PAGK FOUn THE DAILY NljNVfl 8e Fuller id. I i" 1 'i 1"J ""5 I 1 I 'fill III 1 1) i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Local and Personal HiyntN, UeaitvU Miow SCHOOL OPENING 331. If hIIihIn Launch "Oh Baby. Blue MS. t. not September 6th 11. n.Uncrrtalers. Phone II. tf Kcr practical shoe mrig K1 ff"? Avorlphe crush of the opening days of A. M. Kh. of the .North fSiB. school by getting Krnesl Hlue ...lefl .mi Ike Pan- .9inf. .. a I tot on las ees Allee this morning for I Your Supplies Now Ketchikan., e I J..- . . .Mfefwu" "and Charles LH this irlnrkiu Sun hin nlrH,r" er4 fruit lefc M) Choose choose well and early, got exactly Orange and I'arpl. In Kxhlh-f " what you want. Books exchanged if lllon colera. 1S . I James Annrwn, of htewert. not right. Norman Allen rein rued on lt,rr,wl lk eHy on the Prtaaa Books, School Bags, Paints, ScriLblerp, even's train frm a basin i mm ei nitrat e Crayons, Loose Leaf, Compass, Divideis trip up, river. , After lh show- lev the nJ In .. . .. J ... .T. Set Squares, Rulers. IIBWH ru W 1 11111 vmJ Mibi -.. Mm f f Mail orders sent by first train or boat. s hit-a rn a nx-. . vi ut ifFf mwriiHii ior urunsenucss. I n ..t...., a ) I ewna,-y, eWPHIMall njiWH hi ..... ..... -r .. tne city iai niKhl m the I'rinee Unrtre . . , AAA for eean Fall and Ilrfla Kettol JaWa F. MeH. Ynejnir kft an. " bMr n tk) lrtte lire fur uuaranired .o. . I mafterdlAtttti "tear he will hM eouH. ered at Mie Owvl Fkta. Why I nol come here and Rpt the real! Mr.-A. II. HarrK of Prt Ka- thinfrf tf.UiiurtOR. fnielieel the etty laet tSM aaM M rMiitwrl ml Ihn ine A.iair iMr tUMMfa. I. Holal Vrtmmm liameri .K. will liAld thlr terMd annual ball Oeteber II. KeefH o. noiter, meehanh-lan ,if Mm EAT FISH int. dale open. v PL liwrt Wayward HIrt. arrl. led yMCnny froan Anyoa on ike .irred Ntlvay. prexMent f Iheinrnnky MMah. Am rile. Oreenville lunl. la anffeeifHtl wilh hU eye and will return to I li. J. Melk.nald and A O. And Support the Industry the Naa on the flr oppwftM- MrIomM arrived in Haturdcy which supports you ni,T' ' wlwkl trim Kinrollih and are Ask for reMeteat ! Ike Hotel Pnnee Tltn UnHiin and John Hair- Rimt. Fresh, Smoked and Canned man each forfeited 150 in the I polte court thU miming hv- Mr. and Mr. Harry AUin. rr. Fish lag failed lo aaper U vr laraal ta tk rit on ihr Pnn. Distributed Wiargea f drunkennei. ce AM' tdny They it PLAYER'S by i , jewnral edu vlaihn In RwMrn Ifave yu tried the Club hreak. Cannd. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. fat,at the flood Bats? Sli m I btalon In pick from and wej KsblWlion iit.-r ire intt( NAVY CUT PRINCE RUPERT defy the wnrid to heat any erne to Otar $ jtk 41JI , till m.! mem rr price or qnallly. If Here yon will fled rVantin ml etmiiewjii .r1e. fe rra CIGARETTES RUPERT BRAND iii?M'e train In the Hy a Heel F. W. IkdHer. . f KMeaanhalnin liaiir made a tff trip tnlwho will he 4 hey vanHitec arnl rilwnfHL. IhiMlor in the KskJHton thin ' IwraiL mrril trt Ik tntrir llfjott I'rtnee It upon Ind. on ll mahl'e Uftln 11 if Industry by ealinir frewk halibut or lriKti. TW I at-1 Mr. A. U. bWaJ am ay one of the leadias' foairirawlMr Wkale Vare. iMwIed today tee Kuller'a C P rince Rupert 011 the (i(H)i KV1 bill of fere.!flow teie Prtne)M Ati retnrninn ' jto Iket? kM In,Mar awrlk nfUr St. Hta Tail. Phone IM. If The that made ceorgn n. Perry, viw prtmi,IhavtBK fent aejana Una nt Ter. qualities cur dent and general man?- oflraae. lAleat MhM nla4d and alrlurd Canadian .National TeJtrrnnft. I ahirta. t.Tt. llemers. if Toronto, and rre 8led. kh- mmni4 po""nea) erintendrrit of telearaali rMal Ik Yko cnjniry Mr. I.Mlie ari-Ked SPRUC at Pakatcmn, arrfred on latet jkre the will eeaaain dunnar froa Terr mm Ike train !( evening train and sailed at) tkelb dialer pneeml thruunh the eeniBHr. Print GeorKe for Vaneiwnr. - 'he Prtnewas Allee 'ttl tnmi.l nulln. ..f Ik.-1 aartktNHiad today.a 1. Regis new dkilna roosn nam the chief wood for aeroplane, Its i'.rnfl eeta. Tabtes refd for neneU Anglican Ladie' AuxHkiry of the I For Kxhihiiio w inl d4naer ahd durability, toughnas, eae of wt AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL BOOTHS sMfper parlies. Ikon Diocese of Caledonia wHI be UWlw UP "ur - 124 !. If smooth finish, readiness in taking pl KxhlblW in thia I V"'1 ln,,r W. Tfce .-.- of every deserto w. iiK-iudiiiu h-.tork. Tbr.-e city this week. There band in atUndan--. ami . -f 1 1 huiii.-- of program will dMalf. from lUm v.f.1"ballon ,f I h,. uubllr will k Helen varnish and freedom from defects, rendrt Carteuei ekarered wHh very day. ious districts of (he dioe Uprec laird Uy the MUMaaremeM, tamtieisnei. snpeared m ike suitable Baaeball, Football, Aeroplane to loop the loop, and other etunta Mrs.... .DuAernet.. a the j.rwMenl. i -w m ' pdle oairt tana morn in 1-rr.h.r R . wa rwssMBsJed nntil iobntm TnJ - vw-i irtsfawt-f sy of and House Jot Joinery HHklMaiA -v..a L- a SEPTEMBER 13th to 17th Miss X PetllKrew and Mies F ' i-nnie. in- Menu sal adertiaiiiir oftrr f-r Fair Office, Phone 55 Exhibition Dulltilng, Phone 532 "'hi,a.. a I 01 ine v.-.wM.siau ni ne. MMewnri .... ine Winer ieore Fair Weak. Isdie Kvening . ,,.7;,:. "" nd reined m.i PMaaps, wUh hackle. h. r. ....n oar window. VmmHy Hh-HUmw. COMPACT l.o.i.i.." t ..rj .win..j aiiffoj& iim n-. i BIG BAY LUMBER iiwart before relnrnlnir enulk - ntur nntll r koi in ..n for bulne in u,r Mkmi (seavesieve Mardaanld. Prince Rupert Boat House a week frnn Thursday Bight. Kmnd Hl-K-k. nurd AeNue nb oenserty nt lb I oral ehol The ofReer. of the Oreemille Z''JZi'J'''?'T'lT T"" " aaii aMtl on ii.f ... rriae lieorga laal niirhl rr n 4mituiii-iii Wharf j-Hoert IUHd y;"r 0r Hl..aTi. "ep. ruat lu I At Aaireael. Ur .enetery slwrt a r WB. , '',u w memorial -ervlee by the grave , - DENTISTRY of QUALlnj Isr I). H. Hleeker ..f t'. Motorboata, Scows, Rowboata and Canoes for Mire or Sale. f.f- -----lis. I It. a-a Kf e.Wa.ttl.icsi esraa fMswam"S . Ua, a aaM . . . is rraee aufsulnled nswsieal faeaMb of. New and Second-hand Engine. fseer aad asesiieal inaprir.r of I.ll.ibllloii vli..ri ill l" -ii ' ' sehovt ai ll-.tll' in ' Teerare, aeeortfsn ,W",M Phone Red 391 offiree. ,r. Fre.1 MrKay. '"""TTJ. to Hpei-iaJ arrang.'iiieiito a ill br n '1 P. O. Box CO a aUa preartMt la the duelor; Wrnben A.kida... ... "J.TLT ... "'r ' v H. C. isaaHl. trtily a few ilu -OONT alter and II II MrKay. general TttTM . IPriarea. n-r. The will M-rnl NEGLECT YOUR Fair week in i heavily. Mr. aim) Mrs. J. W. W I. who were married here ! DR. BAYNE Imperial Machine Works M. p. i..h. foecaertr ma.jreasjnawl lo the Hty fcat mhl fie' 'The Puling Season" lag ekU Hit' Koval Huok mmrm ami MMNJ HavlMg aswai their honey. Room 4, 5, 6, Hslgsrson Block IUUAItllV it l.'iVF. proi.rteti.r. mwtal,.,1.,r BrtliJ JU-lTiZotl inierlor. They have . ENGINE! RS and MACHINISTS lumkla hi seite.tW iTlH .larsftAaeQ P lht r reaidenrr m ih- I Aii. nu far Let us supply the iu I he rKv li eithnsflMi aHk.'W Anartmat. T Honest Claif(paa Enfllnes Vivian Qaa EnBlnes bia dun.. He ;rid froai ; Imperial fW En0lne Acdla Oa. Engine. Good Eats Vam-ou on ifae Hrinre iie.,re AI 2.IS TaWay the nrt LIMJ ItrJIbfUtrR'in.-, and iitaral ItepalriafT. Saturday HM.rniHM. aeroplane Jfllfkl will take ntae ATLIN FISHERIES, y-ettlsne Veldlng. We 1 .ke Acropolis Mill. Admission can furnish Phone Red 156 everything ts. MiAllui.-r, auaiMHia uW-9 IwosedialHy afin, tk of p Q Bo 9 from Soup to Xuls, Including Wholesale Distributor cow Bay, pAirce rtupErrr Olives, rer ai Hra. Yukon Ter. , Ntht, Ik opening of ihr Ksfclh-rllory, plain, Bluffed or aimd from ike north1'""" lake nlaee, ).. which Fish llipa; Olive nutter, Peanut hi lha I'm n'a Ititfal Ha. a4iiiiron will be ft Fresh and Frozen Duller. Can net: Meats, nrd Mf.' flr iiiet Mi.1 - - RUPERT, B.C. ninrken. Lobster. Pimen-!. ........ PRINCE Cl. New Fal1 and W inter i ramiqsinm mom NO OPTION. " Kalad Dresslnff. Pieklea. UiK HJi"' i. lulled from a viail Bsiul attention iiU'-n MPVKinCT Samples f Drink.. Grape JUU. ouib ao.l i M rfi for Ibeir' "I hear Charlie ,.ri his feet for out.of town Fih Ik-.'"- Writ' sVV I V AUlit f rvm i-ll .1 Lime Jmce. Fancy Cake, Motile. again. Quality Quaranteed and Fruits. ' .. b'y. ln rr-dilor4 Third Avenue No chsr.e for packing, Frank k.i . i l.s Jakeu oui a llM.k III a vlii'-y nulleliii I free Delivery. aoo build . . I i i tall for an Mil Jut Anived diliou to i, - i, , on ..,,.n, it mtt SALES Co-1 Cl a i if-TinM Aenu.- h..i. The Priii.-.- It laVII im tZ'J'KSZl ifHvBI. X 1 w ' n' Fall AH Wool UNDERWEAR Munro Bros. lTl i..-ii..ul ll..tUI tin. hi . na arnifi jj , .. i ,ir ',! ' r-a . Bel WHP fl"' ' - V 1 1 UCIorC UlspoauiK ' pwjnt ishm Ceetee YV Isey M ur Marfitid. etc, Phone St '"i i' in .in.I i .-j,,hi - h D, aUiBl t!1 MKn,m, .1 JT, Y I your interest to consult ui Third Avenue l I MS Sm4 i wt w , jff is i-.-w . .1113 1 1 ,M. lu;H Hoi tw II fou mmijw udi yK' B23 Tlilrd Ave.