t Pt.Ke TUB DATCT HBWB Ml'lld.iv ' Ji BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMj 30 DAY Si I HAVf. tPCXM-CO TO TOUR ROOM- j III ill I COLL IF tHC L , ''"J"" "''"T ' I . ' j H I'HELLO i I I int.mjnt IO I Mill II nul HMOME DINTf. . , ' II 1 1 lit I I I ! UIHTf 7 I I TLX TO roOR Bot-l PWlENDi I ,. I BUT HOW ' -' . U-Ss fesJ I T J ' To clear our Entire Stock, ' II at prices M ' to suit everyone Barriers I If imi latx riawat stavxr iwe -3 ;V jl " ' t ! Furniture - Store Third Avenue (CANDIDATES SPEAK ghc ,,r his bcVl and woi;lil treat a- .- c j imnimn THE OPEN FORUM all liinllers IhaL came before him I I in a businesslike way. One issue f (ConlinuH from i'at?e One.) before I hem w as Cow Hay. He was BUSINESS DIRECTORY Watch in favor of keeping it open. Any see it. Hc iliil not think Hint jto Igood financing;. interests lhal wanled it closed These ore Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy the EDSON COAL CO. j Business Government. must show thai it would be in Hie int?ivsls of.lhe people In close As far as his lark of j experience Irl. He charged (hat I he movement was concerned, 1- municipal govern to close it wits engineered by have received during the last in'iil was 1101111110- Jiul business selfish inlcreSIs. The bay, he AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND QENERAL LAUNDRIES Label government. The" departmental three weeks I a in i cd, was a neeinary airjuncl MERCHANDISE riciid were it-sponsible for the CAVER BOTTLING WORKS l - - C.NftDIW BTISM UHlNDRT In the city. He was in favor of ? Fr.r smrl riMMw lit IWILfRiD QRATTON Cor. tWti SB1 ! St I'bone I. sr OrsMur n4 Piwim DefH, 1r. ill. Mils, operation and I lie for Ihe 100 mayor playgrounds for the children and . Ibune Cm o 1VK. tut tttuM bnd rsijl-liar IMtt u: in !i Coai legislation. U the officials couhi cars wiiuhl like In ImvCftlirm where CARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS maiin li ' rmt attend lo the operation, then ? they did not have, lo climb a like ul u new oiK-s must ho nut in. VOKAHAMA BAP8ER SHOP FURNITURE from Macleod River mine, owned mountain In gel to them. He was rsto scaoocm Regarding moral a flair he. hail Latly Jrtrr Ratta TJl 1M Ave. TrMvr Pkone Oreea by Prince Rupert citizens. lived here since April, 1K09, and out in support of Harry Rochester FRANK SR.-CMU em 'ii.I i. We have the exclua've right to for mayor. i Thinl Arc. ftmu OrrB 411. ! i.' 'i had lived single and married, lie BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS handle this coal in Prince Rupert. had conducted himself properly George Kerr. ll!!s! u; ' Don't be misled by other coal Oeorge Kerr, FEED STORES and - rbairmnn of the! i LA CASSS SAKtRT "i boll) a a single and as a married THE A. WV. EOC CO. -UMs. - ft AV. dealer who use our firm name board of works for the past. Third Aii'Mie Ctwne lt ftmt. stow SMl Wns'r. ijii'.ii. He made no promises but year. crinci Rupert rcco CO. , to advertise their coal. il elected lie would deliver the sail be was one of a committee I w lorstlno. W. 1 1X1 Ate. sad lit SL 1 Pacific Milk CI If you want a real good screen-edcoal, goods. of three of wlmm Currie had left CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND OECORATERS Limited call up Aid. town and Casey had quit. They Rochester. Irad'done THE DEM NY ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL sell, a cmoisctt e 4tt. SI. Vu: l deal At a pood work such Phone 58 As rar us statistics are con- Tnlrd AvMjur, 4ipiie Foi Ofllca. eacroRr sr -A6;:a I ARTHUR'S MARKET as tiie line pipe across the nnr- ('ineit. Aid. Perry lias gone into Thud Ave. rtwnrt 4io 4 4(1 Prince Rupert Feed 'Co. ttinf fully," s-aid Aid. Rochester, rows and Section 2 bridg'. He CLEANING AND PRESSING PLUMBINQ favored keening Row Hay on taking the platform. "ftale-mcnls nncn. GENERAL MERCUANDISE STtEN a L019VV11L PtMMS a. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7lh St. have been made here, which They might wanl tn bring in iheiTor.ro ore works -i-rensmr so.1 art rficJt for paving thai way. In Ihe Iraiuos :i,,l Aw uu - I Uuue (II VV1RQ CHIN YUEN CO. are not true. 1 lie ' school ward DKCT3SXCJ2 TJl Smii Avmk PhM SiMt 7S RENTALS Terrace H is say nothing wasVlone when their coming yeaC I he Grand Trunk as ipplicalinn for money for the new sessment would 'be a big thing. ' CAFES GROCERIES F. W. mart PSnsje svrk III. school was received. We took up Power- also was.a big question. S' ktrtt, Oiis M.K Tr PRINCE RUPERT (he mailer with the bond houses, Phe walerworks was in a better THC BOSTON ORILL UKZKT'S PRINCE RUPIRT OROCESM SIGN PAINTIflQ ThIM Av. crsAie A rml jUt 10 eal ' FHln - l lmw t but could not sell bonds condition than ever, capable of lo Kasl-ern Central Labor SELL CROUETT PSm. T7, S SCfv ui i Council, upplying 40,000 people. They , Canada r United Stale bond TMC BUTE: cafe HAROWAnE f'Slsnrr - 4 houses.. , J had rnoti ah water lo supply a pulp tlrti, '"..I O. B. U. SeewKt Av. BUrt rse.1 tor tee posey. WcnvItt iZ. mill in Hie city. He advncatni the 0t A - IM Ave. SHEET METAL WORKS NKtn. ..., "To move the pipe line at Hays . j itM'Cfetndirr), ptinu sad Filnio s sup- rtw building of an incineralor for the Affiliated Units and Dates of C.i e would have cost 20t000 and CIGAHS AND TOOACCO ' Etwrthlsi la aseet ml, etasi Mf Ii MEETINGS e dil not feel like entering inlo city garbage. BOvVE-S Wrannc lnr-sarrr Building Trades Unit, First that. W. H. Murray. tokJu)aa-7i Thinl Arr Wet IMPORTED GROCERIES Secned Avettut Mtone lit " and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. Mr. Xickerson quolcd Mr.'I'elers W. H. Murray, said he had been . . .... 1 SURsTt ALSERTA a EAT Central Labor Council, - stten a lonowill prm a. Pfk. IUM, a f Every Tuesday, fi p.ra. and saying the citizens had no a member of the utilities hfrnnl I' DRUGGISTS Firttt Sireel - ru. l ai4M i t HfiM Women's Auxiliary, First rights in Cow Hay. That "is not and had also been planked on to Wednesdays, Dance & Social ighl as can be ascertained from the board of works. For this Aid. - w. i. -cCUTCHto LAUNCHES FOR HIRE TAILORS -LADIES AND GENTS KENNEY BROS. 4 0 at 9 p.m.: Third Wednesdays, . Kerr had irot given him credit. He! he Business Meeting;at .30 I files at ibc city hall. .The Seonid A veus f and Sulk Slmt Lausck NARSZTRONa." Pbsa BlMk 400. m. t. lei -- osssmii rt one Real Catate and fnsursvl A'uf "Da ni t will it held en p.m.flh rir-lils oT Hie oily there are not thanked them for rlerling bim on ft Uraefl drus buuse lo .lurthrrn B. C The fiev.VBS BiL Alau Ctaavs SM4 PrvMteA. Terrace, B.C January. suing lo be Flven away hut are the last occasion and asked for n Political Economy Club, going lo be respected. renewal of Iheir confidence. . Every Friday at 8 Metal Trades, First p.m.and Third "The council did not atrree to1 C. C. Perry. Fridays. Hie ecbange of 250 feet of waler-fr. C. C. Perry explained I hat in Shipbuilding and Fourth Fridays Unit,at Second 8 p.m. promise ntape until and a would definite give as?re(-:no open regard iiufiil.lo Cow lie Hay would he kept keep an in Daily News Ciassiiied Ads. TOM LEE CO Flhpackers, First Saturday menl submilled. Some view the 810 Ker' t V. was hesl1nlrrrslsrof the li city. OPEN FORUM years 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than (IOc (commencing Sept) Second ago a man had come from Victoria As chairman of the utilities com and Fourth Sundays, 8.30 p.ra s an emissary from tlif provin- mittee they bad had lo deal with VEOETADLCI ia! government and the city had Hie power question. Several pro WWAhTKD. Si;:O.Mi-HAM Fl llXin RK sold SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Whotssals and Rtuo agreed lo relinquishing its rights jects had been before thein including uu commission. P LeClake - Gearril i..ui- . lil lor inn feet of watcrfrontage out- Falls River, estimated WAM'KIl Swond-hand furnl- Phone lireen 0 4 4. if IMI man Htenif raphlc School Labor K-!'" K' idt- bill laler we found that the post r.nn nnn- wiminHo si hire. If you have anything to KxeinuK r lasses. Monday, Wad. The best way to have ell call Red 23. We pay cash. FOR SAU -Itahy carriage in good nesday and Friday, 7:941 man iiu'l no authority lo make jwk.imi'i, a oiesei 011 srneine wiiirn lo 0 Prince Hup, t sui'lron agreement. The city is, had leen thrown jml; steam turbine, F. M. Croahy, 716 Thtrd.Avenue cunditiun. Phone Oreen 213. 9 o'clock. Individual lnstrurtion. P ' n t YourSuit however, entitled to thai inucli. S320.O00; addition to Slmw-allans West. tf tun KAI.Elleit. laid No. 10 8 trill h llloek. if "I am not going to make uny to generate an additional WANTKI) by. genllenian, fur-bedroom Jub Phone Hlaek 21 MUSIC. cues for soliciting your votes. 1000 horse power, 5C8,000, arnt in Cleaned and Pressed I have lieen here for fourteen tile Tliuluie River project estimated htiuxe.nisbed Apj'ly P.O. Hoi 45S.private 9 FARMS FOR SALE MUSIC TOR DANCES Mae's Or-cheslra, tlgtn llsme years nnd am familiar to yon all. cost. 700,000. which would four W U dl Hi pieces. For is by en-Kagemer.tjri our C. P. It: FARM LANDS The rich I have served for Ihree years on generate 4,000 horsepower. The MALE HELP WANTED. nnd dales, Day Phone 8 Sleam Pressing Machine I he council board and have no last mentioned project appealed to prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan Red 91. phono if Method. interests to r.rvf. All I have mrfde the commillee strongly. If a company r.oVKnVMKVr POSITIONS Men and Manitoba are especial STEENSLOVGWI'I here I have back.into the could wanted, aged seventeen lo forty ly suited for rolled farming-. It only takes 15 minutes. put city offer them a cheaper MVIC.tt PROTECTION ACT. Sheet Metal W .rk Our Price ts and I have nothing to regrcL,' rale, he would favor negotiating five. All grades vacancies. L.!tnu uiai win prouuee nig Pvli4 Reasonable D. McD. Hunter. with I hem! He. suggested making Ordinary school education sufficient. crops of grain and fodder, and o SUlvtx aapier IIS.f Css A(viil 1V- Mi -Iki ' Delivery Is Prompt 1). Mcli. llunler fiaid he had preliminary surveys at Thulme Particulars free. 0111 well adapted for dairying or V,..rxn.KJilKn r,M md com BTiia. Ssnltarv and Give us a trial. Phone Black C02 Kervie4vlnslitule. P.O. bos livestock raising can still be AOr. CO . I TL hM. -I. been for twenty yetrs in the fer- River at a cost of tlo.000. He was SOS, II tin unOrr wrtUtn lleating Engine ' wvea (7i of the Mid c of the school of Hie province in favor of development and prv Toronto B had at prices averaging about art Ik-n-allrd WltS Ik Mkll , V.M LING TAILOR and be did not lh.,:k he had been Kress. It was for the police commission $18.00 an acre, with twenty .Rg' ".VillSi "? '." 1.SIMI S Prinra tin S'-jreet Hunart and Frsser ' 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert well (reali'd here. This was the to deal with the moral FOR .LC years to pay if you wish Only !'inrt a si utA en) r uily place where he bad not been condition of Hie cily. During the FOR SALE flood four-roomed 10 per cent down. No man. t.t m i dealt with frankly. He had served had the 'wages nayment on the Drlncloal until tiVSSfS ..?frM u'r. on is iim yerr they raUrd bona and lol. eloee in, $1,100. - - - - - - ' ' I.r.t I."f """ ew a'HTtbed si faithfully thronghi'tit the years of Oily employees. He asked for Immediate possession, uie ena oi uie ourm year; taea 'VVs,r 'hoMr'.SS eve ii of Lo MUSIC for DANCB and now he felt the people here support at the coming election. liuxlnesa lot on Hecond Avenue, sixteen annual payments In-:iucii. sv ts,. ion m it net, in iiaa rrtFTinrp w pnilftB I.IVCPVS, ui.ubl be behind him. While he J. H. Kelly. terest 6 per eent. A0 TASK rnr s-- trr tt g 1,1 00, all cash. M. M.Stephens. SMITH & MALLET! differed from some section of the J. II. Kelly 5vk for hi.T.s.iSf Wiile io ii. ii. Loughran, Land S?. 2,w.rr ,h f "'r' !", iiit ut tittp noiirr i. labor people be was in full ym and Tom Pjivrrslde. They were We are makir)g Krlrait postcards Agent, C, P. II. Station,.Van. (JMAIHAX, FIHI .Ill 1:0141 ITUHkllC CO ARTHUR'S ltii win under svruuii 17 01 tru palhy wilh those who worked, for nominees of the fi. YV. V. A. and 2.60 per doien. Call and arrange co user. l" f IWly to the MUMSIer of I'Ulilx PLUMBINQ AND HEATING be had always worked himself. stood for a high standard of citizenship. to have the baby's photo roR ncNT for VVorSs speenrai al Ms af ime tne is ld ths all utr siwt of Mans niltm and ENQIKEER8 lie would'lry to serve them well He "believed Hut the taken. See Chandler, Pholnff-rapheavJJCJSixtti Four Piece Orchestrl u.iiru ai rmm rbvm a. c. tins ism . Estimates furnished. and llirhl in Iheir interests if power question and Ihe Ciw Hay Street. tf FOR llliNT FuriiisMn Iiose tr or Movewber. itru Saxophone tllE CAJUOM FISH 4Kb Culn STOKAIlK Including necessary. scheme should be decided by Ihe FOR fSALH. Snap. Ilelmont keeptig suite. . ly st Siifh K A. LIMITtli. ty FUiiar and Address, 3rd Avenue, bead Douglas Sutherland. citizen. Itoomlng" House, with lot; partly Arenue Fast, or ptcone Illuc.17 "iH'n. iiv amnvara. Phone 481 Phoned of Second Street. I. Hutherland made no promises It would he his policy In llnd Il PIlllUiTV ' furtilshel. Now? rented for nnd did not believe in long inani oi-1 what the city needed and then 1,1. TIIE SUfliKall WIliT Of KHJTISII Phons 174 P. O. Box 274 uuliimsia. fob a month. Apply Orandvlew festoes. If (hey considered he gel busy. There was wotish Industry LOST Hotel. 9 ( THf, MATTtn OF THE could represent them he would here today lo make this a 1II..1 St-T ADMI.MSTHA- LOST on Third Avenue Lelween good cily. They wanled perman FOR SAMC Small pleasure Posl Omce and Fulton Street, U THK M4TTIII tBA OF Till FST4TF. OF Hotel Prince Ruffl ent streets aid buildings. IU Kll'TSllN, tltl.CASI O The MTtSTATt launch, fully equipped and I0 In Will. Finder please re-tum XMAS TREES! Herlaclie city had been the ll to act in the Gasify oiierated. A. W. Cam lo Dally News office. tf TAKK NOTirr Ih.t in a.m.. u.. EUROPEAN PLA recent drydock crisis wjien Ihey eron, Phone tH or 3f5. If llnfMHir r Mrll. tiMint, piade iim Iiui att 1M day and uP Violets,Cut Flowers, Holly Retultinf from slu(;ith should have lieen the flrsl. They LOST on Third Avenue nrlmrnnl'.. ".""" " " rlnll par wreath Ferns,Cyclamen letlcs of ths livar anil bowels FOR PALP OR LF.A8II Job print- ,AUIiuiiiirU,r ttie eiuta bt Ell Snuisim. s. s should show that the city was all gold wrist -WDlchr Return to lerraMl. Hid all parties tavinr claims CM CITY MARKET is quickly relieved by th us of riftht by their optimism. He hud iiifc- business and plant. For Central Hold and recede re. talsti Die sstd nu are Iwri-tr reqiitrert FIR8T-CLA88 I VI unsio s nianej-uvsr run. i not much here but he was proml particulars apply Daily News ward. 10 M runiiah same, pruprMy vanned, to we. A La Carts. Ons pill a doss. 25c s boi, of his Utile home and would boost; oilice tf oa ut Iwrtre ,.41 rntn ny er jaeturr, a. p. all tl. snd sll psrtias ;-Mrtit to nw estate dsilsrv ACC0UNTANT8 LADKS' AND GENTLEMEN'S for il. Jle asked thai Ihe cleclors FOR PALK. Singer Sewing larr .resulted lo rtajr the amount r tu.ir CM M.T. TAILOR Er. Chases vote-for the granting of Ihe build. Machine. Apply Fuller's O10. lOTMlRIF-NHED ACCOUNTANT IfidrlitetliH'is lo ins firtnwlih. Dyeing - Dry lout II. Ing on Third Avenue to the War a MsMliLU. for wnric, nrotni'1 Kit Ctit'iMTtiB rerry. if aoi'ld take charge of set of utseisl AdmiMtiriior geod 4 THIRD AVENUK Veterans, even If they turned down ooTts. wh6le lime. 'Mees iivnert, a. C. snd reiaorabla prices r'j.J' t or part LEE. rust OftlM Piled tsia torn dsr (if fciir, iiio. OpptwlM Phone Red 130. himelf and Torn PIlverAides as Foil RALE- -Hed, (able, chairs, W. K. Willlstroft. Phone UVEUS, 4th Ayt . candidates. tub. Phone Jilack 93 7 Jilack 2S9. tf Advertise in the Dally News. couver. Inqulriri soliritrd