rxan i. Moiiilny 1 BRINGING UP FATHER oy Ueoree rVU H MlE- THINK I'M LtD "XOU I KNOW MCU- NOT tr i mn cit 'psvt JU I'LL .0 OUT AM J LteWC TMCVAKO ILL Pot rvvGCic With mc HWC VTARTCD At HE H.AWT TO THINK- Mlt CLOTMEt) I'LL JON rJ To instii-e light U I Mat AD CO at WHEN I. a. . DINTf AT CROCAN-, "V M ra. - flaltoy muffuia I i or JolovGrs villi uso th.c Jcx'fcct blend of mi lit ond suar k 0 J EAGLE BRAND Condensed Millc I IIW IMIIiB I fettli- .r I--. r,tv. .y,, SALMON JRY DISAGREES IN man whom they had watched five HOLMES TRIAL AND hi evidence in xurh u clear and TROLLERS CASE IS TRAVERSED ronvlnnnp manner, anil aK llirinnrlvp would Ihcy hate acted Daily News Classified Ads. CConllnued from Page One.) olhcrwUe than he did under Ihe Exquisite Trolling boat with New terrible circumstance. The 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlmnt Tatton for L th.n SO "hip and hospitality, ami attempted Engine, all complete, (n utterly wrwk his Iraprdy of Ihe affair wa. nol the ileal li of IUmiIIi which would For Sale. home and lii. life' (tannine. WAKTK. FOR RCRT auredly have Wen an unmix- and In regard lo his statement In KOTIO H. Charming el hleimifip loop liefore hit j airo. WA.M'KI) rurnUhed hou (JimmJ Oliver Typewriters lt:irr. "'rhal lie wan Southerner KOIl IlKXT 8U riM.tn romfurl- wn periiiilled to hrint? lhi ilarli . ... . . ..... ttllTtil i7 im! ind you know what t lint mean" or aparluicnl. Will pay three k.i i i i i IV TIIK Slu ill hadow into Ihe life of the two four month' rent Ih ad (It T IS LsM af1lry Sri t4 I I. r,.,h i.i U Cary Fireproof Safes & Imv replied lo counsel thai al-llfiuirti or In. lo fu rtli I u re for ale, nt ' way ,U unfortunate l)iey ullt Let rf (I,, tlurt lkftf if pNplew luit younff vance. Ileferenccn riven, ..f i -ii.ii- undoubtedly a uthem- rwnlrinr t ()al PArir et. WlM Is III, Clijf T rnsr Rsptrt. , :5 tfJjrlM in Vaults. er, he Old noi voire I lie senil- nw hefore Ihem, hut rather Ihe IU3 .New office. 25-7-" Ofil liinltip ItnAm e, le. (M Ittl - 1 r v terrible Kufferinp of the Irasic trimt i.r Km tew sf Otm.11, m' ipeni supposed lo in the lliHtiti and carry e liraphnnolo. A Lots & Houses For Sale ordeal Ihe latter hod been, that VA.Ti:i a( once. Yoimr man rv .strr MM imwi M pnmtum. t , southern states that killing w;i Phone lllark ?H0. tf. ..f day, Huhjecled lo. a oflli-e aiianl. KnoH.slpe tdnt WMma. is r.roirrwl nrr W( juolifiahle upon all occasions of Ih stut lal. so4r I.m irasiet fine romtenntfon could be of typewriting! rriiired. Ai'plj-Pul t KOII HAl.i:. Olle of Ihe be.I domestic infidelity, and wax not tbsrw K Surf... m yw, Uwr OfT., in favor if lynching and taking made, thai he could nuppevl, and Office Hot 1063. payinp rlnuraiU ih tin city. td tse ISIS lme, lilt. 4 f.(irr4 & Hanson Dybhavn that wa lhat Ihey pa round jrtMNl I.Mrsllon. iMnp immmI Mii. in ll4 Hrfuirr i4 si rnsn H the law into one own hand WAXTKI- for Mpn or woman tt. 11 saur mi 0. brm f it ttt Ihe word to find Ihe accilcd Insurance Agent. Third Mix killing of Month was in self kitchen work. Write iUnada .. I.m reul. wHIi a Ion? uiw4. 11 w tmt naita nf im t "not puilly" without leavinjr Hie iMrs. S. Frizzell defen e. Hallway Xrwn CM Pacific. II. leftoe. llVXirr htll oWB. SUM ! nurtr fnn im orrm 4 Avenue, Prince Jtupert I'nder lenplhy cro examination jury I"'1 for even a niupje min 0. iJJ Apply Hot t, llr New SM nstir. u mnl is rrtuutltau ot Smith Block ute. Hm H4 rM tifm IS S.f KIT lM by the erown prosecutor. V. Mr." Firiirr followed for lh- Oilier. If IB IS mristHn s r4 14 tIM tUlu Coentr Third and rifU k IIOOM wanted in ChrlMtan hrm K. Fislier, neither Ihe prisoner Of M I SM4 IX IIBVM fo nil M c row ii nnil jiie ak lOlt lll.VT, Two nm tvH. performed by widower (SctJchj with byi nor hi wife weakened in regard mn I Is pnl irr4if k lo tliefr evidence given. Mr. in n fearlcx and tactful factilon 7 year. Apply P.O. Iiox SIS. Vtith bath ami fMiiiiry. Apply iMit ir ttmm e t rsl sitr ir plac(i"tt Ihe cntwn' cae apainl ISO km Summit Artlte. evrnlat!. srtsa m mr tH. Accidentand Fisher failed In shake Ihelr le. Ihe arcued to Ihe jury In the If LsM hf"ir? ., ttwt Scpert limony or cause I hem In vary li ir4 srr. p. SAI.IIS fillll. WA.VJIIH Klale llov evidence liuht of available. I heir slory in any very material vkhelher llier-wjke. TO HUNT. Honn. with r with. It. I. MU-l4l. DINING HERE Sickness He went carefully over Ihe evl. exie-rience.! or tH.inn tutwtft tf Tit. fashion. He asked a ureal num j dence of Ihe prisoner and hU Hot ivf, daily .New. If out lnartl hi itrtvale iMtuie. twntr Orry, V ber of of both " question wit, Phone fled 363. If rn tn. a.c Insurance ! nessos oh to the iortihility of wife;aiid brouphl out mnyL.lv.l.,..l. .. ....... ltiiil for the jury's ronblera IA (HlfWHtl lll- lV. IH- IS A HABIT! I heir no) feeing aide lo pel over man, exurii'nce denlrablr, but FUHNIHriF.D gUITIt TO II!NT- IIW1 S.S 11 W S ' You are not immune from Ihe undauntedly trying iluatIon lion. not rercnlial. Mrllae r. 3" ft. lAAtln IUmwik Phone lied Wl. tl. still iksi Turn l.i Miw lrM. tJ ttti r . isimai y, m4 Accident or Sieknes .Mllier.-at hy leaving the place or at the Judge's Charge. homo r ii-aw'Hini:. A lail, calling on the two men Mr. Justice Orepi)ryi fUmminit WANTKU flarM-iiier work I IIOOMS Full I1F.NT- 17 wdi.iTir. t t 71 very t. .. v...1.. w.i 1. 1 1 l1 fur r.lz-4"- T SSt VMrr . And a darn good Policy in one of our strong Ilarr and Anderson, who arrived up was carefully and extiautie. day or roniracl. Apply Imii - - f fli i.tfe. i.ii.i ili 11: ' - mimmt .A IW and- preM'liteil the cae mot New Office. IVVM f ta.l l onlta l44n a habit Goad food Companies will properly at noon of the day of'tlic trag ll3. I3U ACCOUNTANTS ,.. M.I lMr4 rSi. too. clearly and lucidly lo the Jury. lk fnu Is nirl r ! I' . provide for yu and your edy to hcale Uie lops, to come to und satisfactory service BOARD AND ROOMS 1111; thr S IISM !. ' HI family during anv diahilily. Iliiir ns!lnnre Anxwera were He pave them full instruction I'JCPKHIKNCMl ACCfiUNTANT Hm miS; is efcw. i israr.l Our Policy will interest jiiven frankly..tUi.rUoikr rtlUiJliyJffl0, llie cae. PAI.Mr.lt IIOL'fH for board and would take tharge of set of rbt4 snrlk Si k fmtm t4 ttumtr I means pleased you. cularly Mating lime' and apain; lUf'tltr VreraP similar ne for! room. Home Ohiking. flair iMok. whole or pari llmt. ui' 110 ta. mi patrons. thai he wan ctunned and almfiSt hir publance. WhiUt beinpi MiinniiliU - Xf.V I.Vm,II W. K WIIIIi.rofl. Phone ip"...fcuMtt jiji,trva. j Prince Rupert WMde liimclf with fremy after '"''.''-. " w,.a7" lul 401.400 Xevvnln .Avenue WeM. Jlsrk Z59. tf ijrir mwmrtr ii v in w AND OURS ARB the wife's liUjry. He had walked;'"- -orui' ... r-. Hwl Ultl thJi T 1.IMIMW 11 4l. t , (f FOUND Tal UWI Thiwiw lr. Il Get the Habit. Insurance arouiui in ine tfiinri intervening i" " ' - --... i. Mtt, a r . IStnd. Ir. MS ufi4.A tt litriA ll,A mnT til hi rakll act by. influence jj-oit IUMI. -ANIi, JUIA(tl) Phone neKiim far m ts M of birth in the Southern 'f j ' ' FOt'ND -black and while pup. US IS rran ' wn reaelie.1. anil lie nol I li-1 p,eJ 421.- 1 :, .-rlf MMM o FWII lt MHi Ltd. Owner ran have by yse.r lb I . ,1. w ame Agencies, killing In a orl of trance, be Maie. wnere lyncninp a nu in-' - pay . IS I'M.t nt lltthM. I. discriminate killinp were known ing ad. (20 ftlh Ave. II 12,uld Si. Regis Caft the deccaed armed tfnd j P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 lieving- In l.l. r.!u fj ma. Mfin'uillW; JL. 'iKwsmi 11 I 1 hsmi I Second Avenue waiting for him. ' Inlii declarilion that he hoped ft) WW&MiW . LOST WISI. t Me ' I .1 lll;. rli to ik llk. Third Arctmt Manson't Address. nnd Avenue. JWtion Two. level the day would never come when UST Onld Uiff Link, inllisl II wa after dinner in the with slreet. Casti 1250 or Mrw It. .r i in 1 men from that pari of Ihe country l-W.K. 6.0 rewanl. Fln.ter 1IIHVI4 M SV. evening, the iinrn aemrunic term I ISO cash and fISO In h4l Swr Oral would try I" introduce Ibost return to 410 Hixlh Avenue Your of Ihe court for the day. that A. twelve months. Iit IH, l)lk ' IiipIIunI on this side of the Ktl. 193 vi in niiaijuTtr iiisvtw iAn w- v- trnr.niTrfl M. Manfton. eounnel for Ihe d.e-fenoe, 8. John Ilox 1 12 Protec Owner, Kmnp. IHIlt UIWII. Il..i P. He crilicled Mrs. !lomes Garments line. Tl- aniir 111 Tims. l---y In-t.t addrened the jury on the A. It. 3, Sacramento. California. CORSETS SILVt . actions in not telling her hu-bn.nd" ArfH. VHm.II. n, r mial In naalt l prisoner's behalf. In a clear 132 fillrsUua k. IS Mtet.trr "I iwS. n immediately Ihe deceaseil I'rawi t . . tar s ! u COIUUTTS inaile to ordr. Mrs. cut and eoneUe facliion he reviewed f lind.iB rr im a.Mnr w the evidence in the cae, inijyie hi first objectionable ad. WHITi: IJillOHXH Prlie lay. Director. Pliwne Iuf 2J3. If Mrbra1 lUMl. MIMle IS WV.I ' - Bros. and said that under sucii -r Otioiin iU4. e,; vanees, ing strain, for sale. 'Yearlings, . polnlinz out the unusual cir- 1 a mm in .1 wi ..H-n 1 from Moths cuihtance"thal the crown really circumstance all women should 2. T year old. l.75. All M.4lSrt THfart 11 HU hm.. of rulu. Main l HwifM .IbraW ! The Home do at He was not at all so once. had no w-itiieKftc at all of the laying and in flrsl-cla rwi. lkeinnns luu: trVfw f 1. v. aclual killinp. The accused bim- convinced in hi own mind that dltion. Mrs. W. Il Thomp-son, rbaut U-alr to 11 ma Uirrk.naatllartsl llfl. fcDont Imp liiat ninth will nol f elf had made flielr ca when he Ihe deceased made any move. Terrace. H.Q. tf inowvs W i:nws r. arl Ramsay's which could be described as of a TIMBER SALE X 3273. told Jlarr he had fliot Ihe de. ruJjj.jrour jptrmenl ftiix -eaon. threatening nature, causing a FOfl HAI.K Cabinet Vktrrda oi rr.t msmoTTt iit-or' tn pi Till ceatied, and pave himelf up lo filMt Srsdrn U b rMr: St imt reli T 1MII1 MlM). a. , Male Sure. liiin. The therefore, hod man to kill another thinking he and rarpeL Apply 411 71b H.lrvl fumtrr tH lalr Ihas Hra. Til noli l TSmtM Hir. lixtus' crown, lb Ills 4) rf tour, llfl. tr IS Maawll. . C. tvrrSr ! " Pure Paints -Drj Cleaning will positively was doing so in self defense.i Ave. We!, "r Pne Hlne lur-lUV ll, to rely solely on Ihe witness for lit lArritr X IttS la-r SBtlilmSJ Sir. htiMia v mi awMatum K U"i . and Any way Ihe accused had nol i 195. 29 V I.. Ui nil 411 N. It A emr. ln. Vimilrr nf LsiMla. IS rrualsn l destnriy.jmy eggsso liny the defense, the prisoner and kl l4 Crlr. 1 l.ar l.tr Mi liilcl f'f ilfo4ni hard''uUt his wife. brought that out under examination. on rr III b simaed fr rril ir il tanilrr Is futlmattii dmtia whirli mollis have FOfl HAI.i; Tbre burner oil He coneludd by tellinpi ij liuJr. In4 aJtull aav IM wrl 44il a ' How it would have been, k-M. I.I.Mi. t. r i.fatuMifarin al s tii I friuUiUty'- ;. easy stove complete Villi oven. Pee rur(Nt iiirtiniur nr Ih Chirr rrir. , . ; . the Jury, the Ihree verdicts they Vtrtori. s i:., ut is iM.inn lerir. MjtiII II IM WMilbanl umrr I"I ALLFAPER tJOtt " if they had had criminal intent, al Kinith A. Mallell'e. 3rd Ave. I'MW l.fciM, f. lilt; ISMV rlwio ll. ISr l . IleforA yon. ack away ytrur for I hem. to have put the deceased rould bring in: murder, man.; lain naIS. lorn rfuio !: isr t ti " -vvintccparineiiU. M slaughter or acquilal. FOIt HALF.. 8atrnon in. TIMBER SALE X 243. sut .an iwni or .m.i in. j ; heavy u l)ry man nut of the way, and purse tjortv mm. '4 iu 1 1 The members of lbe jury on. three inch mesh 250 meshes Timui rissv. unptlJ iTIIeJui.tlifni fur you. left it lo appear as accidental iy siii iivr.iu i teire tr tsl Mltpi vwo, .pp' rtni ,f I ow n ..nl 4 death or suicide. The crown Ihe case were: U. V. Kerr, foreman; deep. Apply P.O. Ilox 72 1, 30 Miri.ir tn imt. i vtrwn um ntr ...id If .if' Oiorge W'addeJI, Kra 0. Hun sunn am Ih ItIS Ur nf J llfl. orir.'i cntra.oTTr ii i i on w 1 (Canadian SteamLaundry case was very weak, or rallier ! lit. tinn-lM nt lJrnr X f41. I at all and if the I.a Trace, P. J. Hyan. V. J. BTOVE, lied (complete), Dresser. rl l.fon.usu trt itf Sir, Sal.sn. Slat Til noil Hut Tbe liir. Iivms 120 Ptst none crown l:luSfc. n in stn Ulu.lMl tl In IVSil I' swle'i P.O, Mrrrbi sir An VUwU. e. flogs. Table. Two lUkers, etc. til, Phone S. prosecutor did his duty, h would Klierman, Alex Yule, Kenneth ( Unk lkr. tisai 1 .. i.iMrirt. I ailrlM HI Pin9 in Jm.i Second Street j Ilooc, Wildrid Oration. O. V. SI3 tixlh Avenue Fjt. 1211. Thr 1 s trari will 11 suud iff f landa tar IM wiuie t s. 1- w Sixth Avenue W Prince Rupert al once ask for nn acquittal. If n.l nf iinilxr lir-nr la nriwt for MtrnStHn mrr nn. i Kvitt. Oeorge Kmilh, O. P. rurilir uriimur i.r is t iiir rvir. aMrr Ih fNtlMmlnt rTb ?., ;1 believed the stories of the they FOfl RKLK Englhh baby-buggy. Virinru. a. .. it lu 0 1 1 1 !, 'rn tl . IM ! "I Orcbux l.lali and hi wife then Tinker and David Olennie. Wnwl, W. C B"n"l II (Prisoner lhy Mrs. Ivarsvn, 111 8lh Ave. V.. and H s . j rn hls ""I l iU4 l JI must assuredly bring in a verdict Phone Green 351. 131 TIMBER SALE X 2CS1. Mwibwm mwr ut U Mill iiik- wtm, mi.si Phone of not puilly. He quoted STEAM ENGINEERS lvin, isriire mmth St rluint, avnr , W 1w.fwill. JUW..V L GO. several instances of similar FOR RAI.K. Mammoth white SiM Mfwlrro IH lie rnlrrl I)If Ihe rsl rluiMi ilwn nwrlt l elms s.( mon 0 M.inrl rM lr. l"Miir Ri:rn, H C ,owl lll-S'l Of f,limPawHI. n i. . u.m. la.ti. ISIf Pekin eases, where provocation was ELECTED OFFICERS Duckling. 50e earh. Ulrr IMS nuasi ns Ul f IM III f JlllH". " Tll"l PUSV. , STEEN5L0NGWW Jteach ISf I. (im- tli iKirrliu f IJrrnrr X till i Apartment. 2" M-rl sran. t- 1 for the best not nearly so great, where ac ir HliKIU Hn.r, r H. t. In ml lls.vut Alberta Coal quittals had been jfiven, Mr. Annual Meeting Wat Held on FOfl SAI.K Iltankets and pillows o.1 oim nf yi-ir siiriir mil jimI v llrinSark.iibtoed fur raninil oi.ct"1MC.1 ciuhM'TTr 4IHIIMM isnsn imm.lp' hi I j Shet Metal Manson concluded his llilrty Friday Night R. C. Parsons, " phone Bed 471. 2B i-r I'uniir lluilirr. nirtirffliri r Ih SUf rjrrtlre. Influn; AgTHtforMcairyrurnrt t.l. iu,ii thai ttiMna firiar. minute address, which lis was PresldenL Vtrturl, h. r Minri riir. l rii- Phone 58 lewd lo willi breathless interest MIRRORS 'yitaJLi i.lrtlnn Ki IM StliiM " Uisla lr ""TlAltoal to'"" I'ruvlnr 4f H. :. tor I Uri f" I; by the crowded courtroom, by The International Union of MiiuiniiB FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IklaaSMI Ul pnaqierl flif lJf l WW Prince Rupert Feed Co. asking "ip Jury lo put lliem- and mviLviciurto III llv fulWl IB dMTIIl lIMl HI"' ... . .ml "rmrf s". Steam Knpineers on Friday evening OI.AHK llM ..u., A fi..h.i lalaba. S, (. SID lir" Of ALL KINIW. 441 Corner 2nd Ave. ad 7th SL scIvck for one moment In Jhe held its annual meeting and "III'IVI..!i St s .. - Prin't Itupen IlfOOMFIlil.D. 417 51 h Ave. K. Senior Lttaut of the unfortunate j1;k ! youmt the following officers were eed- i is attains: Phone Hlue. .137; residence, June H Xon of l'.nilmid vs. a.iM -ii nbtUli- tUnr kt Hi rl ed for the ensuing year: Oreen 407. tf iKMfil ut rmimtPur-Mnrnl. President, It, C. Parsons. Son of Canada, Ji.uMl. referee, u.4 ,s.rys..;.w Torpid" Vic.presldent. J. 'It, Vrally. SUMMER RESORTS. July t Callles v. OAV.V.A.. M.IIM TnrSMMIfeSl-,. TOM LEE CO. TORK'S Kecrelttiy, H. V. Kmllh, Mercer, refe'ree, CMISMlTTr ll .M ! "' . . yitn OCItl i iv.nul. INCHKASF.I) ACCOM MODA'J - Liver J'inancial Secretary, H. li. Hire. JON Junior League TigCT IKLSMI. . C s SELL Conduct mor, James IllJuk. (including u tent for family or June 7 Allilellcs vs. Mer-rhanls, . .... ..'r-,.-,.. ii.ir. Indus TOVES. l By ksspisf ins uer sotir j m v Ouard. P. MrGorinark. party for summer boarders at Hell, referee. . Va.all. S.C, inlrMI J, el Or, Chus's Kldnejr-Uvsf KI in Mlll.awr m ""- ".:. ,UU" fllratlnn Hill Fills, yes h ss treubls Irsm Trustees, H. .fit. Jn!s, Jaine Turin, Terrace. I.aufear A June 13 Alhlelirt v. I')ry I'lt.ilnr nf a. C. for I lnrr itiii'IBI Wholtt.il tul enitlpatlon, Isdlf siueti,eta. One l Jllack and J. It. Hcally, French. tf 0 k. Iliissi'll, referee. " in pjluwin dMill. lnd; '' ."" Oener.1 ConlrirtJ" till t doit. 2 Jc. t bex,stl dtsltrt. June 21-DryDork vs, Mer-ehanls, IM t rliro Fred Stork's Hardware Dr. Chases J. W. McKinley left last, plght EI0YCLE8 MrCulloch, referee. lid r.nii.iiH.nrlin d.w-rlMd II II IidKrtHi I Pfil fl"';. ., tfor li soulh en lie Prluot HICVCU',8, BWAtflH. pAHTf? Juoe 27 Merchit is, Alh. EfONO AVBNUE Oeorge lo' attend a convention AND TIlll'.H, Tie "PtMFIiCT letlrs, Hell, ir'criH. l ill iiai.ii IMnr unrll It rliiliu tilii.n Dli- '"4 e.niiK,uiBl. . fl saw - iHiim ul .. PHONE nt ACK 114 lot the Orond l.oilge of the Odd Agency. yi L4 Avenue V. Iwiid. 1 1 in J"!".". -v JJSjIowt. I'tioiiv Jdue 937- (f Advertltt iu the Dally Ntw. IH'ia..aoMrl r..-i ru ilnl.