T Phone T 139 tax. 1261 p I win Huntley & Hale X b7 X Helgemon Block PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ,iL XII 13 IMUN'CK III I'KIIT. II. C Tlfl IIHHAV. Jl Ni; ii. 11121. VatUrdr'( ClrtuKtlMi 1.I0S. PRICK PIVK OKNTh Definite Step Towards Street Work iSRNATIONAL LABOR LEADER HOWLED DOWN LAST NIGHT IN THE SOUTH Equipment for Surfacing BUSINESS OF GIVES HERSELF UP. Tom Moore Denied 1 Of Down 1 own Streets is CHURCH SYNOD m aBBBaHaBBBaaV Last Ordered by City Council Hearing Night Many Reports Submitted from Various Fields of Work 1bl H" tirfiniK of Ihi; down full detail about the ma 1 1 it In District. Vancouver Meeting Mil .in-'-". ! r.ilillil.tl..- ill Mi. Thiickcry. who wan recently fuliiri4 ' lndiwili-d al m((aiird by Hit council anil mnr Tin iiflcriMM.il - n H rfilllH MWlHJlW "f Mil" comes tiitflily wuminrc.drd bav-i Anglican diocesan k)ih.i whlc: VANCOl'VKH. June !). Tom Moure, president nf the Tnnlcs jiMitril iilulil I 117 recently L-ii emitted mi (wa held in M. Andre. i.ir. ml l.nlior Cnugeri' of Ciiuadu. wn iuiwlerl down al a iiictiiig to r-,4, Mtf Job in Vancouver, At wnM unaniiiMiiil)'f nm occupied ilh mallets of .-tenv iclil here lal nighl. lie Irieil fur one hour lo speak bill without ir nwiary macliliinry Hlifiii(ilioy llclglili, ami tin ilw iniiiUlHlr nnrryliitr mil Kruff lllver IMta, pointed out Iwnetlriarr interest. 'Hie fund prip"-elerst) f'"1' iicri. Hi heurmg wuk prevented hy the imUe whicli was lUr .irk Tlil will nUil that lli" espriidilurc would m dUemnwd and Mia ftinn or i'1 :ppiiroiilly organized in one pari uf the hull. A. Fernmloe, It, rlKlidiliirw "f Hinilllilf. niorr than Justified by I lis rr-II I'nHlniMHl H I . ..iIim Willi ! veteni organizer fur the Americiiii Federation of La.ior, va wiin-li will iiin;lia.' an I In dial would ). obtained the with liim. ireenl I mailer h iidoi ii on platforni iHMrifnir dikI "tiwt ami in I hi- Ihiik run would wun ..j.lin I T' ilHTCII-IIIK III . of li II i iintlerstiiod thai the disturbances were due lo the pri's Till rwrtlilliiriulnllnil reolmmy for the elly. The decision. ftVr watt iiimiI'- nl lHllllt IlliallitllOII. HlC Hirtmiiun'iil - fi'.iii III- vh'im 'lice of 11 number nf One Kig Union sympathizer nnd member;! i.r I - (luri-liNOf :liiislolii In I iif I i it Ci niiu "i.inlnv niiflil rounriy ly iun-hsliiK nni ha been instructed . i .. ollowing the lend of the trealment given the prominent Inlcr-iiitioiial Fu:2d ;iiSi!' -r Ktalili. - a TharkiTy. tint lirw road In order t mariiinry leader in a 'eeeut meeting ul Winnipeg when he was linn in Midi to .uh.n i pmni- . iiiiiuedialcly. mid without wail-mif iXTinlriiilnt lull nrlmn IIH'Hl. All interest . i''i.irl irevenled from speaking. un'u Hii" iii''"inl nit'i'i - fur till ihmI meelluic of the tlial iilmiillfd ly Mi-- llai-rgnnl tf 1 allow nldriiiii i obinlii council. li tin- U dl'-v '1-ine. Tin- mallei 1-l -i l' Mi FEW MEN OWN FRASER RIVER BLOODY DOINGS INQUEST HELD OVER ariu elnirrli oiuamat Ivlt- v :j - BODY ChMS. EiMBLETON doall with. Th it.lej.-ale,. t" Mr FLOODS AGAIN Mti-ru'iMl Kynod I -1 : n'fi' i:aii 1 II W .....I Mi II I. Mi-Ill' -ll Verdict That Deceased Mt Death the bus ll ....wih: in s- multimillionaires and Nobility Roads Protected by Nicomen tsl-land By Own Hand Whan Tarn- jnexia.ti lie. (Union llix pre..i; ii Are Chief Proprietors in Dyke Closed Breach poraclly Inaana. a rvH i.n the Aiiirlx-un lu . fMfU Klllad and Wounded; Lorry Br.tiln. Faared. Una leu I tUlllene of llrlli.ll l."l illl llUeked and Houses The inqurl Into the death of bin. A arrat Irll.iiU" w imiil l.y I.D.NIlOX, June 1. -The most Entered. llii lair lluarlf W. I'.inMi-liin CanMi Ills ArfliJ'lln' iu Vrr alunlile coal posicKiiioii in VA.NCOUVKK. June U. The . . .. . Kraser tlive.p i jililt riiutf.-and i .u .ii. t.r..M -1 h uua II.a r.i in. v in' upland and ScnUaiul.iire.-vurd. iUtre fi'nudfhf of alt inulli-tliliniiaires al "Vale "aiid Mission thet flood JJJIXtwue if,,Mft-ll. '.VcMulllii. and ariialt-iiialK"nSIUil - liad ln-ni y'a men. memiMTs waler has becmue daiiitcKius of Hie irr-r." -"- - rnaiillml In m tenitri IH-inff rr- niniir. Mrt 1UI L Wararr la (rhoa horn John field, a irralllir manufacturer and Two roads priHreled by-the Xini-meii ("rr ""' Vn lunird that "tit" drceard mrt Thla morning. .of Ue. mam arrtouiTy wounded, hat irlvrn herself up to New mliiltty. Iif iiiairy rases their C. Tork police authorities. S! diuppeared unmedutely after Reld shot. dyke which wn last year, ihl ttirrr irn. tm wmnrn hl. ,,,(. i,v i.,, ,mn han,i ,-,.(.. ii.- .,.iiiy. 1 a si possessions were inherited, tSnUonl developnienu are exsected. have overflowed, been closed u.ial.l". ..iiinl.-d. i'lie Duke of llamillon owns vast wTrr HJUI tlM,M,rBrtiy ui.anr Ttie wrrP rm . A rfMirl wm- breach in the r- m mmrd ulnlK'li al . ,.i..... h.i,-h l.nuiithl mil . ..1....11 ........ n v....ii,... slates in l.aiiarksliire. He is fearing a dyka f iMti'nan wn. .u ni-d ! -...-.... j-cU 1. -n, .-.wa,-------n un wnn,P.III.IIIII Minruiput,aw ' n'lalinv tlml- '7.1 1 OIL PIPES TO WITORSARE 1 desceudenl uT .William lloiiir-ii. 'which is already showing seepage. -i..i.mi4ti.-- and la a liUl I- wln, tir. netuni of tin IraKnly r Mn( f . ninniiflu plwli-d first Karl of lioltlas. Lord VANCOL'VKH. June U. ,Tho. - ! ..rlil n. IIHHIOil It .ill ....I.I..I.-.I In llix Ittnl iiri-KH on r... il... It.....li.i..i. I.n.I lt.Hti 1.mil ;oicey. recently made a baron, is ui.-i' from ItiHr td- al n,,. dav follirwinc Iti" orrurrner. j PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVING IN ietieed'io lie Ihe' wealthiesl of Kraser iulo lliver Ihe llirealciis New; W'esliuiusler lo over-fliw Lord London. roal kiuxs. lie ltwtdia- and mi-re i(.t T"' " will hW w.nk A fuucntl imkf lleiort mi tli Juiaiwf farm lands Pumps are nl wort ond Lord fiaiusfirrd also j. tilirnt-d. ui ll.x I lit lirliifi rjiurrli In- i.. ii,u iif v..-.- inmlr Itv err' mines. on Auuacis Island lifliiu; sixteen 1 - ui i-otnny 'rk mrrw nflrrnnon. TIm follow- ijiniHi It. A. Hit iiiol IIii-hI Men Recently Comlnfl From Fort VANCOUVEF wn important thousand gallon of water ix-r killed wlii-ii lliry IriiHl lo nil Hip iir : t. . lun w. t . Iltmlilimok who imm line wrrr Norman Say This Is Most , Iimir hack iulo Ihe river. Fields ' .. . .. .. .I ... .. .... jr . . . . Hart. InWIian. I.. I laorum. roilirHlllirnio lo III" iMlirrtK 01 (Feasible Route. 'WHITE PAPER" IS 'are afloat south of New Westminster. 1.10 Ili. hnn.n.l. C. 1" Wrilaway. .r. Ultraiilil. Main Body Delayed by Slide V .! WoVeflfld and l- Mr-, Airlidwipon (.mIIihimi rfrli ISSUED AT LONDON C.N.R. Near j. Mi'limiiK'll. "f VaiiriHixrr. (wn. Kamloops. 10 BRING DOWN . ulloiisli Jon 11m- work nf Hir Indian Mia. ' r. ll nlori-ki'i-piT lit liarnark. Iioii in conjmyli.m willi lliirnl . 'iviiil'l't,Mi f...... n M..... Purports to Contain Text of BRITISH FARM -..i.:in WOl-l' Millllllmllllll pAMXPtimM-fi oil tinin.i. n, -uni- PRirF OF fflAI JUSTICE GREGORY I Iran Hiililrok ami net. J. u riwnl trip of llir I'rtliet'io Mnry ,.r of Uu- wrvkly mm-Moii if thi Treay Between Ireland and liillrll. nner IihvImb iiimf- tlw trip I" I'orl inadim, prr-.H!. AxsiM'ialjou. Soviet Russia. LUiiL! ar- ! I.unrhoon wiw pnnidrd tmlny ACT REPEALED ROTARY CLUB AT Nornu.ii l.y of bkagwny nnu . way 'inriiio I ..Ml. II..ir L ii.ltt..B. ...a.r II.M rjw, ((jr, I1H,rl,intt ft,r I.I I.NlKlX. .June ".-.-The (oiv-erii'unn'l" . .... ..f l- An-liln-w'a 'liltelinrie. held ii'a'f issued '"h "while mrn 01 ruoiio nomas ana LUNCHEON TODAY VomiMtV Auslhary uiinuat ronvenlion lo n Tlii" ntnlcd Unit lli riMili- Mo-y of which iaper" Ihe lexl pur-iMirls "Cliuirli. anil The lliere Unlay lomorrow." Cal Inlerettt Opened look IIh quirkitiftiid citnichl With This Action Guarantees wax In lie Ihe draft of the pro- main liody. which i detayiil for This Morning. 'Ho- H.li.iiiilMrnlloii or j.iiirc way uf HftUiUi uilo llie uil I'otin-try v . i:.t-,r ... ... ... ,,,r ...... and Powers Will Ba hours account pHA rl'dcf!,!-" m tin. rvrniiv.. ...d t.y LABOR PARTY WINS in tin' winlne ttoi. Mr. Mt-Hiiiuiell 011 leu Ilio i;aiiauiun on .niniuai-. - uau... .. i.ilii'ii' Kovh"! OovHrntueu! and the Discarded, Mt nilUA j, u. ork Mr. Junlicr eiiTory wiiit wan 11m W f (Ih nunin tlml Hi" KamlmipH. .cuiiiprixes "llepnhlie of Ireland" which it way imiu, lei a HI. All- )f III IIIUIIIU ilou II Mo iiucat nf liuimr at llir llolory SEAT IN ENGLAND iuomI fi-a.itilr way rf, gRlliux oil neWHiiiiperiiicn from all seel Ions is slated was seized in liubliu. I.OXHON. June U,-The llril-isli t "' '"Si 111"UK Itir lillfx uttl. Cluli Itinrliroii lirld lliin allrr-IIIMIII. mil will b' lu ImiiIiI k pipe line lo of (winailii. A civic welcome lioverumeul bus decided to hi Hi. rr-porl nf Ali. Ifcii-'i 'I'lir Judtff nld that many tViXim.V Jinn- 1'. Tin' !-clnlmii lid.'waliT al Slnwart or I'rinee will ! accorded I hem. 'Hiey will BOUNDARY BETWEEN repeul the Agricultural Acl of K ' . who rn-i'iilly innili crown .nM'Mfclly.lowli llirouali in tlir II')vomI liiion liipeil. The distance. In fcuid. Hpend Sal unlay uiul pari nf Sunday last yea. This means thai Uii.!,i,v ,,,(,, . rliarun. of 1...rri..i....i 1 If I II' 1.ptmi'ttmn Ill of l.aiieuiliirv. inMi.i.iUili'd hy tin-rloiiliiin would not Ih iiiore than limi or in Vii'tnria anil 111 Vuurou-ver. ALBERTA AND B.C. (luaiantei'd prices to fanners ItW..,.. ,., ,, II..,, ll'i,, Wl.un 1un1al poll diartlinillt. It-ferruiB of Allerl llliiinoi'tli I" ;mi iiiil. - ami tin' uiKhcKt allilmli' and minimum waxes lo laborers niiio'-. 1I1 in iiiuriiiiiK to the rK-rnl HoIiiiimi I ln jirrriiui'. rontilli'd in viulory tvollli. lie 1.3IMI fet. BEING SURVEYED as well as power to compel cul. tin- li Ur Ills ilo-y muda iiii" Hi tivalion of Ihu laud is discarded. a oufi-ri' Iir. 'I'liwn I rial al for lln- lahor parly. Tin' ltKl,r'' III. it-ip 'MJii'iai !PirKii!liitinii from l.tinUliip ntHlril Hint tin. .....rafl uurr . nun, t.iim'i. t oi l Xuriiiun counUr iook jui; LUMBER BEING KIl.MilNTiiN. June 0. II. W. ' 111 11111 il. uiul iiiiiulnii'ul f,.r II..' nrowi. w "'.' ' ,., ,,,.,,,,,, CuallU-i. Lib-cull Ihree llioiilll- frolil till' Imn '.aullcy. and a parly of eleven DEVONSHIRE TO SAIL N elm iiiiiitu .nuiiiilt.ilii.il. .if tlimutfli tlir aflloii nf tlie. IcnMiig Vuiicniiser until lln'ir rr-luili. men, have ii-fl f..r (lie llritish w 1 ... in not nllindiiiK miffio- rr"' , HELD IN PRICE will I Mini ill coal ieiil,r pollr Columbia border where they FOR ENGLAND IN JULY I IN .iik.,hI,. iciilly I" di-talU wlirn ciill.-d l fall W'T llU ill Hi- be encased until late in tho i!lew7'!r teo 1K1LENINE WILL HAVE murkiiiK out (lie border between ELECTION 1UIET Will Embark -on Empress of i MONEY Chrrge Made by Federal Trade Ihe Iwo provinces. The reason's pcoil tliiiiiM-leH In M" tliat TO SATISFY IN SASKATCHEWAN Commission Regarding Pa-ciflo proirramme comprises the completion France on July IS May WHER BOAT wr:,d;r;;:;" :r interests for help Coast Industry. Vellowbcnd of the I'ass boundary and Ihe between Inlev-nalioual Pass Lord 8yng. . rrnl'n d-imrtiin'iit in mu-li cu. j Expected Martin Administration luinler. The wijrk. is .r ornvWA Jlune 'tl.Tlie luk HITS ICEBERG iiKIU.IN. Juno U.- II i ri'purlwl Will be Returned With j WASHINiiTO.V. ji. 1... June . beim; done under joint arramie. Wild Huchess of Oevtuishire and ARMISTICE AND tlial (iiTiiian and llrllili fapiul- Big Majority. (CbaiRi's thai liiiiueis and 'iimiuu-ifnclniers ineul belweeu Ihe iwo provinces, (heir family will sail from Que. iU, iiii'lialinu: IIiiho StiuiK's. have of Ihe 'Hoimlas FlrJtc- I ibeu uu July ID for r.nicland by tmrlMn Fralnht Rlom.e Char. THANKSGIVING iMilmnc into an arri',t'"'"1 r,,r lllKilNA, June 0. One of tho gion' on the I'acilio Csmst are or- SULPHUR RAIN AT the Canadian l'acifiu Ocean .iplniliilli.nl of IliiKKian li'inli' on qulelesl provincial ulcctiuns in Kimiied lo llx the prices of liim- sleainshin Kmnress of France. Umplng Into 8U John's. TO BE SAME DAY Illl! lllllllTstallllillU lllUl I'M'lllil'r Ihe Inslory of tho province of her by 'concerlei: restriction or i DAWSON YESTERDAY'11' "ew fX"" HAI.IF AV .tun.. 1.1'lint' rrfiuialnirl III' rnu Suskulchewan is in progress to- production" liaxe been made by nor general, Lord liyntr, II Tlir Amur- tbiy. II is expected thai the ihe Kedernl Trade I'.ommission in the ' Juii'" V -Anui-tli'f inciil In tin' natiNfai-tiiin of tin' j HAWSIIX. June V.---Another on Allaati(ic. 4l I lt flltl I OTTAWA. "UHl Oil II IMS Ik administration under thai il has submitted I" Libcriil report "Ulltl tt. a. Tliunkaulvlmr linaip'lcri. a 1 sulphur rain similar to Ihu' , - iMMii riiuiuH' tx a lor hay and 1'ivinlcr W. M. Martin will be .mi Va 1 Canada will In fulun' le r- pliem'iiii'iiun of Iwo year njro GENERAL STRIKE IS ivlunml with n law uiujorily, j ' t'K" 1 i-fi .j.. frj ftJ ,., , ""-Mb : was' experienced here yeslerday. 6 I l Hu' a. ai'i'oidinir orilljiiili'd CYCLING PATROL WAS especially in view of the fact that pi VIMr TRIP FROM OVER BUT SHIPPING Ul si b 1.a t .1 if .1 Hay Acl wliih w" nJ-ciMilly sixteen 01 us nieiiim rs, im:iuii-i rviiiinmt nnTri inn . ' .Ii" ati-aiiifr Co. pum..d l'y ll" Canada"f AMBUSHED IN IRELAND k llirm) mibiuel inluislers, wee II A I CAY TQ OTTAWA uAVYOUW IIUILL Wln IS STILL PARALYZED Tlirounhout 1,,.,, w iroo.M'liiiir In Iter Ctoiiimon-. returned by ueelamatimi ul thv --- --- -- - k Tlw emit is loitk. rviM-y yi'ur tlm Mummy i" ' l'. iKdicc numinaliiiiis lu- I Thursday. Six- DIES-LONG ILLNESS 41 wliloli ArinlKlU'i' imy. IIIXFAK'r. June -A I HALIFAX. June . - lliut CIIIIISTIANIA. June. V. The, A( "iti,i, " ''MH'elcil nlin will wwk mi ambushed ty-lhrei' seals are to be ftllind al Novi'IiiImt II. ofcur will la- oh-aii'tl cycliuif pnlryt was tins election. There is Utile op- iiniil pllnted by Col. HulH'rLei'J.ic OAWriftX. June; H. James II. irencral strike is ended but Ihu Ion.... ...ii. ... inuiii.il t u a li'iful holiday I'V near Ncwiio und one coiistablo l .....ii ..... I., it... i.il ni-iiim.iil mill .Hill ' .1 1 1 11 1 II I lli-own. lefl here O'Neil, a pioneer hotel man, 'dock workers, stokers and eu- J l liil.-u Klaloa Hhlppluir piticliiiiuition TlionkKgivInK Iy Is dead and uuolher killed wouudeil.and iii.nl w-iiih there Is malnlv oum.itlu uiwunw tut Otuiwa, unu is.diwl bwo afler a liusecinj; (II Kiuecrs remain out. riliippiiig.ls Two hln Feiners were thus till tied fium wltenevor uppulnU'd. .expected to a.-rive there lumUrrow.l ues. up Norway. Vliv' "'"w "U'nlieis Iwch- liall In, wounded. ing Xroui tbu Iiidopendtiiit rank, duy. una vu uborvcd uu thu amo