3 Paso t Tim nAiivr mrwa The Daily News RHEUMATISM FOR MODERN ON MONTREAL HERCULES FORCE vj- inmimiHiiiiiinitiMii;:: PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by.The News over mm. MONTIlpAl.. larch ill. A , Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. iiii.iKtii lli-n'iilcs lull iiilii-i fur ailiiiissii ii in MiMitreal conslnlilii-ary , c H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editoh. bine, and Invthrwikcs rro. No Return Of The Trouble in. hi 4 pulli nrc likilv to hai- u SUBSCRIPTION RATES! -Since Taking "Frult-.Mi.es" slrrn,-iih lime. Joni-hlin liin. ! City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . , 11.00 o' r.ie Maria. Hah" d f!mleur. r . Ily mail to all pails of the Hrilish Kmpire and the United .States. 103 Ciicbcii St., Mostiiau w!ios ctnMI I mve been widely in advance, per year ?.()(. "I wil treat suft'onrr from Rkrm-Miiiimerotvr ihiIihI in lb.- i nu' beCti i- mi WKk it- mter To all olher countries, in ndvanre. per year ............ $7.60. r&ytart. I consulted nOuirliig '.-rinii which im-luded TELEPHONE B8. tjx-cialLiU; took medicine; used I'.hief of p.ilj.-e Pierre Melimirer. v Contract Rates on At . ..Cfitlon. lotloDf;but nothing did me pocJ. nsslitant hief I.eRrell, Caplnia 1 More lobaccd -for the Money All advertising should.he in the Daily News Olllce on day preceding Tliea I began to use"Fruit-a-tlrei", Arlluir Mnrimda, pwlire inslrui'-liir, i .i nr. i emH piihlication. All advertising received subject,to approval. and in 13 days the pain tru eualer and sv.'ral "(her ollli-ers. i and. the IlheumaUtm touch better. (leimmst mi Hn "f Id prowe. DAILY EDITION. . stOs Tm'.-day, March 20, 1021. Gradually, "FruH-a-ti&t" evtrxtmt lie Um1m' wilh i-iisc a pair il Rknmatism; sod for fite 15 my now, solid huiiil' 'ilTx wilh uhn h liny, Packages years, I lure had no return of tbe uiMiacIrd to wri! afld lore in trouble. I curJiJn'y recommend this, 85 iiere leeih' lbHns Russia in Rutn ujth Ins linarrs and fruit medicine to all auflertrs." Says H. G. Wells. , ? rent plrres n en My lis ordinary 1. II. JIo llCGIt. "Iliiin; thai i Hie primary Diissian fact nt the preenl lime," 20a a box, G for$2.50, trial alieSSc. liio lals lenr pni'i-r. Olle of li i I faMfite i in rlimti ays II. (I. Wells in his honk "llitsM.i in (he Shadows." Mr. Well At all dealers or scat postpaid by imstiiiie- nl spent ouly about two weeks in Russia mul he does mil deal rx- Frult-a-lites limited, Ottawa. Irlptrr.iv.li i .-I wilh n Don ihmhuIi m m "hi rsn" ImiiiIIiI, "II his shonhlei -. i Imiwi'vit.Jh "li;itisliv-ly Willi rondilioiis. He saw ei gh, return and other Mile f OI M4iii iK, m, IH are1 plenmnlrie hook lie "The hnrsliand home Mini writ1 n mdl nhout it. says: .trrrihle realties of the situation in Ilussia raniinl he ctininuflageil." SUITCASES' lo tear pni-ks of plHyinv cnnU.nnd found them Wells rnise tun men s.-atMi on an u-n Telling further of conditions as he says "A liiiiiyaiil, hrajlhy person is very rare in Ihis nlmosphere of TRUNKS har. I linn in :h venrs nb; ami is kit falls into real discomforts iiml netty deficiencies." If anyone a illness, Ihe outlook jr.. grim. Mr .sou paid a Visit to Ihe hig HANDBAGS (eel one in.-It in hefBlil. lie i Ohuchovskaya llo?pi!Umi1iid he tells me things were very miser-'nhle foi il 'of rtliiltilinit nn Amcrieiin there inded.' Thr was an' appalling lark of every sort of Tents and Awnings di.ll.ir pii4-- whit li he has lorn in ' erul direi tinns anil which he material and half Ihe beds wtro ,nol i it use through sheer mi-.jyvsiliility MMl. SCHEDULE of dealing -With . inore . patients if Ihey rani in. wears nn In- watch rhajn. lie EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDL'STl 'Strengthening and limiilaling food i out of the question unless J. F. MAGUIRE has (,'ivpn many piihlle denn.ii-trntion '(he miracle it outside mid of his proe. for the East. . patient's family can by some procure ifupert 712 Second Ave., Prince EAT -'eiid 11 hi.' C)peiiatlohs r'r' pcrfof nieTfonly ofie'iiay in liie week. Mondays. Wisdnesd.tyii vd Sat. In: Federou" liild me, vhcn flifTiecf ssnrv preparation rn.it he CARRYING MAILS 'urdayl 10:13 a.m. , madc.Oii olher ilayurthey reimfiissihletaiid"lh-palieut niuH wail. FROM PRINCE RUPERT I From th Cast. 'Hardly anyone In Petersburg has much more'thMi a change PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Sundays. Tuendnys nrid Thurs Rupert Brand c( raiment, and fir ji"great cily in which there remains no means The rii..iiiK iK-eim Imers will days al 7 Ml p. m. Karch 23. of communicating hut a few overcrowded tramcars, old, leaky, Monday, and iifc lltlingboot are the only footwear: .At times one sees llish. t:ll am.. 20.3 feel. carry mail- eiude iii ;it Ihe ..-l For Vancouver and South. astonishing makeshifts by way of colume. The master of a 17:1 ...in., IM feel. (io-t ofltee: Tueadays 7 p. 1 BRILLS "f l'ranee. frum Kiiiire , St. which visit stnfck Low. 10:11 a. in.. 4.9 fret. Thursdays tl p. r school to sw paid a surprise me ,as unusually John, N.H, March t. to 1'nile.l dapper. He was wearing a dinner siit wilh n blue serge wnislcoaL 2S:I p. ni . H.S feet. Marrh 12. S3 and April t Kiiigilom nl oilier eounlrteK. tin Several of the scientific and lilernrj- men I met had no collars Tuesday, March 29. , and wore neck wraps. Oorky-posscs'cs only One Miil of clolhes." High. 4:50 a.m.. 1U.I feel. United. Kiimdiiui. Prom Vancouver and South. I Mil 1 1 from SI. Jt.hn. N.IIM I7:j! p. in., I rt.7 feel. a, .Sundays H p. m.j March HO. llirttml Kinsdotn and SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE Communists Few Low, 11:31 a. in.. 0.1 feH. Wednesday 10:30 a. 111.; Bt.fu Cqntrpl. , . . , .pv ,..., ... 23:ns ji. in.. U.4 feet. olher C4ui'i rif f., via (,'tilted Kinp-doru. March 7. IH and x TO COOK Cut fish into rcM t . . . . Wells fries 10 be fair ill v.ewinit1iLnHlii!Us, He says "The latter. Place in vcr hot fa c-j r communist party hus taken control. It h'as, al. the price of much The lime uul is raelflc Stan Haiipe. rrom si. John. .N.H.. Foe Anyoi and Alice Arm. R0U II Y ALL RETAIlrj Mure 1 JH. ( I iijun of Sbulh at dard, for the 12ldh Meridian west. 1 Sundays 10 VhoVilTng.'siiflpWiFeir brigafi'iiage ahd'jrMnniished irort of order p.m. and security ii'i Ihe exhaiisieilTdwn.w and set up a crude rationing It js counted from 0 to 24 hour. Africa. Wednesdays V p.m. Fish & Cold Canadian Storage Co, ysiemi, JlSs.l would sny-at onre;lhc only ipossjliletioveruinent from midnight to midnight. Chaleiir. from Halifax. N.S., in IUrsi;f.."lts the only idea; supplies the only-solidarity. left in The table given is for Port April I. 1.! Ilermuda. I.eear. Frorn knfol -nd Ae, Arrn Simpson but the .time for Prince l lando. Si. Lucia. Ilarhadie. si.l-ruesdavs . .m Russia. Hut it U'n secondary fact. The dominant fact for the k Rupert varies only a f ev? minutes Vincepl. (in-nada. Triniiid, llritj -hursdayt western reader, Hhe threatening and disronrerting fact, is that ..p. in. on some days and on others Is ih Ouinna. 1 a sitri&Ijid economic system very like ;n)ir own riltd 3ntimiately connected wilh our own has crashed." the ame. The range of tha thin Canadian Kore.er. frt.ni lluli- p0P port simpfon, Arrandale, Mill MrTJWells says-the reoo why the conimuuisls' wereJ able may be computed as S per cent fax. .hi... April 13. lo llahiioin-. n.y ualea Island and Naaa River. fmUk 'control was. simply .because they wrrfv Ih oiily group greater at Prince Rupert than at Jamaica. Hrllh Honduras. Sundays I'J p.m. leftwith--a common idea, a common faith auiloinmoa will. All Port Simpson both at springs and ltnadiaij Hamr.er. fmhi Hnlifa. F.om.pt. Simpson, Arrapdale, Mill iiver'.'tii feafand 'The neaps. Therefore the rise in the NjS April 20, hi Argentine lie- 'H. u.l.. i.ianrf n4 m... ni..r fjt hers were apathetic 0r.,giyen -violence. RAM other leaders he describes as adventurers without fixed purpose: Prince Huperl harbor it slightly public 'parcel mi only-. Tuesdays ajn. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC At the pi-e'eiil-lime"iinl onek.per.reul 4if.the population are com greater than Port Simpson. Tujiioa Maru, from Vanrioter. S-S. PRINCE GEORGE ullint munists, yet il was and is .the ou'y sort of .administrative solidaril? The height Is in feet and tenths It.C. Mareh ?;. lo Clilid ami Queen CVtarlotte lelandi: MldniKhl Tlmrmliiy f- r S.n -cr. in lluia- lie sees.thejji firmly cjlabliJied in the. government of feet above the average level of Japan. rrfr Victoria ami )- 1 1 1.- v- lower low water. Makura, frum Vanrouver. Il.i'., oi me coiiiury. March t, 14 and 34 8.8. PRINCE ALBERT March 3d. to, Australia. New ' From For Port Qemrnla. M M. i' Not Socialists Ther 40 more use in having Xenlsnd, llonnlulii. . March 3. 1 7.and 31 ollie'lt tji:een lilmrl' ' In Russia. g od.s that nobody knows about Mnr h .111 As a result of his shorl investigations, the author of Ihe than in winking at a pretty girl 'COOKE IN CHARGE For Jmaflway and th Yukon. wm,m arttuirr ft book savs Ihe leaders in Ilussia now have a dull uspirion of Ihe in Ihe dark. if March 7. IS and SH t. . Lu..4r,...4 and SatuHtr al n fact that what they haw? in Hiiffia is not the promied Marxist From Skagway end Yukon. tor Hmllhere. Prtnr'e tleor- I '1 ft coCial revolution. Thnt in truth they have not captured a slale British Columbian to Manage Man h 12, -Tl mid April 2 ins dirert conned ion r-'r a flnit got aboard a derolicL However the re-riviliziug of Hussla. . .Traffic End of Transportation , Agency All Ocean Stearruhip Un he thinks, must be done with the Soviet (iovernment a the starting to Oil Field lie wart. Maple Bay and Swamp phase. The great mass of the people are an entirely illilerale Pilnt. onr Ttatat lr T peasantry', grossly materialislu- mfd politically indiflerenl. They TIMBER SALE X 3121. FOfl KIiMONTON, Mar. . V. are superstitious. Ihey are forever crossing themselves ami kissing Srtled inttlfr will to mmmm! hv thi Mtirrh and .11 .1. 17 (V.nkc, old llifii'r of Ihe Carihoo I'lulrlri rutrttrr. I'rinr liuprrt, H. t., ivil images." Mr. Wells believes the only thing "lo do is to give FIIOM tSSVn and one of the ,M them a chance lo work out their ideas nnd to bring a more stable '' l'nr-hr l.uiui. in mi stn.eou inuini.lo locate in Prince lirorye lie fore March t, IH and April 1 government in the country- To interfere is to draw another trail Tr-ei uf xtir. stnir imf llrmbirk. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAlff Oiw Vltp mill le allni-il tnr n-fry.val Ihe aileni of Ihe lee, hn nr of bloodshed across (he couinrj. I.ANI) ACT. riv-! in Ivhiionlon lo (he fiirttwr ixrilruMr of llw :aier Titrrtxrr. manupe cnim reino ot ,1 MrKM-ia. H. 1 . ir Itle DKIrlrl lmlr liorlheru Imlllft end of Ihe Alherln Nolle of InUntUn t apply t Lhii tan. Sern Steamship iV Aic lie Trannportalion O1111. B.C. Coast PF.TBOIJI . w-AMI flATLHAU TIMBER SALE X 2725. pany'n Mynlems. In fjurrtt cHrimi Littxit tana union, Plates Crowns Bridgework tolled tfrt1pr m-m h r.!v. hv owi Mr. Cooke will have-rliarue of Itfnirdinr OMirl't or ?wu, and fiiual 8. 8 princess Mnr. . f Mtrl Minuirr or Lindi al VK-mni. a. u not the (idling out of cordwood for on Ihe wrat ral or Oraham If land la ibe Skagway, t. uirr inin nnon nn tnc 7in an or April, For Ketchikan, Juneau, 1911. for tlw rmrrha or iJrtnm K 17! Ihe company' Heel, the mm in? of Hrlmly of vpl Klr. lo rut OSO.ilnw ll nr fnrurc and lli-m take !OTIi:c thai cnarlr Mint, of Rupert freialit from the em; of Hie uteel Uirk on n irta anualrii nn Lrfm-aumc . II. 21 May, Vannmver, C, orrnpauon awiniant. .a e. anrll I. Dr. J os. Maguire Limine Mind, yun-n ctiardlie lilinat Ins-iri'i. iin.i on Ihe Hirlas1. n well a Ihe Inc-fKl im apply rpr prrmiaaion 10 ka March 7,' ... Print M To tl rnrt will be iliawrd for ra. mo!. opplei for the Mirluui tlx rll-ml( (WrrllxMl urnlt: For Vancouver, VUterla and 3am nl m tiuitM-r. OMnnirnrint ( a noat planird at th 12. ami pol of Ihe cnmpaiiy. 23; April 2, f untwr rarllrulart tit ttm rmr mrtrr. camp March 12, nrilwi-rorrwr tl CU tnrnre totnt. PHONE 575 hupcrt,Virion,B.a.C.c. or nmrlfl rorraier. Crinre He Iium Imd 0 real deal of experi noria 0 rlialn; IIimk rati e ralnt " Lady Aaalstant ence in tlii linn of work and him Ihrnm arwHi rhalfMi Inrnee WM 0 ro, raua, rraikt a.d 'V TIMBER SALE X 2870. limlleii iriiiu'iortalinii prohlemH tliain lo polnl of ft.nnTM-nrrirK-nt and ri- ... e nnrttARD. Oeneral AQ"1 on. the had wilt cr of Ihe Kramer, in laminr u Cm. mnr or tru. 'a P'l ' i.t. Street Dental Balifl tfmlfra will n rrrlvd hv thu UMHI t WIMI, - Diagnostician Minlri'r or Landi at Victoria, not lao-r the enrly day, prior lo (he adent Auttia M. Browa, arrot, V,oi jru nvanuK linn noon on th Tth (lay or Ar.rl I, 1si, for I fix DiirrlUM or Urrnre i tarn, lo of Ihe northern railway in the Uald '111 January, Itn. Get My Plans and ll-lll.am f mttii 1KA.MIIA fj.mt..lr Mf lm'f am ff.....k..;aj,l.n.3J..a c.'-.n: iir.'ivlnrTt. Sir a fiirinrrly Estimate Your Indian Hwnr, rut Ilan4, I'nloo Painre, In cliarpe of Ihe nuppllcft and on hantc 1, Coatl Illnlrlrl. Dental Work Twu it) yrara will allowed for re trr.niportalion for Ihe Hurveynrn moval or llmlM-r. k-nsaecd in iillinff ihe o.T.p Office Hours: further particulara of lh C.hlff Fornlir, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 9 to 12 n.m. Sunday Vlnorla, a. C-, or DUtrlct Foreair, I'rlnee llnoi;:-li (hn mountain section and 1 ,, 6 p.m. Appointments Hutr, B. a wa aln preldcnt nf Ihe Northern 7 O Evenings TIMBER SALE X 2824. I.umtier nnd .Mcn anlile Company. MUSIC STO who ovcec Ihe pioneer aavimll in PRINCE RUPERT ZtZZSt Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Blk. n.i,H iniirr. MI rrrriTr ,jj inn i UiniMi of una ai virion. B, ;., not (he l orl Oeore dlMrirl and con- un-r man noon .nn inn 7in nayor April, durlerl Jran'or1 operation he-fore I0l. fur Itte purrlMMi of UrrnA I fill. Ii. ''ill (13 1.Duo fir I or Sururr. ixlr. Hal Ihe aleel cnine. IhroiiKh the Opposite the Post Ofllco Extraction of Teeth at your home or my office am and Urmlork, on an area aitiiairil m Ycllm liend I'aaa. Kntnio Inl.l, Jtn 1. Coaiit lil.lriri. Two 'I' ytr will Id allowed for r f r PvnriRiOr nvivil of llnifirr. i Further parllrulara of the Chief Former, j. vjawuioiii, Vlriorla, B. V... vr DlMrirl Forealer. Frinm G. H. Arnold - Notary Public Huperl.Bas B.C. Ten In Prince)Years Rupart Ago MUSICAL i;NSTROMii FOR SALE. Mareh 29, 1911 of all Kinds. Finn 7-rnomed house on a Stf-foot lot, furnace heat. On Suitcases Over Mx lhouiiml men have SHEET MUSIC Fifth Avenue, Set-linn 0, $6,800.00. Terms to he arranged, bid down I lie I.- looU and eone on A nice bungalow on Filth Avenue, Hectlonfl, with one lot. Trunks nlril.it in the Fcriiiu diilricl. Pathe and Gerhard lleinlzman Phono 4 rooms and bath .', $2,200.00 on terms. It to fret a good Trunk Invitation he I extended pays nrr tip An excellent dwelling slle on Dunsmuir Street hetween 4th Records It to choose it her and Gennelt pays for n function lo he lu-ld next week graphs and Slh Avenue, on draft Hill, 50x50, $1,000.00., uf Seal Cove marking I lie Inyinft of H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. F. M. Crosby Ihe founrlfttion for the Canadian PROMPT Insurance Bonds '' Rentals 715 Third Avenue, Princo Rupert Ffeli and Cold Plonme Compimy's REPAIRS OF EVERY KIND EXECUTED plant fonndalion.