I PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Mi,.. . J- The Daily News LARGEST FISH i pniNdE imi'EUT niimsii Columbia - Published Kvcry Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News COLD STORAGE "RUPERT" B Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. RAND Kv:-Jf;V. PULLEX, Managing Editor. Company Employs Between Five and Six Hundred People In , SUBSCRIPTION RATESl City lly mail In DeliveryVby'nail advan5t to a Impart,jer of year or the carrier,Hritish per Empire month and the United'. .Slates,.0.00 tl.00 HANDLES Summer.20,000,000 LBS. The Perfection of Fresh, Frozen and Smoked Fish To ail others countries, in advance, per year . . .S.7.60 TPLFPHONC BA Immmu Prssilnn Capacity and BRILLS Contract Hates on Application. Facilities for Doing Big FRESH FROZEN All advertKsTng ahould be in The Daily News Office onday pre Business. or' : SMOKED: ceding ptiblieatjon. All advertising received subject lr approval BLACKC0D I'rtnee fliuwrf has Ihe thiol Halibut: Salmon: BLACK COD or i$hfor DAILY EDITION .Monday. Sept. it. tOtl. lariresl cold lraire plant in Rt SM,KQS SAflLE FISH Panada aijd ihr large! in Ihe CHICKEN STCELHTAOS SALMON llrttth Rwipti used exeSmlvHy HERRINGS MEDIUM COHOES op SILVERS FILLETS IVa Feed for fish. Hurinn the mmr PINKS months the Canadian fish and - The Nation. LARGE QIMLLAH or FALL KIPPERED 'We feed the nation" might well he the catchword of this Cold Staraire Co. emptey aver SALMON Etc., Etc. HERRlKc ,rily. We feed not only this nation but the American nation also 500 men on their feint and varum u ilh hajibut, and we distributed our other flh prtMlticts tn almost plants not including the parts of the world. fthrnien on the large number Record Deliveries thts Summer enable us 'to supply you.yvith your exact req uttuen Figures published elsewhere show that during the last ef Ithh'iHuidewt boats, wateli H1 i twelve months no Je than 21.85tt&50 pounds of halibut were their fih le the big concern . "RUPERT" BRAND PRODUCTS marketed here, great impetus to the business having been given The eeld s tors re plant ha of late through the effort of the railway company to keep us well approximately IW.aon ruble feet Mtppliet! wjlhesprf . refrigerator cars. In addition to this, we of !nlaled pee Inflated have marketed immense quantities' of salmon, both fresh and with eork Ihrtrttftltl. Tn freeae Mr. Retailer: A RE your cystprners givfn fish Us. cuMomnry place In their ' y; have be Uti immense paee. two 75 ion up to you to Jnffu?nce thdr nppettte, nnd thu Increaie ' Fanned, and also black rod. Ax a result, we rome to . v ur f b-tx known Us the big fish market of the coast and eastern buyers ammonia eofipreor are ud and 75 ton aK.orptnn plant .?. Lto Know tnat-LANAlM USES one you LESS THAN insist on hating Hupert packed flh because they know it is well ... TWENTY PCDl - packed" and that no time is lost In getting it tn the market With lbee there I no difftetilty fian ixk nuAUtrtuii ykak, wncrciisarent Britain td contome, In netlrnir W dear- below lem, Fahrenheit, whteh freeie a M Norvvny nbout 75 pounds, countries bordering on the North Sea vary frr.l Important to Keep Up the Standard. Mnd halibut in fifteen boor pounds, and Japan 200 pounds or more per capita each year. I and fish of other nite in Prince Hupert has set a high standard for the quality of flh pro portion. You being directly In touch with the have consumer marketed here anil it is very Important lfl see that this high the great om-A 30,000 Pounds an Hour. standard is maintained. One shipment of poor fish will mean the There are at the plant faell .incrcnsing mn saics uihj uius nciptng, ion paramount uegrce. one ofLaravhjJ loss of much business in future. Hecause of this it Is to the fish-ins: iiilit.trle- 1 lie for diebar?inir tw advantage of the express company and the chipper that enly fll sehoner imMltaneouly V of good quality is sent out of the port, that it he marketed speedily which enable I hem to comfort- "and that it be sure to arrive at its destination in good condition, atilv handle SO.n0 pnand of i It is noticeable that fishermen whose icing and cleaning can fish per boar. Canadian Fish k Cold Storage Co., Limited be depended On sell their fUh at higher prices than the less careful Tb sharp freeiee ean free re t fWhermen. The buyer prefer to pay a good price for the beet I to.WW b. of fish per day and . fish rather than a low price for poor fish. when It is fro i en there U plenty Head Office nnd Plant: f aemmodallwi for loadlmr Price of FUh into ear for eight ear ran be Prince Rupert, B.C. r Is Very Low". loaded on the aidfnf wttbmtt a ' The price of fish is at Jhe present time very low, too low, the wilch. Branch: Agency Atncj fUhermen tate, to make the operation of the beats profitable. At Tbo approxhnate Ittfnorer of Grand Trunk Dock, Vancouver, B.C. Chicago, U.S.A. New York G I the same time there seems to be no abatement tn the amount of the nmipauy for the yar i n-hing dune, dotibtle In the hope that by the end of the next trip SO,ao (loun4s uf fih of -the price will.be better., all varieties and hie hided In ti ld Storapo, 10.000.000 pound.. CAPACITY OF PLANTS SprU Ice Stoeap, tOOQ Uk ' While the preeat prjre is abnormally low, it moil not be between t& and So per rem f Ico Production, SO ton dally. 0nni, I.OCO tk''j, f expected that the good, times of very high fish prices wfll again all the halibut produced n tb return. We are all having to adapt ourselves to the changed I'eeirie ciai. Miipment are conditions. We mnt all expect tp get small margins, whether; made to all part of Canada and we are in busmen or producing like the fishermen' What if the United Stales as wall a to desirable is not a return to the period of very high prices but a many parts of the ifrtliih Km till i not IclBlerl Mir ra of the flsti purehated frwm ifnle. hapny medium under which every man who works will be able to pi re outside of Canada. make a good living. If the price is very high it is a hardship to One of the specialties that are penUent ImmI. Tu crei an itloa of the ..r . the consumer. If it is very low it Is a hardship tn the fisherman. made here are the famous amok. The half way is the best, ed black eod or sable fih whteh the menlloneil concrete that kuilatlnir,It te m My trtr.I- Cascade CASCADE BEER' of are not produced in any part Conditions the world except on the north IiIkIi with fli rftn la 4dHi Is produced lv rr l:$tm Improve to the .aiWit htm .i nt'ho Pacific Coast. mntSritilt rf.IMtlt II For the Fishermen. building. Ihe latter t ubirh I The autumn is with us again and the winter fs coming, and Ic Manufacture. filled with Rer La'ii. i. . Ire of nothing has been done to improve conditions' for the fishermen. manufacturing one locker. The eniMiir run. n- Guaranteed full trnitb-H the side line of the eold stnr. The smaller fioat have to tie up for the winter, yet there U so plant. There, i n capacity on cofiimlwMirjr m$Sl 'mptnyx-n Yea than 8 per cent- proof t& nowhere for them to lie except at the float provided by the Pro-' of eighty tons of ire dally and hare Ihe prfnlefe At hnfiti. BEER vinrial Government, which is not large enough for all. The from thi auppjy not only their tore here If tfcfr J tee. : Laacadelaa UNION pnxJudSH Provincial floverntneiit control does not include the forehore. BriUth CaplUI. but also the wn fleet of boat . The Marine and fisheries Department is responsible' for the aids city of Prince Hupert ami a In the ereetton f the hurt.! 9 tart to finhh. in Miippiug, large or smaii, ana n is 10 mem we snouia loon to large fleet of veel opera!In tr ma- notiim bM Itrtn-h eoititni -( provide the necessary accommodation. As there i an election in fmn the mrt as well a the ean-nerles wa employed. Manager iohnMon s ight it might be well to gel active in demands for facilities. The adjacent In the elty and U a Hrlllftr and t lh J Qhermen themselves should lead in the matter, and they should Jher large hlrier of fresh uMWfMrwHer. V. J. Nh.4. ONE OF THE FINEST TONICS be backed by the Hoard of Trade and ever)' other organization in fish. The Ontd Wamf Ha"' "x the city. What is wanted is not a promise of accommodation next The fleet consist anatnelay nf Prtnre MneH ami I. lie company m year after the election is over, but a float right now for use this of three tnpdern steamer, four the instltuHoM I twit an been I Cmi for Health ad Improves - winter as a protection against the gales which now and then lartce auxiliary powered sehoon-er ehtefty reMinoMe tor nwkmir sweep the harbor and are a menace to the small craft which are eiiKSRed in fishinK and six Ihe rlly nrinrMi anl Iniur- In ordering from the Vendor bo sure and see that yea so numerous, arriers which brinu salnxHi Hiir a uly market for the fuh CASCADE BEER and other fish from the ran if 'say and buying utatiotl located along the coast and on the dif- I Ten Years Ago Limited The port.frrent island adj-aeent to the f In Hrlnc. Ruprt VANCOUVER BREWERIES. Handicap Tuck's Inlet Cannery. The cannery at Tuek'e Inlet Sptomber, 12, 1S1A I Pflnr sTlirtJkvf Amrm nfil Cn m aasww rmva maaw of two and a half mile from Ihe tr one handre and fifty i nujivi vvy ld flora ire plant ha a capa- ierln allelH the l.iheml ! Defective -ity of 40,000 ease and pack MHiker In.l itlflit. A. J. Morrf I the renowned 8kcena ookeye a wa 'iMirmnn ntnt lb .neaker'- well a rd priaKH, c1m. wer.- Krt tork, U NV. Viuvre. rm. r wIht they will lake up mm TEETH pinks, and chum. Alex Manon aifd a nnndter aT their reiden . not returning to Sutherland The total number of employer ther. In i nee Hupert. Dr. during Ihe summer averages V from 500 to 600 on the niltxTt llonaldiHtn. aued nine D.D.S.. L.D.S., D.D.C 1 Is Too 'iiipany s f.-wn ship and plant. jrfmr, ytenlay aftemonn re- ?10 CASH OFFERED r The payroll amount to 30.. nued l.ml Miuiel Html 1 1, (kmn brWl Much to 000 a month in sunmier, and in 'the wirmnlfHr hote In j(ay FOR THE BEST LOAF nrxiTicTD V in nil its Creek when I fie laller wm Mear- Carry 1 drowning. In addition tn th prii offer . i c.it 14 and 15 d at the RililMtli.il, mentioned Exchange Uiocic, ju' . ( Hoth from a butlnea and health standpoint. Hunran Ho arrlVed IMay in 11m pnie lilt, another prlie Phon Ws Foolish Timidity keep for time from the STOP! For Appointment may you away a from Id iiilerinr. He llree- of flo.OO eaufi I telnir offered dcntlsf. But every day you neglect this duly you are loing l a fiieelMK tit W4Wl al the l.y HuheeKe & Wood for the iel yourself a positive injury. (Kmpre Theufre Ihl afternjAn loaf of bread baked with llol.ln nfC Modern highly skilled dentistry, such as Is practised at this on niTiproeiiy and tonight will ll'io. flmir. Knlrfe for thi be efilce. eliminates the most disagreeable features, and you will at my plate and ee my lie tin- apepker at n iikm ineel. I tfl firlip will U mad In th NOTICE TOFlSHtK"'- surprised and gratified to know bow dental our operations fine of Inr. display ual way wlUi Ihe ITihlbitlna are performed. ryroinry arxl Ihe loarea will b Good Supply0' if You will A receive the Lest skill and service, which SUITCASES means ihihited at the Fair. Thee satisfaction to all patrons. QUIET WEDDING Al loVM HHlt be baked with Herring and R My Prices are Vary Reasonable T runk lloldit Hood flour, arvl Ilia n Mite Mabel Moffat and Cecil Myara iranU iiiual Ik a receipt from Salmon of Vancouver Married Here for lvLi) their vrueer th purchase Reliable CLUB BAGS Dentistry! Laat Evening. of the fkHir, altuetied to I tin of All Kinds loaf. Thee are th only ci.n- BUTEDAL The wedding took place at 0:30 IMIn. AT Crown, Bridge and Platework Large Stock On hand ltti nivht at the Ma, Kourlh Tb priie I open to anyone Avnuf I'.M-t. of Mlt Mabel Muffut who baka bread, and them I to telect from. nd reed Mjwr. Itev. Dr. II It limit in the number of en " 1 . n I' gjflt DR. JOS. MAGUIRE (jrant unirmting Iiolh bride ami irlr. JudKing fur thi pnift UMinW eTriuqillP CO. Or.1 u a v a a a aa a ak w a mmw m - u.a i - ttrw in ar5 rsidt-nra t V ..ni - wU bi Jcii ' at the Fair by thirj we liirir, ora rm BUl"S5t 4iu fJr Phone S7S Rooms 7 and S Smith Block Phone B75 J. F. MAGUIRE it-id Mr Myer ha for Mine duly nd juiliie ill (idler Hours V to 1, 1 la 6. Sunday Appointment ionia app nf Mr ". yilJuiSfP " r"J 7 to 0 Evenings KVEKINflH Ntxt th frim. !tuort J'-'l lx- n employ?! al the Wall an Klmpyaril her- They left oil Ui There mar be aofiitthlog you Ml (mw4 Af