is, they buy a If reel, per in- uuu Phone 58 H. r.. HiU-tMllI rnl. Vl.M-ll, p; the producer's goods r the WB are beginning In lose eon Mixed nut, per lb 35c titration in Hi UliiHIrr nf Uwli !' ""YleVlfn FOIl ItBNT. Two room house, Vrf,ii,r i.r . :. lor a lirrure fur ij-r-u...i..n Income-bearing poods with it. fiderice In ttm promises of n Table Figs, per pkg (5c fnr " lo nmiiMvi ;'n'r"n',.',''11'.n: S Prince Rupert Feed Co. Look to the Future. settlement of, the coal strike. with bath and pantry. Apply Mince Meal .. 25c i.nrt.r is Mbialna Onsrlliril ' 1th Stmt and Frawf Hfll Sinnnilt Avenue, evenings, un IM WU OsmI Mrahaia J' liup" ' 'Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. It is obvious, Is it nol, that a Arpl's fYellfiw Newlons' . . 11.25 C.tfiiiriiriii ll a JhI n'J'VLiiiih Prlnca SO enthusiaslir was Mayor Apples (Wlncsaps! , lt.oo FOfl It F.NT About the 16lh, 6. n rniiii; nw-iir- "' '-( t. Rochester ahoul giving that "fish Apples (flreenlngst . 11.00 modern house, rentrully roojri nlhlAl MjilitAutllt. KTipuHe speschnl" n proper send-off on located. Phone lllack Ml. 34 Ihinana .. 75 Uira.r.1 ll.h ."h. !. LEE C TORK'S Tuesday morning that he sprain Strawberries .. 35o WllHww Vneimns liriit. TOM ed his tinkle In Ihe bargain am; FUftNIKIIF.D SUITB TO III'.NT Evaporated Fruit. Second Avenul. s SELX, Ii frem the backache,eiui ef rhaunutltm treat flrlnt ana now old Henry J Is working Et. Louis riooms, Phone lied 01. Hlaclf figs .......... 20c v IKIftT- ohaihm iLn. h-i- (MO TOVES. lumoic. Ton aas quickly tat overtime, BOATS AND MACHINERY, Wliite figs 20c VEOET-fJ the kldnavi rlfht by utlnr Or, Apricots ,. 0c Chats' KldAer-Ller Pilli. On. EXCHANGE RATES pl a dou. 25c. i boi, all dtaltri. NBW AND. L'8i:i ifAOIIINBIlY, TINDtat FOR DCHOLITION OLD k"";:, r" (leneral ",J (Bourlesy T. McClymonlj IfifHing (j)ols, etc.; boats and nnt mslu is Wail ril f onimn lUisl. " Labor Fjcbanf Fred Stork's Hardware Chase engines nought and sold; char, TeiMl'M will lie rfrWvH tf li Clir mil Csimirnrms iirirrllMMl Tal fnllnai;a poJ,-P......Miirr llal . ill Sterling, 4,38; France, 9.30 ters arromird. NOATHPIN KX-CHANOB, i-irrii ii, mi i. in. Mmimr, juiis lllll, tiorlltaril mrnrr Of ,,r" Prince "UPLP-1 lr Ike Murium i.f itut lli.l lir, iuii 0 rliiinit U-rnra o"1", ".'i tl,.Vna o Second Avbnuk jlelgium, 10.06; Italy, 6.BI Phone. 50, P.O. box nil lug KOf.l. ilia mrffful ladder ill Phone 5IP.- H lie rrgulrrA In rruiiive His liuiMii.a mil ilnl of rrtiiiwinriiiriii. PHONE D1ACK 1X4 Oreece, 7.50; Marks, 2.21;, Hong 8J, 1 30 Second Avenue Wesl, kave IIih III III roiidltinil ll,f.f mn' ,r.,rd M..,TW4(l..n.,ri Maaj rt Uoujr, 09; China, 57 li. i'rincq it u per I, 11. C, lo trmirr I lie iiwi lire..rp.ariij r.lilf Tils arrrirll.Mhn r tnj llolwrl Sron. irnl.