PAM.7- a--1; Snappy Sport Shots Football Boxing. Tennis. The Valw nc.wsse. Here and Everywhere Swimming of the rrfcu All STARS If .111 nn i NO EXCURSION - I Sport Chat WIN OYEK WINNim.,! Red O055 .. ,. t, nam woun vnampion. GOING ANYOX ftoeilW","r"'""""wr'l W.lllain T. T.lde,,, of J.,ilA. r r Duma Yet .t.i.i.i. int' j'-iiiiiit, me worm grass ten in tiff Publi on Canadian Tour, champion, m Saturday added Some Prince Rupert Athletes anotucr isuri'i h, hiH Hot of Will, Howotr, Represent FNXII'l June o-a -i'.nmun. achievements ill (he net jrame City There. !. iffri opposition ll.ey when .he -won tin' world' hard. Nurse . . . ...... ,. : - 1 1 ; i .f i 1 i .1 On j.., lUr Oil lll'-ir liniri'"uri .iii ruampioilSllip ,y .account of (he proposed rtiU hr Scottish star "WcaHiuc 'aWr, of HMkIuiii, celebration In this city under I i . .i.r i i ' If, il,u final. If- ..... ..i.i iniariteAfi ft n,. t,,..- r . i tiVK l""d eleven " "l-jlft Ihftt- utriiliilil win, J In- score- 'he U'a of an excursion to Any- All' yon ppifple of Hip ri(Je piling your eoimlry rouin knowleiiirp Ihroupli year of hard ludy and sacrifice, yet unn lr -core of 3''i which were A lo 3 in b)h"x "n '''ninion Day ha been t'uar deal Voil Miwfl Ihewi lo omu the he U eer ready lo heed llie rail of approaehjnic moflier-(iiMit, " lease. The jrtltne were, played ati1"1 ul ulthotitrli It i likely roiinlry m' Dial wur Jmji-Iiwi.i may procper. ,i you run-whelher to imfiart thai knowlitljie whirh may he Ihe loenn AMil 'rn. .. ..el"" 1.'.... II.. 1.. Iliat I'riiio ltuxrl 4-im lliey ha.f Juicjiral and HUffinc titlrnlhinf of avlnt' a life. She learlu ihe mother Ihe roier rari! will ! " ' rp D'i. 11 inatliT lo you thai llieir rhihlrrri Ci jiol have Ihe of the rhild wtiat food and In what proportion they .... I.' .II r- i rniurri ii..i mill n,l nufi, lrnnl iolittl lournumenf -fur. nil rffcfiilril In (if. urnfllrr lrn ty IncprrlhiU: thai your rliildrin rpcH.4- in your prhiMiln, mid should he civen to Imijil up a ulronff. healthy to1y in the mr- !-'i1 in Hint rily. I rla' in nuiht on. atlilf-lPd from hor, who will fliut niJUij; of Iheiu trrir tip Ailti deferlo Dial rolild eaullv little one. fro In lake part In oorm of lh har le-li reurpl in IuUIIumkIT Would you lilt lo Jir She imparl lo parent a knowledge -jf personal liyjriene French Lady Cham. rvenla then, rii-orpi" aWiere (,iii-i1ij Jnnii iiu pxnr roolx from .'IS tu f 10 or and anitalion. that they may rear their families with a J'rI;i-H' .. I inn filial i wjiere i aailali fur wjieic of Hie value of rleanliiiein. of mind nd jm,hhc help; your child mar rjear iinderlandinir nr lit a w w 1 1 ri Mile nr linn ii u ii nil Ktiatui Intrtoii nrxl Mile. Hfisi hoat will iro North ami he eiill.honj and your wife injured for life, .eearie Hiere lMH.y. Through her encouragement mtd aspiclanee whotr fSolliiijc..of I'raiitv, in lh ain Jo Farrrll. of (hi rily, will hov wa no iiaK.'iil with ymi cannot whirl, the fommiinttieM are lieneflllpd Hie dirrt reult of whirh WELTERWEIGHT CHAMP (ournainonl, l.tvniKliI lmnor lo Ihrrr wllh T. (libftnn, Hi' 122 rpMMrtjiiihlJily. Ji yius lhat Jhey oltould li- mheri he mean heller lime for you people in Hie rilie. llilr iMii oooolry wIumi Ihpy poun.1 liKhlwrichl of Oil 1.1 h:iT- allenl ion. You inotr llial the more Hip Think of the utTerinjr if women and children in Mir Anyox. onnlry i ihh-iuiI op lh" )'tler it will he for Tiij and I'rmfnce tJial ran lie avoided Ihroiisrh the iiiamtninlnjr of Good Showing In Ten- won ll- worlil'n liaril . rourt nrr will llkfly h ikoinc l'rinr NIMfINK MUST OI'l'N- IT U. Ihefcp puhlir health nure. whom Ho- lied flroi l elah. doundi Friday Night at failicA' rliHiuiiuimliii y ili-fcal-Ihk lluprrl Iciiiuk player, fin up ami Ikt yirti realize lliai Hie lnn.ard of health In Ihe rural Il-hinir wilhin .ur l.order. Ask yourfelf IS THIS Mi lliftiiwn and Mm. Iva- II i lpinir i-iKlcavortHl li haip and ouliyinir 4ii1ri-f i rxra-edinjrfy low a condition frilAIIITY IT IS N'T. IT'S :()! Ht SINKSS. Portland. r rork. of Ihr lirouyht mUhiI llirousli .a iark of Lj..iwedp on Ihe iar: KnUarHl, in I In- final. (Jr-iiMlle Indian iiand In Officer of the British Columbia Division of the Canadian of parent, of llie proper halatieaf of Uh. ralion fur' Uwir Ho rr lMlnp 6 lo f. Inln allmdanrp. Tlicr" will he no Red Cross Society. iBYLANH. June o - Oatid rhildrenf Hip fanner males a study of Ihe food problem California W'ller- inlfrr.l I bxlnir maiiiffrl in fiMilliall Irani pu North. for hi lle eloa'k. Joit in Ihe mad eramhle for a livrliloMid I'alroi Hi Hon. Ihe Lieutenant Oovfrn!'. ih; ij llirw pmo by all lho who hp m jirouc In oerJiMik the iniportaure of Ihe prpir fiMMfs Ire!idenl Sir Frank S. Itarnard. j I,m riiiimlii lo u am ittimr4r la ifiinin. Tli and Iheir iiuanlilie for hi -hihlren- -a far more vital Vire-Ireidenl '. V. 4one.. Victoria: A. P. IJIack, :3 .-,day nohi with Jack rrn .... 1 1..I I 1.. I i TERMINALS AND fneior to himlf and Ihe nation. Vanrouver: Hi Hon. Judjre K. Mcll. Ynunjr. I'rinre Hupert; b llrrwril.i elwm-,HL , II i ia jut piieh r-.iuditionK as thre that the lied lo Sir. K. Some. ' nolt Bn. .nmni; SALMON BELLIES 1'iihlir llrallh nure i- invaluahle. She lia. pained her lion. Srretary-Treaurer- A. J. Foryli. iliiMirlanl nifflu uf th firanon. ARE NOW EVEN UP Officr of th Prince Rupert Branch F ilon.Chairiiutn.i:xUayor.MeCiymoni. Both Training Hard ('Itairirion. Hi Hun. Judpe Youiifr. lark iH-mjiiwy ain piarlml - Vire.Cbairman. Mr. Fred Dawson. VAXmtVKrt. June C. The la-I Hnlurflai' bia Inlnnhit iraln- TreaMirer. Mr. fSeurtre Woodland. for Vnnemner TerminaU defeated Ihe Mr. II. F. McLeod. :,rraser m ii.a: rniidilloninK lo defend Si'j'ictary. i In' wof4d'i lill airaifm Opotup New Weiliuinnler Salmon lleiei Supt. of Suijilied, Hr.JI .W. Amler-nn. ill Ihe fourth of llie Minto iiame IfV. H i.uiwiitii r in Hie J.ik runle-ftt of .tuly 2. lie iai jn.i ruindeleO laup iierie here on Saturday hy a WANTED SI.OO 'a lay off f"r fnr day in whirli neore of emtil to ile. Ilolli leain. from iind in lirifish fl every man woman haxe now four malrlox earh. won ilk 1 In- did ii-i IruininK win I ever. tadiiuuia a em oilmen! fee in the II. ' Ui.rjnlier in Iraiiiinti harder Iiviion of Ihe Canadian lle: l'.ris VANCOUVER WINS Society. .. . t....... I. I"..I I.I. iVrlAa ...I .U,.l.,P.l.o JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP $0.25. IUIh 'ii, jn ,1 fn .riiiuiHifi.i .,1 f a.iif p . . .. i.. a. . OYER VICTORIA IN .fur children up to 18 year of ape tfft ifi ncu Hiprii in iiiiv"" ,nF i emppy CON JONES-LEAGUE Membership Drive Opens June 6 i ih prcurt of!'i"n-wl ?'"'' l Mnha". I.nti Ulaied. Mail your enrollment fee lo your local VAXtaOrYIUl. Jinii fi. ur hrancb or to Ihe Ijrj t-: ihe rinenl In (lan-it, rr.v4fi(r under ideal vii. Rutha SlxUenth lliotifand erlalort raw Yanrou-er CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Hnlie ItuUj, Ho- liilllne marvel i-iley defeat Yir.toria ill a v i i the Tear round C2S Pender St. West, Vancouver, B. C. . of the big lea men, made hi Ihe Gon J'-ne. Urrimk Jat:ue I v J i f mil V. lllrpnth home run for Ihe wa on Salnrca ij a .for of pine m ii auuuf airuanr i,ir I n uHt at New York lal Saturday, U lUrrr. ."ji.i a reiAinmi in iirinaii when playlnir in Ihe home and help to adevelop . .... (rrwiiud ajratnl St. lxul. Ilam-btmt AMERICAN WOMAN Itiif inelhod, Southern Ireland ha already awliiioed any. 'KING MAY HAVE would lie governed tiy ir cominil-lee LOSES TENNIS GAMES fl Ml' VIMH .11 " - " - of nnminaled Irishmen in. Rlpad of at jiresent hy lioniin-atd phone red 157 Limited heard of in Nir leamie lu.ll. Tlial iT 43t'l). June C. fMinn. TO APPOINT A Itrilish official. M ml ail oaAtc STMtrr tn lillllng la genuine i i- ,Lpni:pB VQ j,e wurld'o wimuph a Power ft-C d-nreit by Ihe fael lhat he i ;iarl rourt lenni chamiionhip( religions m vaitcouvui hiMiiiK run into variou field dffraliuc Molla Jljiirsdedl Ma PARI lAMFNTiNEED NOTHING would suit He better further than eer lie fore were hry. Ihe American lenni player,! MINIMAL ACT. than the opportunity to come ; known of. in two slraieiil se. 'llie score ' and abowyvti capabilities of Ford wcti sit to two and six to three, i Authorized to Name Special Com- CtRTlrilUTE orTMPHOVEMEflTS. Cars and True Its. j Ttil- trince Huprrl Alklelic-' Presbyterian Minister In Charge joth:e. Ford power Is steady,smooth I mlttee If Members Fall to instantly : iiieiip for llie junior leaaue lai'-'l.ul! of Missions Gives Interest i Minmmn. Titer, H.imesiak Mineral 1 responsive .always u.rr.-i.. -M Take Oath In South. ir.uuii,. situMe id tbe umima Mmiiur tu-1 there when wanted. II U I Itanrpn flllUM viljt IJm,rt" BASEBALLSCORES Ing ReperL --iiun -iir Lenoir uisinri. vrnere hicaiira: No wonder the Ford is the tuxiwwiwu iUirtit mjVtt tw a fl an Snraer d ISMile moanlaio. I preference of more than half the Dl'IlLIXJune f..-KiniT fJivirir. TAIK MiTICK thai The Call Minlof; i- II. FrutteD; II. Itarri and National League TOUONTO. June . The neef. ".aiitxanir, Llniiled. Oua-Personal LJatMiily) 1 car owners in the -world it, has Time Iiame . may hae lo aimoint ;a -Parlia-menl lof miaainn worker alone Ihe .a Viuraiutrr. a. C. l-ree aHiwr'a Certiorate ; the patfer. i. Iti.lef.ol: II. Ke4wy.ll. aul-on (Saturday for Ihe uiulh of Ireland. .L lOII-C lnt.iKl. amy day rntn tue, We render Ford service. Genuine 1'hiladelphi.t V. St. LotiW II. Pacific riasl of Jtrilish Colum tale nereur, to apHr lo tbe Mminir Hr-cirder ..iid 11. MilhWt; n. Hill. W. ' Ford parts and repairs are r-i He ia auliiorired by th-llome ' a cernnriu tr lmnrmienia. ,iii-e Bre people Mitrh.ll. I.. MaeMnliMli. J. Iloslon 5, Cincinnati 0, do if the bia is sIHlinKly illu(rated in r lb rurpu or otuinnif crown Unnu: always ready for you here at .r 1 'p .liar jtai-a, alia. a. Chiraso 3. Hule Act In so iiiciu-her reirls cominir Jn at lle Oeneral of ttie auove ritiui. fixed prices. No delays. Let us iinniiia .. an. if.. . .... r man and . Hotierlii. Itpserve--W. llrnoklyn I, elected fait In lake, theuath Ami turtner ukt notice toil anion, an-iter take for s trial run. - i. vfiar a ailj iar Xcw Ywfk 12, I'illshurR 0. Assembly ot the Presbylerian Mieliou IT, raut D rcautnrnrrd twlure you MonlKouiery. W. Martin and of office within 14 day after (Be iMuantt or ucn Ceruncite or Un-prvveiueoi.. luift ibat ei-ape Ihe rvage American League Church hejng brld here, from Rood & Frizzell A. M.I..HK1. iimv. the dale fixed for. nen)hla(rc of in Oateft lUi llt nv of Mreli. A. n. 111 C. F. PrJlWlle, '., Rev. Oeirjre Chicann I. IWashimetou i. Ford Dealers the Parliament 'aihrni wise, tlireiorr1n Ilelroil 7. I'liUacelphia L. new rhartre of ibe Presbyterian Lojr-Si-r' 11 THE Sl'I'ltESIE H'HT Of BBITISH This fact ; important In view :t II 1 V Ml a, Prince Rupert, B.C. niP iliauumd Jlie BALL GAME Missions. a TONIGHFS St. Imi t. New York . Ihe lhat Sinn IX llt IB ATE. rtki i,yoihol. rifly year of announcement In -one .dislrirl he found lwen-ty-one !. THE MATTFS i'f THE ESTATE tir .. . Cle eland II, fluliin 6, IViner nominated without IIAHIILO CIIKISTfTi n.Tiur' ifrnr. if aM I i....a ' a HAS BEEN POSTPONED op-jmsition Coast League families who have never TAkK aoTKiE tlial on llie its! day or for Ihe p;w parliament, rcliiziiius service and most Mir. tfl, dnilnllrtiim of llie mile ,Mr, lilta it. -Ma iur. Yeroon i. I.O Anjrele 5. and Ihui virtually elecle.1, have had a a lUrold Cbrwne Mrtraire. l-ce,m. lo of their children are unbaptize.1. fa-elate ma, aranted lo John H. Ml'Vullla Late Charles Embleton was Man-ager I'orlUnd H, Oakland I. enure Bnl been accepted hy Ihe Irish leader iilttcul Artiuluistrilor. Htiprn. fcirki Ihimom'. are favor. of Both Elka and Sealtle S, Sacramento i. the In .it lie r area nifHilceu families lb I'ajlUUlbll. a constituting new mem. relig-ious service AMI I I TASK .HNM.I lual all i I- e-vi ui'i-ause tj our Sons of Canada. Sau Francisco C, Salt Lake J". Ir of the lail- F.ireann; iik-fresUn- have bad. no pernoii iialnr nsHUei to Ibe said entile and twenty-sis fatn- lo me an w uie ,o juij power for a year, are required piy Srcnd KNe, San Franc io 6, the proliahitily that the) luuii.lribir fiirlhiAilU. lis! all lirriiii tutr Ihe of iljet fir l years; In yet another mi iremintii arnnst Ibe said eaiite are fin niM'ount of death Salt Lake 7. constitute Pari will refuse to la., wide area includlnR tiet-- required lo nt llie awe and ttie Ail BIRKS Churn's l'.iiililelnn. who wa a Paclflo International League inent for which they w'ere Hioutraior wntua inirij tujs wmi uir eral losp-inir cajnp. Ihe one Ul Hereof, ini'iiiiier of the I'lk Loden and Yirlorla' C. YaViina 7. chosen. liatrd this teik day or May, left. VANCOUVER, B'.C. hall (earn and alo if the Son Vancouver 3, Tacomn IS. In lhat event, Kinar. f.eora-i' I hundred have had and nolbinp Iwenly-six in Ihe families nature JoHV M. MeHUUJ.l,Adiullilstritor. Build Now of ninadii. "lie reaular lenpue auliiorired hy the Home. Hide rtliirions senlM for five : 0,1 hit lt,een Ihe lltks and Son Sunday' Oame: . Arl lo appoint a rouunltlee ron-sistinjr of a i.f Canada seh.M.ule! for lualphli National League of member of the Irish years. The deep-sea fishermen Get Busy ! of the roast, wlm nr ehifly hu- l.e..n iKislpoiiml. The new! IlrookJyfi 2. CUiu-apo 3. Privy Council and mh-U other Scamlinavian jscotch ami extraction, of date of the frame ha notyetlieen Huston 0. Cincinnati 6. lierisoiis a he may choose, and have lon len untouched TIMBER SALE X3211. TERRACE ainxiunrc.1. ' IMiiladelphia 4, St. Loui S. eoiulltule these persons a legi-lative Church. These The day of hiph lumber by any Sealed tenders lll be received ky Hie American League and executive t price is past. Price art assembly only few example of Ihe Vinlnlrr or Land at Victoria, a. t:.. not it F. M. djie left un a ltiJne rjilcas.. i. WashinKlnn 9. exercise ihe funrliojiS' of Ihe arw a homer mission Utrr Una num on the Sum day uf.Sflf.Julie, now where they should be. Lands urjrent need for lift, roe Ihe pilrrhiae nf Ucetiee . np in Hie soulh last e.enitiK on SI. Lmjj i, New York 5. Parliament. work in the far Canadian West. in rut t.afejHMi (wi of spruce. Kir. lledar Now is Ibe time Jo on v a ixl tlrailork. m in tee tUMiled ee Shh Coast League Thi provision is descrihnd hy your own borne. i in- l'i iiii i- i; irKf'- H.lUKall ArtU, ll.imC I. Mial IHSinei. I, ADp'ele 1-1. Vernon 3.5, llie opponent of Ihe Art a Ihe - Tbn-e (i year, will lie ilkied for .Miss .leaaon ua auionir those reiiaul .uf Uiuuer. Let me aCvise you as lo uv i.l'!" M,," 'iii up S41U lJlke 3.3, Son FJ-anrjsco, establishment of Grown Colony oulbexn coast t-urtlM-r lurtiruur of Ihe Chief Furesler. JiT'T. luliiklal leaving fur thV plans and costs. My life. '. t'lrtorli, H. t... or nuirtrl I'ursler. I'lion nnd Reliable It i evident that government. Popular i0.9. KiiN-rl. . C. cities last renins. Ions experience as a builder iT r"M,,,i . i Oakland 0-rt, I'nrllanc 8-?. j make it easy for the yovern. TW.. h ?'..hi per mn ariv' SacramenUi IU.S, Scjjllje S.0. ment at once In take measures i MINERAL ACT. TIMBER SALE X3117. i at your disposal. "l li'li, "T. "I ' Paclflo International, for eeltinK up the .Southern Seiletl lnJrr aitl lie rerrnred by Uw I. always carry a large stock p,, ,f iiw ri in b Vancouver I, Tacoma S, Parliament at dr near the same cruTiric.sTt r nTi'HovMfliT. Vtiilaitrr or Laud, al l-t,in. It. C, sol of lumber and tlttiliin ma. f il T 1 1 C later llun nuoit un llie fnd day July time as the Nurlhern. Under ror Ihe pon-liaii uf Licence a JUT, lerial. esntamia. -arimnii no. I," eeru. il, reel or Slaodins Kitrtice. Mistaken, IS THtS SlTftlME COIMIT r IUTl!il' twin ml J." "L Hoar no. t ina "si. atvl Cnlar. i IjiI i anil T farnwr' dauirlHer storied lo UUfMSI. . tkll Mioerll Vllliu,, Uliuilf in in nmmm CunmlH-wi Inlet. Veen Cliarlutlr lulitid H. gWE." BROS. & CO. A In ill mailer uf-WW pIi' of Samuel luter MMiut IHimauu of Cissiir DitirirL li.trlct. . Shockley prartiix itBine in private, Ou Millie, rtM-,J. tiid m Hi nutirr of iti iVIter tocalrli On rtsmaa CrerS, Ml-nail To (t yean will tie allowed fur r- JCeUu.nd lier father iu from IbeJ A4niiiiliirllii !. koer. UiOa-ll of Utuber. Building Contract? day came talk nnci: ilm tdminlsirttioa cf TAM': autjce urn w, eimtof. further paettcoiarntfrtnetnier nrrier. ' a . I a v... It r I'rre Minn' srllllri Mo. I-C sirut Virion,. R. r.. or Uinriri Furrnirr." I'rtiiea fields uiiexpeiieJly. "Wial lhat lie t.Ute or Siinil.l I.II4I, defraanl, Prince Rupert, B.C. rraniPtl lo Jolm it. Mi Mulltn. limriai . fur Hi Alice Artu ta Hou alnlnr CompsBy ht parl. B. C. extraordinary noise," he inijtiir. fiinre Huicrt. rrttlt imiiMi. on-rroii,l I.UMIIty. Ira lu Iimirtrttnr. MM T 'f a.v. 1rt. re itM-naa-aM .. 4flo-C, intend, .lit 'd. TIMBER SALE X 3298. eiM (M ID date otrmr, lo tpplr I ami imnim Tsr. 'i ni.r un " "Tbl, duT." replied bis wife pel Miim naini uinnlei le il Imu sir la miuiua rrmnifi i ur . i u.iv.m v. Sailed letiiler will be received by llie requuar lu iwy Uw wiu la Uva Jartr. luiiruMNiieiMi. r.r tie purpose a4 atitim Platrirt rneeter, frtoea Muperl, B. C, not nB5S or Black proudly, "U Juu cultivating her MturS fonkwiltl, and all Peraut tupyiut nil croan eriot vi earn oj ia auor Uler Unit uniai os tae Ulti ly uf iuue. M.T. UDIB'AWaZNnJE-MDi'S 472 voice." w.-oiilu luil Utr M4 Kaii tr rt-nulrrd niitu. tit. for tse psrcsuie m ucettr s TAflOt lo Hie ilw ilb tlif uuder AMI I t IITMLtt TAkK NUlIlt: tat O00. ear Tvrrire 10 cut t.ut0 llneil feel wf C V, EVITT lOc CIGiVR "CuKivalhurl Hubl" ejaewlaid .iiwrt wuiuu UW CH fruiilp ill sccuoa 5. mul W riUcerej p. Otrk 101. rillUS. fir GVAVurwss la reiff. ' I Iiadcr ttx ltnor or um OrtadeaM uf ora tear ll tie far eKeil TB1BD AVCNVC Auctioneer Ihe farmer. "Thai elu't rulllval. mifii ii I'rmce iiuuert, tu ui 4ty of Aiintter. LEE UviiaMtt Fuat OAkM . Audits. that'a harrowiinfl lUal'n ,4 my. Il. Ptlfli mil vita J ut warm. n,u. rurttter naritctiiir oi tne tanei rureater. inir Rod t Phono B. iltrirl t'orenier, 1'ruire , oni n. nrniiin, i mm. , Vlriulta, C. or ffaaSa m $ixK mi liarrowingl" oavM .Aavuiuaiuelar. UJ"o rlaVaB. ttiert. a.c i