c - FOR : TAXI ! B" 139! 9b Phone 35 Phone Jley & Hale j PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE Block Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper1 Ernie Large 1MU.VCK Ml I'KIIT. II. (i. MOMAY MAHfjll 21. lb2J Strr't Clrlli 1.T7J. Strt It I 441. PRICE FIVE CENTS u arter Million Aerial Tram Line SS WILL BE INVITED TOMORROW FOR NEW GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS NEW PHOTO OF CREEK ROYAL FYMILY IN ATHENi Liquor Is Largest Item In Estimates for Year Tramline at Premier Mine Presented by Minister To Cost Quarter Million VIUTohlA. March 21. Or 17,0Ui,rj eilimalpd revenue for hi rumiiiff year riiuwu in the estimate presented by Koii. Johu Hart, niiuiler of finance, the jrolil on fi;iiur xld u rider the .1 -UiirliiMi ul the ui-ruil Ir.ini line li'"m MEXICO HAS liquor art U et down the large! item, it being exfecled to water al Stewart Uat ! ii let In the )brmg in fMi,(iii. Oilier item mentioned are us follows: -j."k'n VllillgIn. It i rle vrn ami .1 AuUimoMIc llrrtiM fTio.OOO as . - BIG DROUGHT asa Mf i5n,ono lat year. IfifP U AI I!5TIT , 1.4j4f-m( ifnifi iiihI i our ul lhe oiigc-t .(Mii..nl tax. MSiUKio. nlll 11 Ai.lfl I I .ul. Tin ililniM-1 by nwd frHB tb mmr w Im-mnc las. 1.050.000. , 4W 4K IKH W 4 1 ,ik I,..if mile- Iml the Iriimwaji Uke UojMt Rin Com it Middle of il.l land. -a! and timber land CATCHES HERE 97 Kent Month Ko Watsr In tat 5.000. h.-W mime ai r ulreadv almot omplelf Country I'd!I lax. 33.000. urrrion dutiee, 700.4KMV. Hell lot (In- .l.-.iruig of lb right of way. TiniU'r lii-eniee. 130,000. Nearly 3C0.0OO Pounds Comes In rli Tin MKAICO CITY. Mar. .. IM l-'l Lanti eaten. S530.000. Over.Week End and Eight . l.v . , . . n Hi. Miimnd varying at differ, ri:; ha been '.ufferiHB for weeks Timber r"a1lie. 30,000. Cars Arrived. . .ul point. f i.in i lnil. -if ai J "iln Timber ealen. 300.000. II i mm r nlnre I ti - AiiitT-. .iiii t aif .mii'Ki v 11 dry BOATS HAVE TO HOLD tu the rxoemvlure. .i ta'i'.n Kui.-lti.; anil HefiiiiiiK ki-a t.n. Wat.-i .'id ' ft jslii -in 1 m ' OVER CAR SHORTAGE will rol the orovinre l(iy.H;. t . k iimt III' 111IIM. Kllirr thai haw Iwrii r;ili.ni'. 'er-'ric v l'nnrr liunert set ;o.oou f..r r.te. I iit- an imim' f quantity of high ' li'-fmni prohibited and the a n government buildins. Cjip- Ei?bt refriserator cars which ."(' t! ore ha- Uc-n lnpi.. an ai'-eeu ai --"il f in w.d- iiai . xi-endilure on inenUI Imm. arrh.-d yesterday from Hie rai -Hi . .!. ih- I hi III t 'mil installed with mglil 1 n ojrlork. i.itaSi. will lie f-7.100. M-tlierrt "fe being loaded Imhy with 11,h u ter km.t and mmne max- , The ne'4.jM" ' .v br j Itj- 1 liennlono will rol H3.CK0. Hie Uehl at the exchangts thi. forc-edui .fl I l,ry, lia ins ineiiMjui uni-rr ur: pc..i Blional depHrtmenl reqiilre iu and CK.iioo more hjuii.J be 703 Tom Albert. .!!- H li -'rf aitdlliiil iinli; -Mill" 01 670.0O0. of which cilW art which rrhed, l Jioldin Y.-.lerduv lb Vriurr Albert lrfl heavy r.im. ii" iti water uply K100.IHI0. ii.uiiiei.ai;Ue t370d vrr until tomorrow- for the nix Ki Ors Bunkers. wilh oW mr.imm f m awSwl be esMn.t.xl'by Hi.FiiikI.1I- and the ret ce to mi J die- -arn that any-due to arrive to-iriM fl 1 and lbM is abuW l&M b-u at,"I April. r-.cTrv xt.e .i.i.i nf r.n ftoo u .r tiwrruvr ufchL iOver the weekend i"""''"' Viiu VI ll.t nil.I uauu 1 lil rouiaiilk - - off ''A 'We"itiB THvTCtiTlGnSr ConiuBUoe. TrtnctM Drfra and Croi fni t aitot. QJ Klcs iraiue ui aim uie eiui rars Here IndidU. piwtocrtpbtd r U rpjsi paliict croanl Is AtAtiu. I'mw j such rnajied up tu acMiniii.(.ate j . ' t v :w- I ui 1 UJ jvuiiiuii vi 1 ROBERSON IS lit. .1 in I. I'. sbd IMbccm Uelca will ooo t msrrled., , i-trr-ibtt mrk ,rinna 4iuniM nnturr rrnorr orxf ; Csrol i The following in the lint of ar. ,.r- iiiMfar dtntrull -.iidll ifti. rivlrllL btJKuC JlR I irivaU: Tin. iif?ili Untaiiey. tO.OOU m;uihJ; Sami-Iroii. .I I ) uui in Lf TatWtH mfH'X by will Htar Wistem FrslBht RsU MANY KILLINGS i Hit ,000 lKMjii.iA. and jilern CHAR1BERLAIN IS r mi' (Ik- li. ' 1 .!.I .iHinlii Arnued In Vancouver I'oillt. 3,000 pound, "old to the w. ..' ln. ti imx'm bmJI: . 11 l and VIctoHa. UNIONIST LEADER THE RUPERT fioolb Fisheries Caiiddian (. at 1 . IN IRELAND AT IN THE COMMONS J2.6r and 5e. M- t Tlir l,r'iil. r U tti 'ml' mill'" OTTAW A. M a r r t . . -i br I jirjthr, 1U.OO0 iKiund?.; and I:;:.,. -bi.liii iiw in I If KI-wmi .li--i.i.-: 1 .. ..... . f lUil.Mir I'..nii.il....iiMr. UiXIMiN. Marrb :'l. To Relieve Prince Corg for Marsarel. J.nnil ie.iin.1. suld to "I it .1 THE WEEK END I It bt Hon. AuiJi-u Uiain-l-rla:n I on .ui Mi.-r wr u ntiiniwr "f hax.' bMi'd a judgiiiriil ill rvcard month, then CtU Permanent (lie :aualian t iii aim Mild Mor-u' ' ' Itihl to li-K ! i ijrrt--d t-t-y jf..u irM- . I Iml ' ' i.. lw I'ruMM' liwriii. liiliiii wii r Co, nt ii.it- anu Sc. ttll ! II.mi. Ilonar Law a leader Command le-niiii hum. in thr nrni l.ilurr ,,. T. I'. tin lly tbi jnd- Crescent, 8,300 Hiunil; Reform Ambushes at Different Points and of the 1 nii.ni-t ariy 111 III IHIII D.I.I M) R IKUI mii.I i In- arat tb'nl "l 'i'--w yvar a ul it t ii 1m- biralml brtvtrfii nad ! Casualties at All on (he iloue of Cuiuiuoti. Win n the Vrum I unert n.,. ...iii iil irk i I.WHy I" iHuiiinii.n aud tiiHw iri?t. ,,un o u.aeinc Fi.U- i. -w I 'ill- Both Sides. j - lie ua le-lnd aUa liov-erniiieiil tM-ack iulo comm.ion early ill Tin- rcull l lliul ait I tin. hi a ui-aur r.,ri, tb" w j2 ,r aniJ ap .. r - - raururf here, lu- May el.e will ! t-iMiii..srided t-y v. ,ll iiii.iuliiifly ! a liw I'lH.'f (iirni'T ui-rli.ii.il of Uir lMapl. ., ,1u.-!jh: Martra. Ih .iimI l.JiAen U JeroiiMf ll.rily, i.ne T Jlarrti l4. C4iltK. . uui) Ibr adJi.iHitiu f HWj 'itirn tnartMirii; of tb- 1lail- ,icc ,0,(jo0 .un.ls. and Cedric, nlHtai l) dir. and ..jIic4Miian tf ithe i.i..nrrr olhcern of the ervirr wiM liarf ui 11m1 irMr"' 5 way (Uuiuili.n will lw brld in ounJs ,,,3 t lhe tUiua- tal-' killed, mnrral ..iinJil ami nrn IM ai ... wno .yr Airll 7 and in Vi. j-reM-..t yyh anJ il)fa-e at jVanrutiT.tu ai'b attacker were k.lipjil Ui all am.; I-riure AlUbert . . jliiria Aril tl In tt'ts tbr , , Ji2.lc anc 5c .i .ill In.- TENDERS FOR bush tetrKiiiUli 'art-vtlina t" mi. iiuuerum oivie,e luHnl,.,.,- M.000 Hound, aud . ( raVlrnt mul et- ui.i iM itii guiihialiHi!friMHtll lillrn.' Jatrl n-jHirU. Tlie faUHlii t" DEAD COMES 1'rin. e Allrt In oU-ul a week LranUfi 17,000 pound, sold to the .-.iM-nlii the crown firr vrr ao-ixJ by anu i'i"m "V-""? Uoyal KMi O. at 3.6c and 5c. t real 41 2 COURT HOUSE Hie blowing Ui "f brleif when I'riivce illeorve in Order for I'liimak. 13,000 pound, llravu. ml at br UPPER SILESIA TO BE throe 'lorries 'rr rroms. BACK TO LIFEi:: at .-iflleer lo lake a holiday. 8,000 pound 4 and Ague, 5,000 ui fjtbl Twenty flnn F'-m-r wrre ra-turn.. Tint loMliuji he will retain until pounds, sold to the 1'acilic Na GERMANY PART OF I I::' IHMtl Bids' to It In by April 1 and lb.- li -irt-e uiie Itilu dock. when Products Aes.iciation at tr.Oif and Work will Commence 1 Iliwc 1 a reii.il f N-rror at Heart Ceased to Beat for Fourteen the ll'ii.ert will lake her place. 5c. thai Soon. People Vote by Largs Ma'orlty Cork h'ariM huu-" and rrodure, Hours, Then N!an Capl. Itoliernuii u a veieran ii ,rcUPrie ..old 5.500 iMiun.U to i in nhiii Uirnrl a r priaW. Awoke. (he and a in .t (iir Against Joining Poland, were .en pioneer , jj ?lor)l!p at iSc nil, 5c. ..In- (up liUltl.lN. Marrli 51 In an am-i Prince IIuimtMI a:; ci.noerned.j Ks,er eold 3,500 iKund to the Tenders will be Invllsd tomorrow erection of JIKHUX. Msrrh XI. lirniiany l.u.li iit thliwnrirhi by 15 fllJXKVA. March ;i The rae He lir been af nea 20 year. evcn storage at iS)c and 5c. 200 Employees. for the cnlabl.' wa killed and 01 a man heart reusinfi 10 neat in w!inir craft, house iii an MtrrMhrliiiiii? ii'lory in men, a of Which was and; Tyil. n0o0 pound to the I...ul the proposed new court allekem .undrd. fr fourteen hour-, and then re-' of'it iu India, lie teik j.arl : Ih'1 ili'birilr IP-Id in t'M"'r onie lrt ,acnc sea l'roducU"al tl.lc and In Prince Rupert, to be sent atul.uli Iun- kuiiiIiik ork i reportiHl here, .V In Hiiullier near H'lu-itlm Si.'-is l" di-iiTiiiiim Ho future III iUprenm me nover nrwi- j-. lil MtMl In slon by1 the April heating 1. On contract this ccca will nati.inaltly and Matu of thai rr. iruvnn the llttht tutted live bourn clergyman named Haodenhacher a,ina giiinp (here from Old Chum old 1,500 pound-i to nlm and. a conlMiiie wa niieu aim uiro mm u.-r ' ..as ""v,"' India aJranport num. Tlnrr rre 870.000 on the Atlin FUherien.al lie and 5c. I'liert) be let separately. eera1 of the nil acker were declared i.ead be suJ.ienty awoiie.- Armu,llunj Mr, Ui.1htv.ii, 1 hera at f..i liimany and 3ti.000 for I'o-laml. ,y It. Ifc M'Jd 600 ouniJ to the Plans ' '1 ti'd are already k,.,, HilM rae is ar..u-.in iiiuiii imvi lhe Captain wa one of the ilrt Iloyal Fih Vt. al lie anC 5c. 'Miual.ily, the offlcs of the government llliLFAS'l'. Mmeh SI. Five et in lliu part of the Country. while people lo land on Kaietl I. Yi-uuh, 6.000 pounds: Ileinocrat. agent and are slightly differ-ot hundred rimi -.iMr Mihuheti lam' in conne tim wilh Hie founding U.0O0 pound; Alliatros 17.000 "IK tUu rdarm frorrt those called on which time ten- IPOLES THREATEN thirty MdUer. Ulllj.ff ,it ami M1ICT UAVC 250 ON of 'ie city, lie ban t-een er. pounds: Orient. 21,000 pound? were some ! TO SHOOT BRITISH ll...r Hi 4... IvinriirneiiieiilH - t vite with the (. T. 1. roal er- M. A S.. 1,300 pnuud. ana t innie ..... it' fiWtago.l"lh It Is understood that arrived, tlie Kuui Fe4fier retreat- LANDING IN CANADA viee nlnre lln Inception, irolnir t' i.uoo pounus. are iioiums over r.nlr.rl will ha 11 VarV toon and wort will be pushed I OFFICERS ON DUTY Iiijt and many faltmif. J be di-tricl Ort an vhief ofll. er oil the l'rjnee u(l(j, lomorrww : Mi.itt in in a fern. 'lit. That is Text of Order-ln-Councll Allwr! Willi Cap!. iarneyjiiiinon, of " ahead so that a large part MUIMN. Maili St-. Cmwn Ottawa. II. Iher. if.iinamled the llenrietle at INADO It may be done this summer. WATIOWirZ. tiib'Kia. Maii-h furc bill ei" -'Hed and deyii Passed and left her to so lo the war where CONCENTRATOR nnre hoot' ;1. I'i.Ii'k tlin'ali'ind to HritUli nlllceii. dftallrd In wounded in amii.hcB, til Ireland "OTTAWA. Mau l. Si. n or he endued In mine (iwcepinif, pa. nun' over the wrekewl It i belieel been Inllina and eoinrlliig for two .lp-iii.eiiiiiteil Iihm jul na . Ki-liiii!iiiU jilurliiK the lioln i' PLANT BURNED tlitl Ihirl.-i'n r. i. nltionariei. were and for two yeurn more- was iiideliiuiely the e.1 evlendins pi-o-Iyearn di. M.tin:-. in Uir rfM-r KIIMa WUIH UAMACF. DIED YESTERDAY Li::Hl and llilrte-1. woiuidiil. One .1 1 .1... ....1.... in.1.in eiiiiiiiiaiul of variou. ') r liiMitr. Two olllfi'rs will taVi' - private cltlien v killed and one J,,,,, wJ.n.Jy m.migcanti of n.y.teey hip both a!l and -Irani, Joseph Wlsckosky wa Fisherman (ait ilii- U'iili)ii of tin Kltinu wounded by Sinn 1 einer. lroetj,'. .,..,:,, ,.iuu iklll...l He ili.l valiant nerxife with the Financial Loss of Concern at Visited by Tremendpus Prom Trawler Andrew ltin. nx. riotin- iK-'Uir.-d al llelfal ndwr ,,,,,1 l4 requirtl to bavrinavy and then relunosl to take Britannia Beach was Storim on I.4jiJksllilll.VIrV. L..p 41.... i. I'usntriuMisii- 'll;ur'a 4lf (lie Prince Albert. tlU $750,000. Saturctsy. -r - :i 1 1 ,111.ii.fl..uiu.ill ' "-' w-r - N Kelly. DRYDOCK CREDlfORS ! 1.. the oint ..r'l.K.iiiiiiimi to the larirer veeiK iilion to a tlrkel Fire Ins .March Si. - will In' iMMiular imive. HU phic" VANCOUVFJl, a 1 I'lmrn ltuluii. HOCKEY CHAMPS BEAT denlihaliiHi. conreiilralor plant Jorpli 'ii kiky. i the Albert dtwlroyed the will In. taken oil ' of Settlement of Dlf o iv oy attvii SI, dlH in tint tli'iii'tul lln-jilial Possibility THE CALGARY TIGERS The ily'polje(.bu.v a C,all hi Capt. Nedden. of the Howe Sound MlniiiS and II! M. Vi llnir ywlrrdoy uflrrnnon. !'-oi-u'iI Acuity with Government. of SiiK'ltln- Co. al llrllannla Ileucli. mnruiiiK from Jibe" l-enideiifctl - Ihimi al 1h1 on Fran'r Klrwt and FARMERS COMINQ. fiu one wan Injured. TJie properly I . 1 1 wft hud b4Ht u lUli.'i-tiiuii on 1li lun-ttdlau Ilirnriuutliin Iium bri'lt r"riiiH CAMiAltY M.i 'h SI. -Otlawa il.outse .uaina. ruiom i-m.-iyi.f loos U Ket at '.30.000. ' 'I'll l'ih and Oold Ulnrafy traw. fmiii Ottawa thai thliiK are looking Senatyrn Ute v . -Ufa proren.ional illarry Ulhn.p wiirtt.daniaiie.altegeu io,nae ar. LONDON. March SI. A pHrty The plant was owned in icw Hit l,v 'ilvi"ay Irr Andruw Kelly. Hi' was u jiiimii-l(?r nior hopeful for a wetllt'inenl hwkt-y rhampi. n-. defeated the been doing was dek.ati hed to lhe of xixty Hrilih funnem wilh S3,. York and wns 1 active operation, riinu- of the Onlittl I.ubur Council. of tin1 dllTereiio'n liplwi'tMi the Calijary Tian-s. .Iiampioi, ..r Al. den Uail.but an ivaj round a door 000 for inventmenl In land, nalleil (be output leing shippi-u to the d-- I'unorul ttrruiii'tiii-nls an. in tho i'ii'i iium of the dry dock utwl tin' IK-Vta, by a S " an Mene mi lite uone. Halurday for Western tiiimda. Tacoma smelter. iind. man pa exhibition bcrv on Saturday. broki rt ifama tlf. jbundv of tltu li. C. Indmtakvrs. guvifiniiicnt. s