II J TUB DAIt'T flUVVB M MARRIED SOCIALIST AFfER DISAGREEING The Value i l 5B WESTHOLME :: THEAM American Millionaire with Advanced Views Wins Wife In is in TONIGHT AND TOMORROW VN England l.t),Mt.. IVh.Tw. -SI. Ii it the Milk Oliurrli, t'niiili-y (innleiM, Smith OLIVE THOMAS Krli.-lntl"" Un1 occw of nil Any kind if milk lll lii ill impress iiilortWllfg mmMIiiji, wIipii I'rlnre lh:s pruvlni-. nilirr limn Pa. In ChflHt lluikltw. I In AmiTicnn ritir MHk. t, - li "lled nlinni inetri "SiM-inlil ii'illiKiiiiiri', n miir-rifil three I him . .i I."- rali-..-ii I i Mi.i Kili-i'ii TlmniiiN. I he way In rrar I Vmi know "Everybody's Sweetheart" dautililor if Mr. mill Mrs. iii-ni:i.' freights arv . i lugh III 1 la WhiteTcelh,Healthy Gums, riinia'. of Vtilvcrhn.iiiit.'ii. 1 lin linn. W'lii i. mill, iw -h 1 1 ') Clean Mouth try of ilii'ir iMiKajii'iiiriil i full dial fur ti in.I- In i- -aa - 1 1 a of romilliri'. Minn 'I'liunm i-nnif Ihnl tlie -quality of the lxll li what j-eu ahould tV in (V l.iMululi nlioiit ii inoiilli iimi lo liriMliiHH ntnl i' Im'IIi'i-I'HPlHr THAT And It it eaafly found, Iny with Iht liroilit-r in Itrayinii IIU i- II only iHBffiil if you will care for your teeth n(tiUrty (laiiletiy nnil 'In- anil t lir yminw PH ii in lri i-h lii wtih Klenxo Dentil Crcme. And the iiiilllonalri' lir.l nwCnl I In hu Ill)' valur ) iii III" milk a: .1 delightful after-taste of Klenro that uf a mutual frii'itil. Mr. Ilnikiii in frriathl ml"". Cool, Clean, Klcaao recline ii uts-fyis( lllllill' H II lllli' for llllllrrlf ill III'' evidence cf the (ocd it doea. t'niti-il Slalrs an a burial n'formr-r Pacific Milk Co. ntiil In fxplaini'il lii. nn'llimN fr Sup ia and. get a tube today. LimlUd ii'iiifilyinK MtH'ial world inJUMtirt- S3 0t St., VaMewt.e, a.O to Miss Tlioinas. who was vloh-nt- r!TO a? toi c l iiiiiosi'd lo them. 35 Hopkins raims Hint In- fi-ll in i lov aviIIi her....lhr sfnl lintc lo timvn.tM saw h"r. wiiiio in' wns so urawn irJIIII.k.MI WU'lilVH I... l.i lie. , 1 .l UlfiUUill UIU114II1 .1 111. .ll'l I I J I",,,. .li.J H.., mlillily of rliarartiT thai she BEING BELIEVED. ailuully round lo his ORMES LIMITED if Ihiiikint:.ranie NolliiuK could ha'way I IN NEW YORK CITY in-on simpler or more unrerew j iiionioiis tlmn Ihe wi'diliiiu of Ihisj KW YOIIK K. h. "S. A- ill.- CUVE THOMAS' in viRyODy ?kTnHURT?lzn(ch Pic.t mo .1 3 weallhy Amerlran ami his prMy ,,,11 t,f - Iiu.. rull.., i, out!? bride. - The church was i:fct. (ti.loe Arm.lroiiii. linti.ti A he .rt i tt re t sior in whl h smiles and la jgiuer Th Store exiittisilelj dprtlPil B.Ahile. Ihel(nsu j,,, in ,j, rlU ti junif h over kIo m and 1 spasr. altar with arum lilie anil Ihif4,m,ninm. i,B 1 n f .rmed f..r chancel wilh uhilc rhraiilhe- ik, u,,, r ,,. 11, .ii.h , Uurtun I'd n s Travel I'ic ure. Sctt.ic ar.ti CJazotte mum. nn.l marruerlles. he , . VW- , v.,. l. m , ration ervfee was conchieled iy Canon ..-ii. ui s..,-,.iv xi ' W.MHlMartJ. M.t:.. xicar of VI. ; .n,imv-, s,. lv a. su. 1 i.r HAROLD LLOYD SPECIAL! 'eler's. The liride was iiiven gaiety, 'hoQ Have You away l. her father. 1 he nesi . Tha, ltH.r f. ,,,-g,.,,, ,.,., fr Deadly TIMBER SALE X2817. men was her brother. Harold -nr r n,n ,.1, .ui.tm i. h..i.. "An Eastern Westerner" scaled tender win be received by tne hoinns. Only the bride's p-la- ..r..iMM,,, ...m,..,. .,l..r- a Silver Mmitier or Landi al victoria not later lives. Lord lltissrll. nn.l a tew an(j iliautav-hu, liei-n brouithl man noun rt the X I tt day or March, tttl. fiieuiN of the hride and jtroom . dllttnll tj... .,., r,.w inlh. Owing to tfoapllnl Concert on 1 liuraday nex, William S. fi.r the purrru.e of Licence X fll7, lo cut An innovation Ilatrt In "Sand,, considered una of tila brat picture., will v.cre preeent. wan utitH,k Ihe an.. tU lhal a.iSe.uoo reel r Spruce and Hemlock on in near ih.iwn WeiiJiieadivy, One Daiy Oiily.MMtluea ntl Evanlnit Tea-Set? Ihe Ihiowtnje of petal made au area adjotnlnt Dmi I. R. !o. I. tttae-tile re fllrp ihi will Im veiy vreally Inlet, yu-ro tJiyk.il Itlandt Dll-irlrt. ly ex-s.rvice nun 111 pia 1 uie j,,,.,, Whila- It siNrielieal .iSXSta'Ale-ieTraLJ.U ViX jrKJt 1M SlWfZ.V J1 VMlXXTVTt T7P 11 VU SS V&ttBftZIr , . . Not li i 111: set ulT your tabic it um.-iry .-..1111.111 ni in- liapl'. M.,c menUied will i-.niliiiue a! Two years will be allotted for re-moral ir sideboard 1 ik silvcrwarci or timber. " "'" ,,fl "" h..y have don.- for y-ai-. fafrarryi city cf rniNct aurtar. 3 Further particular or the CDlet Foreater. on Iheir rhartlahle work, ll Is fait' We fun show you some Vlctoral. H. :.. or lutlrtrt roretter, Fnnet I ;l Ti Jel lA7,r ,hnl th" demands till, HEALTH DIFAftTkUftT. huperl, B. C. beaut ie al 2l50, $30.00, LlKc a 1 lUUl YYaVc aid r a unite.) ...inmiit.-e to en- smict. S30.0O, $03.00 lo l 55.00. TIMBER SALE X 2323. -ilarne and make slill more ffii-thr The NEWEST ARRIVALS Heart Disease and Nerve "",, n',l,J t,rk lbr eSZ Jlt-I'" Sealed b-wlcru will he weired by I he Mlnlairr of IjimI at Victoria, t. C. not in John lairr than issst on Hie loih day or Marrn. Trnllllp SwPPH flip Bulger Iil. for the purrhae or Urrnre X tltl, TniinfrV Arpnm:HMile U- IWn umU m rtfteirr mi, cut t.lau.ooo reel nf spruce, txiar ami r.,r ll.. .mioumI.uIh relief .t i.r... pmm who ht twilty or tiuUim Jeweller Ibtnbs-k. on an area alluded un Larooa ' ... . tarae rrrs aua.su will he aTnusl uasler Inlet. Ooeen tbarmne Itlanrt DltlrtrL Eti g .m. rj 11.. Pniablt al perKst in ihe world a le .Hy f rntirr allowed for Mnr ( 1 1 year will be removal or timber W.lory uae Heart and ner trooMea l"lgnK and tfr Uffunt eai' Wilh awpen. Further particulars or Ibe Chier Forester, Us-n " rralent an they are today. llre lieitUh (frettt War VeleraB, WfiaUlM K. MitfMV victoria, a. i;.. or biurlcl torealer, I'riiice huperl. B. . l liva-l ean'l -stand te aireaa and who will ael llir allirourr fr ' ,M iraiu ui mi. uwu. iwimii irr, w w l l. r cutlllililleA IMroUUh llieir TIMBER SALE X 2725. eare awl wiy. Hie antleiy and aftrrny WATUII Mi'l ICIL r"r. r Utf lite ..r Minra. lire evmutttt a aertuaw dram jrresenl. TttaUUC Sraled leisters w III be fm1rd by the of th oflet les si Hie nerrous yMiu. rfienMy rrpre. for j Minister r I.ih1 at lru.ru. H. ... uot Spring JiKt than wesi tm I Ik- 7lh day or April, The bqafneM oT Un. uneli day world enle. on the roHllllillri- will pro I HI) MMTi: Ntal HmobT rd ltl. f.ir the iHirrluM or Licence X mt . I rut t.JUO.uutl reel r spruce and llrra-kH-k iib wh a nam thai tae mateai idi h- liecesjlary mean. There -u-J 1 t FOR SALE on an area ulluaU-d on Limestone Hay, IsarU and alnaiiaxl nerrea bteak down L.silse latand. ouren-Cbarlolle Itlanda Uia-Irli-t. under the drain. is an average or tvetil-llv np. :Nfnrr u.t inr oat t ate lidicaiils a day fr rel'ef. and Itie'M"' ' ' raw braara T" 'I yearn Will Is- allowed for re on i.w ttr.l a;ianaveti or aay break-., . ... r Hidden im-H mttut, ... ..Wurlr mt inial .r liifitjr. (f.wn or tlie avail-in Milburn'a 1 Iran am, - .Ira Hit-. Iliinb-n .rerk. aasstl two-NMrata House of Rooms- ..r fMvf Forealer. 3 Fiirilier parti. nlar tin- virion a, li :.. liisiri. l ton tier. Prince Vi-ne ('Ills mesild Is- taken. The reeon-Mrurtive ilienl, so fur. for mi n'-!ici- of j a n.iir Insn irauu Kay. Unpen, B. I.. p.er or Ikea (Slta i Uw- heart bi.t four or live men a w .. ! The .b r.e lain will l lueatetl and and Bath, Fully Furnished and bene j.trni iii lmplr tuarreiiasi. ! r-l man Ihr te.ondar) of M ft I. Section 6 ilvorlm tn Ihe iinilr Nmo r VV. A VVnalil. B..,-.ll Vkrnaje. ' Tie- rat- " . I Ihr reser.r la bf en at. AUSTRIA RUNS RIOT $2,350.00 oilawa, oul.. wriiea: -vrter .ulTrrjoit lor w alsHii ue uuIIksi (albSM. and II wilt sue Wis- sllli m . herl I cotMtifled a n mi im an., nf lawl Tin- water 4 Room House ni'iiils-r or ds-br. bm led no rriief. ill be dorrbd n ine Ireean at tae However. I read mlial Mllliiim a Heart and Gay Life of Vienna's Rich ',niitam anil will be uaed r.-r Mlnmr and Second Avenae, Section 1 EXTRA SPECIAL!! vme Fill lia.l il.sw f..r otner. who had Marked Contrast to That of 1-41 ilU'j iiyi". optiM Us- anlne d m ntssl e ihe aiiH- )iiipi'.iu ami UioM(bt I would Poor a. hd. lo. I 1. 4f. tai. tit and lax. 1 $1,600.00 ri- lls-in a tnal. Ifliete me, all bote istf. and l1. rl. ttrl. Mft. n-Hrn-d loe. I aw rrelnif flue o.m and VIFNNA. I'JT is. Vtilitar dis. Utz. tltt ttf.. ff. ttl, ft. f Lot 1st Avenue This Week Only can altemt to my votrlr. errr day. I ran and tit. fhr UrrMW afetord foe H bi on i-!ay of evti ;ivaranee 1 food and rerisi'itaFifl )..ur pilla to auy one auaeriny tuiaybas.nl an anpueamsa in take and wr Section 1, cloae to at I dhl." ' clolhiiiit i .1 nlfhlly pirl ore at ata a per naler mill is posird sj ll andCoIonin Besner Apartment! Siiowilakv I'aslry Flour. 10. I'rirr tor. a boi al all deak-ra or IMtled the jra.v 1 -Imiranls her", while Jmar. IBo i a r braifh ale eol.- All the latest Shades din-ri -si nxelpl or price by. The T. Mll-biltn only a d-w (docks away hungry Thl" n tier wat ooed im lie- arisind lb. hair 75c $600.00 '.., l.liMlli-d, Toroulo, onL Advl. Ibe tied day ! Febnmry. 19ft. V cm, Hulled 7-lb.,l.aj:s BOc am! scani l clothed OaK (irrsoiis ace oT Ull wdirr anl an af.p4'-ll (sarauanl HATS I'ti'ily ltol led (Jala 'i lubes iM-iiiK j iiv ni in i-oiiiniiinily inreeto ami lie- ' Water n. ml.'' will BORSAUNO McCaffery, Gibbons for 65c ' kilelifiis. isilors lo Vienna are be Bled III Un- noVr or Ine Water Hrcordrr Kaxle llrand Milk 2 cans 55c al f-rtnre Hllprrl Vor dozen cans .... $3.25 Stop! shocked h Ibis parndoxii'al -obirrln iu bi Ine att. ramei naay be & Doyle, Ltd. per rase $12.75 i-i oiiomii- ..ml j lion. Others an nird wild tin- tatd Water Heeorder is- niut I'nines, mzu HO.1 00. b. 10c Look!! either hapl.-ficul in ihe coitra-dii-loi-y tae KdnrinnTer of JWrdh-r Hl$Mt, rartia 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 Criseo.25.lb.t ox la. lill............S2.50 35c or. jjn their luauilily to natat iMia. vitam, a wiuKa latriy -I daya aiw-e Ine Nest apts-arure of laua :-lh litl 95o Listen!!! aller ell her niri-ine, enn only is.lire Ml a lutal MeWauatwr. $9.50 : II. C. Milk, baby f uol 800 sltul Iheir -)' talheiit. (iHXBV i:o,v, StAl. sat.l.TIXH . . Fry's I'aluiolive Coco;i ti.lb, tins 35o A I.ITTI.i: iXJ.NtflDKIl.VilON Crowded ttfftl reai and operas at rowKH ti. Lf n.. kpTdiesai. 11 $1.00 bars Soup tt WllllanJ Y.siar. aaenl. l.ibby's Sliced I'caches. a At ill coin inn- you dial dainly treinendoii-ly . advanced prices, The liatr ot Un- nr.I pubMcalloa ui in it You Can't cans $1.00 new Wallpaper and fresh roiiro-l out ill advance, inrtler la Us- taili day ol Frbrwary, 1(11. j Buy Sliced I'tiicapple. 'St. per can 25c cl.-an I'aint are nut only iiiKsked ball ftllowinit masked hull sanitary and healthful, hut in un ''mile ril, rabarels whose I.A.NU ACT. ONIONS ONIONS the allrurlivem-ss of your ritie dam efia would hrinir out ! rort of notick. Martin Insurance Fine Cooking, extra special siirroundiuK't -tends lo Ibn ioi- in ,Vast York and vjhere . tSSMH I.AMI UlsTHH-f HISTHICT of 12 lbs, for 25c ti-ililcn your thoughts f,ud nrdhine to drink hut wine is ctisivn. (ml in spirits, too. s rved, i ut and lestauranls Tlk nollrr tftrl M'ebtier Stall simp-ton, O'Reilly you good ' or Trattraoh l.reek. H. 1:.. orrupalind When Your WALNUTS . , carry the newest and with never all fliiiply table, uol a Irslian Arrnt. ino-islt lo apply for permit-tldli 300 lbs., extra special. .2 lbs. best room lo be liuu (ll the Idir hotels, Osuinehciiif to If ate 1 lie al toilowini a poal planted rtetcribef too lamia:yarda atts.at litif for 25c; 5 lb. lots 50c. WALLPAPERS AM) PAINTS v hose priei's go tip from wuek to more or leia ifrlhWMl or Hie rs.rinsnl 'jjraee or Hie Telerraph creek tovntile. week Ihnl ia) oho picture. On Ml.l.ll i .... I.a.,. .Iu.A.. provisions: Varnishes. Kaltomle, Class, tm ' iisnaw rati ia ttiaiu: ine ore aoulrr 10 House Burns! HiiKit, best creamery, per Hi etc. . its reversij, fnrelitn relief slriiln-11.;- -Kaiintt U'tnre weal IS rtiaina lo tiwi wiinl 6O0 it self ami dajnandlng unneas. or ronirnrnreiiH'fit, al cbnuininr t9 :mi I Furjrs, II. Fresh 550 SILYERSIDES BROS. Iiik eouiributluii iu aid of a more or iraa.vvKiim.it hcott siarsuN, No nd fan forecast when Cheese, finest Canadian, per rial, fierewls" Ulb. 11104 or whero flro will break II. 36o Phone 22; Second Street tijlTorini.' iiupiilaee, oul. five you protected Dry Salt I'ork. per lb. . . 35o P.O. Box 120 1.ax i Atrr. l.ard, lines! compound, 2 lbs. CURLER'S LOGIC anainst (Ire lossY It Is for 45 0 soTH.K or ivr.Tio.v to AFI'LT IU really worth while. I.EAK LA Ml. I "II is i-ftxy i-niilltlll to be pleasant. GREENSTUFFS WEDNESDAY.ARRIVING UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned WJii-ii thai skip I'll! bit stone on In lienftriliiK If""" t:harlolle liltlrlcl or It'aoda Skeena,Land and DHIrirl miuale Dybhavn & Hanson Toiimlise. I.elluce, Swecl Machine and Mettiod.I'reaaed hy Price sjr rraKon-able. &team Ihe ImiI ton, 5'J'"" "rl""' ''Io,mo "d potatoes; Cuutlllow cr, Spin, Give ua a trial, Hut Mm- lead Worth while TAKK NOTICE that I. Hume H. Hablnt-b.u ucli, ilt'Jery. etc. nt Friore ilufs-rl, occupation Maaier Iiisuiunco Agents. Third I Hi.- Ii-aij wllh 11 suiili', Mariiwr,, Iniriult 10 apply lor perniiaalon LING, TAILOR C&os Wtu'ii Ihi- mVIp i consist cully Ui'laate ibe follow io dearrlbril land!; Avtiiuo, Vrinvo Ilupcrt Also Shipment of Almonds Cismiu'iii'iua' al a boat planted al the Ice Cream. i-iilli-n." norllmeai roriirr or Vol 111, on Ueorr j I'olnl; llH-nre aouth I.Vtt riiaina mora or rat ui iiui hiw naier mark or nanrii We Buy American Currency, Ha Ix.uri tliriMi- aouiiu-ailrrly and follow inn the said low vtairr mark to tnaina Silver, Gold or Bills. more or Iras . a isonl Uua ral 7.10 PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD OUR GOAL WILL PLEASE YOU rliama llli llH-nre from rail I lie y.lu Koiiliiwrat cbaina corner to Ilia of aouin t-ol weal corner of I ol 411; llirnce norm, Bait .1.1 uiw.a m Phone 93. S, K. Parker, Mgr. Rupert Table Supply Co. Clean Lump. Clean Egg. Mine Kun. IT'S HOT. NO SOOT wraierly and folios Iny the nun water -M. mark of Kartrn llarlsiur 17 rlialna mora or Careful fttUntlun uim U V urdr Xur Consumers Coal Ltd. lat lo Hie 1 ilu I or miiiinenrrmrot and f urslturo, frU hu b d$ r othvr PHONES 211, 212. Company, eiiulalnliif t arri-a more or lets. ir4.nfr work ORDER8 fAfciH rvu. COAL.Mb WOOD 11 Smith Block PHONE 7 J. Lome MacLaren. Manager Far Fred.hunk.Sa.b,n, nAiiiMiiorr.B.U.L , atenl, baled tilt etn day of Juuiry, lf.