1 "1. TliE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER X By George McManus A I DON'T WORRY-Ht Wl . NOT cut oivr- CT & r c .Tit? OOT I'O LIKE Moyte while. -a iwh CLUO TO RUN m on OVER "TOO'.'. trera re- i It At vii HETLL have to Walk E ' ..I'll OVCRME-LAOV- . -' IF HE ' k$?cp VANT5 TO CT OUT!! Without tec "" U P ft text at wrt.-rfATuf tvict. Inc n i or oaie .$900.00 V i.uiiii-rliO'- How Pounds They Sold of Halibut 200,000 at Daily News Classified Ads. Lumber & S CENTS rEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrerllHmenl Taken for Lea than SOe $1,600 tie hod Regular Fish Auction WANTCO BOATS FOR HIRE t CORSETS Shingles I..AgtntS Amarfrafl for Ilne Rupert Fish Exchange VAVTBJ-YminK ! uiKti LAUNCH "Narbethonr." Phene IOOR8RT8 made to order. Mra. pnaiilotl. a Hcii..im ;h-r or Dlaafc 400. tf. i Director. Phone H!ae. 283. tf 4lh Amsrlcan Lin hooktef- A fl. HokJ A new shipment of Fir cannula.Lin.-- "Are. J'm all Mlhtfltd?" inquired John Itovte h stood iff in Jhona Bil l tkk. ti-i inVEST.HIENTS Dimension and Shingles tha lJfthn loth with ht homl on the resTftrver nrr(aralon' VANTHI to r-m fiirittuhiHt oi l 1 MEXICO i today the Land has just arrived, bought OHfir Tipawnier-Gaff to hanging up, el th.r cle of the !)h eoctia.it. "If yon are oil hMt' or flat f'r month ( of Opportunity; good and Safas. atlflrd. thoar arc" the final lid.M ami tie .jad jliem aft" to th (Mfoorr aad X.pmi.. r I'lionr tat.I.- govemotent; helpful and ctctutATion or RtirnvL. at the market's INSUKANCC flh tHler nt tin IHll t)h xehug. wUli T. II. JHmmhi,jnanager Hud til. !l friendly eo-operation: healthful Xora la Vrrfcr mo thai tn rr Lowest Prices FIRE and dry and warm climate. 1 ua arailu r Caal mvr lh ' the Canadian Pih and (H Hktra GonifMiiy liatcnlHg in frwn WAKTlll OtH for -Coal aaa rirleaai rl" nuMHted toy general ana eunanine an ine time; wr mom dtm ma at ramary. itta. ami Ask for quotations. It 0. II Inn nfllc at 8t Cve. bootont. Afily ism $tb have ir I'aanam U Mi the BrtOM Ummbt 0llU open opportunities lk, u of fttntrf 1tt, H uiiYii u iiauauu All the iMiyer lntim4i that lhjr wr mUHc4, bmJ a a Avn. Woof or ph..ae Oraao aingte nn and women; alao ilea, eanot m m nt nw rtn riai ... ... . .. Tt.li.t rr.ull pro(imally Jiki.GWI fuNindo of halibut rhangad h4 at ttt. fnnmtan who are mtereeted)to 1 OM mi Mtowlaf in uwt area: trr nwa tt E. H. Shockley "" rfa nt UV tnlar Irtu of Uv ' Mali A f ir, Rupert fjnrn mMfiHtr fnm fveti to aine twite l jhkL WANrUl llenral fWvant. no eon niaae a email in- t,,M1 tyrr M tn, inr nn KrnofH- ulio W bhI faiiitr ' Appl .M rf. pad.-, .'17 Klral! . ... .... la Utth Itapcxw ft)r. isd th catari Planing Mill. wrm Bratan ixntinentai r.i- ttr. tbwr ux tarlaunar lanrrti and Prince Kupart, B.C. Mh Ore mrod of aaittwniwg Xird. tH car tociU hit m m to L ptoralion Company, Ihf haHhul al III lrlaei Rnjwrt tiliw enta. a fMajd aifcl lli FOR SALE Tarlthire Hull dinar. Vaaeoutrer, vta- eaiHr at ta A(Maaatr Viaraairrr dearrttied Itlaatf uhah- wilt hr all aaadarte' htiip nniirriT art, ttt 8. C. bnttmm afiiir al a paMM na V Wt Cmkj Itliaajasuaiua halibut J. at tMW. Tl nwn to f aenfa Jot ih Mfr ar ate loaaa al ta nanan r ngir cmi. the Hr U that th ihHIkhI of hol ith two ear loal HAIRORESSINQ Me liwarc Kaaaaaait fV.r aa4 lla-itaaMiw rtara aaiHray'mtmrntUry alt ar to Community rllinR hatibM I ixaaHUr. tW-. U.lia. t apaUMfterte curat af tar atriaraal 3ilV8F5ides Bros. Utntm HAirtDRBSSINO, Mar- 'art rw. oar, w fottowiat 15. fortnl to aaijr i4hor kind of iTha Bujrar. i In mni.iK eel waving. fbampOOtOg. Singe- lml raraar ikrar nnrU ronnrin la Ibo wurhL Thr wan nn awtlnmr. - of Ing. Hair Dyeing. Scalp treat- ?ZilVr??Z lnZ?' triufr t.. rHiriM4f th IIHW rb riom urraM tow Mnsry btil thai mint a specialty. Toupee iwairy of miwih aad upnj The fih irkinyf In tbt upper rmm and at Ik ad aaii liait a Sale of BouaeboM (M4c ana wiaw lor leaumim iwatrrtard nt fiawAiMi Dim. Urrr m. rtk thr Ihr Pro. brrfrci wt the 4r'a uU. rnonrt tirr,f abrd ia ' arraatrrf alnaa lav aesOrlr lmmt4rf nt iMBalanuttnai tnT laitte rviir i m irr tortaI l'verniitrai I . a I Iir addMioa to th Cojwdjtaa KMi t 1IHMUIU ' amraad at aaid MiiapkM RJrrr. WALLPAPER RUPERT SwMahes made up trom tad.'e 'raaakHO lit- and kenrti aorr 10 t aw It rcftill. AluM ir aidr mm! UoM (oaM Co. fcg bujwra aaa I' aaaio ol Taaaaatp . Marert inmate awn eomwBfff. hu iJAniir-n,aao-t. uar mui ba I ha HiaJ " mm abwr i of toe mm thr otoak hoard, CUnii Wl SilTll. SLral Pntane e of Twara. j. 4 ira ia c Wtrkle no khW hM f thf brra ta4 1 rrnr watui by John lrWMim ; fcl III M llltfcMM.ll It. mHto (K fMtM tlPPLY STEtL WIRC naperL H. C Phene Ufue lar i t Mar r aa4 ! Ana r AND PAINT nrwrVfi ih una of ll haH-llh rttw1f.. W. 4. Caah; ...oaatMao aaef to tar awtuth or Iprifi ROBES 7tt. Cbae. LeClercq. I rrvrt. utrace alaar aprar Crrrk to tk ri i-sJe Uh ,lhr aforothvaief Airtfi PttuarlM. Jhm Lao; u tXAXTOK lawl kaarnlary of Tvamfeta ST, Kaprrl a ' eat mnr of pootttU ef fUh HvhhH Vtfta FltkNir. :ha K. Hmtr and BICVCLES iBifUirt. Iheare Bartfe aUaa UM raft bora STORE H. . 79 Arre. f liM. . ear? af aaid TonilU 17 to the lv.rtJir.l mio uirdlum. Ian and rhirkao. idaolalr Fribene. Jaomm H. H- rar IWrMf. rhMW mrt BlnTtr the aArtk iur mom us It, being unaubdhrlde.1 PRBFKCT' -.tgoney for Dicye- ..r Ta.Mr. t it and 41 ta in addtlhin Ihrre a pfMiviir rlalr. Picture Framing. Moulds, larhidMV a raria "ram. aad aU lb 'trim ! portion of Uewnatte. 1. 1 rh lite itanir of Uir pla' berr Ilurink the rour M Ihe aale , Itepaira and part. !7,rnPHkurr (Bd Undl br wur n- etc. We have a large assort fURNACE E.ISV TBUMS p..! 111 icrr1 in ib cal rii ar vabroafrr COAL 11m fuh waarulit hI th" ase wbfrth latrd fully an hH- aki Fifth Avenwo ,lu" klin kimavv wHh all IUkiU Itio b- t t und Write at ojaoe, Ihoe SS7. Oreon 407. tf Jaara UM Milnliiki ar rar Provtara too 13 men! to suit everybody. of fifc alttr Ityt eatiirtiL halC l he re wo axuen good T. H ChotUannrirti. - M tha 1 1 ft parallel of imrta lanujtt and tot Matured kadioar aal ooy ho. Vtaraarer llnd aad all Ibr Uadt a libra Grouping tha Catctiaa. Raltenbury Iada LiojiUd AUTOMOBILES tar txHiadartr of la noinru oT Onr, 120 22 P. O. Box Whan m friend and I arrt-nt. aiorto lod- A few i Oaldlraaa.... MMronaia.. . Etqataall...... Wloria. Phone mil ruirr Ar i n Trlkwn. It. C k - .k a .-k .k. ( 7 w i he buyer were grmifrtHK Um of the Mnoera of lh.- boot aot RUPRHT Motor Co, dealer. ;Z ' ' 1 " of Ike room. Tory 24. Han" tiara and Trooks i Tta- raarrUalloti r UUi rraerra ilun aot Out tomn orders. Samples Nut Potto mc b"ta in aurh a war a l MMie at on aMe TOIt &.ILK UK td. auid.iU rVfct lnd ttnt taT rol than aoi . i!.. cat load (At. K'r wManre the a(4irotil4)rytruied i the hr aeeiion I. with naohile retbiira. Tiros, aeeea- t tawfai atu wmm or nth raacaUaoaa sent and quM-k service. . !Uile with IA.6A Mund and tlr ra.to da the rinhl iMitur. two atory well wwa aura ,.van am i.--'l-.wv priaHB raaaiabed OHantbia for oainie Uty aao dljrl n a la ibt Itamler wMh ft(MKI wn arood When Ihr aalr wa over notb- roHled. 6.INJ, M. SiOCS. CAaoiaereial bodies tVt ud pnnutnm rrrtiirttwa or nrraiannr ouincti m tara at ta at iue!br a oar load numher one. in ws aaid by the buyora or M. Stephen a. tit huHt for all purpose. Let ritnr of a. c. Tfc netlca (tun ta ao iw iffrrt th -ar I wo ii toe l.inlone wMli Ihe aeitora hot all filed owl . to us give you a priee on youri.,,,, t(tmM to scaattinoo ar cai. Ike wort, ot m uauoou-a a llllINd u your pnkoellef ojnoa- kodr Tavtor A rnrorm tal itrtl Oaa la tba frara oranuH ur and wtlh 3.fN0 IH.neO the Glara like : r" ?T'RIf Ditrtt. eMabsbed by nolle la tk just New and uaad Tlie toiler earned thm. prooeH-ors Third and Mnth'Brtaa ar PACIFIC CARTAGE Ihe I'loneer with VHM) toadr Ing. per- bouse. Corner oainaibia mum ea ia tna with ihe reult at tow "wteo. Northern .Mattb. tl. abM raarsr la UU U farra i two oar load and anatn ttte feally eatified Avenue. u'n.. ' They Ifad the rtW wHWraw Ksrhaoire. ISo Seoond Avenue o. a. stDCt. I IlHth. awl the net II., 6000; M. tf TUITION Pepaty Mtauiar of Lands. Limited new!! Atlt, 7300 wa a..tor. Karh even after Ihe rlw .r too sale Phone DrparOnrat of Laads, -ar load ollattatly over to0 11 if thty (td loey wowld fntd it fXHt &VI.K OBnipteie fnrntah- N. AUIUtLY PRYCK, Profeeeor an 4! Vlttarla.juiT tata.B. C.test. Phene 93. iMtund. Any of Ihe bttfera made difficult lo ell at any ln of evai rootn houae Toacher of Viotia and Ptaao. A, LAMD ACT. hard auKtreelhw an to the aruMinjr iiotta whet roirreiiiativea of Apply V K- Himla Atlin Avenue, limited nuashar of nuttt aa L10TICX Of WTOTHrt TO APf LT TO fni tt Ihrra mii trj Itittr ihe tame buyere would he pre- Section S. FlMane INatk oapted. Phone lilue 6J. tf Sand & thnerr. onL Ooaioaall wben the tw tt I hay 157. fa lb Kaara V CaaM land Matnn. Iry frartlrallr all Ihe Canadian ia low the ftahermew Oerioe t SEWING ReanaB huwa af rruc Oupcxi, and Seoitlo. bu YOl 8ALK Corona typewriter in lain oa Lakrta Laka. fih waa marked a eowinK frptM lake tbeir flh to Tika aalkaa that r otaaaHe a natA afnl. Gravel Ihalr ralt. Of the A inert- uxuallr tbry d not make onowgb good. fHeiitH, u r igl only OKNIJtAL Sewing 8tl Third thoUaad. of niara aaprt. orrapaooo Tor "... (eater, lauada to apply far prrmoooo to w4mi arta two ,were from Oape ilrm to tMtr for Wo- long ttoal right pound- -and told i Avenue. Phone 6Z. ( rarrbaa lb raMoahir drarrlbed land: oaf. Price SIS. latl.Vewa. IMumriKiii a iwi vi i m rr Suii- Halt s fi-rninhcd ii aak (hnaiif. on from Foroater ll-and trio. SUMMER RESORTS aotbal carnrr at L. Slit. Urnra tut and another front Yakutal The proered of the day a aue-tion about 4 rbaiaa k abora of Uit, thrK ii appli-.'ai ion. KH SAIJi aligblly damaged roll ainy smmii ar taa arraaa moaia or BAII lli.lt tai- with four from Herat SlralU. wit alighMy r tK.doo of trtot. little over too FISHING IIOATIXO BATIIINO. Olarmatrr Crrrk lo polat af roauarac- newe nrot sod roaUUkinr all arrra, mart ar laaa. Hirre wrre a few mIumu offer and Ihia waa not a big fih day. Ihe. weight, cheap. Daily .Newt Spend your weekend and sum-nter r o bwiuuw. Canadian ed and one Utile hoal. the X. A for Prince lluix-rt Offinr. . holidays at Ikelse Camp. Jnty Tib. tlllj 8. with 6000 tMtund wan sold Write Call, Terraeo. It. C. tf TUC 8i.ami"TCY A IT. ng eam alone twaaune hf did uot hap LAND llatelton IlUlrtet. Ijirge Ar. ttTK f Tl IVHT BT Laundry prn In fit in with the rent and I MANY FISHING and email troeU. Koquire MUSIC raODlCTS LIMITED. BAkRt PT. We rfgWtaKa 1 1 anted rhont the did not Tetrh a very IiImIi Win. Urant Agenay, llatelton HoMre i brrrby ttvaa UMI Tick of- iuudlmg for 4 A If HOW we feel what we Itnow tLt BY PRODlXyS U!!TI ofrm supply . . W.. It tl Prinea Rumri jH-k-e. . a. .1. a.. I mapert. . r . wa bauu baakrava ittinwilr4fy' de!i. r Bidding Bagan. BOATS BUILT llkla la ine ptuin? wuraii .muioi, r order auv ta fir uf lh PIANO (lood eosdition ttuo to aotw.'llrawlng.'yjaaad Ilia da, uf Autari Tlifn the hiddlnit hRan. Itighi oay raah, or term. (Ira Hon'a It. C. lMUiey. la4W. Sill None ia rurya-r i tlul IHr Sr.I from Hie firal four Miilt wa AT THIS PORT Store. SI9 . eeounTnTa nfferrti for the large fih and the Avenue et. leiepnone.-- h, w m..,. nun a fRMll. ribartrn-U Arr. nnnnii Krdenl TOMiiiEE CO. chlekni and It waS ebld at thai DltBSSMAKINQ and Ladle' Tal U reeji t7. Haildlar. Prtor auprrt. a Mat SKI OKIE & SMALL tirU: tha firt cla or med The huilduur of finding and loring. Alia Trading Co. tf FOIt YOUIt .NF-XT D.VNCE or ao. day Ta of rami ttraibr.vuu In Illi v..ia al lairii S S pm praor or 810 Second Avenue, West ium altrd halihut halnir llie o.iy Pleasure bonta ha lug been ine FOR RENT cial event. Pryce's itp'-to-Date lb.yaar BirMlBf rlaau ami U brld.h imifrd vita aw brror onea for which thrro waa com-netitlon. of Ihe amall luduatriea of Frinee Orchestra. Phode Itluo 583. tf rroaar a a vaaa ai Ibrrrtit"a " VEGETABLES bo lodred at Ml aarpnuf llunert. tvvral awiall buildara FOIl IlKNT- Singer aewlng uva- Aad fartlwr Ukr .m- Uui 1 oi hiw Wholesale and RsUII firnl hid for iiumbar mir for MIRRORS .v Ma .miiui thr itrkaar fur afaaeb raa 5 The hae been doioit till work, chinea. by week or month. Jut U rullllid I., rotk pruuf uf aNrl tUm General Contractor aad nkrvatr quality ran around ix cenla and noma roara and Hate iwruru uui phone aUer a Muie Hore. tf nil tw alad a ilk tut alUwn Ikirli daya of Ml nitons made or resttvered. rwM iaa aaii. ml ibit auUr. fur fmrn aaat Labor Exchange gradually lncrrae. by-truth fine craft. Among lu uinaaian aflAr lh. aoiiraliiai uf aW laaa Bird a cnt. rach buyer reeordmg nsitered boata luauy of llie Ft'UN It II LI lied room lo reut. liloonifietd, 117 Fifth Avenue aajbaf-tMi S wlH ST nf IV uU Arl. 21A Bast. Phone Hlue 337, Orteu I ahall lU.inbyU Ukr pru'aj ol Uw Prinea Hupert, B.C. , rfi... aMMfl raeh hid with the name of lite beat were built at till oti Ceulral. " en 471. drbtor t lr kaauna Ilk parUoa aliUrd wna 407. tf. itharoiii. batnf vatard al) lu tk cUko Phope 547 P.O. Box 7X1 bidder. Somelime a bid, do a goou The aaute oiwernj Ft'H.NISHF.D IIOOMS for rent. ml &arb I hair titan anil made un one lot and otncilma hutlneaa repairing anl over Street. 318 LOST DATKP al l-naer unpen, a. k-- imi Fulton 7i SaaesU day of aaaMala. lilt on anoiiirr until ine uiuuiuk baullng flatting boU and ploa- alnod at auiurwhere around aevMi aure eraft. but nol of llie nan- FURNITURE REPAIRS LOST Poekelbook conlalnipg r-Wai bMihttae Praar Alborld nr Trvtr.a r. Our phone number It centa. ermen do their own overnamiug - twnkbook. Army dUe barge and changed. Now nura-baf 649 At (lilt alaue of the tfitme John during Ihe winter and opring. DON'T Ilt'tN your Furnllure for birth rerlifieata. Ftndcrl LAND ACT. la liavtea wrnt Into the telephone TU nori l well auiled to thai want of proper repair. Polishing, kindly return to D. Mellae, tl toTtcg or iiteStioi to rrLT to' Hat TAILOR II. LEASE LAD. LING, Crating and Shipping. ttN&LONnwill booth and-hrld a enultatlon triM are Dirniy i. K. Newton. Dlghy llowaat. and At. eold u II. llemlngs (late Hudson' lUy la Rant t, Coatt land TMitrlct. Barord- Kh.... - u mj with his Hnelal at Ihe plarea wliare lrnnry " dorage. lie read' ever Ihe ean be made aud the high tidea Co.), 83 Third Avenue. Phone BCSTA U RANTS !7i5aoli 615. tf " Z "aaa mmeo Uvkl 1. Clauo r sairauaa. or nninca uf the boat aud the oih,- ifive iniiHieluuiiv In keeii the Itlack f THE SMEATON TUAHOOMS, 309 friar aart. a T tpaii.M UDIFS'ANB CFJtTLE-WfKS ffcrrd for rarti far and afl'1 lu.aia out uf water for n.-verl StAINTlNB SCI Ond Avenue, for HOME- aaarinar.tu lb MId4 fidlaaiat ta apply.lwrtbt for ParaOaaioa laada 1V1.T. TAkUfS a . uliaH'n lainnu n quart - wink al a 'i'1"' f in riM i a ihmi pjaniaa aoi oo indunt'T l PAINTINfl, tlratuiug and Kal-j I trw'l hJ ot Paooia Arm Irk-1, ibrnr rrr tSoaoaaraaa f an hour or moro th- biddiuy llie "W buildtng TMIBU AVBKt) . halting soiiiliiing Hoof tarred - r r . ?. i trwara a rniiu auioa. jum i rauwi LEE. 0aM raM Udka hi-aan asnlu lu a niiml aim id one thai it re.-.ilanr talncd. First class work, I'd 1 Mowbray porr Die, UOard by rati, and cuauuunf t arrr. aw nr Waa, UoJ IBjaf. -II. f" i mnnor. and when al ln r( and h uld He ie unportnnt 1 L . W " - - lluttoii, Phone St 4, tf July Illn. till. !every buypr nid lie wn tall than 11 U at preaent I fl fl