I Till DAILT JilWfl !0?l ' .. .Innunry ...i. -1 Page 3 TAKE MEDICINE Local and Personal IN CAPSULE FORM IARIES Give Quicker Action The Ideal Ask fur Atkins Sausage. If Method for Home Treatment. A LESSON licef. iiiutlon, pork. Cily Muikvl. For liflKKiw, phone 080. llyd Why iiii-iliHne. In riiinh form THE GOVERNMENT PAID Traiiafrr. tf ar lirnl wa rrwntly 'ilainrd FOR. '-llin n follows: ohjc' t -f taking and Pocket mi'dlclm i lo ml inii k i.ult Office 1.11 your bouts for ule with and aUn to maka lh- iiiklnir im M. M. Hrphru. if ray na Mlhli". 'Hi'' raMiiln Before 1914, Bond Brokers and Bankers were indifferent to the successful form dtnn I Ma. TW1 ialali ilnea advertisers. who advertised their Many necessity regarded expenditures but n Hot lux try JmIhi Hii.hIi. f ri UmingioH, not rrvoli at tha folnliiM- fouling business man or woman. rearliril Ilic rjly yralerij.iy, IiikIc lie mallrr ar llir how dfllSM iNHirllinit.unlainrd.( i as "sop," and thought they' were doing publishers . Tin1 RRiHliln iiImxKo' " il.mn Ilia a favor. Loose Leaf or Bound, Have jour luncli loiuorruw ul Ihroal WilllOUt JlMVHlMiiirnrr." Mm. Kiiki'Ioh'o, 30'J gefimd Av. A Htrikina; Inualnil ion ..f thn from 25c to $4.00 tf. irrrllvrnraa f fnp-uli- form Then came the Call for The same thing is true of oM'dirlnr ik irivrn hy 'irip-Fix. a War Ixians. On the advice some manufacturers, who, r.'iurily riwilailllnsr jiut IImmw Mm. Cuniphrii, uf Port' Ulc driiKu iiaiially nrracwlx il i phyti. of this Association, yet contrary noting the results of the inrnla, nrrnr.l Hi (lie eily yenler niaiio for rolila or jrnppr. In tla Gem Calender Stands Complete duy. rai.Hiilr form tlrip-Fir .roidi'i a to some Brokers' and Imperial Munitions Board ri'fmlili' liotnc trraliii' i.i f..r r..ld. Bankers' views, the advertising advertising, have Hani llriill. iolln teacher. For Now thai rold arr p" Hlcnt. md newspaper $1.50 nrranueiiitnl" rail WVatliolnie a l of 111 ip-Fix fro.i. v.nu ilriilf-Bll. of these loans was commenced to use the same Sulil til :i!ir a !' lt.' Puds only - 75 cents Theatre, tf made humanly interesting. force to introduce post-war Captain ('., i;. Kf cIiiiiii leave FERRY PLANNED FROM The results you are aware products. loniKlii on (lie V rincr. liwwg" for mcRAeIros: ltd. Vntori,i. ENGLAND TO SWEDEN of. - The Government paid for But -here is the real point. this lesson. III.- Mulaiillitr. Willi lO.lXKI Both Governments Concerned lo potimK I he uufy halibut veaael Have considered i you pro-fitting Aid Scheme for Trade Nearly every Bond House in today. Promotion and Bank in Canada is, today, by it? t m I'. Ironuhue ki llunl len dol- n. A aggressively advertising, Advertising is not a matter Ini for drdiikrmira (a the nolle I.OMMiN, J;rn. plan fur court I hi iiiorninsr. llnkinx up wodrn vdli Y.numu& and using all the interest of guesswork. It requires by nteaHo of h train f.-rry lo euat and ingenuity at their command skill and knowledge and experience. ONDS BUYB Cut llwrr, Canter littMi, rae. tin.0UU.tHMi fa XMny, romiic'l rod uu.Jira, nhriih. plants ami hy Itnalneaa Dtfli of the two to attract business. It is not something f-'it. Clly .Market, tf net ions, They observed the power of to be lightly undertaken.but The nchi'nin alma it I In- rKiaii- Ir. Jekyl ami Mr. Il)il" with iKhnirnl of d4tity "'"in' liy at newspaperadvertising.when it can be undertaken with Municipality of Point Grey relebralrd tnr. John llarrymore, leaal alt It.OOfl.ton hip of 18 properly used, and have pro-fitted assurance, of success if it is 'omorrow and Saturday, VcU knot W'1. vclt lupable of bv the lesson. done properly. .. in .;. H-iinit;ihtf f l.(MMi.u'J. J'rtee holiiio. tt tarryiiiK 50 railroad ' ai . A lh Hi.MU lit yirld O'i'i. AInmiI (If I) rotiplra u I lew Jed lh trail!red road of x are the llfitiali Ilia uun and Kwedinh rapidity If you have ever thought you would like to I (piiiilar U'i'.lii,t.la Cinderella of trMMoportatioii Anld ! a- advertise if could advice how da fir ah en ly Arthur' Oreheatra you gtl proper on tity of North Vancouver arrd. lal iiisM In St. Andrew's Hall. Thr fJili (tot .-i Mim-nl la to go about it, write to this Association. We undTr.Ml to Itr willini: lo i. 'i.I. in denomination of tlM. IIAjfJiVlfl at Ale ISray linn rrniatn-d bi utiar. aiilrr a I" prr rrnl r-'iurn o.rr a will the benefit of in i nml Canada. Hrtre HIM le 1aM TV. position m planlal al I lie Weal, give you our experience of if Britain numbrr aM-n yrai -. hoi lor and nail tuniahl for lh airulh. II. A. Price, formerly slo-llnlt. dl miaranirr the CHpiial iii-rro- starting you on the road to successful publicity City of New Vestminster i at the lano fur th rv for the initial outlay irernl. Thr route rua;rl l run- from Issued by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, Hull Ui flotlirlilnjrjc all.I III. re in .L HoMltllttl...... (If f&OO. jjftaW' III Toronto. 'I hr ronnrll of I lu llril of al a uaartloM of an 'i-iiioii irld IVodc nUnUy drrMnl Hid, U rr..i tin llaltM. ( lo pro- S Inkr notion on a muel to ttih- dlrrrl iNimniilti" Hlion hr. fcity of Vancouver f iHwrd to Join thr Aii-ialril tVM-fii Hull ami I'eJr..-. id ItOjird-. of TrUifn. The lilllr in tUdml for thr prr II I. PARTY BIRTHDAY l ii.l- in denoirtliialle.n. tf tlOO payable at Had an Annoying i Catiata im) ,'ew Vink. Price HJ.Ot Sheriff II. V. Kewny. of t-ald- .' and 'i-lmm. elt. Idaho, rrarhn hrrr jeelw-'Twelfth Year of UCtle miss Cal - day and vrill rrlurn smith tonlahtj dsrone Celebrated Last Hacking Coughi DENTISTRY in charge t I- T. (iowan. whuj Night. wa mviiily rxtrndilril on a Cot No Rent at Night I Royal Financial Corporation Limited rliartr of obtaining iindef falnr I An iijoyaldf hn ilolay parly Man . . of . . hr!d al I hr I tout.' .f Mm. Sautirr. nrrtrner. Helm ffitfsa rr irr miiui nci thr Rogers Building, Vancouver, D. C. I;ar. Kh Ae. Wr-. for Miae rttrai. Tur oimI ruartwr aiartt ..Uri i.ACrr tll AT Lea4M Ity portal rlfori anl al Julia t'itilrrtmr I lid!,. p;r auo!'"' ""1 Vrua QUALITY Be rHl Ih t1 Ctrt'at B'S. 1 na II, t C 2 "I ' ' "iv IMI-Itr yrei 'iu yrwtrrvny.-j . n li 1 MiM lt.a I titilmM run f I In. I'H. r. jrnii ami .ir. iiyur. the 'lliore it'i'lil r .Mn.i' JeulllnKuK rrllrf Ihr n.ura IV.y ITuIlM urtiiinal of whtrh a lout mi llir I(loom Held. I'..r. ii. Soillli. IVir-iOe,i awl M-ri"ii Hiur traaMe eaae. . is. I'rlnw llni--l Thin MM In oi hy -Vdanif. I.UK dal.l. Sllll'i Tlirr I. Mi. urllrr IMMMljr Dr. Bayne -li.rwH ul the Vriiioime fmiMtr. lUlldrrom. k'tiiL Ii ll.'..iiillld. vmt ttra riiir mp far rettrvutff all Hit.1- rf niid .r n.M. nauMamt aud Kdunlay. -S .lurt rii'ii. Jiiliiiuir Mai lin. II !nr ihr Htnff iM'.line virtu itr Lbr fitnr OFFICE HOURS PECiAL REDUCTIONS J ante ll.-0 and Willie trrr mna nx-b i niUorl im carrry :: In a Irllrr from Noa SVtdia While. The linn a immi! in hark, aud Uar mkmbim aaal araJiat r- Mgrtit), 9 tl 12; iT.trfi.38. L3! ts 3.3!; SttrtajS, I tl 12 It? Ui llir ix'rrelNry of llir Itnnrd of nrctiiranl pnarrtlr. of ulawr rjietlinl Irta 7.3 1 S niriish riduiK and :ator. Itrfr.-li Ertrj Cien:ng tl in i I', mil- imkinir for la forma I ton ami nrrb. aud bark. lurnt. I durum I lie uiti' mti Mr. t i R..w. Ivan.ad. Alia. rllr:-akual Coats and lilrratlire rpfMrdlna I'rinrr llu- Dental Nurse in -attendance evening. Uwer jr.ru .e I eaaaai a trrjr Ihr roiirlodr: vrrl. wrl(rr av. rata. arruaHiurtl nh a aner thnnl Phone 109 for appointment Ready-to-wear Hats. VIh(ni (he town ueee. ami aaa aiairiai. I a ao loMrw joe etiat.1 ini.rr Juxt trrolinrid Ihan il ha TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ' Out hrar aw nnL I enuM trt rrt Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson BIkM Cor. 3rd and 6th . al aisai una Ihr irrriaa anauinar. aark-aar rt'i'iri nl I II lawn hrduar. ruarn. I irml artrral imtan, but Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C IEMERS a"Rr; DEMERS i !, I rroiain.. dr.M. l.ttST Yalr l. k K.-v on rlmin Ittry 4Nt a B (uud- I aaalUr mw lr. I ' llrlurn Xrwi Miln e. .'I Wwai't M..nr) en- Sirup advrrUM-a s Howard Slulrhhury. Irndr root. I aut a Irani. II al imht rarr lur n-iirr. iniionrr for Alherlo, ylenlay aad tl rr waajn "r of ttorra my n..itii BASKETBALL SCHEDULE had all I II lo maw. -uw alwaya krrp ; mrl Ihr roum'il of thr Hoard of ihr aiiuap." Trade ami diruiii'd wild thnii January 1- -Hrnx- fa v. Ctills llr. iar" i lil up ill a vi llow I FvYesthoIme Lunch III'- plan for laldihiiii( nutj Junior, i:. lUvllie: Maple l.rafs raarr: I hrrr hior I hrrr-. Ihr Iradr luark. . '.linker- al IhU iml. In thr I'rlrr llr. aad ear. a hollhv Uanurartuna . .iiirr of dirulitit II drvriopnl 'vn. ilel.ii.'n, I..ine; hiaa u. !' hy Thr T. MiUiura .u.. lonmlo, j ' Utll:r, Jiw Vi'ott. (ML AUH ' I Under Now Mnnakonent ll:nl thr hmikrm would rrr only Grand Trunk Pacific. Ieiruur I Kiiiv LOW an! v. ALL WHITE HELP t-- "hipping rii mid would not Whir. I tana-, s. li.i: l ; Inliriurdl AVICABLI WATtaS PaOTCCTION ACT. . S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing In' iimoiI for lo. nl niipply. I il (ilrlw. All Slur. Jih Soolt: Statulta af Canada , Midnight Thursday f. Svan'.n Hay. Orean rail Vancouver, ttn of Ctiuld i . nn of V.ng H luplrr lit. I Victoria and s. aiile. Wednday 10 p.m. Auyo.x. Westholme Special FIFTEEN KILLED land. W. K. WilliM-nifL Till IISII AMI t:ol.D STUH-i S.S. PRINCE JOHN rrliruarr ' illlruum v. AUK CO.. 1.7!.. hrrrtiV tivrl IM.Ilre I Ml I Clements. M.-ssrit. and all poiuU on - For I'orl llutkley Hay hr ! IN TRAIN WRECK Il Da. imaVr MH-inn rro (Ti of Ihr laM i ee Course Meal - from 45c up 'partaua, ('.. lliylli Honiara s. maj iirtii.iii.(i wun inr Nin.irr or fuunc Southern Oueen Clinrloilr Islands January Jtst; Thursday, Work al !. aim la thr otnrr or nui ! WALES Coll Uunior1. J. sU;teiear; nulrlri Itroi.trar or Ihr Land Hrtitlrr February 3rd Stewait. ABERMULE, lUillo va, Klkn. Jr . otl. IMalrlrl ir I'rtnrr htiprri.. at ihr cur or 1 TRAIN SERVICE. lrl.rr Ritnrrl. H r. a rlmrrtntlnn or In. February K Junior Olrl, AH I'assensrr Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:16 a. m. AIII'IIMt l.F.. Wnlrv Jan. J!. siar. S. Hardy; U.W .v.A. (lirls vs. ravrrni be bu'li lv ta I he alrr stwrna knuan Kivrr.and druribrd on in land for Smilhers. Prince Oeorge, Mmonton and W'innipeg". making For I'lflern pernll. Ivrlvv i.f whom I et,,.r l.rr ,!; OnlllCS ra. aulitaft l.itl "8" Bf Ktorlc nr. l. r.f Lot direct roiinrrtiona for all points cqt and south. lirf-iy r.oir iHiiMlrrd and rony-nrr inin, were pa urn U rm, were killed in n olia of lUlliailii, W. i:. Willi, IUn n IS . IaiiiI nutritl, in lb Agency All Ocean Steamship Dries ISH AND CHIPS railway wreek hrrr today. Many croft. Protlnrr AMI TAkf:or Hrlllh.vorn.K C.Hiimhii.thai arirr in ft-piratun rnt Inrorru.tioo aid rwflion applr to olhrrn wrrr injured. Iril llrr. JVbruary II Ilea era va. Collaj tbr nri or ptibUrailon onr monio nf rmin nua ihr imiir.rttlr 1...or Clti Tlat.l 0i IH Tklrd lnxl. Ph. t0 c herl Valie.'rcnipe, a hrolhar of (Junior , C. liMlie; 'IVIephone CAVUHW riSH AM. LOLII SVUHVUK Lo.. 'aaaaja at LTD.. will umlrr arrllon arorn it. of Ihr to I he Morrhioitm of liiindoiiilrrry, Olrla . Maple I.11I1. I Iinn; aid ail apply to thr MmKlrr or Public, KO of IIiihc killed. worst at nil outer in inr k.mij oi imiw. wan on r Klk c. Sunn of 1 iiHland, I. for approval or thr Mid :ie and plana and I Ml. for lear to ron.irurl tne Mid nturf. THE EMPRESS CAFE nTi:n al Prinre Hunrrl. a. U.. tni lata CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HOCKEY rVhruiiry 15 Spin ianava.Wil dr or .Mivanibrr. Ktn. I IIK tM.I r I-II D UOLU STOHAUk Canadian PAOirio oocan scavioas Hotel llluck. Newly opened for business Hnnirn, M. M. I.ainh: Mnplu I.nafs t.tw. UMlTto. by tuner aod 1 "'ctly clean, Wlilta help only. Open day and night Vanomurr Sralllo 3 al S- va. Ii. W. V. A. ii! I- Ietl: Ourhtoii, Ha aoiiriiort. B.C. Coast Steamship Services ntllr. v Son of Canada vs. tlolU, Joe IN I'lll.lUTI' IX THE Stl'lil.VK Wil'UT or blllllslt I Ollawu il, llmia.lleiu 3 al Moil Scolt. 1:01.1 .MHIV. S.S. PRINCESS MARY riihritary IS I l irirna va. Irral. IN T)IK MATTFII OF THE APNI.MSTHA- For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 50 ) lliiinllt'.n . Toronto 10 al To. Klnsr I'dwanl, i'.. llilie; Melmirii To ai;t'- - aiKl Rupert Trlridinnr lili U. W I". Willis. ironln. a. IX Tilt: MATTKII or TIIK L STATE Or January 24 j February 7 and 21. rroft: Soiih of KiihIihh! v. l'.ulo, VLTl.VOX t. U. 11 Ml'It. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert-January Wen You Want Plumber Never forget to look throudh l.r Hell. TAkK M.ll. r I ll I lu Ihr Ordrr or llli 15 and 29; February 12 and 26. a thfi classified list I'rhruury 5? J.. nur. tiirla. Honor.I4- .'f F.Juiw.Mrll Iu.Vi.uur.I wad.aiainlrd Ihr Nllnliin S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE I'.hlUUpiolla V. Ile-I: lllllrilirdiala,iiilullralc.r i.r Ihr K.Utr uf Vrrin.il F. u. ilanibk'. ilrieatrii: and all parliri tiavmr fr.m print. RupaM tar Swanaaa Bar, Ocaaa Falla, Hardy Bay, Al.rl Bay, call Vou ara hot in a hurry t pa ilmri.u MilU, Cliailipinlls v. Ural; Senior riahu. ...-I ilM' Mid rl.i am brrrby B.atar C. Pawall aii.r, Vaaiauttr and Vlalorla rftZFMA ilin lU't. ii(ji.ir.il ii. ri.niUli una. iSNrrly trrinxl lag Mrn. t:lmuiplon - j Ciary Saturday S p. at. Tfni ua ( I., mr .it 'i iH iiiri' Ii emhirrnlh day or KELLY & MALLETT (liaMi'a iMiil-inriit ll. l.ru.rs A. It lll. and all parlira lu- For raiaa, rM.rnatlnoa and lalllnti. apply lo fpr Krirma anl r4ln lirlta-tloua, ... . i ir . 1.., '" ll"'l I" Ihr rlale rrqulrrd lo par C. ORCHARD, General Agent. II rrllatra at one. and gradually liy ii iiiiMiiirii ni-.in'"., iii.. an..nun oi (iirir nmroirum'ta w uio W. hrala lh akin. rUunla bo I'r. if want In buy ' "oil or If r""'" . Prince fhonci (li.i.'i tiluliu.ut Irta II you in.ntlon (lilt you sumuiuv. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Rupert, B.C. Green 85 and Green 415 Ami ae uil IM.(lamp tut(HMtai. 9 a villi want nnvlhmir A lot of bust- onil Adinuualrair. r.iwr I'rinrr HuiirrL a. C. llii.lri or KUuaaaoii. Ilalca & lk, yatlunlt Tvruuw not is done .that way. I I'aUJ ltl liltt iliy or .luuary, tvl