The Daily News STOPPED HER MOTOR BOATING Mftlt, iCHtCKJUt PRINCE RM'EIiT - BRITISH COLUMBIA WRIGLEYS CatU Foe the Publmjied Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newa HEADACHES OR EVENRUDING Mondar. Wsdnesitaye and Sat. ' .'rutin and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. urdays at 10 (6 a. in. 'After Every grom the Caat. Meal" II. F. 1TJLLEN, Managing Editor. Years Of Suffering Ended Visitor Tucks Talis Inlet of and Cspsrloncss Elsewhere.on tiinlaTS. Tuasdaya and Ttmra-day at 7:15 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATERl Dy frult-a-tives" foe Vanoouer and South. Mlhfot rtrler from the City Delivery, by carrier or mail, month 11.00 Sundays I'-'" per 113 lUtsa Br. St. Jons, X. B. "Oiilh visited this etty and Ui- liy mail to nil parti of the Hrituh empire and the untied Btates "It U with pleasure that 1 write ta tertor Kilnts a month or tw 1-iii1aa ? p. Ill lThurdaTa H In niivnneif, per year 111 you of the treat bear lit I rceld niro and is now wniina hn p. m To all other countries, tn advance, S7.6H. from the of medielae Salurtiaya 1 per year ne your i.., .1... .' llaklvL VSV Get thrlce-dallv benefit from H I II 111 I II I I. " and South. "Fruil-a-tinf, mJt ftuit ream Vanoouvee rvtm TELEPHONE 8S. jmictl, t wit e frrat tmffertr tot r.oloulsi.Tuck's Inlrl Tellina hlle here f a he trtn snys:.P flundays S p. m. this low.cost aid fo M luiijr yr frum iS'rtvot"HtJhi It was the of the hlh Mondays . v appetite and dltestlon ill 26 Inch each 'Insertion tmj Constipation, trwJ Trythinf, Wednesdayt 1 0:30 a. in. Transient Display Advertising f J per ophera of old to waft Hm.h tlo-most Transient advertising; tin front page fS.Oo per Inch. coiuuited doctors; tut BOtlkiof illffirlilt ornhlein that the) Fridays . cetuvd to belpi ni uatil I tried RafurdAVa 10:30 .,1n. 25c, line. - luteal Header, per Insertion per could filMl-Jlhe one dewllng With ill It keeps teeth white Clnsailled advertising, per Insertion, ...... . . . 2c. per word. Truit-aUtes". the how. why and wfierefnr f roe Anyoa and Alloa Arm. Legal Notices., each insertion 16c. per agate line. After Uklsf mtcisI bote. I wa ostisience. They picked the hart Sundaya ' P-"'- breath sweet juj eotu1Uly rtlietwl of tbca troublea rtnrs.taye p.m. el thev eanht. fr lhlag and lis twa untuuAlly well tier one From Anyoa and Alloa Arm. and throat DAILY KUITKIN. Monday, July IH, 1081. Hue". MUa ANNIE WAKD. hut for nite.lMins unsoltraMe ih-modern luraiUTe ajllj IJL hae tlw al-sanlage. 60c.a box,6 for$120.trUl 1m,3Se. heiirtls the 'bursdar p. tn. lhy Disarmainont . At M dealers seat postpaid by far haven't motor boat engtne that won Dlicuiblori'Soon. Troit-titM Limited, Ottawa, UnlMirn tntTHirrows and dd " Tire profMd of Hie United States to discuss Hie Milijert ni work W hen Ihe editor, whom I c veslerda-' Why forael atwMM Makes your Ml disarm.mif-iil lia- l.een rei-eitetl l practically all Hie countries ( wanderings iheni. Tolay is everything. Ad SUITCASES eompanied on my the wmii.i wild expr'Moii of approval. Judging nt this ill lame He vertise now! , .. .. w in lo Pnc- ltMs-rl to t.R.ut..jal .i.k.tmM t ' i. .1 I I ......4a It... 11 IOOK- .1 II Ml lOOro 1HICT lltiwir iit- ii uiiiit-i nrv TRUNKS uterett into Itw sptrtt of thing arrntgi no iil w ith tiisnt Hritaiu. There i in-the Slate a feelnifr and taught a uwlw hoal. He go Port Slmoeon. Arrandala. Mill in -ohm .i.arter agaiuM thrtr mother country, and to have Uou HANDBAGS never dieovareil the truth, hut Bay, Wale Island and Naaa rTlverJ grw apjtruv tlie treaty or nnnHgtnent winch should follow tin he always tied lit susatcioii-thal Frldaya a.m, eoiilerae ti wa desirable that any possible friction be Avoided. a walking delegate had tMi From PL. Simpson, Arrandala, mitt Premier for the liovei-n Tents, Sails, Awnings Walea Island and Naaa River. In llie Hnh-h commonwealth'' Hie ienks talking Ih his engine. A I any Bay, ,nient winch control I'Hrliameiit. Til a I mean that when th- rale, it refM""d l ri wi Suu- Saturday a .. .a.m. .roinmit Sfacitwlvu. to h policy it will p'roltaldy become law. In' J. F. MAGUIRE Am. n I I.. BM.IiIm1 A.IM ID 'the United State it i different The Senate lit a haliit of ..ihrr n.n- t.l.. And some !North Queen Charlott Ulanda. (lirowuiS the niouke wrem-h into the gear and slopping the Next the Prim. Kupert H-'-l luiis he waa aide l talk hi For machinery of state. Willi a Ilcptililienn president calling the wn boat into hetieeing it wa-Monday. June 22 cwiifferrnce. however, it tfoe not seem as ?f a llepuhlrcati lloiigre-ean and lie would gl away From - refuse to rwlor-e Hie policy whieh Is agreed iitxni. President LAM ACT. from Ihe wharf, and sometime -his Jnne 23. Harding will douhtle- take a lesson-frbni the former president MlM af lalanllaa la Asplv U Lmm LaaS. hoat would diemer Ihe South Queen Charlotte lalandat to muk that Ihe which follows tire Miming hoek. and he For aiH4r sure treaty liveentfiie lintrm ef l-nar aaprrt. ami truth hefore he got foirference -dml! not lie turned down. would realiee that eveh a row June St. tAkC NOTICE thai raiurtian tftt nki smrar u. I.M of ertiw auprn. lMal has its advantage. Flnt Conference imilmt fn-tt iimI frt Bh anfr. Another Victim. Far Btaaway a ad the Tuken. Called by Czar. - Ik tuifc'wmr tJMwribM lamH It was an Indian who look that Mondays noon CmtHnrocNie al a it pUalMt nne fnnt Tin lir-t pence ronferenee was en I led liy tlie Ctar of Hnssin m a amliwiy (tmriton trim ea I lull boat off hi hand, ami a Mi- faei iSkagway and Yukon. and wa without result At the same tlmedt drew atleulloii to the MM rliii iiw I a K. ft. VI I:atrrrttnm tltrarr lis In fl IwW nf walrr nr ravage InstHiels ha IfeM some ,natuMaya ; poesibtfity of roea-erled action and sinre Jlial time there has lieen markilhrnr ?ee fr MtrtT akmr whal replaceil hy lmlfie. ir ntars. inrnr mmnrny i n. mnr a distinct movement toward en-operation. The burden of debt or Ihi to Mrh air mark: tnritr ae shrewdness in the red man. lu-1 Hewaet, Maple Stay and Swamp, tL tirlr afcmr tiirh miwr mark ta point caiisfd b the late war lias also made it neresary that armament M tuniMimimii awl ru4rfsinn( arrva stead of coming hark after the! rolnL shall he reduces! in many countries. Jtipiin has not thai hunlen I.ANIHA.I nsM a HID STORAOC CO. first Sunday and taking away'KOIt.-ihe of debt, foe she did not not take miieh purl in the war. For thai T H juanMA. eiilor's tar. Ihe felluwjirit-'Saturday p.m reason it is just jihle Jaiau may he the niot difficult nation uaiiT mv am. ttn nhly walled aalM the fallowing!WOM roCEH! CJIABLOTTE ISIJI III Monday. wld the erafl i aiiBunday pjn. to whip into line in anv disarmament scheme. If President llarqfng-'s, Conference isji sjiefes Ihe present! innocent white man, ami rut HepaMii'MB le-Var"will go down into hixlory.H ti inmr'wIiOo'iiUlatetl avnl.Tak Mawlt.nnll Wat a Tlmma C mtrmH fixltan mak another seolHi in his rmekettik PRINCE RUPERT TIDES The F favor Lasts apr(lfatMm far a Hcmrr K ls Mimlr ef lo a victim. of the modern uMst tmiMirlant civilization. one steps tn Lamta far Iho Prv1ix- A B r. for tr- imtaM,al tu tvjit for iwlraWum rr The editor aeenrrd a rwwfsial. ' ad wnnrr im rwiinmine wwriurs Hum, hig and heavy, anil put an ool-iMtard Monday. Juty IM. Navy Question Mlual ao Itr Vtral Oaii of oranam ! llieh (i:oi im feet it. Phe her a.m.. land. B :. motor- an ran Has Been Shelved. craimrnrinr al a l Biaaim ml in ta:oo a.oi, tHM ft harwl uimIt has l.een shelved for the anria official trials my TtMJiiMVhjjuetlioii present. I,remier",Me,J, .VrUIST and then we set about "pull lw 1:hi a.m, S.A fast Ji,stMn i, we luwk, voiced the sentiment of the people onMs naii: iir ran fmim. to I h a p.m., NA (Wt af internal paM off r'intrMlirffuAI J points Canuda when In- -ked IIihI it he left for consideration until after Lvrairl I lis MarrS. tl. IMittlng" laMtay. Juu it 1 la during Iiw few lay was the pitii of disarmament has heen thoroughly threshed ooL THoMtS HLASV.. . Hist 0:11 a.m . .'" o feal holarri is, affnf sHnd al Prim Huert. Shortly GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAT If we Uutl we umst huUd a na we shall shoulder our responsibilities, IS:K in : fel enliel ml" p.m. wit rf v en ii avoid hinting Warlike preparationirAve shall VfEES.THiirr CMBt.iiTTE un.tiMa ISMShS isi-au.LAND n. -Tak DIS- reversing,f discovered the eturine that. rowtd rvnt l9W I'M . .1 S. S. PHINCE RUFERT FRINCE OEOH0C all l Uiankful for iL The nelion Canada will take must Im lxtred l:SI ; saUtrs nnlHV thai TSnmai !?, la-ftaa tie rtitieed out atrain. and a iuii.. Widnlaht foe Swansori Bar Oceai Thursday and Sunday on the resiill of the conference. The tendency of the day i The iim used Is PaeitM Stan, nnnralMM lu im Mmimrr nr Lane fur tracking around Ihe hartstr ap Falla. Vinoouitr. Victoria and Seattle. against iiM ie(;d armaments, which are sure to he uel if they Urn FrvtlNr aT a. .. fnr a Hrrarr la pma- peared fieilhr elfieient oor dard. far the llOlh Meetihan. Weoneaday It p, m. foe Anyoa Saturday S , o, f or lleatrt nrirolram and ntwW sel far are vreaHtd. . , fnHawiiir imrnlMl laada ttlaaM m seemlr. ' called tn etirt al- weu it i cminien from ij S. 8. FRIKtE JOHN . Waal Cuatl at uralani Itlaaa. B C 31 hours, from midnight t mid- I i.i Port i i. in. ni' l.i ki.y ita f j Cninnrinr al a vt planlMl e rnain vice and ilipwovrnil lliat we wr Thts'ls a Day xank Inn 11 amitnwm ninr aaf Ln leaving liniushe thoe Ihtng uighL an loinis -n a. 1 1 hern Oneeti 1 ha- lot Of Getting Together. H II- tnwv aa rnaiaa ful: turtrm at The table T.In a I rhaitM aotttU; Umrr flu'M !: llwnrr wlucli we oughl to iuli. glvert la for port 11 Willi a'n Irwth inference raaia norta is mi 01 cuwenrtm li,ui.iis.r MfiMnav WktmriDlY ami SATUROAT now taking place, with a disarmament Kimpson but the lime fir Priucei irrnL Water, Water Everywhaea. n Vot H'iufhrr fr ut . iiMirm Mm -ae aao a 5k eonfereNe in pnpect and with another conference of Luraim Ilia mtrrn. nil. llupert varies only a few mm f- TIIOUAl liEABV. Turk's llllel Is the eilriiaion neg makina u'e-t onn-1 on r at, i roiiutriea atordering ihi tht i'aciftc Ocean to gel together to diM'ii HalMrrt Mruwn. ktL of Prine Iliierl llarlMO. After utae on some days and an others 1 jinada and R ial Hlale- - fitirety questions affecting them, have the of i. Ik a m TI... .. mum. f LINES. we beginnings a VIE EM CHABLOTTE lI.AlS LA.0 MS- securing the xst local motor " "- miijkr Vll j ACENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIF parliament of tuitions that will settle international questions. TBirr --iBMii b. c I found thai it tide may be compute! as & jn , I'.,. ,ji nif - mal-.Mi ano .rrkf a: Tak iMrtHv tnal Tkutnaa Itar. iMMan hoalliiE advice, Cltr Ticket Ontoa S2 Third A venue Pnoae WO Forming a court doe not do much good unless there is a bio-silion Arrnl. Matvll, B. i . inlriMl la luakr r- was eiactly from right lo four-' cent greater at Prinee llii-ri ! Ihe iriiraiwat lu tkr kMMM sf UWU rr Iha than al Part both among nations to get together, to talk things over, nnd Kimpson al mllea in length, and ael friiMV of B. C fnr a llrrv lu praafrl trim r to ahi.le liy diplomatic deciioiis. These conferences all will tend tt vinlriun err aiMI uwr IS I ulkiwine otll lo "do" it In Hie editor's springs- aim neaps. mereim-i to iinifv the world and thus twntirl laartt ailui on tlM Wrl Coel the rlsa In Ihe Prince Mwm f eventually prevent war. There yll f urahain iUim, a. i:. boat. I say tha editor's hoar if lik'ly he in OitmurMrinr al a pi Slant! at th hartMir I slightly greater tli . liKhtrf the future, hut each war will bring us iienrer IWTlSiaral '"mrr f Lot till; IhrM brauiM of what Is la follow. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT the. end It is not netesstiry that nations should light Miiy more MMitn e rtuiiM ;lhrare ! rhaiM; I "our boat" later ou. Port Simpoii. ( may say Ibrnr nnrik ae rhaim; tbrntr ral SA than that ivil war is necessary in any country. We ran hung rbaiiu la ixsnl of ntuutnttrtUMH. It was a fine morning wh-n The height is in feet and B.C. Coast Serried Lurairit I lib Harm. ttl. tenth of feat above the ' about changes without war. We have in the pusl brought uliout THo4S KK.Asr. we started'. Hy eleven oelm-k average IZWUIsf many soeiiil and economic changes and we shall do the me Bbri ffrtiwa. anl. it was raining. About mam we level of lower low water. again. We shall uNo ln time learn hi adjust hiternnlioii;.i n)Hti-r-ajid OL'EES CHABLOTTE ISLANDS tA.B MS-THItrr reached the head of the Inlet, from Prince Rupert Sailings every onfereiiec is a lep ih the right direction. Ki?e ii-rii-iion Tak Mtlra-ONAIIAM uul TSwui ISLA.Hr.loui.B. C ladia and just about the moment when SCHEDULE SECOND i n great factor oi irritating different Ami. Matartl. B C brrrbr ntn miIHv removing the rain threatened to me away M Foe Ketehlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and imniHMi la Mke appl"SHi U IBs I iiii-tj aiwa iur in rnifinr mi . the bag and leavf' Ihe larta in HALF Of JUVENILE I. far a Hrra M mial fur pvtrotrum July It, 2fi; August 1, S, IS, 22, 29. m and emlrr tkw fullowinr dvarribi all their nakedneaa, we finished laart tnuatr ua la Wail Cuail of lira-ham LEAGUE ANNOUNCED lunch and Ihe editor ligkld our 'Tor Vletoela and Seattle-July Vancouver, lland, B.C. fUtmnwartaa al a puf planlnl al lb tuuinarffl rurar af Ll a fire against a tree. It wa Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE III lbure rbaiB ! nrr 1S, 23, 30; Auguet , 11. 20, 27. rbilna ftorIB: IbrfK 10 rhaina wl; llvbr a fine effort, t akd him if The schedule for Ihr se,.ndj te etnina aouta la point of rraunbarninl. he was not afraid of Ihe flame half Of the Juvenile lUoetmlM 1,-ralMj Mirrh ion. Itt Agency for al Steamship Line. MKMBKJt OF THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGE THOMAS' MAST. spreading into our natural re-yiirce, league series provulm fori DENTIST kuutw ViMHiMna, arnl. and he snorted iu di-gusi gains on Tuesday and Friday! lutt informal 1011 f'"" OUEEN CHABLOTTE ISLA.IO LAND DIS and put on another Iwig. evenings until the aMion loaa ! W. C. ORCHARD. General Agent TBUT -OKMIAM MLA.'vn. B. L' Phone 575 Smith Block .t Tak aoiHw mat TBnaaa Jar. Iixllaa Matter of Theory. the lial uf ifauiea la as ful low Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Frlnee Rupsct, High grade dental work at tit luweat prkes. of Aunt.tnintiua Miwll.m S auolr. brrrbr in tm aiva Mmlifr BuOr ef We started for horn. I might July 10 Falcon vs. Cuba. 1 can give the beat of referrnre. ' July 3! 20 jrtjars In active service. iuT7irHra4aLMff .M iay thai If mercy failed, like -Cube vs. MidgeU. 'iw tMMlr lb folbialnr.dacnnd lamli. -.".n. r......' I. July SB Mldgela vs. Fale.ons 1 Office Hwn-S-12, H ltd 73. IS M U wt rual of llratum I land l tyti EiMMfi aad itmtMit a rquauurta ai ean see no reason for anyone July !1L F'aleona vs Qihs ( UNION SfEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED- IX&lTrXxSZlZt lo jail. And ll.en August J Cuba vs. Midgets ! Komg our r. far veaeur lawaa f I'M ns ii.iua sir. Miar e August 6 Midgets vs Faleonn lae Vaa r bIm S'lta. axrt aar. atraar p rue Aiira arw. Win l.taae Sna-ia) aHtaia' iini af rMniuriaL i and tok In blowing out the August 9 lalcoiia vs Cuirii i lac furl BwiBiaii a ml Sm. ai.r putnia. Irtdaf sea, P.O. Box 1COB Phono B7 ucim aimi tiiomad 1 1 ui. . gasoline feedipe, and finally August f2 Cuba va Midget i a naaa ataeee jaca aaanuar. aaaal ari - LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE HuOarf Brown. Ktnt the engine started ngain.( Koine, For Sale in good condition on Alfred Street ui!E CHAHUiTTE ISMSfA LAND Ma limes it would hold its breath I ihm.i -4aanaM nuui, n. i. $1,800.00; Terms ' Take nrilir that Tbuniaa !r. Ibiliao nnd then we would hold ours, and Ten Years Ago Aant, Ma a. f., inlbda lujuak ap llin w ufiolit nut lo 11 Ami It The Ixt on which the house stands is equal in size to over )Vruua ipnritlun lu of lb k. Miullr: fnr a of arnr LawM.fur for jr In I would go on. (Ml, yes, it fnt-: In Prlnc Kupart Flour four 25 ft lots li,iir tt fuiiuwmr ancntiMi uih ituai any siii(ti mr ine nay ami we Turity, ix. Ma Waal i.uut c. oraluni Island. B. t: rowfrt home four miles or an, Nluly 18, 1911. CuMinrarMv at a soai alanfd al lb DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY -Ixr lib at Wkito rwal; lbbe aouta each holding a number of lheor-l The cty roiincil is facing the an rtuina. llwora al fce rbaiiMi IWaiw G. PERCY TINKER, Manager lanrm ae rkvmi llar wm ae (hama la ies in lite inailer.wiieil lite oilier: prospect of a walar fnnnn puiill .if rfjMiiorfurnl. would not enlerlaln. ("Fearing that the Hays Tim FixiLTt ok Qialitt Real Batata Pire Insurance) Lcal4 lllk Stri-lu lt. , i.rn-k t THOMAS litACT, rim nejt morning we went to I supply may glva out when the ani) Quantity Vatiiiw YurmarM. tnt Sleiiakatla. Ihe old Indian village mil weal her eomea, plana arr Bread" Ul't-K CIIABLOTTC IILAMOS LAND DM after a mechanic had spent several being mail In get an autiliarv "More Bread and Better trs:t IHAHAM I SLA MO B.C. NOTARY Take iumh-c Hal Tbunaa loatr, Isiliaa minute locating the reason fSU.dy from Morse t;aaa. Sold by ull Grocers THEO COLLART, LTD. - aatwu, n. ... laa-no to out, au why we rowed four mllea Ihr e e PUBLIC llraiwn Ki Hi MiniOr ef Landa for tM 1-riKinra or B for a llrur eraBline day Iir boat carried ' A buah fire has broken A REAL BARGAIN Lot and la-nniiiior. . prMpri fur ptromm evor uul on Five Koom lieuae. Hath; 6th Ave, us trouble MILLING C0,p without there ami Tiicka Inlet THE BRACKMAN-KER in ittiiwinr airniM larui. snuai an and dense ntoinu SvcUun fi o OO.OO, tlCHW.OO cash, balaace on easy terms, Um Waal ( cm,I of tirahain liiand. B. IL. back. emnlte P1R INSURANCE The most liberal Marine Insurance on the ilk t aa fulluwn may be seen fmiu Um PtMne CoaaL Claims quitkly paid. The Inurance.Cumpany of North nertaweai uManriiir rwraar ai of a Lei euai II III pianiMi umk at rait roe city. Today Provincial Cintahle P.O. Box 745 frlnca Kupart. B.C. America. ae rhaina; tbrbre aiwia ae cbaiaat Uwara Advertising I often einmiilve. uoninn, naad FnriHn C. J. aaal aa rbatita: llanra uuatb ae abaiu ta hut It like la nothing aa eipensrva ftlliititfham and sl lfant ef neawMMtl .men left P.O. hoi aa WaaUieaae Theelra Hlwaa ria jilwe m aa ukiku ti in Mtrrn i.vii. aa an empty, store and Idle the laumth Ctugah to Neil umi Hi THOMAJ IlkASY, aobarl aruea, iaL clerka. f tf blaie. Subscribe for The Daily