tTXIETf KbTWB BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo 1 1 I OHlMOTMCBlVl JUVT -i -vii jn, S I'LL MXPRIC on: WHOSE dio ' j.-ori r j coxr to cao that jl. ajwi i , r HAfr YOU ET TMit ) CpffSHPl VTOT- I'VE HCAMO eooK ? ive always L tJ REAOIN' THIS t'fAgfo , - V- AMD I P.NIH. CD TVT.M THIt tTQRV l WHEN Vfirtri oo CAM HCAO I I PNlfH T- ' H UENli " S it Yr TT C ycxr 7 ocoo. to M JrrtraiSX ORMES LIMITED The Home 1H T rt FtATURt BIRVICt, INC Paint will add years to the life of your homeland our NEW LADIES' LODGE FNlllirH TARQ the new interior wallpapers more would comfortable make BEING INSTITUTED; BUSINESS DIRECTORY and attractive. iXJUlll FISH Fash Mrs. Carlow Arrives From Vic- i U SILVERSIDES t torla and Will Institute These tire Good Plnces to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Royal Purple Order Five Being Prepared at Waterfront C Ill r.V LFMo. BROS. Formally . for. American WI11IU 2nd Street Shipment. Approval vTlie iiiili.-il ortfanialiiin nircl-iojr A KHATKIl WATKHS n.!HXITl!IIB AMI OK.VKItAh Paints Wallpapers of lite nyal t'ufile l.mlsre, Niii ir,H refriirerhloe car MKIICIIANIIIHK lailien" Hs-uciali' Imle Willi I lie BCAVtn lOTTLINe WORKS CAMAOIAN STtAM LAURORV I Varnishes Kalsomine - I'llJs. was lield- laft, evnin? al from Ihe eat iy lat Ids FmWr Hlfrel r)S lit WILFRID aRATTON Cor. TUr4 tixl TttL rtkon . for cieninc and fretoer lfflj rbuw Oreen It, far icoshI hot fnrw-lure. Hie li.nie tf Mrw. (!. J. Frlzurll, Glass, etc. Sevenlli .xtri'el, nmt Ihere were nfijjjffier Miere wefe seven fr n.MIIIKIt HIIOI I'AINTKlia AMI HKfiOHATOrtM American shipment I'm of which " lliirty iiieinlierx In Winjor & NckWs Art Sapplifj pi'ii-ipjvlive arc ti'c'fnir Illicit with llh tumuli I VOKAHAM BARBtR SHOP FtmxiTtmB ruto soacokh ulli'lxlancr. XoiniiiatiiiiiH were Udy BrrtM-r PiOi fit Int tte. SHU) mj Tttt Ftmn Oreea II nt the exchange tlii inorniiiu. Pictures aid Picture Framing fRaxi br-vcmu tnaile and IhiiIkIiI I lie flection nf T!ii leave two ear." nxniUMe fur Third tte. rbntvi Om) nt. Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 tie tht yTr"' will be lield. new, arrh l. HAKKHS I'AINTS AMI OILS W. 4. ijli. W. K. WilliM-nifl Kitllnwine hi FKKO fiTOni-S I morninjr'- witi nut. W. K. 'ljinioiiftoo.' of Hie LA CAttt BAIKRV TNI A. W. fOK CO. tn4 At. c P Klkn in allendanee sales: rhlnl Axraue phim ISO tt4 lil(re. were rRINCC RUM RT MID CO. PtUL. niH, -1Im WsUpAper 1111 O. LI. Ill In iliiH'cl Hie lirnecoiliiiirs. The Jlriort'ol'l. .i1i0 itiuiU: Kinx' Mew tnrtOua. ear. tn4 At. ai tid 9L uliii'i-inu i-nuelmliMl willi flu V Wiime, :ir,,0(in iHiiimN, a iii I OHINA ClKMiKKItY. ,OTIONS I'AlVrnitH AMI IiKODHATons "'iAinjr nf ifelorlil fill ri'rri'.li- ltiii?linilr, :i.iniil iii)i.. in llii' Corner Tf)r ir.i eoson com GO. liieiiln. (iitialiun' I'Uli ami 'l!ilt Slornxe TNC OCNUIV ALLIN CO. pish Mi:m:nNTH. iirrrii. BILL A CROMtTT fwrn 477. Mr. . K. i"arliiW arriveil HiiH (. nt I l.2r uml So. Thin! Attune. HHoll l'o.l Offlr. ARTHUR'S HARarr rniiriiinir nn lln I'rinee ueunre Trio, 14.000 pniiniN, anil Annie ThHd At. raiei 41 Jl III ro, bo! 1st! I'l.t'MIIIMJ intiluli the Imle fnrtiialfy fork, tf.ono p.iuinls. lo the lluyal CLrUMNO AM) PHKHSINO bave received during the last OKNKItAI. MKIinilAMUSE STUN A LOMOWIIL ltii s. ami install I he oflirer.- Mrs. Pilt f4i. al 15.5c anil 6r. three TOKYO DTC WORKS-I'reMIBt od Or week 7 a l a i'.arlnw will In- tine iaiion d'etre Ii'feii-e, H.500 iounili: Joe ekanlni lrJ Atenu - - fnone (7 WINS CMIM TUSK CO. llaker. 1,000 MinmN; Slimli. 6.000 Ttl Stn4 At eft siki TSj ItKXTALM i Am f a iiuiiitier nf oneial fiinrliiiiiM 1 ...... . 100 Coal luring her visit here. imuiiiN, ami Mhrine.iir, 0.500 in r. W, MART WW, Bttrk III cars Hie I'nciflr KiMieHox at lb nml CAFKS nitOCKIIIF.S j SHE LOVES AND LIES TH( BOSTON DRILL LINXIVS rRINOf RVKSRT BROCKRV i HIHN I'AINTiNO h hISM from Mfttleod KWer mine,.owned ' '.KnfkyiiKii, ' SftO M)unl. aioi Tbim At, rbnu. st. a rood tif to r r rn -- rv ti .. by Prince Rupert citizen. Whili- I.ily, .IKo poonili,' In lln! BSIL A CROSSSTT 477. Sicked We have the exclusive rijtot to Norma Talmadge Tonight at the (Uiun.tiiin l'ili anil Cnlil sinnipej ths tLiTi cart IIAHIIWAIIK Culk handle this coal in Prince UuptrL. Westholme Theatre In ".o. al I t.Tc anit Tte. t Seeond Ate. Iu.r.l .! Tor Ift mxl. j MOWY t ialiULTT - tM At. !. HUKfri' METAL WOIIKS Don't be milw hy other coal Triple Role. Tramp, t.000 poun.N: 1 1, ti. F. lMirfafLl'rt. uiau n) riirmi " STEAM (Gil trr"l IMN BUUI dealer who use our firm name ft I li OIIO vuiunl. Anil 'rlii.llun fir! i im ivn 'rnniern Ipue. Ul H.llliJ I Rowrs to advertise their coal. " Niirma TRliiia.lne f:VnWH lot.00 nmmrtv toTtte llrtnih Fifti-' Seond Atrns fboiw tit f.o.b. cart If you want a real good screened he one of the nirt versatile n rift rjnmlbn r.n nl IS Te n.l VOIAHAMA 7J Third t. Wi IMPOJITKf) mtOGKIUKS - coal, call up all v fi'minin"1 horeen xlam. hul 6C. ALBCWTA SI CAT VANKT sritu a lohqwill mwi s. . ur tier remarkable talents in Ihi.i, imUfiOKSTS, nfin siri rbo t Phone 58 (lirerlinn liavn liever been .Hhnwn HMf.OIIH ItllrIS ft OKXTH fn stirn ?iki aavantntre . as in TRY TO BREAK W. t. cCUTCHtON L.t;r.iiF Fon hiuf. COIL Prince Rupert Feed Co. ir lalesl nri.'iuplinn'f'lie Iim'h 9mnd Atrnue slid Sltlb Street, LtviKft "RARBfTRORA." BtMl 400.1 T. LSI MfMlM r-ot otnr mid I.let .. vlneh will be ecn rbe Urtl dru( bout In .lorlker S. C y TIM) IISO.SM I41 410 l.leMMK IW Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. al Hie Z,lliilme tnniahl. THE JONES LAW III . 0 II ndaplaTion umpri rj in In lliix of Wilkie rillll.l a SaV in ("ilium' nlory nf Hie fcame name Umilea Mimh Taltnailee purl ray h Mi rep Effort to Show Discrimination! PhomiHtW -parale and ilHtinct eliaraelerA. . Against Alaska in Favor of Daily News Classified Ads. Terrace Fruit La arli being of a different uncial Stales -asic, ai' and pliynu al appear- i 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvertlMment Taken for La Mian flOo nice. Not only lines the Hlar JI7XKAI?, Mar. .10.--An efjnrl N 22 Acres, 1 mile from Terrace make her porirayalu realinlie tiiil heinic inaile lo have (he Join- 17 0 and only GOO yds. from lie maki- lli'-in ciiiivincinic. shippine Imw, n il applies to WA." f ED. FOIt HALF. llxlOH hnjlbut b-al. BOARD AND ROOMS school. 5 acres cleared and Alaska, tlerlareil uneonKlilutinnal. fully equipped Frirrt Standard Full ROOM AMI IliiAltf) l' bv II U fenced containing 75 bearing GRANBY MANAGER II in claimed that il contrary to WAXTLIi A lione and lot, or P.ngine; tied 4?I. II fruit trees. A spring the power pranlcd to Mi Inter-utalc one or two lots wilhfnit hnune, 31x9 work boat 2H. Ii.p. heavy creek running across the - IN RUPERT TODAY noiiiiiierrce frioiuieiion and near Mrllride on 7th. Hth or t)th duly; FOR RENT vt. nn property. Good log house, that it ili-rririiinnl- againxt Avenoex. Mint be a bamaiit. 3lxH work ooal or trotler 5 h.p. If HI 5 rooms, and good log barn. Alr.nka in the rnarler of Ihroush (Sin pny up to f loo rnti. bal-nnee Yale; lltK fPACH for rent, furnih.Hl. JJJIS v Price $2200 cash for quick Accompanied by' Mrs. Munro and routine over Canadian line, al-th(iiil.'ll monthly. A:dre V. P., 15 ft. row boat, 2 H h.p. infioard In general or yrlvaie nfllce. sale. Two Little Daughters on tM'dtowlnif the heiielUn of care of Dally Xews. engine; Apply Prince lliiperl Aliencie. Way to Anyox -ucli 'onliiiK on other partH of the Hull 20x9, ready for engine; Llr siirfeAor to Peek. Moore I ' eounlry. II M part of ihe ron- VVANTKf) Second-hand furni 25 h.p. 4-cyrle engine; A, Co, Hecond Avenue. U KENNEY BROS. & CO. II. s. Monro, ireneral TTianatrer l.liilion Dial no iireference nhall ture. If you have anything to 50 h.p. 4-cyrle engine; i f tin" (iratiby (knmllilali'il Mining, sell call lied L1. We pay cash, 7 b.p. Ouaranten engine; FOIt inNT--Filrnlhed liedr.MMii Real Estate arid Insurance be nherf any one ulale mrr any Terrace, B.C. SiiicltiiiK ami lnwer (V., nlher. ' F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Avenue 4 h.p. Adams e'igine. Umpire llatli. tj nil.I acrniupanleil by Mrj. Monro and West. If Lnuneh "lleen II," 10 h.p. enttine. PERSONAL two unii filler, ! In Hie Hly to-lay toilet, berth, sfovei elft., no Ibii Prince (leorgn en OLD JOHN BURROUGHS WA.NTl'I) -Woiiifln lo deinon- complete. )-lininlrnlliin. Healthy female child for ndopllon. lnet. One with niDte to Any ox, when; Mr. Monro hlr.ili' Nabob 300.00. Apply box tl liaily News of-flfe. LEAVK FOR BEYOND will now upend a inonjh. Mr. experii-nce rirefcrred, Kelly M, M. HTF.I'IIIIXH. if TOM LEE CO. Monro lalen that operalioaa are DnUKhiH a. Co. tf licinp rarried on an untial al Famous Naturalist Dies at Age of Price FOR 8ALH Clx-niomed lioue FARMS FOR SALE 8 to Second Avenue, West AOynx by the company denpiie 84 Was Famous Author. WAXTF.H.reannal lr.Ilrefismaking.Mr. Iluller. 11)00 with hath, eilualed on Hay n. P. It. FARM LA.NOS The rich Si. Reg's llui downward Irend nf llio copper Covu-Circle. ReaAonnble priee prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan VEGETABLES .XFAV VOItK, Mareli :I0. John Heventh Avenue l'(at; I'lione Third A" and Manitoba are especially market. Apply.P. O. box 7i0.Phone 147. Wholesale and Retail lUirrc.uftliH, naturnliMt and author, 223. 71 Within a montli'd '. (line Hie 77 suited for mixed farming. General Contractors and cotnpony's buiiieAs in Iheloun-d'ry ik dead at' Ihe asre of 81 yearn, WANTKI)-llnpable pirl fnr iren-eral Land that wilt produce til nftTSJ!4 Labor Exchange enonlry will be enflrely lie is Ihe iiiorl noted of living Imueework. Aiply 223 till FOII SAI.l'. Ilaby biigHJ n good crops nf grain and fodder, and HAIR shut iIoaii, and nl lrand. l-'orkx nalnralilH unit is a dinciple of Avenue Wel. Phone 131. 77 coil IF!inn. Plmne Mreen 21.1. welt Adapted for dairying or Prince Uupcrt, 11.0. there will tin but two or Ihree the famous While of' Kelbnurne livestock raising can still be;.vtn Phone 547r-l'.0, Jlox f ho etiiblihcil n new inellioi) of WAX'TI'Il man rnoin NURSERY PRODUCTS about 725 watchmen leD In Ilia employ of lly yoiing had at prices averaging tludy tiy nier.nH of direct aMieia-llon and bmirl illt pil.nlc family. the tVtnpany taking care of what 1810 an acre, with twenty willi ttin Mihject. Hox 1 7fl Xevvii olllre. Jl FRUIT TltHFX- Apple, pears, i-':f- little machinery and eiupnieiil years to pay If you wish. Only I, ban written Cherries, Plum nnl peaches: ii I! Iliirronghn many I'PinaiiiH ul I tie once active to cent down. No further t'hai alio a full Jlne of small fruits. per Sir.-,.t book on nal.iral hlxlory full of FOR SALE miii'ller. Mr. Monro ntalPM thai until the principal payment on -i' tie life of the wih. Hiinn and All slrielly Drst cla liV. ni'P' ,.itn there i little likelihood of SMITH & MALLETT operation Ihrnjibiiitr with Bympalhy. FOII SALI-15 h:p. Kmernon hivli Larnest and benl nnsorled stock the end of the fourth year; then ever oirnin boinff reminied sixteen annual payments. Interest there' and all llio removable speed marind' enttine, olmot in the country. I.ayrlti ..Nurseries, 6 ft,375.00, naerlflre WilkiiiAoh Vle-lorin. pci cent. new. eot Road, ulnck Ijmm hern taken away. FOUND DAUGHTER Land Write lo 11. O, Loughran, PLUMBINQ AND HEATING $350.00. Aldre (leiijien John. tf ENQIKEERS Advert.! In the MII New THROUGH THE MOVIES on. .f), Jlox 132, Prince Agent, C. P, R. station. Vancouver. Adniicf Rupert. 71 11 tH F. Wron,j Held grown Kstttnate furnished. I.mIii- plants. Including all the most . ....Til ' HTTfr.imr,T, Mar. 3n.Tlie FOR SALF. Flve.roopier: Iroune valuable new varieties of recent m m m Address, 3rd Avenue, head Achm Limbs diappearanre -laul 4ii(riiil of a and iine-rooroed rablo on one iritroilueliort, Including the MOTOR BOUT WILL of Second Street. 17 year old I'llbbiinth ltili school lot. r.loxe't'n. $l,flOn. Trm - "Ifoily Mall' of varnished copper v SOON BE NEEDED r Poison In the tyitem csuts paint, lia'h been partly holicrl. Jler Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 isirl M. M. Slephen. 7ft cotnr, and "llonir llenuly" tust and itiflnits. The poiioni mother. Mr.'J. A. Waltkin. Iih Hie clioieetl nf Ihe dark red. Those who have motor '" Willi"""" are quickly rtmoted by th of FOR HAl.n-r- Llgbl-roomed f ui Dr. Chase's reported lo the polirn thai nhe hint Aluo a fine lot nf stnndnM and. honU for tale should nt-veriftthem . itD J Kidney-Liver fills, modernly furnXubed, kllrhen and mollun in wliicii In" " " viewed a piclure weeping l.ayrlU Xor-series. a soon as .'' .fll ,0n pill a dot. 2Sc. t boi, bath. Apply P'. hox :. 73 roe. HI dealers (he iiiiHUlnp; art rl played Ihe part of Vlrlorlii, Il.C. ... It scnsofi I coming when eUrtHTH1"" li. V UAVE Your Suit Cleaned a "lennirnplir H.econd-hanii furniturn houghtnnd liiey will be In demand. A iiiininii ClnnilHiair'futiw i.r I 8nd Pressed by our Stesm sold, P, LeClatre. Phono flreen LOST few dollars spent lo odver-lltlng ' i- 1 Machine Method. Price reason-I II. Jnlllffa was fined 50.50 this 544. ' If a boat utually able. Give us a trial. mornin? by Maftilrat MrMnrdie LOST Mn4rtUni-on Fulton St. brlnat results, If the prff ; LING, TAILOR feoa j K sPills for havin lia"r Illegally in his FOR PALI! -ifiinser aewintr nu-rhin. Please return t News olllci Is rlshl. .wwwwww ww.weww pOtesinn. I'hone Iluo 02. tf llrward. T3 BBBSIBSeB1