TAQE 2,                                                                                                          toe daii.t isms                                                                                      Tue-d,,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "  It i

                     The Daily News                                       STOPPED HER                       LONCLISTOF

     'Published PinNQETRUPERT Every Afternoon, except BRITISH Sunday,COLUMBIA by The News HEADACHES              FISH ARRIVALS

              Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue.                                                                                          1 M ACD0N AL

            '     H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor.                           Years Of Suffering Ended         How Was 354,000 Disposed Pounds of of Yesterday. Halibut

             '        SUBSCRIPTION RATES J                                      By "Fruit-a-lives"                                                (Yn     Mm                     im           o

  City Delivery, by carrier or mall, per month                   11.00       113 If air Sr., St. Joim, N. B. RCO SALMON SOLO

  Hy mail to all parts of the llnllsn Kinpire ana me unueu aiaies,         "It U with pleasure. Out I write to            AT HIOH PRICES                                                 rier

  in advance, per year                               -          .18.110. toll you of the emit benefit I received

  To all other countries, jd advance, per year                   t7.o0.  from th   use of your mtdielae       Ton rnilomla    f linlilm! kiiM
                                                                         "Frttil-a-tiitt", mad from  ruit  yrlrnlny Hflornnon nl lli      nh              Moce Tobacco for the Money                         ii r   ,

                           TELEPHONE 8S.                                 juklt. I utt 4 treat imftrtr tot  oirhurtire) fur lii(irnriil cnl nlnl    I
                                                                                   from Xtrvom JitoJatktt
                                                                         may years
                                                                                                           Ihn  romniiiilfr      I'"  35l.0(Hl
                                                                         4iiJConitipition. 1 tried everythlor,
        DAILY KDITION.                      Tuedn.t,   lny 10, 4,021 .   consulted doctors;  but  aothlof  pontiiN fifTerlnsr o!il nl anrriflce
                                                                                                           prlroa fur liionl ruM  liirnar itur-mii.
                                                                          reined to help we until I tried
                                                                         "Fniit-a-Uves".                          'I'll ero wa nlo n ipinniily

  Dr. Tolmle Will                                                                                          of ahIiiioii liniullcil.
                                                                           After Uklnf went boxes, I m
  Be Welcomed Here.                                                                                           Inllowiiiir i the lll of irrl-
                                                                         completely relieved of theae troubles
       If lir. TYdmitv ran rom, I fi J'rlnco Hnpert for'lho opening      and bare beea unusually well ever vnW nilil sntea:

  of Ihe Fall Knir, priitcft ftupiPM people will give him n lirly        ainee". MLw ANNIE WARD.             llritiirol'l. m.00) fMiiin., ntul

  wekonie.    A     minister of the rrtiwn lie has a standing ami         60c.a box,0 for 3.S0.trial tie,23. Corn, ri.ono ikhiikI. in the Catin-ilinn

  inlliioiH. wlnrli im pnvnle ritiipnvan hope to June.     More Ihan     At all dealers or seat paatpaM by       IJh ami t'.tl Alurniri   l-i

  thai. Ii'r. Tulmie is one of the few really capable men in IIk ! Frult a tlres Limited, Oltavia,         nl II 5r nn.l                                       Canada's best bu'--the

  Mciglien caltinel who really nmlerstaml their luW.                   j                                     wnlurn. I.nmi rinuniU: Intrrril                          ECONOMY

       lir. Tolmie isva veterinary surgeon arid farmer,        lie has                                     II.. I i.ooo iiiiiiii.N. ntul lerit.                                          Package

  afwnys lieen intininiVly connected with the livestock industry                 SUITCASES                 rr, j.Dili) iiiiiii4, AnliLln Ihe

  mid with agricultural fairs where he hn         acted as judge ufi                                       lt.)nl r'ti C... nt II.Ro ii in I i.-.

  cadle, hdrse     nd other''livestock. ( He has a good        leal of I  TRUNKS                             llrullirr. 11,000 kiiii.N, onil

 eertitive uliility and general good sense.      Such a mail would !                                       Selicir. 10,000   Kunl,      li l

 Ji  an liMialioii-lifra rfiul tii!i?hLgive Ihe fair directors runny j           HANDBAGS                   hr llimlh rlheriia Cniia.liail Co

 falniude hints nil now In inipnivetlie fair and rouse interest in:                                         II I7.IP lin.l .r.

 the' nimii.) event.                                                         Tents and Awnings               luri.  1,900 imiuihN; l.iihin.
                                                                                                            i.Tiiiu loiiuila. ami flilfiinl. lO.iioo

 Group System                                                                                               HiiiiuU. audi lit Ihr A 1 1 in Kiati-
                                                                                                                                                   PRINCE RUPERT TIDES
 In Politics.                                                             j.'F. mTguire                    prir-ii nt U.ho ami 3c.

      Mnnitoha has been experimenting with Ihe group system of                                                Vnvr,   1 1.'uno ii.tuii.l, nn.l

 politics.'' She lias hail a (loveriimeut without a majority in tlx       112 Serand Are.. Prirww Kupert   M.lnriM, 13,000 iiuuihI,    .ill In         Tueaday, May 10

 legislature. Id -pile of Ihe fact that only a minority were                                                lie llnynl Flail Co. Ill ll.Sn nn.l  IUkIi, ?:3h a.m..      r.-.-t.       Contractor:

 elected tO'Siipporl the Premier, members of the other groups                                              5e.                                         Ij .lfl p in., iw.r. I. -i.

 have hesitated to defeat the noveriiment and precipitate a crisis                                           Martrnlice, 11,000 pnini, nn.l      l.o. (:I2 a.in.. ;M f.-. i.

 in provincial polities.  Premier Norris has Leen carrying on for                                          riielnin, 12,1100 pMfi.,   ftld  n           I :I5 p.iu.. ft.ii f. i.                                   AND

 some months with a gun to Ms head all the time and it needed;                                             Ihe IIihiIIi 1'l.tieriea Cann'lian O.      Wednesday, May 11
                                                                                                                                                 HlBh. 4.J3       H i f-r.                 Prospective Builders,
 a ioi oi rareini imee u prevent a conapse.                                                                at !2Jc anil Sr.                                 a.m..

      Uuder the British form of parliamentary government, the                                                While Lily, 2.300     uni, ami            I0:SS p.m.. IK.V l-i.

 executive holds office until it loses the confidence of parliament                                        Lcimoro, 51,000    Miun.l, to Hie    lw.         a.m.. 2.7 fwt.                    Nearest
                                                                                                                                                                                                        approach to                   "
 as expressed in a' vote.    Directly a majority of the members         KfABTVFNT T VKI: AMI ITSIIr.KIM Cjtnuilinn KUli ami OiM 5lnrnvr                J:y   p.m.. 7.S rr,i.                                           pre-war pmu

 vote agjtMttst Ihe . fiovernment, Unit Government resigns or is                ll-IIMHI.1 IIH.V II        Ci. at I I."p ft ml Sc.                   Thursday, May 12                Shiplap, Dimension, Boardi, Lath, Floorirl

 dismissed and another takes Its place.      Under thai system, Ihe      Trtrtrr ill ttf rwntvnl hi Ihn undrr Ynli.l. 11.000 uin.l; Vnli,       llijr'i. 1x13 a.m. 2. t fi . l

 members are usually 'divided into two large groups, those who fne ir-d riMrirr up m r it im ttiiittw tu inn.lannrlie i a r i. r fM" 000 iMiuiula.vnml Verpn, fl.OOfl 17:21 p.m.. 18.? r.-i.  Ceiling, Rustic, Kiln Dried Finish

Apict Ihe general policy of the (iovernmeiil and those who iiw purjKw sr ritnrne I'alrM, lo rrcn pnumN. mil.I In Ihe l'Aridr Hli-               Lm,    10:16 am.. :i     f. - i.                     AH in Number One Fir

;tppos   R.  This leaves plenty of room forv individual criticism Jnnr uy   I mli Mh In Is rj-imt-r mai Im.Iui.ant) l-ia w rnn or erioa at I .7r nn.l 5. JJ:Of p.m.. H.t f.i'1.

: on both sides.    In Manitolia there were several groups and b-Kl.pxil lo if lie not nnl Wo than nun Mini It feri ov'0 un.rr lUlnler. U.000 pfluml: Vikfnr.                        We have got prices down to rock bottom.

 those win supported the general Volicy of Premier N'orri       were Ry.ur.  tMiait mn,r ra ruiu arrv.ujax.aa 5,ni0 tmuiiila; Trvijil, 6,000 poumU rtic time uaed tn raeinc rttnn-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     lnect         stock
 less than half the Legislature.    The only constitutional test of iimi kulei.for and Ikrr miikdM or mure wp,tvr mra,quarlrn.dim aaifr,tivl and lla, 1,000 miin., m.l.l to Hi dard, for th 170th Meridian .el.;l our         p-icey

 sueh- Mipport. however, is In a vote of the Ilnnse mid on no an- U Ur rally rqnl-f'l.       Th lfnnirnl I'nclllc Filnrle   at ll.flr ami r,r. It la counlcl from 0 to 31 hour   ,
                                                                       i Vmw awl ri.ivri' w aaiflf vaiinr
 occasion whs- the Government defeated, except once in committee,      ano nturira.inr uiu in rprarr rre.    fto.e riit, H.OOO i..iunil; Hi del from midnight to mldnlpht-       I   Albert            &                              Lt(

         which is not considered important.                              TPavlrra parmritl aiVmra to be tm luaitr at low rnr dav dailv ral kj iune, s,oo0 nniii., ami liiira. The table given Is for I'orl I  McCaffery,

                                                                       biatt rk'l rwnmnr du in inmulii rnr       prtiinil. in Canadian l'lli Simpson but the limn for Crim e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and 504
Ship Launching                                                         rrpaiea nr Cavllf rHinn-nt.                                                                                                     Phones 110
                                                                        Termor In ! aMrfwt In 1. T. C Wll nnil  I'j.lil Stumor tin al   li.Tc Hupett varies only a few nuniite-
 On Thursday.                                                          Ham.. tuirUir ut  i.itw. pnnrr Hu
                                                                                                          nn.l Sr.
                                                                                                                                                              and      others I
                                                                           a. C                                                               on some days         on
      On Thursday next , the first Prince Rupert built ship will lrl.lu a in it      J, A VIIJIOHWH.I..      Wh il  War. 1 1.000 r"uml. nn.r Ihe same. The ranse of the tide

 glide into tlie waterymer Jjcmg properly Jiapdsoil liy Mr. C vN                rturf Int'ertoe 'T FUtwnr. Merry l     500 poun.N, lo lhr nay te computed as ft per cent

 Peck, vjlftttnf the rriernlrer fjr Ihe district. This will he a greal            LAND 'ACT.               Cunn.Jlan Klh an.) IV.Id Hlnrnif.- greater at Prince It u pert than at

 evPul locally,  it places Prince IUiperl op the map as a place                                           Cn. at I0..V and So.                Port Hlmpson both at aprlng and
                                                                       Kolka af Intantlm la applr to Laaia ta4.
where ships can be huill just as well as at any other place.        II                                       Slliverj. 8,000 KlUlld, audi In neapa,    inercrnre in  rie in w-I'rlnse
is fo he hoped Unit the two vessels now on Ihe' slock-will not           In Manre S. rjatl Uixl tHairlrt. Hrroed Ihr linadian l'lli and (ndd Hl.ir
                                                                       Inw Hfintt ttt ITiim- liunrrl. ami ailnalr                                     llupert harbor la sliirhlb
he the last, hut that the Wallace Company may secure more n MHldl I'l'Mii nir llui Aorili Weat abore nsc        Vi. at 10. r and Sr.          Hirater than Port Munpton.
contracts before the time of their lease            and will be aide   r kooimly Mland
                                           expires                                                           My rile, 13,000 iiiumd. anl.l In                                                                                    RAILWA1
                                                                        Take now inai t, Mtml K. Wrttnt, or                                     The height I In feet and leiilli-Of   GRAND TRUNK                  PACIFIC
to keep the plant going.     Everything i   there thai js necessary Hrtorr Hurrl. B. li. nrrnpatmn land aar hr I'urfllr ten PrfMlurU .Wirf-ia-                                  !
                                                                                                                                                 feel above the  verne level
                                                                       inw. Inland lo tnMr rnr Drnmaaum ta
to iiuihl ships and I lie          is working         liusiness lines.                                                                                                                           S.S. PRINCE GEORGE             ilint
                         company               along                     a ttm ratlawlni dVarnbrd liud:   tinn at 10.r and Sr.                loer low water.
We hope they will, he,able lo stay witJi us.                          it:miiwiMinr rnd '.f ine ai Hand a il liar knomn Dianiod a im"Ha tn Ilrnnrll, 7.S00 imiiniU. to Ihe             Mldmphl Tliuraday t-        k  n L    Of- J     X -a

Arthur                                                                   M.  49 rnaina rt or inn .iiirio a,l Canadian Hli and Odd Sluraifr             MlNKItAiv Atrr.                    ver. Virt..ii and    i',i  W          1
        Stringer                                                      n-rwr nr 1.1 S. Hanro i. iaal Oulnrl;                                                                                                           ALBERT
Visits the                                                   "        wnee arnnDd inn rnnrr mm nr. taaine  ji. at lO.Ur and Sr.                                                                          S. B. PRINCE
           City.                                                                                                                                tCriTifir.aTE if iMfaHAEviaflt.
                                                                         an inai Dan auuvr low uiirr vara.  Sliliu,  t.OOO  ttriunda, In Ihr                                               Ii,l f.Umanli Ma      ll IIm. ' I' v Hi
     "Who the Hell is Arthur Wringer t"          The distinguished aiMt nrriiummi     arena, morn or mat.                                                    . t i . r.                                             I-
                                                                                   MJHLII K. WRIUHI.        tnadian Fifi nn.l (Vild Slorasrr           -                                 mil hem Uuevn Chari"!!''
                                                                                                                                                enninu    "ttnUMua   o. f." "nm-
author is still chuckling to himself uver lhe crude inquiry "made       nalnd Una HI day nt April A. u. If II.                                         .              f   ad -VI
                                                                                                          C4. nl I0.7r ami Sr.                akU         "U ha.    o.   a                 lev,rti May l?'h and
by a leading local man when told yesterday thai Arthur .Slrirtger                                                                             tl" viwral '4a. aHaiaw la inn   aa                                   StRVIct.
                                                                                 LAND ACT.                  Kniiyoaii, t.000' nuund, lo Ihr Mirer Maaasa nrvia' nt I4ur IHalrtrl.
was hi lown.    Mr. hlnnger is a novelist and short story writer                                           Unadiiin Fiali and Old Plm-aicr     vvnnm Mr lira -tnt paaaraoa ima. an    la.ener aionday, Walnts.y and Satiirdiil
of repute who was here yesterday on an educational trip.          He VTICE or IMTITIU.1 TO APPLT TO                                          taalt mvnr                               for Mmiihera. Prince ;.e..rnr H   '
                                                                                                           Ut. at lo.fir and Sc.               TAKE notice thai Inula w  raianom.                                         1 1 '   ,co
is a Canadian and for .many year       lived in New York but returned                                                                        rem xianra 'nruaram v. itaai u arrai         mg dirert r..nne-ti-n     a   pi
                                                                        In I'rtnrn Rnnnrt Land Dlatnrt. Hnenrd. Silka, 55,000 pound, lo I ho fee tan Alm arm la Hun UWjMr ompaay                                     Steamtrdp unn
        in order that his son might he bom         Canadian.   He is                                                                                                                                   All Ocean
                                                a                     mi niitnet of coax. Hanre I, and stlaaia Canadian Fili and Odd K..f.i(re Lamimd. stm-rnrauaal I laMNty. rme via        Agency
now living in    Canada and    wording here,     making occasional       au lalaud lyinaT off IM nortft eoaal of                             rr  iPllflrala   4f!   :. InirM. ill                ran ta'orfhaJMe            w
                                                                      rurrnnr laland.                     tin. at tlr. and Sr.               dan rr.R inn dale neenar, K apMy l"                                              r nana T-
visit, lo .e,w York.     Mr. Slringer is the best interpreter of        Ta- nourn mat I. Jolloa lltdiaa'L r                                  Ibr Uiewr rtenirilnr foe a irttfirain "I         04v TW     Otvaa. IM V4
Canadian life alive today.                                            I'rlnrc Kuprrt. B. (L. orrLDalloo carDrntnr. Siinriar, ,000 (xiund, In Ihr fmpeovmnnnla. tor Ihn pairfwn 4 4llll.
                                                                      inirnd 10 apply for permiaaion 10 purr.bata Canadian Pih and (Vdd Mnrnirr at a i:ron Oram of rarn ttt inn above
     Mr. Stringer was travelling wilb the McLean's Magazine inn ifiiioiiia onarriuna lanna:                                                  eiain.
                                                                        Oinmmnrinr at a ooat Manied 00 an Oi. nl  0.Hr and.Sr.                 .t ail 1 1 Hinr n Tir inilil. inai animn, .
party.   McLean's is n national magazine with an          unsuitable uland about l.loa rrei normveamrtT from Ilriaii, 7,000 pound,   to  Ihr HlMlrr anriKiai as, mn.l bn eicmnnnrnd be .
                                                                      4AV. rwwr of Lot Ufl. Hani  t, coail                                        inn Haiaiw of .art lrrlinraln T
name.    II is making a fair bid lo liecome Ihe            Canadian                                                                          rore
                                                     great            DKirlri, thmre a Mind ton taiand to im I'ariflr S.o ITihIucU AaAnriiili.ui iHiprmnmeiaia.                                      ANAniAN         PACIFIC RAILWA
journal but to do so it must have a name dissociated from anyone      point ot roummnrrfnent and cooiaiainr It I                                HUH I hi  fain day of Narra, an.                   f
                                                                      arraa, mere or ln                   at  Or. and So.                    ISfl.
     person.  Out west we do not know McLean and do not care                         IUUL'1 IMOUI1D.                   Salmon.                             Lt.wis w. raiiaiiHi..                                    .aeatlfl OC  ItaVICfl
 ilionl him, but we       interested in     national                    riaind Maww rl.  ll
                      are                a
                                                     magazine.                                                                                                                                                                     Sernj
                                                                                                            I.tiiivn.l.il. ?,fi()o rrd mid 7S                                                      n r    Prvraef Sfpamshin
                                                                                 LAND ACT.                whllr. In I'ariflr Fiherir      nl in Tut mpnrvK iiMMt or urn nun                        Daw a vua
                                                                                                                                                          i iii.i vnn.                             1 , a . ... . ... - - - -
                                                                      tteiica of iRtanilan ta Apply la Laaae Land. 10.2c and 2c.
                                                                        in sknena I-and Dlatnrt, Rernniinf tii. Jranrllr, 2,300 red. In  Ihr   TAkt NOTICE that ov an iirrtrr of lli 1 1                 S.S. fmnivi.-                 Pi"l
                                                                                                                                             riaanmr Jenvn t qnni aaiwi apm vvimi.                                                from
                          Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE                             nr of CoaX. ftanrn (, aiid'titoale at rmad Allin Finder!: nt I fir.   Ufl. mavn   a alien to Man Andrr-i       For Ketchikan, junaau,         "ii
                                                                       f Union my, adjoimar lot III.                                         lo arae la Ihe drain nt Jraa Anrtrraon                                 30.
                                                                                                            Itunn, i 1,400 rrda   and   200                                                         '     9. 20 and
                                                                                                                                                                 .                                   May
                                                                        Tate noilre that Wurman H. Brodaurn,                                 aa of llm Ird ilar of krtilrmbnr. Ivfn,     Rupert
                                                                                                                                             alilraa pronf la Olnd wiln.' nn min ainn                              Seattle frord
                                                                                                          wlillm, In the Canadian Fih and                                                             Victoria and
                             MEWKElt OF THE B.C. DENTAL COLLET.K       r Prince Ruprrt occupation matter roan,                               iih rmaniirar f mi 14m ai rnnrr nu       ror Vancouver,
                                                                      irr, Intend to apply tut tmrmiaamn to Cold Htnratrr Co, at Ifiir mid 2r. lrr. ft. r... Inai ihn eat! inn Andrrann  M.w    " nnrf'94! Juna 3.                . r... !! "
                                     DENTIST                               tne follow ine draeniwd lanmi                                     waa linn after Ihn taid rrt day of arp        ---                        , ... sanon iw
                                                                                                            Knmia II., 3,300 rrd. to Ihr Innibrr. It.                                S. 8. "TEES ' from rrinre nur'               ,
                                                                        Lonunnnrtof til a poll pllnlrd on tna Canadian FMPaml (dd Slornjrr     II  a  furinrr nrdernn trett num r       '                                  ' ' "
                          Phone 575              Smith Block          viuth line or lot l, thnnre weat I rnaina                              Ihn iinlnr Im  iblulmd la Ihn -pally        FatU. M-tt Hay.
                                                                      more or Inai ttt kr J llrr mart; fnrnre Co. ol ' I rt.2c and 2c.       Vrai." a Virvraiiarme nrematina In llm      Vnnrnuver every Halurday n"'
                          High grade dental work at the lowest price.                                                                        roomy of l'nw  Hafmrt, for Bfirrn illi
                                                                       ontneriy f rhaint a Writ low atr mark;
                               I ean give the beat of reference.      (Imam rail I rtina mera or,MM to tutu                                  day-HaTrn inia I7in day r apni. ivii.                   r.u.rfvrL"
                                  20 yeari in active service.         water mark; ibrnes norihnrty aionr min                                    WII.IJM, Ma.lMIl a ti'lKM.M..
                                                                      wairr mark lo pott, contaimot 7 I'm,   Ten Years Ago                     K4wiiMr for Mann undrrwia, taneaim.

                                                                      more or tnt.                                                                                                               .  .. .  .
                          Clfice Hours 3-12, 1-E and 7-3. Opes .enlD,           .fURMA.t II. BODMllHT.           In Hrlncai Rupert           la the   rift r mi: riitfiT or filllfHIl .a-a   a A           I m m   rsjat

                                                                        Dated Jiauary t. lilt.
                                                                                                                                             n TIIK MTTI.Il OK THE "MlNMISTha
                                                                                 II PHOHTK.                         May 10, 111                 Tin  AOT     and
                                                                      II THE SLI'HfVF llMHT OF HMITIM       Tlu  f)hln   hoal "Fish Maid" If lllr: MaT'fl.ll  f TIIK FMl iK oi

                                                                      n THE MaTTCH lf THK AIMI.M1HA. liiriii-d t ii rt f in u aloriu four       iiiiia svifiMvv. nMi:trri.           UNION STEAMSHI f CO. OF B.J.W.

    G.     H.    Arnold          -    Notary Public                     Tin . ai;t   and                 uiili'ia from fiuiida  Nlniic  lut IH-nnr TAkK.'udm"VdTIT.tr. Hri.lhal l.i Vuane,Ihn i.rtlrr madr nf Ilia llm

                                                                      I  THK MaTTr.n of THE ESTATE Or' iiistit and Cajriaiit r.hria Jolinym laraiv-mahiii day nf Armu. tail. I a                                             '
                                                                         ALKXAMruH  W.  mitT. flkCEAHK.fi.                                            4rtmlfil,lral,.r nf llm veiatn ttt r..r "...      V'VHiVir        ' '
                            FOR SALE.                                   TftkE MiTirr  trial in nror or ma and liia rrw   if flf   men wern Maria aauirmann. ifcrrawd. and all iartir, f..r, l-..n ri.tv.fota and ".'"inMr, l   ,. "
                                                                      li'iiiMir r. MrR. rmmr. madn inn tin dav
                                                                                                                                             liavlnr riainia ayalnal Ihn aald rataln am
                                                                       r April, tilt, I waa appomlri Adminia. rnaVued liy Um IIhIi lua "Murinag" Irrrlor ri'li'lrfd In luruiah aanw Tirr1v tii acand vta
    A Lot on Third             Avenue        in   Block     34        ilrrnaard.raior io inn male or amianonr . aroii, of iJInxlon. When pfrked up Iho vrrlllrd nm -n nr Imfiwe ll thirty
                                                                              and all narlira liavlnr clauna                                 Rrl l tr i.f May. A. Ii tvf l, ami all parlir-ittatrLtrd
                                                                      arainal tlm aald Eauui amdmrrliy rrqulrrd men were clinjiinK lo Ihe keel of   li llm naiale am rndiiirril in liav
          Adjoining the new Concrete Building                         u lurnian aamr. nrimnrir vrrinna. lo n.                                tlm annMint 'if llmlr Inilrhlrdnr. In urn
                                                                      im or Imrnre ibn iu day or May, lII Hie rnpHiied loat.                 r.iriliauli.
    which is being erected there.    A                                aim an par una inoroina li in raiain ar                                          .                       i
                                        very desirable bum'neaa                                                                                        jmn ii, Mr m I l.i j la                                                     Broodei
                                                                      rqinrrn ut pay urn aarioiiiti ur lorir in                                          nmrlal AilinliiKlraUr. i                                              ind
                              location                                drlilrdiH-a lo inn forihwllh.        Karly llil  inorulun Chnrli'M ('.                I'rtnrr ltilmrl, II
                                                                                 JOII1 limrlal II. MrJl;LLt.l,T.liuintairalor, Slromhecli and hi hrolher, Uolin. Damrt UN Till day if May. Il

                 H. G. HELCERSON, LTD.                                 IHTED tM tun day of April. IVII.  alarled nr A I ire ,rni mi u prim,                                                               .           tine It M       andt

    Insurance                  Rantalt             Real Eatatu                   IX rHOHATE.             perl Ine trip in lln'lr H fnol uu
                                                                     IJI THE 8L'IHKMK OlfMT Of BIUTI1II hunt         Llnlon"    wliirh
                                                                                . COLUNHM.                    "Andy          on        ihoy    Batfs
                                                                     IX THE MATIH ACT lE IHE ADKI.1UTHA-Tl'i.1 nn l(?nf 'il fronr(!apn Mudfri, Van.                                                   iV: Minimum of expense an

                                                                                                         miner Iland, lo Blewnrl.                   Suitcases                                          " . .  .         f our uutk"
                                                                     M THE VATTIH        The EIITA1E or                      a
   THEQ                                                                 jnufpH ir         deceased, i.v                                                                                                                                .
                 COLLART, Notary Public                                           iikiiaar,                                                                                                           8rDrcrCa,alor.
                                                                        TtHTATE.                           A Lllieral Aaniciulion has lieen
                                                                       TAkE MiTICE lhal In ordrr of Mia organized at    KIU''a    wjlli Ihei                 Trunks                                                          Maw
                                                                     Honour E. MrH. Youna-. mad Hie Ilk day                                                                                                      for strong,
   FOR SALE. 5 room houae with bath, plaatered. on Conrad and        oi April, ivii, i waa appoinmo auhhiii,-irilor fullouitiK fifllcera: Presirnl, J. K.                             B & K    CHICK     FOOD
      Jth Avenue,  or S2.600, J700 caah, Lalanea C-12-I8 montha.           to Ihn f atal or Jonrpu akotkl.                                                                                                               .....fT rn N ).
      llit houao 1 practically new.                                  drrraurd, and all parura batinir rlalina MfiKwen; Vice Frealdenl, II. fi.  Tents, Packsacks
                                                                     acalnal llm aald Hums arn bnrray reoiirrd                                                                                                        MILUH       mv;
   Inaure your boat in the Moat Liberavl Company on the Coaat.       Pi furnuli aaiiie, prcprrly vermed. W m, Mardonuld: Serrrlnry Ti'anrer,                                        THE RRAfKMAN-KER
      Inauranc Company of North America.                             on or before tne lllu day of May, lilt, J. I). Wella; Czenulive, II, Anmr    F. M. Crosby
                                                                     and all parura indrbied to tne eatat art                                                                                                            B.C
   P.O. Bos 69                                                       mquimd to pay ina ainounl f beir lu-drbirdnrva V. V.. Cannon und L. II. Kenny.                                    P.O. Box 74 B     Prlnc
                    Waalbaln Theatre Block        Itona lilua 09               to rue forihwiili.                                              716 Third Avenue, Prince Kupert

                                                                                 JnllN Ufflrltl II. MrMULUM,Ailiniiililfitor. Advertise hi the ifaily ew. j