STTf UA1LT WslVVB BRINGING UP FATHER By Ge TSrtto Economy dm , MAOC ME H.K OOT fOOOMA THIM VOO COSHT . ; v . PMO rcR WWT HE CAN-, I tmuhk rw-2 L " to takc A UTTLC -e- . ' KINO-.V! TMlRD CF T ' F YOU 1 I send ui your last year's skirt or dress and hire it returned loo king;like new isn't that true economy? Freqaent Dryt 1 J I , l ' UP t lt u rrTum Stvi. i- -,J' Cleaning and Pressing will prolong the life a "inCATH YESTERDAY i -ZZZT""""" of clothing and SPORT your it fresh and OF CARL ZlfMANN keep new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY There ili-t nut ffin to he Well Known Cltlien Passed Away COA May we help you i n i it-1 1 cnlliuiam iipny in Last Evening at Home of These are Good Places to Mnke Your Purchases when You go out to buy .ilhlclfc economize ? rnvle.. in tirirtiin wilh tin1 series nf initour baseball Daughter. jrrme Hint it ha been proposed Mini 'Canadian Ui hold before th outdoor ball The f'raili orrurred lat evcninn season actually common re. Il at the homo f Mr. and Mr. V. I. ARHATrTfi WATRIIS Fl ll.NTTUnn AMI OENF.IIAI. LAivnniF's Sacked -.J Steam Laundry look. like (minor hacball ha MoxI-y, Kraer Slreet. of Carl fvcn orrLima WOKt MRIlCIIAMllSK CANIOUM ITCAM LAUKOer Phone 8 progressed little beyond the pro- Zifincnii of Odannle. Mr. Zle-niann U rrwr rjtan- III witreio aaiTTOn- Cor. Tun b4 Tin. fine t. rr Otaimr in4 rrt( twfrt inning' stage, which i rcgrrltahl a taken ill nt hi home TUattm Onto 111. far 'food tnd rural- STEAM CI fur it will be-a month yet lefnre and was tirnuiilil here hy hie HAHHKH SHOP i UN. PAINTBHH AM DKCOIt TOIIS "uliloor seion i tinder way daiiFlilor. Mr. Moxfey. on the lat s o- can M mil considerable infere.l would inrominc train nnd died Ut nislit FimXITfHR r mo SCAOOIX tturtwr ei H m probably be taken if I tt game atHiul ten o'clock. - rJlH. fttCMU rrr rw ar ii v.ere put. on. It i true that a The lale Me.'Niemann ha- litil TMH Sri. Iftmi Orrt 141. NKai:0 . wtml f-w of llil- boy hac lieen.prae-n-iiig in Ihl proline oImhiI three yenr. HA K KltS PAINTS AM OILS COIL I The Hnnip iil the Exhibition Hall, hut luuins n.ine here from (Mlawa KKKIl MTOltS LA CAISC BA1CRT TMC A. w. coo c CO. 14 AL v. !,al everylKidy want In ce i a He n 7 4 vea of aae nnd lrai rtiira Afttur rnoiui eeixcc nuetrr rtto oo. rami. UU. tk4 W jrVv. real same while the hall I ifve rhihiren. three kjiii amt two tortltaa. rar M Jitt. tM Tik IL nil'- now with no p'milar game daughtet.. William and Hermann CHINA CltdUKKItV, NOTIONS jPAINTRIl.S AMI ItKUOItATOItS Albert & M Paint will add years to the i ony kind M'hedtilrd. The on Jive at Ottawa, am! Frank makcH life of jour home, and our .r Canada ami Klk could eaily" tils home her. Itolli UuRliter- THE DfNnr ALLtM CO. PISH MKltUIVNTH. HETAII. ill a ceoum mm in, new wallpapers would make Held imm ami il n poitd'the are marrieiL They are Mr. W. I). Third ,.ttw, ivjlt rt Clfflr. ARTHun-s lANirr 'IT PhcHI,U the interior more comfortable It Hie ami "Ohl Tinier-. uiu-hl Moxley of thi cily and Mr. Ilnhy TMId At. flMia 41 4 411. TO. ti 411 PI.I'MHINO and aN'i i-ittiT. ' of Sinilher. CLFLXMNO ANI PHRHMINO attractive. Kuiieral arrantremenl- i.n- in 0 KN KltVI. M Kill:i I A N IIINR itim a LotowiLt. rM s. TOITO ovc worm rrw ml drj Ti-n var ajro I'rinro Itupf'l th1' hand of I li- Jl.;. I'niliTtaker. SILVERSIDES rlstei - Iht riM -. Pkene 474 WINO CXIH TOtl CO. aJli wcrt makinif lan. (or Ill IHM4 Atn em imi is! HKNTAUS (In1 (irt la'iiliall evi'r We y game Or, BROS. r. NASJT ese etuk 4i. ;la.yrl in the rify. 'Hip two cn-I. GAFKS (JlU)f;KIUBH 2nd Street The Man in the Moon nilinj: trams were frm tlio TMC BOSTON OAILL limit's emwes uetT oeoctev SHIN PAINTINO Hi llor Skalintr Hinf?-Ari'il.h' Kaien SAYS- Thlnt Ave. rh-rti 417. t rood plate o rat Cmr. tih tad rslsr rtna IIS Paints Wallpapers l4aml 'Cliili. Thi latler team stu. 4 ceoeerrr e en. Yarnishes Kalsomine i niii,ria,.,j it. MilfVr, J. Anislf, H. TMC iuti cart IIAfUAVAilK GOOD Fl ONK of the most annoyinc SeefiAd . Blvfvel Dietl tr Ihe N' ill. Msoa Ilamwiy ami Jarvi oaooei. NOWC a WiKULTV - tul Ave ttovr. HHKCT MKT A I. WOHKS cxeature I the girl who would Glass, etc. Mrl d. and the. fubtlulf ll.l Mprlusdleri. ptlau Uti rMbrnara s B- like In but forgot to brinw Mil?, file. fitkl la SMl m in-tmll J. MrLemL IIarrion C1CAHK AMI' TOHAtXO Whsor & NewUn's Art Supplies her music. . now i s Rf?t:rr. ". tsiicrralon and V. Mr-F'arlane. ... Ainu rs t Pictures aid Picture Framing Lrt Wauth. captain VOKAMAMA ftl TWH T. WMl IMPOHTKO nnocKniKS WHK.V the people who are keen, ami manager of the Kain Inland clas i ALBCRTA AT BARK IT ITIM a LOWOWILL PkM s. hein;c Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 on roiii-cioitH oere-d riTlh (lrr rtKMM fl Club altil'-Ict. arrani'd (lie malrlil In Vocializing iii'lu-tri.-x, wtial will' nm'nnisTS and flay Ittiwcr a the refen-e TAII.nllH-I.MiIRK UKNTS i Ihey do with the bootlegger? W, 1. KtCUTCHCOn llt.XCURS FOIl IIIHK SrMtd avhum snd SUik Street, tKKll "NARBCTKONa." SlMl 400. M. T. Iff - ri orar AltCHKItY ix IokI ,t art in Hie BILLIARD GAMES (he tsrfr.l drat skwm la Korftiera B. C To. IIM.SS0 BneL j Ka CleUlM sf r rm t "f, bill ix-oiile l ill Ilk to oliiHil EPSON com CO. a uliafl at Ihe pre. It j th Sons of England Leading In First more iiMHlrni lys of iirl. -! Games of Match With Veterans. AT Koine of the home you iit, Si. Rch' hve reeeiTtd daring the Ut you wi.h they would rut the pie Daily News Classified Ads. three weeks Four game out of it in the into two iiicc only nnd at mow iroal War Veteran v. Sons of ......I ... ..I. . .. u i i. ii i.. i i. 1 PER Less 2 CENTS WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for than BOc Knjdand billiard tournament lat rul into twenty. 100 cars Coal night resulted in ai"or of 6(9 Till; who WANTED. l ull WALK. ,. k.i LOST ! Ci2 in favor of the latter. men do thins uually The following were the individual do it' iiii'tly, iinleto. il i playintr ni'd i-nbiio'i. J'i i-..riim,, oo from Msrleod Rirer mine, owned WANTED geoond-uapd furniture. LOST IjiiIii - liaiiiltiag dne. VI Dyer iarftu-nl. r' Hie' ere: In n lrn band. D" by Prinee Hupert citizens. . If you have anything to day Moon le'lween Hay ! We harejthe exclasive riuat to Lyon 4. May'S. O.(ft.K...W. tm.X..A.). H;!l." MOST ni?n ar chlnlrmi. but sell rail lied 243. We pay cash. FOll X ALL SinKle bed anil .pruiK nnd liopilal. Finder ieae re. STEENilKI handle this roal in Prince Rupert. lr. We, 173; S. King. 20o. Ihey hate In give way to tbe-Ifl V. M. Crosby, 715 Third Avenue - 2tfC "Hi Ave. Fal. Cf turn o lUlly New ofll.. Me Don't be misled by other coal dealers who ose our firm name 4. Ilinlon, HI; II. MeKvoy, 200. wive wlieii it is a ijiu'liony of West. tf BOARD AND ROOMS ward. to advertise their coal. W. J. llcmmingK. 200; (i. I reading Ihe p.'jper flrHt. WAXTK! fllrl to nssit In house SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Alt tf Foil UOUM AND IKIAIID Plmlie . A4 If you want a real good Tinker, KJ. keeping sleep out. Phone 3C8. n I m a screened WHAT law is it a iimn lied IS I. tf Pitman Slenogrnphlc Rehonl coal, call tip breaks who gtw around all lh WAXTKI- I)remakinir. Price, livening classes. Monday, Wed. Phone 58 WHIST LEAGUE time with an emply llnsk on his reasonable, phone 2:i. C,f, FOR rtZNT neday and Friday, 7:30 to 9 Pr, .:R::. If hip?I v FOR IIKNtl Newly-ileeorafwl 7-iVim o'clock. Individual Instruction bons of England Take Second SITUATIONS WANTED No. 10 Smith Mack. tf Prince Rupert Feed Co. KVKN Srowniipe would like lo Iiiiiim' wilh. rang and Place In Dybhavn Cup . Ui, IU.0U. aImi .nmller house Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St, go to erhool if Ihey wee gien Kppriened slenogrspher desireil ACCOUNTANTS Standing. gold mark for good romlnrt. Ps!tinn temporary or per. $20.00, Ilotli coe in. I'hotie irianent. Pot 171 Newt olllce. flreen 105. C5 ffcX P Kill JiNaiD ACCOUNTANT I SMITH m The l'lk b-rnied 111 Oddfel- A. M. Manon, M.P.I'... had to tf would take charge of set of j ll"v. nt wliifi laet evening, tbi leave the speaker' chair In order FARMS FOR BALE Jooks, whole or part llme.i sons of Kngland 'were winner to j.peak. That eemn similar In ror ts-Lr a P. R. FARM LANDS The rich W. K. Wllllicroft. Phone rnoirfW Terrace Fruit' Lands i Mr (he S.,n of ('inaila and Hie leaving Ihe dining Isrlde in order to . prairies of Alberta, Baskatcbe. Dlaek 259. tf fun11! KuighlK of I'ytliiaM won by default cat. FOirgALI4lxl0H halibut boat, i?.ii itti wan and Manitoba are especial.' from the fircal War Veterans who fully equipped Frisco Standard Iv anlted fne mltwl l.,mlni, ! There's no, more use In Jiavlng 22 Acres, 1 mile from Terrace f.iili'd t , i'ul ifi an appearnnee. r.nglne; . Land that will bg! 'hal rtoUdy know, oboti Addreis. Sf4' and only 500 yds. from Following in the standing to YANDERHOOF 3fixll work borft 28 h.p. heavy produce and! tnklnB al a of h,,,n crops grain and fodder, school. 5 acres cleared and te for the liyhhnvn Oupi duly; well or'1" ,h."-H:irkil Lr T4 fl" fenced containing 75 bear- , W. L, Pis. Three liund'vil nnd len mile ' 3lxn work boat or (roller S h.p. adapted for dairying ing fruit trees. A spring Knight of (,V,... 1 2 2 2t were patrolled by Ihe Vumlerhoof Yale; livestock had at raising can still be - creek running across the Hons of Knrland . t rt 1H provincial police during FehruarJ .15 fl. rowJ'oat, 214 h.p. inboard price averaging about property. Good log house, Ht. A ml re w' ... .-8 j5 IB nnd Hie total revenue collcrled engine; " . 18.00 an acre, with twenty MOTOR OOAT WILL id 5 rooms, and good log barn. Soiim of CitTiadn . H 0 1(1 was 42S3. Hull 20x0, ready for engine; years to pay If you wish. Only SOON BE NEEDED Hotel Piweji L.1 Price $2200 cash for quick KuivhlK I'ylhia . 7 7 ii . ih h.p. 4.cycle engine; 10 per cent down. No further sale. Valhalla 7 9 14 Mr. and Mr. T. J. Wallin. of 50 h.p, 4.cycle engine; payment on the principal until Those who have motor I. O. O. F B 8 12 lied leer, have arrived In lake up 7 h.p. Guarantee engine; the end of the fourth year; then lion! for ale shoiiljl nd-verlise F.IU (5 10 12 farming nt Fort Fraser. They ( h.p. Adam efigine. sixteen annua payments. Interest them sfton as' the KENNEY Lte & CO. ii. W. V. A 3 12 0 brcupht wilh Ihem twelve head nf M, jt. 8TI.PHF.NS. fl pec cent. season is coming when trid Write to II. O. Loughron, Land Ihey will lm In demand. A rirsi--- Real Estate and Insurance liorci, two cow. Ilfly goal and Terrace, B.C. Never forget to look through one hundred "heep, FOH KALI glo?er sewing inn-cliine; Afeenl. C. p. II. Blallon. Van. few dollar spent In ndver-liing A U late model with all improvement, couver. boat usually tliA r.lasjtified list a Mrs. A. J, Richards entertained complete wilh nl' HAIR brings results, if the price Ihe neal card club ot Ihe Van- atlarhmrnts. Only uligliily used DRESSING, I rliiht. must fie. sold by end of month. derlionf Hotel la.t Tuesday even. IIAHl DIIF.t?BINO. RPF.CIAL SCALP Ilesl cash offer take il. Apply ...fin TOM LEE CO. ing. P.O. hot 217. If treatment, Marcel waving. FnCo LAND ACT. e-e-.vil massage. Jlnlr dyelfig. Ladle' 810 Pecoml Avenue, West lils rhsumitltm l csutsd ij 8ergenTtt.MeI.eod, of the Royal FOll KALB Washing machine combine made IntQ wllciie. MiTii.e or iTrNTiort to ,,TLT T" LEE poisons lelt In the blood by defect- Canadian Mounted police, nnd and wrintrer Phone nine 02. Charles LeHiarcij, 233 siith (n rrtnre luieri Und PiMrlfl. herfl' VEGETABLES I ivs kidney iction. Cornet this, Inspector rarr.nns, nf Hie provin in ni.irlfl er IMsl. n S, snd ellual Plreel. Phone THue 78 for home tntH ot flfl "V en Ifliml lyini on llw norm Wholesale and Retail condition by uilnf Dr. Chiss's cial police, vieiltd thin dislriet appointment. " I art tier Miami. . .- J Kidney Liver Pills. Ossein a dots. tf Tike notice llul I, Julliil tlidlsnd. nr General Contractors and tia: a bai. all dsslsrs. laM week. Second.hand furniture bought and I'rlnre Hupert, B.C., oeriipellon er'ei,,r' : - nid. P. Lel.lulre, Phone Green DAN&ES isieiid h eppijr fcif iermiin la purrni Labor Exchange J. It. rdllnr of the Ihe rnlkiwinir dekerlhril Unl: r.EOKUf'WI Danlell, Dr. Chases 044, V tf Oiniinrnrinr el s pn planted en Prince. George CHUen, paid a vilt KVKRY BATURDA.Y EVKNINOr? Lni island almiii t.loo feel iinrinweaieriy inenre rmf" in; Haps I, CnH lnlre-, Prince Bupert, B.C. to Vnnderhonf last week. FOR rULE--Onn.pV csblnel pho-nngrnpW, (ill 12 Dnr in Metntyre Hall. around the uland to lh point r com-meoeeme-ii. rnoNtM' I Sill" Hot 725 end roniainins i strfi. wore -.a i f' rhone 517 P.O. vchenp. Phone Blue Admission: Gentlemen, 50ej er leaa. J!! Advertise In the Daily Newt. 195. 05 Ladier., 25c. (f 'UI.II'S llADLA.Vt). DHd March ifi, I(II.