ran daily fitwn Pose .ri.l si ilji win iiiiuiiuuiii SLLL .lU-J-U.-LJ-i LiJ WOULD TAX COAL PILES FOR EDUCATION Are Generally'Cnuaetl By Edmonton School Board Wants Empress Theatre New Method of Raising Funds CONSTIPATION. KliMOXTOX. Mm. 17. - Ail. There are few, if any. compiaiata Wore WKntlnc tlit opciiiiiK or entirely common than lM-imnii"i'l r 't TONIGHT ONLY MONTREAL it commonly rallni. and erarrrly any new avenue nf taxation In the hlrh reuse niorf trubi, annoyance uriiiince fur ci'ut-atioual pnrpon. and rwrry. -Tub Candy 6r Kxocllinc U delegation rniin the chool .Marly per rem. an- troubled with inrm ami I'dmmilon at aoioe lime or uinrr. ir aw boat il or Cnluary PRICES REDUCED tlir bowel (4 bee.trie in maaliflWU conferred with Hon. flforae I'. condition. Sniillt iii.tiiitl r uf education. I CUT are CU.Sral illnlrr itw isuni. One of I he st;ireliiill put for II.. Itrnlnr. btnrdinr ami prwirsjdtnr, and Assorted Chocolates ward hy Hie delcjjnllon wn that Ihe (Urnelilhia pain Mh eJImpany Itn-iii- fisnae misery waieh ' beyond a lax fur educational rrUlre-ment arrlpilmn. Half pounds 65c lie placed m I lie output of oiutiiM-iiia (ml siiiisssitorsre tney help. coal, il lieinjr irnl Ilia! there . iriifii rr a wmie. but to ittt rid tf Hard Centre Chocolates might easily lie imposed a tux of limn. It la iwe,ar) m ltar a free, nif and natural motion i.r the bowel, al trail five cent n ton without Injurtiic ui.ni iir twice, a dst ami toy itamr UM BRADY Half pounds 65c; pounds $1.25 Hie indutry in lite least. Hon. lb ra will y- awirltr rritkttfsL Mr. Smith pointed out Dial 'the Mlllmrn Uta-tlirr I'HM rravlaK IM; Assorted Caramels olreail.v tae nal tin Wrapped iirnxiiiee IMI ImtiK thu rt...i Uw cvilili"u ninuunl ner tun. in addition tu ami all II IIIWil In.uliH. Half pounds 55c: pounds $1.00 the federal royally. 'trustee llM-jr nimnu mi rikrfiirl or dran IN ' lutnrral Inrimliriil Iwiiif pnrWJf frrelaM. hfld the liiuolt. .f Unitary, Ibry arr hihiI and lo Uks ami Scotchee Punds 40c; pounds SOc uninlun 1 tint the pmvirirr rould not n-. rikra .irkrti. add ten mil per Ion to the eiml Miiiiiirn'n tata-Unr I'llii arr e. a Hat Hard Candies in Jars 35c and 70c ilntrv irodurlioti injuriously.ami not affect Hie in. i l.imiipd.iiTwlpi I all ilmrrKK luruilow irf (.rare vr on drahr.In i. ik nr T. iiiallrd Niilwrti dirrfl IHk, "A DARK What Hie delegation did Im press iiion me j.ovcrntii.rii. wn Sole Agents that in the cilie eccially then TERRACE LANTERN" must he diricred !olne new l. A. Ittieiin ai"l M. ilnrrle. ORMES Limited method of taxation other than lorn higher mill rate on proitrrty. he mining men. v;en- heri lal week cause. It wa ileriareu. proeriy making: trtpnra!i"ii- ku into A story of a prirl who had twdiover?, one the The Pioneer Druggists owner in eille already nre hear- Hie flupfwr ItUei rountry ift Hta Prince of a European Principality, the other an examlnatfinn of t li e. Joliu LiiiK a heavier Ion.I man it win l. possildc to maintain.' They ad. Cahriel tler mine wuteti aii just a Prince among Men. voealed ulnc the iiatnrtil resource, hondet la( jrrair. The result of the invelttnilfiii will liatv n treat of the n In-- to a j There mav oe so'ih-iiuh vim want. See the rla.ind column great a degree a Malhlc for bearing on tbj ..M-nlnit up uf tp.liinir care of the paramount other ir-uperll. in Hie Cupper; Comedy and Mutt and Jeff What About llixer I.AXD ACT. need of education. rountry. i.MITICE OF I.Mr.ATIl.1 TO APrLT TO l M. .MiiiirUm. I a tot "iirxeyor. i LCMt LAND. DOQ LICENSES. Community oiiiiipl.-linK H 'in.iri'lii'ilte iu:i In"i".,L,'r!.rJ Uurrn Charlntir "i.Itianda"r";Land?a.Dutnci loMieene are now ilnr for of Terraee and 'h' iii-rouniftuic Westholme Theatre Friday and Saturdty Silver? country for tliri'i- mile fur which .'.. ... . 1U2I and if name ae not paid TAkE J.UTICE mat I, llum B. Bablnt. In ba been giillii-riii-j data f-r You can buy it from us ln Hannrr.nr rriiir Inlrndi Hiiprrl.la apply ocrupalion for prrmiMloo Matter within f,.i,,vi- Jll M'jid.day ran priwiM-iitioii" nlitaMii-.l avtll ill exernl iminth i u-l. Douglas Fairbanks in "When the Clouds Roll Bj" lo lra Ihf rollnwinir drKrlbrd landi: a at the standard price the UMTwncliir al a pol planlrd al in tin- city police fttaliort. Bft The Terraee X-'. report thai nirlhru corner of Lot 44J. on oorri : same as in any city eleven lT(nt; inriirr aouin l.o cnaioa more or1 ihtenrjl' II.I.iAM AAM. a rerrnteraiur ear na imm-ii leca to ine low water mam of Aadrn ti..u from Eaton's. rU.uf. Un-nre aoutnraatrrlT and follow. jftlaiHitnif on H Terrace tlliii f.r inr in? aaid low water mart 10 cbaim . .... . (joiiii lini and -imfeVt. that I lie We. carrv a liic stock In i",,r ' "..0..a !m' uuv .c. i 1 . r t " i 1 !....!rlialna. rrom ....the :.Soutnwet.a .......corner.... or Lorl h. 1 LA XI) ACT. niwe utiieri, nmiermen v'i a AMERICANS COMING TO Aaam arja oneraton. ue- ? K- ,n! ; r- M.wa of Inuntleii ta Apply to Liaaa Land. li'i.nriif Imrse- und pull it dli ... ?J il.- - 1 U T..L. 'W1.IUH anil rminin I Ha hiartt ata ( aiues uie i ar p.aie it"'0f ;;,n ,rr rtaula more or ; I" 1 kei-na l-awl MUrlet. Keeordtna On there. SEfTLE IN CANADA 600 PAILS is lower in price. lei lo the point or romtnenrement and ''rlrt f Cnal. lu n re I. and tllaalc it hij colaiolnt i arrea mora or lena. f Vnlun Hay. adjolniot mt ll Five MI ME B. BIHIM1TU.X. Termre liailn nrtd nan ant Johi Bulger Per Fred. .an. B.C.L.H.. arent. ! Take nolire i ha I orman It. HrodmiraL meek whiih eil Hie thermometer i About End of tha Present Manlh'1 Pure rte.l the ath day of January. Ittt. !r Prlnee rturt. omipanoo mailer marl-I Tfter wilt be First moil- Jeweller ner. In lei win lo apply for pernio Hon lo rndiiik- ncariv iinuiffii imi. All! 'the Mlowiiiy. deaerlbed lasda: iua i none ariiuruj Jh. tnn audi . tntnl into Country, J 4 41 jMiimenernr lb line f kit at l.a poat Ihenep planted we I i on ettam I he exeral land cli,fTlTg'hte liaej Strawberry SGISTATST. TORK'S leil iHdircd. f " l..wr.u. .narrn 17. AMlli nmre or lea to low water mam: thror Flour i s MMitlierly T8 rbalna ahina; low water marki illio iiaiiia or I lie miow a liinrc SELL turner eai 1 rhiln HKf or leat lo nirD Joe ipile j ititt1ilerinif th parly from Hie (.'tilled Male, will TOVES. water mart; tin-tire noVtberly alonf turn larinv of a iil9?le-mill on Hie route I o western Canada in aeurcli Jam vatrr mark lo poL cutiUiulut T acret, jitele .td' of ttie river. if deeimhle lamL, aieorditu lu Informal fur more or kta. AOIIMAN R BHOlillLIMT. ion reeciied hy prltale in. Paled January . tfl LAM) Atrr. ietolaj a ad railway iinmUratlMn 4 lb. Tim HeallH PACIRC CARTAGE LTD onw ial.. I lteJf)rit definite tiMxtJ. Big Fred Stork's Hardware WATi:it XOTICK. hotka af latanllon la AaeJf ta Extra Special. White they Phone 93. S. E. Parker. Mgr. lilVFNIO IMl vr.. earchaaa Laed. niriltfOf, rl(er frviir aei Hie last Careal alleotion rivee U f II ordan for Second Avfm;e TkK MlTKT thai llrv Arm M'fuur ami In Kker-na tJiml Pi I net, Hceordmr pi lie, far a I In- prairie pro . Bread f liraltur,f reiahu b other .C or l'heliiifiwi l.citiMoy l.lnilled, wUrtM ad-dr-l tr.er wm k PHONE B' ACK 1 14 llead'linier, Aayi. II. f... will ar- Inrl nf ll. Miuac i. and annate al lirad 1 an' atTcried, will lie ulnftil ORDERS TaacH to COAL jid WOOD 'y rr a nrrnrv t taae ana u ne rvinr. of 1 iwon May, anaiMaMiir .. , r , mouth. - it annl feel or water no I f Water tail 7ak Oee tan ormaa It BrwIMint. 75c rrek. ali kmiwn a Fall Creek, wltirti nf Pruarr Imped, larrtipalmu mailer man- lieli two iruillloan of aeilier Looks Belter H'H' eailrrly and ilnia lelo Head uf I tin- Ami aluml weel huriheny frtn wr. iKtrod. lo in I.r rtnHi U tlltd I heir (Ti-eU ill urr e. Tlie--purebaw Polly Varden liepot Iter fll.-wl- dearrlbed land,:- ,-!.,, nl , 1.,.llr,.ruf- ni 11,,. TIk water will be diverted frwu llw CMMnaenrtkr 11 a al daud on the Cuts Better .Iri-ani al a hhi one UmiiMml feel norfn- Allliniiipoi lpuofer. ami will l. Same in loti price com wri-rt from ihe wrfilhi'a! rorner of ll auoia line tf kit las, thence rail ! haiiM; left, and will he iimmI fur Kiieiie liiwn tliencc Krtiin f cfwinr; inencc weel f,COIIIn.i-i of rurpirra frotll the Eats m upply aiul wer furre opm tlie lown-..i- cfiaina to ateace; lence akni anor lo l"ll"paleril late-. d...ribnl . lot 1051 and Lot lII . Aher Anil Tonli. ami cMilawtnr lurly eera-a. more or lea. .rl ,., , We Bify American Currency, KeepW Recent White Tin. ootier an piMii-d tm I lie yround MlHA K. BIIODHIHST. n tl lir-l dar or Varrh. tfl. baled January 16, lfl. uill l run HiriMixli Xortli Portal Silver, Gold or Bills. A i.r tula miiire and an aiiplieaihM lor.iiaut llierrlo and lo Hie "Witer Art, and from there t Mir Jaw fur tail.' will tie filed In the omet of lie IVXI) ACT. while the lialnm e of Water herorder at l-rtnee ltuert. B. i:. jdUtrihulhm, Special Voile Iijertumi to the atipllralHin may lie roan or motici. efTerl and id leant two ei..iele- Rupert Table Supply,Co. John L. Qm Diet ll- i:.i.lr.lM-r milh th. ald jif Water Water lirearder HirtiM. or I'arlia won .ASnlAH LA1 ilTrJ.:i-PISTIill.-r or:r filter will come till" Wllllli-MliPMII. ' meiit litiilitinr.. Mru.ria. II. i: , wlltiln I , -t Ri -rd- TAkr. nuitr inat ,1 wriier bciki simp, iwir aim irom iiepe im iliirniili'ii PHONE! t11, tit. ! llnnv Ujv. after Hie nrl aitearan. of till-,l.lln. In a loeal liewpaier. (ndno Arent. intend, lo apply for perniia-H111 to varloii point thriNJliotil lip' Purchase Waists IMel Ui'i tin Townlli-i Jiiar Und Plt- to leav the follow ine deacrtbed undsi prox luce, CtriiimeiMitir al a post planted yarda ALICE HIM MIMXi X ft DEVEIJiPJItMT more or leas northwest of Hie northwest 'llieise settler tiave lMn oli-trained COVPAMV IIMtrili. ApMlrant. ronwr of. the Trlerraph Creek townstte, II y :. p. Itiei, arent. marked Initial Posit thence norta 40 chains; throiish the i-tTorl of three The dale or the ll r.I publication of Iftia Willi e It Marrli 7, Ittt. inence east sa toains; inence wum or four larKt land axnieie oper- rlmtii: ifH-nce west Id chains to lle point AND SATURDAlj of rotuniegtceiiieot, and conlainiDr l0 acres Uitiiu- in the I'nited State and THURSDAY, FRIDAY wathh xotici:. more or lea. HlBITCn nunT siariv.i, Canada. March 17th, 18th and 19W hlVtMillO.il A.U USE. ON SALE Pile. December lain. IStO.I A Vimil(ieii linn ha jut com. TAWE .MillCE llilAllre Arm Minlna- and CERTIFICATE OF I.WPIIOVEJ.E.ITS. pletrd the sale uf .'i.OOU rre in lievrlufiiiwnl OifiHiany l.tnilled, wIumm aif-ilr. if l Mead "Hire. Anym. B. C. will ap MITJCE or APPI.ir.ATIO. li.i hwan lll.i r dixlrirl. Hie Iml-atii'e Patrick's Da); ply fur a licence 1.1 take and ute one rnhie ecimd feel of water "'it of an unnamed Ulh-nl lll'BV and 1 1 tlUA innTII allual TAfl in ine FHACTI'l Anvot of 35,1100 acre xs.liieh ha- Friday and Saturday rreik,nuw raierly aim kiximn and dralna Mirer Into I.Teek,Alice wntrH Arm, Invtslon of Hie rasstar Dtsirtct. W'henij(l..u u u II a tile fur lilirchne III $St. P aUiul lirad of Alice Arm al Dolly Varden llie fioliy Varden flrnop, that sliest rict. SALE liepnl. lawful holder: Ftnard Learta or Hrattle, The water will lie directed from the In connect tun with the two The regular values of 10 I tie lsle la Ws.hinali.n, Inlled atalea . ..till l.ol 17. Hmk-I , treani al a pota! alattit s will of America. .)umber 'if holder a Free tralntuad of elller. a Miiiiii'-apidl HI.. 1ii7 a. Alii" Ann Towntlle and these WAISTS range be raiwei-uaid hutiioae fur domestic main the townalte un auppty deacrtbed and Miner's TAkE orltpvaiei MiTPE that I07IS-C.I. Edward l-ewtn. linn I hrfntrlnif in one Ginghams.. ,. ,f. .,...,. v.t from Lol Hill ,and Lot 1 07 i-A, Tovtiuite of Free intend Miner-at the end orimrate or amy Numrier(ai days lOTts-c,rrom purty of ii fa in II Ic ho will White r JanneJIette.4 yds. iorTi.wiur"f..U Alice Ttila Ann,notice If I..wai poaled on the fround he dale lerfuf lo appfy lo UK! Mtnint ettle lu Die nortliwc telly part Striped Flannellctte. f 11. of liiiproemenia lirronter for m tlie lir.l day uf March. IStl. iinncale 3 - 5 of Ilia provlure. Thec Inr the purpose of obtaining s Crow a pepple $4.50to$6.75 A nm of tiiK iMiine and an application lovvcliing flrani of each of in ahoe claims. punuatit thereto anil-no the "W aler Arl, A.Mi Ft llTIIEn Tlk'E .1HTICE llial sstlon are Kolng in for uiixed fariuinit will tie Tied I offlra of lM." m lie lite Sheeting under Beclioii St of the "Mineral Acf and dufr)lii. and tire mule , Waler Iiecorder at prince Huperl. B, 1:, rloitl 2 lie coionieneed heror the laavancs -stfP tucked and must Prettily, iiblertioiia to the application inay Da Cretones filed .with the aald Waler Hecorder or Willi or aacn i:rritliratr "of Improrementa. lo In inoally resiilenla of I lit lale ....J... emoroidered; made in llm Om.ptroller of Water filahli, I'arlia-luenl It'll HATH). tnia fist day of February, A. I). or Wic.oiislii? t , ' T aavsii nlSrto' uuiiuiivi IJilmmoevl'nutil x vuw. . . -'t- Victoria, H. C. wilntn I short or long sleeve liilrty daya Bulldinaa.after tlie Ural apprariuce of (Siroed) EllWAUD LEW 1.1. r John Warilriip, frt-iu ml agent of Ladies' Hloomers, white, blue, pinK I Jit Ihl. iMilli-e lit- a local iiewfiaper, Canadian .National Allre Arm Tonlle. Caxiar Land Dli-trlrt NOTICE. (he railway hlnPK. , styles. reaourees deiiarluient, wfio htt" " , i vl ALICE AIIM MIMMI ANfi bEVELOPMOT I.1 THE MATTMI of an application for the Corset Covers 75 or.1-5 Sizes 36 to 42. COMI'A.MT I IMnhli. Applicant. issue of a fresh n-rltnrsie of tills to Uil Jin-it rcltirned from the I'lided Woollen Worsted IIo ?i . By 1:. P. Iiirl, arenl, 3. Block "A" Lot f, Block 7--and 11 Klate. naiil today that eiiipiirlr Boys' Heavy Thr dale nf tlie first publtcallou (if Ihia 2 ItliM-fc IS- Terrace (Map V7tl. II. of all sizes, SEE OUR WINDOWS nniii-H la March 7. ml. ailrarlry-Town pniof of the loss or the for the paat three inonlli were Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose, ei-lilieale of title coverfns the aboae landa black, white douhlo those oftny similar Me.i.eee rreejreww hsuiiy been produced, nolle la liereby period Ladies' Cotton Hose, Cleaning ylven that II Is my Intention lo Issue after for Ihc lut lies en year. ' w ryt rt nL Dyeing Dry ... ...... ,,, & - .1,.. .AM..II... ill Imiii lhl Oral Friday Saturday Special piililli-alliin iM-ri-nr. rresh rerliflrala of white a Ladles' Silk Stockings, forjj,J For good work, prompt acrvice Sill 111 Ihi- name of Alfred I. Morris, which John Maillaiitl urrlieiJ jfterdiji green, and reasonable prices send Kouda " ruin-air of nib 11 dated 1JIU July I VI 4 to CITIZKNS CLEANKRS & and 1- ihiiiiIht' 1 A 1 C 7 I. from Vanrtjuver to tnke charge of DYERS. 2037 4th Ave., Van. IjiihI id lieirls-p day of Fibrtiar.nmre. Prince istl.Hubert, D, (lie fiiy-lncei hm deurlim-iit of Hut Pure Silk Hose, ull shades. . . 75 eouver. Imiuiriea aolicitwt II. V. MACLEOD, Wallaev aliijiyaiila liere. .Mr. Monarch Knittng Wool, all shades, 3 tt Titles. District licslstrar $1. Maillaml I cIiimkciI amoutr i'in hel murine cnifhwer in Hie urocnei uovion n.min1 EACH liritiah Kuiplre nml after u loiiu See Our Window.! A Special Bjn eiperlence in old . ii i ti.t. . i ru rfren enuiiliy yard nu -s... OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU Laatea okiiis (aino lo (lie Houaliluii yard at Cleaa Lump. Clean Egg. Mine Hub. IT'S HOT, NO SOOT Vaneoiivor wlieii It wn elahlMi. Wallace's, 3rd and Fulton Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. eii. He aeu'red hi I'onncctlon Jabour Bros., with that tu tuku thu nSw 11 Spilth Block PHONE 7 J. Lome MacLaren, Manager company aaaeaaaaaaasaaaaassaQBaataaa post li c ijt.