V Tlin DAILY NEWS. PAGE 0. I '1, .J. I "I NEW TARIFF LAW G. H. Arnold - Notary Public MAKES PRICES IN FOR SALE STATES MUCH HIGHER Westholme Theatre Modern llve-roomi'd house on Hordeh ilrrH, Ntlunlod Ila marine view. Ni: VUllK, .lime S3. .v on a fine dnulile corner. a ln'iyi'.iful Very ritase in. The lol alone ore vurli wluil Is being Canadian 1'wss . Kffecls of I In- TONIGHT ONLY, THURSDAY Hskrd for Hie house mid lot.. uiorjmi larrtrr tiiw an- ai BARGAIN AT $3,G00 CASH. ready Iwma foil Oy l iritotl sinicn rMinnin'ri. Imi experts iraer the rnrent advance if pork nod H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. LAV 6 Reel ll.'cf JICIC. In I In new- tales III! Insurance Rental Real Estate msed on meal 1 1 1 1 1 1 k nor" n. "See My Super Special Mil- r.Htui.ii hi t ti I i I The linera-eney 'I'm iff l.lw rarce Comedy I Iihm iMf 1 1 in effect Inn ii uri I line hikI while live t ! and lnax art- lower there i mii ad- FRIDAY SPECIALS Mince of fnllv S rrnl in Hit with w huleaalc price per ii mi ii l iJ en Law dn-xti'U A -ltrii steer and pork All Star Cast at the Dough Raising Sale li'illM.1'iider i In- nAv tariff Min.ked STEWART yer Iti.'l MIIJlll 'I.! fill.'.! All km.I- nt "Inl ninl vld , ni'-al ntxt provision arrivina-Imi: ril $1 00 lilli'il Wulrlie- ill i-ftliii lions. , here from Cu ada are subject Hti Undorli.Mim ifturttod i including Com.' uiul choose tlc.irii. lo excessive l nporl duly. II his jioior al It Ial KaUudisy ii i- 3&e lM(n' Mu.iiolili- I."-raleir expected Unit, some of tin- may oil UH I'rlure i.i-oriie BHer ll . T. ROY BARNES and GRACE DARMOND for dark upo!.- in (l.on. i ?.5o lllto be refuiul- 'I dealers later. In iuw spol llx nii.-i- in Honolulu. Mif limine i' liunt 25c "lf8lll'- ... 45c to 95c Use neaniiir' I lie roiisiiwicr will lUdifornia. Viiin.mfr and K.-HIM-.! unii Othrrc. I. emblem- of nil kind yo.iiii .. kh no I'uiws and liava lo i'.' and will nut receive Mr., Lindd.ni - tea no lurilicrj 60c to $3.00 llaT $4.00 any later .bale. ort ail to jrfVi out alMHii Mir (kali Burton Hok?s Travel Picture Pathe Review Far iinounl Mag h Irli uni thnniirli liy I'al 1 azine Inilf-lnirlHlilv perfert poarl licouise French Ivory pood Popular Friers Wderho'o? Italy in N'n York in rryard U tlo necklets, ri'ilui'i-ii 25 per tent. f all kind reduced. sale of Utr lU Mioiiri. Mr. Italy ft.00 bliiMivii s Silver Itiiili-iluy I .Oil Combs .... 75o is xMel iiark in Hewarl in a m'I.- '.'.'75c 0.j( lluir HrUHlicM $4.00 I'lldVr tin' supfrliisioil of tlir omiidr of vwk. Tuik siniiini'r, Solid MiUer Hitinble 35c Mixlrirl iMfiiiew. Artliur IHxon, the l.indriMHiit Itrotlp'r uiUo.l Empress Theatre Tonight Only, Thursday riny jrood reduced in pro- tin- pill.lo works ilAJsaHnovil. if to do OWttsitleralde dexHopoieut ! . Cut lla. I tow I $4.75 port ion. Umh nr it tr)-M-nt i-iiKiHwl Mile work on thrir s.-Mn prop-; John vsyloc a imirr WpoI Mlt' i H 'llda ir..Hjr ha a bia Here is the piny Mor y vt ti c .'GI FTS THAT LAST , Bulger siuari l.ki rta tM -fur of irdtanlaar in that it is on the al fiivix ni. ) will all Ue of rinli-i Cunndiun Koyul Ntr h Wevt N'oui ted 1 c'uc dST' Jeweller wapnn mad and only- arn VVXxXXX" XX 'idridrrtly i Hi'- I'liiii-i'ltlfr. i grtflt.UKoryf Mi.ui f, from Marry llydor.ilia who s nun-d and i "THE CHALLENGE OF THE LAW" li.fot Mr. .tn-tlw (trewry. on before! prop-'l-d lb this vialrVI lloMiiao. Indian. YOU Friday Mallli-w tin war ami sii nvortrd Ultrd; Ribbon win. cl wilU inurdi'Hni: glue wan i-Uni fc-i in tin- uar. if p Hly .iow'Ii aji'-. slurring iliii- ultr AifHtlia Hrtrr ior Won! r-'"it front Sam COME IVinkul l.ak AH4I 17. wik Hruflnliii by Uwaay. w -. William Russell I nt.-nreol I" yam' iioprm- rrunu'iil aaf-nl at Aoo. .itlini' FIRST Joiinieiut in Ho- NW WewlmlnsleT TEA 1 rVnileirtlarv on a vrdlrl f tliat Mr. Klia" had jul Ih'"ii( lit.- in.oraii' - tHilirj r u'rtlf rr iiianlaulit'r liriiiy nliruHl inarriej. Tin- will l wflr.noe "Screaming Shadow," No. 9 Mutt and Jeff Comedy Km will fallow .mr wintint. II m Ui mix if in i trnno in un ill If- mrillni In sue nuneir nrl Many (twMple n-ad nspaprs. ili-lrn-t lni i. i.-nd Itiat lie had Make r-i.!i.lk-rillMI, Wil ll. II It OUT iHttHQr in rvtwlrr rtM-r It m loiuli fur tb.-ir advrrt iiiinit lasM. oT Hi.' in-Ml i ! our duly lo lOMirr u u Uar 'liimiiii h tli'-y do fr n"ws. Its Charm ru rumisiire mtmul Mr. and Mr- I 'I Ornald r. Vitur puli- mil dii all Has) an turi'iHl lo town lat wi-.-V .in '.Ik- Your Own Umuwkt sulir m. ir Iom nsar. I'riiMT Allw'rt. nflrr MtutiliK a tin.! Ii Ii Black Diamor. retuiburiwiBrai ll (4km- nrbl on tout..-I : i at Every Social Tea On breK. Wbffi rraeittl lr fmwt Japanese !-' pd-aitanl winti-r in I'ortlnml. I niakiit .1 I 'U tt tm- miT1ly n(HIl. Alt Tlny brwiitet 0 b tkon 4ni .ir-liri'il hi- I v.'.n To desire and serve the belt kiii.Ii druil Kill tic Uls car i( li-irliort. rlurki'n. Vln.i.,..I Hi MmjiW Mountain Pat to chow fine judgmentBlue t ui i mi Oar dot. Wr arr aniuiw Fancy fiQQfls ri l im Ibr Ji llsor uur uau Hi J ltl tin. wlio Iiiim- Kibbon is essential. By its hot no- exclusive quality of flavor and rail. l'ok iir'- lo tii oil RAILROADERS WILL Hie I.I COAL aroma Blue Ribbon gratifies McCaffery, Gibbons & dur. the on i-f ail llii'ir the discriminating taste - delight Porcelalne, Lacquer, ii, RESIST REDUCTION OF umhJI- im My. "lie r the most critical sense. Doyle, Ltd. Bambao and Antimony Pns.-ol pile... are Hit- lowest "' It's unequalled Insurance Real Estate Week Specials WAGES S ANNOUNCED IMiaslule. hav4iv wsail lo inaln. Idaek l'SHI"il economy appeals Papeteries ;J -End : no less. Pkoo. 1 1 P.O. Hon J 62 Toys UlnlllS the HW4llr of U Mt.Ui the ii'ir nii'i-i' jni'un' Silk WIVMI'K; Jo,.h It Al. pnl. ii iaiaoke ami ti-Ii i ml In- . "There's a Vifjeience" I'urcliasers J (S.roel rr. " I' Iiouxh all Ihe F. L Akase & Co. Itruo.wirk iiritm'-- of Nl prariiealry r,lw., lt.r H-d i ' I'rinrr Ho..l pay ean.-tly o. ".. Sales Agent Phone 555 or Black 472 4 tins for 2Sc ..,-. M'-omalu Idios In Whiittorjr are abwni ini"' !" a are rhmmml John L. Christie 300 Jr. iiri' Jam. Avliocr Uf annie MlelK In iiumuim. , I'M an i--hi .in" i" H5 IVO. Box 61 C. V. EVITT I'hone Ked Mint limn''- lite el on (tie wav eonfiT-n ', KmK.llriii-li in lurelie- Auctioneer 619 Third Avenue Hum.- ii Misinma III Ho- ell it. " '" OHlrPIH . I'rince Kupert. B.C. Straw. Map anil ioM-e- Will.' .'i.'4i- Auditor and Accountant I'rince Hurt. B.C. nd Hie .ntnli.n Ihll a Ifl"' "d lrora anl" lrry to -! r 25c WO!lM iier III rill Hi W'aif' Wolllll ' r' . l.ild' for & It'-aif. t'. IX 'Ii - II tu jlie re'l-leil. Harrv K'luplei . 2 for 35c. per dot. $1.85 Vki' .il'i oil! I- ! loi',n- Hs-riil for I be inaelilii 'Pacific Cartage The MuxrMl alu e ivtll -sllfi ;Irl'i, sulil thai, llo- men kni'w r loday iikI arrepl ori n-ilurl ion ( u & White Clothes Splendid Knllanii lioiaino in ttnlk.... LIMITtlD Philpolt, Evilt I The railMiii'-ii proiesi on llo-round Chevrolet Dealers . 3 lbs. for B5c thai llo- pt nf Uviiiv Nsrt to the Pott Offio for Kicd'il li.iisisi" J" '"'Ik .... PHONE 03. for Jabour's Bargains l n Ijioada ibx'K not warrant ant Telephone 6 are 65. 3 lbs for 95c relrl nn lrreMrle of Hie ail. Bright Bays the Holidays l.iblf) l oittKko oop .. 15c UUllou in lite I lilted Klalea. 7 tins for $1.00 iWhilf il I -tad I bat Ih- d-. I.llil S-iMirauo Tip 'rrrasa would fndy on 'July I DON'T WAIT BUY TOO Siiowiluk.-whili- t's I'aalry flour 45c 10- lliroiiKloNH to all railway liiiaiiu iuinilMriiiw smtdoyeex Foreign Exchange and Bonch Great White Sale 7 I pouiiil -nrka 70c aiioroiliiialely I5n.nini. V. I M ull.hi - llfHt Marinulftil - I J lark, nssislanl -aeneral rnairinNn OVEUNIGftT I HOFITS "' U iliM onn.e h I'"'''"'-" pil- BOo 1 of Hie iiiainti'naiiee.or.w-'ay-nion. iK.'lillKliI prolll are rxrloume, slurJllia. frauos aud mark" ull i-k'-1""" n'l""M Carnal ion I amji. Milk . sal'l Hint -the iiiilloiml hkiwiiih-uI SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JUNE 23 .. 7 tins $1.00 for this oruanUnlton iIh! ihsI na adtannes.W e aiMe linealors'lo ae llinosdiale ii.tjonlio".. ' " Limit. I i liAaJUi ru-ilooier. jilre unlit July IS. wuerras oilier Ilia priees. ami place their order, for 'tb-i foreiac" "' ' Cowan - '.'hw -H tin... srallroail orjfanUntions were or bond- with il. c .-II foreian e. haoiJ'-. n Here are some Extra Specials A Special Attraction 25c Kiven ooliee llirly ilnys oarlier. buy lUiropean and sell iHUIils.all cla.s a-well- f- for.UP- orient.ian bond "'"l'l' ', ( hlllttir- 30c irupr Juice, pU iorflloli m to Julius-. i.ihIiiiiI am. l'l" imii.i '''", for Ladies LADIES MIDDIES il;nn win'", lut- illi CHILD TO Im.iiiI. fliriii.liiil OI.OII reiliieal. Man lonn ..ho Extra Special on Canned j MEASURE level.. iviin. lain.-. nii y uiul pink, xalii'v- from tf.'.'iU never aaaiu ! sold al prcenl low Comfy Cut Summer Vests tlu'- to li.'n- Sale U "4..'.ii. Sale Price $2.25 Fruit at Pre-War Prices. DETERMINE WHETHER Price 45c I i l Moiil, HllriH. I'earlo-s I-Ufl THOS. McCLYMONT White Pique Skirts ri-uular 3.7fi to 4.riti Monti- Ilarll.'t I'.ur- I-l)el Comfy Cut Mercerised Vests nlur U fi.ZU -Sale Sale Price $2.75 Montr Apricot Is IT SHALL RIDE FREE All foreign bonds sold on convenient partial Price 05c I.oudiard. terms, If desired. Oimki-r I'Iuiiir, or payment White Mercerised Dloomers viijuri- to t.iT Bargains for Young Folks liri'i-n ufNi. Us. I'lill.AMXi'iil v i ii n Above nil No. I lint's CiiildiKii in I'liilath'lpliiu will in Sate Price 85c Girls' Cotton Vests uIiom hnn lo i' puiiki'd in lo-inv syrup. Assorti'il fulurr ride free oi my full fine, Sale Prioe 2Cc Pink Eloomers n-uiar H5c Sale Price 60c ijual iiaiitttia 4 tins $1.00 ui'cordliiit to lieialii and not urn-. Girls' and Misses' Middles .'.:Ti to Comfy Cut Combinations all tfiz, worth 9I.50 i.-milur I'lioiir your orders enrly Jloys and sirl 31 im-ln's or less RUPERT BAKERY ni.Vo. Sale Price $1.75 Sale Price $1.10 as wi linvit uuly a liuiiled in IiikIiI rid' free anil ui I In- side quantity uud we nre pultiiiK of lini oohdutlor is a puniled line While Muslin Underskirts worth from l'.t5 to Our Shoe Department Bargains Also f" lt. Sale Price $1.00 Illl renlrii-IUiiwi fli those who noruralwly measure, wliieli sollles OF QUAUT Ladles' White Canvas Boots, low I -- I uud nuy in i-as i l.da. all disputes. CAKES AND I'ASTRY usei White Muslin Underskirts esttru iuulily. i'''K-lur ruliliiT soli. Il. uulin sj.iiti. Sale Price $2.50 If the noinlilHlor i- at all in The Bread Only best msUrislo Canned Vegetables Specie!. Orders for :i.no Sale Price $2.25 Ladies' White Oxfords and Pumps, ull -ii h, Onakfr doubt lie asks Uie lutreitl lo plui'r Cann-n". i llimnd !oru, in. Steamships. Nightgowns n'K'ilar 1.0S. Sale Price $1.20 iiirdilllll and IiikIi Ih'i-U. iiiIiIhi nnii i-allM'i' Onaknr hrijnd Pros, S, tlm rliild UKuiltsl the wall. that ItMtauranU.I'rumptly attended to Nightgowns ickuIui- 3.t)(. Sale Price $2.65 .iili'. ri-H. f.'i.riii atij Si.OU. Sale Prloe . . $2.50 Ouukoi Id suit ToiiialiM-s iMiiirse the Iml'V hut is retimx-d Lr.dles' WhIU Ii-hiIji witli and Ills hair llattened down .oasraoK.Cn-"--': High Boots, i -.Ii- A-HOI'Iril Satisfies 1 Tomuloes, 111- A iiin1 Iiii.-iiI of wliitc GEORGETTE, u-hoi ini-duiin ln"'l. Hi gtilur .5U, Sale Price $3.00 uuuliisl tlir heail. TliirU.om-Inches i v n IIOX Kit . ' uiii-i- Corn or I'i'us. Combl-natlcn cifpe di) Ciiiui', uud oilii MIiium'h, in ui'ioii is I lie minimum height stylus nud ull ios is Induf; ojluri'd -at 25', Misses' White Canvas Boots, ruliln-f itolc-. Spaolal, per dci. $2.15 ifiij.ti liv mil Imrllir- for eliltilrioi Discount. siziis 11 to i i t. a.a5 t 3. Sale Price $1.90 Strawberries Arriving Saturday I ii I lit,, aim ii f llie.il TlmeM mvi. . .i in V V jyinnoi -pi-nlfy ivory nrti'dc wlilrli ik 15?, DISCOUNT ON ALL RUNNING SHOES Lowest Price. iiiiiiierons intniii'' - of iwo.year. If NotMlfnlts. W waranir- .'iai t" m t Kl vatti ut liurgunt prici's, liul we i-iin and in white, lilui k or lirown. V luivi- llii'in to III We buy American Currency, olds surpasslnv I hut lodiihl unit T? n 1 lrn 1 istlsfactlon. F"oV" V-dondn St- nii'iiiln'i of I In1 stove sue, - ... i,u , do invite you to or for yoiir.elf. I'M'ry tiuuily. of Hi.-year-olii fnilmv to renrh Silver, Gold or and Furnace Coal will surprise you. ,,NtlTED DO NOT MISS THE CHANCE il- CONSUMERS COAL COM'' v -ttosU Bills Koom U SMITU ULOCK J. lNK MACLABtr1 Think of ull tlio proui'liiei I LTD. linns whose prudu' ix you scu In JABOUR BROTHERS, Rupert Table Supply Co. tlm stores and leu rhuiiccs to one in "The Daily New every linn will he u daily now, Advertise Corner Third and Seventh. PHONES 211, 211. paper advertiser. 'J'hey know it Result. The Paper that Cet. Quick OMMMaaaMlsWll'1 1 1 Till pays.