A. - FOR : TAXI ,v Phone Phone tley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE IT-- I on UIock Northern and Central British Columbia'? Newspaper IMilSCH IHl'EHT. U. C TJIUHHUAY. MAIICIf 17. H'2l. Yttr' CI-clUn 171, trtrt Ul$ 332. PRICE FIVE CENTS XII- cal Pulp Company Partly Financed IIISH CONSERVATIVE LEADER DROPS FROM THE COALITION GOVERNMENT ugh Bonds Sold of Prince j THE NEW, FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO ENGLAND.' 1 3ona r Law Resigns inert Pulp and Paper Co. to j ": , from British Cabinet Warrant Start Construction and House Leader ml VKIt. I 'i (rlegram received lien" frm LOMIO.V Manti I". Hiphl Hon. Andrew Hwmir Law, Lord k.inig ! boml of the Prince Ilnperl li ;w Seal, ha rc-igucil frofii Ihe r.-iliinel ifi ;ine of ill hfiillh. i , -i- In been successful in )iiu'iiig tr i-t .il. relirin? from the Ieailerhip of Ihe (iienimenl fuirf!i .. , ,nt . "iiimenring Itpcrnlliuji construe-j MEMORIAL PLAN! :i Hi'' lloite of Onnn)i.n. His resignation will be n ili-!inrl nil title. f ' j "!! to III Lloyi fieorgc tiovcrnment becaioe of the fel thai .i milHnn nml n half 3orr mid eastern ie is h-iider of the Conei vnlive Unionists whirh i Ihe .'Irong-st ileal. Prcposed to Launch. Drlre for i 'ioii of Ihe (lovemmeiit snpjHirleM. rime h iTfttJ In Hi Fund to Build Handeome Mr. Itonar Law has been in Parliament since 1000 wifh fhorl Co..crtt) Structure. I, received liy tit local office of I! rum iitt'niliioii!i and in 1002 to 1005 was parliamentary secretary t ) liu l at Ouren Charlotte Island io tli- lioard of Trade. In Aitvem. - -- - -- Anvil I ni (.rest i Veterans r'mrjir here Just now. -Sneakm f th . tOll. he Mr. Itul-i . . . .. . . ..v .. clall'il ! id In commence Vrv. murcoi-ili-O MORE '1 ll PIBU HI Ilirr III llir III'rr r a leader of the Unionist MEN ARE .. . i anollter drive for fulnN to build I iT.'ll van .in." mm mouuj in- vnirni .1.. ...............I I....I.I1M., ...t lh.. ..a !y. II was d ciiiiiin'iiii ra.- flu- soundest Imi-iii proposal be nml 'II' -.... ,,,l..lll niiafe at a time when (lie ijui. lliml Anim- it that was grunt ' 'I 0 tlMllI'll II Wolllll II.TIM'J ed litem by ili' vol of the ralr-paycr i .alie fell that tliry iuul re-, NOW PUT ON AT at l.- municipal election j.-an.zi' aloiijt more (Mipular line tMAMENT RUSH INTO lu Janiiar)' ami a ways"ii lid means una a !"ii a forward xlj". Il-ing WALLACE PLANT committee was delegated at III'' thn ton of a retired sm-Ii;Ii ironi incviirir ( lli piM'lalioii la.l moreliant and having no relation. DISCUSSED OIL FIELDS li Ivh I I., fraiit'- ii i n m'Iiiiiq' lo Iiit willi any of the ari-l-tc at IS 'n'lbiii 1 at lllf nrX( It'iiiilar Iliorl lamilies of the country. lie wt; Placing of 250 Workers there Kelps Local Employment Situation on with' iiiiriini. but h jllir. Tin piiiniiiiUrr iHil;t o. lielil tlrinly lo hi IhikIIIoii and Considerably Jriilnin f. It. Kooiihy. Jai-W (Ur-, Sill British Govern. Machinery Already Being Ship, afried out the Wrt with dignity 'gill. H. I.. Wafrlur. J. JUrtl auj A r II Nat tund on Cere- ped to Mackentle River !it.M .WIiafllirlMiMUilll. i and energy Government Kmplovnierit A'i'iil .nm, ii..i .1 ..... 1 r... n.u.' ii Jniue M. lUaiiiiib-!! reiKirtt that feiony In Matter. From Edmonton. ilia rfr'rUf,''tW "tWMaMi f t U.r 'l"ponl thai eiFe lhl.MrwUvv'?"honr1f thre hani T- en s. Mi lljM'll EDMONTON, March 17. wllh a'(fsi. would hae been Prime MiqMer.''Merable demand tor m'H from jlliMiuxh I il be wai willing iVt uh- do dock during Iho wet-k l Vi nirallj. An w More than half a doien development j 'rin .i-laltn now lia- u lr j w "J ""- ai "iluallon i ordincle hi. ainbilions for Ihe in. i projects are afoot ianM" M-a f t lift il ! ins ! I off. the demand rroin the ' -ji ma. builil b.r III. Mi.'iM.irlol. 'I'll' l 3. eew.l AQ-m. tw tn-mtt an em Urlo" 0'i- o '" Sood or lh- rounlry. ,ainr and machinery 'la already tide has not coiiimeneeil. yrt i II'MI itii tun- will Im a iibitaltal (v.v. j Kiikvi eiirir) l (U oe riH a ii.i to ftunn Mm Mr. Law beraioe secretaiy lo ot moving to the end cf ats en H h exicled. however, that by II tncrfli bulliliHS and wl oU tlavr i0 n--lw b vnt"M-fe n,ni; it.i Um e the colonics in Ihe roalilUm gov. II ll.-l. route t the Mackenile Rive' jlorr)- i . Ht . rfMr . rnmenl -r folo and in the Lloyd -Urtl I the onice will be sendnu-Ui.-orse iM-iwtfii 0,m) an! 3(i;ortil. r,i becanie men to the outside especially to ..II.I oil oil Meld. Four drilling rig mniKtiy chancel, uri. it i- ML will fx a lltlin? lor of the exchequer and leader me 10?! ,vg ram,. nnu-o .i. r.--of are on the way, iiiruiit.'iMl H,r many fnn I'rinrr the 11 alioiit then. There Ifi.i Beer Clause is Subject liu: House of Omiiihoiis. lm tt Is eipecled all available liuiwrl wli anr tUttr llvew In-ihr application lor wwrii iai wwk IRISON i steamboat accommodation to urval .IrugKli-. Il will prm Imlh and a (rood nunilier or Itie.- -ere the north will be overtaicd. ja cnxlil ! I In rily uii.l a 'roni-It.irlatili' Or Very Much Speculation FEW CARS; sent li the dry' duck where Jlo nf a--rinM- fiM" llir The Po-uc Coupe oil field i-larr men are now working. WAY NORTH; are sharing with the Macken-tle ;u tell:'ion. In Legislative Circles mtliniJ PICII i 1a!,t week 13l men wire pro- In the oil rush and there Il i iri.x,. rai'vr llir fuiKli. IVi I I H rl.in yiM ul' lv, ,,a' w,,pk rU will be much development (l; ii r iuiiaii:ii ir llir fit)' whlrh lliUV'll lull .y I,,,, pi)). (I1 itlt r,.jr iui.a.ures. there this ; ii Aimiiiicim'i n Min a Hillf jtp iiiatil 7 will rt Left Vvncouver year. VlfJTOIUA. March I. The fHinoi berr -liuo. further tli -bale till, tomorrow iuiiil will .rluiji- li 1 luipi n- lay. Ceven Cars Needed Immediately hae b"en given wort by the city. l'9M With Shipment l'ed rome in the l.i gUlutiire loda '.May '.'. on which was expei o up None Here, J'hls relier work by the rity al INDICTMENTS AG 4 INST Only( rr the Yukon. i m!.plciioii by iK' abeiu e. There are divided opinions 01 Three Coming. MrClyinout Park and Sixth Ave. . 1 BSE3ALL PLAYERS BRANDON AND VARSITY lh iiueiiOH of more liberal alc or beer o the liuvcrtlaietr playground w ill m kept up mil il I I tin i t?iVng rurlhcr rontderalion to the mailer. The ln Mai ktuixii Six halibut schooners with jthe situation i iniprol in other 'i ib hi ARE'A LL WITHDRAWN : IN ALLAN CUP FINALS amendment which w dei'gned to raie Ihe nuximtim Huiil 1C5.C00 pounds of flh arrived tliucs. It is found that some.'men -i.'i 'I this morning from the (aVim; advantage of th city jure Ihe bill at now drafted from one er relit o; Il under ' llUM' il'urrh providcil banks to sell here. Seven work and appear to be quite satis-tied CIMCAIiO. 17. Tl.- -'""' . i..rii.ii Pratrlo Kockeylsts Defeated Port rent piot.r .pirjl-ubje. Hvi nl i"r iilcikhol by weighl t twt per or cars will be required. None to take the two days per wk i.....ne lv!,aJ f'Ttner,,r,,,,';x':tiii eBr" n,'"",.,", Arthur In rinal of Play Off lo kei-i; deialo. it i .iM, at n tio.i-rntuiMlt cam i(jtrla! are in today and only three jand remain idle the other live days ago Last Night Mn.Yu" ',nw"ballern tydleterf' for Ihr nl-,, uivht It i brlie.-d that MnAeiuieV uinendioi-iil will lie uppi;oeU. ars rsporied for arrival tori ;ir permitted lo do so: Apparently JeBeiMhrowin;j St Ihe H0 world-. T.N:TI'i:l, Mur. 17. Itmndon Tin- Miporler of the Mcckeniie amendment claim that' Ihe I o h t. None others are reported. 'they would rather do IhU than ,1B erle rveVpl I'.lilrk (landil. New h-realed (In Purl Atltiiir Ihm' majority of the tto rnmeiil nii'inl.er. uiort il and the independent The boats ars hold-ing take steady jobs. Measute are IlldliMliii'liU. huwetvr, will Im- team in Hie tlnnl Kanie of t piil even and iho linsor .itives do likewise. over for sale until tomorrow. .being taken to prevent this condition. Helurned men are being 'MIjlll. AUaii Cop WiiniiiMlloii Qonl.'l Utl Ivor election nil lit. wlnnina II to 7. cooipletliiu SPRIG OF ORANGE The following aro the ar-rlvala: given the preference by the Wallace ICE BRIAND SUSTAINED tin play off al the Iomk end iif u a Panama. 62,000 lbs.; shipyards. COMMISSIONERS j WINS SPRING CUP Polaris. 65,000, Norland, 22.- llrnndon 33 lo II npvreuale. WORK ON HUDSON vdl imv play Toronto VaVidly for BAY RAILWAY IS 000; Johanna, 15,000, Nornen imllInaires iQeta Huqe Majority Vote of and Minnie V.. 6,000 neral Says on 5,000, lo do so thi' ru p. NOW SHUT DOWN LO.NJtOX. March 17. The Liv MIUk Confidence In French i pounds. Owing l9 erpool spriiiK cup n won by bum. I Chamber. KRONSTADT REPORTED OTTAWA. March It. 'Sfilg o Orange, a 100 lo 7 bet. ARE CHAMPIONS There will be n further iveaterdav. '11 le second horse wa CHANGE YEAR FOR Hi.- I'AIIIH. March IT The i:ham- TAKEN BY BOLSHEVIKI work on the llu.Uon Hay Tte"f,ser. lo 1: third. Money ; .v-, . .,'g. br of iep;ile yenterdny xoled MUNICIPALITIES Itullway thl year. DMtei.l. , Class, 7 to 3. " KurrU conlMpiien in lli. llriiiii.l Onverii- I Defeated Seattle Last Night and h""n uilnUler or railayi,latisl "TiiK'iil by a hi ie mnjority. tin- te ItlliA. Miireh 17. -'Hie Mut-ian Won Pacific Coast Champion. in the lloue of lUuntuou LEAVES FOR DUNDAS New Mayers and Councils to Take ' 'iH-ra, tandlit(- IHU to 07. Tlir UimoIoii mi.ni m lii'"- . - rl Hiut Ihe llol- Ship !, a trt-gency yelerday. Financial Office on January 1, It Is ' ' Use wnit taken follow Inw aUrlale on nlii'Mki huv ai 'ur.-d Kroimladt iNi The vjiiHy Hoy" leaves today Ihr Is reason Proposed. tlr I IllJvifV the reparaliullii derlxjou. (U'lii Mie rev tluti.ilirie. for llie work belnc heb'l up. for lunulas Island with a crew lo WILL PLAY OTTAWA FOR overhaul Ihe scows there preparatory VltriOltlA. March 17. It U WORLD TITLE ON MONDAY Hi"' for to Ihe 'oH'lliut: of the salmon i i iimi il No Since War trolling It is expertrd lo 'ropnsed to axend the MllIlM season. !""! aliti". Improvement Act (o rliuiiw the date of muni. SKATTI.K. Mar. 17. Vancouver Hii".l . .l Ihe meeting - f the tireut open the ramp Oundas Island clpal ehalions tlirorghont Uie.won the right o play Ottawa ror I'aiJ r "-'lull. Says Sir Philip Gibbs in Wur Veterans' As.lalivii lat about pril :'5. hru the run of province, having them in lime so'.tlut MUiilry l.up la-i iiigiti wueii by troll llsh is usually started. IK 1,1 II,, e ening a fiHithall c-mmillee f r that the new mayor aud coimcll the Millionaires defeated t h c It 1, i - ,,4... Ihe rotnlnp neanon named A greal deal of Interest huslmry fake olllee t.n January T, Thlu,teatlle Melrooolitaus by n score IHllf. ' iu Chicago Speech Yesterday eountstlug of s. I,. arnoe. J. 11. been liiken in III'' ruimictltion f'oriwoeld make Ihe immicipHl year;of U to i imd won the Pat;in l'4rl sin '-I'm to Kelly, Frank llnimli md Kd. Host. the best decorated how wjndowjconform with the calendar jear. hi.Tkry cliaiii.ijusini play mi n i" .i' in the local Ions rr lbt: In a priv&le, bill before the a tutal of 13 lo S. th.,i 'I "lion ClllttAnO. Miireh 17. Sir Philip (libit. Ihe Ktiglt war or-hypoinleiil, The' Jo Turrell liquor selling pi lie In connection with the SI jLegis'alure, Victoria aldermen ur" The llrsl world's i hanu''"n,,il I- Mill in spoeeh here njiu! it would be only n tnulU'r of crse was further ailj 'urned in lh pBtrkk Hay conceit. Maiy otlto get u two-year term. game between Iho Capitals aid in '111, hut Unto before lliero would be (mother great Kurnpenn war. He uid police court lhl munilng! untl) (ho merchant have con lo ci.'iu Ihe Mlllionairas.will take pluce I, " llUMI, lh world hud nol moved forwurd u Hit' rt'Mill of Ihe recent, con- Salurday, V. rtoonry and1!'. Hell, slderable pain In ado-nlntf lheie About fifty coi ples.Club allend.il Cinderella Ihe Vaueouveron Monday nigh!. rhur?e.rwllli iif pfiiession ,.rin. unA some veev oleasimrCallles Football A"' to h. . III "p'Hllijct. U wus'cxaetly where II w in lh your 10H. and also material liquor witnesses 1n Ihe renulU have b attained. Th (lance In Ihe SI. Andrew's hall last W. II. J. Norris. of the Pro- ll"UI.1 , '".vOl- "'inlfi to Ihe l'iuiico-Iolih uiul .ithee allinnee Arthur's Orcheslra viuelal Oover'iinenl civil -eiviee. ri ' PI'IHp FurreJI frosefiitlon who left for Jvdgin will take place th a'P--- night. prm. Janies Slmpsonarrlved In Ihe city vest. " H .y u.i I.1..1 ... ttll. '', lien. uiki uul the. Kui'opeun eonnlriex Mere ront'iTiuiir inrmn-nw o Vancouver, are returning lomor-rovv noon Hlul the unnmin teni or t no vided the munio, l lit ottice of the and engaged tV pro-(i. ltl " s'" ill lunch today with Ihe bulimec uf power, us Uiey did before the on the prince Mary wilh winner will be mod front the was muster of ceremonies (ha door. ueor. Miu, world w.nr. ' Ci S.ijicilor T. H,. Hooper. lutfe tonight. lkmui wa. on jv'ucll