mpeday, September 6, 1932 School Opening Specials YOUNG GIRLS shoes, Skirts, Pullover Sweaters & Felt Hats. Also Children’s Coats at extraordinary Reasanable Prices. ” pene te MAKE A CARAMEL PUDDING WITHOUT: OPENING THE CAN! You'll never believe it, till you try it. But it’s true! Just cook an un- opened can of Eagle Brand Sweet- ened Condensed ilk in boiling MAGIC CARAMEL PUDDING 1—Place can of Eagle Brand Swect- ened Condensed Milk* in kettle water for 3 hours—and out comes a u n of boiling water and keep at Caramel Pudding that's delicious! ili ; A golden-rich caramel color! A boiling point for three hours. reamy-rich caramel taste! CAUTION—BE SURE THAT CAN IS KEPT COVERED WITH WATER. Tempting with cream and nuts for garnish. Or combined with fresh r dried fruits. A perfect frosting r a cake. A delicious biting for tarts. So--why not cook several ans at a time? 2—Remove from water. Chill. Open can and serve. "MAKE NO MISTAKE—Be sure you use the right kind of milk in this recipe Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk, Although evaporated milk is fine for many uses, it simply won't work in this magic recipe. EAGLE BRAND M | LK be Sites tic toa 50 Powell St., Vancouver, B c SWEETENED CONDENSED 6.4 Gentlemen: Please send me a copy of your free cook book, “New Magic in the Kitchen.” Name Address JUST ARRIVED— 400 PAIRS of SHOES in ‘intent Fall Models In Kid Trimmed Black Suede, Alligator Trimmed Tans, Blaek Velvet Pumps, Ties, Oxfords, Ete. There are fifteen different styles and shades to choose from, You are cor- dially invited te come and inspect this new stock. Annette’s Ladies’ Wear Co. oS an ee eee no) LOCAL NEW Miss Betty Sutton of {rived in the city on Saturday af- terndon. and is paying a brief visit to the city. — = | | | Miss Pulmira Astoria returned to!7 p.m., the,city on the Catala Sunday night, members admitted until end of} from a two-weeks’ vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. E. P. Jenner left on yes- tercay’s train for, Olds, Alberta, where, she»kas been called on ac- count of the illness of her mother.! ter of the curator of the muscum at Juneau, Was a passenger aboard ths ; Alice Saturday after- noon going through for a trip to Seattle Princes Father E. M. Leray, OML, of Stowart sailed Sunday night on the Catala for Anyox where he will minister to the Roman Catholic Church congregation for the next week or so Mrs. Frank Fitch ana son and daugitter returned to the city on the Catala Sunday night from Vancouver where they spent the summer vacation visiting with re- laiives and friends } ; Copley Bennett, who is in the | Railway Mail Service here, return- jed the oity on the Catala Sunday inight following a three-weeks’ ho!- iday trip to Vancouver and else- where in the south Rev. W.. D. stor of First Presbyterian Church, been on a months’ vacatior two and Mrs. Hollingworth, who have THE CONSOLIDATED, MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL—BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of! ELEPHANT AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA e Brand TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE CHEMICAL PERTILIZERS ers & Refiners of TADANAC LEAD-AINC Brand CADMIUM-BISMUTH ELECTROLYTIC = a I When you go to Europe Take advantage of the manifold services of the Cunard Line, You ean travel one way via Montreal, the other via New York Convenient sailings from MONTREAL and NEW YORK to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Plymouth, Southampton, Belfast, Londonderry, Havre & Cherbourg LOW RATES Ray ‘i First Gl from $182. $251. Cabin Cliss i i 9 RuGe 67, 9. | Express Service maintained by “THE BIG THREE” ; “RERENGARIA” - “AQUITANIA” “ “MAURETANIA” | CUNARD - ANCHOR | ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINES 622 Hastings Street West, Vancouver or any Steamship Agent eu eens ————————— Sas UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver USS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PM. ; Via Waypoints, arriving Vapcouyer, Thursday aa ISS. CARDENA BVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx y sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox River points, Sunday, 8 p™ le t informat all sallings and tickets at ormation regard Avenue. Stewart and Naas Phone 568, TR CANADIAN PACIFIC es AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER oe PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Pridays, 10 p.m.—via Ocean Falls and oo PRINCESS LOUISE or PRINCESS ALICE-—Saturdays 5 pm & Y KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNKAU and SKAGW ‘Mondays 10 am, Fo write— W. L, COATES, General Apent, Information call or Prince Rupert BC acento, 'RINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Secon AEE, trip ‘to Montreal and vicinity, turned to the city from the }on Saturday night’s train re- East Mrs. Helen Keobke and little Whitehorse Princess Alice Sa- rday afternoon from the Yukor. and sailed Sunday evening on the arrivea in daughter of on the Catala for Alice Arm where they will pay a visit with Mrs. Keobke’s mother, Mrs. Helen Nucich : cal school teachers returning to the city on the Catala Sunday] night after having spent the sum- mer vagation at their homes in the ith ineluded Misses Maude and |Margaret Maguire, Miss J. Mac- jd nald, Mrs. B Walker, Miss H |Wright, Miss Mariorie Shic!, Miss Jessie Moffatt, Mi E. E. Lucas, Miss E. P. G. assi¢ s0n und J. Hutchin- Vapors inhaled quickly clear head Pianos For Rent $4 Per Month and Up Pianos Tuned, $3 WALKER’S MUSIC STORE ses Hotel Central Ltd. Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views, Rates reasonable. Spacious ‘sample rooms, FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street PAGE THRES LOCAL ITEMS | Baptist Hallowe’en Tea Oct. 31. 207 Music Classes will re-open at St. Joseph’s Academy on Sept. 6th, | Commercial Class Sept. 12th, Kin- dergarten October 3ra. 207 “Returned men and families can obtain a limited amount of cloth- ing by applying in person at the Canadian Legion Rooms after 11 /a.m.” | Miss Bonnie Campbell sailed by ithe Catala Sunday night on her jreturn to Stewart after a ten- day visit in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Matheson, Guides and Rangers of St. An- drew’s Cathedral will re - open classes Tuesday, Sept. 13. Guldes Rangers 815 pm. New Sept. only. 207 Miss Margaret McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McLean of this citv, saileg on the Catala Sun- day evening for Stewart where she will join the teaching staff of the | Stewart Suoerior School. Miss Mc- Miss “Kefiia Kashaveroff, daugh-|Lean taught last year ‘at Hazelton. | He had a Merial BREAKDOWN Fruit-a-tives quickest source of health “A bad stomach and irregular bowels nearly finished me. When you add in severe headaches it's small wonder I had @ nervous breakdown. If I hadn't happened on *Fruit-a-tiyes", I don't know where I'd be. They ink Quickest and best regulator an are the tonic I know of. I feel on top of the world nowadays.” Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores Miss Eileen Patmore left on yes- terday morning’s train for Terrace where she will resume her sznooal teaching duties after having spent summer yacation at her home the here Grant Hollingworth.) ea Miss Jane Wooaruff, daughter of the United States custom officer at Ketchikan, was a passenger on board the Princess Alice Saturday afternoon going through for a trip to Seattle H. W. Dodd, government agent at Telegraph Creek, and Mrs. Dodd and family arrived in the city on the Princess Alice Saturday after-| noon from the north and sailed Sunday evening en the Catala for Stewart where Mr. Dodd ‘will be lo-| cated for a time ! Miss Helen Young, daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyd Young Port Simpson, was a passenger on board the Catala Sunday night bound for Anyox where she will | resume her school teaching duties after having spent the summer vacation in the south of William J. Nelles, one of the mem- bers of the si‘)’s orchestra of the steamer Princess Alice, was being taken south aboard that vessel which was here Saturday after- m to Vancouver to enter hospi- tal. While the ship was at Juneau he had the misfortune to fall on the slinnery deck and break his collarbone. Dr. J. C. Cade attended him while the vessel was here L. F. Champion of Vancouver, manager of the British Columbia Products Bureau, arrived in the city on the Catala Sunday night ifrom the south and will be here for the most of this week conduct- ling a campaign encouraging the luse of British Columbia goods. Mr Champion is a former general |}manager of the Granby store at Anyox and is well known in the north. He spoke at a luncheon of \the Prince Gyro Club in the Com- |modore Cafe today with President William Cruickshank in the chair jand tomorrow afternoon will ad- dress a meeting of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. | Announcements | Rupert Tennis Club Dance Sep- tember 9, I.0.D.E. Hall, Dance Sept. 16 and 30, Qddfel- low’s New Hall. Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20. ine Be = Wed. Special Preserving Peaches $1.65 per evate ..........%. Munro Bros. ~ LOCALITEM C. P. Balagno will reopen his 208 {music class September 7. Tonight’s train from the East, due at 9 p.m., was reported this morning to be on time. Catholic Ladies’ tea and sale of thome cooking at Mrs. G. W. Nick- erson’s, Fifth Ave., Thursday after- noon, September 8. 208 Miss Dorothy Patmore of thi: icity sailed on the Catala Sunday evenin for Port Simpson where she will relieve the teacher of the white school who is ill | Watch for reel to be shown in Capitol Theatre Wednesday and Thursday nights illustrating piano classes which will be taught by Miss Hogan and Miss McCaffery. 208 Miss Ruth Perry, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perry, formerly of this city and now residing in Victoria, was a passenger aboard ithe Catala Sunday night going through to Port Simpson. ’ Miss May Delaney, formerly as- sistant instruetress in the com- mercial department of the local High School, returned to the city on the Catala Sunday night from Vaneouver. after having spent the summer yacation in the south, and will now be in charge of the com- mercial class, Miss A. A. Pierce haying taken a year’s leave of ab- sence. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson arrived in port at 10 o'cleck Sunday evening from the south and sailec a couple of hours later for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she re- turned here at 1240 noon today and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon on her return to Vancouver and wavports. The vessel brought north 9 large. list of passengers includ- ine many city and district school teachers returning to their duties after snending the summer vaca- tion in the south _==s ee “Build B. C. Payrolls” The New Flavor We have just received a letter from a lady who asks that her name not be mentioned. Pacific Milk has been her choice for years and this she has noticed ‘Since Pacific Milk has been vacuum packed the children call for it oftener. The new flavor takes with them.” This is good news. Here is one reason we like letters: They give information we would not other: | wise get : Pacific Milk “100% B. C. Owned and Controlled” PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD > . “Cleanliness is Next to * Godliness” SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS August 29 to September 10 inclusive Ladies’ or Gents’ Suits Pressed By Steam 50 Cents Sponged, Cleaned and Pressed 75 Cents Naptha or Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 LING - TAILOR |] We call for and deliver to all | parts of the city. Mail orders } ' } receive our prompt attention. Classified Ads — ae ree — * FOR SALE —e = FOUND FOR SALE— Piano, very reason- able. Phone Black 904. tf SCHOOL Books, Grades six and eight. Phone Bhie 89 between four and six. 208 — ae ee FOR SALE— 1929 Forder Sedan. Make me an offer. Apply Comer. White Apts. Phone 427. 208 s3PECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower prices than any mail orde/ house, Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52. ae A ay at oo iit hen FOR SALE—T-room house, 3 lots. Atlin Avenue. Small payment down. Balance as rent. Write A. Prince, 3150 Davin Street, Vic- toria. 210 Sy ae eee FOR RENT SIX reom house Phone Red 914. JTEAMHEATED Room to let. Phane Red 390. 212 MODERN ‘Howse, harbor view $26 a month. Phone Red 720. tf ‘OR RENT—Mog¢ern flat, Rand _ Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. tt POR RENT— Five-room Cottage, | ‘modein, Sixth Ave, East. Phone Red 248. tf JOME choice modern apartments for rent. Greatly reduced rates. Westenhaver Bros. tf 7OR RENT—Fully modern six-room house ‘with furnace, close in. Phone Red 720. (tf) FOR RENT. Five-raom modern flat with range, reduced rent. Ap- ply owner, Room 4, Levin Apartments. 212 ! ee ee eee SWAP HOUSES TRADE small house for big house or vice versa, F. W. Hart. tf ee WANTED WAN PED—Twin buggy. Phone Riu ibu. 208 WANTED to purchase small or- gan, at reasonable priee. Apply 215 Oth Ave. E. 212 as WORK WANTED WOMAN wants work by day, week, or month. Phone 427. 209 WOMAN will do washing reasonab- ly. Will take it home or do it at the house. Phone 27. tf 5 re cee = TRANSFERS CAMBRON'S Transfer, Phone 177. Dry Wood. Chairs for rent. tf Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD. g three Dry Docks otal capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding §0-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts t FOUND new seine boat skiff be- tween Holland Rock and Kaien Island. $10 salvage. Apply Clau- sen. Box 1562. 214 SS BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for High Schaol pupils terms reasonable. Seal Cove Hotel. 209 aiiliae nelly «atin FURNISHED Rooms heated, with or without board. Reasonable term, 704 McBride Sreet tf " CHIROPRACTIC __-W.C. Aspinall Yhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Gigen Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 (pen Evenings 6 Excnange Blk. ORCHESTRA _ FOR Your Bahce ‘orchestts phone Mrs. Black, Green 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (tf) SS ae DATRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 bs ce eee PASTEURIZED MILK 1S SAFE MILK fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 « om —_