TI1K DAILY NEWS. PAGE 2. tuna ?n I.,,,, ; The Daily News THE TORTURES GERMANY AND Everybody Smokes j PRINCE,,RUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA 4 ' ! RUSSIA Published Ever)' Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OF rheiatism Printing nnd Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Buslnass Interests are Skeptical 1 H. F. PULLEN, Managinq Editor. i Government. Happily stopped When He About Soviet SUBSCRIPTION RATES I GeganToTake'frull-a-llifes" r.nUHINK ilrrmaiiy. J",, ?3-1 City Delivery, by carrier or mai, Per month f 1.00 (.i tiniiit ItiiHinet- inlpri'sl" llinl - 3 Ottawa Sr., llrtx, P. Q. I Hy mail to all parts of the British Knipire anil the Untied mates. "For a year. I mffcrtsl with KKtu. thr liftiil.vi riH tin- i-xlri'ilielv"f i.i'tlit'lll stuiMt tlif hI"' Hlfj in advance, per year . fruit) Hditm, belnf forved tt Uy la brd lnniorv IrntJ? .ivit'fiiifnt en. fir (To monlb. I trid all UnJa of lis Tn all other countries, in advance, per year $7.1.0; IW'I till" Willi I li llu-iuii riiiUftl luedicloemlhout relief aoJ thought I would iiever bts abta to walk In. ltiiiHIMi liy tin (i iiiinli ufr- TI10 Tobacco TELEPHONE ftS. Hkto In j ant tti-. hin Oue diy while lylntf In bwt, rtti iiiimiI trnnkly boat "Fruitn-livtf" tlin treat fruit liUle riou In liitf lor inuiH'll Transient' Display Advertising SI.26 iper lnch each Insertion of QualifV' umiicluv; aod it sretueU Just what I ill i' iradt' Willi lluM.i "it uny eon- 4 Ml Transient Advertising on front pag . .,.. . . ... $2.00 per Inch, ueeJeJ, so I decUed to try it. HKl'inlt ffle.. I U Local Headers, per insertion, . , . . 25c. per line. Tie firtt tvx ttlfo tmt, tod I l lii' furl llia.l tif S' H'l Hi'- I Ulassilled advertising, per insertion, , 2c. per word. took tUoUblrtl regularly until eery iMitilb' kIIII (RkUIh iimiii iii.nirtt- j trace of tho UhcumaUsm If ft me." ot 1 time all iniMii toil fMrl! Legal Notices, each insertion, .... 16c per agate line. I.0UKXZO LKOUC. liiiiu'-t iiml hail iif iirHunlimfy Contract Hales on ApkillCdtion. ' SOc. a box,0 for trial site J5e. iriitif iiureeiiifnl wnili'ii Willi Dial - All advertising should he in the Daily Aews Olllce on day pre-ceJIng M all dealers or srot rswtpaJJ j oliji'i'i in view confine Merman rm ,iT?,TTiiifnn-Trinfff.ifirrMiin publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Krult a tivra lJraitrd,OtUa, tiiiiit' iiin, uiin iuiiri" in w PRINCE RUPtPtT TIDES mni imaltli' to tnirrlnlKl tlr iImcii- EAT FISH nnd SUPPORT ALOCAL INDUSTRY lllfllt. 'iiln'iljr, June DAILY EDITION. Thursday. June 23. lost. SUITCASES liilv lln Kivi. l Hf.iU.llc lui-n llluli .M. h-HIm 20.5 fnel. E A T lo illf Ilie riulil nil funcliiHnt K. ;0 p.in. IH.il feH . King's Visit to TRUNKS of n luulne! porHim(io(i. It ulo I.OW- M HO n 111., .1.7 feel IftitU 10 t lie well pUt.lllie.l in. '.'U l) ii.nt.. l.H Ulster Successful, j ' HANDBAGS ('iiinliotinl ioi.le Unit A itv- TliurfMlAV. June ?n. Rupert Brand King Oeorgo and Q"een Mary have been in Helfnst nud 1ih 1'llttK-llt CUIllHll l' flH'it, loll ell. IliMlt S:H p.m SO.II feel. formally opened the new North Irebuul Parliament. Their mi'siou Tents, Sails, Awnings (iriixor lit reature tHiiirt jnen I5M0 ii.lit.; Ifl.7 feet va Micc!fiil in every respect anil nut a Mi'iglo untimely nr- wlui iltfire'to n liiiiuH ulih il Low v:9i .i ft . hy uii'liiiliiiR In I lo- rt'liiiilnnry 21 :?& MO feel. ciirdeiiee marred iL Despite Ihe fart that Ihere were .-evernl F. MAGUIRE p.m.. BRILLSJ J. nirrreiuentn ntl(niUlrii Hint itanU The time ufl mettle Mnn-tlard, of. violence in Ireland the days previous to the viit displays on .Next the Prinze Kupcrt llou-l ing lietwecu I In- ItiioAOin cm- fcr tli !2ith Merltlian et. or Ihe Kjiig, which were.aid Io.be for the putpoe ,nf oaitMiig friiliirnl unit (lrrmnii l)nti. ancilt I counle.1 from 0 to 21 hour. an abaiidoHnitinl'oj the vfiit, it 'as nia'de. .Mnjiyj looked for deeds ,,uiIimiiiuU in Hittia nrt lo lieifnim miilnlght to tnlrlnliilil. of violence; and perhaps ii'tfemptsint.the life of the rnynl person LAND ACT. t niilriillttl hy mi arliiirnllon eourl. ' Th table tlven it for Port relievMl fht'iAvV Still Fae In Future. Himpfon but the, time for I'rince SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE expeflailon's lining received liut these were on Not It af latanUan U Applf U Laaaa Laa4. In (Hri.nK (he neiVeliient Mupert Varies only a few minute, that Ihe regal party had made its viil ami had gone. The King'! TO COOK Cut fmh into required jairtions, Iip in flour the iiltmn fSutt'Me n: "Tlu on aome dara and on nthera is Place hot anil fat ami liatti r. in very fry for lit lirrir4ur liKirtri or Pnn Mrrt, minutes. speech delivered at Ihe lelfal filly Hall, where the parliament aitua i Kihe Urol ulep lownrd rvtnljini-tii-iil Ihe same. The rantr of the Idle I , will have its sessions for Ihe present, was an inspiring one. The Cold TkK flora SOI n" ICE Co. Ilit that nf:tutian I'nwrr tth Narrn. of huiif. relathui. the may be computed aa S ir cent! SOU) tY ALL KKTAlLKKri . miraUon rrrsh ao4 rmim Bah falra. (iiml l't ImIu -Mil far in the greater at I'rince Hurt than at' Ihe cessation nf Ihe disturbances in it for on hope expressed a intrnda 14 apply ' prrtnuaaan lo ln Port iNith at and Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Mrerthelf-. il i Hlmpaon eprinm p r,rfKir uamora niwt:- ill hi f. a ep Hie desire stormy Isle is not alone the desire of Ihe King, hut it is ijuninrnnnt al a li planwit m real fortanri mikI oilier inual nereo. neaps. Therefore ihi rue in the of the Empire generally. The personal visit of fieorge V may ralin in a aonibrrur I. It, o. IS:dinriinn thrnrr run 110 II.root bhiit low or MMriiy follow. Tin- new nw-menl I'rinca Mupert hattxir ia llxhll have had some pacifying enVeJ on Ihe revolutionary spirit now mark.mas.tlM w. mrwiiMi n. wrtlrrlr la mw aMir vaw low mean UiaT"ltf two lnilne!. Krrater than Port Slmpaoti. prevailing iu Ireland and it is certainly to be hoped that it will nr via it k" mark u 1 mrn llwnrr air nortlwriy mara;IM tnrnrr ft. nxw fww tleleKtllioll in Mtifi'oW lfH Iter. The height la in feet and tenths 1 n ratiarir aiuna Man airr mark I pomi the level have had. Iin muat Im i't-itinlly enlnmed of feel ahove averax" r, it i-.tfrmmrtriM-M ami rneuiCHir iwa.arm ..-.' v ttii rr or , ; ulit. rlollietl lAilh noire Uillliorllll. lower low water. UNADIVN 1111 COLO HTOKB CO. Britain Could Not I.TO., TiJI,-ylnn. An urtrent wornnift kImmiM If . Take Sides. OArtO Mil tnt. Ill. iitkueil aiminat fnl-e Ihim9 of .NflNKIlAI. ACT. i'reat roimiierplal atlvantfure. ! All. RCNEDtlLE Dentisry-Dr-A-H0?yne The Insurance of Britain's non-participation in any war "The ieriH n iolne men lm which may break out between Ihe; United rftntes'nnd "Japan will tKHTincATE or iwaovrjiMTs, put llielr failli -in ttii airiwiiH-nt i Foe Lha EaU have to be Ihe keynote of a renewal of the Anglo-Japanese al Hriiamia." .i-Kritaioia o t i c r.No. I," "am can have no jniarnnlee if hp. Monday. Wedueadaya and Saturday liance. This will be the only practical basis upon which such a nil Mm 1." "l-a Hw No. I" awl rat ennl or pntHfH erurit, for ftif a al I f J:I& a. in. Helgcrson B Icicle, Corner Third Arc.and Sixth St . . . -. .... . .... . .. . . ,; .... . jJKIola" Vwral -laim., aimai. in ia ! i)itorlil ireaiv can ncvnieren into ny me r.mpire. u may ne essenuai niru.iv.-r I , . Minim wiwmi... .r aur. uumti. lillerprelntiou tin be no P"rom lha EaaL. Dental Nurse In Attendance I' iu. a lu 4 .11. there to exist betwen Driain and but this hy the mental yinuat of the Tue.daja od Thura. a written treaty Japan Mtllt Hlrr. r r undtya. , TAk'i: .M.ITII7;.that Xmria W, Manor, real repnlic an Li) diterl wiiolly ll OfTlce Houri, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 io 9 will not be necessary liietweeu Hritaiu nnd (he t'niled States. Th'rV lleljt'iell lay at 7:l& p.m. , rar itx sura Ann. La ho Mtuar Mnp"y ure. These two great :Kiigli-h--peaking iintions already bave.ltui many uniiN. .io-itronai .uawnij, in mid- e. uriiv onere.1 lor iM'rmail III For Vancou.ae and South. ties binding Ibem together lo allow for Ihe contingency of war ntyt from ihr flat rwf-r, to iwr ui Hiid pnrfTty. whieh will in eervRnmay, t pmj I iv MiiMnr Hrronvr for a orurirai or ever breaking out between them.- Tims it is that while Japan lnrbrMnratL for in tnirno l naiam intimrf I al the iiH-rer of -'1 ueadaya 7 p.ui.J tnt a fn (iraal ot raon of urn torn and the United Slates continue to, maintain the altitude of aloof- heik roimulaaarn.-' iThuMdaya II p. in DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY rL'HTHUt TAKE .miti:e thai AID action. new; Hiat al' present prevails, (ireal Hritaiu will have to be tonsured ondrr trrM n. mux v immkikm d s 'Saturdays .... noon i C I'KHCY T1NKEH. M.n.r rorr in iMuanrv or aurn inmrai or MOVING PICTURE MEN i ndsouu,. against Ihe possibility of heiug embroilefl iu any ililllriillips lniirornirai Dial may 1tri.e Irt'lween them. The ver- fact thai Britain cnriuiil 1911.Ttli im fiin LEWIS day W.or PATMOHK.Karen, A. u arrive in rupert iKKv:":::;::;:.!.";:! Wei! built RYE ROOMED HOUSE AND TWO LOTS become involved on either side in such a case should lend to wiineaday 10:30 a. nu p n I In Section 7 (t 1 1 AA TO TAKE FISHERIES1 improve the feeling between them. LAND ACT. Friday a.m. bale Notlca of Intaatlon lo tpplf to Laaaa Land. Salunlny 10:30 o.m.j ror sp,'t',1,C"J "Back to School" ' M. Finn and E. J. Bach, ofj , tn lianr i. (Viatt Land DUlrlrl. Hor4 Campaign Starting. ' Mr Omrir I or I'nnrtt Hoprrt. and aiiuau1 Ottawa, art Duty.Today. "j Fop Anyoi and Allc Arm. ! Half Cah. balance to suit M1l rMi. I 4 iniia anninwm or The International Association of notary fihibs i now starting umiic unrvrjr. bmiin uiand, and 1 14 !iununya iu p.io.j Phona 57 l'lr Insurance P.O. Boa 155! nna ran nonn rati or nxin laund urnt. II M. Kino am: V.. J. Hat h. i..'W'e.;neeiUya V p.m. j a "Back to School, campaign. Since I'rfnee Itupert is a Ilolary Take ooiire mat I. Alfred E. Wnroi. of Pnnre uprl. B. c. oerupatHia land ur-taror, moving pii-iun- men .if the !- From Anyox and Allc Arm. Club city it may be directly interested, in the campaign. The trif in mwnd roikiwinf lo aplr oxu-num for rrmiioo uwii 10 partnient of Tratle and Oimmeri-e, Tueadaya ajn. rarnpiign is launched particularly wilha view to encouraging the i.omniiKinv al a it rHanid on lb Ollawa, reaehed ihe piiy a finiplf -huradaya p.m. nnrtftMi end of a aand ear I u WKi attendance of hoys al high scIiihiI after ihe ordinary common s.W. or lm aoomveai rornrr or Lot I a. of ilaya oko lo lake picture of all ' f i ii a aaaaisi Tfiaw bh liana t. Coail Omrlfl: tbenre around school education has been finished. Wbife I'rince Jl'lpert may Hi cuur Hand Bar, uklnr in all lhai part pha.i'8 of the UhlllB in.lililry r "0" oimkaon, arranoiia, moi alive Low Water Man, and ronuiaing around Prinre lliipryt. Tolny.ly. Walae laiana and naaa nie. not;be so directly alTecled ns other cilien since; tliere is'poVIhe arra, more or !. ALFHEII E. WKI1JHT. hefiiK the flpat rent fine day ftincrjFM' a.m. great temptation for boys of this ngeto leave school ns elseb re, Datedjmajttday or April A. u. 1111, Iheir arrival. Ihey viailed Ihe Prom ru aimpaon, aarranoaia, mm ; GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY still'U may'be'of some benellt In the city and evert If it results in II THE HLPtlEME TOfHT OP HIIITIall tnadiau Flh ami Odd rJoruBe,By waiaa laiana ana aaa mr. s. 8. pni.icc nupenr on prince atanat Ihe sending of but one single boy to school, ft wjJ have ln-ti LOI.UMHM. Oioimny' plant notl other IIh Saturdays atiii.M IX THE MiTTEB OP THE "ADMIMSTBA Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocaart worih thelTort. The smallest Hotary filub in Ihe'smallesl town paekinir plan-it nloiifr wnli-r-froul Thursday and Sunday and . and nhlatttiN a' north Queen Charlotte Islands. Falls. Vancounsr, Victoria and 3Ui. autaart can do a great community service by organizing n "Back to I THE MATTER OP THE EK1..IE OP jnxMl many For W.in.aday 11 p. m. for Anyoa Saturday p. m. for AIU KALTPMA.W. KLCKASLD. fii'l of line lllm. Iler they will .. School" cnmjiaigii bringing into co-operation every' agency in the June 22 8.8. PRINCE JOHN , . farther .. .. . . ... . TAKE riOTICK llul In lh ordr or alia K nfield from llii port. t .- - ...ill I..I ll.V IIIIIT u.lfl. cily which rnay .be interested in the boys in any way. It will confer Honor Juilro f. MrU. Yoiinir. made It' "When completed, Ilio .llju will From .. ' I . l"l.arl..ll.' Ulilllt." .tilllC .Hi. ' lfntjr-lrfttn dap or April, ll. I a Iff rMmi llt'i II v I. June 23. nil immeasurable benefit on Ihe community. pfiintl AdminialraiAr of lh nut of lie exhfhlted ull tirr llii' United Maria aanninann. nrraod, and all pania V&ndKKw tiartnr rlatma aralrut in aald eatal are rlati' ant liiiaila and then on Iaaan or MONDAY, If-rrLp 11 quired to furnlin aamo iriirrl)r other continent- Tli tnianion of South Queen Chsrlotte Islands: 4. Ml. i, Mtttth-rs ITU,.- f"in' 111 in in on or wiorv iim UHrijr-Ir.r.l For ftfif. miil.ini. dir.ft f.,ntlffti.'ii ("i all ttir i,l Mm, A. I. IiI; and all partlea these men may laltr Ilium four i ,i ,.i,.i I ml..,I Hlnli'a iHiruifi in 111 aiai are rrtjuirea 10 par Juns 21. Hi amount ot Ibrir indcliledwaa In km illOlllllH for Ihey Uaf heen ill. .' AGENCY ALL OCEAN ST E A M S M IP LIN E 8. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE inrinwiin jril?f II. MrMCLUI. Ntrui'ted to iniao iiolhing. Lnat For Sksflway and the Yukon. I-fit- full irilliruiaiioii mtm Phons( 260 oroetal Adminitirator, .iimnier Mr. Finn and Mr. Hnrli Clt Ticket Omca 62" Thiro Asnu. l'rlni-e Hupert. B. C I Mondays noon MEMBER OP THE B.C. DENTAL COLLECC Datd thia Jib dyr of May, nil. upeni on ine .vii.inlle Keahonrc on From Skagway and Yukon. DENTIST 1.1 THE SI'f'hF.y COII'MHM E COI.'HT OP BMITIsUI 7 similar work. Halurdays - p.rn. Phone 575 Smith Block II IIAIIOLtl THIT MtTTPH ailUSTIE IS HHOHATK.op MLTCALP.THE rSTATE Ol SCHOOL HOLIDAYS lUwart, Maple Bay and letamp i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY High frrade dental work at ttie lowest price. Point I tan give th beat of reference. TAKE MITIC8 ihiron the fill dr or COMMENCE TOMORROW 20 year in active aervice. or May.Harold It:,i.firltll admlniiiralion Melraira,of drad.in ratal In FOIl--Bfttiiniaya B.C. Coast Services llal. aranlrd John II. p.m. aa lo MeMullin. 3j5j Cflite Hoors-S 12, H ui 7-S. Opeo Eveofngs om-i 1 olumlila.Adininlalrator, prince huirl. Urll-lli Youngsters Are Finishing Up t'llOM AMi I I HTIIKH TAKE SOTICE that all Work for Term Before Long Hundny ... p.m. i IM-mna owlnr iiKinlea lo the aald ealate r tqulrrd 10 ay lit aaine lo IM Ad-inlnimrauir Vacation. fonnwilh, and all tieraona bar-iiar arrounia aaalnal tit acbl mat ar rrqulrd l fil Ih aama with IU Ad Tomorrow nil Hie children (n Bas mtiiiatralor witnin Uiirly daya frun in I'rlfiM ilal lirof. Itupert will h pxrei'ilintr-ly Iialed ilila teib day or Mar, nil. happy for il will hp Ihe day Suitcases FISHERMEN!! JUH.N 11. MfMlJLI.lt. AdnilMatraMr. of srhnol elmln mul nil liars ! Ullnpla I . ynunKera, larKe and arimll. will Trunks NlnpMsh, Dsavsr Cos, Vancouver .nu r. TliE M aTTPH OP THE BASKHOPTCV NOON. A' T AMI THE MAT I HI OP Till. have inllii'i thi'lr final lenn EVERY SATURDAY AT We can now offer ALTIIOItlEll Al'l.NVrAT OK PAIL tenia and exerriaeM nnd will he MIXAIU TO IlLOMliK hOIIIK, AUTHOII-IZKU Packsacks fn-m FRESH FROZEN HERRING rill HTr.K 11 BAMlMI'i'l JV. ilianiisaeil for Ihe louir Vlieiilloti Tents, TicMs lo nil Part.liMU wP'nforrn.llon TAKE Hut ct of over two liioiilha, Iteaulla of SOTICE mat on tin day B.o. DRY ICE Ji:ii i.lcnicnla A. h.In IVit.Hi, rri.ntirc I'anl Monan of Hrlliib of Port Cj-lumbla tlif varioiu exaiiiinatioua ami Hie F, M. Crosby Corner of 4th Btrast and 3rd Aysnus, Prlnc. Rupsrt, QUICK SERVICE load an aultioriid aaalirnuirnt to jiromiillon liln will ln Klveri out Third Prlnea 716 Avenue, Huprrt lit 'ira Burl of Prim e Huii In ttw CANNERY I finnr ut lirlilih (duniliia, aullirlJ"l In course of a duy or tut. BUTEDALE Princess Island - Royal Irttnlr In liatikruplry. AMI II HTIIKH TAKE MITICF. IHal lh niM-unr i.r Hut rrrditori or Hi laid Paul Tim Rlorry and Jonen Cotneil- LIMITED. MaMarl will Ix -id al lb oil ee or WH-liaina Jana, twelve Ihfiitrlfiil UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF Bf., peraoii, Our number Is phona Manaon A Ooiuilri. Iiarrlatrit, etc., A f ' y Hiiyil Bank Huililinr, prlimr Kuprl, B. C fompnny, arrived in tin- city re-rently rhanged. New num- r)aCL4 r..r v.nt-nuvar. Orran rail and "?" ..y'm.T 011 M outlay lb totb day or Jun al llw hyttr of 1 o'rlotk In llw arirrnoon. ufler almwItiK iu Ihe in. berla Subscribe for The Daily News or ftAIEIi krltili 11 Ctduintila Prlir Htiiirri tbla turn Ift day lit Pmrlnre of Inn, leilor ami will ajrnlinMy ive LING, TAILOR HSl ror ran s....r-o. "."h'S.k"; ii. ...... a-..". A. II. Illl. perfonnanrea hein In-fore lenvlHK and Ave. sis SM.na at.au. The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia OP.OHDK AuiiHrii liOHIK,irmife. for the Houlh. ffll