" BRING1NG1?P FATHER - - ' By GgeM afoTYuc Economy If WaVSTSS. I JE5h3 INSTRUCT l-AY ST J?2 II 11 I III -J f i tO(J TEN TO I caqvi rr!- l ( l ttTTO VAT NOT WHRtiC flk ffZiv. , i F YOU tend ui your last rk j auto ys- mmm r wv&tm itsiitf . -rm tvit .'ftTr uj --v h year's skirt or dress and have it returned looking like new-iin't that true economy? -5!a 1 ' Frequent Dry (fill S it inti rttum iiit, iwc Cleaning and Pressing ta will prolong the life II H M - .if. .i ...tl - WANDERERS WINNERS of your clothing and BY NARROW MARGIN The Ma? 'L,he Moon I keep it fresh and new. !Y-1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Prince Rupert are Still Far Ahead n COAI May we help you In Billiards for the Mc-Mordle Till: man who court trouble is These are Good Pluces to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize?. Cup., oon married. I'lli; Mtrt llmiir von en il lake EDSON MKEia Canadian Ihe Wanderers Cluli was sue- r,,r .e cure of 11 coldis Hie n,hire Saekid AERATED WATCftS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES cess hy I Inn mursin of narrow - ,r tr;,,,t- 11.. i. ,.r..i...i.u. Steam Laundry ll-'M In . 1117. ipr . I lie I'rinr. ' She f lit MERCHANDISE Bulk vronji. cure he wfoiiK. BCAvrn B0TTLINQ WORKS CAMADIAN iTraai LAUNOSir Phone 8 Ili i-ri ih Ihp ffinrlh of llii lour, tot rraer Street - I'Bum I If wiLrmo ouattosj Cer. TMM e4 lia. ft . for Oeaeies siwl rro( r.pL mimi'nl for lln McMordif Cup "111-: hoy who i I ln pel lainli I hone Orern It), for Meond band feral- 1 1 . STEAM COAI which n jilnyoil ni alunlay tiflen jirows .up , lo he a hlark BARBER SHOP 'Jill , , i - PAINTERS AND DECORATORS a lli.'.lll. 1'lOh dill) WBM f.lHTP!lflll xliep, " i.o.u. car iUkl i'L winning (hrco pami-s niul tin- . YOKAHAMA BARBCft SHOP FURNITURE "ra.o iCAoow xfuijt hit'i' jrnorully inili" i-Iimi. A IU.'CK .cluiiilil never (to in for I a1y Berber Haiti 711 I Ml Orj antiiinl of llir larjw lial Hint medicine hcealioe 'jM'opl miplit . . Third t - .rbrnw Oml 4it. KANAIb'O - WriUKTjl Hie Princo duperl aln-.'iily liohN jtpeals or li'er n a ipiark. BAKERS : PAINTS AND OILS COIL edson com CD. in I ho .(ric Iht-y arc f ill far FEED STORES ahrnil in I lie Hip . A llf.UK sky law may be all LA CAttE (AKtRr r TMt A. W. IMI CO. - - f tod . agtrri'alo. pre. rnlrd Avenue pttone l Mnl lolal hclny 4517 for Iho' Ho lit for Isome pari of Ihe pro- j rmoct MuetNT rno co. lytiait. one. 1U. end WsOpeper luil I lie I ;.tev InratKili. (Ad Ave end tl L vinre, Fnr sky4 always have receiyexl during the last Wniidcror.'.Princo ItupiTl Two ami 4171 lournniiiMilt for I he blue with Ihe itallry exeeplion oTl CHIWA CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS..AND OECORATERS Albert & Mctt three wwks ri'inain lo niplrli llio .oriVs. a, few ilajH in llii; year when tin- THE DINir ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL ELL CMOtSETT POM IT. I. nlted Salunlay nicliln imliviilual I lleecy etoiliU rtd.l variely lo the TWid Arrfiiie. ow..le Toet omra ARTHUR'S MAKUT j PhontlH,U4 100 cars Goal srniiiyr was a follows: pielui. ' TMld Ave rn-.bei 4u 4 r O, bni IS! PLUMBINO . P. Tinker VandTer . 300; CLCANINQ AND PRESSINQ VII.t. you he iiilne," lie n'nhl. GENERAL MERCHANDISE HIM a LOtOWILL raeee a. K. A. WakofloM (Prlnro lluprrU, from Macleod Eiver mine, ownrd ' 'Jlie color lefl her rlieek, TOKVO D1I WORKS I'rniMi and dry t tan. llul on Ihe Inpel of hie coal rleaMnf -- 3rd Avenur - Pb4ie 45 VVIKO CHIN THEN CO. Don't Discan by Prince Rupert citizens. RENTALS Frod Slpphrn (Warfdorer. (T1 eeene Avteee - Ft aieet 71, We hare the exclusive rignt to 11 showed up for a week. ItM J. AW !eilt (Prince ; lluperl t. f. W. MART Cl.n Mtl handle this coal in Prince Rupert. CAFES GROCERIES 200. WOTIIIXd" Is ilellne.1 Ihe Don't be misled by other coal It. 11. ShWkloy '.Wanderers', stuff Ihal poe intu Die hncfc a- of THE BOITON ORILL LINIKV'S PaiMCE RUriRT OROCfRV SIQN PAINTINQ that GariM dealers -who use our firm name It'll; A. 'I', liroilerirk !Prinee a motlern eeninp pown. i Third Ave. PIkhw 417. rl piece te eel ' r.or. 'Ih and rtiltno thone to advertise their coal. lluperl, 200. I sell a cmcssett rmi art, ,If you want a real good screen-el lre Kfnsr (Vanilererj),. 200; WIir.. lw women put I heir THE ELITE CAFE HARDWARE coal, call up J. II. Mi-Mullin (Prinee llunerl). heads loftrlher there Intuhle Second Ave. Hlftevt inn I for lb inowj, HOWE a McNULTV - tnd Ave. Slnrr. j SHEET METAL WORKS Vilill V... ('ll Phone 58 19.1. lnewiuR, bill when a man and IMnrhaadlen. elult end ithmaea t sop- j W. J. Jleinininarn (Wanilercrn), women pill their heaiU lorlher. CIGARS AND TOBACCO piles. j EtteftMef Saeel ateteie ltn Prince Rupert Feed Co. lluperl',173: S. 200.P. McMonlie (Prinee fox Uiey(rot.are simply ahoul lo ilance a VOKAKAsA 711 Third Xve. Wt IMPORTED GROCERIES eoBil Aveaue nowe's 0 rkMM SIS for"I'l"' ff 1 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Jos. Howe (Wanderer', 200: ALBERTA EAT St AM IT 8 TEEN LONSWILL roeee S. P.I. Palmer (Prince lluperl , 13ii. TOBACCONISTS TO DRUGGISTS I ' firih street Pfeeie 1 and fey . - TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS HIS ROYAL W. . McCUTCHEON ! LAUNCHES FOR HIRE HIGHNESS BILLIARDS ARE AGAIN Second Avewifl ant Stllh SlreeL iLeeeck "RARBETRORO," Pkeee Bleek 400.' T. Lie - hhumw ri nan rtie urteel drur tsMw In Mwihern B, C The Itae.aeo ihi ; !. i:leeHif anl fr.MM Terrace Fruit Lands BECOMING INTERESTING 'Royal Warrant Is Conferred on Modern CIeacm I Imperial Tobaeco Co, by The WilTnlerers Prince ir Co. 20 Acre,3 MiU from Terrace on anj Sms -it Pressing Cood V aeon Road. FnKland meet tonijrhl in (he hjl Good black soil on clay sub-soil. hard fixture in Ihe Trail Club Cup seipiel to the rerenlvisil of Daily News Classified Ads. 3rd Avenus, mil t! 4 Acres under plow, 7 acres more series. With llio St. Andrew's II.It.II. (he Prince of Wales to Bain? partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit Canuda is -ceii in lie making such a j-'ood showing I eranl of a trees; 2 good wells with lots of 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea than ROc water; well made log-house. 18 ar-ainsl I lie 'I rail in in si Wednesday's lloyal Warrant appointing the' by 24 ft., two stories, with addition tournament find Ihe slaml- Imperinl Tobacco Company of 16 by 18; log barn. 20 by nc of the latter team haying been (Canada, Limited, as tnliarconWls WANTED. FOR RENT ACCOUNTANTS 40 feet with cellar beneath, full ronsiderahly reilueel,.inleresl has lo His lloyal Ilishness. Tlie; "V . " w 1 v size of barn 10 feet deep; Price KXPEItlKVCRIi :WAMED 8Wld-band furnl- AIXOU.NTA.VT been reneweil in Hie series with llftval Wnrrr.nl l.. (o.l l.een - I fill Ill'.NT Ihi-.-e rix.me oml $2,200 c.h for quick sale, 12,400 on terma of half cath, balance 1 three teams. Ihe Trail, Wanderers eeied at the bead offices of Ihe turn. K you have anything to 1 ,,, McMordie AparlmenU. would Inkn nharge of set of year at 7 per cent. land St. Andrew's, all easily in Ihe oinpany In Montreal. ell 00 II Hed 243. Wo pay caah. MlTer,. iil,M,n, MHik. whole or part lime. STEEN8L0SC1 jrunninx The Imperial Tobacco V. M. llrosby, 71& Third Avenue ,,ir (f W. l Wllllitroll Phone KENNEY BROS. & CO. for llio championship, Company' N ' Illack 259. f Sheet Metal .! Ifi jliecisive wins or losses by any of of (Canada, Limiled, had Ihe honor j West. " . '! Real Estate and Insurance) - " 11 IKOII Itl'VT -Me.lv fnriiislir.1 ... T i- these Iiiree teams from jinw on 01 inaiirrirciiiring ifie riKnrciu's DANCES wjj,!, POT CASH Kflll LOT Terrace, B.C. ' e,..,.,. I., fullv lin.lern luimn. will alter any of Iheir slandinsts MirrH'U tor me tis 01 11.it.11. lie ill Section One. Price iiiusl be; 1.... nd ,,.,!,., !,. vhun, iu Dn'4"! HVKHY IATl'imAY 9 Heating ery considerably. Prince of Wales (hroiighout his right. H 101, News. 51; " IfVr.MNO. memorable lour of Ihe Dominion J05. 40 (III U lianrr in Mclnlyre.llalt. j tlh :-' r, t ' u! THE AGNOSTIC In 1919. The lloyal Warrant nuW WAXTKO Plain sewing, Mrs. foil MINT Three.room furnish- Aiimlssion: fietilli'inen, ftoc: j Prt:icel. 2 TOM LEE CO. conferred, therefore, may be regarded Pearl flmidiy, ! SI Ninth Ave,! , nnnef fin.nl Ar.nlv nM.f'in - F.ndle, r5e. tf m as a recognition original, W. Lps(iiirs), 49 Ninth Avenue Wesl. If B10 .Second Avenue, West I do not believe I here I any in; in the personal appreciation a u thinjf aa holy war. of the Prince. IIOUPIUni.i.M.Nn WAXTKI) HY FARMS fOR SALE VEGETABLES I do not helfeye that any woman hour, d.i week or month. Phone MOTOR BOAT WILL . SMITH & MAUff Wholesale and Retail buys shoes two sizes loo'bijj for TERRACE Hed .ISIS. ' 50 17. I. It. FARM LANDS The rich SOON BC NEEDED fieueral Contractors and her. prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan JIOUfWKKKPKJl WANTF.I) wiW Apply Labor Exchange I do not believe that any man U Provincial School. Inspector J. .Mrs. I'eiliersLonlintiifli, Keeond and Manitoba are especial Those who hnve motor PLUWBINQ Kioirtirt any heller I han'he thinks he is. M. Pallerson visited Terrace last Street. tf ly suited for mixed fanning., bonis for salt should advertise Prince Rupert, D",C. I d'i not believ thai Mr.'Leniii w eek, cxamiiiiug I In' schools. Land that will produce blg. them soon a Itur KstlrstM hrtM Phone 547 P.O. Hox 725 of ItuHaia has died as often as WANTKH Vouiur dug or pup for crops of grain and fodder, and season in coining when t reported. .Mr. and Mrs, W. ('.. Wparkes relumed child's 1 ila'y male.' Phone I line well adapted for dairying or they stftl be hi deiuflllil. A Address, - a I-eNlls I do nnt belieyp ihal lhere e on Wednesday from a visit 38.. .. . ., . 51. livestock raising can still be! few dollars spent in advertising f Pc :jnd l'Ji : itny divine ordinance for Mearinif in Ihe onlh. . i. had at prices averaging about n ho A I utiially aVKiftal 11" IANO TUNING a ilroopuij riiousiache. ' FOR SaLC Ifl.OO an acre, with twenty' brings results, If Hie price I do nol believe Ihal men tell W. Henderson left for hi home years to pay If you wish. Only ' is right. P HONO REPAIRS their wives all they krjnw. Lon Tliiirday'R frain. FOIl HALF. ;.I'0ijr full tola and 10 per cent down. No further' HOTO ENLARGEMENTS I do not believe that it would h barn on .Vfnlh Avenue, near payment on the principal until A meeting held Palur-day Meltride 8jrel. Ilarn easily Kood to her everything said was on tne enu 01 tne tourtn year; then IV PrinceW Agent for best art enlargements about you. evening of Ihe Northern In-lerlor converted Ii(lo..dwelllngsX'rlee eisleen annual, payments. Interest It TUB SIPIUMK PHOMITf.I3il or HfllTIf M Hotel made in Canada. Negatives not I do not hejievo Ihal. n Rreal Oi.operallve Ass'orlallnn, 9t.fie5.AO. Teriitfi, 750 eimh fi pe- cent. COIJIMSiA. Decenary, but merely cracked a print in misiiy of Ihe restaurants are fis wllh a,good allendarice, and balance fiver two yearn ul H Wrlle lo II. O. Loughran, Land Till" Mvniit or TDK AllMIMSTHA- condition faded, TIOM (any spotted event or had as Ihey snie, " e e jir rent. M. M. Slephen. tf Agent. C. P. II. Station, Van. ACT and ,1.60 psf ."' The railroad Iraek presenls a tt TUB M ATI III nr Ttir. mtatk or phone us and we will call. lirsy in Ihe FOIt 8ALF flit LKASFe Job printing couver. IlillflV Ui'tf HTRAM. OTIIUlMIVf. appearance loading kMIWN AS IMMfir UAKCS. l.tAStU, Red 291 J-ivr II. Hoyd Young, Hi" Porr" Pimp-sun of lies ftnd poes, business and plant. For HAIR DRESSIKQ, I .Tr.ST ATr.. ' ineMdiani, reached lown on particulars, apply Daily News I A A M T.Ui: Mil Ur iil in wrtef ef Hi Kaliirday afternoon. Mr. JliMiop, manager of the office. " JIAIII DIIKSSIXO. SPLCIAL SflALP HnnAiir F Xrlt Vnent. Itrnle 11, I IIS ittr , 1 of rtbruarr. A. V. IBtl, I 1 ii.poinlKl !keena: Illver Co.opernllve, made treatment. Marcel waving. Face UttiinMiralor in tne ttlate M llarrv X a husinesn lrl (ft Prince lluperl ftecond-hand furniture bought and miissage. Hair dyeing. Ladies' flereeil.mimsiImi. miierwiM anil elf httellea knun nivuie lurry rlatm Itares, MUSIC FOR DANCES. last week. sold. P. LcRIalrc. Phone Oreen combings made into switches. rvin.i Hit Mid etiaie are tierrlty required 611. ' If 10 iiinnn Mine, property venreo, i tiie, ARTHUR'S A.!?"!.. . e- e Charles LcClarcu, 2.13 Hixlli nn or hefure I tie I lit diy nr Uirrh, A, O. r 1 1. il. r uiiun in inaj awiisim r ai u 1 naiaa P. Moncklon from Ifttl. and ell fiflrli Inilelilvft ilrl the relprned Slseel. Phone Illue 7H home FfHl KALI,Ht!HflIsi haly bugg for etuis are renuired to pay ma ainnunl of , ichsi and sliflnsis. The poiions Prince fmperl'on Halunlay. appointment, (f Iheir Inclelitedllei In is f.irlhwilh. I J Phone JIJ j srs quickly removed by the ma of and sulky. Phone HeU.01. So 40II,H II. MrMl lllt. 1 1 "JSVU'H1 1 omen I Adminivirimr. Or, Chats 1 Kidnay-Llvsr Pills. Mln Violo r.hrbly lia recover LOST SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING liATI II lhi llh day of lebmary, ! m .. , ., j Oits pill a dots. ?Sc. bsi, ed from her recent Illness, aT "V If dsilsrs. e LOST iSld yi'alcii, mono. Pitman fitenographlo School Chartered5iui. Dance Orchestra Mr. and Mrs. T. II. WaUh ore ' trnm ".LMAVv 1 f?n.... .........l.i.et flA...j F.venlng classes, Monday, Wed. Phon 556 327 2nd Avenue Rupert receiving canKriiliilalious on the lurn lt Amvtfvia CTonsulale.. if. nesday and Friday, 7:30 to 9 C. V. EVITT "u ' '" J eeeeveSMawsveiSil ail in mmntmmm t o'clock. InslructloNi. c Four, five or six pieces birlh of ii ,on. sasssj,i-- Individual Now ready for engagements iilts LOST -Three keys on string No. 10 Smlih lllnck. tf Auctioneer Phone II. White, Red 102 IF Never forget to look through Finder advise Xcws ofllcr. ne-ward, Auditor and Accountant riioNw.-iers.nuujw.- 1 1 the classified list 50 Advertise In the Dally News.