Lcgisiallve Wintry r MAY 1 4 1921 T Phone T gi.139 xtto A A x o7 x & Hale ! v ntley Block) PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred J j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper fell ' I'lUNCi: nil'KItT, 11. (, fl WUAY. MAY lf IH2I. InltUi' Clrelt ' itf SalM 340. PRICK FIVF CKNTf BAYTON BUDGET AFFECTED BY RADMDS hlATED EXPENDITURE FAR EXCEEDS REVENUE FOR THE CURRENT YEAR m Dollars a Gallon Tax on fTxjxaaaaaaaBKnrxaaaaKajBB Proposal to Place Duty on Lumber Imported into iported Liquor and Nine on United .States from Canada Domestic Made; Budget has VICTORIA. ' May III. The Milled Slate may place-duty on Canadian lumber entering thai country, j""1 1 Canada col-Jet-U a duly uf 25 per renl on Afnericnti lumber comitip into No General Tariff Changes lliis roiiiitry. aiTonling lo Kben M. NVIiiteomb, uf Vahing-iri, It. (Ian nnd tarilT expert, who i here making in-ve"-tigalion on behalf uf Hie United Stale tariff rotnmi(iio(i. ,1 The rommif-'loiier i investigating the cot of culling logs fAVVA, May 10.--The budget proposal ai laid out last CITY WILL SUPPLY and producing variotn grades of lumber and on what he finds It; Minister Drayton thow no general revision of Finance POWER TO WIRELESS jf y out here the United Stale larill commission will bae il reroni-. riJ this year, the propDseu increase naving oeen aoanaonea mendalions as lu whellier or not Canadion lumber should pay I to the contentious nature of the legislation. STATION AT .DIGBY duly on entering the slates. ching In the customs arrangement with the West Indies iuded to make It conform with the recently signed agree Cable will Carry Current Beneath lth the Islands. Harbor t) Ulard. COL PECK URGE PROGRESS tsluaHon of goods for customs purposes has been On I lie r--iiiiiii-iidftli n of I if to accommodate the eichange situation. Hoard of Works thr Oily tUeinil . COMMANDS STREET WORK i sultans profits U to bs abolished eicpt on playing cards last nivhl granted permission ( tilers. Spirits are taxed .tan dollars a nation straight and llie Dominion Uovrrt'lrwnl In lapj olliri ticltt duty Is placed on local manufactured spirit. i In tly c-elrir fililit lines for, AT EliLEY Matter of Surfacing Down Town lint und for hospitals. Alcohol used In t manufacture livlil and iwuwer fur. the Dijilo , Thoroughfares Discussed by icln Is Uied $2.00 a gallon and playing cards are to pay Maud wireless kIkIioii. '!'( requirement City Council. ihi to fifteen cents a pack. '"f tin- island w.ll Ik., Will Take Over Canadian imImUi Is confined to manufacturer, wholesalers. Jobber al the iri ill linn-, alxml .11 I Team to Win Honor ' This week the rily couneif will WIIxvvbMm .umI the revenue will ir ;sil in committee ti work out Ihc and half and three j rrtr and Is Incraased to one a per .In England. details uf the down town street tUc and two and a naif pr cent on Import with farm uImiuI $2- H-r yar. 1 Mill T.-s:!.. f:. W I'lH'.K M.-iiiI it fur Ski'-ua. who i i rnm-manil !surfacing work and it will he d-.. will Thr In , lumber and fish eiceptcd. ! iwer lriimllliilsj the it'ailaii llisl.-y tea in llils year OTTAWA, May 10. Col. Im Hi" boundary "f Swlimi 2 lo-! cdcd as ('whether the work will iUUI trade Is estimated to be (2,429,000,000 or a hundred C. W. Peck, member, for. I Hif Ihzht-; i irA;wb"abi1rj?.tw wanU llu tiirvinw' rifctrtit over last year. Import from' Britain and United hmise niul" Hie lulal rj.l .j.f llir Expert at Khtada Looking commander Skeena, hr.s of been the appointed Canadian tract. '." Vff .';.'. iBM.OOC.000, total $432,000,000 an Increase export revenue uiatier The brought was ut liiif lo I lit Kin1 w ill w l.r.0 j up rifle team at Bisley. imooo. Tin ril piiiiuM of I M will Im riflemen last niglifs council meeting hy The tsam of twenty Ineendllurt amount to $533,000,000 of which $97,000,003 St..'too in -lfii. I In- 1 it frinf Into Power Possibilities; was announced complete Aid. Parkrr wtio felt (hat it was talent on railroad. Sir Henry Orayton urged th necessity tin' 'irt'Miil I'Tiui nal nl Mirt' last and time tliere was some f.'Hion taken '4 Saturday U additional The estimate total $592,000,000 on the work. No 'leader, had ,on revenue. '.lfnli. Tin; rri. nf III.' - will Thulme River Discussed this Is the group Peck will iteming year and the revenue In tight I only $435,000,000. ! Inrr l I In- k-ntiiiiu (Jm- command. In the team is yel lieii caib-J nor had Ihcrn liturtt eiptndllure have Increased by $13,030,0)0 on equip- riuin-nl. Tin' haiiii,iil will another member of the 1Cth, jheen Hhy complete reports yet i Ung a total of $113,000,000 spent on railway. There i ut in a Hiitiiiiriiw raM'li tako A Jcller fiom Ihe Prince Rupert Pulp and P;ner w;is Ma or Richardson, formerly submitted. Hither Dm city nu'i-l I Un been a surplu this year except for the railroad. t lie arniKi l lin- ihIhii-I. neer had to" much work to do iNjwt'r H'imI in romnullce by the city roiineiL last night H.iotiug out a member of the old Fifth or (here was Incnineiiey in Ills i in- iniiTiii.'ini.'ii! ir uiiiiiir- llinl if llie rily tin- lo supply pnwr and water lo mdulries Regiment of artillery at Victoria, deartmenl. " ' minlm out Ilial I Ik- n--ini- f BIs-ley who has been to NG ROCK I?S prr iiioiitlt woiilil ir.tviil-IIm wishing lo clnbli-li in Ihe city, a new scheme would have fn be often. Aid. Kerr defended the engineer's NEW PREMIER ifpayiiM-nl of tin- nly'-i a it ili'eb'ril iiiino liulcly. department, statin? that M"liiiint iii-nli' uf locheslcr slated thai Mr. al Hie present time It was not FOR GERMANY u yi-Mr. Sxking on the Idler. Mayor FOR RIPRAP IS OR. WEIRTH TIh with wiiiiiinriiiialion hut inn- ili-K'iitiiik'ui ml-iliil Marrow-, an expert on water power, had arrived in lite city METHODISTS HOLD working bul was'preparing on Ihe street retorts question on Iho from H.iyton, Ohio, in conneclioii with the clahlilimenl of DISTRICT MEETING road connecting (o Hie provincial l!i:rtI.IN. May It). -Dr. , v..irp. tliul if Aid. Krlly who fi ll lien- iind that when he had looked lite ground road the Prince Dial lite mil in ii- Hie pidp mill oxer covernmenl by ily wan a Cenesth Wejrlli. former niinoiler l New Dock Being HAZELTON CENTRE lliiticrl Itiiiili-vanl ami also Ilia Protected f H fin lire (fi Hie cabinet of l Kilt.It kI- any' uf iU powi-r ( he will iluuhlb 'S hav aluablir Tr- . on by Rock I! lin n I lor Felirenlmrh llnj ItiHiiiniiiti iriivvrniiii'til in iiifurtnation for ilia ' city- All (Sixth -Avenue rough grading pro-iject. Covering. (lint H nniilil not hujiiiI)' iiiilux-Irif tircMi'Ut he was. a' K(iladu -and GERMANY Iisl week tin- annual Melhodwl The fprmer had never bc-'fore will ultriupl In fiirni a new-(ierinan tnlnUIr).' wllirli wnuM priivr lin-iv uf would hrtly be M'lus lu-Union1 litrirl in e i- I i li K was .held been surveyed and was taking ' 1 Im-.-m lilusl- a ilit-i-i'l hi'iii'lll Id Hit' i-ity. Hay. al (he home of Mr. a n d a good deal of time. This 4 ! ' IIKJIMN. May 10.- Ar-rrplaitee TO ACCEPT week, however, Ihe board of ..f n y Aid. Perry, wh" presented Uf Mrs. II. II. l.iltle. Ilai.lton. ""'- 1 k of lhi Allied ulli-iiiiiIiiiii works would be ready to submit . i Im-Iiik ear. SOLDIERS MAY WEAR Iclii-r, slaled Dial I here hud be.-n liood pri'St-ess was reported ' milu'iiv linnet. relative 111 reparation the. plans for the down town and especeially at Telkwa where Hie 1 riilii-isiii of expeIil:n Ur ., i expcvlnl, in the unite PROPOSAL jwork the council. In ,1 L ,.,,.) .1- .-.I to UNIFORMS THURSDAY made lo Thulme .Htyrr by the' the mission had now grown into ""' Parker slated he sal-is -""1 I ilh l.i fiirni lleichslng today. .self.suslaiuiiig church. Aid. was of utitilfes, bul in a '"" i.. i.r.tliTl tlm at ship launching;;;; Delegates to llie conference lied with Aid. Kerr's report and ' ' ! (i u,.l.l,,-r! BERLIN, May 10. (Noon) realized the extent of t tie work Tlmliite ItiM-r were uppninted, those lo attend ljusliiieil. The lln u.i. ......1 ... i. ..r. hi-I: ('.-lpt. .Ii'tiiison (hi iniirniiiir re- projwl was Ho- "lily oiii- Ilial ! The Reichstan has a safe being John Xewlek of llazelloii. on the Prince Hupert Houlevard. m.-l Iiiiik like i-i'ivcd a Irli-jirnin from llrig. lien. aiiopteil Us Hilarity. All majority in favor of accepting Mrs. ImW of Smilhers. J. A. '' I!..I..- II,,.,' .(ml yard mt FRENCH FIRED Itosa. comniandiuK Military District others i-otildix'wi'i-i- uiiii aclicalde. the demands of the Mr!otii!d of 'I'rlkwa and Hubert cigamto1)Bpped II, grarllnjr erniisiiiii for allies. Tomlhi of Kispio.x. These are ' ""' n Mm i" "-"lillili-led. ! all cx-iiiniiittcr nT the lOlli Hal-lalion BERLIN, May 10 (a.m.) Ihe lay ilelecales in addition lo in wrong pocket Iwuin-nl ,i, I'l.- Irurk will: ON GERMANS to wear Iheir uniftrins til LETOURNEAU BUILDS The majority of the Socialists the clergy of the district. in chaos F'"1 -...- II, ("nl or Hie llie luuncliiiiK or the "Canmliaii and members of the results 'I- '! . l"'i-tl titt- i Seoiiish" on Thursday afternoon. STORE BUILDING ON ; clerical 'party voted for acceptance Dr. sVrinch presided. f'Uf au.l ii. Hour or I ln AIo the local inililln otllcers of of the Allies ultimatum Lad Blown to Pieces When Dyna- -mite of Opheln Urged Burgomaster FULTON STREET LOTS- ii llila work Ihe Northern H.G. Ilegimcnt have b y Germany. The TWO KILLED AND Caps gnlU Companions I'- ...,..' .1 unlil ulmul People Not to Give Vent to lii.mi irriiiilfl Htmilitp iitiiuistori. people's party rejected the Injured. . Feeling t-i I-- A i ..r 'i-i.:. t .. i..,ii.ii.... .o to acquiesce In the ONE WOUNDED IN - ili'laya I llvvr iiiiufi I'lniiiiitiii! i i l.llis iiHinnii ii ""ii'iiH.. " - j proposal '"nil i riittniH'Uuu (iibstin In llio absence or lioionei ,XVn issueil In II. I.eumi-in-iio lor ultimatum. The democrats POIlTSMOirni, Kng. May 10. k lk'lii..l. I...... lll'IIHI.X. May lo. French MoMulIin. I Iut creel ion of a two storey frame are still In session. SCRAP WITH POLICE When llarl .Newman, llftcen years' ""I' ''I-'llon oliierf llrvd on I'"' li'i-tnan It I expected that all ex btlildiiiu willi rotu-rete basement of age, yesterday attempted to """I "I 'I,:, i.mi.11,. llin-ali-nlng Hie Polish rloiiers. soldier will turn out in uniform on Fulton S.ree. between SU.h DYNAMITER NOW OUT JAMKSTOWN. N. D.. May 10. toss a lighted cigarette away it for the occasion, which is u very' nmj .i'Vi-uMi Avenues ai a vaiue oi Two men are dead and another lodged in his pocket where were COAL TENDERS I' Ii e lluruninuxli-r pnu'lalim-d ieruiulliill. iniportutil one, und especially 1 i.Oon. Tin- building will be ued SAN QUENTIN PRISON uncoiLscious willi a bullel llirougli a number of dynamite caps. He failll ill'tlm Allied in view of the vessel being noinedjn!j ,,.,, or UMI upstairs his head following a light be. never knew the result for Ihe iirnlnu llif tioiiilatiit refrain after a Imttallon which dislliig- .. M, , tlIn. tll,.ii John McNamara Released This tween (wo Norlliern I'aclllc Ituil- caps exploded and the lad was HI Bo"-d of Work by from uhiiig vi-ul to iheir fi'i'lium. uUhcd itself so greatly in the Morning. Aftsr 11 Years coad deleclives and llirce infra 1 blown to pieces and six com-Ipanious " vounell Last war. BUILDING INSPECTOR Brcther May be here yesterday. were tnoru or less seri-'ously Evsnlng. TENDERS RECEIVED Paroled. injured. STEWARDS AND COOKS GIYES LARGE PERMIT; 1 V SHAMROCKS DECLINE ""It r, . . . PAINTING WORKSHOP SAN OUI'.NTI.V. Cal.. May in. r""n.-.i . .,,""u" " 'Ml REFUSE TO RETURN '.lolin McNamara. couvieled oT LACROSSE IN WEST Proclamation Biggest Ever Issued Is. That for i f..lin v in. iiiiiiiii-tiiiii willi Hm I N ,,( ""Iks" ' "Hill.'''1.0 .io Tendem for mipolii's ami 'abo'i-for AT OLD RATES OF PAY Provincial Government dynamiting of the l.o Angeles the of lit" ulilllicH In order thai all Citizens-may puiiillni! Ihei " Buildings fTimes in October. IUI. rhei-Ked MO.VIItF.M.. May !. kai 1 f"'w: woikslmn oh Fniner attend the launching of ilepurlnieiit The haiororks ib-eline to come west I.O.N DUN. May 10. out of Ihc San Oueuliii prison NllU.., .." ,MMr' l"T toil. Hrcel were ieiTed last tilght by llie "(UiliHdlun-Scolllsll." Ihe iiiilioual union of ship st"viin.s The biriiest liuibliug permit for the lasl lime litis inoruing. lu play lacrosse, slating that llie Hie city council nnd referred to and cooks i-efusi- lo uri-' i'l tlir ever issued in this city wus Originally senlenced to a llflecii-year .series tvould be only for exhibition llrsl steel ship to be built al lite ulililii'N roiniulllee with power oiler uf the oilier o ship nl Hit Brunled yesterday by lluihiipt.-Inspcclor term, the irison direr I lira purposes und could liol our dryilock, I hereby ib-clare """ 4 M lo net. old rales of puy, following Hit- Harry I.. I.andiy for Hie ordered McNamaru to be released decide the Minlo Cup holding. Hie aflcrnou'ii uf Thursday, , lii n ""ry, tuliiu The bill were a follows: May sib, a public lloliduy, of recent lockout to enforce a cut or ipvovinrinl government udmiiils. after serving eleven yeurs. -; Mvl.i,,, ,, , Fred ftrndden. 150 pounds wages amounting In seei:leen Irullon and court liuildlugs to Hie Mc-Nauiura's brolher. James, Miles McOiunis, formerly man. and would reipiest that II be '. Ki,ii.i., 'Ui'llUl riial gallon bulled nnd Ii while leml ' " l,-u; cent. The men declare now contractors. Allien, McilatTrry. was sentenced to life iininison-inent ager of lite (irauby store ut An. generally obcrve;, ft. per '""al, Undo. linseed oil. $31.Ift: labor, i, s ' Icml uinl oil, Ilial the lookout must be settled MrDougull Me.Will. The cost for his connection with the yox and now on Ihe road, ur-rived II. II, IIOCIIKS'IKII, U. V,!,M"". Mbiirla r..ui $55.75:lloll labor,CmMfll.75. nationally. Mibinitlod hi lie penult is 'ease. II t possible thai he may in Ihc cily from (ho smelter Mayor. J. A. Curtis, lubor, 0. 'The shipping licup is serious. 4l0,ouO. be paruled. town this 11101-11111-. e