Iff1!, ,THH DAILY WEWfl PAUL THoKK BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I a"oop AX.f"r fVrt "hmtm j f CO nun m! I I Q. odllx 11 I If I CRGAT -7 m imTw rA ""c JHMiMbOA-Mt J Ai3Jl TROM.rts i vain . HGAVCjN tr Pm'en bat torOlYrs. Itraltv r nTi5"U& uuuy lo rebus t health tc t place to cat It errt nt f ou can't b ) ' est place In Rjpert It BOOST FOR ME A Political Rhyme Dealing with Local Topics. Cafe Daily News Classified Ads. it. Regis Mr. Prince lliipert. t famani did l'ik: Why tmnd in tk wmy, my fnitrn u rkM 1 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea a than rOe Tf'"d Avenue IriilfirMilriil f (lli yr, il i all vry well; Easiest IIh- Mgif old iidW of Tory I mHI. WANTED LOST BOATS FOR HIRE to buy fhe Rendezvous A -Utirft iat asf twartle I wi!i Ui amid, TKNtlWIft for Hie iurrtiar "T lHlKTr.f -from i I lh" Ir COMING DOWN Launch "Nar to operate ll fume mrm j hod la Pid thm I tried, the hall of tin- Hudo.Ti . mif i...-n boat wjiu inicl.- hrthong" I am not akintc you of the oil. N-l me reriwfr frwm the dreaded alfair. leamer Inri Simi i r-yl inilir iiy.in-. aiM i- 1.-ii for a Jeh. t am nffertnir ymi to maintain' Hive ma UkereJ Irealmeail, and a beelh of hereeefved hy the uml, -inn. foot Norwegian kiff. J Jiulrr a arrirr at rednerd prtrea. 'art'cular Diner ed Hfi J o'rloek p.m.. Monde, plrar nommmttaair with ftx Phone fllark MMI. The Ford li.Mid 4tgh. gaHanl Oilnnel. (and mil f my way. fhieemher ', 1921 Tlirj 265 Imily Xrwa Of fir r. 378 , tey dcoend on K' i rxd dd letnrr ItMpeel a-li but fair fty. MnehiBery, fh.ilera and ..Ihrr is the Ly --j r c al feast here I am tared of the .t. uader Tr regime. uaeful aHa are hrina rr. UHtr-nVur mutt Katurday laat. V p-epsrsd dishes. m II. . H nMmmi aatl pNI .f foul -beme. nved, "sad fhe aurrraaful beiwrrn lail.rw and MrAndr Market Prices J car for everybody j tenderer I pay eaah imrin-d-df 'n KHrhlh Avrnur. Kinder rr. r oU.in vegetables choicest, A I'riiire HiifieH. Irre Hoierl. I raniMil wHhtaml airly a iMMir nnlifi.-d lhat Inm In "Jtrwa- offfre." ;78'I. hlaaU. We sell and Tin -idelii.-kuia: ploU at llif Tn hand. hia leader lama hem arrrplrd. SEVrflWO j Flank ateak. II. 25e Fords o i fuve mr no rileNMl. (he Ldtemtp did: The hiahaet or any trndrr not serve "I homelike Of ala neeeaaarlly aeeeptrd. Kor II..WNH. iL. SH. .nil ;,,,." 20 m preaeiM-e m tried to awl rid. Novelty v.l I mid U further aeitanlara apply to M. Meaj'a Khirla made to order and T-bone atrak 4nc I8e Rood & Frizzell i of Ihe T e Orrt ffe me the rnilway and ke wM next ni; M. Hlrphrna, Prinrr Ruiert. rrmwdetlM. 733 Third Avmim. nViund ateak 30e; Far DMlara ' l. To vute Mr vmii. Perk, mould I not he a fd T R. i:. 2H3 Phone M. If u.hHn B(rak. prr lb. -. 35e Phone erlaca Baaarl.Green B.HOB C ! In private If tun were elected i nothing ronM dw V. .V I Hf Dreaamakl ng or plain j MiftArLLANrnn. iMw-f pol maat, lb. 15c, i Copper Parties. Thoiifrh yon dned an.I dirked up a hutUNdna. ewtnK. Stl ("Walh Avrnue 'Iterf, rhuek roal. lb, I2e . i ii Connection Weet. tflTMF. HI'lFJtT flRPAIR SHOP fib "ol. lb 15c to 25e Th. Ipmmi I've learned a Prinre lUipert. yoi ee. ! Wr rnaair anvlhia. etuaV. ..f Hrel. boillB?. Ih. ...8r lo 10c NN ith Tufien a hedfelhiw I ramMtt afre. FOR SALE Metal. , Tarda- trarpreral uH "aaahurnrr. prr lb. Z, Ti Mntftlr ihf rrum UI1 te told: Ff Ht HALK Cratarr. 13 fart Ion aharmeaed. Rnkajar & Rokt- heef. Pr . .loe lo I5r QUALITY I a teaaai a lieu h the Tory foM. 10 foot hewtn. i frrt drafl. par. AVfl Third 4ernae.' naipa Unrned beef, r lit. Iftc duly t i;..rli ili- Lent a fhih aniotn. PIii .La Bll). par lb.. . 15c liji. hravx eyrlr Awd mow pnnev Hnpoet will gallantry a d : a , if Iavb, loin 45 MrVInt ruder T mnhe the Hd.rli II) to I he lheral lamd. eaayine. fnnm feed i-iIt and Imtaa. limine . . . 20c Is Economy pikit hour ronl ml. S lord in thr hnnd i worth two in the mtl wrrnor, r.FIAlf. I Typewiiirr---laeV Mutton, slmalder. lb . 26c to 28c J. frier a ISM caah. Apply Then ataakewHwek 1,111 omhar.iaf M l&nmd ni'l Av.lMr. ot.M- ! m ..n., o. 40c A. Amerranei. yAliee Arm. B. ;. Krtjre 5... tf n Bf aa-,!.,, ik tOe The chief tnai f housekeeping If I vnte tor the Colonel I U. fc. ..l.1 .L today is Hie keeping land all afctne: DOM PORTA HI.K home for eT5 FOP) SALE I ' "i iimmr iwii, prr in.. . 200 down of and the I warnld "tawd the nna tiled and fef hot a hone. HtK roejaw aad bath, lawn, ,Lft of veal 30c and 40c rtpene.. surest to succeed way is In ntmher I aol he of te guvertMaMnt then pardea ami- oMecra he. in scr ttHwiaataitt AuMd-. T'lain aages, per lb, .... 25c deal with Grocer of Quality, Vole for l'ritjrr (4uwrt. vlile all jrr heave men. Fart caah, balanre at rent. eaa lypr. halihal boat. 46 ft. hamrM-k auatrr 33e who carry nothing but the Apply Mnnro Hro. If. overall. 12ft. heam. V ft. k (a. I'ort. rg 1 5c: I -mnd w- I'tlnnr-Umprri 011 tiptne of hnfM', deep. Open cabin pleaenre Pol rhoax. er lb 5e BEST OF EVERYTHING.. A St U f-n( iiijiw m raue hy the Tory dofM. HAIRDRESSINQ boaL 29 ft hy S n. heim. 8 lrk. eholder. per lb- 25e ):' ihr ohteet tfeieed. md the man in the fray; LADIFS1 nAIRDRESSINO, Mar. b. p. Patanrr Nnatae. In flm Haroa, alierl, nr lb. iO.;- The Best Is Always th II Ihf l.ilwraj rane that i mmmg my way. eel waving-, ahampooing, Sine-Inf. ea eoadifiM. naiy hattt 4 Mam. eHeed 55e ChcapesL Hair raring. Scalp treat, aaaath ;m. Aaply Puna. llaai, mlioh-. Mr Ih 50c A m.ui in the nfntmnil, thi my 4ea: mcnt a tpncialty. Toupee Ow Itay. falf hacka 35e It i UeiNed if the hand and not in the tree and wig for gentlemen and V bieken. pnr IL 55c Munro Bros. 1:0 ft. Ihmi. I h. b. errle Aiai KiX aa utt lord in Ihr hainl n thi lime. tr ana formation for ladiea. KnwJ. per Ih 5c S...a foePrm.e Hnfrt .ui.1 h- same. Wmild make a Tine Paeklrd ark. a?r lb 10c liraml Trunk Line. Fwltrhea made up from ladles' "The Quality Grocers" demands trolling or Kenrral work laial. trader, - PIUi:k III PKUT. own combing. REX HnHtR xkrd Mam. alioed, per lb. 75e All fillrd up for immediate Phone SS Third Avenue n Hen jrwi are SHOP 2rJ Hulh titreet. Prtnee Hiare rlhe. per lb 25c . .if. P H be MIDDLE WEST WINE !MUCH CRIME RuperL B- Phone Dlu eervire.M. Mrl A ran.rral Cow naa.Hey.Apply Hnaat ham. per lb. Bit lieJogno. lb. ?5r tf pr '-mymz pfiycrry 78. Cha. LH;irrej. COMPANY IS FINED! lleure mtat. 31 ft. I.oig, IS h. leied tongue 0e j ' '- is Hart feed IN WINNIPEG AUTOMOBILES P hravy duty rnaine. All fit. lirwilem 55ei B d Calvra liver, lb, 30c j '- and the imin Mtglatrata McMordla Ql $1,. RL'PBRT Motor Co, dealer trd up in brat of shape. Prire - I5ci rea Tripr, i Iraa than coat of I per 000 Flnt Tor Slllnq Liquor nM" Cars and Truek. Auto, engine. Fire Prcvrn- llleoally. mobile repair. Tire, aeeea-riea ts-ft. boat, would maka a fine Dairy Produce. WIXXIPKf. V.n. SH.-Never flith boat, with 25 h. HuUrr. per lb 50c and Ford parta alway ing p. Th.- Mnidl.- Him. Mf.irf Ihritar, faooking: lb.... 3So That Is Bread in Ihr hintory nf lh in toek. Cominereial bodiae I nioii eaginr. This boat can per 1 need k. Ads waa fim-d tl.Mwn in the MMerj A iniiiMa p..In-,. i1eaflmenl have buHt for all purpose. Let br hoagat for IB per rrnt Ira Cheear, fur Ih 35c eairt Ihia morn ma hy Mai-; than eoet. N M. Me-lran. Limaargar Cheese, per lb.. . . 6S0 Apply ihn. hrt-ii mi many rrimila la u give you a price an your The nmsf important item on 11 in MrMorrtir. havna h.-eai Cow I lay Karga, rose) aeleetn .55 ru.l.Mly. Chirr ear body. Taylor &. Mtmre. the table at alt meals OiaUM (2hri Kgga. II. C. frrnh ?5c is Itiawd auiity ft aoilia liquor1 ea-e tCav. Gibbons & hue. Corner Third and Ninth tfemrti) withm Ihr pruxinrr. Thr! H. .Vimloii. aid loday in re-Mia)r Avenne. If EKGINCS FOR SALE l-jntk, toeal ..... 80c BREAD. ( MM.tvmt m ahipmrnt of! to an inquiry a in the Margarine 35c If you have not tried our Doyle, Ltd. Injunr fr.MM Ihr rli.ili.- hr proarea fminv arc ma4iaK m BOARD. S eyl.b.4 lwrfaia.eyrlr. tSOOira.heavy daty. 2 MOTtCX. special baking you are mil. i.. a Hindu ui tuuliurr. I. dj. roadln up nu'iirou umtm ura . e Reel Estate I'nlui.ir.- iprnrcl fur 1 In- -r. whieh hai oMrail herf. ar. TIIK new dluinir room at the 10 h.p Kay & Itowm eluteh and riavcj ThKT wrur or CAaST.uvso HtVOE dutrict-ois I Ing one of th Joys of life. !W 11 whirh rnirrrti n. -i-' tiewlariy m Ihr kI r- weeka. inlaaaer 1 now open, iioaru 8hafL tfta.o. Tafer aaUra Ibil L Mai H TtiUipoa. of Each member of the family o Rupert, B.C. by the wrrk or ntonlit. I'houe h.p. Cattle leethm. tM.O0. Tarrsxa. B. C. arrayaUua wniar bh-tar. ili'lu-." Thirty men antl women are attaae M tfiahr tnr a IHaa 10 nroa.i will welcome it at every meal watfina trial on -riou rrimlaaJ IS7. tf i H Knox with revrraihle pro. errl tor asMnl n tad (irtratram ua th I TAKE A LOAF HOME runewiac saarnijaa: laao: ioiiurarinr ai offaiiaaa. Mtid thr ehief. Itellor. tm.W. ul . !.' FOR RENT plaalrS al rurarr Lul TODAY RALLY OF COLONEL .tpfirebraaioni. of rrimioal S h.p 4 cycle Portage clutch awat la raaiaa khiUi or V runirr Lai )4. laaatr .uaiUi 11 u HMia. tarnr am prop-'IKir and ahaftaag. I2S6. M etuaM. Hwora aarth l rtuta. tbrnn Iteeinlutnai la howehrakkne;. t)H HKNT Large tarnished PECK'S SUPPORTERS aaal sa raahM w paai r ruauBracrawil, have been artleularly nuinerou room, auitablr for affbse or 45 h p. Ktudrbaker 4 ayl. t cycle. allMllai M-rr. aiur or tnt St. Regis Cafe in the with propel lor and mag.. nm H. Ttomrn ix, Awuriai. SATURDAY EVENING! .at fr tmy. and lhi Ihrre r four frtaml,' with tgra-s wma'r IT iii 1 aelHitr enanlJ police lo ream ami boanL Phaae f 190.00. "r mi itar alve init olhrr orrrnro, in. SIS. SIM 20 h.p. Sludehaker, 4 eyl. I cycle rnivcc RtrtRT MoTICB.laid district w Third Avsnue 'in--ua. Ihi-ri' wo a rally t'.oi. I'ludlua the theft of Meveral with mas . IISS.00. thh:t or coast. av.vuK . . Tlk naUra Ual i. Ii Tliiiua, of I'-vk unjiorli.r. In lax- (hm-inillr.' auloiwuh dee. KOIl HrKVT Flat far rent. 50 h.p. L'uion 3 eyl. 4 ojcie. Tarasra, B . .. urra(Miiua ruoi(uy Bua orricE Mar. hMrM lo pfil fr HreiiH Iu PMa space i.nii "ii Halurda -iin Elphtaan Arrttta Made. Irw ranve ami uater lieaber. tSOo.AO ar-1 tit aauusl tad wimlraia oa tfcr ' -miaMr foe I 'iit." i re ahout furty or t-Up-hleeai arreata haie Iwm-h Apply Waltaer a Store. tf 55 h.p. Alia", full equipnvent h,UaaVar drarntird Uud. riaaimwlBf a iul aiauua akaal la rktMu .V.I uf .11 i'. fur real. fitly wriin prrw-nl Thr caH-'Jidaii matte iu the elN-iai whirh Ftllt HEXT Store on Thtod Avenue, ayl. 4 cycle. 1060.00. nmar Lul 114. rl wrr LkrUa Lake SILVERSIDES lerar anrtk S ruin Ihntra ! as Agents mail.' an fiitlitiia!ir ad i mtw in 15 h.p. Kmnn raon. 4 eyl. 2 eyele foe praarreM. near raala. aw. xanu fti.. tbra-a P"tyiiQfV rFPlr , T'i " American Lip dro.-. Idling; or hi lrtl in the A lar auaality nf the fooda V. ft. Ilarrir. If Atwater-Kent ignition. Alam- Ilium a Hmih. a,arm.auaM a'i-uf xuiiikro-ritteut.r cuci BROS. ' American Una iauTior. (nker tveakem ere lotei in the pa at few itaya haa inum base. $250.66. ioM.V H. THuMP.!. Appllraal. Mrhay. W. NV. W rihl. 10 h.p. Palmer, 2 eyl. I eyele, jj-atad lrmmr it, itl. 6 'ian American I . H. i- been reeovered. polio auy. IIOUSKKKKI'INO rooin to real Una. 11 II .l..n t:,it. How. A. w. AellUK tJhhr ul Deleetivea or room and board. Plton Hed with clutch and propellor. v.Tur. Second StreeL lUluK fi.n. Kruirll ami J. H. tr i t(CM).00. raj.vcK tiruT lamu district -dis-tbjct 0 (ieofr StMilti iKi turned inoae 421. or i:oat. RV.MJL 1 Iealera Cr Typswrltara HMml.li. !? h.p. Motor eyels, air coolrd. Tlkr aatlra thai I. Julia M Tbnm"un. af in an the trail mt the law breaker . Vrrrara Ii, C ueratxnua rutuiany aua-tier. Ctry TO Lin Modrrn BaiiiHeul Safe. u Kit-marl. iaiiipaii man. every mamlmr r I lie ileteetive with carburettor. $nJ0 iatel la apebr far t hrriiM iu uraa- WALLPAPERS let. F. NN . Hart. h.p. F.rro. S eyl. 2 cycle with f r "5E aycr. r"k4Hl. muuJ Mho eaa W tared fr.no PAINTS, INSURANCE eoulttmenl. f IZk.llll. a aatatrs tauui um a ruruar mi Hher dwliea. I.ikmI work ltu FURNITURE REPAIRS if '" lul Ulrojrr4 by larail 1 a "a LOUIS MAZZEI IS beea) 1J0M1' hy Itw- many Uleelivea 7- "MLMll lK nigme. pmrlieally ar.. utrma ia.nh a rtuuw, thrur i BRUSHES DONT nUIN your Furniture for i'iil SIA5 Price 1125 00 "i""- ,"r " tnaiaa. ikanaa W'vn & al wnrk hi th rait-Us it l inw. rimuf bi ml ! riuiuramiKDt, WINDOW GLASS Hanson COMMITTED; COMES talml. want of proper repair. Polish. for quick ee. 1 nwiaauaa M nr. mmw r aw. TV d Avtnua MupiMtrt of ii 'lici" in Hot ram-paigu Ing, Crating. II. 11. Hemming N'orllii-m Kxchange. ISS Second olfN II. THOMPSOV. AiiuUrssl. FRAMED and UNFRAMEO '' 9 Pupert, D. C. BEFORE JUDGE TODAY tn rid Winuipew or uiide. (late HuUon'a Day Co.), 823 Avenue Weal. MiTICr PI0TURES, Third Avenue. Phone lllaek, I'hlMJ! hiriHT LA.VU DISTRICT bIS- Rirahlea la iwcivrtl from I ,mm- Miun-i I.miiil wiUi briny MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. IIH j or l ino. duui. . WINSOR A NEWTON'S riiillilllil In jail Ihr rMirU. Tliu w in i-m-di 615. Green 471. tf 1111 Tk amra Uul I, iuLa H. Tbuiaauo, at - .' I 1 1 1 1 M iln iiniiiiiin.' ti imnuii" e- iir wh'Mi Maiilrli' Sir lliitfli MUSIC 1 Auto aaraara irvaa tiu u aaar. im.im ui rw a luvuU u, ART SUPPLIES. ir i Murdtf lo Maml 11-11 al Hi" well I ! ii Mai'd'iiialtl mmii i:iiuili" IH '.lll prai-IH ally aa good 'V aii r aslatU aud lairvlraai Cijiilu.irliir en lk at Speclatlsta In SIGN and r Ar c.Hirl of ioUiiu.il jurii. i urn i.ai'-nii, alia Sliaiinoii. u. jail "TK.U'll your ihibJrwft mutn ns n" .' uaul Magnetos. Baal ataa al a.fc. rarr t.,1 00 SHOW CARD WAITING la Hi la 4 auulb af S.W. l I The . ;!' "i- i t tin ilir.' ininiiii in"i'uti' hi wi tin- hi. beautiful at all tn. I li i-'i 1 iimoii innKlieliia. 1'ric j'.K A UMmt ntATta ua rkn., ti.K.turw.K . 1NGL Un " l"UUii in io l""iiiir nf a Winm-w$ lUcbmaniuoff. II. C IUiky t: "II' 10 I" f.'5 Bi'i-nriliiiK U tkrara Ma ill I rkaiai. Ifcaara lJudiie atin u Phone 22 P.O, Bos ISO -TAILOR ; AM 'it 11. undr"Ml defrnitanl will hotel in thr tneHinn f u teacher. S.'J F.iglilli Avenue! condition Northern Fichanfe. 'XZMV, ZrtrlZ. il nun. I'l .'"I.T. WV.i I i l I'liniii- lirern 197 I 1"1 Sei-oii.l niiue. , .. ''Vn' J"'"raoj. aptttfuil, l,., 1 f,.i .."fWT. .TflTRIIIVI f. ff.