1 TTTfc" RKUr NEWS . y. . The Dailv News WELCOME RELIEF NEW DIRECTORS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News FROM ECZEMA FOR WANDERERS ,.r,.v- Printing and Publishing-Co., Third Avenue. Annual Meeting Held Last Even H.'F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Complete Treatment THat ing W. O, Fulton Resigns Secretary ship SUBSCRIPTION RATESl Gives Gratifying Results BRITISH City Delivery, Ly carrier or mail, per month 11.00 Tli" niiii'inl iih'i'I inp of lh' By mail to all parts of the Hrilish Empire and the United Htates, Waat.la, 0rt. Wnndcroi'M lull wa bold lal in advance, per year $.00. 'I ha.1 so alUck of U'ttpis nlsrlll wlo'n nHii'i'Mi wi-li" i'l'lid COHSOXiS To all other countries, in advance, per year. $7.f0. Etumi to bad that ay clothes would and ffrin.i. i iiu-.nn'.. fr tin-ur be wet tbroujh at tluirs. lrnii.'.' !!.. Tin- Hub wu WACMiAlt)) TELEPHONE 88. rorfourraoDUi,Iu(rvltfrritljr, aliowti by Hitani'lal rrinrfa Ui, A Mend of fine Tobaccos I eoulJ pet no rtKrf unlit t triti itf on u M TV Mublo basih at Transient t)i?play Advertising $1.25 per Inch each Insertion "Frvil--iift" aJ"SooikaSsht". I ho prom-ir linn' Ui llio nip. for who smoke (1ielesL I hare used three men Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. Altorclltrr, able taAIiap'-rncnl of I bo nyttru. Loxrs of"Suotlta-Salra" and Xxta of int lxard of dlpclors. Tho Local ... .rt . S?5c. line. Headers, per insertion, .......... per and "Frult-a-tives", am entirely rooiariiniinn .1 ). KtUJoii, Classified advertising, per insertion Vc jer word. well." O. W. HALL. wbo Uan hi'oti ooroiary for Legal Notices, each insertion, 15c. agate line, per liolh these favorite remedies art fioino ytunr--. w- relel wllli 111 Conlrart Rales on ApfNcotion. aold by dealers at 50c. a C for roprH niW a volo of lliaukft wh AH advertising should he in the Daily Mews OMIee on day pre-ce T2.30, or sent oa receipt of price by aot'onbd bun for bit. fkilbful ling publication. All advertising received suhjecl to approval. Fruits tires Limited, Ottawa. sorviri'. "Fruit-a-tlvt-" la also put up la a Tho olooiiiiii of direelora for DAILY EDITION. ex W . dn. .ay. March an. l.'-'l. trial aite which sells for 2jc. llio oiikumik your n-Mlllid in J 'opb llnwo. Ill J .V, fjtjlo. V. 11. Viikori. J. V Mnrl..nahf. II. OF LIVERALS uavo ioiiio Iiop. CONVENTION jpiohnhly' SUITCASES . Millor. II F. WonriMMilli. T. SOON TOJVOMINATE A Short pew ho wore uijido liy II. Hooper nod ltifln I1, hli.rfc (Iktins) CANDIDATE FOR ELECTION several "Huts and tin- meetinx TRUNKS lioinp 'biM-ii. Tho dirorlir w1ll , (lion adjourned. ' Infer appoint llio in-ilrril and "(Continued from PageOne.) HANDBAGS o'eivtary. 'wrxi Id he I ho next premier if. COPPER ADVANCE Canada. Tents a id Awnings GERMAN WHO PLOTS - Railway Policy.; Half Cent a Pound Rlss Is Cheer. The poalcor niorfl inhoihn;?1 ng Newt to the Anyox TO BRING MONARCHY AIL SCHEDULE in which tin Canadian Norlher lift Management. J. F. MAGUIRE EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDft hail boon wloujdied aft on to Hie 712 Second Ave.,., Prince Rupert Hugo Stlnnes, Owner of Chain of for tha East. . . liovcrniuont and Hn dranyJ !ri i vdit'VKIl, Mareli 30 Tli Newspapers Pulls Strings Mondays; Wednesdays ana HU EAT lttton'over. aimr .rm nan p $udanr in Ihc prlrt r copper ;urday at 10:li a. III. aficti mat a eimauion me IlMMlX Mar. CIO. - Hugo! present winil'l follow arid HiaHa'n!,.L.IH'nlj a pound, lo ivtVhe and u PRINCE RUPERT TIDES stinnon, freio-rsHanitiio of loruian From tha Cut. ((Tor; would he made ha (lie to ul O.uarlor yesiorday for future d - iiidn try, roi'onll)' nrtir-d .if Sundays. Taexys and Tburs. Rupert Brand railway over t livery wa eheorini: ni'i in th Monday, Ktarch 28. m plntling a -Iriko of xoeral Imn-tl days at 7:15 p. in. who wi'in. anxioii!- io pet l. 'Fliim (irnnliv official hero, it is a tp lliali, 1:1 i a. in.. 20.3 foot. el Ihvuoand orJlor in Iho seomod ln be Ihe prenonl mm p. in 41...' .1 i ..,.I i..n' ..f itl-..V.... ..II... 17:1 ;...in.. 1 7.9 fool. Hjihr dlKtriri lo inake more diflU Toe Vanoouvar and South. The. railway va openinp mag-'"' 1 ' Lw. 10:11 a. foL cult lite Allii-d laeeuiMtiitn of Tuesdays 1 p. mi nifleenl otilces at Francifo. ban 2:41 p. m.. H.t foot. iMlXMoldnrf. Iliiiblirg and Hutir. Thursdays 11 p. m I can cities but herbal I'rinc Itn- FORMER VICE-CONSUL Tuesday, march 23. ort In ror.-rr-d Jty llio Ib-i-iin .Marrli It. 23 and April 2 -BRILLS High. 4:50 a. inM 10.1 feel. i-rroonl''ii of ibo TIniok u- From Vancouver and South. pel we Could not pel et'ii a nla- HILL TRANSFERRED TO 17:Sil p. in.. K..7 fool. "an earno.i and dAtiKoroio. Sundays H p. in. tion an bifr an i parting raxf. The ; Low, 11:31 a. in.. .l fool. patriot." i Wednesdays . . . i0:3t a. m. oxpondllures in the Stat'T. wofo' KINGSTON, ONTARIO 2.t:3:' p. m.. 9. fwi. Sllnne, a iniilli - nilJonairi- Ma rib IN undo 28 SIMILAR, TO ENGLISH SOU useless and lLe niyhl befH money monitor of iho It etch tag. ha put i , ter lie 'ixndpd in 'flxbwii'H. Tin-1 1U v-ui nsn into reiH'-ca per . t i only advantage in ifi.- preM-nl ! V.WCtM'YKIL March 30.- J. M. The tlmo urfl Is ractnc Stan. through eiono of lite vroalei i For Anyei and Alice Arm. batter. Place m very hot fat and fa 15 tr.l for the UOtb Meridian Iluanrlal .oal of hi (Sundays 10 dard. weal. erew -im o p.m. f I ill f 1 A i . w. '4.ni H ..dr.atllt ; ill! 1PP ll lr.P 11 II f -PI I II 'prinw It is counted fro;n 0 to 21 hours Jhe arinUlioe. He ha been nlb-d i Wrdnesdayt V p.m. SOU UY ALL RCTAILEUo lliiMrt of c,cnl. opjrf.rtun!ly furnJi'ti'Jobn.tViil at and now from midnight to midnight. "a relenlojr efficient cali-ulsl- From Anyoi and Alice Arm. II was nn wonilPrtlt railway was I nawiingwin. ir. ... nn imm-h iifuin broke today. mnijl u. Canada, tliu timo lo Kittp- The table given is for Port irg inafbin-" II has leen aid :Tuedays ajn. Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co, I Simpson but the time for 1'rlnce thai lie would aaeriBee eter mark hurdas p.in. Mr. Slork "referred 1o the work- :l.n. tlnlario. Itupert varies only a few minutes of hi ofionmaja fort ii no to brum in.- of lie novoi nmont pro-.rf btuj on some days and on others I bark the mnnareliy. For Port Simpson, Arrandsle, Mill m-fVJ.J'iOCEAN FALLS MAN (he same. The range of the tide Mine.iwiier and cual inorrbnnt. Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. ' may be computed as 5 per cent liip-onl-r. Janded prri''lor. Sundays 19 p.m. V rall? xvay M he ,.rll,y of j 'BURIED AT VANCOUVER iiioir support. greater at I'rince Kupert than at heed of a great chain of ih-m. From PH. Simpson, Arrandsle, Mlt Port Simpson, both at springs and pai-orn. proprietor of Hie llnei .Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. President Williams. i VANCOI VKH. Marrh 30. Frank neaps. Thorefore the rfoe in the holel in Ilerlitt. trader In olle. iTuesday s.m W. K. W-il.Mainx caid llial in iWl ilolioad, povornmonl hnnbor Prince Hupert harbor is slightly .niukr. Ikiil illlat ntltl iiilirtiai , IVinco IturxTl of all jda"o Iboy m alor of i)ron Fall. wa- bnrioil greater than Port Pimpson factiired ware of many kind. Queen Charlotte Islands: GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAIL! foil flip heel of Hip preventions wa jhoro orir Monday. HowaM a nalio The height Is in feel and tenths Slinnen. Die Time i-orrospoiulonl Fnr - Oovprnrnonl. Nt one could fool j()f Xiw Hrtinwirk and 54 yoarf of of feet above the average level .of . "i lyilay Iho weailliienl, Ma rob I and in S.S. PRINCE GEORGE atlint moro doeply. Iban-vo llio fatal jajro. The jmllboarn were J. M. lower low wale. mol influential, bol known, and From Midnight Tbmwiay 4l" ' " railway indiry. oxpocially in oon- M. C. McPnrUn;Vjniani at the ame lime Iho oal wall, Marnli 5. 17 and 31 er, Virloini and o 1 I nociion Willi our (lb h;iiiioH,.;h(Milt and It. J. Huiuilton There's no more ue in having known man Iti tlerinany." S. S. PRINCE ALBERT llvory man wan awaro of Ihe giOd that nobody knows about Publbily am. MOlorieJy are For aariway and the Yukon. For Vorl riomenU. M-ni I' I' troublos afid frialc in olTorl lo GOVERNOR AT WINNIPEG lhan in winking at a preMy girl alien to him. it i stated, and it i Mareh 7. IM and JH M'llioen (ji'N'ii r.harioii. i fcecuro o;.A for a buinoiM which in the dark. If ataled. bo pre fern lo remain be. From Skagway snd Tukon. Marrli 311 would bo ronmnoralivo CJ llio rail, Winnipeg, March 30. 'Hie bind Iho fwrtain in liw He4o(t-"tag. Marrli 12. S3 and April 2 eaai airaitlirr at-J way. They had bo-n v.orkinn nn governor-jfeiieral, who ix paying porwIUIng lila lionehwwn I'as.enrer Monday, Wednesday and 8turd a 0 i a a ii.i.. fU..ai 1 ,1 it for yoaro, but ihoro wa not a a final vinlf lo wi'ftlPi'f) Canada, and lioiil.-nanl lo do llio lallUnw ttewart. Maple Bay 'snd Swamp ign of a car yet. If wo woro not If bore today Ho wan tonderod v.bllo ho pull Up lrini(. Point. All Ocean Steamship Una P-od law-aliiJinp '.anadinn wo a eivir reoeplion. FOR Agency rliould not ft'tand fr il. II was TIMBER SALE X 3121. tnfannaltaa are i- " ' iC " Mnrrh n. 17 and 31 SIMPLON TUNNEL TO t f '" because wo were law-abiiinic wo A building I'orinil has lxen Kmbtl lnrirn will l rnvrird bT I ho FIIOM ear ta ot. i (Torod bul triod fn pol rodr. pranlod to the I'linco Ituperl Club I'lmnri rumirr. Vrmrr Huprrt, H. :.. lu.l Marrli 18 and lalrr Hum ixmu tlx- 4 tn Uy ur April. BE COMPLETED BY I, April I O- or one thousand earn of flub f the erortion of a dinins room 111, I fir Hie iMjrmu or Un-nrr t 311 bud loon orivon from Itio roasl addition at a ost of ucnn. I). II. f-l M-tr of Porrrwr(Xlir,Inland,pnire lo ana rut H.niKirk.IkO.uuo Mard THE END OF JULY lat yoar and 650 of Ihoio wuild Morrison ii Iho o.nnlr;srlor. our rear ml! b Hmmr t rninnl .() T I C K. n iiunx-r. rAMAHIAN PLCIW. RMfl l urlfior luirllrnur- ut Hie rjrr forrurr I a till; iavr-ta saar.a. a... v k'Kitii. II. "... nr iih- limirit-i l umirt. .LM W, Mar. .m. Iho loeond ilr.,., M ,M IM vrmn- niiwn, n. . . Himplon tunnel under Hie Alp i ma tier of Uii roar in, aaws TMriy '. S!.7V ca . racar.0 ocms w" I TIMBER SALE X2725. bolweon Svcilierland and Ilaly will '"" " of l-risoe nupen. - i fiTvS d.L. Loasi oiearasui" Plates Croyns Bridgework bo oompli'lod by tho ond of July, 'm':'T'' sii-t lnT win t rmlvd by in Miiinn-r or Land at Vl'loria, a. ikiI enfrineer.. nav. iiauroan iranir re.eniry and rmnrrrr of jwiaaeaaoin. by IK iai-r man nrmn m in Hn or S. PRINCESS day April. S. ISM. for IIm fiirrlum of Unntrj) X tltt. will bo ilivorleil lliniiiiih il im. Kttna Walilron, Ihe renalered owner nf a - f MH I io ui ,aou.oua fM-i or epnira and lo-m-rk mediulely and repair) itiai.e in I In1 Hie aim l4, lewier a lea irranlea ay; For Ketchikan, Juneau, Sksgwsy, " Dr. Jos. on an arra iltualcd nn Liinrauin mr. ChaMet f.. Hsraeaa lo yotl, Uenrs Orel, j Maguire i iniana, yux n i.nanoiu! inianai ii- flre-l lunnol, npenwlO your no. dalert Ihe SMth June. Il. snd reriatermlj Rupert . to it yar win t allowed rcf re IlollrMvill Ite used Mimetlmo in te -im IjiihI Hefwirjr mee st rnnea nu ! March 7, 18. 2S; April " rrmvai nf ttmfjrr. 1022. perl, aa number tU-n. hanns been fur-! fro Priw iFurilwr portiriilara nf llio tmf rorlfr, Vietorla and SeattU PHONE 575 inria, B. :.. or piairiri foraior, I'rince The flrel lunnol it mile Waned, If la nur lulenuon afl-r the e-i Tor V.ncou.er, llra lion of ihirly daya frira iiw aerviee ofl March 12. 23 April 2, lodir. rot f2t5Hn,(MiO. The now Lady Assistant IIH noliee. 10 eaneet the ref iilralnin of' TIMBER SALE X 2870. bore will rit only abonl one. Iiw aaid leaaa upon the Betiaier unleaa " Ihird'lhat amount. fUmairuoibm In the meantlni s rnmr and alid oh)ertha for rau-a, re.rr.aia. .wl "'-f Diagnostician Scaled niKtra will 6 rvralvrd by tb Ihereto ia made and unleaa you take aud ..,nr. r u, w nnouenn i . General- atnk . , Mlni-i'T .if Lamta al Victoria, not lai-r was boKiin liofore Hie war. Dill hroaeruie Hie roer nrnreoflinr lo ea- man norm nn im 7in aay or anni, work nbarfdoned boeanae llio for llw purrhaor of l.lrowc X ttTO. lo wan Ubllah your rlaim nr lo prevent anen pro. Uor Jiu nvvnua Get My Plans and "mi t.Tlil.ooo frrl of (xiar. Spnirp. Btl- workmen were nonrly all iiii.hu- Iwed aeiimi 4i nir pari. am and Momlork. on an area ai1Ja-rnt to I.a ml Heplairy od. HimuBli. aut omor, rrtriee ttupert. Estimate Your innian iioaorv. nil laiann, i nion raaaarf. llalf-wny on Iianir 4, Oiaal UHirlrt. H.C. Inl Mareh, A.M. Dental Work Two (t van Kill hr allowed for r-movtl lerranoan ikhiiiik springs were It. t. vi;u:od, of tliiilwr. tincmofed ami many workmen niainri liejinrar of Tinea. Office Hour: rurllier arlrulara of the Chief roreaier, 9 tp 12 Sunday VlPiorla, B. ':.. or UUtrlri Furenl-r, I'rlitre were killed. To Oeors Urey, a.m. Hnpi'rt. II. C. rrinee nuptrt, a. c. Sutherland 1 a p.m. Appointments -It Dr. 7 i) Evenings TIMBER SALE X 2824. WATF.Il NOTICK. Smile and the world look' Ten Years Ago 1 PIVF.HoJ An ust. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith 61k. Snled lepdera Will oe rerelved tT III L.P.S.. WX. at iour teeth Mi! i-I.- or Landa al Vlriorla. 'b. :., mil In Prince Rupert j TAKE XOHir. that A lire arm Minine and D.D.S.. mum Mian nniiii ml Ihe fin flay of April, rieVelmilllTI Ciaiillll Llnilled. hfiae ail iv.' i for I lie purrliaiw of Llreure X ilrei la Head omee, Anyoi. II. C, lll ap I Ii. iii '.31.000 reel i if epruie, ixiar. Hal-tarn ly for a lleenre In lake and uae one cubic its bran Extraction of Teeth at your home or my office J and llemtH'k, mi. an area auuaied in March 30, 1911 eriiiHl feet of water mil of an nnnanied nF.NTISTRY in all h"-"M' Inlet, lunar Coaal lutlrti-l. crrrk. alao kcMin aa silver (.reek, whirn eKaSJ a ahafT if. yeara HID Ue allowed for re- Holier! Kelly, (if Kl'JIy DoujfliiH linaia eaaienv aim nrama into AIIC Arm,: bkioii r limner. Co., hut purchased Oil) acres or about head of Alire Ann al Polly Varum ilter narlieulara of I lie Chief lorealer, Vi.'ii.'ia, fl. c, or piairlet Korrairr. I'rince land at Tnyiorvlle, near llnr.ol. he' aler will lie diverted rom that Exch.nB. Block, SJjjS Million, II. C , atreain it a point about l,ol IT. lilurk a.I ta v- a Ion, for 1 0(1,1100 rnMi. i.L. 1071. Alire Ann Torn nine and will ror e e le iiaod fur Uiinteaiie town auppiy and ppointii. G. H. Arnold Notary Public INiWer DtirfHl.boon the luwnalle flearelliert ' -. "Pa" Jlonk, one t Prlnee Hup- a Ui Hill and Ml U14-A. Townaile of Bags Allre Ann. II. : i . it'a piooorn, nrrived from llio Thla tiidlie aa nnaled nn th around . FOR SALE. soulli y.'ilerday oil route to Ihe on the liral d of March, isil. Fine 7-i'ooiued linuite 38. heat. Suitcases i'euce llivrr oiiunlry. ,i.,.n.ni cojijr ii...i,.or una inline... aim an...application i . ... on a foot lot, furnace On .m..... hi.u iw iiiir uiirr on, Notary, IWU." will be filed in I lie omee of b' THEO COLLART, Fifth Avenue, Heel ion 0. $6,800.00. Terms to be arranged. U'aler lierorder al I'rlnre Hubert, II, ('.. I A nice bungalow on FHlb Avenue, Keel ion 6, with one lot. Trunks The Kaioit Island Clul defeuled HhjeriMHia ta I lie 'apiilirallon may ten i Real Eetata KaiU" the aald tiled wliD the Holler Kink TIboih at hanki l. Water lierorder or wltn; 25 pr . 4 rooms and hulh f 2,200.00 on terms, i lie iinirininer or water liirnu, I'arna-meiit rhTitr a. It pays to set a good Trunk ball lam iilsht by u score of ill to liuildmai, Victoria. II. C, wunin t.usun vUAbiim';'. XioftO- An excellent dwelling site on lunsmuir Street between 4th It to choose il here llnrijr iljfa afler the nr.I appearanee of for sale 9Krr:: iuance ? pays 5. The player w'l arnred wrre Ihla nonce In a local insui" newpaMr. MAKING C" and Mli Avenue, on Gruff Hill, 50x50 $1,000.00. Alirr Ann Tuwuaiie, Caaaiar Land pla- Most Liberal Psy F. Hiwh and llUBK for Hie Tlarrs irict Insursnce Company of iorw H. G. HELCERSON, LTD. F. M. Crosby one J. MrLeod, M. iinmaay. ii.Hu"-T.aSl,,r.V,nT """-"r""1 Bl Insurance Bonds Rentals 715 Third Avenue, Prince Kupert Mller and Ilairup for ilHJ i... eik ikitiro ny. .'. ..'r. niei, aieni.. P.O. Bos 66 Waalkelma Thaalr. Hie line m iw ii.-p liiililirallull Of inn Island ' luh. nonce la alarcti 7. ltd.