fore mil DAItiT M I ' " " :T WE I i- u H.i I WOMEN JURORS Another Epidemic SIT IN ENGLAND of the Westholme Theatre Spanish Influenza Nisny Wish to bo Excused and TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Many are Challenged by Lawyers A im-il tinny i,ih..niif bate predicted MONTREAL I return r that i.rrlbtr playue whlrtt awrpl t:at.ila rrtuii "it rod lo the other L(i.To. Kelt. l:i.- Kxruise iml Mi au ami i' fi to many death! lu offered hy tvmiten wlm fur the first il ". and lh-i. did nrt .r.-hfl PRICES REDUCED time haw jusl hern railed o nil in trrat nu r- wllh Some MrkHi artrr rrtrri in-ti an wrek hearl, The Val um juror tn niu nancy, me thallrml liritr, iiiirrlli1 blml and Winds nioxt raiiiniiH criminal a trtirral wrakfttrd awl rihaualrd fundi et:url. o.M'ilrcl (rood Umi) of Iron or llie fulfill Assorted Chocolates Inuwliirr in liiat usually ectlalo It ivu art.' tan iMs. bran act mat nriii. nmn a link- abaky. lake a low Half pounds 65c Pilll'e. bnirs of MlllrttHi'ft llrirt ami .Vrrw IMil of Doil: rwciily four women were sum. and fortify y)ir ijli'in arahaal thla leirlbk moned fur jury nervii-e iin-riiiiinnl playee. farJ Centre Chocolates ' nnil iMixtM juries were ir ytw hail ttw i in" U'furr and ll trll foiined wild. In at least one cac, you win any bait arivr eBl Mtltiurti with Half pounds 65c; pouutls $1.25 Heart and yrtxr fill' wlH brmt you bars woman serving a forewoman. ! heiltb and tr-Mth AH Assorted Wrapped Caramels The i-harpe ilirltuCrd murder. Mr. C C falHM-r krf'wi. aak . wnlce Star Cast arson nml iiinnluujrhler. "I Wish, hi IMWtil i nf I ho rral rnl flie women appeared iuili an MlHMrn't Hf art aid mr I'Ula did fi Half pounds 55c: pounds $1.00 anxious as men tu avoid irvl mr. Aflrr a !! aiUfk or llw jxnin staod in Veart inSumia my twaii umI n-rw rrr t.n lo Scotchee Half pounds 40c; pounds 80c hi the juries. a vrry bad rMHlilhn I ml lwi bnxrt 'if I'm (on nervous' kuk tin- iMir 14U and h.u.1 lhr)r art lh lnl ia of one. I rtrt tfmt, awl I tur MM a anal lmn Hard Candies in Ja 35c and 70c 'I'm not lronn-iiiIinli't tn- ilitTrrrni ataxl.. . I win !) krrp Heart and !- nil In it tmt. It, Naiil aooll-er. She, was I'lirv ftr. a ltt at all Urate "f Inaitrd BeauliM ;! xruseil. , iltrrrl an rrMM of prira by Tbr T Kit Others pleaded iiiahilily In lrn Co, l.lmfi1. rnw. Bt AdvL ' Sole Agents enve housework. Mioppltor, lill-tl- . Prizina Scenic ; ner.s, rare of haloes or sought to jirestiijn ( lis I volneri jurors ORMES Limited evid erjre on lite u round nf:..p.ould 1 comr 'itated for Ui- 'heir own illneix or dial of mein-l"T' rt.tion of Hu n houx'lioltl routine Coitedy 'Being Considered" of (heir fatuities nml tliut J liitit efrclitneiits"! The Pioneer No advance in Druggists, . After1 Lawyers 9liou J ! nervd tluriitff the after-1 prices "I "know one thing we women m on eourt ieriuii. j will lo.V "nil oio Jiirywoiiuiii Tiioein (he i'nurlrooti seetnei; after filling tit the court for n to refnirsi thMMH'larle of woiiien' There mav oe oiintitiii y..i lialf.hour. "We will make lite elHn? ttjeir true aires tit inot, Empress Theatre Tonight and Tomorro! nt S tli Rlilflo1 enlnmn lawyer wear rleft.ii wjff anil have eaiPn HlUitiui niiticealile lieiiita-; What About LAND ACT. iM-tle iiiniiniT.' . I ;-. II. ltut uririiiltg part of! Oilier, after their first aiwar-nnce the novrl itrormiure. ()n was! .utice ur I.VTE.NTKM TO PPtT TO mi the jury-lnix, maile iui Iily-lhrec ami was nveuaeil. j "THE Community In (.m-rn cnartottr LEASE Htandi LA.VO.Land Dittnrt Mostly Not Cillty GREAT REDEEMER" hmirdinr Dtaliirt nr fkrrna. and Pttuitr I.AM ACT. While, la llie heart! dur-' at adrn Harbour adjotnini Lota 4il and Silver? iii.t the ttt.'uliiu day, the aiajority Ne.ita at Inlantlon to Apply to Imi L-. nit tiiTiCE mat I. Hum n. Ban hi. !f tlie veriJieln wi-ri- "rtttt (CUilly. " ' with Ail Star Caste nm or Prttirr nunrrt. ocrapatlon Maatrr , an You can buy it. from us Marlnrr. Intrnila to arnlr for nrnniMiool In kirM 114 IMtlHrt. ncqidtnne l litigant. ImM l iim-ii anil wonti-n. at the standard price the "nrrz"sz&rFz; Ti7tMr m tuir m...,,, reiu.,. COMEDY NEWS GAZETTE same as "in any city or &XUSr&xVtS', UJin.0"1 tnaTtrVte LHrrM. " "t t,. even from Eaton's. lra to thr low matrr mark or jNadrn "f Prtnrr KMprrt. oecapalMn ntttrr mart- j inenl in their cu-i'n. II woo 1 r ""r," -PPV lor I IMaaaail W I 'noticeable Hint ilefentJanls nirti lit m Ihr im,1 b.v a,l.r fti.r in mini mirt or .irM to a mint due w-al 7.10 u'r ta '"- drarrttwl landa: We a big stock in carry . iiiarlleutar ouulit, thruovli t rhaina rram I It SAaiftim-ral rirnrr nf t M IVjifinrtir la- al a Mil timtA .k Adam and Sheraton, be irii 'rTIr'Vr Im'mvS! Eo2' 'u", r M "" th"" ,''a!r,, rhalleiiitf.. lo rr BRITISH WILL ' sides the Par plate which mefirrlT and rouominr "thr mra air ln"r' or l W imtt; im-hr ; I iiolr beinnj ealetl a Junir. VSorZZrWJI' "Men know rnn l b Special Batiiii is lower in price. nl.lnlli. & b a n l.i cnam mom or iraa lo nipnt. . . ..-.j. . All thla thnr I"" I I a"J itll.I liatiiHMpi HUME B. BAtuxiTuS. alrr mark: n.lh-,l. Kl. AID COLONISTS John Bulger Prr Frd. , B.C.L.8., a trot. vatrr niani to pint, contaiMnf 7 arrta. eaxily llicy ' nr taaia likely to month nair.1 th- an itar or January, mil. nt Ira. uerlMk lerlihieulilteA unl In Furniture to maka Finite Jeweller, SOHXA.V H. Illtitllllllr. r-..h(i IhrlV tlii reaeon they room Datrd January It. Itll. n lo DUtrlbute British Eml. for 'U'iri van I '," taitl one woman TORK'S WATKII XOTICi:. who had hecii rliallrngetl and (rants and Promote Spirit Spring s llKlilo.t A.M trse. exeueit. ' Prices Goods SELL J I.O.MKI.N. Mar. i'l Hit- llnli-li W'ninen Juror will I TtkK MiTirr Out Allrr tmi Miatna- awl "ot KalaeriUrjeut IlitJ. irx-illl In ludd a TOVES. lirfrkiKm-nt tNOf IJmllr4. ad-drr ml In I ( drriiti IIhI arllomi. ThlrjASJ la tl-ad nirr. Anyni. B. ft.. lll ap-l Jconferenr. mIIIi ritrrN.lal m e rir a lirnirr In lair awl B ll ruble Ii.-carli of ririiiltiC atiilt, other "-"'"l irri i.j nairr 1.111 or wairr ri of the lirjlioh il"iitiiiiii in on.-r .rrk. aho khoun a Fall. i:rrrk. whirnrrr litiprlolllMlil a nil n lit fl-fllllllltM. M l,..IIV a.r .,,i..1 PACIHC CARTAGE LTD n ra.irrt and drain Into llrad bt ult til the Inlm aw r...,rl. , " . ' " " m - w r, IWI iphiIITIIJ t,H a.iv nruiriiirill .'I lltl-; Fred Stork's Hardware (liy Vardrn OrfmL ninl ato will OMike (heir 0rl Phone 93. S. E. Parker, Mgr. Tl Atrr lll tir iHwtrd rnrfn tha eolouinU in new anil tiinli- li,.i ) ' al a mint Mr ihnuaand f-rl mru- ai'iie.iraitee at Jilror in llm iliv. AG AIM Ctrefol aUcntitm rlvaw to all order far Second Avfnue iart f Ho- llrilili l-Uuiire. HOME f urt.itur,t night, b or other :a'4lrrl rront Ihr rouiliraal mnirr r Lot (irr i-l(iirl transfer work PHONE B'ACK 114 ; tl. ami mill tor dVanrallr; lii, Thi titan I "nli-jMieil lo n ORDERS tailaji rok COALano WOOD ;-i:t'l" ami imwrr punnw npnn Itir t.n-lir 1'ln-y have iru oillintt as diiwrllml a. lot I0JI and lAt ISTI-A. Ilt ilin ble iurpi. of illriWti - f I Vllrr Ann Tilillr. ji rum in some of the rounlie of i TM. tr.Orr an pnaird on Hi- rruund l.tiglumt for some mouths. the jiuMilallnn "f Hi- t;tuti-d Koi i- ; For rl nic HOME COOCINO and FISH AN00 n Hit llr.l day of Marrh. . jllniil x.i u li i"pululi- tin- i inply ; Co to Ihe A "pi i.r rht milii-r and aaj appitralaw nriiaul IhrrrU. and In thr 6Valrr Art. i.A.Mi X.ri- nf I In- i-niiin- ami ni'iin i 111." ll ta Bird In tbr i.ftlrr i.f tha Atrr. CAFE sW'airr lirrnrdr al I'nnrr lluprrl. B. :. Ihat I lo- aibtiliui-at poiiululion THE EMPRESS i blrrtlia'M t Ihr anollrallfi niav lrf Nolk sf latanllwi U Apply fo 'thene tinilex i-I.ih-i ti-rrllorii-s will' Mlrd ith Ihr aald Walrr llrrortfcrr ur witk inr uxnpiriiorr r walrr lurtiu, I'artia-iihmi Purthaae Land. ,1m- lritiii imiti in hirth and in Where Everybody Eats Mite Htlp Warm HnlMHir. Virtoria. H. f... within thirty da aflrr llw nrt aiHwraure of In fkrrtia LaiMl illrlct. Rm,rftin( ln spirit. II) tlii--.!- iio-uti. n l- Ilolal Blok." III imtlrr In a biral nratspainT. trlrt of UmI. luiirr . and ailnatr al brad huii-ij In ii iMi fur Ihe ili-f.-ni'i-. Ilu.. for L-dl.a Empr... Mirr Ann Tovui.iir, t:aoiar Land t)ia-Irl.t u,;.rLn- zrrzLZ - .Nn.. .u t Hi- , AIJCE tltXI MIMli IMl liF.VKMIPMKAT COXI'AAV IJVITLIi. Appliranl. of l-rtlir Buiirrt or'rupalioa mailrr mart- jeotplre ami lo reilm-i- Ihe -urilu By OTP. Ilirl. a am I. nrr. Intrnda to apply for prnulaawn louf wnioeii ini-n III Ilu- oer -onil'l -porfhar, Underwear Tlx- lalr or tli nr.l publirallou of tail iiollir la Martb 7. Itll. the followins drWribrd land: Hj,,,, (,f . ii,., Kindni Another shipment arriving tXiuiirtirna at a l-t plantm on thei Moir1 WATKII NMTICK. ulh lliu nt ktl las. thrur ra.l fo rliainf 4 lb. Palls iiivniisio.s m ui!r. llx-tK-r x,ntti to chainaj Ihrnre wear HIDDFs! FflRTIIWF -r- chain lo abore; tftrnre alotif ahore lo pott 'tluuu Will UllLi Purs Ttdr MHi:r Ihat Allrr Ami MinMirand and eoutaimuf forty acrrs, mors or leaa. Ih ii ihmikhi i;miunr IJnntrd. aim, ad-dr.- OLD FURNITURE FOUND la llrad mnrr. Anyoi. It. C. HI ap-pl MlllMAM IV. HltODIILIIST. for a iiirorr to take and nw ona cubic Daled January !, Itl. Strawberry Chocolates krr-ind rrri or alrr mil or an unnamrd rrrru. alo kn-ivn a Hllrrr i;rrrk. mrb (Were Selling Old Desk in Vienna Oi.w. ra.lrrly and drain Into A lira Arm. LAND ACT. alHHii brad or Alire Ami al liollr vanlrn ! and Socrel Door Opened For solid comfort this IM-J..L - FORM OF NOTICE. tlir atrr mil br durrird from thr Jam changable weather .irvain al a point air.ul Lot IT. Block a. i:asiah lud DisTnirr distkict or VIKNNA, Mar. I . . I'll.- hiilii The ycu II.I.. 1071, Allrr Ann Toatnail and aviil iiantiiaH. ir...!...'.. i.. ..i ..r . i br urd for doniaatic town aupply and TAkk nollre that .1 Wrti.lrr Scott Simp. I . r- ! .. luriiiiiin- need warm underwear. a.liwrr tj.l pnriKiM.loll and it.ii-Lot thr III7I-A.townall Townalla drarnbrd or -n. of Trirtrapn trerk, B.C., occupation ; has 111: llaaaj tin in Vienna with on- QU'LIT.Y SECOND TfJ NONE i i'.ii .ifrnii nil imi. iv 'l'i7 l.i i-iiiiib i Choice' Alt-r Ann. B.C. .nil to Irlx the follow ina drarnbrd lanni U Ollllly ilrailialir tli.lg. Thl noiirr mi Mird Ida on (round in Ilu- rmt day of Marin, tall. Umiinrrw-lnr at a mat pianlrd 400 yard due f the many familn wlm Special 75c The well dressed man is UK.rr or lr norinairat of tnr northweat A ur ami thi notice roiy an apiiralion cornrr of n Trirrrapn Crrrt townatir, uradii.-.l all Vi. hy pnraiiam llirrrto and to um -Walrr Art. ; ii of onl liptr of markrd Inillal Pal: north 40 ... thrnce 1911." will br Dlrd In tbr otter or tha rnaina; "l tit da more particular about Ihrnre eaal 40 ehama; tvnfe aouin to . luniliy iii---i nmiii d"0iieij tn -.ell i-ii-ti pn -wai Walrr llrrordrr at I'rnxr Pui-rrt. B. C. rliaina; ihrnre weal 4tf rtuina lo the point . ,.i.t .t.,.1 'llie has sut'll a iieitllilie liiiigai'i in- iJuUKhler w 'iij-rioHia ie aopiiraiwin may his underwear than liw-o with thr aald Walrr Hrrordrr or wnn of rotnnu-nrrrnrni, sad rontainiof ISO acrea any-other llir Coir.plrollrr of Walrr lllrtita, l-ania-nl niore or tea a: d a rrirmi vrl i- i i-iiiiiv illH II In in jam n-i'ii nlTeri-il to Two of hts KuildinvH. Victoria, B. C, wilbm fiatr. fierrmbrr vvrBjTF.n into.rcott Il.l impsu.i a wailing w upon v. h.-n (In-known Prince Rupert Consumers part wearing thirty days aflrr the tirat appearance of Uil nolirr In a loral lirwapaprr. secrrl apiii-lmi ul ri.i-in-d ul Contirf Alice Ann Towvalte, Caaatar Land bla-iri't NOTICE. II apparel. I tho proper cue and ilirui-d n liii't-n lulT for l'ater ALICE :MPAiY AIIV VI.XI.MI II Milt AVO D. DEVELOPMENT Applicant. I THE MATTIli of an appllratlon for tha I'iltf or ttiilil coins, lll-riir till Wediuiailny'fi Imat. u2Strrt II y C. P. lurl. arrnt. laaur of a rrrlillralr of title lo I.oil ,. i, .-olnaui. nf tii.rrlv on you" iirderH early. At All D We have the very best TIm- din- of tlir firat publication or una . Block "A" l.ol . Block 7 and ll CU" oi.tirr la March 7. Kit. II. Block It T..n of Terrace (Map S7t). 'Ki-rOJM', and noine nf uui'h-ilt dale, ll!,h quality procurable in the a rtinralr Haliafactory of till,-proor n.vrrlnr of llw tlie)oaa sbore of landa thl;..,l '. repr(.i-lll S.UOO.OIIO prPpi-jll We Duy American Currency, ConfecuW liavtiis brrn nlurrd, nollre la hereby rr ) uMtrlail light, medium-or heavy Dyeing Dry Cleaning a-ivrii that II i niy inlrntlon to laaue after t rovnn. Silver, Gold or Bills. - Ihr rirrirallon ttt iha nmhlh fritni the Brat nulillrallim b rrof, freali wildcat of weight ror good work, prompt service till in llw namo or Alfrcil a I. Morrl. which CANADIAN PICTURE and rraaonable prices send goods rrrlillralr of llilr ll datrd itlb July 1914 to CITIZENS' CLEANEIW &. i lid la Iiiiiiihrri-'LI67-L Rupert Table Supply Co. John DYERS. 2037 4th Ave.. Van-couver. .Ijtnd rd prrUlry dy of limre,Frbruary.Prlnwi IMI.Itupert, B. AT THE WESTHOLME I Inquiries aolieited II. r. MACLEOD, PHONES 111, tit. filalrlrl ltri.lrr of Titles. Tale of Adventure In This Country $5, $6.50 and $10 ' Tlie Shown Valley of In Jlniilil."Picture. 11 St-U-niek YOU'RE THE JUDGE pirilire ii-odiii-.-t under the TOM LEE GO. Here's the heat units, jer pound of coal, jfiven by Government supervision pf II111-I011 (ii-ni'Ki', alt'-pirtin:; 810 Hecond West a Suit and Wilton Mersey analysis: life in the Canadian snows. Avenue, fVUUHV-j:i sue ' Victory Coal 10370 heat units Mill lie shown nt llie Wi-linilc Pembina Coal ... 1 0020 .. VEGETABLES Tlieal:n lonlttlit. ll is n iimlor Edaon Coal, Mile U .11041 Wholesale and Retail 7 -tf New Wclllntcton And Lady-smith i-ilillp Blory ninl pi ucl It-ally all (lie Coal 13210 i. action lakes pVU'h oiitilooi-M, Koine (ii-nvral Contractors and MARTI O'REILLY Cadomin Coal 144MH ,. tiiiusiial srcnle lfels uu (110111-lut-ti Labor Kxcliange We are sole stents for Cadomin Cost here well ns as a NlKoroiis talo of Consumers Coal Company, Limited ttdveitlure and inlriinir. I'rlneo rtupert, D.0, LING. TAlWRjl t , I'hona 647 I'.O. Box 725 Koom tl Smith Block J. Lorne MacLaken, liarisirer I'm on 7 Advertise In toe Daily (Sews, 1