1 .at Iv T1IK IIAILV NEWS We.ti,,.. PAGE SIX f munlty rharaalaf a( lire move, APPEAL MADE meat. There are seviity towns on ear eirrwH anil It I I his REAL 'BARGAINS in Real Estate ciretMl pilfH lliat Makes pwssihle Westholme FOR ANOTHER lectures and MlaahHmHiU al :: Theatre On lot SeconcffAvenue, Section 1 I 200 a cost of I sat I bra iMkrs fin-twelve One lot Beach,Place, Section 1 1 X allraellotM. 11ls iruar-antee Two lot Prk;Aenue, Section 1, etch 350 CHAUTAUQUA represenla but kaveetfy r Tonight, Wednesday Four lota Atlltr A venue, Section 2, each 00 rent of the eot of brfnglng Double cornerjiShth Avenue, Section 8, pair 1600 t hautauqua to Ibe inwa. The Double corne McBrlde Street, pair 2000 Capt, Dancer Places Matter local committee baa first oppor- Two lots Hart Cove Circle, each 600 Squarely Before People of , t unity lo secure a surphis. as Section 7 250 ' il. t'kaittaii.itia aaaasakl esAaatsauaak One lot Eighth Avenue, GEORGE This City. iti. G. HELGERSON, LTD. its handicap of thirty par real before It ran break even. lie fore leaving for Uaskn. Free Platform. I't Dancer of the tianadian 3 - Should tUiaaUaqua N Cbaulaaqaae left with J F. Ms compelled to eoena h Ibe com. guire a letter (he i-Htsen of PACIFIC MILLS ARE snusUty wiibout a gtsaraalae. M Prince n after!. which we are would have to eoisve al greater LOOKING FOR TIMBER asked to publish. Mr. Magutrc coal. The platform wouW eaase PERFECT ay Uu! Use in ,.n thr Caeu-tauqsa . hV fen aVaa fbau - - mmmm a.-lat hist closed was fllM Large Number of Cm I ten Are six huadrsxl comaraaitles are t would rtaance Ibe Hswemenl and laat tSe visitors speat avnre at Present Inspecting In Naas would dictate the policy ..f th. wrosw. But, for Ibe sake of i money la Ike eily than they ac River Valley. tually received from all souree. Caaada's future, let us bne that platform. It would eeata l.. he BREAD The following in the letter: tlw tlx basjrasl conimuniliea are!" roma.uni!y enterpHsa and 1 Th ore are a larire number of HniL Cbautbuqua stand. for,Cbetauqua w.suM net live two To la Citucn of Prince Ru i timber cruiser in I he Xaa pert: Ibe hbxlwat type .rf tUnadtanism. un" oHHn- The higti.-sl .Jest "f r.-al Valley al the present lime look At Use resjurai of thr Chautau a Canadian bun that finds Us c.-Nie ean.l study the method, of rookery is ithft.. baking of ing "Vr the vast area .if liro-ibcr prTjjsbiei n earl ss bJsia'uae.tersi'i iteutauqua without poeaBtwlee. I am to perfect tire.f- and this in that dialrirl. II is un- qua pimi U' platform is tbeTreet in 'realising lhal the eevan thousand ttbmit a few fact affect tag cannot be neeomplished dcrslood that, with the depletion Chautauqua for i9ii. farts that. nrf. tuday. ami CbauUmtua I wn ihrvHsaboul tnadw and Harold Lloyd Comedy, with jmv4Umr. of immediate limit convenient I hope, viill have the desired re- i doiaa- as much is. and. per- ibe I ntted elate, that go to make l the coast and mill, the Paesfto ban the I'AaaUtsqtM family m, more Lbaa other its-up eutt of of the any Use Mill, of Oeean Fall, are plan, romaatlrng some Hhls ronlinant bava every reas.ni "From Hand arstsriMi that ha devvhewed thai atilaNhrt. for ...Ibe bnildlM up of ' to M At ning l. take timber for auftf a awtear and Maver spirit of to feel prosMl of Ibe magaifsrenl xhoaid be friessslly airy eoea-snunily and paper purpose from Ibei 8aaadkaiam. It- r.-.on. are record they have wrMlaM ami of enterri. It rather Five Roses Naas River. machine I have Gizetle nfurtsmpto Iftat tk tnmf eilua- atwaya open to closest oirec-Moe. the splendid bey Cbaakaaqua invites and created one of Ibe nmsl power lio ebosiM iMseH atrsk. prove a 'Flo&r Visiting Minister Having- ef Welcomes Ibe mi careful study. ful durational ISKlVtUlbsns In - moet uiiffriun:t'ly I t I he muuity ng contra!in vreatera In every Canada,olher ram-thai I have yet to bear a beieal ar- both tbeae land Admission, 15c ard 35c manuscript. I hall trut in Pro. I oi Community Character. eielusnciy. and yvn will in the matter of Chantauajna rumenl again tin- pnn'ipl videtire for inspiration. TonurlH I ChaulauqM is not a asn-nterrial find iH-rfivt bread i- an ltf this I mean lhal the very Qiautaaqna. I shall pome better prepared. 'iierprie In everyday result. people who la every otker Canadian Intt'tutlon. any way, Vanity Fair. rommurrlty are lb etronare! and I am gnlait lo give, herewith shape or form. II ta etsmmsjiiily biihI enth4atie saewArters of a few facta that. I hoi- may In its rharaaiae and in lis pr-atioi. assist the laral omimtiee in Ibe re has been mv graft Sales Agent Chautauqua and other common meeting lbs rest n-ism ssxM-iaied with Obautaiqaa aud Egg Coal Weston's Your Coal Bin ily efforts, vrere, with few v John,L. Chr istie repttoes, eowpsruow ay laeir I. Tbe lenmini'ii i.hautmi-qua lli.-- ner wiH be for Ike eery is a Canadian institution, o d i. aoti thai Ibe two can. a absence during I he twelve event" Guaranteed Coal opert. B.C. with beaaejaarters f tilgary not o i.HSelber. Kveryone associated on the week's thai has program Is Now Empty jtll cloeed. lt of flees tn the l.ougheed wtth Ibe iswjveammt te Speciality Alberta Standard Right or Wrong. Uutbvmir art always open to tis. making a gvuei bonail Htmg 030 PHONE 630 liars and lfe, staff is always Tbey are enlStle.1 la ibaL Hee With a knowletfre m all that "The Outing Season i) Or it will !" n. hi gone before, I. still, am al isppy la waJeoBi fbeai. Ibe iHsminina) Chsataawrwan basis.can Guaranteed Coal moan, if ours writ wi t. neer g's be placed on a aayftui W- are offering a loss to understand the attitude Chautautfps evMaAvunilv Ibe to will it and nt rUr Utii lain any without a i Ibe plan of pssmwdera we sav. wc removo of many of the local business REDUCED PRICES This true of all; follow the lead of Klllaon-WbMe truaraatee. i. haye ush! Let lis supply the men and ciUsen This is the you fur September delivery. jsounlrire. A gaarai-tee la anart,at Portland and make M profit first year that the iKmsiuion Ege Lump Don't wait, but hae that aeceaaary ked-'e of the coin-! sharing. That will mean lhal Good Eats the Chautauqua ha saade an appeal lin the eeni of profit accruing bin tilled ihiw with -' $13.50 $14.50 tn the people of Hrinee Ru iWlivemi from Ibr i-onducl of Chautauqua FAMOUS pert and H is to he regrei I ed 1 We ran furnish everything SPECIAL ADVERTISING these profits will be distributed ABSOLUTELY NO CLINKERS AND NO SO that many of thr local critic from Poirp In Huts, Including amongst the committees in the! EDSON COAL should have sought lo flv. on Olives. PlilH, Stuffed or OFFER various communities proportion 1 Iheni, responsibilities with which rtipe; Olive Butter. Peanut ale to tbe euwftmtttee' ronirl-l.ution they were not, in any way. sIisjm- Hulter. Canned Meats, Phone 58 for quiet delivery, I ebalteMge anyone ! 1 Chicken,-Lobster, Pimen-loes. tfprriai rates n ear Pls. r form. asMstiated. The stand- , prove that Coatttauqw i any ' of the Dominion Chauiau-1 MAGUI ing JOS. SauVuiyssIngr. Pickles, thing else than what I cUini f." Dr. Drinks,' quas throughout waetern Csnada' QUAKER eVfl drape Juice, it. Lime JolcV Fancy Cakes, Prince Rupert Feet Co. is for Iiki this well rritieism and favorably tn cause knon'any! Appeal for Support. '' Mratia -ir . a Ivt: and K"'" Cituens or Prtoe HueH DENTIST Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. serious concern. Critics and Ko chrmfor packing. I ' iNxalaiim Ciiaulaii'iuas knockers there always have l-rin ( Smitkl rree Deuv FLOUR .roe their gMM ftMh wllh fi Phone 575 with every good nioveeenl. Crit I.-si riiovwliie hi Ibe cancellation Hr t's 'si ks: j str ics and knockers there always Our phone number Is of a eatraet made wiin New 649 will be. Hut. Ilia as. h1. lin-ada 0 rs t c -m Munro- Bros. changed. number another eeissera. Ily so dtns is - was bullded and the war 6 lb. sacks fcflS they reapef a defter! of Bum-than iiiuiurv-t;! i in was vvuti in of (hew. And. u H2I spite dollars. Tt LING, TAILOR one thousand 2nd Ave, so ii will be with Chautauqua. have given this nrogram Ihey you More than six hundred towus w 50c tear has been one of Ibe very Western Canada belong lo the hiakest order am. I ran assure iMHfiiuion Chautauqua and tin-, FISHERMEN yiMi that Ibis standard will In NOTICE TO in 11 self, is a fact of more Inau mainlaiued. The rerod of the With each tack olve litsejny interest that be who we you iHmiiukm Chautauqua s Justifies Good Supply of runs may reail. If Hume who. one package Wrigley's Nips me In giving this assurance Tailored today, an- seeking to destroy (he free and with every fortieth I maka one more appeal to Ohautauiiua spirit m Prince Hu-pert sack sold we give the lucky you to give tolhe Chaalauqus ICE'-s:! BAT tr are right, then, more tlii customer a five dollar Gillette's ot emeu t in this comiiiiuoiI) the Safety Raior FREE. suport that it Juvily deserve.. I In I he inleresU of a heller Can-adi.inim F0RTHE BENEFIT SUIT s let the tu-il"ss men of the Community We buy American Cur and citlsen. generally, rally to AT BUTEDALE the raU of an lusliiuliaa lhal 1 X rency, Silver, Gold or lands oul conspicuously In liii-adian If you can p r haHe In Bills life tialay as tbe stand- pi tru e rtuori t an arfirlc of ardbearer of a good, sane, wli ! -hearted eual .aim- and prli'e to that PURCHASE in any oilier IN PRINCE rity Rupert Table Supply Co. More than Mtlrbdlsiii.all hundred oi!ier Trading 0 RUPERT towns and ritiea Ibrousrb I he Universal Our new Fall Suits have a PHONES 211. 21X. r.anadlan west have Iheir ayes on It will te to your ultima!'-benefit Prince l(Uert at tills muenenl distinctive style and an easy Make a success of Chautauqua The wall uroer noua - fit that marks them as thoroughly WE SUPPLY STEEL WIRE and you justify yourself Hi their ROPES eyes. Fall, and you will never tailored garments. of a price and quality equal TOM LEE CO. be a We lo sdain your failure. Low-Pf They are finished In such a to any other house in II. . Community pride sImmM dictate Announcing Our BUY FROM US 810 Second Avenue. West way that they all show ei your course. MOUNTAIN PARK STEAM bTA.NI.KY X. DANCKY. Policy- pert workmanship In thel. AND FURNACE COAL VEQETABLE8 Quick-Turnover make.up. Our new prices T.-.'.'d l ally and found Wholesale and Rstell Advertising Is oflen etnlve, will General and A call ut our etahlihnent l" Miff Best. (Contractors but it Is nothing like as eipenlv are all popular prices. Labor Kxchtnge hotli In and out "f ' all rouiuelilioii store and idle empty as an Philpott, Evitt & Co. elerks. II 16 you. The following are jul a t, w Prince Rupert. II.C. $24.50 Tel, (48 Neil Postofflce have lo idfer for Thursday. Friday Phone 517 P.O. Dox 7tk the svnMiirtnr act. Auctioneers Insurance IV TH KSItTC U 1VCM feUT ST' eaowcTS UKITMI. BA.VkHtrT IfMi doen Men's Woallen i'lllHI ;! ViiUra Is Iverbs llS Ul TH ks Hose, our owu imHirtalisiu. $33.50 ivi.iT av rnowcTs UNITIIi rrtasa out), 1 ' ' jlunerl. S. C- 4tt lUkr'l (a4 Hiietial al 60 per pair. 'a hserlvlar order bm4 la fttar af rks Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. I lipases!issi. rasa io ma atr ur asssh. hit l ' pUf i v.ns u rarUier ! Mmi the im loy r.i. All kinds and fowa II. saretlat t .rmm m Ibe slsits la Smith Bkxk colors, tSo and 91.00. $50.00 win Br nM m in ome uf wr. Hsrl Ssk Aftstt G0$ C0ku f saMll. itlwrleree AreugeitsU. reMwti SuiMias. rrlae hrl. U, :.. sn ilw i .saB. pa 1 aK ey 4 ievleiuiwr. till, tl I.is iJti. Hoys' Kl i eight Pants, from .t Tn Mil Us yaw In sts I tiers I. peuuf itt roar rlsira immI h MimI with aw Ufurs 3 to H yea... $1.25, $1.R0 (be liwrlhif M bM. fPKIes li te ttMd tl In SHWlMlt IMOI and $2.00. b kslsail SOS Hf prhw MWrM " ' - OU ' sf 1 m . m 1 Vas . aklfss A ad faHosr Uk auia-s Ilia I if rim hare T7pTa.l u- aaG'V -a-T UK . -ft car riaMa irlla.1 la WIU tit ateh imi for u.o 'are .utllWd lu risk, eews uf aeb rlalss We have the Agency la.n.1 It tied allS iw 1Mn IMriir Uf . . .kM.t tha Boys' W' - Imaa Iks tfstr ft law asiter f. friaa tad uon i wry MARTIN O'REILLY rtsr Um sipirtu-si trf Uw iisw- Siad Itt Oi V' Tckplione iSiplwlli.il t it SariiiM It itf isa Mid Art. I .ImII ili.lriliiila lbs iMxrwI. i.r lbs 0-" Nnmhor 7 ililr. '.lr ihwuk inr, il. nioilcil Hwoi" littliif r,iil ,i H lalm. UNIVERSAL Our prices are all Lower Cash Prices are always r S Mill M Vt I ..I sin. h I IM Ihsn iHSiiS , hili'.i run,, huiii a i 0i.' a, r. I Prices. Lower Prices. Mtiilt ah 'f n-'l""ll fi Phone 370 Hslgsrson Block Will Take Coal Back If not Satisfied. dtohiir honiK ' 1 Aiilh'irui.i i . i I IsUersI UuMtUf, 'tlMl. It y. I I, U I I