1 Iff PAGE TTVO THE DAILY NEWS Wtr The Daily News JfYoa GEORGE ARIJSS i-mngb iiupriit - imiTiHii noi.u.MniA Suffer hx. tmr eat- I IN "THE DEVIL" Published Bvrry Afternoon, exrepl Sunday, liy The News Printing and Puldfehirtg ComiUnri f hint AWnffeV Take . a eoun ef tha fawooa Pen-Seas t If. P. PULLRN, Managing RUter. rOs. Pimcj r .f ot- -n wies ,Walt Knn ,AUe TaUa Won ewm m u .-,ra tlieausol i rta ' darful Pari fn Movlts. W ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Hit Cily IVktveXby mail or rarrier. per month fl.OO' EEECHAfYTS Th RMtr are eltiia Ily maMjto departs of the Ilrili-h Empire ami the United tolas.) vfy from th' kiiniMt- k asasa a ussjs ar,n ssaniat in ralvardfr, per year. . fO.WF PILLS V, ! tt To rr in' Hrtr as fuanr it ruuBlries in advance, per year f7.n0 TELEPHONE 98 ! Urr WiiIhi H.a t la a WU xiiind. It i a lii. rnl IsIhk-tiI Contra, t Hate on Application. , f fajrl, f.ir Mi'lnnr fsmM All advertising should be in The Daily News Oflira on day pre-teding SUITCASES iplajr. "1b lJrtl." has Nn film. publkation. All adVerillng received subjett to ippdrrat.1 -j with aMrav Ai-it. lb l-- Special Attraction TRUNKS Uratd Avttab aat wsm toter. Tprrtrd lb tittf n'l f th DAILY EDITIO.N Wednesday, Sejt. 7. 191. s CLUB BACS ALL THIS WEEK 'Tb BWndurttoa wan romptHnt a Objecting to Gift Large Stock On hand 'b ttsw aoo and is to be . Aeroplanes to Canada. to select from atom tnciNriM at use Wastkotw One of the Knriih newspapers is oujreitag t lite frtft of 1 tHMst0 aeroplanes whkh was made to Canada 1st the em ttove as other Hm) fam1ia draana was first gift of war material to other countries. Tbese pi ft were not J. F. MAGUIRE bni in tsT at H'liby l. and anrtioimd by the Hritih Parliament, but were nade by the Nest the Pri.. tipert I'-1 tbesi to 1swa. U sraalsd a to fbiuet j&vithoul rouaulting the legislative body. t'nder Uif rare and tbc ( liriis ssou i irr'iimTb,we do uot wonder at the newparrr fuiag. Wvw4sA tto ibeMrs mt rrry DRESS PATTERN Th Jtsjj A lb Canada i iM realty d.jeatioWa, o-ttf Ibe PREPARING BYLAWS um lbt rmliaAt. Ku-suswt, manner of making the gift. The rhief oftjealkia is to gift of war bad oato yaw material to other countries. Poland w(s phtm two Bullion dollar-worth FOR PLEBISCITE TO dairM asat of MdMr. wtaveas to of Hnto Nsw York Ibrra wsra Iwaw to SSL stores, w ghat "war material and fjreere aeroplane. bounties thee goods were usetoae to tbe ttrltih BE HELD YERY SOON pewtaatinsi was offered Xrw In York tbr TO INTRODUCE to every vtomm in the city the wd (K'vernwt ad the oo-t of trat4etjB)f. Ureas wsMthi bar been Itato) -bbratrv in more man tney were worm, but toe oldaruosi NNUm principle The '9 7 5.OOP r etaatoa ytttb ftoarsjr Arli in Ike nil.- values We are offering, we will give with every ml and not to the prit o Um gtfL la Ul eHitry they baf to Jtfblj bjrw, Ibe a.Voo WeerMaw Ibr olM al Ibe ar.W-i, for IH- right or rartfament to control the anatrs m lit roaatry,I Hehooi bylaw aad the PrMuaa Mft. aVwtn wa)s iaj tto rii Dress Goods, one of the famous Ladies' Home Journal a c ujw urre. iiofTrnmriK ij wtun-w tuiifii.ii rs rwr;i",n ruip sua nrpr rjr desirable. iacrwRM-nt hyiaw tto JaHj ajarrnnsard.b New York. Il-auu-r.prtorrel Patterns, of your own selection, throurk thfir prrlifntaary drH. with hi Telkwa Understands bia aad pa 'd rity bia dtM-rrei atle, hi Way to Celebrate. last nisbl. of thr toueadoe. of t Telkwa understands tbe way to put am a MtolMttoa. FREE to aba famal. rather town owe murb of its fwonerUy lo the satrfrf and 'rXiliniBvr 21 br'wwn Kip liss, gnm-drlbtoalbto of Katotn Sleraa. Ito of it rrsient. and porMiftr tbr baistoess aasw wbo ara no of a.m. aad ' p m n! iby takrn Mr. rli for asniaf bae paimiripiake it attrartne. The annual Itarleewe tbi year wa a ;Cbn Woods ws aspointJHl a ttbrir ItmM bimI with -ttuir grraf ur f . just as great as wer. with Uw added imptu wbirb turntofi off-T $a vit im a ha (?ne from a inrreae m popolatioeL Thto year there sw winl apuilss Ita. Tbr I the sHMnrliB mo I .latxTale! reaurlrd I he ! All materials in this department have been marked 3cu fu- maoi. mw farr to be en at the Inteetor eeatrr. and use ir- hyU will, r-'toe an Ur ihir romsiS' nr ghen juct a heawty a wefcwme as the otdtiaaer. final raadtacat tbr wirsftoa f 1 1.res laa c f)ihr-t. ihi M4uar rHIiilioi'. rock bottom, based on the wholesale quotations for fJ Thal-t the pirit of the ptore. aad it is the firt that wia. i hp unHi aesl asrk. Tboaa preaealallon We are glad to kaaw that Prior! Ilnfrt wa represented at sr (hr mr tbrri bytanrt tbat atokev il bii ii-r jiillw fax or buvinn and are in most instances half once the Jlarherue. A JHinilxr of tMtsiness meat waH there for tbr wilt )m prsMniM to trr rslsaaj i I. rvcnnt there aright tiae leen more. r al llir prraral Umr. FREEMAN ON BOARD All-wool Ssrgtt la nay rnyrlle. I.n n PlaJd Drass Good, Unrest Still NARBETHONG AGAIN and ardinsl. M-utrh par yard in. .ei. . !i, it i. ,. tliJKI Continues. The Man in the Moon j TILTING DEPARTMENT All-wool Ssrflca, tl.toeb. navy. Mark, bsmura. Al-el Dlssasal Costngt tfifre-d stitJ sorrades the whole world. We are to the rardmal S2-S0 par yard meat' r-.t hi t ing pot. It is the time wbrn establfbed iaituiaas are UMad ua Si iarbe . i MM as ohstarle to te got rid of. A eodoaieraHe wart of the poawita-in ! 'j' I're.-lllali fllllllTilJ All-wool Satin Orsnadlnaa A beaalifwl etotb i'H i tKiH M. lowWwg un aatber euoskleraMe part wWh feeliaga of I HxMS mwad iw pretty ssKr: the Ifcrpartinent ..( M.iru, ta a aire raae af aabsrara 4sfe ltoajN vsiegr &oiiHvas,.iHrrvtss, t jraloii and ill-will. It is a fermeat which baa.bean !"b My lui the lrealie-nt hia lal. Ihr Snr- gradually cb.y wrr piubtl' browaa. frffa. aekiua sir.; ftlia. $3.78 ysrd f rey. unrpif 4 bt1 inry.ing nnd bi whirh the war added knpetatT Ard vrrywberr thai Hair wvai hnnnj. has rrreivnl al the fhre are evidenres, however, that there h a se4tfiag djowa Tbr nsra ssere a lbs toiap. band i of fbe offtciaia in n romnienriug. The wort of the unrest period is orr aad tba world) a a a toe albrard la carry iaenra The aoos priest represent 191 1 vslutt, asd will again turn its attention to seriour work aad demrtofHaaat. 1 THE Irast Has eoaaetom wtkSfl, as he efsnsi. other a are Mmmtr, sitry piece hat batn, jnarisd dsn The ntiret was a tierevsar)- fartiw in Jlie worktop aat af Up arrataras to lbs world am bed atom permits U d . Ilia lai In value with srrltlns to correspond rs geedt ast latUr to tba desmlr ailaialer fsrheimrr-TTf development whfrli" will- yrf take-many- tJewide-, - - - '. - lirtilkAlilv Aiittiria. 'II ha ilraun altrntuin i Hi iimuuiiiHi nil af aaartae, E. Hawkea. folhiw life and has set people trying to work out remedies. THE worst fralurr about:i basa "Year letter, MM I. lo haikt KatobU af ColututNi anl r Taaaa-niera that ra. v is they ato aat What Is Remedy -i aawoti wi la ap aaaaiaM lOraaea pataics . to which you For Present.Condltlon? ' W1Jari...-.l f..r a Ion tiwtr nroaMss an iaattoalioii. n i- A good"many people are aking themselve. what is Ihet thai oaastMic would r- atorur a slraase IbtnK thai yu Lti remedy for the present unequal roetal rondilioiiT Thrre is bow.! aad aadl a Urn ampto to twisl so qataMf rH an toveJixatin H. S. Wallace Co., for Ht ausaana af tojatriiM Thee kiommedrate remedy. Hemedies are never immediate. town that arrd sptlliaa. V ln3 Inale change, hut immediately we find ineqtialitie Iraasaairtalsun serviae. rt f..r breaking out again. The fault is not with the systems so isiirh as TI.MK8 are tbree years your taapertor ha with the iridividiKtU. People who have evolved from a system of I brrr's ao aVajrlaa ilWally deariveal me of my bus! C. G. Minns, Manager the nrvit.il of the flttet mut le trained for many long ernitunaa Las's fwll sab naa. Ker Ibtra yesr yuas to as a fhi - in-iore they ran uudertaiid anything else. There ha to And all s flyina. spsetors hava made the water s r between here aad Sirwarf "nrrm I" "JojlJL nEr.i'! of evolution. Nature's changes are slow and a LN apita of (Im uA Ibat n tol wators" far the Xarbrtboa and wrong I'ihi is ratal. Today, however, we are hHrrying nature, "nirasjter?.jl"jiiuges1. are.roniing fat and Ihwk and the same ud Haarrtrd iiiupk do jnat rant watas tor the real and W. T. MeCoy. rbaraed with al-lowinir ebiUlrn. I lir r- a loi'nf fm-hralllty for three rears I have endeavtred proc a"-Tbf dilliger Is In going too fast. prostilultoa aa hia ore. yoiiiur foil in Hi: town. to set your department to jm 'twvm&JUi ,S . i-''ir whirh pilars, waa dtomfssed tn the p... The qualities that mnierar ma an wpen haveslitraiioa. People. Sidetracked lire Court thlav inoriiliiK yor Mr. Maatbriip haa promised a a a DAUGHTERS OF EH3P1RE By LlHUlIITvlnos. un- for three years. Why at infliienced little things and it the Htotitoy Itotieslt, who is People are easily by nme aow in time -tjle-tlrg things pas iinuotieed. That is wharain lis lb AT FAIR TEA ROOMS try.row Mr.for Maatbrofi Uissst piaicitaaf atd Mr. tar Ibe il.T.1'. UlearHph of fire at SPRUC Miwer tlVWiff demagogue. It is the method of the demafuave to aUksvA Urn art l rt k.1. I sisa yuu fair waratoa; tin workHijijihe, feelings of the mJltjtiide by maguifying the !i(Ue Meeting of Municipal Chaptsr if any r tbe boats Ml quest tbbr marntoK after havlus "ii'igMJJKhfeiHvit'ng them seem important, while at (he same time Htld Latt Nlfiht to Maka are fin.). I atian brtog abanrra he is "putting over' something big. It is sometimes spoken af Arrangtments. rily. a draVTtfg 'herring across the trail. Watch out for the dcana avatost tba aiftaars af Ibe a a a the chief wood for ncroplHnes, its strtrg Knigbla of OduMsbus aad Ibe gogue. ITe f the mot dangerous person in uuy rjoiinuuity. 1 As has been tbr rast'iiu to Mr. aad Mr. II J. Uwwy and toughnei. case of UrstageuM-a, If fiae Ibe durability, ii-n.tHy makes bis big appeal to the ignorant. pa-l yrara, h llunsrtpaf fibap yew biatily af Aayoi, a to tbe'eity tar. I. O. D. K. is to aav tba boats or tba' oasesrs of Ibe (day returniair boane after hav. smooth finish, readiness in taking rdjjn t roiiin eoitoeasiua al Ito) Kx. boats, there asjist ba an equal hue spent soHtr lime viaMiaa in varnish and freedom from defecaf ebarire aaalaat Ibe eutpbiyera of bilutioo this yiMir. Tbarc was a ibe aestlh. Mr. Conway la a atto TEO COLLART, LTD. - ruBuc NOTARY nu-fiina of the chapter last nlaht sueh biksis. It lakes two lo rns enxiurer wtth Ibe (Iranby suitable in the powVa aaurt and H was break your laws. QoHsoiblsletl .Mtotoir. Hoiellins "t.f 1 fj T.T Jl t4 tvs room boux fTSO cats bt-idd to have aaafa of lha hV HiM)MK8 K. I'll U KM AN aad Powar llonifMiny. i e,rl HmiseTni Tss liu comrr low Sw s. II and It trt tmnntr. for tsoo tAiivi Two loo la Block tl. Sctloa tsoo idiai7 KbayUr take cbarga us s a a jut siuiiiciy !aaaM Marina latvraaaa RmI CtUta ilifferiit days of Mm- fair. Mrs. 8. lUlalirr It opeflinsr a Tbc Marine Itiurwi Cnmraor of SrOi Amarlra, 1 Ten Years Ago Millinery and Fur Mare on Her- vh turn umii, I CUUDI V W ft I J Nor him MtLellnn arrtosd in In Prince) Rupart l Avenue al Walker's Mui WISTHOLac THEATRC BLOCS rHONC BLUC tt the i ity aierday iifwmooa froai C yi Ml. re oti Monday. Mrs. lino tier BIG BAY LUMBER Alice Ana. Ssptsmbsr, 7, 1911. la one of I lie ral old timers of II. lbs aHy, ami was wild Mrs i.lt'iui'iiia, ciiiiwrYHlive randiiJati- liiHiiers In I lie early days in her f,,r (ioox'Allin in ibe Smokes old store on Third Atrnue. Everybody furtlic.rniiiK election, adilreassal a a a a i-ariiaiKii iiteellng In the Khs. 4WtU Miss Katharine IMIUbury. pres Th.-aire but Hlant. Ir. ,IC ktf W It. dauKbler of Mr. aiW Mrs. J. 11. if iJlavlon.-iiraaldwl and IL It. VoMiiit. of Quean Oliartatta I'tlsbiiry, left on Ibis iiKirning's Dr.. Sutherla t'-iiy. train for Motion where she will and Mayor Mauoii were .as OLD CHUN Kpeakers. a a take post-graduate Collrgr. Mitt work I'lllabury al Kiin-inooa D.D.S., L.D.S., PJM" fieorKs LIUIs, owner of the wrudualed as Uaehetor of Arts.at Mllletown luwoslla, la bulldhw liie tnivrriiy of II. Isi yenr. DENTISTRY in all its'bra? a mad and bridtf from the railway lo lite main ebauoel of the Hknena fllvsr where a ferry will TOO LATC lO OLASSIfY ba put ialo aonnect up lbs Jub-e' side id Ilia river. FUR (Jl i:K KAI.Fr Kevsral flat, for Appoinimenfc The Tobacco t tan sbatrs. tables, ml stove, oil lleil. rt K. DIi-iiii iiIk m il linn hauler, bed, aeveral nijrs, ele. i nn IIm vv re nominal' d i.-'Iny Apply Itooni IS rnilUi Hlork OF B-C- of Qualify si ii..on as candidal" in i.r Ih.ns lld SI JIO UNION STEAMSHIP CO.m ("i t lo " a.ua ibd atAftQ-''1 m a m m . aauaaar i oming fsdsrul aieaiion. fur kantatlff. t ft... itHn.iii a,.iiA a. lit a-" j aT to. i.r-. afffaTaW. FOll HALF. Ml '.lm y Fl.'. llir i ret urlii'd mi I f l iiiiK'- ' to'iiii for iai'k s ilf rut r.. itiaiia. ...t .VSL.r. I' r , ; . . I II;,. ,,I I,Ml It ftl I Ph HO Ilhli Ml' :i Hei- . MS SaaeeS Aiana ,o t m l" tin- e u ti I Avenue If