I -ifUllhr In For Prompt.' for 6 Months TAXI QQ '-- '. I Daily News Service v 1 1- Phone t PRINCE RUPERT ,. I.IP- llmonilnts tad 7 raateager Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Cars' I'illMJK MJI'KI.T. II. II. WHIlNkMUW. HKITKMllP.lt 7. dl2l. 1 Mtrr'l OtrtaUll 1,TU. nif.cVi nvprn m h Aria I TriAnimmic mm M PREFERRED STOCK OF GRAND TRUNK VALUELESS WHAT A HIGH CLASS FUNERAL IN JAPAN LOOKS LIKE. Value in Grand PAY CREDITORS : OFTHEDRYDOCK runk Stocks Says i flaw Orttr In Council .to Bo Passed Acccptabla i o Auditor Arbitration Board Gtneral. A lriBnm wan ri-ciyrU'Jn Iba . - n .J .I..Amm,t twl... Ik fmA rily Ibm riKuninf from'i Col. ini pi. f Prek. mrMher fry Uil4 tt(tf let, j a.kti.iln I'trMmt hv a malorliv mllno that tha who U al frrnil in flitilng-rip m4 preferred totk of the Grand Trunk Railway U at Orieni liar, oaying that tbr (Wnvr-mm'nl hait?errd to v4 appointed to determine the value and prlca at laa a nrw nlr InC'iuneil ..l i. i. i.A hi lit. nAraminl. In... Vlfin ivrrrominir ihr lHTn)falbjrc-iMn w wwfiwM - - -. "''10 of tii- aiKlitnf grtjnl and . . 1'iakiRK H MMihlr liv pSy,th ar-rnunU i at akv afm AAI AAA iteci has a par taiut 01 morv innn wvwvvv nf rmlilora ufeTr lllica Huin tirydoi-k Knd rjwtflnwrln ttfn m f uiii'i'ii rvwi liririiii lUiinpaiiy. Ltd. up lu fity pef crnt. LAUNCH VISITNG FLIERS GIVENCHY IN m A MAN Will Remain for Exhibitions and ! BAD POSITION Clia Three Demenetrct on. ' W Forefoot out of Water at Low Tide, Funnels OutaVHtflh. flH 4i.l irl lrt Uirrr tiiiiniiuii fTlvhi "in aMi VtOTOMA. Jfr4. 7-lAecord-ni mi ,ii..I. ibr lair. A UH- a- l adies lal nijfhl. the W4 yalton friM Ilia Aiaalln lHmiiiin i internment palrul 1 1 trK rrlikl l. H. Muh-r Mirin nlramr DKi-Rrhy I lu a prrfar- an! I' i. Uawntta, HiaKman hiu ptMiliiMi prrvhrd inarcurrly "V r in f iliMUfi Nan wni-uiili. n a rook at an angle iit sixty -I II I immt nirat Im wMIi lit drgrwa vr 'mot al llavrn Covr. rita riunH ami a a rawutt f Chalfh-M Inland. Tbf ferrfiMit l mmlliur f IhU mumtug f Ibr boat ia atr water line it vrnTTivu aranUn4 ay ik Hr finaiK cum-mMIm Ixil al limti title Ilie funnel are lb aaauraar of iM ! -UllllHTgt-d. Aa lata rvraiJ if. lUf mil al n . ) aai rah ' m ra art mcrorfrd MarqMU ManhTfo Natwaalma. warrtor dlptotnit and maabar of tha Hoaaa of Tears et of tba yaar, K t f"nJ Hl H Japan. a mx3 raciir in r im Ta p4rtiir aka a hu4dMt faaa'rai car balac carrtad on tta aaouliars of profaaaloaal tDourear. valla ri r I In MI'.MIKKi.LY CABINET HUNTERS awwry. 'Hi l mak'-a Mm-MKia Uta feixbomtala of lt ar .. mm: aaty ara fonata a (ard ot hooor. of tta atrHn- fral in- . ' CALLING ON MEIGHEN iMuibill( ami ihr r..uira t W-laM r fruanai Fid waiirAu. IIh Fair IhwiN ami Aia-ir TUG SEA LION IS Sinn Fein Gets Unanimous Answer LOOKING FOR JOBS HrtUa. Hutar i:lloar,II. tfat,n IkbmmJ.iMMr f Ibr TOWING IMPORTER . Rain Only Bar. TO SAN FRANCISCO OTTAWA. Sept. 7. Cabinet i in lite. reoritanUalion and lb$ queslkin ..-.Hi Tto iMaMrrl (hmMm far lk- from the British Cabinet and a f wbi will gi ut otwbl will ariil nf M in Mr. Hrrl H SAN FRANCISCO, StpU 7. in Ibr reeoetrueied Mtigh- .lay '..id Ifr n Uir Maraa fttfffcta am aaaaV. Tbi Tug Saa Lion lowing tha i a the baia if I2M a ar dlsabltd Canadian Irrtporttr ii tiiwersuMeni oeinir ui"ru-d -.e ,- Is To Deal with Matter with inlerefti here. A atreani " M ' initial avaraula ad ISM if batwaan 400 and S00 miles Committee f (M'tiiiral viailors.r eonie of II.mA m. f i mlit. Tk fNxMa wMt maHl to this port. Tha Saa Lion wli"in are nirntione! as raoiuet I V I (tiMiiait will b iioa lra mads about 100 mllas with ) - - a-a iiiranii continues to flow into '"I 't 111.10 walbrr aa)U aal Mr. I'rrai her ton on Monday and Is INVERNESS, Scotland, SepL 7. Tho Britlth Cabinet at their in- offiri- ..f the I'rwnler, but : fr a ih Mjr aamjn mi eipecUd to reach hare safely HERE I' 'III BAND IS iitilo of definite uilur ran oe unanimously the reply of tho Government a ! lUllll "iiM 44ia hM wamlil b ram If weather continues favorable. meeting today approved the situation. f.et ,,' Ha ila na4 MHhJ wtnU. to the last note of De Vetera. Tho reply was handed to tho Sinn earned about lUnkra MwVlcVit Inr graal U FOR THE FAIR Finn courier, who started to London late this afternoon. .- lui . Hi Fair AaaovtalliHi Hi- rlty PEOPLE OF INDIA will al lay 4HHaa from Ihr PLAN ADMINISTERING Lloyd George sent a courier to acquaint the King of tho '' Will aiMl I Mi til mirt t IIht ball iirmimU RETURNED MEN'S FUND: Greenville MufUal Organization cabinet' decision, which will bo made public on Thursday nlghL WELCOME YISIT OF - i Urn can AcrwwuU HIM lu ai4 tUf Arrived In Three Launches A committee of the cabinet with full power to deal with De PRINCE OF WALES avtttlar in hmVIk? Iila laiKlintc. - Ul i:.l.'iAltY. K-.l 7 I'iaii- I t Last Night. Valera's answer to the communication sent this afternoon, and Tim iKWtlMrlara of Ihr plane lM a llto atMirta KrrtjitJ aiul W Ihr Mihtunlnl anldiera'ration ihpeiid"iil(.r tin- un rt-lurueil The fa am hi reen(lr Imlian with Irish affair generally, wa appointed. I.iiMmiN, Sept. 7. report iniv niinntr wUI ba frnw lUara it will lake nil der Ilia C-anaifcaM lalrlutic Kuud liana) arrived in Hrt lal nijlii DUBLIN, Sept. 7. The Sinn Fein publicity department, In r.i-eiteO here from Simla Mate b1 land. It la axrlnl thai In ref hal the titdian Counr.il of State for III omMtna winter wave di- n throe launrb the Yrda protesting against the headlines American newspapers irrlnj the MgllW will atlraat . lartfv iiitriiiMa) and Vieloria I- in and the Legislature, .adopted a wiuV refused Dominion status and demanded l In Futures rutl nt a iliirniuriia - ta De Valera as having Ntw eruwil hui of weiroiniuR .the I'rinre on u the irnutl. Kr reaoiiilion n irMNMM krre smtay. ih-i ,i. .nliii. - for fortlMmwinK that Dominion status had been offered declared not tichnfl. Today. lha 4 In I'rlHaa llnMn nul week. 'I'herw are llilr- seDarallon, f Wale forthi-otiUBS V I 1 1 tu aliout al.eNr9.HUO nf I In liiiuljfiir " -i' 7.-- uavlHK bafora hail lli- - left on band. l-u meotber. tMaiHijtwl by S and therefore could not have been refuted. ludia. 'iiiiiilua navrtuiiltx of aaalnc a lai' U. AUUnn and wtUi rrel .Me- al m)i clip ranaf. Ilir flwIiU and Afr ANNOUNCEMENT.! .., K. leajlar. ;UeKay. ! ,,f th lrwnUH Conrart Maad will bo far a tlHMlton f Italf n reident. W ' "ii ex will irla a eom'ert loni-irow a lumr aaeli awl many airlat frala e Mr. S. lUUber ourn a Mil. ii IliullllMk iiiulil lu lite HiMpivaa Theatre al I Tbe band. " ! va a aiHeH e SEVEN SPECIAL NUMBERS OF DAILY e I,,11 . will lie ixffariiiril liy Mr. I'rat, H:31 Admlaaion 50e; t-lail-1 ss Sunday and will play a Kuod COMMENCINQ liMeay a ad Tw tloretia .Monday, t.m. NEWS SATURDAY NEXT wmm MII ami (MKiraita an ni'lt Settaatriber ta, at Walir'a Musko tifml Wfi-k. dreii, Sir. a DEALINQ WITH LOCAL INDUSTRIES wall kmiwu all a awonaut U uter Store. e tho UiillaU Htaloa. litis Mtrl lAdh-4 ar iHVlea.tUl,liii'pecl Ikr HllillnlKUi imiitram will ! Were lit order to eo-ojtej-al Willi the KxlubtUoi A-.-iiitnin in the new Fall niodU bolnMu llaU H liflll....- """mo ACT. Nt of tin' Ifadlnir fralura ami Ten Thousand People HakiHK the Fair a ncce. there will be eea peial and Fur. numbeni of The daily New imldiaiied. i-eeiini-iniw on e will fulfill a plan Dial li Wn ! UltNiliil fur I'Xliiliiliiiii fur anliii at Opening Ceremony when Saturday. l-ah nainlief will he eaabt ase and will earry a K Hunt year in apeeial arlirlen. 'Hie Hmt will e a "Clile" iHiintwr. .leioieil a ST. legerTon It. 'mil h e parUoularly to the ally, and (o)hwltiR Ii wtM be nunibera a l".ii Peace Arch Was Dedicated ih'alma peel Neatly wfth the Fltherie l.uinl'.r and allied ' llii TRANSPORT WORKERS' a iinlulrie. the KxhihilitMi, Farming. Mininti. anl Hu- lat will BY POLEMARCH t STRIKE AT CORK TO H pl 7- --Ten tliiniaiid eojio wilnrvl a be a Touriat number. 1II.AINK, NVa.hiiiKlo i. e Nearly all the puhlieily pui-e in Mix ita alrwady .ier GO TO ARBITRATION the rawing of the Hag. oer the tnln-national rurt arch uu Ihe e been taken up and order for extra ropier are riw t-nut taketi IHINCASIWI. SrpL 7. Lord v up. lUnailuiH-UiiitiMl HUU biMiler and heart! the rornial .ceremony e prepaid. Tlilit erie- of eopie will tie M-'illv .inlatile f'tif Londonderry Pojeuiareh won la by wk;h the Hrtal w- thrown owu Ui ymbolie the ueightMirly 0 nendinR out of town for puhlieily mrHiie an.I Hi iv Wi-luna the St. Ledicer takj 4t ')f-flve " kik. COHK, Kept. 7 The demon-1 . . . ' UmvI Ulw. a extra eon ought to have their n-oniivi i - 1 1. .- nt I'm. bttMdml sovYiU In the roliAis l iw n t 1 1' i.i' ration on the part of the Iran- of the Parilln High-wn a-- New olhen beforti Satyi lay. I'l'-paxl eoi-" "i o- mail o filial tuv . lasale TUl'tlW waon port Workers nuuimkI the llarhor lloii. Maniuoi ll. tmiikr, pnwMdeHt from The New nlHee In n) addl' wilhin I lie Bvupire I from a fwld of nine honiei llounl heraune of the refual of .mil re. i w ildlvrrt'il i px- a A-o. lal.oi.. .r.-ul.-.l. ... ... without any additional clmrK' hihv he nriHKMilile lo a i .,ri i ni-nnina Franktlii the Imanl to aulliOi a omui 11 I. Ik...I II up I in vt-riioi Wi'-I "1 (!:. I.OMI' "i n uniniisiuu. uuii rn iiici noe'ire eopies aftrr ltii aeiira n pnhlmlieil. . mr "Od a 1 1 'rd mnvill . . .. .. Ilium wiin i ntli il autldt nlv a' ..r 1 . J lll llln-ri lliii -li i:,iliiinl'i i .M.'Vnr iiaie hi mummer nuu wa a ",' Tb bln iiw iiiii..nii.ni l. null m!ii an .i.'wi" - - aeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaee u- u l !iil4reU Ha so t" I i mil the dispute tu uibu.ruii u 1 ll- ' Iih aanie i I