KDlftnbf 7. ' THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE 1-.' Local and Personal Ehool opening Launch "Oh Baby," Blue 548. FAIR WEEK September 6th Daucc at the Ilink s l i ,.jHy 211 11, c. fntrtaefs. Phone U. If s s s AMid the crush of the opening days of It. Smur Wr1ti( school by getting lat cvciiing'e train If in I -k FURNITURE Supplies Now I'riies at the. Pair for you, but Your make your satri. n.,w if j . s Choose fariy, choose well and got exactly I J. C. p!MWr. Of P-H MlniDM.n what 'a want Books exchanged If ORMCS LIMITED reached Ihs ttf yoaUniay morning. not right. WELL KNOWN LOCAL s 0.hnnl Bars. Paints. Scribbler?. 81. ftefrts nw dining room now Loose Leaf, Compass, Divideis r COUPLE UNITED IN ope. Tawai reserved for prnaU Crwona, dinner as supper parties. Phom I o? c tet squares, nuti-is. MARRIAGE TODAY 150. tf oi sons jfal) orders sent by first train or boat. Mitt Isabella Kelly Becomes h. I markrpf! Bride of J. W. Wood, at servnd at Ik Otmd Kal. S hv Home of Bride's Parents. not eonte IHW Md s i ilir rnai WaSns.Jm I In m mlnir al V ia. lb tMMff r If All Lines Reduced w 'MUir imA plaee al the home W. K. Uunlslg bna lak'ii .in -f the uridr parent. Ssith a huildiaw pes mil for tvoo al Vwnue and Tsliow- tMreet. of dllion lo Ms rsnldi nr at MiMI Mi- liabetle KeUr, dsuirhler of Avenue, Wtsirhw. We pay freight to outside points Aid ami Mrs. J. II. Kelly, and John Wesley Wood. TfcW was 9ssBa Htvor arrival on lal a Isrpe teHtMr of friend of nHrht's bmta Imlwdrd w y i in- contrarttnir couple nasi the IMttM. Ilnlisrall W II Piprrr affair was pretty ih)l. The ami Mr. aad Mra. A. Vnk, I'.-n Here are some very Special Bargains rcmony was condor kid by Hev Kssinti. EAT FISH lr H K. Oranl. Hons ot HnvUnd Whi.i lm. lae bride w gowned in grey and Imnee I'rWsr, Depifmber rrcp tie Chine trimmed Willi Two Kitrhen Cabinet $25 each y.pieee Old Oak llinmj? Ilooiii Sulj e ,,-$250 at 8:M p.rM. In K. of P Mall whit satta and wnre a pleture Admiessnn Mo. hfr-hmivif Kitchen GstrftMls (35 sach Arid Support the Industry hat lo maleh. ffce earrhjd a Two O.piece Okl Oak Dining Suite ,,,..,.$275 Hpeetal prise for ih- ra.m which supports you beautiful mmm(H of rosea. Miss Three Oofcln Oak Plnfe Drsssere. . .920 each Annie Kelly, sister of the brat-. 9-pierc SotW Walnut UlMng lloom Sujle .$400 Ask for was brtdeamafcl. Mr wir white Three tlotijsn Uok Finish lreor. . .$25 each Anrof arrfvots in ibe jrrorgette trim used with Wuc sod my 01 IW KMrhen Chairs, double rung. . .$10 each Smoked and Canned the Cnmosnn who Fresh, yssderda rrs One Chosterfletd. Ioom rd.Mon, tapeUy earrtsd a bue of ramsli.wi. Uiered at the HotH I'mw K. crer ........v. $175 too OHshis lluora Chair .$2 each Fish Mil to Ooniale was the srtm. pert inclode J. Herdman. Ir M 1m S. Stsnsnons. Mr. and Mr. W il ine tSieslertetd. Mirker and Ckair, looe Sis only ottoflIMIed Matlree, 3 ft. 0 in. Distributed by Oustts PrsssnL IhMa lomptstl and family, and rushson, I ape try eosfaT $375 $12 sach Faftowfnir lis eoreaiiHiy there lian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. wsx a w sit sing breakfast. The s Three HeHs (Htetoth. COc psr yard Six only Mixed Mattreses. 3 ft. 6 in., art weddtM Mr. imI nl the were: Tfeo arhpjno h.w H.n' PRINCE RUPERT and Mrs. H. F. Self. Mr. mn4 Mr Three Hotl Lrftohruai $1 per yard tie ? . $10 each tWiop is oMSl few huineii m th' W. J. Cash. Mr. and Mr. J. A stead Mudti fMsVC Aewur. with Holt Linoleum. ...T. $1.25 yard I Two psr rrrK Mr. and Mr. W lis ttx only Mixed Mattrreses, I ft. 'fn.. art nsoderf snsyaSjiSMSy for er-ulins RUPERT BRAND Isiiio. Mr. and Mrs. ft. W. Ah- lansnodsott boot and shoe re lio.rarta frosn $4 up to $20 liekto? $11 each Mrs. H. Fowler tHena )Imii, M. A. Norte Miss I.. '".arrall pairs. Oor stosran is "Repairs n.oiere UoMeaj itnk ISdMST Koom Suite. .$150 a. while row wM." Six Kftfy Mixed Mattree. t ft. fi in., arl Mi A. ltidon. Miss Fowler H-piece Fumed htk IHohjut Hooat Suits. .5175 ttefcamc $9 sach V Martin. 11. A. MrMillan. Fred llaptstn U. M. Ilhttrtn h-n i...,. . H (Jot IHatB? Itnosn Snile. . .$200 Itoberim, Oeorre Tile, Jr.. Fumed Inst sifhl on the tionsnman for V.ptere Six only Mixed Mal(ree. 1 ft. 0 in- arl r.-te. W. Martin. Jr . U. 8. Hns. tMla Hetts the wrerk to ell. Matler Jaekt Kelly. Ma-ter of I ho Canadian inepeet hvemmeni p.piere Walnut INninfc H.mmii Suite $22& nrklfiK' $S sach Robert Kelly. Ma.iet J Fawler I earner ItKeJH-h with a iew and J. X. Kelly. tn l-oe work The I ill I. Vince Ihrih hrtde and groom are well ftherie nairnl eel Is wreeke Rupert hiKtwn and popular in I he riljr. hovl ton inHe frsn Helta Hella Mr. Woud ha ajrown up with I'rinre rUiperl aaxl al tended Bsoty purchaser wjo hsvins rhool here, later Um ma lo'U honirht ft wort h of rraeerie or G. BARRIE posilMms with the Prim e Ituprrl eats al Ihe'Table Sunnily durins W. FAIR lirjr lMe and Kst nm f.o. Chaulaoaua week w1M hae an wnd Kuher A. HiThiM- ImhtisI. HMrtua)Hy lo seottro a I S im rs. Mr. Wand I- a x-lurned OUIetle Snfeiy Haior free by pur. Third Avenue Phone 123 Post Office Block, nssn aasl s a netuii-r the hasin two hoses af mini, sasnmiaaion ftrtn of K-l- ritr & the display in our wtadow. tf W'nsijt. The hel wisiiee of man (HmhI in I he riljr Will hf e. Tho cily rowneM last ninhi Issjded to them on I hi oc-at"ii. ihe rsrryUwr of iPTEMBER 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Irft on quarter pae m4 ertinemrnl for a the elbound Irani si io'n for ety in Ihe eperiaJ riir Afler the bow try th' t;,od the honeymoon H- imi uiim in a nusnher of Ihe Now's whirh All Iteilf Ftls for Iee' Afple Pie with Are Welcome week, or , iif will Irtk.- up wj be published next Saturday vele ire i-ream. only -. tl iHlBKBaB-elBm71eM0Bw their reeidenrs in the H-io'r in c aneclioii with Pair WVek in-.nwi.Mii"m prlmrni I hi. will rout Ihe eMy (CI and S4. Andrew-' St-iely Musiial Hie the etnenditure wm rsoummi wd-ed eseniAK. Sept. 7th. ltJI at 8 p.m.! GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY coming of the North Emporium SCOTTISH GIRL WEDDED by Ihe Kinnnee Oomuiittee. Hefroehweuls....Admiion J.i S. S. PRINCE RUPERT sailing m TO LOCAL MAN LAST Am on Priuee Hnpert visitor lr. W. T. Kertns a a and his-.s.-l Iwmi Wednesday Ocean 11:00 Falls.p.m.Vancouvsr.for Anyoi;Victoria Thursday and Seattle.midnight for io ihe Telkwa Harherue who re. ons rt luriicti on lan mihui S. S. PRINCE QEORQE -j EVENING IN WESTYIEW turned to ihe city ua ld nlfbt s Irani from a visit to Iak-Uf Saturday 8:00 p.m. for Stewart; Sunday midnight Swanson Bay. Ocean Falls, Vancouvsr, Victoria and Seattle. train were: Miss M. B. Ka. Lake. st S. S. PRINCE JOHN Mist Jsssla McRobbls B teams John llulirer. W. K. WIHtnnts. For Port r.l. in. nt. .Ms ! and Hui kly Hay. Septsmber laid Thomnn. Mrk. Prwl Stork The Woman Auxiliary of Ihe 14th, and ail "mi n Si uthria Ourn t;hailus Island. Brlds of J, R. Morln, Engineer and faouly. Art NoMe, iHm Ure-rar. O.H.I . will hold a do one In the September 2nd and 16th. jjnber Direct at Pionssr Laundry. K. M. Mniekloy and Jark Mr lot j re Hall We4Hrdy. Sep-leiuher Train Service. Bought 7th. at (ftiM. Uenllc. Passen-er MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and S ATU R O AT"aV 11:15 , i. m. For Siiiithers. prinr O.-orKs. Kduiontt--ul AVinii.- n Se. 20 mif M.-.e 7$r. Udie. lK)n( M4 j,r aMi M men pesr. maxuiT direct ronnrriion lor in poiav4t tJ"ern rl.N-k Is I ninhi al Ihe home oi see w.-u..rf k. .i... Canada and t nurd stair lteorie lelpnto. We I view, of there, viW not coota mk lai Mrs, J. A. Kdwnrd and Mr. City Ticket Offlcs 526 Third Avsnue 260 J1'11 8avea you the middleman's com-Ion- i Mi-. Je..e MelluMiie, ttaufthter ol evening-. and Mrs. Olen MrMlllsn reiurn- We solicit your patronage with a "quality (Mrs. MeHobhie or this city, and J. d on lal nipht Irani from (It. Morln. The ceremony w p r-! The Vler supply to the Pa-elite Hoyal Mills where they visiteI formed l) He.-. Or. II. H. (Irani. Sea Prnducta Asoueiation their parent. Mr. and Mm. It. WION BOARDS SII1PLAP LATH ;Mi Mary Sim wa briiiinsnl. nlmtil Ml WI I lu K.M .. P.. Allen. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mid Lewis Arrol. U..I mo. There JwJ fU of h b POUM.t m FLOORING CEIUNG FINISH were a larKe number of purst, An aup,r,u Bktai llmt ,bU A IM.OtMJ addilhHMl dtttH'iilui-e B.C. Coast Services iber hn. .. .. ... presenl and a deliitful wedo.nj. rlvl.d ff-Xx V. II bylaw was iiilrod-MJ and pul Mhr 7 reacneu rock-bottom in price, breakfait folltrwed. Thia worn ins .Jilllrtl. Bi.i-. ... H,.n,.d IhroUKh Its first rea.liuir al t lie me here present Hie rotiple left on Ilie oa-tltouiul , ,,. Ul,.,ng M4 igUi. Mr. rily eounril meotittB lttt nicht from j your requirements train for Smltlier. wlwre a l'ti-f , inhn.in ainied Hull ike M land will eoine up for final odep- Sailings PrinceRupert wulce aeal ove or Phone 3C1. itionsyinoon will t sp-nt l ''- eftmpany whirh is lo take over lion next Monday ntitlit. For Kstchlkan, Wrangsll, Juneau and Sksgwsy "NCE lelurmnir tn this etty U tak.- m p,,n, wu,, liat u,nf RUPERT LUMBER CO. llieir rosldsnee. ,UH)li ng, r,nK and did not with! Mr. and Mrs. Olof llan-vti re- Ssptsmbsr 5, 12, 19, 26; October 10, 21, 31. Mr. .Morln Is a Hvotlislt sn ljt pBy ,,, ., immtlily cliarpos ' turned from l.ake Kaltilyn lat For Vancouvsr, Victoria and Seattle and came here about a 'ar sn jurjn(- w,,.r. Inight. Tlo'y have beoti sendlnir j ffoni tlte Old Country with Ikti j ess lute iu'aon at their suiuiuer September 10, 17, 24; October 1, 14, 25. 'niolher, who is a sister or OeorsH i;,je Oordmi. formerly pro- Hum' si lake Knlnlyn and alo ,!lelgariM. Mr. Morln l tli -'vincial pollre officer al Alice were at Telkwa for the Barbecue. Agency for all Steamship Llneat Now Fall and Winter user al the Pioneer Hteain Arm w-g ua.Mnj5,.r for vie. s Full information from Laundry. .tona on Ihs Csmoun last ninhi. Janu s Mc.ieonan. oi iwe W. 0. ORCHARD, Osnsral Agsnt ;,, Wing Samples . Hi, ,,1 ,,,,,,,,1 fortnight visit- Ann accompanied y in ur.nn- Cornsr of 4th Street and 3rd Avsnue,, Prlnos,Rupert, . O. t nm m .1 Jarvis Mcl eod left for up river nt u. ime in the capital, er-ln-law. J. O. Kreeah, of lleloil, A I? I I nthnp it tins niornimt s nam. (mi i...rdn now fnriiiinK m Kansas, arrived from the north "nu sva m mil iBIBBBBB w 1 ! " ' I the I ii'i' Nn.i- ulliy Hi rT miles on tlo 'amosiiB last tvenlnfc-. "I '''! feuiii Antih-h mid is verv en-! Ml ,Mc AI''iU OOuUnoed OUlll Just uuiUkiOT HU AUCTION SALES Conducted Arrived ,1 Hie KKrirullural lo Van. .uver hi uie sanis sieum- PILES AH ... r i..i Mil Before disposing o! your effe$r jt will be to 1 Wool UNDF.R WF.AR t?ffi".V'iJSSl '' x Hver coun- here and will take the Prince Red 157 oaasisfli m a oV-tS a a , your interest to consult us. Pftc Wol Pc.Cbua't Olttli. hi wt" .eUMS Uh'm i U. II.TI4IIV lie Illl ..lllie ' IIUIH'I I li.iin.r.uw 11 it il .i.ir in sy Mercury ManHcld, etc. 4 SofS luu IxpvM- I' . A""1 Mr. r retell visitctl meadow tuv S.ls r Edwftokni. .' S ( Ilr.1, I ltnti.im land upon 823 Third Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. luxaii. suiul lw tr II r i i ... . ,. ..r nii t..,.i- ........ .,.. V.,.Hi Star mine.. Hill' u IIUIII ' Mt. .IMUI Ull n' 1 " ' w ,-- (Wt SJkl(ItwtwtS tump y