PAOK THE DAILY KEWS Thin ,uf A It'll! n.'i ill IfPMQP RH f TENDER WILL r WE OFFER for Sale an Excellent Dwelling Sile a! corner of Fourth Ave. and Dunsmuir St on Graf! FOR BRITAIN CLAIM TITLE Westholme :: Theatre HilL Good drainage which will ensure dry basement Waa Introduced Into Parliament lIIII.AIr.LIMII Aub It Tonight, mm .m M Thursday Lew Tender, who was arhednled and grounds. Sewer connection. Good view. and Paaaed Commons to meet llenny Leonard, the Close in. Excellent neighborhood. The price is world.llulilMfltflil In a titlr ottatoition lul i"in of.ii..w'li- SPECIAL PHOi Tlio I lorn I hit bill, whfh w HAM Ltd. Phone 96 recently passed by the tloue .-f, announeoi that he will rlunn a $800.00. II. G. Helgerson, : forfeit of fMMW from leonani Ihei Commons and is now before and will alio rlann tlo- liiif . lord I aiintniartted a follow I (I; The Hill wttl apply U tbe j i)i'i'lr IImI hr ' read ! Doug. Fairbank whole of Ureal Hrilain. fulfill hi pari -f lh- nirari s i fh matrli wa -l'iic in a' (5) Lltemting Jurlteea will be loulit of l.fniiard liMMIig ill-locald the local authority in earn area In Hut Mnstcr PrtaJt cik ( lua iliijii t) (3) Subject l aaeeiel excep tion. Ihe erlirt hour at which iveep omilm liquor may be nupplled en week. YOUNG YANDERBILT lays will be II a.m.. am (be Ihe afternoen. afest hour 10 p.m. SpeWal ei. ioi ine ontnjr nur on WAS CADDIE TO LORD Universal Trading Co. eeptlun will he a folhswe: Sunday Khali l fin-. M a arc NORTHCLIFFE AT GOLF "The Mark (a) In the mHrti Ihe than two or whir shall be between lalent hur may be II p-iw, aomi ami 9 oeh-ek. and Cornelius Nani.-i i u,. ANNOUNCEMENT fh OulKble tbe mHrMN. If mil more than three between millionaire youna Ihe licensing jo l lews in any area and 10 iftlnek. ! holbUyine on iw'orr i . re atifird that the rpetal re- (?) Hatf and restaurant and and incidentally writiifx qulrrmrnl of tbe area reswlrr atfOvH be ar pefftHfttcd to remain New Arrival of t desirable the llel hrnir may often for a Iter not 'xwmjt ticle HI whleh for he the M New riufilnvtHl.York Tim ai-l-.l of Zona" 10:30 jn. one Imw beyotnJ the fcateal hwur a eaddtr for lml Xiih-iif (c) Also In the of autbortied far the cm sumption m the K"!f In whtrh the Silk Underwear frame Corsets he lireiMnir justice- Ihe earliest f meat" with without Houor Hor wa ibfMltrd Uy t'MWt Jut ur maybf earlies iban 1 1 a.m. (8) llMt In flub the latest lee MardonaM. K (I; Hie inaiimuiiu nimber of hour of enpply and tar ruaiimuen ( Within a few d Ihrro Blouses ur of ale Khali ie3tve pee number of InajMra asvall be Ihe In Seven Kctls. htnMd pir in tbr -w York, itay in London and eijrhi ejr- ante a ti Ireeuted premise. paper a "alory of the a-ano- and hor except a varied by eub- wiUmiaii rajidir to tbe tae. Ihe liwpreiofi of im siit .r a seeti ion b. ltive. ; f ib of NVal Sunday saWm? m Serge and Tricotine Dresses (5) Tb sale of riaii.i AhalU and MoMnntHhsMf. vwrthlnK weal for lhr rrrlliit ak Itay Tm link a0- Sunshine Comedy - - "Monkey Bnsiccss" rea e for at leasi iwn nour itM i9) That Mm h4tr uX oalr at Vletnria for ' and "oir" and Ice ted SlEi. KID DISTRICT -DISTRICT or murMitkjM o a specially & UILE.1 CHtBLOTTE hUADl be the ame. Don't forget to buy your Bathing Suit here for the T astir tkl I li4 t koolr Ik nroliibHed.(10) That Ihe "Utmx imMI" M In the Letter Box J PRIZMA, "ELX LAND" Swimming Carnival i arwen for Minl r M ftrotr' rr 44 trrM of IM4 rlln. HI) Tltnt a rmnli iHtnltiMt CMDaraciac SUNDAY SPORTS. showing Urgr herds of Elk In their ra iernuaiig rr.'V. Mtlim rorar of PHt- pre-wr eoadtttofM be CraiMia Itlind. aurtvd Kdtlor. laaily .NVw- the Shoealione Klvcr Disti x c-f Vytrr.:g r Bona at tMta. ni ll maws. Mift It tbsias. . rksia. (It) N al f liquor im May we amey the foliowniK Lstura Mar lta, Ittl erailH (or "ow" eaumttiMi. meaarr In Ihe atudlM- thnuib No Advance in Prices. 15c and ? c A A. MrrH.UL. Larator Universal Co. Trading A. 1. OorOow. rn (13) llawllnir nf mor to be your saltml laieaJitimf nil 4 I 4P DISTRICT -DISTRICT or proliibfled. Ut Jday III Hiaelleney tbe gill.X CHSHLUTTC ISHSD. (II) That Hi tbe area of Llrl..itsenisrr of linti.h tu.-lumbta HELGERSON BLOCK .mum ibat I tote4 ta tapir tftaaluMretM enMrol the .mprrt le and l aml a Pruelamatiiin thirl The EMPRESS THEATRE PHONE 370 S. K. SHANE, Manager rn roc Mtarai tti aa rtnVai. inanaRenaj datte of tbe (n- thrsMinb the aawafaapara.a urainit r 44( iw of Ua4 as fortowi ptMrftla ta). aliatHl Sunday riehool rd Itnanl be lranfrl to the CMnowactac si rUai4 t lt po" TONIGHT, THURSDAY .raM njnrr nt noa i. Tp. s, Home Office In the rtse of areas on a iwtahs Sunday Tbe boe ftrthim Itltad. anrt A. a. n.'s a. t. r. . waa that lbry wootd roniinur Hn it land, - and tbe etlih iuw aarta is raaiM. tn sa rnsia. .! tiive the preference when you sovia a rhsia. rast rasias I aatat 1 yflf' In tbr ea of area in to do no tlirmagft ihr rntlrt yi-ar. r iy in tin- m.-rrlia'it wh" adver-t Litcaird Mir TIM. Illl HroVland. with aft iMvU.y Oim. Many tnan asittl why His Lx-eHlrney We Recommend the and A, A. MerHAIL. tAralaf. made eSteli a aarorlani. is- in daily nwapapers A. I. Oaramr, Stal mittr in aaeli rae drawn fmm BERNARD DURNI buy advert im-d it r tods ,h b- alftn. Tbe rat earn briefly i. iktCSA t-ASD DISTRICT DISTIUin Or. sutis i.n wstrut isRirr or grits CMAnuirrc (IS .Sunday emsinf Hi Me. Ibat folmwinx a perk-J of yearn of ataValh brrakins lot FIVE vnn i:hri.ottk isi.Asiia. moulhshire ana) I lal.aj ta aMMr ! Tt. aetlr thai I laUHMl to apply ta U fkVf fJcTaViI-iaVr a fiVa Ui altendanee al ebnrrb and tHUi-day IM. I.4SD WstRICT WSTR4CT 4.r efHMjI. Ihe tailed MUte oiujs cMrtric hlais. Takr anrr Out I latrad ta apply ta IM baa eifecle4eei an aUrnuni Cktrr &Maiatoirr rf Land fr a hrr efudeime of eaHma and itartaruUr- "The Gift Supreme" ROSES to prorprrt tor nalaral raf and prtratraua ly jwsenile rriwe. iisTriartiJiaS.';; a i' t.. arrr St arrra al laad aa rmtawai LotiumI Mi lat IStl rvMRI cif e.mrmat. Oariarauaa al a foMt plantrd at tar Litmtinit lloer V. Ikibaon. Lorstt4 Mir IIM. 111. anajiham rorarr af nrrltna l. Tp. I a. x A. J V.OnrV.MrlSTYRE,llMt Lacstar. A. A. MrrHML. Lnrator. flrabaas l.tand. and aaarkrd A. W. M.'a . who ia Amrriaa a foreiinwii fimn-rtal A. J, Gordon. Iml W C, tbmrr aorta a rbana. rati etMrt and wbaaae book you klt IJIIKS I.A5D ilMRIllTIt DISTHUT ll.MS DISTRIIT Of tmai mm comtnrnrr ill so rnstns.mant.tail.writ to cbalaa la favorably quoUt in a recent editorial, Burton italmes Travelogue, "Up Coaatrj Lorttrd FLOUR Tikf DoUr thai I Inlrad i applr ta tka May A.Ilia.W WrlsTTRE. Larstnr. it waa foiiud that out of lbl Gtmtuftamrr ol LaaU t a IV.a lu prurt tnr naiaral rai ant rotrolraa A. I. niiian, Saral. jmo cofivartluna tn juruilr Off Onm.iKMir 4S I'M at nt a UlMl pl a planum foltnwt: at tha SkLEA I.AD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of eosiri ra , tafaly Ulfre of lbM in Siam" Comelj aonlhrfil rornrr of tortKMl t. Tp. t, Graham Ql'LE. CMtRLoTTE tLAlS. earns leted were rrsilUr attend, for big healthy ItlarMt. and anarknl C. D. I ' R, t. Week-End rr, Ibrnrr north rhaiaa. Tak nrdlra tkal t latrnd I apply to It. ant. al Hunday Hrbrwil Facto Pi ices - - - Ifc nnd 35. "Jurf rnawaiaalonrr nf I aala tit a Brra. bread that looks rlMiD.pMttt ul aoatk cMnramral.chains, rati at cbaias so la artMorri for nalaral rat and priralasita like Ibis farreed lbr aulhoritira sis or Ua4 ratinaa: avr arrra aa Loralrt Mar Hrt. 111. In r-HiphaM4 tba Wtarlb of SsiM-day C. b. Lnrator. Cnmanrannt al a port plantrd at ta EMMO.NS, A, I. ttoraow. r.L nntjlhraM mrnrr of arrOaa 4. Tp S. era' Sebo-iU and tu write more better,cut$ better, nana laland. aartrd A. A. M.'a S. E. C. SKCC 4 tASD DISTRICT DISTRICT or thrnra wnrta 4 rnama, wrl cnanw. tit-neral allrs4irre. out ciuhiMiit isL4n. Specials anata o rbaiaa, rati at rtalM la ptaai at Church PJssponalblo, eats better, Tak. tlrr thai I lamxl to apply ta th. coaunaw.nirnl. rjiwf OaiiffiluUwr f Landa t't a Itrra. Lotatrd May If ltd. 111 Sinee that Ihne. bsawtner, tberf l pnwiwrt t nataral ril and prlrolauas A. A Mrl'HAIL. Larstar. ha etHiUnued to) be in I'rinre belter. A. J. caro. araat. keeps orrr a irm or land aa rmiow; Exceptional i4nfnrn.inr at a prnt pUnud at thai lluurri an efTott In draw prwu.1 northraM rornrr of artloa 14, Tp. , silt in ditrict nisTRinr or flrahun laland. and markrd C. D. E.'a !, T. on display (.' IE CHARLttTTK ILA.. away from Hunday a r hoot a aihl CoriMr. Ihrur. aoath t rhains. srral aa Sale Agent rbaim. Dona rhatns, rat 14 cbalaa la Tak aotira thai I Intrnd la apply aa law chureben by a aerie of inraaniird of iMnnifamiimt. i.btrr ijaoMMarr r Landa fr a nrraw 'I li point IMirla on HuinUy. John L. Christie Loraied Nay U"J. 111. in In prmpm for nalaral tr.s and palralraa) prnsrania c It. EMMo, Laraior. rtrr 410 arrra of land aa Mluas: rhuretteB are bebl rrooiltlr Dt VALUES A ComanrnriBf al a plantrd al aa I A. J. OartVm. Artil. pat Trine Kuprrt, U.C. nontiwrti rontrr uf erciiua it. tp , public trior la autl mullittntr- fktt I SI DISTRIIT DISTRHT OE STORE AND c.ranaai ItUad. Biarkad A. A. M.'a H. W. C. lanl ready In rrilfue Hit Ol I Ihrna too IB t rkaMM. rati fMnil r.H IIAHLOTIt ISLANDS. north so rbatn. aaat ao cbaias e pulal af nhureb if public HioraU reach a V I i Takr aolirr I All I tatrod ta aoplr to lha low Inri. , .a ! JHr UtMiltNiatr or I aids f'l a Urrn i Lacatrd May tnvi, nil. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND I to pro.rt rir rulanl tat and prtrolruBv. A, A. MrrilUL. Loratar. Tbe iirliiiotrrw did not ru.h AUDITORS I orr 44a arm of laud a. follow: I A. I. Oard-Jf. trgl. Cunmrnrtar at a do.1 Hsntal at tbr WINDOW into print rritieiatuii tbr wini-ihIur S KrfillMMl orvr or rrlkn 11 To I. i tkEE A I D MTRICT DJSTIWT Of RORIE & Kdla roiiimrllee but SMALL . l .HhiiiTTE lI.AD Oratiim lalaod. markMl A. V. M . W. c, v Men's Underwear Takr notlrr Inal I antrad ta apply ta Uta thrarr aartti ft rhaUu. rati ) rhaiaa. a rourlroua Iriier, to thai rum. Rt.IS.nt Parta.r wall rb.lo. snl SO rKalna U puinl Chlrf rjnnwntaalonrr of Land, far s Britu 'it annmimnrniral ta proaprrt rar aataral rs and prtralrsjia mittr--, aakiuit tbl lb- t...rt w OCOROE RORIE. C-A. , iMtua u ihk i ti this week arr Sis a-rs l land aa faflaa: held bsN on any day HumUy. and I Cotnoirariaf al a pot plaairid al Iba and A. W. Mrl.TYRE. Lortlor. i n Auditor r.r ITilHf tuinrrt i Hosiery I A. I. Gortton, Asral. nnrlhratt rornrr of arrooa . Tp. I. Graham u unrated a friaMully Inleralew. AuUturnvd Truntra m BankruMrv Itland. uarkrd A. A. M.'a .. E. C, Aaaitira Partasrahia Accavala innira ton lb a rbains, rt so chain., alating Ibal (bay were rey 1.1 laiMllatlaa LlasMallaaa 8kEE.OL'tE.I.Ain ClURUiTTE Iil-nillCT ISLASIM.MSTRlrT or norih cotmumcrabrnl SO rhahu. rail so cbalaa to pot a I of Kive aaaialanee to the enter Turin are tlaueo when yu riaaaclal R.aorls. ala. A.alsaat.aU Takt nnxira Iba I I lalrnd to apply ta lb W buy American Cur-rency. I Locslad May ttnd. 111. I ri) if their reueat uirt IIMIat have a lower (arlred ar- chirr CufnmlMlonrr or Landa (or a tlrre. A. A. MrPIIUL. Leratar. IMI BvlMlai, Prlacs na.rl t rotiart ror nalaral M and t Irolcuri Silver, Gold or I A. I 'toroi. Aarol, willi apprsrsal. Jf the nun. nieut nouie to work In or fi Phaa SIT ai as mrr 44S arrra or land aa rolloaa: i:onimrnrlni at a (mi plantrd at ll Bills kttA I.AS.D DISTRICT DISTRICT Vf lolltee uf a dwien ha not rourtii W' ar. u.ullial iwuer ol MrUon I. Tp. la. gi:i.. I HARLOTTE ISLA.SD. hail hearty bu)mH from Hi.,..-who i-raham MiM and tnarkod A. W MM MUM Tak. niil thai I Inlrnd ta apply ta Iba rab.m laland. and uurkrd A W. S ' A. fbirf 'OaiRHOKKirr if Lanl r s lrni hava allemlrHl i-i hIh. Al iireaent we etui Hive you I. r... turarr nurin so rnama. am as hiina. Mwlh so rbalui. aaat I ttialns to 14 pmn'l for nalaral taa and prlralrum here was a chance to lm. athleil TOM LEE arrr 440 arrra or land aa fatloaa; esi-eiioual valuaM in both underwear CO. ixiinl or auntntrarranrot. (uanmmclnt al a pl ptaoird St lb at leant all more InrliidinK Mi. tjUCaHiU mat Locator. Rupert Table Supply Co. aoutliaral rornrr of Srctloa I. TP. . Ora-ban and hoainry. A. W. NrlMTYRE. M.'a Holiersoii and Mr. Lino-y. MO Hecond Avenue, West A. I. Oprdon. Itland, markrd A. A. S. W. L, inrnr north 40 rbalna, rail 40 rbama, Not Unraasonabls. SkEEISA I.AM) DISTRICT DISTRICT Of PHONCS til, til. auulb aa -haina, aaat ao cnslai ki puliit af VCOETABLCI ourr: i Hinuirir. iLJiits. ronunr nrmirii i llrKaulieO aiMtrt art' not r. j-I Takr irnilra ibat I Intrnd to aPDlr to thr Locitad May find 111. red in Vancouser. Wholaaala A, A, -Sri"II ML. Uirslar. ii..u,,. f M and BaUII i lurf CuiMuis.ioncr or aiula far a UirrnM o liuea iii froapMI 'or nalorai as and prirulauia A, ; Gorttufi, A ami. New Wealniliisler and many (leneral Contractors and uta 4la arrra of land a. follows: Labor Kxcbauir ; iiioiurnrlm al a po.1 plantrd at ths other plaeea in llrilisli tilum-bia, 35c a pK uiutbaral eorurr or srruoo a. Tp. a, ora-bam hence we are not uureanon-able 25c, Maud, and markrd A. W. M.'a S. W in our aupKoslioii tl.. I'rince flupert, D.C x.ulti 10 rhaina, meal 10 ckauia to point of Phone 57 P.O. Bo 72 cummrnrrinrol. Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. not deny that a Jarue MTf.inai. Located Ma find. till. of the publie are ready run t" A. u Uri.MYRE. locator. A. J. Oorrton, arrnl. Raora II, Smith Block anything aafletl aporl, ')'ii on M" ll !'l ' -t- ' Sl AttU cobu Hunilay but we do ir..(. .( iiai W' COotc -i either from a relliou r pain mk am m w-aa otic alundpolnl it I im! Ihe beat garment wuy to spend Kunduy and fur $1.75 a ihe aliured tfoiim public i Dentistry-DrAHBayne eoitaeriMNl we aan only urg. tliriii Ui ality away from am d PHONE 109 thiiiito as Nriwlay awiniiiiiiitf irala. Wr thank yu for in. O'RElttf MARTIN Helgerson Block, Corner Third Ave.and Sixth St Telephone apaea w halt taken hi your valued r. Dental Nurse in Attendance Number 7 Blgnwil papi W. II. ItHKMAN, Prlfi a1 ajor Office Hours, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 A. HIX. Our prices are all Lower Lorr Pr' Will Take Coal Back If not Satisfied. II. II. (HUM Prices. oto. u. u.i:Ki.a.