Uc'ttUtH Urrr 8 FFB 1 W r axi 139 4m i ill TAXI Phone TAXI 75 WE NEVER SLEEP untley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto Uelgeon Block 707 Second Ave. Prince Kupert Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCIi Itll'KllT. It. C. THL IIHJiAY JAM AHY 27. 1021. Vuttrtftr't CircwUtian 1.741. Urt.l Uln SSZ. PRICE FIVE CKNTSJ I XII. " ISH CARS BADLY WANTED teESS OF PORT IS RETARDED GREATLY THROUGH FAILURE TO PROVIDE BACHELOR ADMIRAL AND CHILDREN HE SEEKS TO ADOPT. gend of the Iftimerise Business Lost to , frHREE FOOLS Ht FOOL MERCHANT. Country through Car Shortage B m. a, rmlomrr , - " r. spend ,W00. i !; mill Ulitl Mill Estimated thai lv;o Millicn Fcucds were taken frcm , ill: t.ll-lllr. The ml Here and Sold at other ports, while ai other , i linn iiM-r . ,1 y I '.1 11 1 In- lint llttil M-hilt Two Million Kept Away I. 'i ll Hindi HI Hi". Li l cm- Iji'W I lln PfliVTIVIITTi F Ai-.-ur.ling lo Hiitlionlalive flfrure thai liave Jieeo obtained in , i -alii 'In- vUllllllli lUlj 'i-hnig .-iri-lej. . hllibut, in llu ilv 2,UUO,JiMJ f.ixinds or or ig.1 ammo I do ,,n 'Hrload. left the port during the year t!20 a a result of the ,I )..ii Hill SJl) fW ""AW I) A V .--l-tlllll ' ul JJ IT LlAl !ai ",P rur ,'",r,i'l?e ,nal J''"eHiled throughout the, mot of the year. , .. my wanU - I'l An aiiali- of thee ligure- liow lliat Ihe biiuie- thut lost j amounted to 2t)o,6!0, llguriug at the low overage of I Or a pound Rochestsr Seltcts Mayor . . ,v iiH..III(I-)'MllltliK V U.' Committee Chairmen to j for ths,vn!iie. At an average of JfOOO a car that i paid Ihe expre ii-oniKiiiie to take Ibis flh ea.l it shows.'a lo of I)ii"ineM by ,---lM'll Wax Jll i Define City'a Stand. !thoe of 0,0o0. i.-ompaniex ( ..iir liul -. ; . I.i more ' '-jll ' Mayor Rochester has i Looking al the Mtualion from a national rather than a local 'Mil ha I" j named Aldermen Dybhavn, iaitdo.nt. lop tlii'"!- boaU b-av. meneed and bulb laiie and .small . .'U I Hill ll - (lit 1 Kerr and Perry to the com. iiig In it Jid nol ko to another boau will Im- rominii from the . : .l.'IIIJI n '4ll I mitlee to draft reports defining (-uii.iiiiuii mi I ImiI unit loKrtrlil- bank. with their catebe.". In the 5 ..ver" ad. the city's stand on a kuii or Smile with their ralcbex, itieantlme, Willi the , ar nlmrt .ge, iiii. y inn hod settlement of the Cow Bay the liuxiii.'-- wan lost entirely to ihe lo in lui.iine.Hs not merely iv !. If JWU ; dispute. These reports, after an n!a. .S' l merely i tin afTM-ti Prince Itupi-rl but the know what llc-ar A.linlml Vit A ilU tt il I'm I Mini Mule -children eUII passing the council, will iimii- y lil in expre. tolU the lioli- of Canada. be wmiU i Juepl fc 11. I. mb.pi Hi eb.iMu ib- l pvr- be submitted to the ratlway niily to but Ibe incidental rol jmI the llfr- tnlttcd to tla) lu till touiitrj, oIIhTm iw tiny l'.l lie tU'ivlliiI commlss!on and the pro Yin-clal of baodliiia and transportation government. wbrf-b th,"io-elve mount hisli DIRECT ACTION It will be noted that to this l Ibe country. Tbu Board of Trade Ask for PRINCE GEORGE werr rm FOOL BltiX.Cn. . committee . the mayor has mtieb 'emidAysiieNt Ut tbui; u taiilir, hio who named the chairmen of each Ulani-il-MiiH uvibVneli huve Imd. , IS THREATENED . !!' ill H'ff. Co-operation in Bringing LEGAL CASE of the mam council standing Bad Effect. - . V. li.if !p n-'iilei Itioiit . committees. Mayor Rochester The lisiiri-n given here are by no -. - ., in- would havo Is also a member of this me: ii Hie t.dal for bu-iiie ol Lsbor In BrlUln May Uss Means i in i.i hi e- Car shortage to Attention committee. In tin' eiHliilrv. Many boat rail. to Obtain Employment. Order Orantsd Restraining eron-erg -I ai I'rinr.' Ilutiert lal year and A Flynn from disposing ...I 1 1... IoimI LONDON, Jan. 27. The iin'.s- li'idinv niarki'l i-uililiolis uiu of Celt! Slomje Himtelf Strongly of Their Assets Expresses lhJM"'f er iii in- ,h.volatile mi ait'ount of Ibe car lion of dirrel art ion by Ilritih i large llii, in Pcjard to Matter; Committee has . .sli'u aae h'Tt fur tealtle and Ubor in r inner tiou wllli the un-(K'-trli VAN'.orvr.U. Jm. Sirial m tt ill I lm Campaign in Hand ' An inlrriin iiunin"lioa n k.ili and have nol' been tiark roipovioenl situation wa broimbl I lo the Troiil (inlay at Ibe o-ilioiml nioi i-. trttier Imat would land al 'sfflnlM llir llrm i.l f tin e. llay rlralnllll eonferenef of the tilr I'ilrty and ,Ki i bik.iu. l-i'-ni Hph to Prince "HimiMmU ttf dollar li ir Iwrn o lo lhi orl owing in r limnzrr A l-'ljnii "f I'rinc-II. r "I .111 I - iltui'i r 'nil finding the li-li mar- Ibe IVade. I liinn Ijiiwh'. fcioli tin rrfrijnr,lir rr hHaiiv." drrlarwl T. JiihitMiii. nuiiaftrr S"ore frHi JiMi.iu of iln-ir Cenrga Corman Arrives with Im- kel larkmu ear would eillier ell It wa dei-lared thai if the Uov-periat (ellet if I llu Giiaiiiuii Pih himI ! I Slurngi' til thr nirrliilg ofllic r"'- l"JIB n Irt'arliw ' i il " Oil Air Craft jlo r ld -torage at Ketrhikaii or ermoenl faild M' am-ii tl;. )., ..- (imiim iI of Ihr lliuirtl f Tr.i'li- vIt1m iiflerii.MMi. "tl. Ff""r IH- 'lieticeil from there In Seallle. )f oal of labor torrealire Ibat il in t.lla.nlli.n f..f I'lial-SlillB llll' iliilll 'I Ihi-re art- i r iiInI) lirre . in ! lif luiMlie. Thi' llrl ileliver)' op,'r 11Uuin.l III- ini.-rrl f ii- EliMONTON. Jan. 31. Tranl- tlie honl whirh paei I'rinee fotemol oldiitaliou i to Hml pro- - --very la lins from Sakatooii al the rle lturl ii. knowing of Jhe ear ib.rtive work for every willinx iI lal ImiI llie liave not wii to have tirrn mmlt' m iih ram yit Mtr(iif r ..n .-liir ir (tic jmlsuirpt I mn miH"ti hour with liir1:gr no definite llsiire rati worK.-r. inr qm-suou oi uin-ei uc-(ieorse or 130 mie CapL i I I will mean iirmril. A few tlmy af I wiitiI Jolin I'ulkii, livml of t Isc Dim- -litri for S.'.tfn;) h lifiinl. (ioriuan an of l-lioonloo in lie oblained liut II would lie a ron- tion will be considered. '(" lltldrr- (I mil Kirr (ii., it-king when lliey will l Iiore tind Im now eharge. Ihe Imperial Oil Com. nerval ive estimate to lake an- .i uitishhi n-carums hh r ink. Vmi ujrgi'.l M.in h no lh lime for roinmeiiccnienl of delivery. I SOPHIA WRECK HEARING l-any s seeomi all-tneial Kmii'v. other S.fMMl.tmn pouilil to cover o-r win o reariu-o o rnmiw; t i i a mniifli Hi Ink we li.iiil. IiikI mil if tun plane reached here al S.30 yesterday il. 23- I Ml' i (lull, MIDI -ar are rfally toelnn liiiftl " Witnesses at Seattle Testify to after a splendid trip. Season Commencing. " Ill'IMlW. I.i'l Afl.T k iiihh ileal of illi'UHttHl Refusal of CapUln to Accept Tin- plane bad been delayed at These figure, therefore. sK-ak MORE MURDERS i"l iii'lp iu'll li- nialiM; lefl In llu' hiMide MAY DE ELCCTION Hslp Saskatoon follow inn ail accident. for llyineM in the urge tor ftifierien , '.r.r, ,i fmmediatly. Latest ad. nf Hi rolnllllll, ) more ears IN BRITAIN SOON v i IIip ri i'l.v. llu- uiiilernUililInK (hat fnll-Mi i SKATIM Januar JJ. 'Iliree "Dr. Jefcyl and Mr. Hyile is u vices received here stale thai de- BELFAST CITY 'I'Hili' dial I li'li'rntim were U lie wnl ami I.IINIKI.V, Jan. S7. I'ol- wiliieioeH today li-llud in the Meial iiMolnrtiitn and d excen-1 livery of ears may be made in Iiiudlirxi. (hat I be i:iljr Omnrll. Hip Kmlirr-Aiiriatioti. illl'ill K"-Il ItIM Bli'H HlrilllK beurlnir it the UI'.H. adieitioii 11 mil draimitic Klrength. West- March, but ere Ibat dale the fish-holme ilinnk . i" mini iillier yii llu member lor play dli .evldenee fmni for h liiniUlli.il or liability In re. tomorrow and Saturday. ing season will have well corn- Shootings In Hotel Near Police MilUklllK." Ihn dUlrlel, and others le ki-d oflirli.1 qiiarli-rii rt'Kanlliitr e.KPrd ' Ibe Niiiklnu of Ibe I'rin- Headquarters Several u.iiMrHl in lirinniiiit furrilily Alkrtii uuler mi In llu-(mkiI-iIiI) uf a ii"invMl 'etH S.i.1iIm in Fatalities. I llu- tuiuker 1 1. llu- nll'nliiMi of ll"' Oovern-iii' i-liTliiiii diiriiiu the ii l- OcliiUer 33, HMH. Tli'-y euid thai Farris Takes Part ni mul railway llu1 lo" "I ll IIRflll'lIK ki-kohmi. film euiiunundi-r "f Hie MricVrn 11ELKAST, January JT. Two liuntii'-n ii'iillln frmii (In- i-ar 'v I rirniil nfTi-r. ,f llniiitllllpe Hl FOOL RAILWAY. strangers inquired at a butrt near klmrliiu-' and llu- xuieiilsl i-uluy t j f roni iiIIht I ii I-i mul would not for Hi.'ii' hi n 1 4i f rnnliiiiiiiiK b nl ii-ii-lll. 'let ttii! bauM'iii;!'! i be removed In Delta Election police gi'esl. beadiiuarlers When shown to the some bedroom i ' -i I 'liilid Irnrk ifioiu Ihe wreck. they shot two of the gueU a " Ml thai was MXER Ulead and wouuded a third sert- ri 1 ' Hip IitiiiI-" NEGRO BURNED Jj APRIL ANOTHER FISHING ouly. Later it was discovered ii-li.'rinen Willi Declares Charges of Bowser are Un-j""t ' iry n.uie.t ..r ne BOAT LOCATED HERE man Itli, .if ulllllll Lent t nk''il In oil lit SOUTHERN MOB i iiy. Ihry wen Oempsey to Fight Best Obtalnabli ; founded ; Leader cf Oppcsiticn VMllcll. ' Annie Tucker to Fish From This A fanner, who was shot dead v;i lrui Ihr Opponent at Portland j Hi Statements Regarding at iiandon; Repeats ji.ii Tuesday cvruiiiK i- ii-ml aueiit, Charged With, r i Port During the Coming Henry Lowery viitted ivvo daye previously iJ' uiii up new I 1 rnrm.ANI. Ore.. Jan. ji.--It Season, wa Murder or Men and Daughter Undei world Pact jby six men.supposed to b llritish ad. I hey ruiild hi uiinnuiirtsl but Jnek leiiiiMy, iwh hpcuiune Gats Short Shrift rlialiiiii,n behvywidwbl, will tie-find Yesterday the iNliing boat !oll!ccr peeking Sinn Kelu inroiination niovenients re-luiinliiitr in ' 1 nl ram. "AVo hi title ' here In April Hrl catch her Annie Turker sold (.i;i:)l... Ark.. Jan. ii. CI.OVKIIDALK, Janimry 27. In a speech here last night in ,ttit district, which wa itiven " nil wllli our Hliullint the )ief oppniienl Hint here and It is Ibe intention uf hi-r '"i "ImiI wc shiill Ilrnry l.owery. r nemo, i lmrtfed .nil be itei'iiPi'il by Ibe l'urtluinl owner.. Joe lubrock. to operate Ibe inlerest of A. D. Palersiui. Ihe Liberal eiuulidate in Ihe Delia Pinned to the dead man- eoat ' iiwoy." wllh Ibe murder id C. T. ' :iiivlnu rnmniiattion. . ii... .'.Mi.., ll..,, I VV .ImII I'jirri........nltiirnev....... -neiieral. said Ihe a eired .,was a Hole saying he bad been i in l ill I ii is in ii I iiiiruiu iiiw ivniiiiH initiiR, f w tm,), yu .1, t in J ibiuvhler nl Nmlimu on to The i-rni4 of Ihe muleli are not season. She i an almost newlpucl lielwccn the Oliver (loverntneiit and Ihe Vuncoitver under- i hot ror to intending the lo in give regard uifor.to burned matlon enemy 1 ii'- HhIhthii'ii, CbrliitmiiK Day. h .IhIj-iI. IoiI Kearii". Ileinpiiey'si enifl and la-t seas"" lUhed "l WorW ionilwl or the enlurem"ent or the Liberal candidates by republican troop movements. ' 1 ''iy "f rimdi. deutb bra mob hisl iiiKbt'on-itie imnnu-'i'. I'onllriiiH the Hnnoiinee- or Vancouver. Her capacity i Vancoiiver. members of il (I,, .Mlfliil'l Hlver levee near Ibe Mim,, r n,t r,.sperlcd cillxesiis id "l of lio line 'lli'Ml. about 5l.ft00 pound. .. ........... , ".. .i. ...i;.n...i ...;n. tr ii...v.e. Ml v.,u iu o (n do Crulif I'liiiiluli'in. FUNERAL YESTERDAY '' "llllHII-lt o rerusnl to support' their platform calling for iion.restoration of Hi. 'f."ll. of Mm WAGE REDUCTION IS TRIED TO SHOOT M Vi know Jobnimn, inauuiter bars and saloons and for Ihe appoinlmenl id tin independent nonpartisan Remains of Late George, Ross an '"" : iiik because Co.,Cmui.llnii In leHvlnti FUli und lonlglit Hold for Xloniue Vun-roijter INEVITABLE SAY MEN AVETIS ABROUNIAN commission to adiiiinU-.ment and the underworld of Van-ter Burled by His Comrades. -1'iit. Ilpre the iioverninenl sale ot liquor, eouver. He said people did not u be will spend 11 will Irt lp pull where the bar. If John 'Ibe funeral of Ibe bile (lejirge of A" i-iin i' t.AMil.KY. Jan. 27. W. want a n-lurn Jan. 27. unsncvess. IMI,-," W'ft'ki'"" 'vxo buslni'ws. I.tiMMl.N. Many ile-b-Malr PAWS. Jan. 27. r..t i.. I., n.. 1 1 li.... -..e -i...1,LlMir nl Hie Delta Di ver was lionesl lie couni mae moss loo oiuri- ) rui in ""w- In.llu- national eouferenee 1 '" I 'liiiiMiny ro. ol Ihe AliuerN' I'l'derHtiou in i,,n... Amii.. vinoiiii.au. head of.byelecllon eampaigii her-, refer- a dellnite slalenienl as lo whether p. in.. Hie member or the Otu Dig Mil UmIiitihui the fUtJiermen went lo n(lir porU in sola in union, to which Die ueftMieti n-governmeiit bei'i' to now lieie,rlng lo the .Moderation lull, rr or not was here, ailiiiilted venterduy IbuAriiH'iilan dehiKulion 1,1 hulf lfll eelljilhelr Cutrbas. i-MHioii till) lu conducted tbe service. liquor longed, al hotels o r regarding an but not.uealed charges In. He tired noon, was re.ductlons was ' ' itliiT soimfbody thai wi; were thun And everyow eiiid Ifhere about 50 curry were presenjL between tbu Uoern-llores. i- liable. bit. llis uttlihj! w;ii urretcd. jleged pact m "'I duuipbool. '- - And uiurl l" a