- 1 . - - . ,'tnh nncf whw ... '-. . . m , ., 1 tT'fBI'TfTfll'iBfcl BRING1NG .UP FATHER ' ' Peorge M Z2j!fiZ?ZW p I WELL TO . 1 j MAlE-M W tc I II tJSSJTi ( PICTURG O Sill B OLLY ? "-V Paint will add years to the I SS -a, 7..,.,. r. . life of your home, and our new wallpapers would make the interior more comfort, able and attractive. VALUABLE ORE SPORT SILVERSIDES ON THE ALBERT!" BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Son of Canada are re ady , C0A1 BROS. in Held an niiliMir baseball Irani These nrc Gfxxl Places to Make Your Purchnses when You go out to buy 2nd Street aKniiMl I In- hik or any other Irani Vessel Carried South Last Night In the rilv or an nil Mar com- Paints Wallpapers Quarter of a Million ' ti nation from tlieni all. TIm-S.O.C. EDSONXlia' Value.-, v " men have u ready Imm-o Varnishes Kalsomine j ARIIATHI' WATKHH rtmxiTt. iu: ami oknkuai, Sacked U8 prltiim in some practice at the Glass, etc I S. s. PriniAlbertCaiG llol.er-'-n. Exhibition Hall andntv now pre-paritl uvea BOTTtma wowni MKHCIIA.NtUSK ' , CANADIAK ertAM LAU10RT wont Milh hl- night with to fnkei on nnyllifmr thai 1 rvr airr-1 - lit warniD oratton or. twm sm rik. Mw . Itr CliiMst AM rmmi lfi i Wiitor k Ntwlcns Art Supplies ilt Inrp. l shipment of ore from ofTer. Thl i Hi" first dclluilc Maim Urwa ), tnr tmmit Iwnd rami-ln. STEAM C0.U Pictures aid Picture Fuming Jil.c Premier miife 7ie haH-arric offer Hiat lias been unit oul for ItAIUtKIl HlfOt I AINTKHS AMI UKCOHATOns! r.o.o. cart fliiis rnon. she liaison board a. bnchall triune aiiiTsome team U ult Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 "nrt VOVAHAMA BtRICH SHOP FimNITUHB fRCD SCAOOfR t tnni valued at quarter expected to anrr II. The Son Uty Arbrr -Jtnr - Ttl SM A. inn twt fitter rimne nr II "I a million dollar at I In- wry of Canada ay they del not tart ran aaCNU Imvi'Ki tin t;i t r . the indoor havcluill,talk and would TW e. TU-j Ora III. In addition to the ore, the Al like whoevc- iliit to gH busy HAKKIt.S PAINTS AND Olli COIL bert carried it -lirpnirut of fertiliser nndlrur learn o lhm. FKKH STOUKS a nnimi LA cash aAKtar TMt A. w. I DO i co. - - ta4 Ave EPSON COAL CO. from tin' local reduction ri)prlire Son 4if r.a nada in- rmrd AMMia rio it f eainct: noemr rno oo. fatal. HI. ! ab4 Wiaper. plant ami a number ut passenger done laehall Irani oiiipr(jn' lacsuaa. ear. txl Ave. A4Hl 5L iii.-luij.ii It. .1. Mf-Jiiiiail. the J. Sh.-ikiie1nn', AV. Anilenwin. I.. CHINA CHOCK KltY. NOTtOXS paistchh ami iiKccm.vnms Albert & M&'i holel keeper; l. S. Jack, rrpre-M I.nni. Charles lllythi'. V. Mlytfi.-. ' have received during the last iiiing tin' Mimiran .Minim: Co.; Iluti Scott amt A...lirain. hirli TMt OINNT ALLCN COL FISH MKHCIIANTS. HRTAI1, iu. a caosirrr in. Limited three weeks H. i. JSeftVri, n tnilor of Stewart, is prarlirally thrir virlorioii Third Avctme, orpout al itffire. ARTMuwa HARarr PhomillLW TWia Are. ritnnet ISO A 1st. TO. Bnl 11 I'l.l.'MHINO formerly of thin city, am) Mi hakethall lineup. - Aar of Stewart. lJeiUe.J Him CI.UXNINO ASH 1M1KSHINO 100 Coal tick LOftGwiLL a. CKNKH VI, MKHGilANDISR cars Mrs. Herbert Hamilton, of Ihi .- .. -rresMnr and r ; - iwtli. Ii;i.' tx--n elnnJo'l at I he 'ity,' no-'" iiiien-i in rlraMnt - Ird A 'IM - ln ITS i WOIO CMIH ixiin CO. ...... LI..U.V.... n...l -...:.iiu in'l.u 411... Til imm Aftoo r aiMt ? , - ItKVTAIJi from Maeleotj Hirer mine, owned iii.-. - I . ' ll' r(i" im in i ift- by Prince Rupert ritizei.a. Cup series, she ha a f?li CVKF-S finncKitirs r. v. hart tek in We Serve We have th exclusive rigat to TftilDNARiPMT CIWAIQ '-. fr Stuart, ih ttf-i handle this coal in Prince Rupert. ivuiuwiiiiuii i iiinu; keeper of the Hrandon teainUi tmc bostor grill LINXIT'S eRIRCC RUetRT OROCCRV SKIN PAINTING Don't La miiW ty other coal WILL BE INTERESTING;l'rr n"l,1"'w' lr- Ha"Hn wn, twha. pbeiT nu Meat; Cor. (t and raims - llwm'ti bill crossctt rs 4tt. dealers who ate oar firm name ihi iiifui-K-tin rriiriiurj ,i wurn GOOD Fl to advertise their coal. H.'an.lon won the ria-ht to tlefend TM tLrTf HAItliVVAHK Trail Club Shield Will bo Won in 8,M, for "'"V1 mo"'- SIIKET MKTAI. WOHKH If yoo want a real good screened th Allan Cup from Winnlnejr. MOWC A racNULTT - tad At. Slew, Tonight's Match, Wanderer 1.11 1 nnhl In t.I s ..til n I ih. ' iUMpcBSMtlerr. piou and nthenwas ioB-j coal, eaU op Versus Trail. same, foi' 5.0011 had already been cio.Xr.s AND TOHACCO plies. ffllklM RowA-a Mi aiiuis Phone 58 -.old. Speakinsr of the goat' I SMwtd rtMx II 11. VCBAHABA tl TblM .. tt'Ml IMPOIITEH nilOCKHII'-S Kwryone who plays billiard in keeper part li the.big (tame that a . . Prince Rupert Feed Co. l'line Itiipert will xi jntrpMeii nishl the XX'innipe Kree Pre' ALBIRTA BUT BIARatT-Via. BVttM A LONA WILL Ra a. 'J (tiref I'boM tos a .! -I l- in thet.ffnaj lstr!i httwn the f.ay: "Siuart, tendin? pnal for' IHUt.OlSTS Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th SC a Trail Club and the, AVanderrr Brandon, a a veritable Mone.; TAII.OHS LXIilF.H A: flF.NTH no.I LXI'NCHKH FOU IIIHC i.li b IomotIiI for the Trail Oil. wall, Jiandlinfr the mojt dlOirtilt W. J. McCUTCNfOM Aeennd AmiK and-Sltlk 1ri. LluMk "KAABtTROf." Ptwa BtMk AM. . T. I tC ftfifMMie tvl oeire i shield. Alllinuch the Trail now iluation with the rilne of a II.-. tti UrtMl drn tmu la Northern B.C Tin lioo.nso BftsL AIM OOI ad rreMf han a 'lead of 7 1 over the Vdtn veteran. The rutodian bore a I.-riT, the latter club i jtit a. i?nal pari in tho Ilranilort vie. tee Fruit Lands oiifident a the former. Thelfory Trail pIaye- and supporter are I ronfldenl that (hey will maintain Si. Rests Ci 22 Acres,and only 1 mile 500 from yds. from Terrace 'their lead and win Hie eup an BARNEY JOHNSON IS Daily News Classified Ads. schooL 5 cleared and the Wanderer nri extremely GOING INTO TOWING acres ;ho.'teful of luakins up the differ. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than OOe fenced containing 75 bearing DIICIMCCC Tl MflDTll 'iiee wilhhe sohj- euu in lew.. fruit trees. A spring creek running across the 'At any rali lnni(.'hl' Kaine will WANTZD. Ff ll SM.K- Tenders ill be re-reived AUCTION SALE. property. Good log house, J Ik? the niof iiilere.-tiilj.' of the Steamer Canada Is Chartered from by Hie AHin I'MlHTie Ltd Ntk: ' I whole neries n"d will be keenly AUCTION HAI.K- A 1 3.10 Seventh W 5 rooms, and good log barn. the New England Fish WAXTF.D SeCond-hand furniture. for the purcliase nf their ware-ln.ii-e Phonsl Price $2200 cash for quick 'played and watched. If you have anything to on the (. T. I', dock. Full ! Ai-nue I'.a-t coiikitinK of a sate. ! The following 1 the Iine-np mr Company. sell call Hed 243. We pay cash-. particularR may be had nt o ill re J'eerlee phortor raph, oil jtalnt-Iiik STRFMOMt the big final: F. .XI. Crosby, 7f6 Third Avenue br ImhI. cir, r Hn or phone 170. if Commander H. I.. Johnxon. II. S. I. MrMordie (Wonderer,) XVeat. tf chair, oil cloth. rang0 (uarly Sheet Metal KENNEY BROS. & CO. vt V. Mrllmosln (Trail) at the S. 0., It. X. It., who recently re. DOAfID AND ROOMS im-w . dinner service," elMtric Aewit for MV w . St. Andr.-w' room1, K o'clock. sifrned from Ihe Vancouver pilot. XX'ANTEH Hy yimnn man, room iron and liesiler. Bale will Ih-( Real Estate and Insurance V. f. N'. lson v. XV. Ulythe at axe service and ha ainre become. wllh iMMird in private family. FOll ROOM AND IIOAIII) Phone Id on XX'edneiMiay. Marh 23. ,. -A Terrace, B.C. the Trail Club. 8 o'cloek. head of the li. L. Jnhnon Company, Apply hot 173, Xewji ofllce. 07 lied 121. tf nt t:3Lv. Iu htrii. t:. V, I'vtll. K. A. Donahue v. J. Jinl at ha announced In Vancouver Auctioneer". M KthS'fe- th' V amlerei i'Auti nt 8 o'clock that hi company has chartered FOR SALE, NURSERY PRODUCTS Prinre B 1;. II. SUfieklcy . J. Shake-oi.eure the. htranier Canada from Ho,' Scy. FIUJIT TllEES- FOR RENT :1 llw Trail Club at 9 England Fili Co. nnd will 11111 FOIt 8AI.K 41x1014 halibut boat, Apple, Pears, True Economy Clierrlen, I'luin ami l'earhe; FOIt UKNT Furnislie.1 sulle. o'i lurk. . lier in a general heay towing fully equipped FrIco rUondard alo a full line or smalt fruits. SL liitttl iloma. Pltona UmI husine to northern Enslne; port. The Fred Sleiihen v.'J. Sudan at the SI. Andivw' room at 0 vcel will lie. taken over on April .10x9 work bnnt 28 h.p, heavy All lir.tesl Atriclly and hest first assorteil rla stork,alotk 91. 68 I SMITH & M " 15. duty; o'dork. . .. in the FOll ll9NT!-Xire-ro0wetl hme . Howe I), Hri'wn at Hie The Canada i a ulitrdy vpkiwI 31x work boat or troller 5 h.p. country. l.ayrltx Xur-oerie. D 1yTl vu. Wilkinson on Thit Avenue near Iry Hock. Itimd, Vie. PLUMBI-O vith pmverful enftine. She Yale; . was XX'audercr Club nLO o'clock. v. H.C. Apply Orandvlew Hotel. , 6 C!.OI.t E. H. ShoclMey won the una! built of iron in 1KD2 at Veverly. 15 fl. row boati-2!4 h.p. inboard loria. f aiiie between the XX'andefprH and Yorkshire, Entiland, atu; a few enalne; " II O H F. s SlroiM tliNd grown PERSONAL l'.ll.K by oefi-al;ii ficore Shaw by h'nars ajro was tilled Willi new Ilnlr-S0x9, ready -fop engine; planl. including all the most F YOU 200 to I tu in a week em frainii al boilers. She I C,2 tel lon and 25 h.p. I-cycle engine; valuable,new varlelie of recent llcallhy infant femnle child for Address. M liai of nine knot. 50 4-eyel engine; r.dortlQrt. Apply b.t 174 Unlli .m SUN tend u the, XX'anderem. The Wanderer u speed h.p. iulroduellon, including the tf 01 r .wf New olllce. Cuarahtee I litis win tin touinaineril hy 1195 v7 h.p. engine; "lially Mall of varnished rop-per riiv . 174- e- your last to 888. PARIS COMMUNE 4 'h.p. Adams engine. color, nnd "Jlooslef lieaiily" DANCES year'- ikirt or 'dresi The Undin?4(n ;datn wllh hut M. M. h'TEI'HENS. Ihe choicest of the. dark red. one tournament rcmaininif Is a Als'i n fine lot of standard and EVKIlY .H.XTL'ftDAY HVF-MNO. 0 and bare it returned J. H Burrough Gave Address Last FOR SAI.IV-Singrr sewing nin- till 12 riiium in Mclnlyre Hall. follow: wt'eplrift roen. I.ny rltit Wur-serle, Jale model with (ill tin. PrinceM rayed roinn Aertr Night. In Mclntyre Hall, clilnej X'lcliirla, H.C. tr AdmNslon: Oenllcmen, 50c: Hole! looking like isn't protemenl. "complete with all new Trail ...... 9 102H1 1142 J5 Ijiitieo. 25o. If! that true economy? XVuni-rx . . 11210 H3i There wa rather a xioall al-lendance attachment. (Tnjy Kllghtly ued 8TRAWCCnniE8. Si. Andrew. t()M 1069 1107 In the Mclntyre hall tal mil! he Hold by end of inonlh. ACCOUNTANTS eunofi" JJJ1 Heat cash offer take It. Apply FIVE-ACItE RANCH poll SALE, evening to-IUIen to the nddre KXPEIUKNCEir ACCOUNTANT 103H li. XV. V. A...10 J03K0 Frequent Dry Son or Una. 10 10209 1021 given liy J. H, Hiirrouph on "The P. IX box 217k If mile from Terrace station, two would take charge of set of FiRSTf Geaning and Pressing EIUk 10 ,0033 903 Paris Commune,." The hpeaker FOll SAl.I'-15 h.p. Ememon hicli and half acres di-an-l und looks, whole or part time. renced, Fnur-room A LS (raced Ilio IjUlnry before and af-tor ' Jiouse ami XV. K. WHIUr rnfl. Phone will prolong the life . iipeed iiarin engine, almost giid well. Crop eonsista of 19 If r"t' . Ihe and ainck 2B0. 4dvrls In lh commune Interpreted new, cost 11,376.00, sacrifice of your clothing and il hearinv on Ihe march of evenln 350.00. Address llciilien John. lare thousand nijinl-er strawberry rospherry,plant hlack and SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING keep it fresh and- new. in dutalio'n'luc.'u and The auvanreinenl neceKsily of of (hi the It Ron, P.Q. lifx , 132; prince and red. current btSshea. and Pitman Stenographic- fcchool 71 11 pert. some apple trees. An iAl XX'ed-nesday workinf claMsed was pointed .put. livening classes, Monday, May we help you Raiultini from slufflsli XX'. Illdeoiil was chairman of Ihe SETT!NO EOnS 2 a dnien, lhiHe home, plensnlif occupation, nnd nnd Friday, 7:30 to P ' economize ? action cl tha llar ad towsls mecUng. Island llils. My liena laid all . first crop(julck will half pay Hir o'clock. Individual Instruction. I.KE. , is quickly relieved by the use ol V winler. 2t fWh Avenue Kail. ranch, acliou reipilriil. No. 10 Smith fllock. Dr. Chase's Kidne LIer Pills. Peven hories nnd two ponlea. Phone 187. If For particulars call, phone or HAIR DRE8SINQ. Canadian . One pill a tfoie. Ho. a bet, which arrived on Ihe Venture last FOll SALE Palijmnk pnrtnhle write, T. MeCI.YMONT. tf EAIIl DltESSINO. ai'ECIAL PCALP Chartereo,,;., t Steam Laundry all dealau. night on the way o Hie Peace- itcale, capacity 500 lh used 4 LOST trealnipnl. Marcel waving, race ' lllvrr rounlry, dlalurbed the real- rnonlha. S43.00, P, O. box 800. LOST .Yesterday helween' City massage. Hair dyelnit. I.ndlps" ls. Cnases Phone 8 dcnls of Fifth .Avenue East lout Market and Fifth and Fulton. cnmliliigN made Into twitches. hlghl In ttifl vicinity of the hospital Second-hand furnlluro bought and City envelope containing 150.00 Charles LeClarcq. 233 8ilh f.itm-iijKi f- awl were roundrd up hy the sold. Phone flrern Hrward Riven. Apply Dally Street, phone nine 78 for home 1...I BU" police this momlptr. 514. tf Newa olllce. 07 appointment. If