I y1 "1 M Dressed Beef TAXI TAXI I V3 ill k.I . Kkln. ""'eeli direct from the Hoc Phone 75 KORGE J. FRIZZELL WE NEVER SLEEP - m.nn.s lO. 20, 1HB PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto jlajsl Msrket Fulton Market Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 707 Second Ave. Prince Kupcrt ti -. IMIINCB flLFKHT. U. MONUAY JAMAHY 10, JI2I. (rr't Ctltle(l 1721. SOttt (77. PRICK KIVK CKN-rw TO AYOR ALTY CANDIDATE 10IIATED ART NORMAN OIL MAY BE PIPED TO PRINCE RUPERT OR VANCOUVER fickerson and Rochester Are WOMAN UXONERATTD IN HORTON MURDER. Candidc 1 5S Speak Nominated for Mayor of Cityl at the Open Forum lany New Names on Ba 1j1 Papers for possible Choice of Nickerson and Rochester State Policy Electors as Aldei m n, ichcol lmslccs ci hc!:ce and other Aspirants for City Cour.cil Commissioners Express Views cn Local Aff aii s .t ,. being taken iii t It uiiiiiti cleilioii, uoiiii-wjn.ii firorge Nirkeion. the llrt rtiiididate fur the mayoralty railed ioi'lt I't.u e t.Mluy. Oiilv two candidate uttered WANT LANDING jw... i Mek l Ihe OjeH Fnim mreting !at night in Jtrlnlyre i,i Mine V Nn ki roMi and Hairy II. Hochesler. The ! li . . l -leU thai there had been twu reaiiii- nirntioued in uihi- ii. complete lot of nominations: , g !) ruitdidatiire. hi lark id exerience in civic atTairs and hi merchandise broker, nioed b FIELD HERE .i-on S kT-n. ; -f".!i..-tp ci the tiiw Hay iiietiuii. AIo an attempt had been t It' i k". .ruled I J. M. (iamrmell, assented (u l inadf in nu.ln iouly (darken hi character. m.t llornk. Miirim (I'lteilly, F V. Liiiff, I'rwl Oilhuly, il I' ..... i: l. K..iml.. J. II. jMUlMir?. J. Ituueu, (I. W.j Atrial Club Writ for Report 'I' 1- -aid thai NirkerMiu ha, (he blind iigi behind lifin, tml li t M-reim. i. II. Ariioh II. II. Hill. W. II. Kerr, (I. P. on FaclllUt In AUtka t lliriii .nii' oiil into Hie oeii and ay wli.il (hey have In "ay." . S K F-rsx-r. n. li. .Hrwfi, J. A. Kdward. (trgr J- Scrlc. It 'hiilleiiged. "II i aid that I have Hie Hoard of Trade behind M. lfT. r. II I. (i. Iwmii, K. il (Jlbbon.! rue mid lloTf would Inf rla legi-liilion. A for a w boni'e idle, V, Mann. C II Orme, M. M lmU, II. J. Ilradliry,i lelttr Thf following wa of course I want 'hip and am not ahamed to admit it. We want i.'!.,. I rtcclted thl morning ad-drcd . " v li. it... IipIi r. iM'Mi.ril by A. T. Hrudertrk. sretmded l ; to lh PHnc Rupert In- alii- I.. rouiiPp with (he , -..ulii and do nut waul Vanemnrr 'el'idu. 'Hie late eily Mdiellor, i: t.l,,.. tcM-iihujr. J. IL Murfi, J. U Mrltae W. H Chamber of Commerce from Mr. Juiut m 11. ... t u, nit Jin ii-al "io- l.!iinr!. I am not Fred I'Her. aid Hip eity had 110 I John Currir. the U. S. Aerial Traniporta-tUn kllllnc tt l.lt-otn et K njd II rwn ! ..unlrri :. pulu Ii-ikIiIi Oow tf a laml-iiitl r. If up had not Wfarian riphl in Hay. For Alderman. Club, Stattlei Ul Srm ll In lh titn- lltt ilf. ttl.k. arr J.B Kataiucb. !I-m1 fiat h"ii (Iip hydni-eli-rtrie my lsn rnt lhrouli I would , i. W.-ion, uiiNfi by J. Fred Itilcliie, seconded l ; "We are preparing plan w bo ilMiwwil.l a tui it tv-bl 1,- Imp ilr U '.lmi JMif un lpforp u ixiiiip year havr Itip rilyV walerfronlase nut- M . i. ii ) for the etabllhment of an lde in Sood liaeand float aH Ii -d !! a p.ihimiiv liavr a put V. b. Fiher, MsruiMlrd liyi rice home and Fair-banka, : - M- Ii. Hunter, ropoed ly air to in. Tlie ewtineil tranrbiM- tor (Iip udyin of I'Ul cily wm V. V l..i. ri. k. ! Alatka, opemllng the May Pipe Fort Norman Oil Kpr I.. I he city i would have 'ry iiticilou now about the 1 1 hn. proue. by biofl li. .MwMifju..iJeuMjcu uy; ytar round. A' Mcond ela li.id nalrr pa.ilali-t bphind us ll'iirrnirn but thry haven t pven ,. M liiiheM. I . landing nld, rt leatt. Is we would hate been building put a water jle lo U Hay and , kirkiwlnck. irrtet by WifHim T. I.' i.. at Prince Rupert. to JRupert or Vancouver;! i i.. i. i: neceaaary brra frtKo llipiihn llp?t Urit lbey have lo walk nearly in-Third At a preliminary measure we lou wa flre.1 in Handprs. .rnue to pet a iail of water. .. . li v. MurrH)', ruf! Ijf mhhin ii. ,mtuoimiii. are atklnn vou to prepare a Prosprctinp; Patty Left Vancouvir Satuiday g Ing in, FochesUr's Stand. Assembly Wharf. i i I i. IlHWMM.- .r. short report on the landing e;uiMlrJ Rupert. the Mackenzie of "Aid. Horhesler and Hie oilier -Jf I am mayor, ami I eipel to Silverwlcs pnMMMl b M II. TIruii. flild situation In Prince o by way Mayo, aid -mi'-ii wpiiI on r.-cord lal !pi- , 1 am 110I ?oin lo wail unlit linker. Trail of '98 Iluslwlrr, MTinidetl . Crossing imnlier i favoring Hip rlo.in? of mat I it an lirouslil lo iiip: f will - KwthcrliilHi. nirl l II. II. "Will you do this as quickly M'ow Hay anl Hie relinauihin of bo ,ut and sel I hem. We mut - ll Vluum. as possible? AUblill. JMiiury to. Fort Norman oduuU be H11 ri,v riM ,,rovidjns out-ide huve wiiarf t-r the an a-eil,fy M Mi jihrn.. piiiMifd l Jmi .0, MrlUr. r. iillr.l "A, SHCRMAN, .S I I'.iixT. PreildtnL" U I'rinte Hilert or Vneiiver t order lu le liijsed e-ominii- ;walerfron(ave wa granted. Now nurleu of our lumber hune. J M. N. ill. rrvMipf l Cyril II. Ortne. wmmicu i cully, (he el of UHiHling railway trauMr1a(HKi facilities to 'li-y iand for an ien tUiw Hay. I know we hate the pood but we iTbftSHpr i a quettn bt-iween tBU)ij ht the r.rld -nd the , Slrrn. Kdmoiiion wvnW be pnihiiiiiive. staled fieorge'J". shiiw . 'lie pnhinrial rnvernnieiit. rail- orernt rouncil ha i'I done that. MAY . W Kerr. .r..iel l J. J. (iilli. e-MMled b) H- W. COMMONS jard foreman for the llud.n Hay Us., when .i.ierf.ewed here.. w m ,, pMv for tllP Mp SiekMm w, ; ,, to lrr . . . ... ... . Oilier arrtXTiU from Ihe new oil flebK agree that the Van. on- !,uilwn. iviimi..i..n to deride, to flnanelal mailer., .tal.nit (hat rxl h lA-tk i- V. I'tUHIore. wunuru I .ll.T. OPEN FEB. 17 ver-AUin ruule into !hc trrrilnrj i In-Her than h way of Iklnxiii- I.j ih- inpreled puli (.lit up nl the end f 13(9 t!,. riiy .nwl K l'ir. r. iroied ! C II. Ortne, ei-oinled b r. loll. Hv that rontp Ihere 1- 011K :lt(l mile of niiihint7 compared thir arsumpnl and Hie railway 3Uo0 l. Hie bank a . gainst Fori r.xoniission will decide. I am for 5.000 or l".0 -it Hip end of wilb nearly l.?UO from Mc.Miirray. l ' Mm ii. .r.M.M l UeOTfre Ii. Tile, erMidel by J. U. May be Trouble In Store for I). Ilardie. a iroclor. and purly left Satiinlay for Mayo e Hi -ilevelopmenl or Ihe walerfronl (917. T,. had - ne lowani and.have an inlerl in Hie tlsh imirhinp 1. . work and il was hard Melghen mhsn He MeeU niulti to Fort Nor m.in. Thex will cro Hie (rail ued in the YukuH hi-i.ls. I heliMHl ei.labli.-h the in-i ,cutinued on Hne lour.; J Kritxell. rtiiied by iSrurgr 1 1. Tile, ecotiJeU bj Parliament ruh of U8. la-lry here and am helinp to' , thirty fishermen now. mploy For Police Commission. Jan. I. U Is Vitl.il .r..Hj.wl by ft II. .Mwffm, eded b IUrr IhtMiirM OITAWA.Itkrly Ilia! Tl.ur.U Peace Negotiations Are run a.liornicn tie on.want All a place Ihe member where i PLAYGROUNDS Keliruary I J. ' l" dal' irt Hp cily council apreed lo re- I i II..m-, .ed by II. I?er, teconded U) William l.ir Hi openiiui uf I'arllainrnt. in I'jiw Said to Have Broken Down linqnili Hie cily n riphls AT EMPRESS il' in u-BP.Iml. Tlirv t MMiif drlay. Hay for S30 feet of walerfroulasie I I' Mi...loiusll. rufNed by J. II. Kelly. sewiKlrd d ll. llirmiKli fear Dial llirr mi In- lrHil fr lb Uieru-j L'oyd Cerrge Refu es to Withdraw Home Rule Bill at For School Board. mrlil al the etHitiii? r-iin. AH Dr. Grant, L. W. Patmore and J. C. hirkpiitrirk. itniueed by Iea It. Tlirjli. etiided Mrl f ruinr art" atlial In re- Suggestion of Sinn Feiners; Lord Dccies EURKHflM NEXT MAY GOVERNOR BE : Brady to Speak. . I i.i VeriieL ' Aa aunt ) I lie Miaalll(y of l.llTl Candidate in South M' Mcekiii. niiuted by IL U. tolewrt. itiimhi-ii i lrl..iiil Imllliis and Mint ratin-illK ! There is to be a nieelin? al Hie Vis-ciMtiit I.CNIM'.V. Jan. 111. s t llir lffft if Hit liovrrnriirnl. IdJHI.IN, January III. If rrrt- fi.iin oDirial cin le- are lu mi Kmpress Tti cat re toiiiKhl at which i . .. w l;iinui. . .rii-. .l by lliiario a lerr. eriMidel If Ihf iliitpriiiiii-nl oiiniw. tliin, be v. diletl, ncKnl'-dioii for eare in Ireland have broken down, Ii'-I Kiiriiliain.known a joiini'il-il. for his 0 Ihe puhlir are itiMled to discus It ilry. ... ,m il Mill iirolialily ronlinue the si-curinv of a playsniund for llrllnile inrornialion is larking but it i wiid Premier l.loyd (leorge p.-n.ieclion with Hie Daily m seconded b Sidney vii.. u I l. ll. Stewart, until aftir a n-ili-lnliiltion iiipuw Hie rhildreii of Hie city. lir.Oranl. lo ciiisiiler the Sinn Fein rosa for the Telcpcaph. i to be olTcred lire lia lifrli pakix!, drlinitely refused , I.. V. I'almorr and J. C. Hrady h ' ' 'i- K. I.illst. in-,,1 -( l W illlani SiMmld,. erundrd ! wilhdrnw-iil of tle Home Hole I'Ul. Ihe lioeruor-lieneraIshii m will he Ihe speakers. :aii'Udales e of I'.aiiadii. arc. rdina lo Hit) ' MINIKIN, Jttiitiury 10. Lord leci. i Ihe lirst caudiditie In will he askeil lu stale wlielhiA hey M M si. i.i,, ,,.. itniiNiMHt br H. W. (iiutenili. .erimdrd l YEAR PILLAGE oiler himself for election to the southern Irish imrlintm'tiL He I ily New.a approve the idea or not. M' it m.IoiiU tlo.1 Hip Home llnlti Act i fr fiiuo ii-ri'i l, lull wiy il . i 11 EMERALD ISLE reireneiil the gift ! s4f ftoternmenl "which was our fur the usking." Hi yrt i iipHiel to be kiiI of the plun of the Cuteiii-mtiil In eni-uiirnK' willingness lo work for (he new net. II is VOTE FOR NICKERSON Hundreds Killed and Injured and e.ei(rd that more candidate, like Lord Derie will be announced. Thousands of Raids with Much IIKI.FAST, January Hi. Inspector .Mrdroth wns slain, at Destruction lUllinalee while the ialrolliu? iiuislMble was wounded. Two Aid. H. B. of Sinn Feiners, were burned. FOR MAYOR l.oNIMiN, Jan. In. Two linii-IiimI houses, the jiriei-l and Kilty 'Hie kitlrd iM-roon I The liluucsr 'Imp ease- liefor.' mid fiirly-four injured In Irelamt OF ' MrM.it die in -in SUICIDE Mapi li iile tin' pnlii ROCHESTER in tin year UtJO In vslmt were il--i I flti-. iiioriuiip hutc l-cn fnr- iIm'iI "rrlmiK milraai'K." Ttip llwuri'ii us tin not iiii'linli H2 SPOKANE MAN t'li.T udjoiirii.'d. A PUBLIC MEETING rlvlliaiiit wlni illisl m a roiult of rut- in DNIrr lt suiiunrr. A-i VOTE FOR i imlii n-n kllli-d and 223 and wound-II rt SI'OKA.NK Jan. 10. John H. J. H. and for Mayor will b hold in tho po.xmhci.I.mI,53 i...in Idler-.t'ltiliati Lfllrd killed and Mulliollund, Illtestiiii'lil broker, Kelly Theatre i):i wmitidol. I'oUfllllUt'U a .it aulcidf hy shooliup TomSilversides Empress Klxly rlahl riiurllioui'i were hiinself lul nUUl- He wan lic-Jay Tuesday Evening, January 11, 8 p.m. ili-tinyiil und 53t ciiitaliulary cusctl by Ills puiiiierr, F. FOR ALDERMEN. on his arruck wrrr deslrnyed und 103 HoiipIi. accoidiiip to hi confes Endorsed by the G. W. V. A. a 'with eiubexilcd All Ctnditlatei for civic honors Invited lo speak iliiinucfil. Tlirre were tl)H raid sion, having sound practical men who will on mall, 50 on rnant nuard 35.OUO it) bijiid and money work roncientlouly for tha wel. Three Years Record as Alderman Mirk your ballot for NICKERSON, tho PROGRESSIVE slallons nud lltihthoiiHou. ?.8n rrom Joiucf F. Oallaliun, uillllon-nlre fare of the rititena and upbuild candidate ra:d fur arms and IIP ruld 911 of Wallace, Malm, ( nilnlnp tne of the City. Inland revenue officers. mob. 11