PAGE 0. THE DAILY WEW8. Tin..,i.. . . VANDERHOOF FINE ADDRESS G. H. Arnold - Notary Public Hay Heid, n returned soldier l7Tonight has been uppoinled forestry pn-trolman BY ARCHBISHOP Westholme :: Theatre FOR SALE for (ho Yanderhoof district. Tomorrow Alright A two-apartment dwelling houso on liordcn Street, No. Subject Taken Up At KUll, wild unc lot. Fully modem. Property in now rented Absorbing lonight, Ihursday e!t'k OgMmi ha been down Opening of Synod Meeting for ISO per month. An excellent neighborhood, llcautlful Hie .Knurr Hivcr country In- Last Night. iiiarinc view. A bargain ut 13,500.00. vestlirntlnir land for the Soldier rhilsehHvileiiiNir tu listen (u Set I lenient Hoard. Hit? lerliire. dsier'd liy His H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Malllo'W Thomas, it Stony Urneo rvhblslitm 1 lu VH ! Insurance Rsntala Real Estate ut H. .ndirw-"i t:iiunli Creek Indian, luu been com ev ruing mitted for Irial by t red Iraser. ORMCS LIMITED on "IliTenl IhseoVf rieii In Misl-ern stipendiary magistrate,' on n Psyrlitdtigy, '' relaletl lo LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS. charge of murdering "hi wife health, rfiarnrter it ml Itappinitss" i on .Sunday evening, April 17 laid. HAZELTON were nreortletl hii inlelleelual in I.nkelse Hot Springs Trifiisfer The rM! will come up "1 Hie trenl, as well being given fiH Bring Line, opcralinc ears ano Iriiiks forthcoiuiug llting of life Assfic Humphrey 11,-iyjies u fined for deep thought and eurnesi from Terrace, ritrryiiiR pussru. court at Prince (feore. 9I5U lust week Tor having a rouslderntliMi. Your sit, freight nml liugvage;. Hales: beau-r skin in hl possession. 'the lerliire, wliteh vrttn it pnrl $3 per person with way or $5 return On Vedncsday, May SO. a son . of Ihe progrumim iimititretl for if mining bat-k came day. was horn lo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. Illney of Ihe Traden and the meelitig of the Anullenn Synod Old Gold Freight and tiiiggiige oho cent per Heid nl Iheir residence at Cliilco. Labor Journal. Toronto. has of the llioeesn of l'.itle.loiiln old pound. Vie mt'et ulf trains. putrhased A 10 nores of laud, being held in Ihe eity, wus attended Nearly every line lias some John l. Cbarlsoii, llalph Prouipl M'riri Careful dritiiiK. ndjoiuriig Hi Mite Lake and by u larye number of the until jewelry around which is Kl and A. G. Murray, Wire or write for information. range, arc went over lo look TPovrr, upon members of Ihe rliurt'li. and dill nf dale or mil in Use. the enumerator engaged in tak t MrookiiiK Waile. Terrace, 11.11. !ii rerent visit here. v left many others it well as by inosi Wn run makt it oxer mlo ing the census in lllis district for Prince Huperl tin (lie Thursday' of Ihe clergy of Ihe IHiH-ese. some new ilc-ij.'" or nay you (lite the preference wlien yon train oeeoinpaiiying Tom Student of Psychology, rash fpr wlial yon go not need. liny lo tin iixMi-litf nl who ntHcr-tises MYSTERY DRAMA AT Moore, preshlenl of the Trades His I i rare iipeueil his address y Voii' inay lie Mirprtsrd what, in the daily liewspaperM and and LulMir rouuvil of Canada. by lelliug his heurers Hull he you en ii do with omo sscein-Inly buy udvcrlird goods. WESTHOLME TONIGHT had Ihmmi an anient sltnletil f Il is rumored on gool niithor-ily. usWes ui'tlrlu. psyrhology for Ihe last thirty that' nnd pulp a new paper .aTaTSaTBTSI i Mill II laTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTr' John Bulger Adapted from Novel by Frances mill will ! established at Kit 1-maat years, having roine t rontuci Jm ' if rll I'HV ROBERT during lili youth when n pr Kimmo Greene.. n an early date;. J5RUNTW Jeweller lessor at Toronto. Willi Ihe lead-lug . ;, The thanks of lh .New llael-lon sluilent", nf p)rhology. win "The I lev II In Pay." a Jiowerful ehtMil hpys, in eilrlided lu were Jtlsl then bringing l Itgli' ba'tl of MiyMrry tlnima, n one W. W'utlle, inaiiagt-r of II. it. the inielleal npiiellon of tins the most seicolilie ili- SMITIII Its SCHOOL. iini.-i.Mli.' seienre in relation lo (Uiiiiiliighaiii .V Son, for n new- new menial 0 erlr f (be il-t-aihs nml ailapl. V'Tli.E Ti :nTnvi:Ton. fool ha 1 1 presented In them this healing. He. loriidoned I hi ml fpofn Ihe well.kiiowit; mystery M-aW-d Ti'IxIits aurs-rsi rltml "Truster week. Mr. Wallie U an enthus. debt Hie world owrd tu Uerioaiiy. inuiH-r scn.B.1, iii up i--rln-i1 b uori uy r runri's .iiioimi tiri"1!!'. ilw- linitirtlilp lis- Vlnl.lrr nt VutiM ' iastie supporter of football nml Austria, and perhaps more r- .rk-!l ,lv 1.1 rtf it ilill,'o'rliM'l IU iWH.n r,M nf tlM Tursdajr.- he shown tonight nml lo-lilprrow take, a greal interest In the boy ally " Knue for Ihe great Mountain Park i 0H and r Kiiplii.n of imn riKiin MI at I lie Weilholnie Tliea-Ire. of Ihe district. iIIeoverles thai eminent think TO PAY Him to s. Iv-..,ii-.- il Smlthcr. In tpr The ral is lieitilei) by Mirh rrs and seiefilisU had made ami Fro nccJ Aumim j Ut wne rin. s rlflf-iii,). o,oirarl.'k1 Fm esf nblislieil slarjt of Ihe srrern a Several sawmills are resuming which had hroHighl uch untold r ic-wcr mi) lir sen mi anl after iw Hoy Siewarl. Holo-rl Mt'Kiin. Frilii in order lo rut th1 i" aty r June. ism. at lis- uRir nt: operations up blessings. The study of p Black Diamond .1 "lirl J. VahtKiy.II.mim-. Vaitftimrf.tun., (Imrmirorai v A mil. Itruneite. J..-.-).It J liowlin and Ioka Hint are on hand. If con clmlogy as rvKunU no-nittl Heal With an All Star Cast I. M. VrMulliu. ti.q., OoTrreUM-m Arroi. (ieorge Fisher. i' dition are favorable logging I ii was liol a fad mefire by (Great West Coal Co. Ltd.) I. Hi I rllln I rrl.B. lluttrrt.SliiltlM-r ttirwr. E-q.. Srrn-ur to Srliool will in next be fall.airnin aelively engaged rnthuaiasl. bill was rather Hie A stirtlinff c. pose of life in rt'gh flacw; a tidal r lis I (fmrlnH til of l-ubllr Work., sum tola! of Ihe coiH-lusMOt. ar. of COALS ; i-tirla. B. C. rivesl nl, by Ihe fieri, ami inteosi wave suspense. i TIv lom or ui.v lllFr nut urn-Marl li basebSl'schedule I airrplril. WEEK-END studies of many of Ihe world's ; Puldir r. Workt fiiiup,tnirtnrer. greatest thinker, ti was lb Snub Pollard Comedy "London Bobby" We have been appnintt'i. I'uunr The schedule for the season rk iwearllHrni, latest and If real est science and agents in this district for Vli lorix. B. C SPECIALS follows: May Ha. tJI now t ti p siM I its rtsMigoiitnl plac Paramount Magazine, "Museum Mysteries" these well known eal.. The June 10 Sons of Canada v In Ihe mrdieal and eduenlloital former is rnal MIXKHAL ACT. a bjliimiuous Hod Sox. CANNED GOODS. world. and the latlrr is stib-bi-liiiniiKiiis (Form F.1 Prices - - - 15c and 35c a June 15 Hed Sin vn, Klk-t. whlrh defined Psychology, was Malkm I lest coal, liolh of first CEnTIFlt-ATE'oF-MiTU IMdlOVKJIETS.E. s Apricots 40c June 30. Suns of Canada f as Ihe science of Ihe soul, was rlas quality. "Vanrjr llitik. rtw fairh i Klk. ' lillli" ixl -M ! s." Mitirral Malkm liesl lloyat Anne in a word. Ihe knowledge involved a taiim. s Tlie lilark Diamond coal ha tltuatr In tbr Maa Itivrr Nlnlnr Ixvivlun June 21 Hed Hot vs. Sons of in Ihe bringitig of Ho if i:herries. ; V s 45c ' a greater sale in Kdninnton t.ioolar IMotMrt. Canada. (Sod the huuiMli mind The Theatre VMwrr linW;. Alxiut to ml Ira up the Jnaker lied Piltrti Clierrirs. -vs. Irulti of lit Empress lliau any oilier domestic kittault llivrr im a inbutary kniaa a June 2J Mk Hed Sflx. Tlie greatest of French seienlisl. Ulark Bar 35c 3 tins HKrr. 1. Heavy park t Llk of Can July Soiu coal. Price delivered sacked TAkE .XilliTE lliat I, trmf W. fatnorr, vs. engaged in Ihe work espresstl Mountain Park, .f 15,00 i WrUrtil..M.t:. So.F..MX.Jr,.i n.a.J-)A7-Ct,rrfl for nrr Airrrd M F. ingaiirt;for Hired K Pineupphr,$1.00 Bda. it ns "The law of reversed effort." Tonight, Thursday per Ion; lllnck liiamond wnrbt. Irrr toiirr'a Ortinau . .. July 8 oii. of Canada vs. I.: Dora L VVrlitlil. Ere .Miis-ra ortin-ile is llals 2 for 35c; 6 $1.00 lied So. screened lump, M.OO per .o. 3r,99 :; Mary V. MarLami. Err His lirnce, . while going tmi :iit, Crrtinratr So. IITII C; Atrtaid'-r le Motile Hired Peaches. July I3--Hed ft is vs. Klk. Ion. Uiisat-kcd, 8lf.?5and and Ihtiiiglilfully Into carefully S-nilh. Irr MliHT'a lrllitralr No. J7IJ Is. tails 30c 18 Sons of Canada sIXL'j respectively. Proper llirlurd B. Llniry, spr-ial Err Kiikt'i) July vs his Mibjcrl, gave many examples Are Orunritf o. 7S. ; Ia wi fjiniis. rnt LibbvV I tarl lei t Pears. Is. Klk. ' legally weight guaranteed. Can lake Mnirr') Ornnralr .Mo. i:. and J.J.n In relation ! the training oi you Ullls 30c July 22 Hed Sos Sons of Bulrr. "Tlal ErM Vns-r rtilri vs. order now. fordHivcry I71h . children's minds when yoiiug nml miml. llv rtavs fnau iim nau Del .Moo Is tails 1 1- Aprirolrt, Canada. June and ufler. IsTrof. In awly lo lis- Minlna llmtnb-r Ihe effect of menial suggestion, for a Ortllirai of linprutrrturiitM, fin th , 30c July 27 FJks v. Hed Sot Married We feel Ure if ou gic IHirt'Ku- of 4iliiounr a i;nn Uranl of ' in rasps of healing disease and rarli of Oip alsiVr rlallo. Combination Spetal. August I Klks vs. Sous of these coal, irial menial disturbance. ejieeiully a that yoi ASD FfllTIIEIl TAkE SOTICE .that a--' (Juaker TtiinaUw. Canada. will atislicd. lion, under rrieMi t. n il im ra.... dwelling on Ihe numberless rase Csit ,e thoroughly with All Star iitf-iH-nt tM-fun- tur lvur of mrb tun- Irving iUnu ? i August 5- Soils of Canada vs. in iil'ralr of Inipmtrrinriilr of shell horkel soldiers' who mir.u inia inn n. or Aim,A. II. If I. Onaker Peai, 2s, lied Sin. had been restored lo health 'SCREAMING SHADOW Philpott, Eritt & Co. OWU W. PAfMoI.E. As-orlet. eipjjil (iiautlllen AugUl lOrr-lteil ftlS VS. Klk". through psyrhologteal Irealiiient. . . . Aiiirusl ibp-Soiis- ,of Canada Ford Canadian 'Fruit Crcwinr" MIXKHAL ACT. of earli. per do. $1.90 The lecture look an hour and Magazine - - - Hays Block, 1st Floor (loon F Watch this Spree for vs. Klks. a naif. ami. at uie eipirallon ut Phones Green Additional August IU Hed ftix vs. Son 317 and 555 tl.ltllHcATr. OF IMIHoU.MtNTH. Specials. Hint lime, Ihe audience atlen-llon . o T I I. E. i of Canada. ' Standard of Empire Pump- still riveMesl, il was rvjdenl "Eazlt'" Miwral ' lalln. Mlualrd in lAa kin. ?-lb. linv 3 for 2So August 21 Klks .vs. Hed Sos. sk'Tiu Viuinr Mvi'Iimi rf iAtl lu.lrtrt. IhaL imt "f those present wen-bnnight August 29 Klks vs. Hons of Wlirri loralrd: Corrbrr Ulawl a1jiuu-ni Maid of Cbner Creamery uniieslioiiably to think Net LOrmt. We rusrs.te o-ir n it YOU TAkE n NOTICE Trial'-" thai Mineral Initio clalio.W. f-ainsmt. Holler in bulk 3 lbs. $1-25 ! Canada. .! deeply of Ihe greal truths that ttl 1 rl ssli.fsrn Foothills. I.m. 11 I. M i:. I9-.0I i:. rr September 2 Soim of Canada aprait tar4 Jt.C Cran. Suirar 9 lbs. $1.00 1 His (trace had put before Ihem in iaj'iii. iteoiar tiaj. rn ntttrra i j-r. sab Is" Ited Sox. he.t less vs. sjI Furnace Oal will Mere onrair lu. 3?r.r,3 :. iiiutHl, slily da limit. IH lbs. to rarh 1 regard lo many things lo d aurprla yoo COME rrnui Us- dalr Is-rrof, to aeply to lis! September 7 Hrtlftis vs. Klks. CONSUMERS COAL COMPANY, limiii Vllllui lie. for Ortllirale customer. i with Hie relalioiis of the 11! .riler a of Im mind Rook 11 SulTH liuica J: lsa MacUsbw. Msnsger liwwa? t-rffvi-iiirtit ft,r I lit jninor of otftaiiiiuff Junior League and Hie towards mailer wonder i i.roun t,rani ,r w ats,ve riaim. FIRST And firlli r uk i. ,11-, ilmt a' tioii. im-it We buy American Currency, June u King 1-lwards vs. Tiny ful results that were obtaining - M-ethMi a:., iuu.i ts- tjnui-tti--l Is-. rim. for, ;ir i-.iiatin' r - i u '.rlll.-lr of Silver, Gold in the modern Ifeaton-nt of dis llw Ui-urimr or oolirjr Hlr fur ni'l-rfivrti-rii' June 10- Tiny , TJiiis s. Dry iU Mill folhiw your li-ls. II Oiled thK tfl lias Mav. A. Ii HKI BUU ease pot it mental auu pnyeieai. Mill Ih- wrtllru ut nive yuurwir Hral I j:Vi- VV. I'ATUKHK. I locks. Ilirouifh Ihe psychological lurtli-is roimkli-raUoit. not u. II in uor June 23 dry Dinks tat. King of mental suggestion. The tJUatiH-sa lu lflil-r M-nH. It I'jlwanls. t-ur duty tu .luture you a llw Rupert Table Supply Co. June 30 -King Klwarls . Pictures of Islands. rilUfiiUM-ra MairauL Tonight, on Ihe conclusion of Vsir jioliry Mill du ill Uial au DE LUXE PHONES til, tit. Tiny Tims. lite conference, Ihere will lie a Holidays Coming! liuuraim! pollry .' It lu runir. July 7- Tiny Tims is lry are social gathering of members ut rvlliilurnuul Mill fulkiw rlljt ou I locks. ICE CREAM Ihe church mid clergy, when lie. lo Intl. Wlwu rrufwal dale tuitr-, July It -Dry Uoeks . King uu Mill lw roiiiUy uotlfled. All James (tilled, of Massed, will nirh tli-tkllr Mill be taki-ii rare ut Having enlargeil oof premise1! tUlwanls. show n looting picture film made til uii lite tluL W e are auiivua and insiulli-tj moijern niai'tiinery, July 21 King Ivdwarua vs. Tiny by himself on n special portable Outfit your boys now in readiness for tu m l on ube job. llart ubr Timi. mau we are thoroughly eijuippetj lo MOIR'S time rail. machine thai he possesses vacation lak t are of our ever-growing Ice Juvenile League ami wilh which he has taken n Our stocks ure complete in Cream June 10 Midgeln. Injile. Cubs v. McCaffery, Gibbons & number of scenes of life on Iho The ingredient used in '! Juiim II Midgels vs. Kalrons. Doyle, Ltd. Lute" lee Cream are of the best, Chocolates June 17 Falcons is. Cubs, Indians.Islands, especially Touring (ho among Islaad the Pants Special Prices fa Insurance Real Estate our cri-ain being imported from June 21-Cubs vs. Mblgels. with these pictures Im has giwti Boys Pboo. 1 1 P.O. Baa 1628 Mouth Iri-weekly. June 2t Midgets vs. Falcons already a vast amount of entertainment this week Ice Cream Is made dally on our CD Q June 28- Falcons vs. Cubs, n Ihe settlers. All will premises Strawberry In three and flavors Chocolate.Vanilla, June 2D Cubs vs. Midgets. lie welcome t) attend Ihe gather Running Shoes Boys' Tweed UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned A laborer ia worthy of brr MINERAL ACT. log. We also In .. specialize Neapolitan t -J- J Ami PrHAar4 hv WAa,M a-alir hire and s little bit more. 7ir"7MPRtjv:iU,TI. Pants Machine Method. Price rrason. bricks. When stenogrspher CERTIFICATE MITICK. Summer Underwear able. Oive ua a trial. We koliejl orders for Teas, doei your work make her Mamnsto. Tlrrr, Kihikiuo Miwral Phone liaiices. etc., and all orders good uainia, annate hi. the ominwa mnina nt-vlaKin LING, TAILOR BlaclcSOZ are happy with a box of Moia's. of Caaalar laainrl. Wtwra locatrdi Fine Sizes 25 to 30 given pecial attention and .delivered at HoTtier Or H'tiiMi mnuntam. Overtime loses its terrors, TAkE MiTlrt thai Tlie Call Minio by our own automobile. and -'pothooka" become roinpany. I.lmin-d, (Km-Trraonal Uabililjri Cashmere uncaiwu 51.75 We make nt Vanrimvrr. B. C., Irr Miners Ornorale Khlpments of prompt more interesting when she o. Kill c. lotrna, amy daya froin iim 'out of town orders. biw iwrnn, HI VVJ w lit Mininr n!-rordr 35 is taatlng such s reward. for a Certiorate of liriDrarrraenla. Sizes 31 to Wholesale in fnr tlie t'Urx" of obuinloi Crows Urania Bathing Suits PhnereiM57 Who cares bow hsrd on bf IIm autiva lialina. $2.00 cL 2J 5 gallon lots $1.95 ado rurttier una nouet mat tenon, tin Ti works when one receives iter auction JT, uiun fiv roinmrnrca Iwfore I and upward such sweet appreciation. ine uauanee n' men certincais ot no-provrinsfila, 0 etc. per r-alMn PaiMl this tlM dav of Marrd. A, D. lift. Two Stores J Chartered GEORGE and Auditor.Accountant RORIE DeLuxe Royal Confectionery Confectionery John Bilea L. Agent Christie The Inlander Jabour Bros., Limited ut Kuria a Bmalt frlDM C.A.,iluisart.Vaooouvar u4 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Pint CUaa Beardiaii liouao FUONB BUT r.O. Bei Mi Phones 17 and 193 Prince Rupert, B.C. SWSkm4 Avmu fkoMlIT' Corner Third and Seventh. ( Federal Building A, lUwhnlns, froprKUs'