'PKOK I, TTIK DAtl.Y NEWS. Fehlnv. Jlv A ly The Daily News, JE DAflLY MISERY POfrJCE REPORT GOING BACK TO THE ' I'PINCE UUI'EUT BRITISH COLUMBIA OLD HOME TOWN IS SPECIAL WEEK END SALE. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newi OF ILL-HEALTH OF LAST MONTH THEME OF RAY FILM Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Youthful Favorite Gives a New 10 per cent Reductions II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. BootleoQlng Was Discussed by Thru Yeara ia(3frVrlnf QuV1 ! ' Commission .Difficult to Touch to "Native Son" Idea ' on All Goods Vntil Saturday Night HVES5' H.Ueved by "FRUIT.A SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Apprehend Tails. In Picture. Ladles of Prince Kupert do not have to pay high City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 91.no Ontnttt hark the old home? war prices for Uy mail to all part of the British Umpire and the Ignited (Hates, Aci-oi'diiifr lo Hie nnuillily re. town has a senltrnetilal interest lu advance, per year Id.uO, Curl of I lie clijit'if J ml ire whleh for the man wlm has iron tittf Suits. Coats, etc. To all other couutries, in advance, per year $7.60. wns .uliiutlle.1 al Ul uitilil s ami fortune and made name j a Vancouver i"li itnuuisainiv meeting Ihero as they now liavo n store and Vancouver (or hiin.eir in Ihe big eity. Hell-ifig . a dertidrti derene (a prices. TELEPHONE SS. , Jie up tn a llm.HHin h Ihe iasc in y p,. iew emirlrdiirinji little lne where be wns Imtn Transient Display Advertising II B per Inch each Insertion I lie lOonlli nf June. Iliere were Is, erhas, a wene he's oflen BENT'S LINGERIE SHOP Transient advertUhi? on front page fJS.OO per Inert. luit 33 nis resulhnir In .11 pleliired in his mind, lint when Third Avenue, neml Currle' llakary. I'lionei flfll Local Headers, per Insertion, 25c, per line unn n uirn in si ail enses a young fellow who has it"ii unit ri: convidiiiits I ft May. The Classified advertising, per Insertion, 2c per word. out from the little town ami Legal Notices, each insertion 16c. per agate lyie. imIhI ciillifllon of fines nmoim!. heeaime ul one eif a luitelreil I'd t ftn. 'Iliere were 10 Contract Hates on AipUcfatlnn. rlerk. iu a hi vCty eslabllh-tiiefil cases of driinkraness. 3 brenelieo. All advertising should he In the Daily News Olllce on day preceding ileekfes In tvtfn baea to the DON'T WAIT BUY TODAY r i lie ii i:. I'Mfiiwiriin publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Art, oho home rlllaire and Martle the native MR. CASPAHO DUBORO ease of supplying liquor to Ins Exchange and Bonds i with his rli.lhe ami nnir-frtiid Foreign dians mid one cr nf vnstrniiey. DAILY KDlTIOfl. n30$i& Friday. July 8, ?l. 159 Avenue Pius IX, Montreal. There were srvernl reports of and aNireul wealth, whal OVeflNIQHT i HOriTS , haiens next ? , "For three years, 1 was trrrilU ImrKlnries during Hie month of ilv.ri iuIiI pri.lll- ice I "iin.e liT pui itui- i - ..f I'.liaries Hay fnrnlshea the a.i Htfrrtrfnm Dytprpti and mjr JTDcral June, one "of lhee bffirtr life eVrlialiae -lelilllW. Irani - BU'I uaiS .ill rejfl.lel 1 1,u frip, Handicap of swer nivvsl iteltBhlfHlly in health was very bad. I consulted a idlered lliel of furs vnllied nl Humeri nlaj ainne.-. Being Married. ISIel ereeH eooHwrf, V nth ise ine...r. I., take immediate adwiiilNK' o sad took hi meUioe and SlrtSO fmn) howse Owmx physician n hi In Kdinonlon there is n leacher whoi married nod hl wife I'rfimes Unfile." whieh will he mi mil prlre. noil plm e llieo ..nei for iillo: (..,. w faithfully carried out hi initructloes; Avenue, .Vone of the Mileve Theatre' ui liiiuil. Willi lis. II fori iin etehaiiu on i it t i iilUu ha work nlsii a traelierV'sJHfiST-jiiiw view at Ihe We.lholme been lining temporary an hut I did not Improve and finally A had so fftp Jhii Hpprehende.1. Kuivaienii niin'. a. well ,1 tin- Orient. Weipi l pilau a npiyiiig for a permanent puitimi nnl Mime of the Iriisiees ohjeit. doctor u4d m4 1 mU not t tun J. Tim, wfisrliU of bread And eivil touitrhl. As Is well known. Mr , hity and sell nil elae uf f..r. mn iHiml I "ipleie They ,think Hie piiliiitis should he given lo those who are im-niarried. At this time, a friend aJiwed to had been ffMlH ami fiHlud Hay i thnnvnirlily at heorie in lualion as . daiiu. maturity am. nppr.innate y el.Ie. td. pif were ImiI reiuel. Many homl- iff. f . , mall 1'iwn rule, and Ifiis lime) ln.iiil. fnrni upon J to 'Fruit!' and 1 dKl try so. Immedialely Ihe iiielion aries whether n woman doe)) mil Afler takloc two boxes of 'Fruit-a-ire', salisfas'tntj'. be ha a slury thai fits hint lUki l(eer '3MI Ii" lalilll nl .f .'-.III l"W i' V l esl mid drink ami wear as much after marriage as before. lin I wa freatlf retierrd; and rHilbiwin Discipline.the a ulfive. TH0S. McCLYMONT a' woiiihii live for half or quarter the mm it eil her when gradually this marvelous frutt report mIhk single? If she ran do mi. should she? These are question medicine maJe me completely well. man Mia.I.named.y m.Jef Mrillnn,Viekers under that senl-iMire a "THE IRON HEARF All foreign bonds sold on convenient partial which are vital. Jtjr digestion and general health payment terms. If desired, If it wax true that a man wan always wiid ilnulde the salary are splendid all of which I owe to lo serve had eeael dajrw f"'froro ilrnk-nnes. Jail, TO BE SHOWN HERE of a woman, there might he julire in Ihe attitude of the trmtees, Fruit-A-Ufe" thore "was saune ertlieisni if I lie hut If lire eot nf living fur married people ii Just as-high as for rjASPARD DUD01U). liKiene if l1serdilve atMHtl "The Iron Heart a new m single, then there should he no discrimination againt a woman tlie station. C!omtnisioiter Mae. l-'ox iholiH.rain -lairiim Mad-laille liecause she happens lo have followed l)ie course of nature a no COc.a boi,6 for 3.S0,trial tUe.Ste. diHiald slated that the orders Traverse, will he al the I-ih-ire f;iio ' honi marrieda man. At a1 dealers or sent postpaid by W. G. Barrie hHilit gn from tle mayor to the Theatre intoihi. The action HOH . 33 The whole trend of modem development is again! marriage. Frult-a lives limited, OtUsa. OnL hi.f and tire pee In the varbms of the jilay lo eaid ! lie inlenelv Everything is eay for the single person and ililllrult for those ffieers. Any. who ill.obeyed the draniatir. The .lory rev.ne THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCK who are married. There nolhiug lo encourage niHtrimony. ! orders and alhwei slaeknes alMNil Ihe rotten r nf a yoonar . ,... ,.. ....... mi i i., ..ii.i.. I .,..1.1 i. ..- ll. I 1 nr rrtdoioiic uiiuoiit' vtoioii ercoi ui or iiii me iinnini leu nini SUITCASES would be dealt with. Ilolh this woinisii who iimh'rlakes Xuanake. Ihe childless lo share up Jheir salaries with those who are raising i x-aiie anl the Mieliel.im e. meni of a bin steel plant left to UulTets, DininR Tnbles, Chairs nnd CJiinrt Cabinet families. That would equalize matters. At present Ihe person TRUNKS niM eouhl lMve been avit4de,f her by her father, a Hdln I bent,.. Window Shades, Curtninr, Curtain Kodj who (he natural lo the state of children performs duty raising and Ihey were dtrertly trsteewhle i.l. w ho had tin 1 U lip a Mofelerfut is handirapiied, not only in the matter of restraint of liberty but HANDBAGS io nevhaenee,. ir.orale among his eaeiphweew. Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Discs, alo in having lo feed at-feast two and some time leu on the Blind Plgqlng. Ill The Iron Heart,', acroedinii I Comforters salary of one persirti'. Tents, Sails, Awnings Siieakinir itf blhid-plnring, Iff report, Ihe mo.l rnoilern Ideas Organize Play (Hiiifiisiooer Maedonald veti. a to ireiuslrial institution. hne anu rrvocr uruunu. kiw. . -. . .... , . tsuv J. F. MAGUIRE Itfeixl Ihe stalMirenl that there been wierkeif nail, the story there. III speaking to the llotary rjiili yeslertlay, principal Hrndy was more gaMftjr on in Ihe eity by eartylnir a areai me..nse t..' again drew allenlioii lo the need'of playgrpiuids Jiere. The city Next the Prinr Kupert Hotel now than evei". Pisiple had told humanity. ' P.O. Box 327 "DEMER S" I'hone 27 has Already dime considerable Inward this end, lull the need f him thai Ihey rould buy liqiKir I i i i i i still here. There must be a giKHl playground at the new school rhenjM-r fromlhe blind pivirers 'I and there should be other. Something along that line will h MINF.IIA'. ALT. than Ihey eniliii nf the liquor PRINCE RUPERT TIDES JUST RECEIVED vendor's store' artd had iieeueuMiuii.aL eai, uova aim anoitier .large game gruiinu.ife iu MHTinc.ATK or ieiioVewKTs laugheil real neceeslty' If fnirt'are.lo le developed In Ihe itjr. X i lnTtfl J m al (tie police lorev. Taxis were r'trday, July M. f SERGE DRESSES js otic e. i the a'mouul of work dune has to be gauged by Ihe amount ol antaiiMt." -HruaiM so. t. nt- very likely enjJUped In Ihe I raffle Illtli-- 3:S a.m . ? ft feel avuilable, hut this work is the most 1." "M no. I aan -si. Ohief YiekeYs poiirtei) out to l:5:l p in., tn 7 feel. money among important EMI" Mineral wis.I. m Asm in newest styles in the city. tiver Mtnnc UlTltlon of caiam Oilrit. Ihe roiiiiinsshftier thai it was a l.iw 10:17 a.Hi.. ; feel f , Where meiien. on r.awai creea, all-uslt ery diffirult Mniller to apprehend ?I:SI p'u-. I I feel. Hiver. Also Slirh City Slow In 7kK MiTI:e thai lH W. r-atmore, the hurness as far as Salnnlay. July W. Serge Novelty Enforcing Law. rree lite Mtrvr Aliee Arm run-ti M How No.Minr al-i Uamni trml taxis weW ronVernel. l'Mtii the High 3r37 a.m.. too feel, During the plebiscite campaign it was commonly mentioned tr led.irimfi I'HI-rrrMHMl 411ft I I.MUIjr,, Mien,rrre mil Mm-rr liquor Wing discovered, ttie 1 1:1 1 p.m.. tn.3 feel, that once prohibition was repealed every effort would ie piade to 1T rrn in dle Itrrenr, lo apply to driver eoutd stale that it had Low 1 1 1:1? a.m.. t.f feet. enforce the (aw in regard In liquor selling. There has been a Ihe Imprnvemeni,MiuHif HMoraer far lh roe piirpoo a tnmraie nt nouin ei come from ap exporting hMe ?? 13 p.m., ijt feel THEO LTD. NOTAKY laxity, however, especially in Ihe large cities that has encouraged l.r ruiiris.a cram a urant t earn of Um anovo oulHide nf the province and was Sumlny. July m. COLLART, - UIILIC the. belief llil it was not necessary lu live up lo Ihe law. Vancouver Asn rcaTNEN task oth:e tai artton, he i ii k delivereil to a rllnlomer in Ilivh 1:53 a.nu IU.5 feel FOH SALE at Tnrraice, II.C. Kift roof huuae, gout rement KMlrr wvllMi 1 1. hiu.I be nmrneeS be- city was very' slow in regard lo raiding the clubs, yet it rore I h utoanre or (web r lineal or the rily aiul Ihe ixilice were I7JM p.lll 1 9.0 feel catlar, kt feneeil. furniaheil. Only 3 bturas from Vt tMk and was oV'tily staled that they were selling liquor. lieproeeiKeni. lluis powerless under Ihe Act n Low-11:110 a.ru., J.f) feel. Store. 92,000. See u for more particular, liTtl til aT or Maren. A. U. It is useless In pass laws if they are not to be enforced. The ISM. uke any aelum. 13:13 pJU 01 feel. Iniurance Company of North Amorleav. TW Moat law Is that only the Covernmeiit store shall sell liquor in the LEWIS W. PATNORtt. Monday. July II. Liberal Company on the Coeat province. .Some of the people who have been evading the law LAM) ACT. HlBh 3:31 a.m., IH.l feel M.e VISITING ECSTALL P.O. Ba M WalhJM TUlo Ble.ii Ilea are the ones who were loudest in their support of the measure H:34 ILlil.. Itf.3 feel before it was i Nolle at IslestlM to apfrtr to L. La4. Low lt:00 wu 3.2 feel. passed. SOURCE OF POWER lo Hanre t, imI UmI IMttrirt. Heenril-lar r Oivlnet r l-nnre Miirt, aiwl ailuale Tuesday. July I?. I Take Advantage of " Middls I'av.are. IH mile xaiihwe.1 ur Iliuh 7:0t 111.7 feet. oeranie lanwry. Sinilk liland, and 1 14 FOR NEW PULP MILL ajii Group Government. Rifle eatl north el n( Oini Olanil Ulll. 10:33 p.m.. Itt.O feel If a Tate nuttr itul f, Alfred E. WrirSt, cf Democratic government Is always carried on by of way I'nnre Hutirrt. B. 1:.. ornirialHiii land ur Low - n:3l a.m., A.t feet. orgauiied groups, sometimes called parties. If the group are vejri, intend Ki appiv for p.ritMMofi to M. F. ftiily. ruanairer of Ihe 13:1)0 p.m.. fl.7 feet. LFiM' (Mil kmnTinil t M1 P'pl'fcj all independent of each other they have little influence, dml as lrae i:mmenrnir iim rulkislnr at a doM-nbed iit planted land:on Ihe Prince Iltipert Pulp and Paer a result of experience they have formed Ihemselve inu .related aurthwe!.W. f the end Kthrit it a nd rornrr bar of I Im anuej 10. ti. is l inlay making a second The lime; ned U.l'acitid Htan GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY groups kuown njiarties. Tonight the local brunch of one or fonre t. tninrt: inenee round viii 10 1 ne tiesiau Hiver In eon lard, for Ihe Ijnili Meridian I 8.8. P.HNte RUPERT (111 PRINCC OCOROC I lie enure Sand Bar. takinr in all Inal ari iii-elion wilh Ihe lhee group will hold-a meeting reparatory lo a 'convention u. Low vv'aier viara. and eontainiof 4 promoted pajier west. II Is enimled from If l.. -ad ii- which has been, called. In order that the be. aer. iwrf or ir. rnill. lie fore leaving he men. meeting quite representative, AtlHIO K. WHI'JHT. XI hours, from uiidiilxhl lo mid-1 Thursday and Sunday Midnight foe Swanson Bay, Ocean all who are in sympathy wilh Ihe aim nutl objects of Paled tni ll dar or Apnl a. 0. IIII. tinned that everything- was tfo nfKhl. rails, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. the Liberal parly should be pre0it. the strhEMr rn nT or hkiti-ii iiitr well in eoimeelion with the The lahle given Is for Port Wednesday 11 p, tn. foe Anyoa Saturday tp.m. for Stewart Sometimes it is .Aid that he same old crowd are in charge. columhi. orcaultalioii of Ihe new eon Kimpsnn hut Ihe lime for Priltre S. 8. PRINCE JOHN '' THE MvTTEM or TUB "APWIMSTHA. If that is true it is localise the rank and file have confidence in TIO.X ACT" eern. There were as yel no ltiierl varie only a few minute Kor Porli:ieiiient- Ma--It. It ,, ki Mav July 0 and '0 ami and neinlls mat eoulii lie made puh. alt imiiiiI. on K"i1iern yueen ,inrntfe l.,iJ J y rt ft the same people. Among Liberals there is iiiiueli tiling as tx THE MtTV" "r THE EST iK OF on some day and on others rhoosjag ulllcers or representative delegates Jltst because WABIX IIHfXIKJI. KKCEASr.U. lie hut iirKres was very satis is Hie . Ihe of the Train Service. or name. range TAKE IviTKE lhal In Ihe order of Hi fnssenerr MONDAY, WkDNCSDAY and SATURDAY at ll'll Ihey have earned it. They are chosen because they stand for Honor iul r. MrH.of Voiinr, niad I Ihe faelory. lid may he rompuled as 3 per a, m For Month, 1 t ui, n I.. ',rif Mmontuti and W.ai eotjr-etriKn day April. IIII, wa Lilleral principles and because the other members of the parly Kxsnled Adailulilralur of the EtUle of eetit greater al Prince liupert Ii-K. uiakinn iin-eef ronnei tiott f'ir all jhoii- hi I a ' :i have coullilence in them. Discussions are free and often incisive. kavinr Min aanirnann.claim araln.l dereavd,Ihe aaid and etute all parue are than al Port Klmpaon both at linaila and t mini Htatr The necessity of change in iolicy of any jmrty J evident lrel.y reqeired lo fonii.b an profierly Ten Years Ago sprinxs and neap. Therefore AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. verified Ui of before the lAflf-Real I" me on For full inffi mati'in ami rr.n al inn apiy What is (rue today may not be true tomorrow. The light of ilvv -t Mir. A 0 Itf I, and all Pi ran the rise In Ihe Prinee ituert ISO In Frlncat Kuprt City Ticket Ofllee B2 Third Avenue Phone exerierire i a. good and Kiiflleieut cause for making changes, as the Indebted anwunl to Ihe of etute Uieir Indrtlednr are required lo Wj pa,n harbor is slightly greater Ih.'in long as (became big principles are in mind. The greatest good fortliwita. Port Himpson. IOIIX II. MrMLLLI.X. to the greatest number with injustice to none is a principle that oifleiil Adminl.traler. July , 1811. 'Hi height I In feet and is borne in mind. The greatest possible freedom without resort, Dated Oil lib mjr Prinre of Huperl.May. IIII.a. C. The iloyal ltue ItihlKins last tenths of feet aboa the average to license is another. Kqual opportunities to all, wilh privileges ix the surnr.nE rornr or bmitish niffhl defeutis) Ihe CrenrenlS at level of lower low water. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to none, these are general principles. They are not always carried COIUMBM Indoor baseball by a sen re of out as some would wish, for the human element conies' in just I THE MATTfM IX PROBATE.or THE ESTATE Of 11 In !3. Tim learn were as MUST MSThlCT.or phisi.e HtVIE ni riHT MSTHil 1 B.C. Coast Services as it does in all walks of life. IMHDIII fllHIVTIt SMUir follows: Itihhon Miller, Khea, TAKE SOTICE lhal 00 tl Slat dar of Hinblelun. llaniiafurd. Ilumanv. TAkE SOTICK lhal I. i:hrle Pardr Ma. IIII. adfiiUM.lratMMi of Ina etiaM iuteiwj ui aiiply fr a Ivew pi priwfiei'i of Harold tfcrHe Neiralfe, dareawd. 111- r.anhleliael hnd Crnnd.tll. Cre. fr peirulriiMi ua Ike MSivona OewrUmi tw Sailings from Prince eeuM, waa rranled lo itAin II. urMsiua, lend: - Rupert 'itnrial Annttnlilrator, I'rtnee Hupert, ttril eenis i.. lingers, ive. A. tlray, nsunenrt at s ni pianied aunsi ih 1 oluinoia Hlilall. Meflresror. Dolhv mid lie. iie and a half nrile imviIi nf leaver lllirr For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Sasgway TAKE NOTICE A.XII II HTHta Inat all and ausu uiree duarter of mile e.i Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE perxma osilar nmnie 10 ins aald Mtat vitt. Iniiui and Pooler were Ihe ,4 ldar Hiver: llienre nutltt a enaiiw. June 13, 20, 27 July 4, 11, 18, 2S August 1, S, 16, 22, 29. lo IIM aaina In loo Ad-tainlalralor are required par Ifieoie e.i a rnain. ihenr Miih as forlNwiin, and all person bav, umpires. rfialn. ISenrf ea.l rBaina l bisnl at Tor Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle A arriMint atainvl Uie aald etlato ar a e ej Hine-weiwal, euntalnint al arre.. In June 1S, 25; July 2, 9, 18, 23, 30 August 13, 20, 27. , MEMSKK OF THE B.C DENTAL COU.CC reiinlred 11. flle Ihe villfe I lie Ad lie knn a fiiriiy Su. I Claim. niiil.tratur vtiibia tlnri dajr fruo tlx To prevent difficulties from dale arrx.f iweiea mv I m, tail. For Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Port Hardy, Alert Bay, DENTIST UIARU FLNbY. slides Mile Applicant. 'Haled tni tCtn day l Mir, IIII. mow -nl II, The NlnpMeh, Beaver Cove, Vancouver and Victoria JUH.X H. MvI(.'Llls. (Irand 'Itunk I'mlfie llnilwav has Phone 575 Smith Block AdinlnialratAr. EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. auanle,! a eonlrarl fur the driv- High jrrad dental work at the lowest prices, I.A.ND ACT. 1 can give the boat of reference. inif I5"u feel nf tunnel lo Foley. Bags Ti' keta t a paru of the World - Full Information from Weleh A. Htewart Oi. JNjrears in active service. Mell af laUatiaa la aaply t laaa Laa W. 0. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent e Mid Hwrs-112) I I i: 71. tftfl Eltiij lof Id di.irtel nans l.of'""l frmrm I id MMpcri.fHiinrl.aiwl nerord-aituata Conlroels were let for the Suitcases Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert? B. 0. in Muidie Pata off IIm AartS Weil hr uf Kennedy Uland building or a IIO.oO'i hloek al the TUr iHtu-a lhal I, Alfred E. W Drill, nf enrner of Hetiond Avemie and Trunks enuea Haiierl. B. C. rrnpaisja land iur- .. ir.lend to a(4 fnr rtuilMi lu eeoud HI reel fur David If Hnva We conduct Auction SALES lra oiiiienett'IM fufkiM(al a dewrilied putl ptanuut laud:on in The Coast (uriirliiin Co. have Tents, Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. and ail end f In atiel sir ksuan at "Mam Ihe iwiin work. Tony (Christian rr vaiwuiivrr, orras ran anil ttnitn ear lucaitay S P in, anywhere, promptly efficiently Saud." 4 eiMln wel cf lb MerlB Sail tiir Vaaiuuvar. H.u Ha, Start at. naiurSar t. in. eerwt of La4 Al, H.u V U4II tll.lrKll will do the MiAuvation and V. F. M. Crosby r ri. Akr arm, Wala lilaue umlr laMnVist Phone Red 157 inenra tnmm lb entire Sand Bar, Ukiuf I.. Hariri ia lh areliileet. t .f fi,rt suuiMoa aiil s.. Hm.r fv.iaia, muv a. in. In tl tjif pari aUiee Imw Wur Mara, ca aaanetsv, s.m isd snnliwifi tea arre.. mm ur !. 71ft Third Avenue, frinc Kupert tt st4 . rn avrt 2nd Ave., Section 2. Prince Rupert, B.C. AlfHUi K WHIUIIT - tU4 tni Itl aajr uf Acru A p. tilt,I Advertls iu the Uaily Mews,