( THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE t. 'J I I'M'.. ;i 'I. 111. BRINGING UP FATHER HO.LO Jlt am' or cooc r I .' VE. am' vntl ab JUVT oasubMw ARE SONC HEARD WHAT vhcrc THAT tHE WASTt so to thc Pc4 OOMPOOmiCD TO THE .it. J "fr .6 Tdi THf. the: to I SAID- IT . P.0UHTAIN r a. w.:- e . mumr i r . TriE. TsUMNCR?J FZffWim .ami tr WAU i V. 7 cans and have it frandy for -cooliiz&g 1tt tr fxTk nrui aisvici. Inc. 2. confessed dial lie bkd been SALMON PULP PLANTS guilty of killing n mule lielonu-iug to nnoiiier man in imn of the Soul liej-n Stalest, ami ilerlari-d Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwood PROVINCE TROLLERS IN Hint he piirpsel lo -clear ln eoiiHcii-nre tiy confessing to the S CENTS I'EK VVOHO IN ADVANCE. No Airlimont IV Wen Inr Loaa than RO owner, and offwing lo wy for Trolling, boat with New Powell River end Ocean Fall it. WAitTSD. FOR RENT Panelling Largest Ones Prince Rupert Engine, all complete, and Prince George N tl T I C K. "SEE MY LAWYER" IS WXTi:i lb Hi-.keeper ..r gill Full HK.NT- SH room comfortable For Sale. to R-nk High. 11 1HI.MTtra"l MM) IK IM Ma;. . II... for Irene ml le.u-ework. Munm Steam heated flat. eloe ,..,e. ,alWinr AN EXCELLENT FILM t f iiw Umi htiiry am int m is . llroltiers. I'lo.iie HH. IA in, alto furniture, for nU. till -ll h. .. t: I.. nillf U IaI Oliver Typewriters Seven pulp and paper plant.' Sf (41, Kiwi TNMJt ill .,!, consisting of oak Parlor seL e4Mi ink id. aiy f rnsni avri, III in in tin- .i.plv .IM. fr already operation, pmvr DOARO AND ROOMS .fi -. t. 'I: .. 1 7 ...I.J ....... Full of Fun and Action Fake Invention lirTWl. Mange, Hed-rnum He I (Map !' Cary Fireproof Safes & inrc 111 jiriiiJ.il .oitiiiiiri.i ue rrnaT f ihm krra l cmnuaii, ton III), k. il ,. , ,r,,r Gets Leading Character tilltl lirldisnulo. I'lione Itksek daily capneily of 310 Ions of PAI.Mim IIOlJhK for iNMtrd anil rs-raoy IM rtmry r MeMian. Iif Viol il r...l. .Vaults. Into Great Mix up. tHO. If fax WtMcut rsWM turf ( im, Mwiri. )hi lulphile pulp, .100 Inn of groum rooms, lloiiie lUtoklng. ftalas ' is tit m, wsr s-t rruixi f ..4il ..Uki rSlllt.r wuixl pulp, NO tons of sulphate reasotmble. Mm. MelkMitnill. Lots & Houses For Sale Movie fan were given a treat rUri.MMIir.ll l'iur.rtMMit .ulle llxrl C Mum I tottt Ury, Alway. in and 45 ton of 401. 0 Seveiilh West. ,"''-kTbi,t, pulp, ncvprlhl. Avenon for reot. July Augitsl nml Sep. )t is ik Jhm, III. t rrir Jftsi when "See My lfeycr' Four ninrc pulp plants eon. night PlHNie le tt'.i. f leniber. No. H llen-r. Phone fi Lsm t itiry oeir n rnm Ms-fl. tpianl il le. the nw Itolicrrson-Cole rteue, It SwMrf 111 I). MviBf bee Itf- lentplaled in (he of or course Hed 7J. If t starring T. Hoy Iternes. af FOR SALC tl i My Monoa trier u i- will Ihe- creel ion bring & Hanson pro Dybbavn IsrtiMa f iMrty iy riua im rr mil lnfwel for the Itrsj lime at Ihe duction up to 410 Ion of -til- Hill HliNT. Two mom bue. IMS SnlMw. I raaret rrlnlu mt E. H. Weslholme Theatre. Toniirht ii Fofl 8AI.K PhHiaure launch, Shockley Insurance Agents. Third l.lnle nulll, and 8t! Ions of wttfi lialh and pantry. Apply IM MM lM k IM s.rMfr l newsprint besides Hie quantities will ,lie reiealed and, doubt le- practicntly ew mm! in ilrl-eiitss MH Huminil Avenue, evening. i im i m M ttaa eos. Planing Mill. Avenue, Prince Rupert f ground wood pulp and sul will nllmri many other iatron eonrfittoii Ingtli ?rt n . Illli M IlKiH M HMI y tut tnri beam A feel fi inehe. KUItNIHHFD RMTK 11 ftllAT- Si'"w IM rMr twmtf M i Prlnc Ruptrt, B.t ho wefe not present lat night powerej phite pulp which have already 1 1 mm a yf eiiw r u prri mm m been given. lull were told about it by their wilb a ile.-n horse power tr lxil IttMMiHt. Pbne He.1 tt. S eMa m PT rrt i I'he Powell River Company'."' friends tooay. i four - eyrie engine, eqalniml MI8CCLLANEOUS UM Minor oew. rnar Mpri.t Accident and plant at Powell Hiver and the The story has to do with two ilh high teti.it.it man net it. An l Ir4 liMe, N D.I Mil HUAXUU. j Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls run mng fellows who have tMrorne excellent twuit for a privatelv- THF. iloKAT OIUHCT In Ufe I Owirvi iuMSfr t tto. closely for Ihe biggest priMluc- interested .in the niamifarlure of owned il"-ii'.- ImmiI and one the Secret of Hapten. Psh) Tt. OWK Off. DINING HERE Sickness inu figures in the province, (he. ,t inachthtj utiich i toipptweti in you would be in.id lo Kme. your birth-dale. iiMMilh, ye enM Hasen. S C former having a daily ccilj make aeHOrtal rubber. Tliey II on I For further purl i nlar adV.re and-One Dollar lo James Dun- MI.NFHM. ACT. Insurance if 50 Ions of sulphite. 150 tons tioml- .-ijiij the money begin lo Prinre lluperi l.uiolMar Oim. ""lilone. Private lux 100. Vao- irM r i IS A HABIT! if ground wood pulp and 226 eoine pt0iing in and when a lest pany Ltd.. Prince lluperi, II. C eouvrr, Jl. C. Answer sent by crttTteirsrg orijrogiarsni You are. not immune from Ions of newsprint, a total" of I? asked ffcr Ihe machine. It fall Phone 30 1. 4l regUtereJ mall. tr. Accident or Sickness either 475 tons, while (he total capacity lown. The two boys sham in- "arr HMi. -fiwt eatm ' tMr FOlt PALI'.. One of Ihe Is! MIRRORS at home or travelling. A of Jhe Ocean Falls plant -nnily lo keep out of -jail and And darn a good pnyinf reslatirnnt in Uie ctly, St Ml m M0 SHW MMr OKI Ml Ml Policy in one of our strong is if.O tons comprising 50 Ions there is a fine mit-up. Several MIRROHP AND lll"PILVHI.Ni. Umh uturVL giMMl local ion. oomg got busi- WMr kvU4 MM ts awl Me habit too. Good food Companies will properly of sulphite pulp, l&O tons pf logical developinefits which urn Ol. APP OF ,. KINDS. fttMU NM IMaUn k provide for you- and "your ground wood pulp. 40 Ions of brimful of. cliart.eut fun lliiall) nos.ease. I.ow(nailer rent,leaving with a town long HLOOMnia.lt. 417 &iu Ate. P.. It let Hit.Sf nmcs Dm hmi i. u w riMkae. and satisfactory service family during any disability. sulphate pulp and 220 toil of. ilrightrn"Tnatteirs-ont. Phone I litre .37: reHlnr, means plHi Ifrvt .Vrte- Apply 19; mny Our Policy will interest newsprinL Anyliody who wants to enjoy tireen HI 7.- tf wyiiim. r viae? reVw it you. All Ihe other olanl in the uImiiiI ii tliniiBiilu; gotst. whole-Mt'iine Office. tf rale i Iwi I, w nrtti.:: Mirr re V Maers itttnm,rn onav patrons. Prince province fall far behind these laugh- vhoiild -ec this FOlt KAl.E Ay ol Tait and BICYCLES MM. nw Mttutr. i vrnarai itio AND OUKS ARE! Rupert two in production capacity. The UIKT-p--ial comedy-drama. l.hery liuslness. Fortl HICYIUJIK. Ill'PAtllH. PARTS . MSNMe M. Utuer. fsl row Mr IMtanb A tkS. (Mttd - - Vim Get the Habit. Wlialcn Pulp and Paper Co.. tract ran ptnMMy lt arranged AM) TIHI. The I'UHKKfTT"I ' tei imt r. nmi h-m Ltd.. at three plants, ha a total for buyer. Apply to C. A. insurance ELKS AND LADIES OF Agency. 117 Slh Avenue I'.. I v. nh. as im i i production of 210 tons, of still- Waile, TenwM. I'.fl. Ux 114. 1'hHne llltie .137 ,.tttr.nl. i Hlr to Of mm e.fj Ag Ltd. phile pulp daily. The capacity ROYAL PURPLE MET AT "Iiimii".tee OeiMlrtSr-4 Miat at lani.Majlc,s Ottsi ler Ok' encies, of the Swansnn Hay plant is 50 'Oll S.M.K ."iiniil-He.l p4eaure TUITION wa m tar wm ri 5. Regis Cafe Oil ri S1H Tkl ttlrK IMI tr P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 Ions. Port Alice, HO Ions, and ST. REGIS LiST NIGHT ixiai, ?s leel, eigtil ntirse. Hum, MMf m.M !., Second Avenue Mill Creek, 80 tons. Iiwer. Cheap, A Is new Me-Clary MIIPI0 n. C Halley, teacher of mm m4 f im im Third Acnut llcv aT la 't he Heaver Cov Lumber and range and FraukUn Mulc, Piano, Organ. Harmony. Mirt IhM ia i r imm. p ll Pulp Company's plant at Heaver There wa a p(eaanl gathering healer. Phne Oreen 14 Hy appointment. Ptwne Hlu i mn w rioMt f K!k nif! lilies of the ItoyuJ 335. U Cove, ou Vancouver Island, has MINI'JIAI. .,CT. I'nrple al Ihe 11. Regi Cafe last FOH SALF. lUtmplele J1 ,,t Dil a rapacity of 40 tons of Pul-, n-nir. As is Ihe culoin after MaiiMu.aiil s works. gimillH CORSETS .:aTiri. 4t or iTrnyLntata Protect- phale; and the Western Oinmlu. SoTlaa and Co. at Port Mel i nit wit ton nnthls, the Klk met U'urk and Lryi lnclt Americana. COHPBTP mad" lo onler. Mr. HlMMmUI. T1rr, MMaU Wtrt. SILVERSIDES Pulp Paper HIH. tllMI Ml IM OtJllMC MKMnr IM Director. Phone Illue 13 If Uix ttt D.iily lon,, near Vancouver. 10 Ions of tojj.-i h.-r at a dinner party lo wel ir imhi af uaaur paxrart Ham Hmm ments come the nw memlier. rne News oWre IH flor? or lam ratHialaMi. ground wood pulp. Tl. V.TIiJl UMI TM 11 MaMBf Bros. - LhiIkk of the Jloyal Purple were . MBjiUnr, I ton ml, rrraiMi IMatiiiy Proposed Plant. FOH SAI.I' Pleasure boat 11 ft. .4 Vaaannr. -. I n Ulnar. .rurl mImi gatnerml al Ihe cafe rim), mil c, inuast. Miir ay (nan im Of Ihe proponed plants; the- long. 15 in go: from Moths bearing sound al music ami h.p. rkigine aie enw, im eaa r la ia aianr ff-erar The Home of Prince flupcrl Pulp and' Pap-r running cndllion. Snap for Inr i fifWat af laaHsmaji, merriment ilLairs, they made tor im partaMja at akicinuir Craaa Oraal Co. nl Prince Tlupert will have as It. Apply tthone S durifig SMnin:np pciiooi.. af im atm. f num. an nlaughl on Hi brother in Ami fariMr ufer mntf I hat irtiM, ha-Oaf Don't hope that moths will not the largest rapacily and third formation. An armistice day. 3 S'ith:: TormTacoa. , aellMI IT. aiMNJ M nMftrlH-e4 Mlar Ramsay's large! in- Iho proviuce with mas skM TsikVr. atrwrti "Tw IM iaaaMv M sara Ornwl af lot ruin your garments this season, was soon arranged and a dcligfei- Foil 8AI.K- Pure I bred lir!h tm Hants h Vfeu," m i m imiml ttj a.aarrOMla. pans for the production of 40 ine Liuaxntmr im xuu.ur ,4 rslMt Iialeri lata flat taf r MarrS. Il lift hut Make Pure. tons of sulphite pulp -on Uie ful hour or so was -.pent logelbor. Wafer SpaolM pup. Apply Oil' Vtatm.' tp M II o'rlork in nt TuekStf. M r 11 dr M ieiMt. fer im rrrt- MINFJIAI. ACT. Pure Paints Dry Cleaning will positively opening of the mill with Ihe first Cigar mre. mmi nHBktUti or a im.rto h . i rami r i to rpti brajO I sintlMr. Ml IM ami to add lo this ROLL UP STOCKINGS destroy any -egg so liny and unit plans an AUCTION 8LC. im IJreturtl M.lnrl. h. . riminiut or inrniivKMKKT. '"1 utliinale capacity per day of I'laM. SurrUVralttaM. iMtnrt. Krwl rurm irn:t. mid Hie in...i hard to detect which moth have n leaxier imr be teea am afler Um OR GO BACK HOME Mile- Htnetal ijam. attt4 Ui lis 200 Ions of Tiewsprinl. ArCTlOX ti MM, will Is- held at III rial r JttM. 1(11. al IM ulHre kf. IkrvtM Kmlur IflaiMu al tSktM rMrM J almT. tin.. UAteesmrni avMt. deposited. 'Hie three other proposed .No. 2 Oiapp llulldiiig on Friday iMrt lloiaae, VinMMifeft U'Mrr k-ale.t, aliMri foft-Mf rS.Isiatttl ada WA LLPAPER STOCK Trul-' He fore you pack away your plants are the Prince Ceorge HllIISi:ni:tr.. June Fol- Juiw 24. al 2:30 p.m.. consist, I rttw i. )l. Huirt.N'Wulkn. UotrrtHwut Afl. kr Tir M MiflCK IMI lu W. riiaaan.. III llo N.' 'Ii heavy winter garments, let us Dry Pulp Company plant, fourtli lie al Oyslal Heach. Ihe nearliy ing ot oak diniog rteoii suite, SuonL l. n HaTMT.MlMr w . srnrr I" r" y I iMi.i -it 11 atfiurr i a an ar-ti fr..- Miarri far 1 r largest in Ihe province, with a rewtrl, whirh has a or im irtriari or CiMM Wfl. lira ll t . luiriMt. ataiy 4y order ir.mrUJ Clean them for you. Miiiomer imp couch, cliuir. rugs, lira ll. . Inam IM 4W Mr.f. at HXf l IM Onl of lown capacity of 200 tons of newsprint ulntion of during the tlrlort. Ua.taa' HMnaf l4f m lrltstal w I" 10.000 sum crib. bnrcHii, iilfnnier, erork. Tkr Nel nr nr Irnilrr rvl iwmunn tl.l(.e.l the Harrison Lake Lumber rrneil ft IM patci af abUMaaai CanadianSteamLaundry ; mer months, will mil be tolerated ery eU-. C. V. lAI lT, A ur. refA r Munr. and Pulp Company Al Harrison this year. Ilolleer. 4 IS rwMw Wort tsrtMer. ,1 ad furilar as Ukr inuil ni.Ora M IMI rMaliMlri arMaa. aft M P.O. Boi 120 fhos Phone 8. Lake, on Ihe Canadian Magistrate Clark, during Hie rLUe VlrturM.V a. Ivparuui-M. fan- IM itiarr T Mti OrlinesM ' ' Second Strsit Slth Avenue W Prince Rupert Pacific Itailway al of Van week-eiid, gate sis young Huffalo BOATS AND MACHINERY. my ii. till. asrrt.r.O'eiHa lint lai fad nr f till couver, AO Ions of sulphite pulp Unit M -.a"n. girls a fatherly tlklug to nnd laND Atrr and the Koolenay Pulp and Pa FOH .CIIAHTIfll Twenty loo nnt Uwm home because tlty per Co. al Nelson, Ihe proposed fish lug. For Pule--10 Marine V.I. w I ,,... . Tin i V. .. L. . Night Pbonei J 0: S'll ttersisleid In swinging on part In HaStr t-tiatt I ml ret. Iteeannns li . W Ioeri". W"170 LCO. rafMicily of- which has not vei swings wJH rolled-desm stocking. ami Hiallonary engines V, Itkl tt I'Oae -,Jfl. aul oiaair al Jap 'TbeOutingSeason" 8 been announced. to So hor power, I jtulmou iMbt. I'orrfMr H.itrtrt Dy Pbona t Chief Kcolt of Crystal Heaeh Tike tmi'-r tttat i, id arn t . t(rvn. I'he figures menlionei are Irollers fully ejulptet. 4 7 rnrrlapr IUibJ. armpalltat ffhrnuan ' LONGWIIL for the placed Iheni under arrest. STEEN 8 beat Utlt-ad Ui Mlr hr t-"ftnn a. a based on the production ra- "Oo lioirie lo your mothers and hulls, 31 I., 40 feet, one HxIS lltr ffcOrm tl-fjrt imI. ; Let ua supply the Alberta) Goal iincilv ner dav of Ihe nlanls Float Ib.u.e, (Hie lull skiff. IMi.iiM-Melnf al s lwi PIRt-4 w fottl' Sht Mat-I Work learn to Jres properly," was the tu meairrly ilirarlMi fmin tsal at IM None of them at the present time Mho Horimenl of rotnpasses S.VV. wwr of W. Mlf nt I...I 1141. Itwtwt Good Eats rursrH 9 magistrate's final warning. im rnH nn.rf ur lra in weatriiy direr I Al tot McClsry Phone 58 are producing up lo capacity and light . carburetors, mag-lieton, llun um Idi watar suirk. I MM atitv , and many of Ihein havf. practically iiiiii atld propellers. Iflultt riMfre nr I'M IIMil low waller mark . We furnih everylhlng Unborn tomorrows and dead tu a auina aaten ' inaw im vw.i ran suspended operations tem .Nfw niiil imed machinery for UreriHMi rriu- aoi nuirkwi : :.t i w iiicluding Prince Feed Co. fi-.nii to 'Nuts, Rupert yesterday! Why forget about Holip porarily on account of the every purjiose. Write r nmwr. Iltenre ar, a eaal InratM hull I Blh 8tre.t ttd Kr. Streat them. ig A!-verlle--nowl aairp mark. IMirre rullnaiiit tiitti aaa-r1 Olivet., plain. Ptuffed or Comer 2nd Ave. and 7lb St. present depression. The figure Today everything. " I'lione .Northern ' FUehange. mark Ut tiuiiil nf nsnmrtw-eiiMii ami nm Peanut Prinr Kupert nnv arra we r w II Hie; Olive Htllter. laiMHir merely give the tonnage Hi Phone Clo. ISA Peeoud Avenue Miwttii t., rno Canned Meal. Hutler. plants are capable of turning j We. HH prii''M. fllla.1 Jhm . till. . Chicken. Lobslcr. Pimen-loes, out. ; 173 HAIRDRCSSINO. ' LAND ACT. Palad Dressing. Pickles. TOM LEE CO. TORK'S Poft Drinks. Orope Juice, s CONSCIEiNSTWCKEN I.ADIFR' IIAIIlDItRP8l.N0, Marcel NatUa af latartlaa I asell la Laia tt4. f.lme Juice, Fnncy Cnkes, HIO Per.onJ Avnu, Wi SELL U Ute nuiM) of grot suffering la Itara k. naal l.a.Hi iiiair.rt. Mrmrti. from iHMkM'lie, rlMNiinallMii waving, shampooing, Singe, lut .ll.lrirt ut 1-rni.e Mntwrt, ml atluat nn.l Fniils. PENITENT TELLS OF in MiiJrlle l'laif i.tT I be S.irlh Waal tn.r TOVES. aiwl lunilwKo. You can quickly ing. Hair Dyeing, Pcalp treatment l IntiMlr l.laml No rhargo for parking. VEQETABJ.CI set Um Hilary rUItt by uttln-lr. a specially. Toupee Tak lHll' inai t, auraq a. wriini, ci Wholo-I -nd BU" SLAUGHTERING MULE ClutMU KhlucrUtn1 I'lUs. rrinr'It snarl, a. emnma la4 avr- Free. Delivery. Oue ll a ooho. S3e a bi. nnd wig for genllemen ami lajrar, Ittlrea ui a..ix lur arniuaaioti w Orncral Contractor! ieaae lla follirvlsr SVarntW lasita - I transformation for ladles. OAirrvfirlna ll 1 loa Miulrtl om IMI Labor Kirhn Fred Stork's Hardware VICTORIA, June 23. During! Switches, made up from ladies' raO vh4 uf Umi Kauri Bir limwn "Hit. waal of on norm Munro Bros,. Stttd." m rttalna Mai .. . o. Ihe confessions of penitence at own combing. HKX HAHItl'.l curwr nr IjS It. Haute I, uni outrirtjl prince nuiTiv. n -Phone Second Avenue the tent meeting conducted by Hllop pitjb PI reel. Prince ItM-itr irbuivl iihi rnnrr nan.t oar, iaiin I 711 k rr.rifiU iwu tun in ill mat vrt Ur Urn Watar Mark, 847 -P.O. MACK 1 14 D. Ituml Pierce, her. Phon 8S Third Avnu PHONE Kvaugejisl lluperi, H. C, Phone HIiih awl ninuiiilfii too arrr. mnia ur laai. I a ft week one of the penitent. 78. If UHad mil III airi.ru tliy ut r.ipril WRI'OIT it. III) j