Tli'ir-iliiv, J,, Pngfi 0 tub dat niiwn SERVICE GUILD lANTLEETZ ORGANIZATION Westholme Theatre lomorrow Ainsiu m I i If OF ALL CANADA TONIGHT ONLY Masters and Mates Unite In Navh gator's Federation Not Join O. B. U. WALLACE HTT.WVA, Jitn. I.'. An umal- II OftMES LIMITED Kitmatfiin tif all ninaiiuiilKiiu of shiiiiiiali'rs. minis nnJ olilcpi-s ' REID STEWART .ns unanliiiouwl ly hk n-l upon nl 1 iiipetinirs held I il IliHlil. The i irr iiiiwnrr i rrriiiT rn r new orjnnliatioii i known (is It Can V Leak, V. II., WuNon vn.j eleeled "Thij (Entail lam N inators' l'etl-.iiilion." supported Ly people's warden nl Hie minimi It all.t:anadiitn i- an Because It's Mario incrtillK of SI. Mark's ('.hiireh. nipiplianl M'i'ir. titiilil siiuilar lo Wanda Hawl in One Piece Tin1 - mi in i 1 1 rniuprise William 'luil now in npi'Hlion on Hip ey jHiikowski, Win. Nolilu and II Pacillc roast. . in AKANTLESH ts built lite ciivil. The ronielilii'ii utterly reptjili-I one piece. iilinl ot'rlure of or in con-' any. Host hot-water bottles are Messrs. Lawrence V Workman neelinii with tin- il.ll.l . ami mad.' made In aectlens,then cemented haxe offered a proposal tusupl'ly "Double this clear til a stnlenieiU hy the' together. When cement dries I lie town uf Slewnrl wllh electric and exacts, the bottle leaks. onvpiilloti jtrivx committee, of iilit anil power, water and I -I which Canl. W. I.. Uilchrisl of; Every Itantletfc Hat-Water hone uinl their srheme has born Bog is moulded of pure soil Viint uiiver is clutiriiian. endorsed hy the ratepayers anil rubber one continuous piece. II has liPPlt "taled in the press Speed" eilizcn. An fur application ft No parts,patches,cement.Even Hint the O.ll.l'. was niHkinK fffol ts franchise has hren sent In II, F. stopper socket is moulded in. lt have the various locals of And guaranteed for a full two Kerslu, .M.I.-V. iiH'.slers and mutes join its ranks. 1 Kant-Ictk superior to his lalr n lr.t years service cr a new free. Tin- SI. Mark's tllturcli Women's liilchrist's dixi t.inner f any lch Auxiliary lias rliurn tlm follow. intention on the part of the or- Dancing Foci Don't wait until your old bag leaks. GctaKantleek. Yourold in It officers fur llic yearr Presid-nl, Kauualioiis represented nt Hip AL ST JOHN'S 2 Keel one rat IreJk epen tonight. Mrs. II. Clothier; Viee Presld-nl, eoiiM'iilioii vn iniole to olTsel any cITorts which mmht lie made or Comedy, Mrs. 1'. S. Jack; feerelnry. VAI t ACE RC D Id VAMA MAI PV tn ef fn Mis. W. II. WaUnti; Trtwsurer iiiferenM' (Iruwn from pros re 'CajuOlE SPttD' A PAeiAMOUUi ARTCHATT PICT' "CLEANING LY lis ' Thompson. ports. A dinner parly wn plven hy VETERANS HAD RALLY WESTHOL vlE Friday and Snturdny W M. FAMsL Nl in The C jln, Ms Kali' llyan to n few of her 'lyili'i- friends last Wednesday. ' FOR THEIR ASPIRING ORMES LIMITED 'laiK-iiiK followed Hip dinner. The Jlyih'r wireless. slnlfoti i COUNCIL CANDIDATES EMPRESS THEATRE, TONIGHT ONLY now t-nnnccled by telephone wllh ihe premier Mine. The fireni War "eeinn had an i!(tti-itt lit- ami well attended DOROTHY GISH in "TURNING THE TABLES" The Store Jark Sln!'i-r and con haw- whip tinu Ics I ni-lii in the interest mm III an.I intend In tn-k in tin f Hip eiindiduli'i-e of their two S rlnjr for Hip MrKcuxie llier oil iieiii!ier. J. II. K"llv and Tlimiu Parnmount Magazine. Dunon Holmes Travelogue. "Oriental hkn Mi g .Iclds. Tlipy retain their interest 'iheridps, for Hie aldermanship. in Slew art. A. J. (iall.nnl wrt the chuii -man xorici:. and the speakers were I.N THE MATTElt or an sppllcsltnn for NEVER LET COLDS I'homas 8ihp-ide.. J. II. Kelly. the nwtie uf frpli irrlinrate or title for 7 ami s. Block SI, Srrllon ! City I. MiirtlMtil l. i.ei.rite V. Kerr, Jewelry hi rrinee iiupert, (Map SIJ). RUN THEIR COURSE Hay Mor-aoiliild a:id IHmikIus Yisir vote and li fluenrc MITICE I hereby riven thai II Is mr Save Cow ilili in lue aner llw riptrallnn of I MitlH-rlnOtl. .'i apprcM-lated Bay one MHinlti from the flrl publication hece-i... Costs Less if. a mh ntriinrate or wti to the atmve i Hidden Dangers Lie Dehlnd Even There wus nl-. : my-tiral peo- iiifiii Mabel ion-w McMordir,lautis in which iiie, name rertinrale 01 luiiq as Simplest Form of Cold.. ram in wbleli l-jldic lloss, llohert THANK YOU Preserve the Water and Power Rights of the Cify iMUed 1 7 1 1 lreetiiber Hit, and Is Dum-lierrd libertin. Alsie Hunter. Jiie BANISH THE PLANK ROAD, 7-l. Now Land lirrlslry ortlrf, I'rtnre llupert. B. U "i ivrMHi slw lia any rrsard for their sifro'iiit. I'rauk Itoirers, Captain W. Kerr . rml nay r Iwimiwr. ieo. . hrallli mil alTnnl In iM-rhrt a ruJd. Vmi i iiili and oilier took part. The George nnd II. '. MALLLUI). Dulrlrt luriitrar of Titles. IM:elJ' ein'l alTnnl lo ay: "ll'a only ! "inpalii-lM 'v.-cre ,1. Weiler. J. Since Hie luxury (ax lias niM. lei run II bMirw.'- Any hl-naii for Vote for M. M. I ITtolUTE. will lell ynu I tit J Ik a attevntis mi-ulir. I'linl and Sid' Tlioiiip-on. Tin-Wellmliie Stephens liecii clMilirtliPtJ ncarlv all our x tiik si'I-iikme i:m ht or hiutish nie fM- hh-li many y Hie pnre llr-rheslCT' Hi-led lo- IS TIIK MTTKII UF THE AUtll.MSTItV Alderman poiiilx cp.l you 1U jut, cent i '" in tlir furtn of artile diaraef iMmir lln wnttls Hie llnieli. Ilefrrphinenls fatal ref-iilt. Candidate for Alderman less. Tho former war lax '" tiik xhttui Ir tiik kstatk or A a'miii a fttaiM "f a niM apTMar "artl wcril :erptl in I In eouiee of til' of -lit per pent is also can- Jil.- iflRinv i,riii-riA, im nnienij wwen can in peniir. TAkK mitice thai in order r His .l,liiMnt al any rlrur unre. and wmrlr t-plleil, and as pol.I has not .7;,"'r...rl.w'"."- ,),',SV. ,u.d.VM'.,.1'!iX! rtvr n-.M-r m a murk- num. n. ar- CHANGE IN CO ST Thanking Jywi for auport aid run-ft' advanced ill lirifl1 very IHUCll A:iirtiiHlraliir in (tie emai of Jamra .Mhe-; U"! Hw vleni M alliwwl liuumllalr. in the paaf, your vote srl vor . FOR I . . ... ............. .... . il.uiu tl rk.t .11 h.rtlM ti I'I r .1 u Your Vote and lnAai.c Jewelry is cheaper in pro- ' ." ,'! ?.,T.q.ul? nunc W'- i--r u,-n. lur rfter- STEAMED SCHEDULE influence will be S..ieciatifl by for J. H. Kelly and porli.on lo lots of things. l"ii if lM-f(,re the 11 n ilav nf FeDruary.P" Orvelotwd t- rM kepi I A. II. mtl. and all parlle. indebled to Hie d,,u, ami pie armnipanyinir muarular W. I-I. w. !,..,,!''.!r.'''!llr' ,L"L.".'"UI,, wf iiiii in Hie barit and User part, relieved. Albert to be Overhauled Here and TomSilversides i their liKlel.le.lii'-. to iih' forthwith. John JIUIX .H. Mi VI I I.I V .ere l abwiltilely no errel ibmil what Prlnoi John will Take Up John Dybhaon Bulger illiiial (diniHHfratur. i- m i:r,i l'i. The furnmla l krmiid mi IiTKH nil till day "f ianuary. Iil. ivry Imx. Minw II lo yiuir raiiisv phyi- Forlnlghtlr Service Murray FOR ALDLRMEN. The eriee lo Ynll- for Jeweller 'ekly tau ir v..ii waul .In. Mol durler will W " tdnrsl by ti.e '. f GIFTS THAT LAST iH'artily aHri'e II. i oiiver hy Ihe l'rinee John tin tor Aid sound prarti. a' 1 I on lr at all drnsiriilii, :i&rr. per toi. :rman work ensiM ien i.i ' Sunday nitslit l lo he dieon. fr of th rune Week End Specials! CCRTIFICATC OF IMPROVCMCNTS. tinueil (his ueek and slip will fake ALDERMAN will be apprsrlstrd injt "f the 1 Iron nuke o, I Mineral Claim. Lot o. ip the (juceu Charlotte Island and i tii; Iron nuke Mo. 3 Mineral Uaim, i.l o. 1111; Simroe Erarlhm Mineral t:iaim. Hewnri sei-ierin idaee of the 300 Sacks l ot No. Hii, Cirlield Mineral (,lim. lot i. All adjulninr mineral tlaima, l'rinee A!teil' wliirh will he wilh- lltiate 111 Oueen Charlnlle Mlntna fnvtaion dravn at ri" over, ''uPl FOR SALE Unpen litstrUL Wture lurated: on Louiae l'rg? Inland. haul on Jdmilfy ti. Vote Your Vote awl InnWrere aol riled Your vote arwJ n. POTATOES TAKE MITH E that I. Alrt Hnrert or Hie for 1 llv or Vancouver I'rovlnce of Briliah co-h Nejtt "k (r i'rtnre John, on for solicitetl for niliia. trie Miner's Ceriillrile o. Ji:j- tier BeriHl from Vaneviiver 011 100-lb. Sacks B. ariins on behair tit inynelf and ai arent I for Hand .Maril,,nalrt. or the said t:ity or idurd'iy. January 'i'i. will pu to D. McD. Hunter 6 House I taiiioiiver. Free Miner's Ceruneale ftn. G. IVeslon room $2.50 Sack "ini'it B, Intend amy (60, days rnun me ewiirl. and 011 her return from John Douglas per rtait hereof, to apply for a Cruwn uraut 'here will ei.nliniie direel In Van-oiiM-r, Eof he alHve elainta. Special price on ton lots. 1 AMP H II 1 Ml II TAKE MITH.E that ac-itlnn. leiiMiiir there 011 Friday. for umirr tei'tion m. intil be commenced and Two Lots .liefori' lh.' iuanre of aurn ortineate of Iiiminry -.'S. for the Niirlh via Sutherland Just Arrived ICO boxes iiiiproveiiii m. H i' solilhci'il Ijlieeil llharloKleti. I)AT EH Hits 3rd my or December, mil. Aid crman Alderman jumble ALEX IIOIJEHS. a lie will lli-JI eonlilllie willlb Hie Fine Harbor View Alherl's fin Inidhlly sehedule lo for Aldermnn Slewml 11111I the Islands. $2,300.00 APPLES DRYDOCK To Be Troubled With while they last Vote for Jitney Bus For ALDERMAN and Vote forj $1.85 per Box Leaves the Royal Corner Constipation McMEEKIN SCHOOL TRUSTEE Mrs Catherine Gibbons 'trtl Avenue and Glli 81.reel McCaffery, Your volo and Influonev 500 Tins The Cause of Many Ills 7.35 sharp morning every TIIK MAN YOU KNOW will he Sppreclsled & Doyle, Ltd. TOMATOES HYHF TRANSFFR If von do not feel welt and yo lo your for iy E. Ling SERVICE ruoiili f.lit......n frfu. or flu, nr.I Ihlnm 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 Hiiei'pssor to Joe llrowri lie mill do lit ak you lo hold on I your I Elizabeth C. for Pmiriii' The reaaoil for M la lliul 11m School lruslec 'it, labels slightly spoiled SCHOOL TRUSTEE risidllion of Hie lonrue Jhows I lie C1M1 2 Tins for 25c dlllon or the atuiiiarh and lomen, and Playgrounds for the youngsters Kirkpalriclt Formerly a' trarher In Brl ten' If v." allow wur iHiweia to teeMue eon-liialiil and long time resident of 11 you HUi liate lillluus sllarks, alrk FOR RENT Central New location iieiilm In . roaled tisirue, foul Lrestl), Rupert fable Supply.Co. Helgerson ' lieartlnirii, uaier lirs'li. euu aixl lino lioublrsoiiie piles. uliK'll csua so luurlt .MIXKIIAI, ACT. fit PHONES 211, 212. Block 4iiiioauie ami nil.ery: Furnished Rooms TAXI Cartlltcata af Imprsiamants. Associated with keep your nowel inormif resularly ami .IOTII.E. VOTE at Taxi Service of 4 Mill HMl'l H' Kk. FOR "Uipper tliff, Jopper i;nrf Mo. ! Cars, Limousine In Mllliiiru l.aa I.ler I'llla you will iiplier Will no. t," Slid "Copper cn'rf Dominion Hotel DENTISTRY and Touring Cars, 1.nit JtiM me reined yuu require for ml to. j" Mineral Llaitna annate In the fvaaa Phone imrHMe. They are purily vrsrlalile Slid Frizzcll J. Your Patronage lllver Mintnr lu'laion of Laaaiar IlialrlrL George do not rrie. weaken or mki. ljust Kemodellcd and lief urn ialied Don't neglect Teeth Where located: kllaaolt HlverV Alirs Arm. your Solicited. Mr. J s. Illrm, Bos 931, llaiifai, In.K M'lICK that I, Urorse A, Youns, Corner First Ave, and Hitch th One decayed or niiasini toolh 139 Tate. N.H.. wrlleo: -"J"ir two )ra I suffered Free Miner's !rlinraie no. HHS-0, stilus Street, l'rinee Rupert lowers your efficiency Huntley Willi eiHnuipation, 1 eould not tn sny-sliiuir for myself snd sa ssrnl for Joseplt 1'hone Ued 408 P.O. Box 353 l eurt inn, and hardly antiliiiiy Wells, Free Miner's Certificate, Ho, 40lt-V, for Alderman DR. ""bAYNE son id siva nie tve) iriuporary rnicr. una and Ante tiavedaon. Free Miner's Vet-tlilrate W day my unele Induced me lo Iry tlilliirii'B Ho. (Ottl-C, 1 11 iron, amy days Oflice Hours-MorniriK, 9 to 12; Laia-Lltir I'llla, aud even Lrouslil liui s from the date hereof, lo apply 10 me AND A FULL DINNER PAIL. Afternoon. 1.S0 lo tt.SO; .Saturday, Chartered Accountant & vial. I tried Uie'tii without marli fallli, MlniiiS Itecorder for s Certificate of Improvements, PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD tf to 12 only. Evenings, and Auditor. but I soon found llu'y were dolus me irood for Ilia purpose of oulsliiiuf Tuesday, Wednesday and Kri GEORGE RORIE and afler ualnr' lite second vial I i re- a Crown Oranl of the above claims. Hiont93. S. R Parker, Mr. Eday, from 7 to 9. lluved of my Ifoulile," - And further lake hours that anion, under of Uorta A Small. C.A., Vancouver and Oraful atUnlton rivi to all rdrr for DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENPANCI frlnc Jtupert. , Milhuru' lata livn 1'iim an- s flail aerllon ((, 111 ill I be commenced before Subscribe for News furniture, freight birrav or other I'HONK smt LU. lion m st sll deslert. or mailed dir.'. 1 11 receipt ; li e laiuanrs of audi Certiorate of linprors- The Daily tranafar work ruoNE 109 roK ArroiNTMENTt) Federal IluildinK ORDltUS TlktH ru COAL akd WOOD of pliee by fin: 1 ililhunl ' Limited, ments, Nota Chans uf Addraaa and i'hon Toruulo, out. I bsled this sto aay of Moveoibvr, l0. The Leading Dally of Northern British Columbia