Mi? in. I cel. TRM MAILT MMWM PAGE a. Like Tidal Wave a j Local and Personal Heart Disease and Nerve a ...,...r Cleaning Up Adjustments runs wick Troubles Sweep the Country. !.:. Underlakem. Phone 41. If Adjustmcntsou faulty tires rarely satisfy ripi-i-inl on SfllW'ii r.ily MarkH. they are annoying too, and take time. I'i II rw M-fk1 in IIm worM'i Except in the case of Ames Holden r - --w hi.i.,iy In.-. leirl ami wre trovbfcrs For aflcrniK-li lea, SI. Hcgln "Auto-Shoes" bn-lt M r. ..I.iii a ttiey ,rr lortajr. old which shall it be? Hi' ni'i'i on t uil Um- unit im Cafe. If few or .tram r im. imi.v. iMi.tunr at, awl tM . Should the necessity for an adjustment arise ian- a lid worry, Ihr taUHty axl artlrlljr Wanted Itaw- furs. 1'at I'lill- on any Ames Holden "Auto-Shoe", an ,,f Ijuxwm life nwaiHNI a trt l drain . tf Upson. ii inr iH-r.,ii. obviously honest effort will be made to meet There arc many ways to test a The liiuhi' or j.inn.nun wk-l-4t worm you frankly and fairly, without quibble or red llaywci) dance, .linjvJay, ewa with i-t, i rn.li imi In ttoSU-al tape. iKtrU awl ir.nrr.i iwrrr lirHI down May 18. If PHONOGRAPH limine IB strain in I.ft a;rnrft of Htf fcreas- I hi no- at IIjit Itiii" id- nicbl of AMES HOLDEN The choice is l ffi( vou buy. tfcmn of ID '-uu, Hitiium't Hearl and' l In: UuiifliluK . -II mr I'll i..i. in- ukrn. TBr reroa-lnir OLD. Kind distinct NEW or "AUTO-SHOES" ow p,i r ,.f II .r pi IK oft Mm Marl Mill yuur loal for sale witl how the Brunswick differs. aatf wrra m-kim i. Imply laarteiioM. out H. M. tf Kr. W. A Wriimi, f(nfirtt . MU-phcns. Kind out whether the tone of the iui, um.. vim-. 'Artrr Mirmnr rr Cord and Fabric Tires in all or I mm nh m iwan I euawulted a iali for your Virdny bonds. Standard Sizes Unmswick is superior. mimbrr nf rt-,n..r.. mil am mo rttaff, Vo waitlni?. T. jlt'Clxnonl. tf llowrt-ar. I rtatt Miluurn' Heart sad , i'-ild on easy monthly pajments. Kwn 1111. ht tiMir f.,r nlhrrf, WB4 lad "Crej Sox" Tubes For Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes I'ry.lKM'k Koll.ill 'Jul. .Inni-- I inr mw ii'i'4ii. aiHi iimarM' I woM '' Ihrtii a Itul. ii-im-h- mr. M lt in SI. Andrew's Hall. Ma :i. 10 Motor Company, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 135 trill-wit tw. am r, !, as nam- and Rupert rn alirrid ip n- work evrry djr, I CM Mr. I. Mel). Ilunl. i will nl tin,mr ya)i pill lu uy oaa aaiiMlar l"eiMV lufr6rrW', WiMliii-mJny, Rood & Frizzell, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone Green 268 !t I dld"t MaMvs.Mi in., mi. a l. at all ifcalen or mated ll. Ikiyd Vounn. .f ln siuip-i Ni r.'i .11 mrtrii of prirr by TIN T. Mll-liii'ii i .... I.iiiiill. Tontnli.. 'ml. Afl.l in. arrived' in (own y-n(i'raa ifli-nuxin. ptipl I.AK KI V1.K H ft Till Itriiun' KxkiliilMm Harden lillOWINO lilltL BUSY SEASON EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY Sped. Ilofc "iliOntif. Iled'Jinfr ilanlH. Gity JlaJ-k'-l. IT FOR STIKINE EAT I Olf RvindfMl, ri-uicrly pru- luild! Build! Build! i.rit'l.ir .if iri Aiif,. Arm llitul. will arrivf iti fie -iiv iniiiornnw Proapcctors, Hore and Suppllea hi ine I'rinre iniw. Brand Went North Yesterday on Rupert Prlnee Mary ..I,, ,. ,. , i' llH-xl bllild tig material ill III!" WOt'ld Mill I'lic niy eoonril. n mt nil. icollrd ! W'r lll.uk. Hi- "(ring it W Tin- ll.l'.M. r..aliT Priiiriaa iiii'iidalioii of llw llnaiK't cin-in lcrtidf- '. the tendency will ttkcljr be Inward higher Mary wan in i.n fpulcrday it niffbl Kraiiled 340 R R H-r'" I Li i rtk. afli-riKHin I'mwd-.l with nolih-'nU in Hi.' -wimniisMr t-liili. L S , lr.i.r H'iM-H Lumber Comp'iii) h n large l k r ..ir.g inlo llio Yukon slid Secure your seat now at Orme's .imwIi 'Ii ! I'll v nr rpipi.tenieiit. 'llipr oifllmia Tor lUr iijmnir for Mary Izaxrd'a Concert on Sue BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH i.ii tin ai i .mill "f thf daylEth of May. This concert DIMENSION I f i'Hiiihi fink- wliiili ha lil will be the best yet. Tickets $1. 09 iii nil IU- Aiii. i irau Imalx ly I ( SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE FLOORING CEILING FINISH SIDING INiMili from SrnlHi- tli accni-MiKnUiiiin Tli- t'liy eounril lal niichi 3S6Z TO COOK Cut fish into required portiors. Dip in flour 0) Your Dulldlng While Lumber l Cheap. on llu' Mary wax taxid ranl-d pi-riiiimtiwii i A.C Liltif batter. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. r.( ,1 j'. i Hi rf ill-1 1 i Hi- i'IIii ' . Si'. l tiove. nr ln i lii uiiiM.nl nml llu Imal did In build a tairuH fraxii iml liave a tin:l- itunk un'xru- SOLO BY ALL RETAILERS Phone 331 for Prices. Iiiu4 on StcDd Asi-iiuf lu Ibi RINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. I iil.Inrlud'il in hr iiaKiM'itKT 11 lrw-1. , Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 'win tplain Hnrrinarlon. the A. Ikiviliaf iff Alio- Ann. i cll.known Hlikitii' rivrr navina-(ii. in the eUy today bound toullt whn ix v'iiiK in In irft In (ar Vancouver on Hk- Caimuii lxul alarfml n;no lux up llu-rurr. Me will br baek m-xi i-dn.-nday A. si. '.lair Hrinrfli.' on ilan Prince Httpi il. - Mrt,R.J. D, S ml Hi. C. H. Cmii.a II. A. Dretn Virlorfa miniiiK rfiii;it, pal Urn 3S6Z was c-o-d for lbi hneHlt-y. if 'Mr. hIihi a n"iiri.r bound for Ibe Maurice n defigii. It i ttul Mi 3 Sikph: ii. ami Mr. R. II. ?li klpy. piilh FISHERMEN!! IKMkino wwlion. II and 10 ycf A ti yinr ai-will SMITH & MALLETT, Ltd. Reported Gold Strike AwrHu- Kai: i 'tJatek in Priner r.-uire 34 yard) of ii im li A pold ulrikr ban Imtb rrir'-rd Rupert In uprnrl ibr lndiilayi'. Up material. Ui llu- !likinr- rlv.r Blid yia. (a slodying at ibe tTtiivrraily of i;pphp m rbinp with frillfi of We can now offer Plumbirg & Heatirg Eigineers Tortmto. Irtlay lliri wn' a nurnlfr of laJTHn or o.-undy wtititd lip ;ii- FRESH FROZEN HERRING lor Iinrwrxi ami auiM'li'" pn.iiflr. Au iiivi!nliMi l lite nmyor and lrarti- for lln iiknIpI or pim-'-. inamcllcd Bath Tut. Wn$h bnvins nod Sinks, on lli- ny m-rlli it in. In-dlralliiii altlr-rown U l- infwiil al I lie voilr. linen, balioli'. l.-o cinv-liam. DRY ICE SERVICE nr.- Ilial llirrr wi!l b QUICK Vitro ToUct Outfits. lannobiii- of lb.' Canadian S-oi. rlialli-. nt in. ami twrvr. a Tmm d'l f niiiiiiiir arliviljr Ivery kind and Sire of Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Vnlvcs; IU rr lln ! and pmtibly Huh" oil TliUt-'lay la-t rt-ad and FULLER'S SPECIALS BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princes Royal Island arktMywIrHliri-d a I nielli 'irwl in lock frjtuUily UK- xril. ini'iil. I'rir. pri5-fiTliiri. rounrll meet in.-. "hlever your I'rublema In Plumbing and Heating mrw Ktliiar in arr rn-il-nMiniiir ltff Gnain'-y ntill''r (fr-li l"l.ui 171 or write I'.O. tlon 374 t irt-l lln'r rarly rx1-fori- I ir a 11 1 a i- i i f i lumlirr iml xloik It-lb. iHixrn, per lb. all li i;riuiid i ulakiil. liiilap. I. I', -. riicf. tir Id i-li tMir fiwn Hiand Hutlpr, C(lr. P.O. Dox David H Hays & Co. Phone ihii and wiii.I"Wi, IuiiiImm ic- MiiUiii - itpl dtttcv'. a f-'W 1SS5 57 EXCHANGE RATES nwii njiad ii'i'--l ! any -i"-. lin lrfl al :5r lb. 207 Second Street IM' and LADIES' Vttirk ileHvi-ry ly iiur wn ai Krwab Hliilbarb.ppr lb.. IOp. M inrli'y T. MctllyiiKiut K. II. tfliorklry. ijiw Its). If Kreli Oboctdale liars. I J for We have a large LISTING of LOTS in vuuineiy ready-to-wear llultaria. J.lil. 5p. all parts of the Townsite. Some excellent Tin- bujldintc inappclor i- I l-'riiil, 3 Tor Ci li...Sliakia. .;(. iiri-narc a ivpoii for Ibi- rily i.nlifornia iirapn buys. We have also several HOUSES ORfc'T Complete range of Corsets Ipiiiiiiiik.3.5..'I.d. roiitirll on Um "wir pooipi-lion -'3e.K tori-la Urapp Kruil. Stu FOR SALE. O rjvea La Diva, Goddess' and IhdlaiK..rinlaml. 17,80. al Hip (lily ball. . II la al" i - I 'ii i in ii,,ii Hams. I'-i' lb. : Call and see our Lists. D. & A. See windows for display. fuirtfd thai lb IrtiltUing' i :tiili Skiht. tm. 4Se, ll"W J tr jiiKo.siaviii.Htiiifniry. . lliiijr and llii will hlto In lonked r.5i . Real Estate Notary Public Fire Insurance Ijiltk aimed CVirn, 5 tin- Xi- arriul 0. Box 827 "DEMER S" Thonc 27 Xonaay. it, I'.irltmal, lA, ,UMrt A MetlTP) Jftve bouirht 95r. liinimania. Ml. oita mUllun fl of .VSfst Ur ahip-lap Spi'itial Priinea. 6 tto. fr Ou-. Svrbia. 5.73, and diinphalonr ttHl un kpIU lra Wllper Mop polUh.fr row. COr. DIVED C CD CMP U once more in stodk at Sjiain. Itfi. mix at lowpai pneifct ai inoiiu. iMirKiyi" 1 1 T Li IV iJ 1 IVi-illVll th old 9 price. Lrbb' Swi i't I'ipklei, bulk, r'tK. pre-war II. -I WM'klll'klllli Nll Sw.ib-n, 3lTi.O. Alan cntnideJp Ue4i)I fir OiiihIi ' dir.an viiMlura; atwt building ic, spi-cial ? lb. fr I5e. In LeTrefleiSafranor, k ilirjilii). wilh ralnall Swiltfrliufttt M.75. FACE POWDER Clothes i?lTliHK. 1.16. ihateriaU. ' ' tf .jjtupn-a :ipimi. ppr tin. .'"e. Azurea and Rosiris. oluuilard Hltta , ii m'.'. a i'.riHro. i'p'inl. ;mt lb.. -1 --lry k..i ! irfMik lima. A Ik-lKiuifl.Kram-x. .8.tn.ort. M. P. MeOanVrv latl ( tin Salt Pork. nT. 45 w Price - $1.00 per Box JCook Hroa. A Allen) Allfti. I.ii-n. 5.rt. laily .i'W y.-li'iilay lluil hi bad 33e, nolhinit In ibi illi-tlii' otttrae) I.CH-al new laid KKt-'S. I"T dox.. Mm' Ctilira-i select Urnwi. 7.S3. The Prince Rupert Drug Co. ud fcili Over 250 patterns to for Uie Itl4l.lt live of iltp Sim IIoii ; 5.V. ltl 'Mi udliiht Otitculf from Judvn Yminir wilt Ih bark from arbool. Up wa. not a parliipr of ifppriul f:..II.-p. 3 tb.. $1.00. PHONG IM 3rd Avenue and iind Street Simlliera on Uinltflil'n Irani. V.. (porge Maedonabl who bid m Sunki-t oraiiKPs. 3 do l.il(l. Mail Ordera Given Prompt Attention STEVE KING Third Avenve MiilnUi.ii, of llii- Kelebikan be worji.- y.' Mm inula. 3-lti. tin. tt.on. Prince Rupert Imrncli Vaforous, la to appear be-fori- Coll"- S;i I u i.tit. tall lill. 2oc. ti t id lo pIppI on pliHi'tri" 'f I.. Jpi.n-it.-W lit llflyli- llr.M. Fry. '- UiuNiu. Pt lb. S0p. kuiniiipuif and robbi'ry wilii Iliamimd liNllintr . of Vnn-orjuver, ioli'iri'. wa. III Prhtee Hupfit FRENCH BONDS Never forret to iiok tbrouitb yesterday on liT wnj" lg Kefelii-ianttnd A f:o.i.l oi i'iTtunity for a quiot prolit in by tbo purcliaxe jOME AGAIN! Slewarl 111 coin- the rilnlM.l IU paiuy.Iws a coulniel at the Pre. May Day of Frpiieti (..vprnniPiii Hond.s. A isatisfaetory sPttlement of biler uilae. ; l he rcparai ui-MioD will tii'iu-ltt France inoro than ' '! eaeeeeaeee1 ! . '.. Letts AH Clean Up any oilier l ountry. and this may be exppeled at any time. nlca HOME COOKING and PISH AND CHIPS ' TM (iinn.lian XaUyitnl Uuil-wayN Frenph exchange is nsin mure than oilier rouutries. Uy Co to the MOTOR BOAT WILL tiieial niuud ff ijt.excursinn SPECIAL ON BROOMS takiuir aihant&ce now, a hai 'L-iiinu prod', will ui crue. THE SOON BE NEEDED rate betw'pen lici-e nnd Terrace (iood t siring Itrooin. . .75c We oler French 5 1000 franjs for $74.00, normal value EMPRESS CAFE fur week-mid froyi Salutxlay llamboii llro-in $1.25 $193 00 k TIioko who havn motor morning- 9 ill Tin"day evening will M WlnsliH T. McCLYMONT Everybody Eats White Help Only f IkiuIh for sale Miould ad uu'llllo elTiTl at l he end of Ibis o.Ci'dar Mops lor Udloa Knpreaa Hotel Block, 3rd Ave. prlin( them noon an the week and will mml I line until I).('.pilar. Poliidi wuoh I comlns wnen Seiifeiuber 30. l.ifp.id Veneer lliey will be ill demand. A . . finv nlar npi-hl In ailvrr- , TIip Ibive Im!- who iiipiai'il SI IlllltillPM lialnif a boat usually ip I he polii'p -"urt . yeali'i'day SIonp Hi ii-bp RUPERT BAKERY 804 W. G. Barrie r'- bi'iiiKH reiiults, if the prioo ehiirKi'd with iiniikimr und -n-(ert)K ali Hoards . .50c is right. ami Kii'almg wimi IW oil KealhiT IhiIpi-. only. For Also fur on suinpi'iidrd fii'i'ieneo thin forenoon. AVENUE BLOCK V an' lill si'llnii: CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY - POST OFFICE Tbi'ir pi'ii-nla liavp been :n Pur.- I.aixl 75c The flread Only best material used rti nt it'll (u in' up Im n its for You at nl I'uiv l.ai.l $1.25 ' Ordera for llieir futuiT bi-iiavjor.' 8UfrwDin,l,gTHblcs'Chairs Cnbinc,s c i pallium i-Us Canneries, etc. nnd Chinn lGZEMA wb.aa that Restaurants, Steamships, Window Shades. Curtains; Curtain Rods Il,v tuu u Olui-Dr. "ilhiiui ii Im i ' iso'iiii.-iiti. Ibii' Promptly attended to Blankets, Pillow turitt lor It nllavt'a Eoirma at nit uiiea bkia and sradu-Irriu-Uoii. pupi'l' would uol tta llllei't'xting Munro Bros. Satisfies Joscrtt Gakon and C. It. Biggert. Proprietors Sheets, Cuscs, hII K,mI tt... .Lin kHmlt. tlUK I If. ( yoll, ln'ruil'- inloriliulilill alionl P.O. Box 521 -617 Third Ave Phona Green 241 OiaM'a (iluuiit-.t Irra If uii-uUon Uil Comforters and ai-nj ain.'ii firjuu:')'' ". a I'.imiU for iil- 111 tin' hIiii-s i Phone 83 Third Avenue i:llualra or Mni" MU;iit". !K'W- jll-l lli.lt. !