For Prompt TAXI QQ Service Phone PRINCE RUPERT Umoolni and 7 Nsaengcr SPECIAL FISHERIES EDITION ToaMot, Car PlUNCr. ItUPKItT. It. U, MONDAY. HKiTKMIIKH 12, 1021. tattrrr CMlllliH MM. tr felt IM. prior 'fivk i.f.mtm shinir Is bource or W ealth to City BBBBBB BB I ( I IB IB HI BB BB BB Bfl flfla BB Bfl BB B Bfl BW Bfl V BB BB Bfl W BBB B Bfl -BB B BBB BB BB flf BB BB B Bfl M BBB Bfl BB BB B BB -B B BB Bfl BB B BB B Bf BB B Bl BB BB BB - Bl Bk BB B B B BB "5. fL.SESS,:Romance of Fishing MURDER CHARGE Constituency la t.rga Ona Ei-lning Business Is Told . vir u m m a uu mf w arw South Id Victoria w - j 'comtdltn Spn Might In Jail In City. Improving Place to Proceed j Connection Ml With fUppo.Dth of lritHarl.VICTOIUA.former til. -Tflary 1?--V. of A. by Visitor to City t:. .Hl lrty nf Gantnl i , SAN I'ltANr.I&f). rVpt I?.-(id Im K ifka v twf LI ft f f .r lit. n The Hoard ul lla.lwav mm.Nier.j;ADJ(G BARRISTER txt "Fatty". Arbuexle. mo-lion iali.l. in tb Mn..ainMi bw.IH-I Vhnr Hujri ami Ihi is a facl which too manr Canadian txH pleture aeior, was at enejr ifi tb fodral cWImhi. Tl.du rtot know is the largest halibut market in the world, says M if the VtoxtHcm Department oi ruin it tut oily prlssin un nmrder ' OF KINGSTON PASSED neat i al ttwt bH.l by a J. KeuU J. Halhio In Maclan'a Maraiine. Ola the North laeiflc .....irurt le.H crossing oier Ihe lrrk 'f darx lal is" fright '"nnw. fntHy, Mitral UnwtlUI. TH..kJ. nf PHi.rA Kurort arnl a far a 700 mile north, tha .t Caw II-, Pr-two ItHport, Hi cmt t THROUGH AT WEEKEND,- "g J". 3 la undfratood will ml b a tliU Ilmi. mint pnnl'icUte halibut Uank are aitnated. Prince Htiperl U aUo u lioveramenL candidal n iiAenlin. Mo.od Bill ll-arljf at Arbuekle'a sulle at lb . i. K luNit ban Ihm .rl by a nhijUMfig point for a great deal of aalmon from Northern Hritiah Ntctl F. W. 0"9ih,4 : Uie ael public wrk department, when hw U.l Mnn4.T Urn fniirk In dMl Hit. Uich. Columbia and .Makau point, and t the market for a great variety j ird lo th annttumcemenl, akJ a mmhi AtlorntyOantralahip. ArtHll wa. UkM up i Ihx en mnient and run a of mall flat llh. iucliidiug ole. Prinre R-ipert black cod is rily prliutn for lbf nlfbl ,u . rUl 1. , il nolefteattef. Ihey weukl proceed with A Comlta j - fho rmlltu-ner f Jlaaamio ou of the dettcaeie whkb eyery epicure is learning to know. i'i do W. F. NwkK K.:. a la-lmt SAM HA.Vrtl!iCft. W IS 'CitrU right t llw Mlty of 0ttw-- Tnrille f tf tfr ne- - lMrrlir of Klnl.n. iNiWrtn, "ivl Nmiu Fornwl r.. ,it viHea ainl ineltHlw all tha i-WlM only tMcaua lha demand tT nrpprj prri 1 1pri fnrmrrfy a twrinlM- of llta f- . . - Id itiarl.a muTiWw M tt ..!...... ..f ik.i NEARLY TWENTY-TWO HiinloB HNIM uf 'IMMf. w in . ... .. . 1 1 . lin iHr bai on wimn our a. 1 -.. - -- . that MILLION POUNDS mi wr to ntiwi.r nwBiM. "- i,,, ArtHttM if rnirtm nPITlI 1 1CT 10 AT Mtrtr. xu IratelUpj reaf M ay l OF HALIBUT IN A YEAN arrival from Ibo -mtih ua tha uu iltr .iii, YKMia Itamvo. ULil III LU1 03 rll rKnrt Ituiert. ay th SAYS CIVIL WAR V. ' tl I o -rUx- ilrirr ami at mojli irtur a4 Hw SAN ANTONIO FLOOD f tnt art We, Ike flrl aiglit t r IM Ttt atiKHirtl of halibut Ibe liam. Ar4ilHlMMHl Xr. n,,,), W8M 4ftBii H Mra.1 wbieli grrlril our ryt-o was a . IB4 lsrkJ at I'rlM-o llupeft In In. VmH r IM ell IttmaiHl m,u,i MiiwI. i frtwl ..f lit. tl: f .mall fUWn y.l. " D'mmuuon or monta m arf ftl III jriNir hkIihr Auaud 31. t rrLnawlM', Im rtr. ProDorl Daman EjtlmaUd at whirl. ann.irrallv auniii la i "aw Parliament, Do- w ii . at Um Ill. toUIIH SI.NII.M rliM frl4 if Uf" faintly la I Tt4n Fit to Tan .VII I Ion Jw4iuu IW.pratiiOia f.ii. boura.I claro 0'Nll, Xir.;. Wjy tt tm lourK)4. Th arrtal kHMR-rfttat ltl IbV rtlliPl1 Dollar. nd rtww vrrrr enzwril In uu- r I' ("iii ! BMtUi hj mUi w Mr Htkt IrlrVtMWW of tbr akl: "AV ha" a eiplei r IJKLFAST, ?ci-l, 12. Warning .... . ... . . . .. 'H i r...i i- t H. i n v ' a ! fMam: Uhh fal Hy llw HaMe aifalM! ArlHto!''" N AXTXlo. Sept. l5.--.4eln lake aal ball oui c .i ' all c 120 VwU. of i aRMimi If) 191 dntu away u-.ik . in.n rfMit. n.i .. 3u'wllli IhriiL and a Ibry male eireunirribin? the ptmer of the ' wild tha ooflfrrrlnn ..f tltlea M ho Vtu dlayi-d until Iwrlillon ... t. i-i.J- ii... ri.h ir Iml I.Nlrr I'ariiamrnl wa trivrn by Krnl tm!r .... 20.W tl a i n rna. i.mhi which mmi .ill"" a.".. - v i! m ii.H - Oc4(r 1.SII.04KI CanaaltH. nrerwily be rnfud tnfaurt.iuula and r.igu iU Air,..). tuw arT n Mliir.d red Wt Ihe hold of the Ilujth O'.NVH, epeatter of Ibe lloile. .NmriyifT .... ?.Jin,fl tli affrr ! h allnrnry.irnrral. '.r. hleraiili r lakrn. a rHV,iMi yu'fh debris re. ei.el which U alw ay kept Cool. It. an aldres at Kalljrmena., An Irmtr I.Ott.oefl a ahlp in the Ontario IeUlalure. , main lo b archL Ubvu Ibe yMn reach port Hinflnulion of rUbl add prlvl- 1M1 He ri.nrd from Ihr federal SALMON PACI THIS tt .The properly dainaco in lhel,s"B i a area I rice lo gti Ihe l.'ffee. ne declared, would lead lo Jasnary :J.o0 house lal year. bu.lnms section of lh eily is flb martricd as quickly as pos- niuer civil war injreianu. mm Kabrvary iflOlifiOQ YEAR WAS NOT UP ..iim.ieo ml from five to ten Mif anicker ine inaraei Martb Mt,fHl PROMINENT ANGLICANS million dollars ,1s reached Ibe greater the value April .. MI9.VWI TO OTHER SEASONS of Ibe proluct of course. INSURRECTION May .... 3.0S.M LEAYLNG FOR EASTERN nrCTDftVEn QHIWriF U I an eitremely interesting . B July June . .. ,. 4.SII.O0 GATHERING NEXT WEEK Which a wa Thar oniy Was Much variety De lor miLL PORT ALBERNI hanlle the huge fl.h. Fch WHITE RUSSIA fl M K A 1 1 S A u jl mand and Run Wa Poor. tne about Aich- . Sfii Monday iiiormnB ?03 pounds and we w everal jbinhop F. II. IHi Vrun-l win leave . PORT A Li Kit XI, rp 12. flU beheaded, tossed into their Solt Using Evry Posibl Mana l Total..Ct.itiMM .'for Tonnl. wlnre In- win attend Tb lmon rannluft industry in Kiren n Salurday pveiiin: de-Ibe hoses, toed, with crushed ire. to Stop Rebellion. V. I district Hi ik iMum ban no! smiyed Ihe dry kiln of the fliW iiu-otings of Angiu-an luoiiop tuiled u; and ready fr Ibe lxen tin to that "f ftrHH yeire r.v iSbinale Ciipany and for a 'LONDON, SepL 12 White to all within a fioiu all mrr lUinaiU on-.r B.! i. . . . b ..(!.. U1...I . 1 . Itlmi lis "fish telal." ' of les than 11 h inin-iites. Russia Is the scene of an insur- in inr spaeo re", II.K rj Krm-rBi !n.... I... ll, .....nv nf t..n.k. (VunninV nllll. H .... . -If!-. HENRY nf rfenada. wtrih will be held in lipiHr" I w j -. -1 1 1 i.ui.o" t ; r 'eclion against Ibe Soviet author!- --(PRINCE Hamillyfl from Oololr S In Ik. eat. fkeena ll-r. Naa IHver The amount of ihe km nas noi A the fish are "faked, each ties, says a Warsaw despatch. t 1 UW A. Six aal It. I.. Me end other part of Uistriet No. S yet been asceelained, bex lvad lajwelghed iple4ifek-el Ferv'ble foid levies are rau-liig I lain PASSES AWAYisSi' ""v I Hi Yernet .are available,..,..,.but it I l-jlli tt Ihe -fls'li toiilauy iionMe. Holsbeviki e.nitiiii.ion- .1.. COLLAPSED ap-i'4iilo dhe yi,..dieeU ,H'1 BftlDQC that Is making Ihe shipmesil ami r are eonlanlly being murdered Ii llawllt mas Ihr ieM.-. ulaUr.,"n rr"r"'' by a representative of Ibe fish and Ihe Solet- is using every 'Nil .. . . .. I KuM-Lrvn mi I be one variety of CHESIKH. Ha-. Sept. Al mean to I)Kil the insurrection. If,,,, I "--v - '- ' . ermen. -I of Rsllno.ul.hed Ml Qrman Till. !t, were dr.iwned. TA.H.(I ,,,,, ,r et it uersows usually The fishing boat are ll b During WarWa Lord of tin win ! on punoay i i , : .. . , . or a bridge uver .1.- i. i, k Hd me run -as n- i kwoo mie u a in lit eollapee I'lratetl on shares', and uhila IMPERIAL OIL Sfliis I.- VNU. Admiralty. Mwk here. Nine bodies have vwy nf Vneouer. Mr. Melntonh numlMvr of causes. This ooixlltion a the "fishing is goo. and everything v day4. prevailed generally n lb PaDine wn recir-d. "breaks right" the member EXPLODE AT HALIFAX L0NIKIN. HpL IS. Admiral will Ine hero at a later date. F- roast Ibis year. The rim of pink, of the erews make ery - .iHe. IHll Alexander Mountbalten. coin and other hrand wat.bel. ineomes. tidy i-oii. first .MaNiuls of Milfunluavea ih (.r. ImiI on areonul of a Klulted NEW YORK IS Season. One Man Missing and Two Injured MINTO CUP Halibut ' I f. i dead at the age of 07. He 1 inarket. caused by Ilia large pack Big and Much Damage wall known a l'rinoo Henry of lturing I'JiU. I9.675.7un lbs Don. t It0. these kin is were n't de-Mi.-d iuve .i lUUrnburic. AHEAD TODAY of halibut, or approximately 8i0 tmd wer not in Wbf. 1ft t V 17 nl Hie ieuel of Kin a TO ROYALS drmand parlicularlv car-loads, were landed at Prine HALIFAX, Sepl.Ts. One man by cannei ir. i. (loBtKe, I'rinee HeHry rlauuUh- Rupert. Only 600 carloads were is missing and Iwo injured and t eI hi Herman tilto and assumed JOHN BEING BOTH LEAGUES l.ipp.-d out by express by the six of the twelve preure atill Salmon Belli Deal Tr PRINCE the surname MoMHlbalu-n railways, owing to Ibe soareity of th ImperialH(Xo. am in HiMFr4 II Firai Lord uf Ibe Admiralty mlnal In Final Lacrosse nf refrigerator ear. Tha wn INSPECTED VANCOUVER express ruins as a result of a series of i hav. when war broke out i.ui Match of Season. M W YiUlK. Sepl. U. -Team balance was sold lo the various explosions whiclr Vock4ed .Halifax '' r. reoJRiieil noon afler iu IU I. Xrw York mono. fold stoage plants. this The U NEW WESTMINSTER, John. renresenllng morning. damage The ton ti ii-r I'i nce Cap- . . . . , . ... . 'it . He . . .... i ..... ....., i i i. .V...11,.... .it ri .-1. ..i.i ii i a I. uf marritsl Ibe KraHddauiililr ,i i mi,i n i 1 1 11 air onjiiu. Sept. 12. Tha Mlnto Cup, set at about iJOO.QOO. of Ihe tale ueen Vielofkt and mblomatlo of th laoeo - -- - - - ....-...--.-.- i;. Marine ay ai Vancouver. ei. i.ouis , ..t iaa ana entered Ibe llnyol uii'vy in liuti championship of lh world undergoing annual the Nal onnl W""?" LOSES II was born ul iraU, Austria in w won on Saturday by a and her run l be north Oueenoer PUlsourg. ne uiurrs i'" i iibiut i vun 'vnviiii IN IH61. oclarl of Royal city lacro i Charlotte Island this week has liae ......I ..iv-ni,.! tliia it is eonservauveiy eu AS BRIDE' COLLAPSES mated at least 65 per cent would American. Salman in the star, lha famou ,brn cancelled. loer UtevWand EI.FPTIftNQ CANADIAN CLUBS Bollles dfatlni th Van come to Prince Huiiert, provided couver Tarmlnala by a cor expres nsfrigeralor imr were FUt 8rlouly Injured at ChUr, "VilUllUI UIFT mi:ci IU in lUIUUIDCr nuimiLu of of 6 th to season.2 In lh final game Election Will Probably Take available trade. This to. take would cam amount oi m to Pa-, Saturday NlghL I ....VI.. It.- Inl-I 1 lb.- Annual Confrnc Opened Ihl With Saturday' win goe halibut'. cllWTr.ll, la, bepl. l.-which i.ued a th .championship of th Pacific v.. Place Last Week in November number tr. carloads of r "f ln Morning With 100 Dlgat Coatt' Laoro Association could be, handled WwU!1' ..T. I I , In Attendance. malely I Mft .. an averitaa of ru ' ' .,111,Hi rb. a well aa tha world' OTTANVA, SepL IS. The al week in Nuember i likely to more than a)avw four w ears a c- day the 'Jlapr on Saturday uigbt of ' I l.y Use WINNII'KU. Sept. It- He title.Tha name on Saturday be Iho dale of the Dominion elerlion. The rioverument feels throughout the year. the bridge spanning Ihe Chester IlUer In Ihe heart of the city's hundred del.'gulea were presi-nl than 31.-000,000 I were al Hie annual eonfereueo of Ibe wa wllnd by nearly bound to briii il on ul least thai early or it will do away with, the During pounds I0!0 more of salmon were business district. One hundred Asewelatlnn of Ibiuadlan Olulis 6,000 fane. It wa clean and deserving exna for holding the election before redistribution. landed at I'rinee Rupert and vie. people were on Ihe bridge al Ihe DEAD, whleli opened here Uil luvruinK. spectacular, lh Royals which The result of the reruns true lion will be announced by inity. Most ul this wa canned. time, attracted to tbo spot by Addreasea of welcome were de. wa victory Premier Meighen early this week, probably before Wednesday, Owing to Ihe prevailing sbortago erie of drowning people. I livered by Premier Norrls und Il i id that the or express refrigerator ears none Th Mlnto Cup wa won according to well informed circles here. L: a III Mayor Parnell. available for shipping fresh JANNEY STILL HUNGRY. I.. last yar by Vancouver. Premier will issue a manifesto within a few day in winch will wa estimated salmon, although it s FICUIT POSTPONED. MESSAGE. be an uniioiiiiremeiil of hU new cabinet ami that the issue or the bv ,hi' i hairnian f lh Fuhi rb s, LlTUUniDul K-pt 1? The SINN FEIN "1TM. PIlll.Alil i.IMIIA Kent. I.' Ill III.IV Hem I.' i courier election writ will follow m- 1 II Slovens of Vancouver I Lommlllre of Prince -Rupert i thirty-ieveiiiii day in ipt n. Illani . an....I Ihn uuMliiiineuu'iil uf Hail Kr 'umi left till limru- ! Iliedlal cly II 1 slated lhat strociily in line for Ihe cablnrt Hoard r Trade that about tOOiney bunfee strike routid htm will here He U learload of Iresh salmon would irtaJsi til ruMrfdL M al-durlng l! ' until lomormw iiiuiit f 'he . a r luvruoss H,nnUnd,,lbe ectiiui proliubly lake position In con Ibe lat week with The bae been -hipped easl had tempt h uiiM' fvdliijT baa yet ;- in ferene tt.ivemmenl "...Ml ' thr round bout bclwren Lew T ndlf w " I ' 'd Heurge Is making pure (Coatiaiud froot r t-) bMtu wade. r .and Bailor, Iitflilwviw In h hadiuartcr. I November. pany leader j