V, 8' 139 FOR : TAXI Phone Phone i ilLIWI PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxf SERVICE .. lllnrk t - . lelgciui Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large t ' PIUXCK lU'l'KHT. tl. U, IOMAY. PKHIH AUY 2H. l'.)2l. tttariH't Clrcutttlod 1,77a. eifMt (Im 4. PIUCE FIVE CENTS any iSJiied in Biff Kailway Disaster nil i 1 i H' h ni ilk' lii.ii.AW'iia li ik n tiii.i i mi a 1 a i - - b l'I'iikik f 'fiiinn t1 ix; i tj TITLED CANADIAN AND WIFE OF- FOR ENGLAND . i i jVo More Big Scckeye Puns w r. mm w-a m v r m i m - m f D m 7 I m j sr - i m m r a w mt a m ri n wj j on Fraser River Says Dr. on iviicnigan central Railway j Gilbert of Stanford Univ. York Central Train Crashes into ChicogcMcn.rca.-j j YirjTOIMA, Keliniary 2H, The rim of irk eye snlmon in the jFnifrr Itiver lliif year will range lUeir definitely with the Irui Toronto Flyer, Killing about ifty People and N iycurx. Hig yenrs iniilur lu lln.e tif former fea-mtit mut now be Injuring One Hundred mmhtkr -mf 1 !regarded wholly n a thing of the pal. This is the cniirItiioa !of Ir. C II. (lilhrrl or Stanford University in u reytorl presented ;lo the Legwlnliire Ihi afternoon by Hon. William"Bloan, minitter ICACO, February as, reriy-.wo douics navo usgii men ;of lherie. ' the Michigan Central line which occurred train wreck on I Tli- i i t a- ril'i Hip runililinn lo a blockade of the Kraer hi morning, The eastbound train wai derailed' when It INVENTORY AT I iwr rany-.n in VJU jucl al Ihe time lo lnfrrril the jpawninff rim THE SHIPYARDS if tli: I li g year. The ealalroiil.t tioeanie irrri'araLife before ade-tuati relief in-aiiii' cou!d ln taken. accident occurred near Porter, Indiana. In addition to AImiuI X 5 men are taking Mr. Shnt' ayn tl.e rrM,rt iiiui-l fiiirr. Hie INhiiU int-ie.l!. nf ni'inl-n Stair of ib' nwnily of ironipl action in in.'iiliir at lli liiiyanl Join? soini'-'hinv A 1.1.L. - .,I...,a'4 mt kkniil fl f f u AHA t.,,n,4 ,4 I. nrl (hi M"rnl8. IkiI ik oIIit Im r -.r-lul Itli Hie run on Hie J-'racr llier. urtu. Hmong ino ucau is roitr none, ui nominal w. wuiiins work ci'HiwiwwI tlirr. Li e. 01 i-unuvili wnwi anu wiwwi, wwiiuuvhi ui ,,vfvBvw.v l ltKni in.Jii.r Mi-r wa tut dead were in the Micnigen central coacnes. u-. fi..in Mi.- i iijf ! a accident t'ok place at a diamond eroialng, Ihlt permitting In It. ill itf liir illfll. York Central train to rake the two Michigan car IntUad ui) Imih-'h (!nrrri-iiii-hI ..nil I lir rr iil,if ; TWO BY TWO OF HALIBUT AT Michlgrn Central train I Known at tha Chicago-Toronto Sinn Felners Found Guilty of BOCKS TODAY Only lo man ware killed on tha New York Central train, Treann at Cork for angina man. taar man on the Michigan Central line hat bean arretted, Nlf.klng War believed he left the twitch closed, thle caualng tha dera'l- Only Flva Cars Hera But SU More COriK, Feb, 28. Six Sinn Due Tonight. Felnars. In jail hare having FOR KIBVANGA been found guilty of making Tliirlprii ran will Im tm1pi! ! .UGLY4I0CD-0F L . war Hllnlt Ih. rrflivn faMLt . JlanUflli I Iwr '17 Jiul ......M-.r 1:.1. were eiacutcd file morning. that arritnj up . tj. niiTiijiiir al Omlntca Herald Telia of Calab-llthment Batches of two wera shot at the llsli wharvra and vihich oirrJ m vv COLORED MOB of Modern Plant at -Wall ,rtiib b1 Ijidj U.rK of MoolrraL Uo tutr rl' C unfit io f.fteen minute intervals. An for sale today . The sale has Iwn tAkliua ou a butiiia ! pirtvor trlpi f Ir Uonuur U a autel appeal for clemency waa po.sljMjncd. Iiowever, for only five Known Indian 'liiUiaaaliiCaojdaaodtiiderpU laterriled to ibllanttirv4r vurU mr.de by tha corporation of Vara arrixej lt niphl anil six AT CAPETOWN Village. the city of Cork. ni'ir,' due ton i'III nill not eten Im sllltirinil to fill (be h'iilir'liienls. I in- KiivvHiia Liiiulii-r I iJil., Strike Leaders Released (Ad Hi hoals now in are rccled Pellet Attackad During Dam-onatratlon f-Hi it nHlnliaolliiii of ?2i.l00, MACREADY HAD In wait till tomorrow's bidding' Reception ln li'i n urii.-iiiUnl to I'n-rl anil lake;-. I'lare. w. - r v Following to Hals. ui r:ir- M oo.iiiMi f.MH mill ucilii: From Prison Today; to Sit The arrivals posted al I lie Fis-il U.S. Navy, j I lull.it f 1 1 mi i tin- KllwnnriMil BULLET WOUND Kxeh.'in;i ti.Hlay are as follows: IIIimt. ,n I iIiiiii Im nit anniMini'n. Nomad, o.li'lO ihiiukIs: 1'ioiieer. LONDON, Feb. 28. Capetown in cablaa 'rapori a mob, (ui iMttli' in Ui- OiiiiiHi-a lliral'l. Legislature Tonight - - SC.txin posiniN; VesiK. 10,000; mo til jf of colored man, caut-ed 'I In mill will I"- '-ri-rlfil mi a lint Is Still Suffering say Sinn Felners, (huaney. 1 2.000; KiHliak. 10,000; .i. I.y I'. 8. illirt'i- iurli i o' a mill' from Hit Result of Ambush Two Vellowone. tt.niui; lloir. to.. a dlaturbance following a WINMl'KU. 1-Ybninry ax.Slrikc Leader- Willi.mi hen-. j mm I in a- reception to Earl Halg, who Kiiwaitu.i ii mi mill a iiir will Weeks Ago. ,01111; Fremont. S.nofi; Hi Sill. 10,-'5no; -ii- natal iMiimi-l it wild I Ik- uiiiiii lltir. John (Jnren and Heorge Ann-lnniK of lhi eity. W. A. Pritrhanl Jolianna. 8.300; Atir 7,1100 It there attending an emplr ; i nfii-fii trn1 convention of ei-tervice man. i Tin' liiiilM i- wlixli i of llif 11 ui-.I of Vancouver, and II, J. John nf Hefjinn vero released earl)' this IL1I.1X. Feb, 2. -II is re- Mars. 11,000; Ite-litiillon. 12.010; r.-.ini-U I The trouble laattd for two Uri''l- "f i'iruri', rIar Hinl licin. morning from prion where they served a year's .sentence le a porliil here from Sinn Fein head- Carol yn. 10.000; Urol her. 18,000; i.in- uf llii I., k will In- lloitli'il Jovui Hie Kil. Sir Xevitle r.eiieral ituarlers that Kihel Jiiih. 1.500; V. A F.. 9.000; hour, during which the police mouth ofl for good I'ondiirt, "f lli t. f- 'wiiiii iuil Im IIm' mill. Tli nlnrllna; Mucrrcily. c.iiiiiii.tntter of Hie jab. 1.000: Ciygeon, 5.000 ;Aifiie were attacked and many The AViniiiieg men were all Ihree eleeled lo Hie Legiilalure ahota fired. After teveral ,.r tin iiiiliiKiry lI KtlMHiisa will Clou 11 forces in In land. ho was 3,0110; rlsprfl. 1.000, and Skandia, charsee, the police dlaparaed i-.-air tiili- u 1 1 r nrouiiil lliV l;il NoM-inber .mil will take their m-.iIs tonight for the llrl lime. l.e victim or an ambush two 70,000 pounds, the mcb which ahowad Ittalf ii lurir i-tiil in-liir'ilHC lillli' In. KlTorl hiixe been made from lime to time in furore llieir vecks am is sl'll siilTering from to be In an ugly mood. Ilium ImAII. relene, but Hie men refiiMU to ak for elemeney and take llieir it bullet wound in Hie shoulder. Tin olllri'i if Hip roniiiiny an- parole. . , . . nmim it n m trn ii r.i.in': DEATH OF LD TOOK a i i i i aaniB l rm Vri-niilt'jil ! unil trrnnurrr. iliHiri.!1 LUllJULO HAfL j A III: ir. of .Mifula. Motil. FOUR MILLIONS WHISKEY FOUND PLACE ON SATURDAY FOR UNIVERSITY A lid , nmtrl i.-i-iiMKlilenl liiilhitlti'r ,i,n,it n i rltAn MprtiiHtlve-,. . ..I. Complaint i . I i IVM Y H AK I Yl,' ,,"' ''""wrtl''. KlUmiga. IN A CAR OF FISH - Clark Passed at Home irnu hi I aj i uui a iiui Sfrreinrjr and iironintor, Kinar Tom Away John OI)yer Holda Out Little Hope Rsfutlng Pauaga I MOREFORP.G.E. VANCOUVER FROM After Urn.-.-, nf I k. . of Parents Long For Increase of Allowance. for Trocpt, I Three ArreaUid for Dltordarly Knnii' llnibb'bind, n f (in-ut Illness. Conduct al Seattle and i Knit-, oiid W'lilliiri' lliiiibrll. of s.X rii.M:ifH:i. K. h. A VltltmiA, Ffb. 28. There is. t. u....- John Oliver Says Coata of Con-atructlon Tlie deulh n-c or led on Saturday ...... ... Kilunnisu. arc iil-o dlrerlur. hundred ea"f of Seoleh wliUkey urn.. 1. r, n in..-u,i ..r Are Indignant. i.1.1 1 1 nf! of Tom Clark. Hie Uiirteen-year. 1 ...... ... and Maintenance found inlf-nal revenue of-lluer- . was by " 7(i'i'r li'i viiuri hi i.f Nlltltlllai Mr. and Mrs. A. C Have Increated. in a ear load of frozen tUli old sou of li lield oul by the Premier, follow-in? "-I SILVER MISSILES Itonl.'o The lad had NO CHANGE IN Clark. SI. eoiiniisiied to a loral dealer fnun a meeting with the rhan-cclloc for several and STRUCK PASSERS BY Vi:Tl)IH.V. Fed '.'H. ly Maeeh Vancouver, II. f.. been ill years and olbet- promiiieiil persons. denies allkuow. about a year ao his parents sent next year, vlieu die line will be The euiiKiBoee with view of his IRISH POLICY him to Toronto a ledjse of the whiskey liiiiueiil. .1 Mr. Justice Muridiv staled that f',rt,!wineand Droken Botllea Found In lu operation as far as Prince """'' '" - jjlw aws f. province gave 11 lim ing Hie Apartment Where Celebration (ienrpe, the provineo will bae beneficial. This proved of po avail ,ud(MI, lnalrjCUaiin(l fr(n the Waa Held. So Says Lloyd George In Houae of sunk lo.(ino.o)ii hi Ihel', l. K.. B.C. UNIVERSITY IS and the little lad passed away on ... , , ri..h. , r-lt,.r ,,. Commona Will Maintain declared I'reuiiiu' Olfxer in ex-plaining Saiurilay. suijs uiiiclil TIED BY WASHINGTON uuiver.ily und be STOPPED KIVTTI.U. n i' K'-em h. Order. in I lie I.-mVlaliire Hie I Mr, i.iarfc is no 111s uy in f-um h-nuwhl by Hie studeiils because I'l-'iixiiin unit Mexican -.moiil- mid f.fc!vlty of briimintr ilown a hill (land where his mother died u few rof the wilholdinv of lhi nutit. ' the under deerrtr.ry of the MexU l.ONIHt.V Kelt. 58. The Hrltiidi in periuil Hie hnrroitiuir of an ml. SH.TTI.K. February ?S. In a;XVPkai.agu. IN EASY call riinKiilalc were arrel''d here (luM'i iiiui'iil iIdok not Intend to dillonal .OOO.iii)i for Hie, P. H. K, hockey Ku"e op Saturday, the 'j,e funenil will lake place.on pllRCHSES WAY on eiiii-fT" of.dloiderly eniiduel alter Hie iteexeiit . pulley of main. dm'iiiR the coiniini year! H'liiveoily of llrilisli wiluiiiliiavvi.jnesday next. FORMER in an aiar((iieid boue. laiiiniK order in Ireland, l.loyd II null Increases in Hie cost of lied Hie University of hiuKton, GERMAN SIEVMER The lln' fi'iui'l wuie iiiaiiuenanre and ronstruclbiu areilbe score, afler tdayinu live iniu- 'ean Army iMiio0elut' (ieiii'tfe nnnouneeil today in Hie COAL INQUIRY am. n.r Surrendered. ... to in tin iiiinrlnii'ido. Iiinkrli Imllli'i' )loue of Coiiiuioni. Thii chief fespoiisthle. lltes overliuie. slalldlllit three all. Ni:V YOIIK, Fell. 28. -The fr-mer rigrtllng on lh lliior and iln ni.liitf aerrelsvy fur Ir-lniul will be al- liner I Investigation to bo Very Inclusive, llaiiiliury.Aliieriran set Began, niiliiile were Hlrnek by ollverwnn Ifwed l eiury the inllulnUlnilloil liner ullpal, Showing Profits of Owners oe-alor. the largest II Si i' mtd,other urlielen llmw rt'1"" '"f Of atTiili'M to u iirfcsiful eotirlil-nioil. IN AID OF THE HOSPITAL FUNDS and Dealers. has been purchased by Hie Cuiiard Tim nlnilov.'. -', i' J v , Company. 1 I'unutituJ The rimmiU lhlr in-'I'ld Ik II exprehu The YANCMIVFII. Fell. 28. Indity tli, nullou ol. Illi' !UTI. dillliU! BODY FOUND Grand Vaudeville Concert al impiiry. opened here lod-y I.asl week William Turuliidl. In- Hi.pin thpy report the niiiller li) the before Alex. Henderson, h. HI Iiiinber eotuniissioncr and u for. "'Jiillnu lo'i)ndiuHle al Wuitlilnsloii. I. ia the . ...ii.M,ii.,M u in he made into lite nier cdilor of Hie liuily S, cn- in' raiiiiiini Word va. rreeied lute liU Westholme Thursday, March 3 eosl tir production, transporlall lerlaiiied Hie visllinj.- ini uibers of Mr. and Mr. -Fred Slurk and Urieruoon lliut Hie Imdy of the lulu Theatre, cost lo dealers, co.4 I o consumers. Hie .Vew York llelall l.uuiherineli's w Mi, fuiiilly nre expected In nri iM1 hoine III. Iiyke ind been found ill the AH Star Programme the proflls niatle by persons or Association in Vli'toi iu. tukimr 1 "f l)ri'iin,oii the I'rlnoe lleoriie nn W edneit Iharbor. lie wax an eutiiiieer who controlllns litem for a drive anmiul uie city K served SVatr, $1.C0 riirpntuUyu ovyu'lng. U lipetullury 'been ii'iiilnif iisupiaieil Iwn innnlliii auo and Admisiion. $1 duy.. They havo onerul bur I lie III tls. UIIU Hltf ailU ilsril'l aim m iuii'iohiii U'U Hit! ii.unliea.the winter In 'California und Ht'o f''r wlinni eorei had been made Plan at Prince Rupert Music Store ivoOls made by coal dealers. at the F.mpres Hotel. "n. at few wueki HI Vuacouver. ,!) thf P'dlio artd by Ida relulixes.