I PAOTT 4. py crsCT yrwB ' BRINGING UP FATHER . . RvT""" j p4TURaANceAK-No,c iPWO hEALoroF J J mjrIS I WOW! I nS : . "j J ,;;J f 7 RicH counh'.v " TVGfTT-CnbL J-J LrfTt.'-eif WJi -,f,- mill, from 7 wlri for cows.fine yoxii Iioalthy Bettex daily . te ty "7 coonin t 1 " h J mro??- , :.'..! - - - : . . . " ". . 1 " - -. - - in; SALMON MEAN PARTY IGIRL KNOWN HERE TROLLERS VISITED CITY j Mlas Winona WEDS Mcintosh,IN EDMONTON Sitter of Daily News Classified Ads. i Mrs. W. D. Vance, Married 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adv.,tls.,n.nt T.kW for L.. th.n BOc Exquisite Trolling boat with New Arthur Stringer. Novelist, and J. to Vancouver Man. Engine, all complete, Vernon Mackenzie, Editor, WARTCO. DANCES Looking for Copy i or lulen-i In a number ofl and For Sale. ! local friend of I Ik- bride was Ihr WA.ViT.I.llrik-lii ht.y about IG KVLItY SATHItllAY KVIUM.n7 r LAND AiX Chann prelly weddin? solimnii.-d fur store. iirnl umii'H in riiilit till IS- lnim TO FAMOUS ARTISTS nl lb.- in Mrfnlyrr Hall. ik r uu.tiMi. ,,",4. u t Oliver Typewriters SEEKING INSPIRATION home of Mr. and Mr. Daviil Mr- ' Aitly in own hiiiidwrtllnir Inlosh. Ivdiiioillon. on Wcdnesil.iv I In box IH7 Daily Snrm.it ollic.tlf ll.JlM, J6r if 1W I K MUM HfliH,Mwlkaral AMI IIIMI. Cary Fireproof Safes & ls.il when their Illl. IM 111 xmall parly made up nf one rcn,n'r daimhler ..TKIwI...nI canoe tin In I PERSONAL -t.'"srl ', I f hi .Vaults. novelist, one editor ami W, mono iicgina was married (..I ff, 0M. p,Hv oiilbrmnl rn- !" JW .. A It ml Wnmi. nl artists...Mew (u yesterday an.l -tnipifii i. i nompsoii, of an- ,,um ,M. , , f.t'T TIIIH OPT nm .riK- .MA r7T' t w.a a...... II.. Ik al tl.i I " MM Ik rnllHSIlUt HrMTII, Lots & Houses For Sale prni Hi.- artcrnnon and evening!',the ' "rV"p,'n w vine.-M. M. STEPHENS If S-rii l.lrth tlali- an.l I Or fur . .iniiiMm 1. tjmi m, id. nfllrialiriir in(nilrr, ntilr. (his here., leaving morning on the, woiulrrnil hi.ririHH nf n-.li HiuHini fur Ppinr.. i:..rtr.. " n,'v- Marion, nn ..id a. i r.n i.in mr uur-rfc. rniirn (f... r,f. riapharl. 01 'IzJ lt H'tfKI: Iftrau-. im.i .l..r" I frin1 r tjri,," family. 'M'I'ly " Kifili Avmw Wl ; mllr MMfl hi lllltr til Mai Wl TI..-V wrrr h.i.kinir f..r l l Uran.l inlrnl HU Npw Yirk.iM",w u"r iirr . M rw.i,.,ar Dybhavn & Hanson f..r nmwiml ..rit.n n...l n,... "r liri-L wn utfrinlr, by hrr IMiuiie llriTII s. fi ; mw. iaw or m. ttmtn v uiuuii liavr il I.hImv in 11.,-ir trii. In ?Mrr ani f'n BOARD AND ROOMS -B. Mrs. S. Frizzej Iy her fulln-r. Ilnbrrl Insurance Agents, Third I'rine4 (tonviti ill lln- llli TIioiii..iii. tniin 1Ti vi. ls sn rsiftol 11 Ti. r Avenue, Prince Ilupert pnhmikii bntllirr uf Ihr groom, wt Ih-H,m.mi: (Kirs for Iln4rl. Itnntii Markot Prices wtivr arrrat i.sit ihstiu. 1 Smith Block The i.il,.r., xvere Arthur' V"":..fT"" h. W Mi W"1 niul Suites. ItAiiie fUMtHduz. K Corntr Thlr tn( Tft "ri,,i" 'rus oiki .Mrs. k. ' SMWitll I. M nnrrM :nM ..t v.. ...i v.-..i,,,p Mrs.-.McD.mpall. tllt-lort rv M4U. . TSMI Inr Hrrow b. M, I t. York, well kiniMii writer and a MrLeoil nan? "All Joy He Ttiine." i-nlll Avilllie Wenl. PIhiI!. Red T-tnine sleak 0 tir ii m miwvi iim. I he hri.le w MMar (I mt HMIM mail la n olinrmiiijrlj fretpieut nlriluilnr lo ueli . tf HtHind steut rr.iti-iiA.I In I.... 1. a . vmIm nf iMttt mm ihtv n.m journaU a lie sa.ur.lay Mrioin neak, per lh j0 rasttw l;tvnr , SAFETY l,xe,n!rilrilnl(nl rtvn. il, willl. Mlvpr wi(h I IDA III) AM) ItOO.M fr Iwn 1' 1 an.l .Mr 1.can Muvaxine, J I leer 1 h.I totmml 11 il i il.i Mil rMM.' Ikrwr ,ui, ... DINING HI k rmirl Irnin of ir nn.l Ai.ifr.... Kenllomen. Apriy IK iMlly - " - t pMM 't nsisiiiiiini 11 naiiMHnt . author I'ruirie Wife, Hoef. rhuk rrMst, lb..MW la Jfaijlfw- m .tsy-, . " DEPOSIT "V 1 Her l.ridal veil of KnclMi nol Xewii Oillye. V tf Mother ami other UrrIe II iWn Pllirpil will. lunrl an.l 1.1.1 teer. rib r.M., lb., 30 and 35o .74 M.rrs M. ,Mi WeL.p-Taylor nn.l W. V. Chain. , fciiPn :-' m ItOdM AM) JIOAHl) .Phone ifef. iwiiina-. it. 1 ho lo j2o ,2'T'iiaf,,Ki- BOXES Hamburger. ier lb ISA I..-. no., iriii.n- iimo-jMimMoui. she carried a l.ri.lal tlej 431. If e IralmnK for Ihe xanie HtajraiEilies. Mln,I(,i ,lf n..i.iio .1 r-inwiim ihwi, per iu, zoo and Z&oLm.iv.:i M'rstiT t.t rarsi t 1.1. In Safety Fire Proor Vault Magazine Editor AUCTION SALE, . irnea.peer, per lb ...... 220' IHIT l.T. 4 from to orfly ornamenl wns a diamond Tale MOn. iwi . v(dfr n WaMwrm. $3 $1C per annum i-o-imoiy uie ui.ki ' Al irriON SAM-. Lamb, leu, per.lb 4 So' IrM ! SMMlV fN IUW Ln Uoal Thr-1- lllieresuiig 1 rinp. (he Rift of (lie jrrnoiii. The Tomorrow. Mar And a dam gox olTrr lln- list innani lull.1 Iniiii llm I.ri...... Il.n.-. I..: . t. Lnmh, loin 3o0( ...11..- --i-- t,iii ii!i-iiiuiu wore orriidi lauela II, 2:30 p. 111., at Z04 -X in Hi of safely (ajiiR for important Htan.lpoinl' wa J. Vernon Mr-(with hlark lranparenl pielure Ave. W Hns, nmlliler and iiutton, slewing- -v-l kwwwi n 1 pwi hmm taMii m habit too. Goad to papers. Victory Keuzie, editor or Mi-I.ean, itiaa-j hot. She carried a bouquet of wilton enrpel, Inbles, r hairs, in tort, shoulder, lb.. 2 Ac tn fear him im i su ., mm and snttsfactorr x Hinds, Jewellery, olc, and l.eir or million. It. in.""" ts. www m itisn zme, wlio a.- the editor of a pink roes. Mrs. Mrlnlosh Hie ranees, bureau, etc. V.. V. Kvilt, vice mcara please' oilier valuables. We wmlr? national journal. i uiaklhc n (our j mother nf the bride, wore jrrey! Auclioner. 09 hi miiiinn, III IOC I lainMf m SCO in fm t JtiWaSM tn Ml, n let: m tf sanna WMl he pleasei! fo IiaD you inspect of Hie Dominion lo find out i-oh-jembroidered taffeta with touches! veoi iioiiiier r il, per lb.. . 28e H. t.Mni'. o, rutt patrora. our vault. FOR IALK lg of veal 3i rfnd H;ej Marrti ft. lift union at nrsi naiiii ann 10 len.or wiiaria and rarrieii n hoiintiel WM-liw n. w'vsHnrci. rirsi. AND 0URSARI ai.oul litem. He made i .tnrrlcoii Main sausaires. per lb S5e! im r only a beauty roues. . Prince Rupert tlyins visit, hut in the lime he wa, buffet supper followed the wed- Ffllt SALK Three cruiser 33 I Sihnuiroek snusaa . IScUtTrsti. ot Mi rrTiMMii!i a.iTtir Get the Mi in feet, one halibut Ixml, ohm I'ork. leg '30e ' k M MIT Lsi lilsTRI T IM here he Kecured rniMiiih inform- dinjr. ' 'tai'T or sr, avsui: Insurance ation to write most Inlere-tliiK ; Mr. and Mrs. ThompiCnii left halibut schfMjner, three I rollers I'rk chops, taur lb.. . 3&r I TU HnMr Ikal I. Oeor' IMtutjar. m 2H lu 3t feet. SH-fnoi nina I'ork. shiMibler. er lb. ... . ihhI an peb tot snw M ammri tt impressions. McLean's hae nl-;""' saioiy evenintr for Vancouver raMaM m ttm Iiim,h drmd uMi leuil. two Steel inx enjrlnea, one Haron. a lice.I. per i 7nt7 fmpSXIarWaS (I kMI .Hnlae abaail uar wtivs been kind lo "here they will reside. Mi very Prince; Si. Regis Cq vawar vaai aw Agencies, Ltd.. 1 h.l.- (iuaranlee Heavy liiily Hani, allenl. .. Ilupert and the same Ireatinenl lt inompsnn is a sister of Mrs. W . Oc 1 law. muimm imi at 1 lim. hntrliie. oru Srt-f.M.I Imll. M Hani, whole, per II... . 55c ;IVa .! rtWMW: ims a9l Surrrr-.-ir lo I'eck. Mourn expii-ted from the editor (hat lm nnce of this flly. M. STKIMIKXS. rSaaaia I a .11 mm a --.a Tkii Aw 1 Salt backs , ... lie rlwiB K raM nf Bali n.iaainl. '-a & Co. Iie.-n piven us by Ihe siecial Chicken, lb iMaiar sttm. lo s kauaa a. unar writers. While here (hey were CITY CANNOT TAKE KOIt A!-Itoll top desk. Hem ptr 3e Halb.var-. o 1 rUan row, per lb 300 " tt. IMI tak.-u out by (i. A.- Me.Mrholl and inri.n typewriter.Victor tiliooo 1 01.1 SH HolloWtr. aianiirtnl AWAY irraph and records. C. V. Pieklrd ptrk. per lb. &OI 'lua. f. snaiub. Arm l:. :. (ijbhnns of the Hoar.I of SURFACE WATER Rvlll Miiiiiin, i'i"iawnfBLiuiimiE Cmkt ham. sliecl. Trade and lnwn the siphts or Hoard of 1 rade office. 1 1 pr lb., xoc Pt ihl uu Ati M:raoi ti s soii- r SILVERS! impure nos, per in 30e ramrr arennr lsi mstsp r ins tin- city, with which Ihey were AppPeclaU Difficulties of Owner WW SAI.Iv-IiiBCb Itnasl ham, lb TiuirT'or nmr Hxor 1 EDSQN CO L GO: suitably !5fU in par oac TsSr auner imi I, t.aaaa wsnuiraia. impresel. But Impossible Precedent b.p., Rood emndilion. Apply HoluKiia, per lb a 'NHa-ad tn fHf tor $ llrraw in pr.c-1 The party has several plans -vcir.r falraaa1BM M In fnU trw ,U'ij i itw.1 Bros. Would be Established. Ketrhiiin's Kloat. 09 Jellied I mi kiii- JOe Mini- T for the best Mr. i-lrinfri-r wishes In ridn on the llroilers rutMifmmi al mi 4simi ata.ot cow catcher of nil ensjne, bill he A rerpicst froni Dybhavn & vrood-hand furnlturo botiithtand - 35c mfr MM) w Mil anna C lartrvr Hltrr CiiUos M liver, lb 130 ts.411 mar JIM OS MH ft- of Alberta Coal is linillntr ililllriilly itr j-ecurinp iinnson wiai uie ciiy lake rar sold. I. LeClalre. I'bone flreen Dairy Produce. nt OStr Rltrr.' IHrra anal rtuin. The Home laHafv Hl Hum; tbrtare nM thijiict-essary permi-tslon. Then of the overflow of water from Ihe 5M. if Huller. iier lh fine liMlaW; Uatfar ! aa rluSM In Ik l ir Phone 58 tilers is a proposal that they drop hill behind the Tent and Awimiik Htiller Ut MaMSrIWiMKrM. Dalfll.lfi SIS '!. Ramsay's ACCOUNTANTS (moklmr. per lh 30 tie lilamn a Simon W Kntraan'a s. I off the beaten truck- al I'rinre Huildin? on Third Avenue -that Cheese, lb . Prince per . I0c LortkM MarrH flrd. Itfl Rupert Feed Co. 'iwirpp and lake a canoe up lh inrmicns 10 iiiMui uie iiasemenl KXPHllSKXCKD ACCOUNTANT i.unriergcr ibeese, per lh. ... fior SlUua WSIII.sIHOM. ArPlWaBI Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. rier. ko);i? as far a'prant.llivrr of the buildinp was last nitrhtj would lake charge of let of hBits (ease) (no t'M. P. Sth4Ml. r.l Pure Pain Ci-OHsini.''. II is probable, how luiiicii now n ny me my cotiueill jookk. whole or part time Kkks (H.C. fresll) ra 45a rwver n.ti'iui.rii'i-raT nsvi i.vi rTnnin i.istsin m .v.tm w ver. 1 lint Ibex will cling to the ...1 a-coum. 01 uie precedent . W. E. WHIIstroft. Phone Ears, loe.nl s isht or i-oisr. Hsvur. i. which 11 was reit would be Tike nniare inl I iju. r. s-hnb. is I I il.1 .1'.. fori hoy wish to see Mounl es-l alack 259. If Marfrarlue 43- to trtMr rr lirtu ia trmri rwi .Til. HoliKon and Jasper I'ark. ianiisiie ir such were com nl led 0)inb h.nu-y HOc rir4-soi nn IM- lno Mir aMenl-al ssi. . MiMt-imnr si im Mantiwt srmnl mi ITCt with. SUMMER RESORTS RIDE A "PERFECT" Many Friends Here Mi par, ir lb. tie Shfl aM hair imI nor Ik nl ll- ALLP-PC" The members of Ihe imriy The cily solicitor was nol in I. ...... "'.T" ..... "' Hrend, lilt siwt a lam I ln mias wl nt i..iiiMrr.ii per loaf,. 2 for 25o ai i .vi.l)M.vill)A I ll).- llltr; iIm-kt- nal rttaina: Ihesre BICYCLE r.-inii jnaiiy friends in (his city favor nf the action in his report (includiiiK a lent fur family or Flour - bard wlilto; &0.b sk 13.23 sn riuim: Ihrnrc a.Millt Is maiaa: innr and (he board of works ! So rliaina In snl at BnOMiH-nrvnM-ni. There wre old eidlejri- males recom. Milk, cirn . . party 1 for summer hoarders at per .... 5.75 In 7.75 r-..ii.r.wnr si rra, ,a ar .im.n Made In mended that hU altitude be en Srftasla'a tn. I riauii. Canada by Ihe fun.ls of their respective fam Hill Fnmt. Terrace, f.anfenr ft Vegetables .'aii yfrs trn4, ittt dorsed. Canada Cycle & Motor Co. ilies and friends nf iheir friends Aid. I'erry favored the French. if iinions, wry 2tto us. r. sciura. ippn""!-! tllM' PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY all lo be looked up. Mr. Mackenzie city taking away the water if Heels, per lb., ,,; 50 TrMi. ns.n rirTHoiri; mothk P.O, Box 121 possible and Aid. Kelly and Aid. FOR RKNT I'HI.M.r ni;rriir l.l MSTHMT ws-THi:r Second SVt 417 5th Avenue E. had a letter of introduction Carrots, ner lh.. i . I'arkcr also felt Hint it would be or rossr. mis.ik I'.ephirt. lo Mr. Herein, while Mr. Slrinser Turnips, per lh- '. in Tad nolle mal I. K. M. SmilS. inlrlwi Tires, Ijul n jrood move but the precedent JDKNK SPACE fur ron'l. furnished, m a.iiv rnr a lirrns IA nrnalrl !' found cydlrse male in Canon Cnlilinsn f1.," 1 a i.., or land. Mi one Hlui- 337 l-rlrt-Vi m on II rltninr orarriiwrt -I'.O, made it impossible al the In Benvral trlvale onlr. present or Oimrni iirfnir al a l nlasirsl about "' Hi and 1n D; II. Xelson a man .anlinowrr ?5o lo 40c Hn 211 lime. 1 lie: cily sewers could nol Apply I'rinco" Ilupert Agencies, rail ami on lull norm of rira.rr nmr from Ihe old.home town. Kvery- Head lettuce 0c tu 25o aiai aikjati Isn ai.il rf iitr Hmf i handle, it. Ltr., successors lo I'eck. Moore llarnr FM Stt rbaina; llatM- SMItn ' wliere it Polcfoes, per sark .l.5n In 2.5n they wenl, was evident &. Co., rhainai innr rati l tnainii tnr D.y lo tli em ibaL Ontario plays a Second Avenue. if lery, per lb 20c lo 30o nr-rtn IS rnaina la imnl of eunuurnrrmrnl. ARTIST FINDS HIS r-wtlainliis tin afr. lo Im kiwsn K In rue part in Hie jfe of this com- FL'HMSHEI) HOOM .WITH HOT Cucumbers, i-heh ...... 5"o Smllsa ,Vn. rl.un niiinity, for Ibere peoide npd cild Spinach, per Hi., , 23o I r a ml Marrn ftnit. Itfl. were PICTURES HERE waler."Norfolk llooms t. at. ssirn, siipiiran.. TORK'S (hey knew and people who knew Miorie Hlack 320. 27 Tomatoes, per lb. .. 50a . h. V Srhanb, rSl. s lope itiey knew, everywhere r Ithuliarb, per lh.. .... I2Hii in rriui. os skip rKTiioi i.i:i miith:k- At". ... 'ulan rrafJ SELL thy w.-iil. H. Weston Taylor, Magazine II- OFFICE OH IlOOMH Foil ItENT sparnRus, 33a l-lll.XIK HI'l-IHT I.A.HII I1ISTHII-7 -ll -A lustralor, Discovers Ef in Work. THII T or -MST. Ani; t S-n,U7,'alinln'' TOVES. Early Theatre - F.miulro rruu. Tad nnlir Ihal I. lohn Aral. Ihtriwl fort on Music Cover. Urol her Moody. tf Srapefnill 'Calif ai'My for a llrna f r-Mpn lr lir , . PfUrrStr?1 Many people read newspapers urn I, t .1 for 23e lui on in rmiowint ilrrill limo iitucti ror tbrlr advertising 11. wrsion laymr, Hie maga FOfl IlENT Nine-room luiuse. Lemons, per doz., loo mil lsiiniriu-m aiul imi hair at norm tsiat r)lanid of Brarrr atK-ul i iTinea Kr columns as Ihey do for news. zine illustrator, who arrived her furnished.' Apply Mini liar--I'liojio Iiale.s 'drum ." , . .... 30a ami an.HH four anil nn naif mtlaa ! ' , ' Fred Stork's Hardware with Ihe McLean's Maifailne party 57t. (If Nil el orniiKes 33o In II ti Crdar,u-ltlr;ui.k Itirnr.n ,-ti.in.-! 10 ihpnr.rnaina;rati lsn-af yesterday and left this mornlnu ilaislns, .per lb .... 35c iSuin.i iiiriu- tuiria 10 fhaina lu U r!1 1 of risnnwnrMiwiii. rontalnins 110 ai'ru. i &KOOND Avenue on a fish special, found this city FUIIMSIIEI) SL'ITB TO HENT Curiuils. per lb 30o In or known aa Jolm Arki'a ,io. 7 rn'ni. PHONE B! ACK IJ4 iiiiln.U8 In mor way than one. SI. Louis Dooms, I'honn (led HI. I'ei-I, per lb hoc U.rall atarrli Ji.ll flrd,AHkl.K.Itfl,AppnranL ! Roultlnr bom ilurrlth II was here he discovered (wi of HAIR DRESSINO. Mlied nuts, per lb: . , . 33a i:hai. I. Hrhauh. rnl. , action ol tho llr ond bowtli his pictures which he had sold rablB FIks. per pir . , . (So MATI'IUI, IMS AND P'TflOiriiM SilTli e 1 is quickly rlld by th vis o Mince Meat -. . 25a i-niMir. Hi i-rnT i.amo histhihi pis ( One yeara ojro. was the cpver of IAIII IHIESSINO. SMXIAL SCAM' flllOT "I1 coast, H(ie , . Or. Chita's Kxlnsy-llvsr Pllli. a piece of music in the window treatment. Marcel wavinir. Face Arpl" (Yellow Ne,wlnns 1.25 0n pill 1 dot!, 25c. i toi, Apples In a.M for a llrn lo proajwrl lr p of AValker's music store nndVlhe rWinesapsi .... 14.00 orriDn -rsiinw-iirlna rollowirif massnife. Hair dyelnir. Ladles' trolruin on in . The Inlander ill tfulirs. abnol "n ..rf. IV II Apples (Creenlnits) al a l-ol ptnlrt jnlher Ihe cover on a candy bnx combings made (nlo swltohos. ' .... 14.00 mil am) on half norm f bi-ir n'r Dr. Chases icxhibili-d for sale in one of Ihe Charles LeClarca, 233 Sixlh Hannnns 75 ami almul tnre mu Itwnrs or i-aar .-;v,-'" M.T.US llM-nr 10 rnainm nnrin Fir.l Clin Boardinf Houts city windows. Ha had never seen Street. Phane Hluo 7 for home Advertlilnir is often rTiienslve. rnaimt Ihrnra aonin 10 rnainai in'" WO StwkI AraiM Tiim-in these pictures since maklnff Ihem ram art rhiina. in poml cpminrnrrnMstj, A, Kmhnfiif, Prurilr uppolntnunl. if bi.l It Is nothing k as expenslvo rontainini !0 arm. 10 P Itioss ai LEE. iHm years ago, one n paslrl and Ihe an Keyrnuk'a Kn. I. Claim. empty slorn and idle Lmairo Marrn f. iii. other a black and white. Advertise lu Ihr I tally Mows. clems. it il. siiyrMHS. Appilnni l.iiat. . Si'liaul), lirol.