Juno 0, 02l M,.nlr TJTM DATLt KIWI PAGB .J. HEARTBURN IIIIIIIHIIIIlIIlllllllllillf C7 i Inpollonrl Pnrcnnol I BRUNSWICK LIVER TROUBLE I SjUVUI'UIiU 1 uovuoi 1 81. Regis Taxi., Phone 45. If MACDONALD'S Wtwa the tlrf brnmrt torpid and In-fUiiiril. a rannot funil.li lumrlrnl bile tt II. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. If Mm ImwrK II1111 cauaJni tbrni to become The No. 4 n.llllrL For afternoon Ua, 3t. fleijls Tlif tiiKntrii in urn artrni-rt. In IIm " ' lrtliurii there I 1 mawini and life. tf i I ' !i !(!('. hi- ii Mil Lurninr m in uw amuum, attended fcy fur tin- 'Mi.ip 01 your iiKiimini tMiur. rtuwl lir trril acldilr. Wanted Haw furs. Pat I'liil- pleasU.' Tills WlMlipvrf w fritlcb food ID taken, II In llinn. If vux oner l.ihlo in frfnnl, and brcuni ellrrmly 11 aril III" ill onr. tomltitif vru-n orrura; did lut 11 I.IhI yoiir lioats for ale with (lm-n up. u aour and aoineiimea bitter. Oilier linr Irtiulii fjnitonia ire pain M. M. Kteplieiis tf m More Tobacco for the Money tinier the Mri.i .boulder, relkmneaa of tlie $80.00 kill and .).-., Hoallnf nkl before llM! ..Hayner Bros.' Pioneer Under r aw ... a. w .vkav Sfcii. r-r m.. mt-wi laranr i r. t-iiacvd I'niue tad taaln In tlw! takers. Phone 351. tf moruuir. '"ill brralli, water braab, Jiuto- lllrr, nnii.ilijii. etc. liali for bonds. your Vicloty Packages 15 keep your lier attire by uaint Mil No wailiriK. T. McClymont. tf ti- ! blgui'st Millie o ic burna Laia-Llver I'HH and you mill have fi'Uiid no hrariuura ur other liter troublee. fieira; 111 niiiKii jil in-strinnont uny The iinMitl f llie Admit i;o nrrl tetcUlile the do nl iripe. weaken f.fM ,1.1 today or iirfcra like tin. uld-fa.bloiied pursatirra lelurnei JlTliiahl lo Vaiicnner. generally dt. Mra. Jury Mronif. ula'iierin, It. ,M. riMIluii a iaiMier . on-- 1 iulr. unburn' Uis muiIIi last 11 lit mi llie I'riitee 1 lrr l"ili. awl tliey line rUarrd nw ,f leartbuni awl (iter trouble. I Uon'l flunk Uciirge. ,kaf "II .4imiiii. unmiwi II If tha.v ran be bratrn by any Mtaer im-dinne. Ivlc.VfHtnli eMnaeMvs.Jjd end I fn liirmy refotuoirud thctn." Mr. V. will noj rrii-p ii a rial al all nraiere or mailed rwehe tprnori.im or aaiu until tin -I .b i...i.t of prim by The T. Mil-burn Ot-lfiher. 1:.. . Llmili-d, Toronto, not. Adrl T. A. K)l1 'nflMlie Kelly I.n'a- L2a iqiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiec'. Kinx ., left fii? Vanemixer lal (ATTRACTIVE EVENT WAS eenlnx 011 lie I'rilire (ieorye. John Ftewin, Northern II. C. STAGED TWO DAYS IN Mr. aif. Mrni W Italanno liae ci-n-u eoiiimiioner. left for AGRICULTURAL HALL relumed In tlii 4f) and are Immiik Hie Skeeiia this fuornin? in connection EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY Build! Build! Build! wel'emimi by their many friend With hi ilulies of 'overseeing today. (he work of the euunier- EAT ,Attractive Event Was Staged alnr at present engaged on tak 1 Two Oajrs In Agricultural V. C OrehardV;ieiMiiiMnied by ing (he census in the district. Hall. lii wife ami ilailKliler. left fur 1,; i I tie 'heaped building tnalet i.il in t lie world and (he moulh lal t-icllinK mi Hie II. Oersler, bmlher of (lie un ti.ifto renclirij luw wai it tiKirk. Hi'' "prmg trails Brand Tlif rarnlval wliirli luuk ilar-Ion I'rince Cieorpa -p. fortunate yitunir man who wa Rupert ag up. the tendency will likrl tie tow .nil lnghor lli iiflerniinn hiu! pv-iiinit recently drowniNl off Porcher Is-1 ;""!. I rff ;of Friilay ami Sal unlay lat nl J. Jalmiir. of Jalmur IlruM of laud, relnrneil on the PHiicr :'"' It'iju-rl l.iitnlirr rfiinuiii ha- a larfrc Uirk I llie Kxlilbilimi liullilintr lit this eily. Irft'wfj lii family for Oerge lo hi home in Vanrnuver.; 1 ', 1.H Ii In llll xtnr ri,iureni(nt. IhhIb I In- :lil nniiivernary of hi old luitt In. Syria lal nftilil So far no (rare of the ImnIv hasjl BRI L L S DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH .ti- fuuiiiliiiir of Ilii- lniMrial on the l'rinre '(fattpe. liwn fiMind ant. ft i llmtifzhl that;! lurJiT nt lii llainrlilem tif llie as Hie aeoiilenl occurreii ilurins SIDING FLOORING CEILING 1 Knifiirf in Citiaila. wbh nuilc Mi i:helitn.,i.ler of Mr. II. an ebb Ible ii" i pn(ie thai ' f). Oewe. h mhiIIi wh. taenicer ' urri-!.ful ami wan rnii)fi ly it may never be recovered. , Do Your Building While Lumber Ii Cheap. liuii(Jml of HMt txilli on the I'rinee Oerse al even yuuns V SIMILAR TO ENGL'SH SOLE iii ' ir rcuireniP(iU lit h ..Hi. . Sr.ij l...c. or jaii'J ii lio viilml Mir big ing 011 a vinil to Vanrouter ami The L'k town it case of It Phone 381 for Price. Jiuililiiiir mi TrriMli Hill. Vleloria. Ltivvri . J. Merrylleld et al. is TO COOK Cut fish into required portions. Dip in flour I Tliere urrr eamJy ami r"-: heins trieil at the assize court to battf r. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. fri'liini-iil IhmiIIik in flic pitMit' For llie uinjr .beetie.Irwu.lank'uase 1,, 1;. day, and will probably occupy SOLD BY ALL RETAILERS upon pHlilie sorrie there number ami stni"villi' nliiivt-K fining in time, as are a a iMiulinimu -eyrlr. affonJinx nirer w;a liI fined ffl in of wtlue.c on bold side to lie the imliee court .by .Mairfilrale Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. lliurli alclislil aiitl MIIMIf riilftit In McMunlie. . examined; William. Mausou A all miH-rially lli many yiHiiitr-'iIt Uonzale have llie ra.e for the lni rr ir"rnl. A ilar plalutilT and It. O. Oujihlnn. of mi Ahoiil II fly Utsftr reaelieil I la ,alt racl i'Mi w Hit. jitayiiii; f Fisher A: Ou?hlon, for the de rily Itiin uiurniflB' on I he I'rinre illii i.V.V..V. ImU'I- mIu . w et fendant. Allerl it lhrlr;xaf t the camp tn llie veenrt inu.l of llm- tinir 01 me naien ruu Denlistry-AJ-Bape inJ'U4ilul in:a uuirb'tl Juiinv 4 11 tuijie j-ouns ejiim, vvcr, it Tlniri'lnn 'malic lliiiiim w and all In ItariMif, listening to llie uiuie at I In- De font times you want CHEAP, SERVICFAf LE ili'UUre if till. l!HTiully miik Fir ilimerfioii Ititulier ami l.uxe ball duriuz the . dance on ltii in n-ifanl In h n.(Mr-jltmilir. "lili'lap, l. I. .ruc. fir flninli. -alurday night had an unpleasant for dancing Dial wrra atKtrM ahaf window, lumlier rc- "Xperienee, when Hip railing' Ihey Heicenon Block, Comer Third Ave. and Sixth St LUMBER affiirtlrl ami wliirli.wrrr lakfiit awn and dreer' In any ciie. were leaning against just below Dental Nurse in Attendance lUilvanlairp of by all bolli eliildrvn Ouiek delHery by'ul" own ear. Ihe building suddenly gave way 9 1.30 lanl frown up. II. Hinckley, fw Hay. If and they were instantly preeipi- pfTlce Hour, to 12; to 5; 7 to 9 , Urvat rrnlil i itlui l lliel lal'il M.iiie Iwenly feel into llie liiuuilwr of ladle of Hie vnler Albert iV MeCalTery have bmislil excavation b'lovV. Tliey wore for a who jmmiI o inuli I inn- ami ru- 'lie million fret of'.N'n. 1 flr liip- badly shaken up. iv of lliein ,iTjiy 111 making llii affair it lap and liiiieiii.ioii. and are ell-intr beiiiK- taken fo llie lnpilul. Temporary or Inexpensive Building inurrrm. A ronMilralilv Mini at oveil price yet quoled. wa rvaliiptl ly llie umleriaklnir AIo eoiuidcle Pk of fir nnib 'THE DAUGHTER PAYS" Enquire at our yard. We have FISHERMEN!! jwliieli will k InwartN (Ii tiuild-I d'Mir and windows add builditis in;f ftllhl of the ordi-r. inaleriaN. tf AT EMPRESS THEATRE; everythi ig you can want and can save by selling ou the you money The local culoins ofllcial are We can now otter ANOTHER CANDIDATE in rreeii of a wire today from Elaine Hammersteln Heads Cast proper grade fcr your purpesr. FRESH FROZEN HERRING i SUCCESSFUL IN TEST Ottawa niiiHMincius . lint, from In Her Own Production. now on. Ihe, rii-toni duly i-harta-d on Anierlruir cihhI will be plu "The Daughter Pays." adapted ICE DRY QUICK SERVICE Mim Marjrie tlarler. a pupil the evcliaiiL-e preyailfnir lit the from Ihe lunik of (he same name of Mr. A. V. Clarke, was anoiher dale of invodre. ' by Mrs. Itailie lleynold. will he BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY BUTEDALE CANNERY Prince.t - Royal Island .ii-re!rill pupil al (he Toroiilo Ihe next F.laine llammerslt'lii production i:oneriitory of .Muie esiuiiiiia. Iteiervo Friday nlshl, June U u he shown al Ihe Kill-press Iii'Mi. ni'enlly held in llie rily. for 4he ltoanl of Trade' dance Theatre when Ihi lalesf She revolved llrnl ela hohiir in which will he held Imweleoiire the Selznirk Picture will headline the the introductory piano emiie.'' liM4iiher of the Vaiioouver Hoard program tonight and tomorrow. DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY t'oiiiiiieutinii on tlii pupi'i of Ti-aile niK. their friend. Iane- The story has been adapted for Cenernl Real Eatlt and Intumnce Aiirnla work llie examiner 'titled (liui itijr lurlii al '. p. lil. idie 5tie. Ihe ereeu by It. Cecil Smith, the W. G. Barrie Phone hs (airier wn a well prvpared i.U'lllleiiielt J.IMI. 33 continuity expert who ha re-eenlly 808 123 ami prniuUins ttndiilale. She been placed under ooulrucl I 'l mi SiMdiul Afeliue ill llloik U, Section I. for a few dayn pos-O'oed a pood hand am.' Iter J. W. Itlley, wlit, I uttendinp fo wrile exclusively for Seliniek. THIRD AVENUE POST OFFICE BLOCK. Cash work wa priit'lird thoroughly. the asrirulturl ilepartluenl uf the Hubert Klli, who directed "A Fool Only $750.00 Uiliverily tit-HC and'wlio ton'. timl Hi Money" and "The Figurehead" Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets Buffets, Dining Mm. I"l ia ueied FULLER'S SPECIALS a rholarhip at ihU year' e for i.)".tMi and in a ilemlid baixaiu. for Kugene O'llrieu. also ainiiiitlioii, reaelieil (he oily Ihi directed "The Daughter Pays,"" Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods u Hi, limn. Siiaar .... SI.$5 umrnina lo pn out on 4t lii-oloiti hi llrsl picture with Mi llam-merstein. Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, p O. Uoa 1 885 Fire Insurance Phone 87 H li, Oian. Suuar S.35 eal urey trip. Comforters Our Own lirand Huller .. I5r Acadia God Fih. 2 lb. f.Oc. lan MrClarty. John l.owrie. .Never forget lo li-ok throufhi Iladium Flour. Special U8.1li. Jolm Smith mid J. D. Well, all Ihe elalfld 111 Mick, $3,75. of L'k, vvhu are lit llie rify. a and LADIES' SwlftV Laid, 3 lbs. 70e, 5 lit. vvitneo u the U'k townitc K1TSUMKALUM STRAWBERRY LANDS Millinery tt.:o. case coiiiImk up today at the sitting "The Out Season" READY-TO-WEAR nf the AsKtie cuuri, art reir-itered ing I'ure Olivev Oil. roK. IJt. now AND HOME SITES ., at the Celt(ra I Hotel. fOrfJcrs taken for made to in t DRESSES, measure, I.ux, (tpoclal. 2 for 25o. HedditiK plant. City Market. Let us supply the One and two acre lots partially cleared, one and a half tvi ncotine, lancta ana saun. resigns ana Jelly Powder. S fur 25c. Achillea, Aler, Fuchsia. Slock. miles fr6m Terrace Station, close to river,- and half mile Cloths may be seen at the store. Special I'runc. 5 lbs. 55c. Calceolaria, Ceraniuni, I.nbelia. Good Eats from Kitsumkalum P.O. Good road to Terrace. Splendid INSPECTION INVITED. Special CulTcc. 3 lbs. I.OU. Pane, Plihvx, "MafWuj;rile, li. fruit growing land. For particulars and price apply Special attention and proiupl ie, jiweet William, Shata Dai. We can furnish everything P.O. Uo 327 ") MER S" 27 delivery tu flsheruien and wharf die. Wallllower. Japanese Jri. from Soup to Nuts, including Philpott, Evitt 6c Co. orders. Primrose, Dahlia, Caulerbury Olives. Plain. Stuffed or Haya Block. First Floor 1000 free rides on the iiicrry-1 Uell. Fnxitlove. 33 Itipe! Olive Duller. Peanut (ro-round. Get your tickets In ai Hut tor. Cannot. Meal. Our Own Tea -and Coffee. . Nuic llnjiln ivturutHl lo Hie Chicken. I.obsler. Pimon-tiie. li'i workiuaiihip and Fry's Itacon per lb, F ,50e j eily by Ia.t. tnuhl'' train aflor Salad Dressing, Pickle. Fry's Hams per lb. ...X. -tSC I iieni.imr neai'lv a year In Knulaixl Soft Drink. Ornpo Juice, Dr. Sutherland Ar t Clothes ipwiMy. with reaiouabl Fry's Picnic Hams, per lb. 3So un a vacation. Mi. llpuhe pent Lime Juire, Fancy Cakes, n prti'1'- u standard al'a Fry's Salt Pork, per lb 35o mo! uf her holiday In London and Fruit. kept by I'i'V Mru. A Catsup, special, per bottle. 25c and at her huinc in Wale. Ac- Nu rhar-e for packing. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. '1 ICooU Pros. A Allen) Allen, cuiiipniiyiiiir Mi lliiiihe lo Ihi Free DeVf '. i SlotfifU'mS ;" KmiuIoh wan Miss K. O. DENTISTRY in all its branches 1 Udify fuiun,,, ID( r,,,, Over 250 patterns to select PILES ItaltlBr.IUaM. Davlos, wlio .l vjlKillnjr with her well Soils ud Lisht Orfftsili from liiK, nr IToUud.No ller. Mr. W. U. Ilui:he, of Munro Bros. au tit a tKiulrri.opw. Fifth Avenue Vet. Miss Davie Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 Avenve STEVE KING Third lf,ct. a uinttuant wui ray niav locale in the rily. Prince Rupert and aSord U.Uug V.u.tt aoo, boii IJo.ita.all Phone 88 Third Avenue For Appointment Phone Black 516 dr.l.ii, or Kdniuiami, Kla a Co.. luruilo. uiiJ 1W tr..U you uaulloutlila f rr sal ancluia IM tUiup to yr puU(. St. Reals Txl. Phone 456. tt