titk nAtr.T news Faro t The Daily News HER CASE SEEMED lAUSTRIA PRINTS illinium.......iiiiiiinr, PR1NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA UfiPPi FQQ ! PAPER MONEY Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printinjr and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. HUI LLLUU MACD0 Only Way -She can Meet Debts Is H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. BuK "Fruit-a-tives" Brought by Keeping pre Running SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Health and Strength VIENNA. Mar. .1. The nnan-1 PRINCE of WALES month . . 11.00 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per eial plight "fAii-ma is indicated mail totoll of the British Kmpire ann tne untien rjiatcs, By parts 29 $r. Hoea St., Moxtbrau in tin iiI-im.-alary budm-l! in advance, ner vear .. 10,00, "I am writing you to tell you that brought in by 'tlh MmUler uT CHEWING J7.50, Tn nil nihir rnnntri in advance, ner vear lout my lift to Frnil- tiit". This Finance, est imntinu r! detleil fori TOBACCO medicine mtieT.el na when I I1 Ihe current tWel -ni al IS.oon.- TELEPHONE OS. jlrcn up hope of eef being well. (ino.niio crowns. . I was a terrible sufferer.from This N tieiily i. . i I.- the llirure Transient Display Advertfsing 51.5 per Inch each Insertion fur in tr Djsjxfisia had suffered years; plxcn by lii.pt-i .1 .-oir I Transient advertising on front page , . . $2.00 per Inch. and nottiios I took did niesny SJ iiiiluiun, and e. imtv dneo iinl Local Headers, per Insertion. ........... 25c per .line. I read at-out "Fruit a Urri and take into roni! alion certain Clarified advertising, per insertion, .. 2c. per word. tried them. After Ullnf afrwhotri, fjo-lnrs aiich n u i w iiiiutnils on Legal Notices, emih insertion IBc, per agate line. eik it xaondtrful mtifui tnaJtfnm the part of Ihp b-Jt-rid rIH er. Contract Hates on At fKc&tinn. fruit jmicet. I am iww entirely well" ants and Ilial Jn-i iuut by llo-j All advertising should be In. the Daily News Olllce. on day preceding JIadame ROSIXA FOISIZ. iroiuce llml tltf fi-tleriil iovern--nienl publication. All advertising received subject to approval. 50c. a bos, 0 for $2.50, trial site 25e. shall lneren-' their apiri-prialion At all dealer or send xvitpaid by Ihr'-fi'ld and lnar uu: DAILY EDITIOIf. M.m.lay. Mar.li 21. IBS I. Fru!ta-Uw Limited, Ottawa. half of the 'sidnt M - of in Hieing eii sertnnts, tnelihling seloxd teachens. , SUITCASES Peace Between It is reporldl that ifif oion-y Poland and Russia. TRUNKS presses are now lurnirtw ol imper Canada's 8tandardt sincx; 1858 The nii-ian J?ovict finvoriimenl has signed a peace, Irenty crowns nt he r"'1' 3,fuin.fion.0ii0 wilh Poland and. the -Ukraine. The Mime govenimoiit has made HANDBAGS a .munth for Aolrin alone. Hie 5 M1I111 III II III til II a trade part wilh Hrept Britain. This iecms' lo lndirhte lliat I hey goxernmeni ni-arf nlly .fiainv niloiled ihU as llo- exMdienl uav are becoming mitre reasonable and thai the powers are heginiiiiig Tents and Awnings of meeiirur lh- never-endlnn ' to recognize Ihem a Ihe government mT the ronnlry. There have liieiuand of IIh-i wii serants. the been rebeJIions Jml Ihe rebel are put down in tme capitalistic J. F. MAGUIRE workmen and all i-Use of w.ii iSSSSSSiSlaait MAIL SCHEDULE EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUST1T for inerea.ed uiv to enable I linn slyle, only with a little more ferocity and wflh more drastic consequences 712 Seeond Ave., Prinee ftupcrt to meet the. Equally tiever-endlim I foe tha East. to those taking part. 11 would seem as if the liriti-li EAT increase in rust -if liina. 1 Mondays. .Weihieadays ana HaU fioverhmenl must have had iiraiiees thai their lliiancial inler-eLs Crown iNo Value urdays at 10:15 a. in. in Ihe coiuijry would htprotected. It i possible that tin-country "The.Austrian rown no loiiper From th East, may settle down under Ihe present dictatorship. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES has any value uisile (lift ronn- Sundays, Tuesdayj'Vnd Thura. Value of the Ir" saiil n niemher of (he jiox. dayn at 7:45 p.m. Rupert Brand Friday, March 18. oijnnienr . to in.- eorresponoeni - Premier-Mine. HlBh. :I5 a. m., IH. 1 feel. liMlav, "and soiin will hate nncj Foe Vancouwtr and South. The Premier mhie i one of Ihe valuable assets of northern 21 :29 p. it.. 18.9 feet. within. As a mailer of fan. jTuesdaya ) p.m. lirili-h Columbia, not o much on account of the money it i Low, 1:13 a.m 0J feet.. money i the rh-aet .thina In (Thursdays II p. m making for it owners as froni'the impetus it gives to others to 15:3 ,p. m.. 59. feet. the country. N on .altaiesi Miirt-h 11. 23 and Artl t -BRILLSJ aloe in u and me resttll i From Vincouxr and South. Saturday, March 19. any and lo a shipping-mine develop their mining projertics Iry get lllsh. 0:33, a.m., 8.9feel. a general enorl to enntert jw Sundays H p. in similar to it. If there is one good mine in the region of Stewart i intii fi-r.-tan alu .. 10:30 22:3! p. m IH feet. eirrreney YVedneadaya a, in. there is no reason why there sbould not be a dozen. It i poJhle Ixw. 3:1C a.m., B. feet. om-thinK of inlrinie alne. March 7. IH ando 88 SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE that even richer ores may he found than those being taken from 10:11 p.m.. 5.1 feet. This has crealHl a iiind-maritft i . the mountains up the Salmon Hlver. The success of this mine The time uei la .racttlc Stan. for dollars. wmnds sterllne andj For Anyox and Allw Arm. TO COOK Cut fish into rcipiired i - f will induce hundreds of people lo go lo the hills Ibis year Ui try dard, for the .120th lleridian west. other stable money, eonsiiiti thie- Sundays 10 p.ni. batter. Place in very hot fat ini f- It is counted from n to '2 1 hour, tiintioiis of s much nt jfno ;Vedneitdas V p.m. SOLD IIV ALL RETAILT- to find another just good, a . from midnight to midnivht. crown to. Ihe 'pillar -Tsilliin n From Anyox and Allcs Arm. Government Buildings The table given i foe Port leriiI nt ort wek. The -eaine iTtiesdays a.m. Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co, 111 In Estimates.' Simpson but the time for Prince condition Is relleeledinrii4ip-k f 'huradays p.m. Rupert varies only a few minute tnf.rket, ivlllle- preriion" nfiiltes. t The placing ot a sum in the ftimalcs for ihe construction of on some days and on others is Jevfelry, workrf of ajrt. IHnerii-'for Port Simpson. ArrandaU, Mill (fovernment buildings this year is really not of very great importance the.same. The range of he-llrle and ahhllar nrtiel" flml r-aly .Bay, Val Island and Naa Rlar. except in that .the, amount is double that placed there may be computed as S per cent sale at Talr vatde. -it is aidl8und;iys . . 10 p.m. last year. There has been no doubt whatever iu regard .to the greater.at prince .Ilupert than at that hanks rffe, flnancinst art From U. Simpson, Arrandats.-MIII work going ahead.' F.v?rViic who knows anything about it was Port Simpson both at springs and dealers who nre acourlng Hie JBay, Wales Island andrfaaa Rlse. neaps. Therefore 'the rie In the eoi:ntrr fr picture nnil sclliitu Tuesdays ajn, crinvineed that a heginuiug would be niadvvry -sojiii Prince ftupert harbor is -slightly them fu I side for foreian Afues. ? av i.iii.nii-iisi w iMii iii- r i iii ajaji II is most misleading to speak of the new building nni rbiirl either h-fl l-r.- water than Port Simpson. the inonny being ; Quao Cltarlotta Island! house. There will be seclum of it devoted to the adnfSuislra-lion RAILWAI a The height-is In feet and tenths in fhe shap- of credit- aahy;! aiy I'or-i GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC of but all the olllces WW be government, grouped justice, of feet above the average level of colape here, or hroosrhf'in for Atan'h S. It apd-2 CEORCE lailinc there, these including the public works, land4, forestry, mines, lower low water. further spevulation on Hie' monew TrHi ' S.S. PRINCE government agent's olllces, llici-mploymenl bureau, land registry. exchange. I tM.ireh .V 17 and 31 Midntictil Th-!ay t.- k-m.---. .ipreme mid wiunty court, provincial ponce and n nnmiier or ici , if" l.i B' -I v' other departments. .Fjhne of lhee .are now in rented quarters Foe H-iattwar and tha Yukon, a S. S. PRINCE ALBERT ' and others are crowded into shacks. KERMIT 'ROOSEVELT ; i Manh 7. IH and 38 For Port iii.-nt.. M'i--l' 1 From Bkagwaa and Yukon, svlli'-'ll ') ' 11 -t:r-t-t. I- . Bringing Order TIMBER SALE X 2817. Is.Appointad Second Vice Prtsld-enl if an-li 12. 23 nnd April 2 Man h .11-1 Out of Chaos. ' British War VaUrana 1n" illerwart. Mapla Bay ana 'Swamp TRAIN SERVICE, The Provincial Government is gradually bringing the finances Sritm tmifr will tx! Ttmxm tj uta PolnL Paeneer Monday, Wednesday nJ at Miniivr or Linn at viclon oot uirr SUUs l...uulil,u. Il,iiu.... Ilwiflr rillrl'. ,V.r-.lj of the country hnck into a satisfactory condition. Under :i stable I'll ciiiniiri " - -.1 K Uun nnnn on (he f IH Ojr or Marra. int. FOIt j inr rfiiarl rnnnerllnn for all I and careful administration the income is and the. increasing ex for the purmavt fit LH-ixw X t!7, to cut March n. 17 and .11 Lintt penditures uie being kept well within bounds. That is as it e.iio.soi) fret 1 spruce and llrrnkxt on YOtlk. Mar. 51. -rjiptniiij KIIOM Airency All Ocnn Steamihlp should lie. Every dilriet would like to have more money spent an rl 1jninlnc Du L K a. S. StliM. itvrriuii IWioseell, uho serM-dj I fe tafamaima aia r " Ml Inifi. ourrn cturloite lilanoi Dit-trlet with Ihe .llrilish -furcea unW March I. f H and April I i I TitM atu. IN T'e4 a..M. eiee 114 there, hut it is absolutely necessary that (he financial condition of onr the province be kept intact so that when money is to be borrowed Two t rt vlll t tlloired ror rt-twinl tieneal Allenhr in l'al-lli for capital account, a reasonable rale may lie secured. No province of timDrr. durinir the war. has hen appointed l-AXII ACT. can afford lo have a potlatrh qvery now and then. They must rurtftr ptrliruurt of tlx- CMT rorntr, sci'iuid 'vice-president of MiTin: or UTrinTi5 to arrLr carry on with care all the time. We have been a long time recovering Ruiw-rl,Vlrtorai.8.B.C.c, or Dutrlcl romter, Pnnea t' e llrilixi' War V-tlernn' Aoei. In I'rmre ri'iicimt liaperi .lad iji-mi on inn from the financial debauch of pre-war day. Rlimt'of Ihe I nllcd Slate, fiip. In I Li.I,..( I'. U.H.a . . .1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAfH un an laland tinar oil tne ndrin rMt of TIMBER SALE X 272S. lain lloosevell. who joined the l firrnrr itian Sal-d I'ruVri will rrrrlvrd Dy tM ltritih army hefore Hie entry of oaajaixaia eaoirio oeia" n" , MiniilT of Unil ai Virtorla. B. not 't'rliw liuprrl, n r.. oerniiam ennter. lairr than norm on IM 7 in day or April, the Uniteil Slalesv inlo Ihe war. inieno vi appajr ror pe-rtiutwnn io pur na B.C. Coast Steamship Serncei 1X11. for lh (.urrhaM of Unarf X l J, 1 1 followina eenbel lanta.- Plates Crowns Bridgework "i ,t, rw, v.sufi.wifu ii r ppnir ana tfro. was awarded the Military Order iVminfimna ai a iwai iHani.il on In krk ' an arra altualril on umoaum Bar, for hravery. Inland about t." frel hnh.lerl ttun I.miim! luand. VMs-n UiarlolMi.ltUnaa On-irwi. .w: rorner. af l.oi U7. naaar i. i .ati S.S. PRINCESS MARV lilMnrl. ibrnee aronad I be island bi liae To fj yar ui b aUovm for removal llnl tf rtrftnrnriiAii utd roniainmr li Junaau, Skaowsy, Alstk, from or itmrnr. arree, more or leaa. For Kttehlkan, Yurxhrr partirwlara of tn Cblrr rorur, ' juui a luitMp. Dr. Jos. Maguire Viriorla, fl. or IMMrlft forfilfr, fnnee Ten Years Ago tale.l Marew led. f. Rupert March 7. 18. 28: April 1- 21 In Prince Ruprt I.AM) ACT. ' . .... ... PrlnM TIMBER SALE X 2870. For Vancouver, Victoria and seawa i Rfld tntoen mill lx trrrXyri by tb CASSIAR LAD filSTHIirr DISTBICT Of 2. PHONE 575 CA1lll. March 12, 2Z; April - Mlpiafr of Land at Vlrioru, not later March lhan noon cm ux lih (lay or April, ttl. 21,1911 Lady Aaalatant TIK MITlrr mat we .1 r si.m and far llv Mirrnav of Urraw-e X SI70. lo rui T,7a.goa ret I or ixur. sprurr, Hal A by-law, fathered hy Aider, II. T. kerrm of Alire Arm. aV-oipation proa fpr raiea, reeralloa net '" ."T urn ami iir-ihHX-a. on an ara anjai-rai fl man lllldilch. wits passed Jiy (he pectora. Intend lo apply for permifMon lo General L Dental Indun awry, if lit liland, L'nlon l'(ti lea mi Urn f.Slow lot dearriDed laada; W, C. ORCHARD, , Diagnostician city council Inst nislit prfividinv iMnnirneinr al a isiii nianled on irw ... j .... e Print. Rupfrt.-" north iKiiTKiafy tr Uii JJl: Two ! yrara lit he allowed for r that bars unr foi. Uor 3rd Avonuo ana mm In movil of Uuihrr. Prince Ntiperl may Inmina in turn water maik.to lunn corner Furtlwr iartl-nlara of lh" Chief Foreoer, remain until of I'll Sill; tn-nr h. t o(. t nun. Get My Plans and VlelorU. B. C. Of lilalfirt rrtlfr. Prlnra open midnight. K . a diaunre of Itl.t ft., more or leu to Unpen, R. C rati iiouiKiary or Hirer mourn mineral Estimate on Your Mrs. II. L. Iloherson chaperoned rlaltn pnelurexd in a aoalherly dlrertioni Iwnra follnminf of prndurtion said luer Dental Work WATKfl 'OTICK. a small skalintr party at Ihe (link ilniitn Ixiondary lo low waler mark: inetire ' DfVCBSIO.t AMD USE, followina low waler mark lo nortn boun Office Hours: latl nlshl. Ihose oresenl were: dary of ljt Hit: Ibenre foiiminr norm 0 lo 12 it.m. Sunday Tllr iTirv h.t th. W V t .-..... Mis Kllel, Mia Drumnionil, Mian jjg,"' -" to point of com- i TO FISHERMEN 1 6 p.m. Appointment Burr to.. Lid.. not addrria la' aia inn. j i hi CDvo.it) utaiik. Atmt. nit vernct, Ml .Mnriin. jii tuile Aenue, '7 M & Evening Vletorla, B. C, mill apply for January IT, till. ,iirriir io iae wwi loo runie aerona Milliirau, Mien Pinder. Mlas Stew- Sf '-"Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Blk. nima Canal fel of mRferlf water out-cf and drama Marmoi inio i:reek,eortian.1 mhim art, Mla Thoriipxon oniOleanrm. Now the outfittini? aeason Is on,TTailrTRST abom three l mile from Stewart, a. ii Camble, Driiuhuond, (Irani, Mr-1 Tne water will be dlrerted from tne Kniglit, McFarlane, Newcomhe, Bags (treain ai a rxint atViMl one mile frmn ELECTR1C&JAR Extraction of Teeth at your home or my office niOllin Of atfvfjin ilhl wlll.lMl used for In. IlleteheJ, n, Tooker and II, Tooker. ! duxtrial. aaminill and mimnr pnrponea upon Suitcases WARD I U land ai1Jiininr. dearnbed at T.L.A. '8117. Ihm annllr.nl will eterrlm .1. Andrew llancn, who was hurl pawera a a r.laaa & anolieanl unon iim BAY ladjarent territory. while work(na on llio alearhiK of Trunks COW J Rat'ir. Tma noiiee mi polled on I he around Ihe ,aked Storag (ownslte, Jiu pcrtnin. iii ihe Jim nay of January, ll. -A ropy iKnltlorTTanil Uuhtlutu Outfit IinintJ. etc- G. H. Arnold or inia uoiire anil an apillrailon puriuanl sion of the council lo huid U fruit It pays to get a jrood Trunk Marine Hardware - Notary Public ILereio and In tlie Waler Ael, Mil,",will It paf s to choose it here be flli-d In lite onire of lue.Waler Kerorder stand at the corner nf -Fifth Ave-ni ai i-nnre nuperi. n. t. e and Mcllrlde Htreel.- ObH-rilon to tne. annllration tnav be F. M. Crosby FOR 8ALE. II KU mini I lie .aid Water Herordrr or won , Fine 7-roomd house on a 3 8.fool lot, furnace heat. On nienl IliC, (jjniilroller Huildinaa. of Victoria.Water flltlill.H. C, I'arlia.mlltiin The ncsntlvea won in a debate, 716 Third Aventj. I'rince Hurrt tiipa rri i a DT. WntarV Fifth Avenue, Section 6, 16,800.00. Terms lo he arranged. una iniriy noure ilaya In afier a ,loeal'new.paper.a'ine. firal appearanre of "lleaolved that Hifiprnclly would 1 flLU wULLrW1,, 'inaui; A nice bungalow on KIHh Avenue, Section 0, with one lot. Tne pennon for I lie approval nr Uie bn Oood , for Canada," held lal Roal Eatato """" appliraal'a underlakinr n t tun 'C an- evening by the llaptisl llrother- , . .. . , UH Ml W 4 rooms and balb., ........$2,200.00 on terms, -neani will be iw-arn inline oinre or lue i'oson coal; ttuiK. Hoard al a dale in be'nied py ihe Comn- bood. The debalers were W-. II. U 7.j mt. a.HO MUSIC FOK DANCES, .hi: An excellent dwelling aita on Dunsmuir Street between 4th mdlrr. and any Iniere.ied peraen may . FOK SALE I pacaru, w p and SIli Avenue, on fuafl Hill, 5050, 51,000.00. file an cbjerllon thereto In Ihe omce of Slewart and II. Jlannen for the I'rlnee Ihe comniroiier Rupert. B,or O.of tne Water Mrcordar. afflrmathe and V. W. Wood and ARTHUR'S n."; Inauranc. Comnany of North AmrltsL i jle' H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. THE W. T. MfQABTtB BUHH CO. LTD., Clyde Roc cr for lu nesalhe. Insurance Bond Rental By Una nuiaeil.appUranl.ateot. Tha Judges were flev. Dcsbarrcs. Phono dfll Phono 401 1 P.O. Boa 6fl. ru.-.L.!. Th.alre Tlie dale af lux firal Diiblleatlnu of Itlll 5 eee eee uolii-e la Halurday, lei.ruarjf IV, ll i flev V. v. Kerr and Frank Derry.