THirTmTiw-o JIWK CATARRH m nth,,! (I BRINGING UP FATHER By G KJifflJftJjJ B LA DDE R ILL TAKE THI RtpINC- ' fltt 1 J WIAT Do y HA.OIT -BUT TOUt-U HAvB P e I want L f J 3 L , TOO WA.MT? i WjTi, TO 5ET 1, , A TOtEND SOMEONE If- 1 T ..TCXJ LOOK A TorAw4TsX J Thternoon: father i in r DIN4 MAJMr AMD NICKEL a,,,. I NOW jO tMClL I V C VI DOLLAR tfth ,HAVCTOitT The WALKIN' . The Home V .sV hiT Paint will add years to the life of your home, and our i rw new wallpapers would make r t 5 the interior more comfortable and attractive. SILVERSI;DES BROS. IOJI ST lfTi. riATUDI SfRVtCt, IfeC 2nd Street Paints Varnishes Kalsomine Wallpapers FISH HOUSES Like a Tidal VVave YOUR Glass, elc. ARE ON MOVE Heart Disease and Nerve BUSINESS DIRECTORY Winsor & Newton's Art Supplies Troubles Sweep the Country. These nre Qoocl Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Easter Pictures aid Picture Framing fltlln Fisheries Nearly Ready at Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 Government Wharf Booth PrHiir si no neeitut In im worm's K is ready hl-iory lne boar l ami rre iniuiiwt Will Go Next. ' been prerslenl s lliey sre lodar. AKHATKH WATKIIS I'l'MMTrni: and nKNKii.M, I.At'NIiIUKS The twirl ran'l MiM Uw tirrwt suit mkhoiia.nmihk: Tlie Allin Fisheries are. nearly' drain if lrii bitty, biitllint sire, sr4 ne Bcavia orrtina -Woaas canaoiax tTtaai laukdnt 'V' llrrishet: ii ' from (he (irand ear ami m-nrrjr. II anilely awl aetitiiy loa Frtix' iirri pbutM lit warmo oaarroaj mr. Tturd tn4 fkym a, for r3aMa and rrtasint brpi. or biMlneM lire rtnIIIMt serrnos drm I'lliJk flrMfi SSI ffn KMrfwl It lul fa,l. EOSON COAL CO. I n nk Pacilio wharf to the now t the nervoits Milfm. . Unr. ilwarl'".s provided tiy Iho prov infill Ttw liulnM of mi wntk-a-dsy rl1 HAIUlKIl SHOP PAIXTRItft AM) hKCf HlATOIlH gnvernmsnt aji the government r"s wlih sueh a rtin trial in siouieii vharf tomorrow" the nesrtii and slmnfeel nerres break down voa anam4 inaetit SHOP PUIIXITCJIIK raco 1000111 have received during the last ..-'anilv under lb strain. Lstr JTtr Bslht 711 Ird Are. Slllh and rrswi rbMM Ore St Hcoth I ishei'lv intends (o plant un Ori a?pforn r any break-diiwii three week a atari moving. The' Pacific Fish r the aysteiu Millrn Heart and! TMrd . rr.n, Ora III. Xerre Pills rhould b Itkm. The remn-Mrwllie HAKKIIS PAINTS AVI) OILS cries will bo till last In go from pnver of Ur nilU on ie nesrl FKKH STOMKS 100 Coa In- old (darn near the hpw ocean nl nr ry.lrru M simply marvellous. I la CAtac aaatav TMt A. W. IDOC CO. 14 Atf. I VI S ta PP.U cars dork and il will alati as eoon as 'r. V. A. Wrirbl, llorl AeM. fbird Ati'bua fbonr lit PMtrSCC ftUPIMT 'l CO. OIM. ittoM sr. WaliHper. AIAI7 1 I. Ill I In limit Ii Fisheries is finished. (Mlana. nni.. ni: "rir sulTerina lor Mew Intaiioa. eor. tixl tnl fib St Smith t'oU from Macleod River mine, owned Tin' throe companies are co-l-eraliiiK iio I un wiin my bean, I cunouiifi a! (;(, (Uli)CKKUY NOTIONH, , PAINTKItS AM) l)Ki:Olt.TOIls aauA. tkl.J ... a. 1 1 v j 1 1 u.r i'i w.iurr, XMfi put it-,ir t j by Princ Rupert citizens. in III1 work of ri'iiuival llrver. I read what Milburn' Heart aim nni. MKiiciiWTs. TW OINNT ALltN CO ecLL a cnosaiTT piw an. We have the exclusive rijrnt to and I wo plants remain ecating .erv l-UM bad d.M far other, wlw bad A n, rm, on handle "this toil io rrince Rupert while llu lliint is lied up. For lb sarj) .mflum and InniirHt I would AHTHun-e MAaaiT n inem a irul. pellet m. su boie. - TWld Ave. rhanes UO SSI. f O. hat III I I'M Mill ri Don't be misleuV by other coal (instance, while I ho Atlin Fish relieved ro. I am feeliny On now. andJ CI.KANI.N'fl AND lUtrLSHlNn dealers who use our firm eries lias boon moving tin-I name plant rrt n lohowiil ran attend li my work every da. I can fiKXKHAi. Mr.iu:iiANinsn rvs a. to advertise their coal. i Is ImiiikIiI by Hull ronipany has ree.inniml yur pills lo an 'in suSerink toivo dvc woaat-rrestinr'aad If you want a real'good screened itorn pasKintr Uirnnpli I In waro- at I dirt. clesnink - led avenue - rbone WOO CMIK VUfN CO. IlKXTALS CO coal, call frle uor. s boi al all dealers nr mailed 71 Ikm4 Aims Miasl 1 j up iliouso of oiUior the l'afidr or Itio direct on receipt nf pnr by Tb T. mi-burn r. w. mart riMne au.k m Ph one 58 lli otli Kisliorio. ".. Luniled, Toronto, not Aati. OAFKH nitOCKIUKS tmc oTon oaiLL LiMtva ruiNct auriarr oaoccav SHIN PAIXTIXO Prince Rupert Feed Co. ELKS HAVE NAVAL CONSTRUCTION Third Ave. flxm 411. ld pUra to eat Cor. 'lb and falma - frma na ill a caioaarrr rti 477. Corner 2nd Ave. nd'7lli St. GIVES WAY BEFORE i tmi iuti can IIAHDWAHK Culk If GOOD TEAM Second Ave. mrsest meal for l rnooey. MOW! A attftUlTr - tlvl At, tiev HIIKtn' MKTAL WtlHKS NEED FOR ECONOMY m MwbsQdlry. imibis and rubermra s asp-pnea. LTL 1 u ri CiseSM Ik 'Shset SIsUls t CKiAltS AXIl TOHA(XO - nowi-a to Take Sons of Canada I.OXDOX, liar. 39. -'I lioro is road Ave,aue raons IIS Terrace Fruit Lands Ready os naval roiiilnicliii (.-oiiiit mi YOKAHAMA- m TDtrd Are. West JMIOHTKl nnm:KMjKS On in Indoor Saseball "AtaearTA in Hrilain than at nny limo filiiro miat aanarr THIS A 1014WIU. PiMaa I. A 1 Game! rtrta Street nn iaa wlion' in IB90 fiormany llirow Ditt;nr.isT.s 22 Acres, 1 mile from Ter iwn hop n-ckloss cliallonco lo TAILOHH I.AIMI-S h ORXTS cou race and only 500 yds. from fh J.Iks Indianr' hasohall toair ltritannja rr (io tri.lnl of Hie W. J. CUTCMIOH MPxr.iiKH foii Hint: school, 5 acres cleared and iirosoius a .iii-inii(i iiii"-iii "'pjj, . XdI Laueth NanaCTnONO." rasas aixk 400.1 r. 11 , hii roai m a Hinglo rapilal biprh urri drf i. anrts. a.c Tb naa.aas aat. Ala i.-lraaiaf tad rreaaaa'a fenced containing 75 bearing piayors aniiiin atrgrovanun initi is on mo aiiM-KH mil a tmiiicxiiip fruit trees. A spring is vory apt tv pivo tlio rhallonpin nor mi ariimrod oruiMT. AU III .0 II creek' running across the fiins of Canada soriwl liintr la rmu privato yards, which for many IlIUVIl VS I'lV Good (I ild. Iti-sidos I ho Klks' lino. property. log house, toi w UmlteJ yar haw lif-on fiisior)! try tin 5 rooms, and good log barn. up noins a promising oiinrii oi Admiralty In order Hut all llu- ShMIII 11tU Price $2200 cash for qufck aiiiioins Koiioruiiy, ii iius ..ii - , . , .. .. ilf ,., Daily NeWs Classified Ads. sale. llio t iu iiiajoriT ..1 u n .-..!- '' ......i(,n .,liuu, 1,0 i.x.hiliro.1 in II... lio show-oil irroal slylo at lhal . . . , ., , 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Laa Uian OOo time. Th first pnmo of llio tri,. . . .. ... ...i KENNEY BROS. & CO. it is liorrfil will bo playoil nxl 17 0 Miloly on morf nnlilo uiHtriiolion. rVA TXO. HJIISAI.I: tlxlOS hnlilMii bout, rort nrriT Real Estate and Insurance wook. 'J'ho i:iks arc to lini' praclioo lnllitflil. with hut a sinvlo oiropiiun. lirifit fully complied Frisco Standard W0 ,1 Terrace, B.C. liuvo tioou fx- and HF.SK xi'VI. f..r fiiriiilo-'f its may post.war WAXTKIi A house lot. r FjiKine; iciil. Folliminjr is Iho ilsl of ptnyorn who will ilcfond Ujo. honor of Iho trnxaffartee in illreeliium, ho one or two InU without fn.uso, 30x9 work boat 3H hp. heavy, in jfi'in-ral or ;rinlo f!(--. Admiralty eertalnly liaa pxeroineil hear Mi-Hride on 7th. Kth or Dili duly; Apply Prince llii-rl Agencies. l-'.IkH at llio indiHir (laiiio; Charles ab. oluln eciinoiny ill new i-i-slruiliiin. Avenues. .Must l ii bargain. 3lxH work ixal nr 1 roller 5 li.p. u s-or l Peck, Moor, GOOD Ffi KmlilHon. Froil Ilonnini,'. Itnlph TOM LEE CO. Pino. V. Shonoan. )nn Can pay -up lo l,00il i-ah, bal-"nnre Yale; A Co., HenUTd Avenue. II, Many oupporterH of n lrnii iiionthly. AOIressNy. P., IS fl, row boat, i li.p. Inboard ohno. II. Krinoll. io Mon ttio J. NURSERY PRODUCTS 80 Secontl West Avenue, flatihfori;. rio..r(r Xhnw, V. J. navy roe ilanpor in this, especially care of Hally .News. engine; in view of ambitious American Hull rfixlt ravidy for en(ne; FftL'IT TIIKIX. -Apple. Pear-. Vaiico nmj I'.1. CraPj?. VEGETABLES cuiUlruction programs. Hut lliern WANTKD Second-hand furniture. 22 -li.p. i.rycle rnnlne; Cherries. Pluma nml Peaches; Wholesale and Retail are two reasons. Chief is that no " If .you have snythlnK to 50 li.p. I.cycle engine; - atKo a full line of small fmil. Oonoral Contractors and PREPARING TO SEND- . money (a available, and that he sell call Red 213. We pay cash. 7 li.p. Ouaniptee engine; All strictly Ural class stock. Labor Exchange new Heel rrealed by the war la F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Avenue I h.p. Adams engine. . Ijirrjeat and best aorle li k WOMEN TO CANADA capable for-fouie yearn al least of West. If launch "Helen ii," o li.p. engine, in the) country. Iyrilz Nur-aeries, Prince Rupert, B.C. taking rare of tho naval defence toilet, berlh", stove, etc.. Wilkinson Itond Vic. WA.NTHI) lo demon, Phone 547 P.O. liox 725 Thousands Will Cross Atlantic of the Hritish Kmpire; bill hardly slrate Xnlioli! Woman lines. One with complete. Itemnnalralion. lorla. II.C If Iokh important is that the export aoojiu. to , i During Coming Summer advisorn of the Aduilrally ure not experience preferred. holly M. M. BTHPllHXtf. It O H i: -ritrorirf IV-ld growiij Settle In West. yet decided a lo whether the (freal Douglas A Co. If plants. Including all the most j aurfaee rapilal uhlp, in view of Prirea FOII SALF. Flghl-rooiiied lint, valuable new varieties of recent ; Iresmnking. SMITH & LOXJHIX, March 29. I'roparn-tions kllrhennnd MALLETT air and underwater perils, has n n-asonalJe. .Mrx. fuller, lonn mrnlernly furnished, Introduction, including Ihrj ro hcintr mado to fccnd a rtrnal iinl FnliifA Phone Lath. Apply K5H. 7.1 "Dally Mall of varnished cop TL:.J Intel -riast. Swenth Avenue 1 largo number of womon to Canada per rrdor, and "lloosler Ileauly'" PLUMBINQ AND HEATING thin comintf gummor. Alroady llio 223. 7t FOII -Ilaby buggy in good Hi choicest of Hie dark reds ' ENQIKEERS work has commoncoij and novoral LADIES OF ROYAL KVANTJ:i AT fINCK rFonr wnit- Sitlon. Pticiio! lirecn ;i;l. Also a fine lot of standard and Estimates furnished. hotianrJi will cros tlio rmnd hc- PURPLE TO ORGANIZE rei:;ei for Drydock'CofnmiHsary. BOARD AND ROOMS weeping rose. Layrlu .Nurseries, furo tho season in over. Apply in person lo maniiger. If Victoria. PC H lid Address, 3rd Avenue, head Word-has born received here jFOIl IIOOM AND I10AIU) Phone ii m itit it: of Becond Street. i hat in far vetiiorn HritUh Co Ladles Meet Tonight and Tomorrow WAXTFIt Capable girl for gen- i lied 121 If LOST i, ,.in . ,;; lumbta there i- room for a ptroat Visitor Will Be Here to oral housework. Apply 2'li llli ' in i-- Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 LOHT Mandolin on FuH n m;.ny vnmen, parllciilarly in Iho Institute Order. Avenue Wesl. Pliom l3l. i r""lli Xw tiltli Please return to ' rarnimx nit-jci of Hie ,ninu i:h;it WAXTFIa Hy man room Ilewnrd. ' ' I' along the line of I ho'f!rami-Trunk An organisation meelintc of the young ... nnd boarl illi private family Pafillo Itail'.ray. ArrnnyomenlH flrder of (he Royal Purple will PERSONAL UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned llox 17 Xev.p otllee. i t 1 and Pressed by our Steam am be in:; marie lo tpply 'lie need, toko ulaex (oiiiuhl at Iho homo of DiKClI Machine Method, price reawm. Woiri'-ji icro are. ndvffed to jro Mis. Oeorgo Frixo, Kevenlli Sl won SALE Ileal! female hfld for adoption. '!HT able. Give us a trial, we-l Willi the dealre to lenrii n;ir; preparatory to (lie' arrival of Mrs. ( Apply box 171 ally News of-tr i:i nv ; UNG, TAILOR Eteoa villi llio (dot of nerepllna any V.. flarlow loniorrow from Victoria F0 SALl 13 h.p. Fmerson h)gli 0r 5 11 flee tin i if honest orciprliou. who will instiluli) the order here! speed marine engine, almost cub of aseeaisieee m m 9 Q Arlliii"-' '" It ia exported .Hint between new, cost lfU75.00, sacrifice j I.Sf'ir WHIST LEAGUE thirty r.nd forty ladies will be. t 1350.00, AdJresM lleubeil John this milk MOTOR BOAT WILL ccou MUSIC FOR DANCES. come rhnrler members of the son. P.l, -"llox f.'ISi Prlnen to & cbiJ and a SOON BE NEEDED . Following i Iho- fitanding lo Itoyal Purple here. They will be Hiipert. 'si , I-XPI-IIIIN'", .1 ARTHUR'S n,3. . of and ''UK" half water Ji tn for the Dybliavit Cup: auxiliary to the F.Jk and will Thrtae who have motor' " lute j W. L: PI a. work along similar lines. In one FOII RALJJ ,FIVe-roomer; house you novo jjlcndid boats for sale should advertise .iO!lK wlr" rolt Phone 481 Phone 481 of Col. 3 and one.roomed cabin on one W-lllf Knlslilg ..15 21 rerpeet, l,ey differ from all oilier for them s6m as lh f milk rl. Sons of KnRland , 10 rt 20 frr.tomal organization and Dial Int. Close. In. 000. Terms- - season Is, coming' when 'Hack f9. fit. Andrew's 9 fl 18 ja in Hie iinreKlsli aapeel of M, M, Rlepheiis. 7 cooking they will Jin in demand. A .unitTHll")-?Tl M T LADIES' AND GENTLE Rons of Canada . H fi 10 Ihnlr work. It Is the aim of tlio Becond.hand furnllurc bnughland few dollars spent In advertising r ... 1T1. 1 a MEN'S TAILOR- KnlBlilH 1'ylhian 7 H is order, while carrying mil the fra sold, j', LeClalrn. Phono Oreenl a boat usually Pitman Vvenln. "'"I i..X0't Fit OuAUANTaen 1 I. O .0. V. ..... 7 fl M ternal obligations, lo also renni 514. i If' brings results, If Iho price " -aiu!"- nendiy THIRD AVENUE Valhalla ....... 7 0 H out and undertake pulilir spirited -. - . Is rlsht. LEE, OpptHrt yrHce Klka ft 10 12 work for Iho henelll ft( Iho wlmle FOII SALK Flnjer sewing ma - W Phone Ited 13d. O, W. V. A 3 12 0 commuiiily. chine, phono Pluo 03. If